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strawbsonmars · 1 year ago
ichigo was fujoing tf out
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pinkbowsandprettyprose · 2 years ago
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Listen I know @violetonmars has already made a post about this line and how it’s making kishigo shippers delulu that she lumped her boyfriend in with Quiche
but can I also just say that the ot3 / masakishigo throuple crumbs here are delicious
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evie-enneth · 2 years ago
In honour of season 2′s premiere, I made my first tmm AMV <3
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strawbsonmars · 10 months ago
Challengers (2024)
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Challengers (2024)
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reisartblarg · 2 years ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day to the Birthday Boy!
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sakialumei · 3 years ago
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did someone say POLYCULE
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msimpossibility · 3 years ago
Okay I read ONE Kishigoyama fanfic and now I’m hooked and desperately need more content WHERE IS IT
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mewscarrafone · 2 years ago
Yesh, it's to establish character dynamics, yeah, it's to showcase the rivality ...
But we are fandom, and we won't be stopped by such trivialities! MASAKISHIGO FOR THE WIN!
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This entire episode was such a perfect thesis statement on the Ichigo-Aoyama-Quiche triangle dynamic, I just can't get over it.
Ichigo unquestioningly accepting Earth as 'our planet', Aoyama's hesitation, Quiche's spite... The episode really shows off their differing attitudes towards mankind and living space.
Framing the episode with Quiche joking his party may awaken Deep Blue vs Quiche's utter shock at encountering the Blue Knight...
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And even the opening, when showcasing important character relationships in the fight segment, gives us these three in a group shot, the only ones to not be a duo...
A never-before-anticipated win for Masakishigo today!!
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flightfoot · 3 years ago
Masaya Has Two Hands
So my older sister really, really wanted me to write a Masaya/Ichigo/Quiche fic, since there seems to be only one in existence and the Tokyo Mew Mew fandom is currently the size of a thimble, so I thought about it for a bit and came up with this!
Masaya gripped Ichigo’s hand firmly, trying to suppress a blush. Going to the zoo had been his idea - it’d been one of their first dates after all, and the one that’d convinced him he needed to put a bell on his cat. That he never wanted to lose her again.
But there was someone else he wanted to see. Someone who he’d had reservations about at first - mostly because the guy seemed intent on killing him, annoying and flustering Ichigo, and causing mayhem more generally. 
Quiche’s stand against Deep Blue showed him another side to the alien. That he didn’t just want to cause mischief, but genuinely cared for others, for Ichigo especially. To the point that he’d gone against his messiah, putting his life on the line to protect the girl he cared about. 
That passion, that care, kept hidden beneath a mask of meaningless flirtation and irritation, with the full depth of his dedication revealed when he needed to the most… how could he not fall in love with him?
While he loved Ichigo deeply and wanted nothing more than to marry her when they were both old enough (though the mock wedding party the Mews held for them in the Cafe had sated him for now), part of him still longed for the green-haired alien boy.
“You two having a good time?” a familiar voice called out. 
Masaya whipped around, eyes finally resting on a face he’d been missing for the last few months. Ichigo had mentioned his recent return, but he hadn’t seen him yet himself.
“You could’ve invited me, you know,” Quiche continued. “You’re not the only one who enjoys looking at all the different animals.”
Ichigo looked at Masaya, frowning, seeming worried. He could practically hear her pleading in his mind, I didn’t invite him, please don’t be upset at him crashing our date.
“Would you like to join us now?” he suggested. “If Ichigo’s okay with it, of course. We’d planned for it to be just the two of us, but I wouldn’t say no to more company, if it’s you?”
Quiche blinked repeatedly, having trouble processing what Masaya had said. “WHAT?! You’re- you’re okay with that?!”
“If Ichigo is,” he clarified, looking down at his girlfriend. “Truthfully, I’ve- I’ve wanted to spend more time with you for quite awhile. Ever since you stood up to Deep Blue to protect Ichigo, in fact. I’d love to get to know you better, become friends, and maybe…” he was sure his face had turned beet red by now. “Maybe something more.”
Ichigo bit her lip, her face as red as Masaya’s own. “I- I’d like that,” she admitted. “I never thought you’d be okay with it, so I didn’t suggest it, but- but I’ve had dreams of my own, involving both of you. I wouldn’t mind making some of them a reality.”
Oh? He’d have to inquire about those later, maybe they’d match up to some of his own.
Quiche held up his hands, shrugging, seemingly indifferent. Yet the pink in his face betrayed his true feelings as well. “You’re a very strange guy, Masaya, you know that?”
He laughed, putting one arm around Quiche, the other still wrapped firmly around Ichigo. “If being strange means getting to be with the two of you, I don’t think I mind.”
Together, the three of them walked off to view the new Iriomote Cat the zoo had just gotten in, Masaya using all of the skill he’d cultivated over the years in concealing his true emotions, in order to keep a handle on himself. Both his girlfriend and his potential future boyfriend by his sides, as his mind spiralled down rabbit holes of what it’d be like to kiss both of them, how their fangs would tease at his lips as his tongue-
He mentally shook himself. They weren’t that far along yet- well, not him and Quiche anyway, he’d explored that scenario with Ichigo many times before.
But soon… hopefully soon, he’d have two reference points for fanged kisses. He had a type, and that type had pronounced canines.
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mewscarrafone · 2 years ago
Hey people! Sorry for the shameless self-promotion here, but I just posted my first fanfic of Tokyo Mew Mew on Ao3! Do you feel like giving it a look?
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luvbloggingandreblogging · 3 years ago
[screams in renewed love for Tokyo Mew Mew and my raret3]
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This is so fukken dumb lol how would this even work
Probably something ridiculous like Kish inviting himself along to every single one of their dates until it just becomes the New Normal, and then Masaya accidentally agrees when someone calls Kish his boyfriend as a joke, which then leads to Ichigo having a mental meltdown at the fact that polyamory exists as a valid option, all while Kish wonders why his boyfriend and boyfriend's girlfriend are losing their marbles over absolutely nothing.
Taking it back, that sounds hilarious and someone with spare time should write it.
The Kish/Ichigo is of course 100% optional, on the grounds that Tokyo Mew Mew needs more MLM rep, and also that the ship has issues no matter how much nostalgia insists that I keep liking it.
All that aside, I have no idea what color Kish's outfit in Return is supposed to be, and everyone else seemed to collectively agree that it should be green, but it looked good red when I was going ham on the hue slider, sooooo...red it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Meanwhile Masaya is the crowning champion of casual office attire, because I firmly believe that HE believes it makes him seem more "Normal" and "Approachable", a belief that will be confirmed in the worst possible way the very instant that Kish decides he needs to point out how it makes Masaya look like a Boring Teen Dad. Ichigo insists that this is fine and nice and indeed normal and approachable, but Masaya promptly goes into Deep Blue Lite mode out of sheer annoyance anyway and yeets Kish into orbit. Which is perfectly justified and okay because, as has been made Very Apparent by every last one of Kish's terrible decisions in life, such as picking every fight available to him and just asking for trouble in general, he therefore MUST be some sort of masochist who's into that sort of thing, plus he can teleport back to the ground before he asphyxiates in the vacuum of space, so whatever. He'll be Fine.
Look, I never said it was a HEALTHY OT3, okay??? XD
I have exhausted my supply of Tokyo Mew Mew scribbles for the moment, but a couple more are in the works, so. Yeah. We'll see how that works out. Probably pretty well, given my current hyperfixation level, but ADHD is a fickle bitch that cannot be reasoned with or bribed into compliance, much to my eternal dismay. (:
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itsqueenshroom · 2 years ago
♪~fic writer interview~♪
I got tagged by @96percentdone and I’d love an excuse to talk about the hobby I partake in the least but should do more!
my ao3 is here, if you’re interested. okay here we go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3 public, one anonymous
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I only have 3 public, so in order:
restoring connections (876 kudos)
breathe on me (291 kudos)
feelings that consume me whole (40 kudos)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
absolutely! I love comments!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I suppose restoring connections? I haven’t really ended any of my fics with angst, and that one ends more hopeful than angsty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I MEAN the other two are pwp, they both have pretty happy endings if you know what I’m saying, up top.
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope! I’m also extremely picky about crossovers I read, I’m not a big fan of them.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
lmao absolutely. there was also one guy on my restoring connections fic before I edited it to be a definitive oneshot and not a series that would reply to people saying I was never gonna finish it and being a dick in general.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
all but one of my fics are smut. I don’t really do series or ongoing fics apparently, so pwp is pretty much my bread and butter.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I fucking hope not?????
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! feelings that consume me whole was co-written with my best friend duane!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
uhhhhhh I have. no idea. I like a lot and don’t really rank them? I’ll list a few that are rattling in my brain right now though!
ryudate (aitsf)
akitoya (prosekai)
noahmio (xc3)
masakishigo (tmm) (let them be a polycule, it’s funny)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
duane I’m so sorry I don’t think I’ll ever finish sex boat.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I love me a good metaphor. I also think I’m pretty good at writing about a character’s inner thoughts as they’re thinking them? I suppose?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
transitional exposition my beloathed.
17. What are your thoughts about writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t mind or have strong feelings one way or another.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
ah, all the way back in middle school I wrote self insert tokyo mew mew fanfiction on the now deleted website quizilla. it’s dead and I’m glad my past is wiped forever. :)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have like 8 fics on the back burner cause I’m a human dumpster fire, but I’d love to write something for akitoya. not pwp, like 90% of my wips. like, I really just wanna dissect akito’s brain and feelings and write something sweet for them. <3
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m gonna be basic and say the latest one, feelings that consume me whole. please play spirit hunter.
do I have friends that write fics on tumblr?? uhhhhhhh yknow what, if you wanna do this go ahead, consider yourself tagged by me. :)
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prezaki · 2 years ago
I realized today that the Masakishigo revolution was 2014, which was 9 years ago... Out of the 16 years I was into TMM, I have loved Masakishigo for more than half now... TIME REALLY FLIES....
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strawbsonmars · 3 years ago
actually losing my mind over this
Petit Mew Mew Episode 9
Fansubbed by me
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msimpossibility · 3 years ago
Potential Kishigoyama babies: This is our father, mother, and motherfucke-
Ichigo & Masaya: Will you quit telling the kids to call you that?!
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flightfoot · 3 years ago
"He had a type, and that type had pronounced canines."
I just want to say that I read your Masaya/Ichigo/Quiche throuple fic and I LOVED IT. Especially that line. Peace and love and teaming up to protect the earth together and kiss while they do it!
Thank you for writing it 🙏
Glad you enjoyed it! I was thinking of things that Masaya might find attractive about Quiche. "Fangs" seemed like an obvious choice, given well, Ichigo XD
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