#maryland youth sports
queeryouthassemble · 1 year
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[ID: A rose-colored square. An abstract rectangular graphic in a a paler shade of pink is centered at the top, surrounding dark pink bubble letters which read, "Join us in Maryland to Let Trans Athletes Play" in all capital letters. The bottom half of the square features four queer youth in different colored sports jerseys. Their skin tones, accessories, and hairstyles vary, but they are all smiling. One youth holds a progress flag, while the other has an armful of sports balls. End ID.]
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[ID: A rose-colored square. An abstract square graphic in a a paler shade of pink is featured in the center. There is black text overlayed, which reads, "Queer Youth Assemble is blending together sports and protest at Let Trans Athletes Play! Join us for activities and games while learning about anti-trans sports legislation and trans athletes! Everyone is invited!" Below, dark pink bubble letters read, "July 8, 2023 at 10AM. David C Driskelle Park. Hyattsville, MD" in all capital letters. Underneath is plain black text which adds, "Please email us if you have any questions!" with the email "[email protected]" in bold. In the bottom left corner, there is a graphic of a grinning queer youth in a wheelchair. They have dark tan skin, medium-length textured curls, and a blue sports jersey with the number ten. They are holding a ball in their hands. End ID.]
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mariacallous · 2 months
Celebrity endorsements typically don’t move election needles very much. Vote choices often are dictated by people’s party connections, their ideological predilections, the state of the economy, and foreign affairs, among other things. People who are famous in the worlds of music, sports, the arts, and entertainment often express political views, but there isn’t much evidence they are decisive for many voters.
In looking at the academic research, the reasons are clear. Celebrities don’t have much political expertise, they tend to be more liberal than the rest of the country, and they have followings among the general public that are restricted to particular sports teams, styles of music, or geographic areas. Someone who is prominent in the country music field, for example, might help with some voters but not other individuals who never listen to that kind of music.
In recent years, the most prominent exception to this trend was Oprah Winfrey in December 2007 when she endorsed Barack Obama for president. She made campaign appearances with him and provided credibility for the young and inexperienced candidate due to her media reputation as a “person of substance.” Two economists from the University of Maryland estimated that her endorsement brought over one million votes to Obama during the nominating process.
But the question is whether possible Taylor Swift and Beyoncé endorsements for Kamala Harris would produce a “Winfrey moment” for the sitting vice president. Swift is near the top among entertainment celebrities, having 283 million followers on Instagram and 95 million fans on Twitter/X. Her music ranges from pop to country and she has a youth following that pays close attention to her public comments. 
Beyoncé is one of the few celebrities whose star power is equal to Swift’s. She has 317 million fans on Instagram and 15.2 million followers on Twitter/X. With the apparent permission of the artist, Harris has been starting her rallies with Beyoncé’s hit song “Freedom.” The pop star is beloved among young people, African Americans, and many other individuals and could help Harris reassemble the Barack Obama coalition from 2008 and 2012.
In October 2020, Swift endorsed Biden for president by saying she wanted to encourage America’s “healing process.” She told V Magazine that “the change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included.”
Will she and Beyoncé endorse Harris in 2024? We don’t know for sure, but Swift replied in 2020 with a definite “YES” when Harris joined the Biden ticket and Beyoncé seems okay with Harris using her music at this year’s Democratic rallies. The musicians’ strong followings among young people, African Americans, and women, combined with their demonstrated ability to amplify another individual’s messages, would suggest they could be very helpful to Harris.
In a close race, little things matter so it is possible that Swift/Beyoncé endorsements could be decisive in areas where the vice president needs a boost. That would be with young people, African American voters, and people who love the passion with which the musicians perform their music. These superstar endorsements could matter in exactly the same way as when Winfrey helped Obama more than a decade ago.  
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Some Schneiders of Stars Hollow in the morning.
Ethan Maisel likes that his mother is semi-retired.
Honestly, she’s been busting her ass in show business since the sixties, and at almost seventy, she’s earned a break.
And sure, Stars Hollow is a weird place, filled with strange people and a festival a week, and…that Kirk guy, but Ethan thinks it’s nice that his mother and stepfather are so happy here.
And besides, the food at Luke’s Diner is pretty great, all things considered, and that’s coming from someone who grew up on traditional New York deli food.
He steps inside and sheds his coat, shaking some snow out of his hair and then nodding towards the owner behind the counter. “Hey, Luke.”
Luke gives him a friendly grin. “Ethan, hey. Meetin’ your mom?”
“Yeah, though she’s late, even though I made sure to be late, too,” Ethan chuckles.
“That’s Midge. Coffee?”
“God, yeah, thanks.”
He sits at one of the tables and glances through the menu, and, like a tornado, his mother rushes in from the cold.
“I know I’m late!” she cries as she slips out of her fashionable rose-colored coat. She’s still petite, still a very pretty woman, though these days she no longer tries to dye her hair, instead sporting her same-as-ever haircut, only mostly silver, and Ethan is grateful that she’s accepted aging as apart of life. He knows it’s not easy to be in show business as an older woman, but he’d hate for his talented mother to try and cling to fading youth when she’s always been more than a pretty face.
“Yes, you are,” Ethan chuckles as he gets up and allows himself to be kissed on the cheek and hugs her with one arm. “But that’s nothing new.”
“Yikes, already with the roasts, what did I do now?” Midge asks as she takes a seat.
Luke settles two coffees at their table with some cream and sugar, and Midge pats his arm.
“Thanks, Sweetie. You’re a lifesaver, it’s cold out there!”
“No problem. Any thoughts on food yet?” Luke asks, pulling out his order pad.
“Can you make that sandwich with all the veggies and Munster cheese and Russian dressing?” Midge requests. “It was so good last time when you toasted the bread just right.”
“You got it,” Luke nods. “Ethan?”
“Soups today?”
“Maryland Crab, Matzoh Ball, Chicken Noodle and Navy Bean.”
“Navy bean, and half a turkey sandwich with spicy mustard?” Ethan requests.
“Comin’ up!”
Midge smiles at Ethan brightly. “So? Coming all this way to have lunch when you’ve got such a busy schedule? What’s up?”
Ethan sighs softly. “Well…it’s Noah.”
Her smile falls. “What? What about Noah, what’s wrong with Noah?”
“Nothing’s really wrong, he’s just-“ Ethan pauses and sips his coffee. “He came home for winter break, and he announced that he…hates MIT.”
“He hates MIT?” Midge asks, confused. “MIT is all he’s talked about since he was six years old. He’s been dreaming of going there nearly his whole life, and now he hates it?”
“You know he doesn’t hate it,” Ethan tells her. “He hates that he’s so far away from all of us. He doesn’t get to come home for family dinners, and he misses birthdays and even some holidays.”
“But I thought he was doing well, making friends!”
“He was, but he’s not happy,” Ethan tells her. “So he’s looking at the other schools he got into.”
“That’s seven other schools,” Midge points out. “He’s considering the other seven schools that he considered his backups if MIT somehow lost their mind and didn’t want to admit one of the brightest young science majors in the world?”
She takes a breath, composing herself. “Okay. So. What’s he thinking?”
“He’s considering Columbia, although he still remembers Gramma Rose telling him Columbia was cursed when he was little,” Ethan says.
“Mama certainly had a way with words, didn’t she?” Midge smiles sadly.
“She definitely did,” Ethan agrees, patting her hand gently. “He’s also heavily considering Yale.”
She blinks, tilting her head with interest. “Is he really?”
“Yes, he is. He’d be very close by.”
“Yes, he would.”
Ethan grins at his mother, amused, as he watches the wheels turn in her head. “Ma…”
“It’d be nice to have him so close!” she defends. “And Rory goes to Yale, and they’re the same age, and Ella pops by from time to time, but everyone else is always on the run, and I’m no good at running anymore.”
“If Noah chooses Yale, you have to be cool about it,” Ethan tells her.
“I can be cool! Look at the man I married; a picture of his face is next to the definition of ‘cool’ in the dictionary.”
“You can’t show up on campus without warning,” Ethan says. “And you can’t set him up on dates without telling him.”
“I was never the matchmaker in our family,” Midge reminds him.
“You know what I mean.”
She huffs out an exasperated breath. “Okay, okay, I get it, no meddling.”
Ethan chuckles and leans over, kissing her cheek. “Thanks, Ma.”
“So where is wonder boy now?” Midge asks.
“He and Julia are touring Princeton today,” Ethan says.
“Feh. Princeton.”
“What’s wrong with Princeton?”
“It’s in New Jersey! I don’t want my grandson to come home smelling like New Jersey.”
Ethan laughs. “Ma.”
She crosses her arms.
“It’s just a tour. They’re doing the Yale tour tomorrow.”
“And then you’re coming here for dinner,” Midge tells him.
“Yes,” Ethan agrees. “We will come back to Stars Hollow for dinner, and you can try to talk my son into doing what you want.”
“Thank you.”
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
A bathroom bill denies access to public restrooms by gender or trans identity. They increase danger without making anyone any safer and have even prompted attacks on cis and trans people alike. Many national health and anti-sexual assault organizations oppose these bills.
Iowa SF335, a school-based bathroom bill, was introduced and referred to the Senate Education Committee.
Arizona SB1040, a school-based bathroom bill which passed in both of its Senate committees, was placed on the Senate floor calendar.
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Florida S0952 was pre-filed. This bill, the so-called "Reverse Woke Act," would force employers who provide coverage for gender-affirming healthcare to also cover detransition care indefinitely, even when employees no longer work at the same company.
Arkansas SB199 passed committee and will now head to the Senate floor.
Oklahoma HB2177 passed committee and will now head to the House floor. It also had an emergency added.
Kansas SB233 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Missouri SB49 was combined with SB164 and SB236 and passed committee and will now head to the Senate floor.
Mississippi HB1125, which already passed in the House, passed in the Senate today. It will now head to the Governor for signature.
Schooling / Parental Rights bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.
Arkansas SB294 was introduced and referred to the Senate Education Committee yesterday and had a hearing this morning. This is a sweeping educational reform bill that includes an "indoctrination" section that would ban, among other things, classroom instruction on sexual orientation/gender identity for K-5 students.
Arkansas HB1468, a forced misgendering bill, was introduced and sent to the House Education Committee.
Montana SB413, a "Don't Say Gay" bill for K-6 students, was introduced and referred to the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee.
Indiana HB1608 passed in Committee and is now on the House floor.
Iowa HF8 passed committee and was renumbered to HF348.
Sex designation bills make it harder for trans folks to have IDs, such as birth certificates, that match their gender identity.
They can force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth.
Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to qualify for ID updates.
Kansas SB180 passed committee and will head to the Senate floor.
Missouri SB14 passed in committee and will head to the Senate floor.
These are other negative bills that attack trans rights outside of the bill types above.
Book ban North Dakota HB1205, which already passed in the House, was introduced in the Senate, had its first reading, and was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
We also have good news to share! These are either updates on positive bills which protect and affirm trans individuals or updates on anti-trans bills that have failed.
Maryland HB359, a sports ban bill, failed in committee.
It's not too late to stop these and other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. You can go to http://transformationsproject.org/ to learn more and contact your representatives
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ledenews · 17 hours
Bridgeport Schools Honor Bulldog for His 'Golden Arm'
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The Bulldogs recognized one young achiever who has earned attention across the country for his performance on the baseball field. Still, in the eighth grade at Bridgeport Middle School, Brett has a passion for the game and skills to match, having been named a Golden Arm winner in Indiana in 2023. Brett said the Golden Arm is a baseball-throwing competition where players are judged on accuracy. “There were balls set up on cones, and I had to throw them a certain distance.” He plays first base and pitches. In Pigeon Forge, Tennessee he was Player of the Game August of 2023 during the All-Ripken Games where scouts evaluate and choose the top players. He was a Golden Arm runner-up in Fort Myers, Florida, during Junior All-American Games November of 2023. Brett also played in Panama City Beach, Florida in December of 2023, and in Cooperstown, New York July of 2024. During the All-American Games with Baseball Youth in Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, he won a Silver Slugger Award for Best at Bat and was a Hometown Derby runner-up with eight home runs in July of 2024. He played on the Team Tricksters in Cleveland this past July, the All-Ripken in Aberdeen, Maryland in August, and will play at Fort Myers again in December during an event hosted by the Perfect Game scouting organization. On Sept. 18, the Bridgeport Exempted Village School District Board of Education welcomed Brett, his parents and sister. Superintendent Brent Ripley congratulated Brett and commended his family for their support. “Hard work is important in life. You certainly have no issue with that quality” Ripley said. “We’re looking forward to you joining our high school team.” Board members asked Brett about elements of his travels, such as meeting the Savannah Bananas baseball team from Georgia. Board member Kori Rosnick said it has been a pleasure watching Brett’s skills develop. Brett has ambitions to pursue baseball. “I’d love to play professionally. If I can work hard enough and put together some good seasons, I could definitely play collegiately.” Ripley said persistence, hard work, grit, a good attitude, and some luck along the way will pay off. In other matters, school nurse Dana Kreiter reported on the district’s cardiac response plan. She has worked throughout the summer with Nationwide Children’s Hospital, as well as with Project ADAM (Automated Defibrillators in Adam’s Memory), an initiative named after a young man who died from sudden cardiac arrest and dedicated to helping schools, sporting programs and community sites obtain equipment and training to provide quick, life-saving response to a cardiac emergency. “We’ve developed the formal plan,” Kreiter said. “It can be distributed to all staff members. It can be posted by our AEDs (automated external defibrillators). Teachers and everybody will have it, coaches will have it so they know the steps to follow if there is a cardiac arrest, and we are working on training and education.” She added the entire district staff has had a training and education session with Nationwide Children’s Hospital. They reviewed procedures such as the locations of AEDs and identifying the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest and how to respond. Kreiter said the first three minutes are crucial. “Right now, I am recruiting for a cardiac emergency response team, 10-15 people would be the ones who would respond if it is a cardiac emergency.” She said the district would have one drill per year to be designated a Heart Safe School through Project ADAM out of Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Board member Kori Rosnick asked about the locations and accessibility of the AEDs. In answer to a question from board member Don Cash, Rosnick said coaches are trained in the use of AEDs. The board approved the plan. Read the full article
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ifelllikeastar · 1 month
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Babe Ruth was seven years old when he was sent to St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, a reformatory and orphanage. As a youth, he ran the streets, rarely attended school, and drank beer when his father was not looking. Some accounts say that following a violent incident at his father's saloon, the city authorities decided that this environment was unsuitable for a small child. When Ruth entered St. Mary's on June 13, 1902, he was recorded as "incorrigible" and spent much of the next 12 years there. He became a shirtmaker and was also proficient as a carpenter. He would adjust his own shirt collars rather than having a tailor do so, even during his well-paid baseball career.
How Ruth came to play baseball there is uncertain: according to one account, his placement at St. Mary's was due in part to repeatedly breaking Baltimore's windows with long hits while playing street ball; by another, he was told to join a team on his first day at St. Mary's by the school's athletic director, Brother Herman, becoming a catcher even though left-handers rarely play that position. During his time there he also played third base and shortstop, again unusual for a left-hander, and was forced to wear mitts and gloves made for right-handers.
Babe's Major League Baseball career spanned 22 seasons, from 1914 through 1935. He began as a star left-handed pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, but achieved his greatest fame as a slugging outfielder for the New York Yankees.
Ruth is regarded as one of the greatest sports heroes in American culture and is considered by many to be the greatest baseball player of all time.
Born George Herman Ruth on February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland and died August 26, 1948 in New York City at the age of 53.
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annfurry0022 · 3 months
The Influence of Sports in Towson, Maryland: From High School Teams to College Athletics.
Towson, Maryland, a vibrant suburban community located just north of Baltimore, boasts a rich tapestry of sports culture that plays a significant role in shaping the local identity. From high school teams to collegiate athletics, sports in Towson, Maryland serve as a powerful force for community cohesion, youth development, and economic impact.
High School Sports: Building Community and Character
High school sports in Towson are a cornerstone of community life. Schools like Towson High School, Dulaney High School, and Loch Raven High School have storied athletic programs that foster school spirit and community engagement. These programs provide students with opportunities to develop leadership, teamwork, and perseverance.
The Friday night football games are particularly notable, drawing large crowds of students, parents, and local residents. These events are more than just games; they are community gatherings that create a sense of unity and pride. The impact of high school sports extends beyond the field, as they promote physical health, academic achievement, and social development among students. Athletes often find that the discipline and time management skills they hone on the field translate into better performance in the classroom.
Youth Development through Local Clubs and Leagues
In addition to high school sports, Towson has a robust network of youth sports leagues and clubs. Organizations such as the Towson Recreation Council offer a variety of sports programs for children and teenagers, including soccer, baseball, basketball, and lacrosse. These programs are essential in providing young people with structured, positive activities that keep them engaged and active.
Participation in youth sports helps instill important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Moreover, these programs often serve as feeder systems for high school sports, ensuring a steady pipeline of talented and well-trained athletes. The community support for these leagues is substantial, with parents and local businesses frequently sponsoring teams and events.
College Athletics: Towson University as a Hub
At the collegiate level, Towson University stands out as a major hub for athletic excellence. The Towson Tigers, the university's athletic teams, compete in the NCAA Division I as members of the Colonial Athletic Association. Sports like football, basketball, lacrosse, and gymnastics draw significant attention and attendance, not just from the student body but also from the broader Towson community.
Towson University’s athletic programs have a substantial economic impact on the area. Game days bring in visitors who contribute to the local economy by patronizing restaurants, hotels, and shops. Moreover, the university's sports programs enhance Towson’s reputation, attracting prospective students and faculty.
Athletics at Towson University also provide student-athletes with invaluable experiences that extend beyond the classroom. The rigorous demands of college sports teach time management, leadership, and the importance of maintaining a balance between academics and athletics. For many, these experiences are formative, shaping their future careers and personal lives.
Cultural and Economic Impact
The influence of sports in Towson extends beyond individual development to encompass broader cultural and economic impacts. Sporting events serve as a significant source of local pride and entertainment, fostering a strong community identity. The success of local teams, from high school squads to the Towson Tigers, is a point of pride and a unifying force within the community.
Economically, sports generate revenue through ticket sales, merchandise, and local business patronage on game days. High-profile events, such as college football games or high school championships, draw visitors from outside the area, boosting the local economy. Additionally, sports-related infrastructure, such as stadiums and training facilities, contributes to the town's development and attractiveness as a destination.
Sports play an integral role in Towson, Maryland, from nurturing young athletes in local high schools to fostering competitive excellence at Towson University. The benefits are multifaceted, contributing to individual growth, community cohesion, and economic vitality. As Towson continues to grow and evolve, the influence of sports will undoubtedly remain a central and cherished aspect of its identity.
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hauntedeaglepizza · 4 months
Discovering Towson, Maryland: An Overview to Enjoying Your Go to
Discovering Towson, Maryland: An Overview to Enjoying Your Go to
Snuggled just north of Baltimore, Towson, Maryland, supplies a delightful mix of metropolitan and country experiences. Whether you're a resident or a site visitor, Towson boasts an abundant selection of tasks that satisfy all preferences. From cultural experiences and going shopping to eating and outdoor adventures, right here's how you can take advantage of your time in Towson.
Discovering Social and Historical Treasures
Towson is soaked in background, and a check out to the Hampton National Historic Site is a must. This grand 18th-century estate, when home to among the country's largest slaveholding plantations, offers a poignant glimpse right into America's past. The thoroughly managed manor and its rich yards supply a tranquil setting for exploration and representation.
For art lovers, the Asian Arts & Society Center at Towson University uses an outstanding range of exhibits and efficiencies. This center is dedicated best spots to visit in usa to promoting a much deeper understanding of Oriental arts and societies, making it an unique social center in the area.
Purchasing and Dining Delights
Towson Community Center is the heart of the regional shopping scene, featuring a selection of high-end merchants, boutiques, and dining options. It's the ideal location to delight in some retail therapy or enjoy a dish at one of the many restaurants. From casual dining establishments to upscale eating, the choices abound. For a preference of local taste, go to Cunningham's coffee shop & Pastry shop, which offers fresh, locally-sourced recipes in a comfortable setup.
For those seeking an active nightlife scene, check out the midtown area of Towson. Popular bars such as The Rec Room and Souris' Drinkery provide a dynamic setup, suitable for relaxing after a day of sightseeing and tour.
Embracing the Outdoors
Towson's plentiful parks and outside areas showcase its all-natural appeal. Loch Raven Storage tank deals with nature fans, providing opportunities for hiking, fishing, and kayaking The attractive trails and calm waters produce an excellent setting for either a thrilling exterior expedition or a relaxing picnic.
Cromwell Valley Park is an additional gem, supplying miles of treking trails, educational programs, and magnificent sights of the bordering countryside. It's a wonderful place for families and nature enthusiasts to discover Maryland's natural landscape.
Educational and Recreational Activities
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Towson University isn't just for trainees; it's a social and entertainment center for the whole community. The university holds a selection of events, consisting of sporting activities games, movie theater productions, and talks that are open to the public. The campus itself is a beautiful place to walk around, with plenty of eco-friendly spaces and modern centers.
If you flourish on an energetic rate, the Towson YMCA offers a considerable variety of leisure pursuits, extending water exercises, group health and fitness sessions, and arranged youth athletic campaigns. This dynamic center is excellent for keeping a healthy program while building new links with similar individuals.
"Vacation Happenings and Celebrations"
Towson's solid sense of community appears in its range of seasonal occasions and celebrations. One such example is the Towson Farmers Market, which occurs from November and features neighborhood produce, h
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vitavenaus · 6 months
The Science Behind Glutathione: From Cells to Wellness
In the bustling realm of wellness treatments, one compound has gained remarkable attention for its diverse benefits – glutathione. Amidst the array of IV therapies offered at Vitavenaus, the spotlight shines brightly on Glutathione IV in Washington DC and Sports IV in Maryland. Let's delve into the science behind glutathione, exploring its pivotal role from cellular functions to overall wellness enhancement.
Glutathione, often hailed as the "master antioxidant," is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Found abundantly in cells, particularly in the liver, glutathione plays a multifaceted role in maintaining cellular health and combating oxidative stress. Its primary function revolves around neutralizing free radicals, harmful molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and disease.
When it comes to wellness, glutathione's benefits extend far beyond mere antioxidant prowess. Research indicates its involvement in detoxification processes, aiding in the removal of toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants from the body. Furthermore, glutathione supports immune function, bolstering the body's defense against infections and diseases.
Intravenous administration of glutathione offers distinct advantages over oral supplementation, ensuring optimal absorption and bioavailability. At Vitavenaus, our Glutathione IV therapy in Washington DC delivers this potent antioxidant directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for rapid and effective results. Whether you're seeking to boost your immune system, enhance detoxification, or rejuvenate your skin, Glutathione IV therapy holds promise as a versatile solution for wellness seekers.
For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, Sports IV therapy in Maryland presents a tailored approach to optimize performance and recovery. Incorporating glutathione into sports IV cocktails can provide athletes with a competitive edge by promoting faster muscle recovery, reducing inflammation, and combating oxidative stress induced by intense physical activity. By replenishing glutathione levels, sports IV therapy supports overall athletic performance and helps athletes stay at the top of their game.
Beyond its cellular benefits, glutathione has garnered attention for its potential in promoting skin health and vitality. As a powerful antioxidant, glutathione helps neutralize free radicals that contribute to skin aging, wrinkles, and pigmentation. By promoting collagen synthesis and supporting skin cell regeneration, glutathione can enhance skin tone, texture, and overall radiance. Vitavenaus Glutathione IV therapy offers a holistic approach to skincare, nourishing the skin from within for a youthful and luminous complexion.
In conclusion, the science behind glutathione underscores its indispensable role in cellular health and overall wellness. From neutralizing free radicals to supporting detoxification, immune function, and athletic performance, glutathione stands as a cornerstone of vitality. With Glutathione IV therapy in Washington DC and Sports IV therapy in Maryland, Vitavenaus empowers individuals to harness the transformative power of glutathione for enhanced well-being and peak performance. Unlock the potential of glutathione and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness with Vitavenaus premium IV therapies.
Visit for more : https://www.Vitavenausus.com/
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lacrossee · 1 year
🥍 Severna Park Lacrosse is a beloved sport in Maryland, with a rich history and thriving community. From youth leagues to high school teams, lacrosse is a staple in the Severna Park area. 🏆 The Severna Park High School Falcons have won numerous state championships, cementing their place as a powerhouse in the sport. The program has produced many talented players who have gone on to play at the collegiate level. 🌟 But Severna Park Lacrosse isn't just about winning championships. It's about instilling a love of the game and building a strong sense of community. Discover the history, teams, and more that make Severna Park Lacrosse a beloved pastime for players and fans alike.1. The Origins of Severna Park Lacrosse: A Brief HistorySeverna Park Lacrosse began in the 1960s as a small club team. It wasn't until the 1970s that the team became a varsity sport at Severna Park High School. 1975: The team won its first state championship. 1983: They won their second state championship. Severna Park Lacrosse has since become a powerhouse in Maryland high school lacrosse. The program has produced numerous college and professional lacrosse players. Today, the team continues to uphold its legacy of excellence on and off the field. 🥍2. The Different Severna Park Lacrosse Teams: From Youth to High SchoolSeverna Park has a variety of lacrosse teams for different age groups. Here are some of the teams: Severna Park Green Hornets - Youth team for boys and girls Severna Park Falcons - Middle school team for boys and girls Severna Park High School Falcons - Varsity and JV teams for boys and girls Each team has its own coaches and training programs. They compete in different leagues and tournaments throughout the year. The Green Hornets focus on skill development and teamwork for players ages 5-14. The Falcons teams compete at a higher level, with a focus on strategy and performance. Players on the high school teams have the opportunity to earn scholarships and play at the college level. The Severna Park lacrosse program has a rich history of producing talented players. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, there's a Severna Park lacrosse team for you. Joining a team is a great way to make friends and improve your skills. 🥍3. The Importance of Coaching in Severna Park LacrosseCoaching is a crucial element in the success of Severna Park Lacrosse. Coaches provide guidance, motivation, and strategic planning to players. They help players develop skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Coaches also create a positive and supportive environment for players. Good coaching can make a significant difference in a player's performance and enjoyment of the game. Coaches can identify areas for improvement and provide personalized training. They can also help players overcome mental barriers and build confidence. Coaches can inspire players to work hard and strive for excellence. Effective coaching requires knowledge, experience, and dedication. Coaches must have a deep understanding of the game and its rules. They must also be able to communicate effectively with players and parents. Coaches should be committed to ongoing learning and professional development. At Severna Park Lacrosse, we value our coaches and their contributions to our program. We provide training and support to help coaches improve their skills. We also encourage feedback from players and parents to ensure our coaches are meeting their needs. Our coaches are passionate about the game and dedicated to helping our players succeed. Join us and experience the benefits of coaching in Severna Park Lacrosse! 🥍👨‍🏫4. Severna Park Lacrosse Facilities: Where the Magic HappensSeverna Park Lacrosse Facilities are where the magic happens. The facilities are top-notch, with everything a lacrosse player needs to train and play at their best. The facilities include multiple fields, both grass and turf, for practices and games. There are also indoor facilities for training during inclement weather. The equipment is state-of-the-art, with the latest technology and safety features. Players have access to experienced coaches and trainers, who provide personalized instruction and guidance. The facilities are also used for lacrosse camps and clinics, bringing in top talent from around the country. The facilities are well-maintained, with regular upkeep and improvements. There are also amenities like locker rooms, showers, and a snack bar for players and spectators. The facilities are conveniently located, with easy access from major highways and ample parking. Overall, Severna Park Lacrosse Facilities are a premier destination for lacrosse players of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, these facilities have everything you need to take your game to the next level. 🥍👨‍👦‍👦🏟️🌧️🔝💪🏽🏆5. The Role of Parents in Supporting Severna Park LacrosseParents play a crucial role in supporting Severna Park Lacrosse. They can contribute in various ways, such as volunteering, fundraising, and cheering on the team. Volunteering is a great way for parents to get involved. They can help with tasks such as organizing team events, setting up the field, and providing snacks for the players. Fundraising is also important for the team's success. Parents can help by organizing bake sales, car washes, and other events to raise money for equipment and travel expenses. Cheering on the team is essential for boosting morale and creating a supportive atmosphere. Parents can attend games and show their enthusiasm with cheers, signs, and even team spirit wear. Parents can also support the team by encouraging their children to practice and stay committed to the sport. They can provide transportation to practices and games and help their children maintain a healthy lifestyle. Overall, is crucial for the success of the team. By volunteering, fundraising, cheering, and encouraging their children, parents can contribute to a positive and thriving lacrosse community. 🥍👏6. Severna Park Lacrosse Achievements: Past and PresentSeverna Park Lacrosse has a rich history of achievements. Here are some of their most notable: 13 state championships 10 regional championships 5 national championships Severna Park has produced many talented players, including: Mark Frye, 2x All-American Jon Kemezis, 2x All-American Ben Hunt, 3x All-American Currently, Severna Park's varsity team is ranked #1 in Maryland and #3 in the nation. They have a 12-0 record and have outscored their opponents 181-50. Severna Park's youth lacrosse program is also thriving, with over 800 players and 60 teams. They have won multiple county championships and have produced many talented high school players. Overall, Severna Park Lacrosse has a long-standing tradition of excellence and shows no signs of slowing down. 🥍🏆7. The Future of Severna Park Lacrosse: Trends and ProspectsSeverna Park Lacrosse is a sport that has been growing in popularity over the years. Here are some trends and prospects for the future: Increased participation from both boys and girls More opportunities for players to compete at higher levels Introduction of new technology to enhance training and performance Expansion of lacrosse programs in schools and communities Greater diversity and inclusion in the sport The future of Severna Park Lacrosse looks bright with these trends and prospects. With more players and opportunities, the sport will continue to thrive and evolve. As lacrosse becomes more accessible, it will attract a wider range of players and fans. The sport will also benefit from advancements in technology, which will improve training and performance. Community support and investment in lacrosse programs will be crucial for the sport's growth. The expansion of programs in schools and communities will provide more opportunities for young players to develop their skills and compete at higher levels. Diversity and inclusion will also play a significant role in the future of Severna Park Lacrosse. The sport will continue to evolve and become more inclusive, welcoming players from all backgrounds and abilities. Overall, the future of Severna Park Lacrosse looks bright, with increased participation, new technology, and greater diversity and inclusion. 🥍👍 In conclusion, Severna Park Lacrosse has a rich history and continues to thrive today. With both boys and girls teams, players of all skill levels can join in on the fun. 🥍 Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, Severna Park Lacrosse offers a supportive community and top-notch coaching. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this exciting sport. 🏆 So what are you waiting for? Grab your stick and join the Severna Park Lacrosse team today! 🤩 https://lacrossee.com/discover-severna-park-lacrosse-history-teams-more/?_unique_id=649b6247184e1
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The Best Public Parks Near Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD is a city full of surprises. You might know it as the birthplace of Edgar Allan Poe, but there's more to the city than its famous literary son. The Charm City has a unique blend of history and culture that makes it one of America's most attractive destinations for outdoor lovers. From acres upon acres of green space to stunning views of the Chesapeake Bay, here are some of our favorite parks near Baltimore:
Patterson Park
Patterson Park is a great place for locals to hang out in the summer. It has a playground, dog park and basketball courts. The best part about Patterson Park is its view of Baltimore's skyline. You can see it from anywhere in the park!
Chinquapin Run Park in Baltimore, MD
Chinquapin Run Park is a great place to go for a hike, bike ride or picnic. It's located in Baltimore, MD and has many trails that are perfect for walking or running. The park also has playground equipment, a picnic area and basketball courts. There are many different types of wildlife including deer, foxes and birds such as cardinals!
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Riverside Park in Station north, MD
Riverside Park is a public park in the Station North Arts and Entertainment District of Baltimore.
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It is located on the west bank of the Jones Falls stream, just south of the Fallsway, between North Avenue and Guilford Avenue. The park was established in 1874 by an act of Maryland legislature that provided for its purchase from private owners for $1 million (equivalent to $29 million today). In 1891 it was renamed "Riverside" after being acquired by Baltimore City from Maryland.
Herring Run Park
Herring Run Park is a Baltimore City park in the northeast corner of Baltimore, Maryland, located along Herring Run between the neighborhoods of Belair-Edison and Frankford. The park was established in 1887 and has an area of approximately 50 acres (20 ha). The park has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975 as a historic district known as Herring Run Parkway Historic District.[1]
Clifton Park Carousel and Splash Pad
Located in Clifton Park, the carousel is a great place to take your kids. It features hand-carved animals and a classic music box organ. You can also use it as an opportunity to teach your children about how things were made back in the day!
The splash pad is another great feature of this park. Kids will have so much fun trying all sorts of new things like making designs with their hands or splashing each other with water! It's fun for everyone involved!
Hampden Park and Recreation Center
Hampden Park and Recreation Center
6001 Maple Avenue, Hampden, MD 21229
Hours: Monday-Friday 5 am to 9 pm; Saturday-Sunday 8 am to 6 pm (closed on major holidays)
Cost: $8 per person (children 2 and under are free) for all ages. The center offers a variety of sports leagues that range from $40-$300 per season. You can also rent out their facilities for birthday parties or other special occasions.
Facilities: Baseball/softball fields, basketball court, playground equipment for kids ages 3-12 years old, indoor gymnasium space with basketball hoops and volleyball nets that can be used for youth sports leagues during the winter months when outdoor field rentals are unavailable due to inclement weather conditions like rain or snowfall making it unsafe for players' safety concerns
There are many public parks in Baltimore, MD. They're a great place to relax, enjoy the weather and check out some wildlife. If you're looking for a place to spend time outdoors with your family or friends, these five parks should be at the top of your list!
We hope this list has given you some ideas for your next trip to Baltimore. We know that there are many great parks in the city, but these are our favorites! If we missed one that should be on here, please let us know in the comments below.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Jalen Anthony Rose (born January 30, 1973) is a sports analyst and former professional basketball player. In college, he was a member of the University of Michigan Wolverines' "Fab Five" which reached the 1992 and 1993 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship games. He played in the NBA as a small forward for six teams, most notably on the Indiana Pacers team that made three consecutive Eastern Conference finals and reached the 2000 NBA Finals. He retired in 2007 with a career average of 14.3 points, 3.8 assists, and 3.5 rebounds per game. He is a sports analyst for ABC and ESPN. He is an analyst on NBA Countdown and Get Up!, and he was co-host of the ESPN talk show, Jalen & Jacoby. He is the founder of the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy and the author of The New York Times best-seller Got to Give the People What They Want and the producer of the ESPN documentary The Fab Five. His father Jimmy Walker was the #1 overall draft pick in the NBA who started in the backcourt in the 1972 NBA All-Star Game. In 2005, earned a BS in Management Studies from the University of Maryland University College. In 2000, he established the Jalen Rose Foundation/Charitable Fund to create life-changing opportunities for underserved youth through the development of unique programs and the distribution of grants to qualified nonprofit organizations. Grants focus on education and sports and are distributed in his hometown of Detroit and other communities in need. He married ESPN personality Molly Qerim (2018-2021). He has two daughters and a son from a previous relationship. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CoEGxi5saQ9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wutbju · 2 years
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Paul A. Lunger went home to be with the Lord on May 24, 2022.
Born in Unityville, PA, he was the son of the late Martha (Green) and H. Grant Lunger. Mr. Lunger was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving as a newspaper reporter at Ft Knox, KY. He was Soldier of the Month in October 1957. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC and earned his Master's in Education from University of Delaware, with additional studies in English at College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
Mr. Lunger began his career as an English teacher in Newark, DE for 12 years, where he also coached baseball for 5 years. He was then Youth Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Wilmington, DE. For the next 2 years, he was Principal of Elkton Christian Schools in Elkton, MD, where he also served as Education Chair of Elkton Baptist College and Vice President of the Maryland Association of Christian Schools. For the next 5 years, he was Principal of Upper Bucks Christian School in Sellersville, PA, which grew from 185 students to 687 students under his administration. During this time, he also was Founder and President of the Keystone Christian Education Association, which grew to more than 60 schools while he was President, and was also a Board member of the American Association of Christian Schools. He then was the High School Principal of Chapel Christian Academy in Limerick, PA for 5 years, where he also taught Senior English. He finally served for 5 years as Headmaster at Lan-Chester Christian Schools in Coatesville, PA. Mr. Lunger retired to Delaware about 19 years ago. Throughout his life, he devoted himself to serving Jesus Christ in his career, personal actions and sharing the gospel with others.
Paul was an active member at numerous churches, most recently Faith Community Church in Camden, DE. He loved directing choirs at churches he attended, as well as singing solos in his baritone voice. He has coached and played various sports, including baseball, softball and basketball. He also enjoyed watching local sports, including the Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles and Sixers. He enjoyed gardening and was proud to share what he grew with his neighbors. He enjoyed hunting with family and friends on his family property in Lycoming County, PA, playing golf and tennis, and telling jokes and puns to make people laugh.
Mr. Lunger is survived by his wife of 63 years, Eloise (Frey) Lunger; three children: P. Brent Lunger and his wife Marta of Malvern, PA, Anilisa G. Lunger-Otte and her husband Timothy of Laguna Hills, CA and Brenda A. Lunger and partner Julia Watts of Houston, TX; his sisters-in-law, Mary Lunger of Hughesville, PA and Patricia Frey of Newark, DE; and eight grandchildren.
Friends and family are invited to attend a viewing from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at the Pippin Funeral Home, 119 W. Camden Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming, DE 19934; a graveside service held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at Gracelawn Memorial Park, 2220 N. DuPont Highway, New Castle, DE 19720; and a memorial service at 11 am on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at Faith Community Church, 2240 S. DuPont Highway, Camden, DE 19934, preceded by a time of visitation from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. Thursday.
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lacrossehalt · 2 years
What is Lacrosse? History & Detail Guide
Lacrosse, considered to be America's first sport, was born of the North American Indian, christened by the French, and adapted and raised by the Canadians.
Modern lacrosse has been embraced by athletes and enthusiasts of the United States and the British Commonwealth for over a century. You can learn more about lacrosse on my official blog only at lacrossehalt.com with complete & in-depth details.
The sport of lacrosse is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey. Anyone can play lacrosse -- the big or the small. The game requires and rewards coordination and agility, not brawn. Quickness and speed are two highly prized qualities in lacrosse.
An exhilarating sport, lacrosse is fast-paced and full of action. Long sprints up and down the field with abrupt starts and stops, precision passes and dodges are routine in men's and women's lacrosse. Lacrosse is played with a stick, the crosse, which must be mastered by the player to throw, catch and scoop the ball.
Lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing team sports in the United States. Youth participation in the sport has grown over 138% since 2001 to nearly 300,000.
No sport has grown faster at the high school level over the last 10 years and there are now an estimated 228,000 high school players.
Lacrosse is also the fastest-growing sport over the last six years at the NCAA level with 557 college teams in 2009, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are more than 500 college club programs, including nearly 200 women's teams that compete at the US Lacrosse Intercollegiate Associates level.
Brief History
With a history that spans centuries, lacrosse is the oldest sport in North America. Rooted in Native American religion, lacrosse was often played to resolve conflicts, heal the sick, and develop strong, virile men. To Native Americans, lacrosse is still referred to as "The Creator's Game."
Ironically, lacrosse also served as a preparation for war. Legend tells of as many as 1,000 players per side, from the same or different tribes, who took turns engaging in a violent contest. Contestants played on a field from one to 15 miles in length, and games sometimes lasted for days. Some tribes used a single pole, tree or rock for a goal, while other tribes had two goalposts through which the ball had to pass. Balls were made out of wood, deerskin, baked clay or stone.
The evolution of the Native American game into modern lacrosse began in 1636 when Jean de Brebeuf, a Jesuit missionary, documented a Huron contest in what is now southeast Ontario, Canada.
At that time, some type of lacrosse was played by at least 48 Native American tribes scattered throughout what is now southern Canada and all parts of the United States.
French pioneers began playing the game avidly in the 1800s. Canadian dentist W. George Beers standardized the game in 1867 with the adoption of set field dimensions, limits to the number of players per team and other basic rules.
New York University fielded the nation's first college team in 1877, and Philips Academy, Andover (Massachusetts), Philips Exeter Academy (New Hampshire) and the Lawrenceville School (New Jersey) were the nation's first high school teams in 1882. There are 400 college and 1,200 high school men's lacrosse teams from coast to coast.
The first women's lacrosse game was played in 1890 at the St. Leonard's School in Scotland. Although an attempt was made to start women's lacrosse at Sweet Briar College in Virginia in 1914, it was not until 1926 that Miss Rosabelle Sinclair established the first women's lacrosse team in the United States at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, Maryland.
Men's and women's lacrosse were played under virtually the same rules, with no protective equipment, until the mid-1930s. At that time, men's lacrosse began evolving dramatically, while women's lacrosse continued to remain true to the game's original rules.
Men's and women's lacrosse remain derivations of the same game today, but are played under different rules. Women's rules limit stick contact, prohibit body contact and, therefore, require little protective equipment. Men's lacrosse rules allow some degree of stick and body contact, although violence is neither condoned nor allowed.
Field lacrosse is sometimes perceived to be a violent and dangerous game, however, injury statistics prove otherwise. While serious injuries can and do occur in lacrosse, the game has evolved with an emphasis on safety, and the rate of injury is comparatively low.
Ensuring the safety of participants is a major focus for US Lacrosse and its Sports Science and Safety Committee, which researches injury data in the sport and makes recommendations to make the game as safe as practicable.
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Today Mississippi drops several bills on us. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates
Tennessee's SB0003 drag bill has a senate hearing at 3pm on the 31st. Prohibits ill-defined "adult cabaret" from even being visible. Also includes 'prurient interest' language
Drag bans restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. They loosely define drag as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression”, as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces.
Health care bill Missouri SB164, "Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act" updated. Gets sent to emerging issues committee. In Tennessee HB0001 has a house hearing on the 31st at 1:30pm and SB0001 has a senate hearing 1 pm on 2/1
Montana's SB99 "Youth Health Protection Act " was in a judiciary committee hearing as of 8am. Still waiting on updates
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Tennessee introduces SB0466, a school "misgendering" bill. Wyoming's SF0117 is on the senate floor, a full parent's rights / "dont' say gay" bill
Schooling bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.
Maryland intro'd sports bill HB359, a copy of md hb575 from last session. Virginia SB911, SB962, SB1186 are in hearing with the public education committee now. Missouri SB165 "Save Women's Sports Act" sent to the emerging issues committee
Most sports bills force schools to designate teams by sex assigned at birth. They are often one-sided and ban trans girls from playing on teams consistent with their gender identity. Some egregious bills even force invasive genital examinations on student athletes.
It's not too late to stop other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. YOU can go to <http://transformationsproject.org/> to learn more and contact your representatives
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amnglobalmedia · 2 years
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[FYI📍🌍] North America (AMNG) Our (Vol 1. Issue 59) Monumental Mondays newsletter is now available online. Scan the QR Code to access a digital copy or click here and read the latest updates. We hope you’ll find it interesting and will subscribe.
In this issue | 
-  MDTA's civil penalty waiver grace period.
-  Mobile and online sports betting launches throughout Maryland
-  The payment pause and 0% interest rate have been extended.
-  Three things to know about federal government grants
-  Youth coats will be distributed at the following Pratt Library branches beginning Saturday, December 3rd, while supplies last.
and so much more
VOL 1. ISSUE 59 
AMNG supports the growth, innovation, and activities of entrepreneurs, startup founders, small business owners, and performance and visual artists by offering guidance, marketing and entrepreneurship techniques, and project support of our partners to help them succeed. Our goal is to help our members by providing management resources and expert industry advice every Monday resulting in a reduction of risks and an avoidance of the pitfalls of making costly business decisions.
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