#marza wand
full-moon-phoenix · 1 year
What spells and inventions did Marza made?
Spectre Headset: A monocle and earpiece combination that allows her to see and communicate with ghosts
Poltergeist Potions: Traps any annoying or troublesome spirits inside a bottle until Marza can safely banish them
Dreamer Dolls: For any spirits that prefer to stay in this plane of existence, these dolls are vessels for them to inhabit (with limits)
Charmed Charger: Personalized wand charger that limits the wand's power but gives her significantly more control over it
Blood Red Howl: Emits a series of wolves howls that can shatter crystals and instill instant terror in all who hear
Moon Reaver Rifle: Adapted from one of Comet's spells, it transforms the wand into a Winchester and shoots multiple targets depending on how long you charge it
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thunderstrike64 · 6 years
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I like Full-Moon-Phoenix, hands down. They’re just cool. I mean, their art style is a bit strange, but just look at my art style. I don’t even draw necks. So anyways, I wanted to draw their Starco fan child cuz why not? Marza is, by far, one of the most interesting fan children I’ve ever seen. I’d like to get to know more about Marza and see how she’ll be like in her future. Nothing to say on her wand other then it just looks awesome to me. So...yeah. Art: me Marza Butterfly and gift to: @full-moon-phoenix SvTFoE: Daron Nefcy
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
So, I'm working on a little something for Marza's chapter in the Book of Spells. It's a WIP, but she's trying to categorize different wand types to adapt to different types of spells.
If anyone wants to use this categorize their own wands, feel free! Heck, it might give me something to add to the final version of this page, like a cameo of your OCs.
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Basically, there are 5 wand types:
Scepter - the most common and versatile type. Whether short like Star or long like Eclipsa, this wand is held at the base and can use just about any kind of spell.
Spacial - A wand in which the spot the "bell" would normally be is empty space that can fill up with magic; most notable user is Festivia.
Drop-Down - A wand in which the "bell" hangs down from the hand (lantern-shaped wands fall in this category).
Conditional - A wand in which a specific action must always be taken before casting a spell; most notable user is Rhina.
Metamorphic - A wand whose form MUST change in order to cast spells (even though all wands have metamorphic powers, these wands specifically have to change into a specific form whenever their magic is used); most notable user is Solaria.
(As you see from the diagram, some wands fall into multiple categories. Some of these are based on my own headcanons. For example, Estrella's wand seems to be both a paintbrush and a pen, so it can possibly change its shape to match her specific artistic interests at a moment. We know nothing about Celena's wand except that it can cause shyness by looking at it unveiled; I've imagined that Celena absolutely must be alone in a room to cast any type of spell. I wasn't sure what to call Comet's wand, so I just put it in the scepter category. Even though Rhina, Festivia, and Solaria technically also have scepter wands, I felt like their main feature should be their most notable one; I felt this for Marza as well, even though her wand is both a drop-down and a spacial wand.)
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
To anyone with wand-wielding OCs:
What are their wands made of?
I'll start with mine:
Crystal: A stardust diamond (there's a phenomenon IRL where some dying stars turn into diamond, so I gave it a name)
Charger: Made of Europastone (like moonstone, but smoother and a better magical conduit)
Fuel/charges with: Pearls
Crystal: Steamglass Topaz
Base: Duskglass filled with nebulous gases
Charger: Petrified wood from the Forest of Certain Death
Fuel/charges with: Heat
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
WIP: Marza and Meteora
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"I've only ever met Meteora once- on my 14th birthday, the day she gave me the magic wand. Practically the whole kingdom had come to celebrate my birthday, and my mother planned it out with stunning accuracy, taking into consideration everything I enjoyed: paintball, rock climbing, dancing, even a handmade fireworks display shown in the very throne room of the castle.
But the truth? I barely remembered any of it. It's not that I didn't enjoy it. I was just so focused on the responsibility now placed on my shoulders. The key to the secret of all magic, one that didn't even belong to my family. This transition would no doubt be uncomfortable; I'd have to give up studying math and science and learn magic, of all things. I wasn't ready to give up something I loved so much.
I didn't socialize much that day. In fact, I'd spent of it talking to just one person...Saint Meteora, the Reborn. Of course she'd been at the celebration: she and her mother, Saint Eclipsa, had to be there to recite the Vows of Loyalty before handing the wand to me. Meteora seemed so regal, so withdrawn at first. But when she and I exchanged pleasantries, I realized how approachable and calming she was. She and I sat down to talk, and had some very deep conversations about both magic and science, and even about history and different cultures of Mewni. She actually had a fondness for magic and science, and believed with all her heart the two could co-exist. It really helped take the weight off my shoulders, and while I wasn't exactly on friend basis with Meteora, I felt very close to her that day.
Even though her mother was a social butterfly (no pun intended), and constantly visited my family (even getting to choose the name for my little sister), Meteora was reclusive, and lived very far away anyway. Too bad. It'd be nice to talk to her again. My mom says she wasn't always so approachable, and didn't used to be so kind to us. She never says more than that, and I don't pry. Still, I wonder about it every now and then, as much as I wonder where Meteora got a title like The Reborn..."
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
Starco Kids and Their Weird Wands!
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I've been wanting to find more Starco children with interesting, unique, or weird wand designs; I guess I'm starting a collection or something?
So far I've found:
Luna by @chibicmps , with her scepter wand that looks like it came straight out of a magical girl anime.
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Pam by @nomidot ; I can't get over the fact that her wand is a flipping shoe! And a very pretty shoe, at that (I did it no justice). I love it!
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And Moone Amaris the Daring by @moonealtair , with a very pretty and graceful staff wand with a pink rose at the top.
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And this one's my own Starco daughter, called Marza the Innovative, with her spherical lantern (it honestly looks like it'd be impossible to wield, but Marza's up for any challenge!).
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If you guys can find anymore Starco babies with cool wands, let me know!
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
Marza's Special Attack: The Gala Gun
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Fun fact about myself: when I watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid and saw Vegeta using his Galick Gun, for the longest time I thought he was saying "Gala Gun", like it was supposed to be "galaxy gun". It took me a year or so to realize he was saying "galick".
So I thought I'd incorporate that mess up into my Starco daughter's story! The Gala Gun is the first attack spell Marza ever created, and is a recurring "special move" for her. The wand takes the shape of an 1873 Winchester rifle, and shoots a devastating blast of plasma and stardust!
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