#marwa is too precious for this world
usernoneexistent · 2 years
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Marwa Zidan
A muggleborn witch in Egypt who grew up with a loving family suddenly left her orphaned when they died in an accident. Her village made it clear that they do not accept witchcraft and children bullied her about it causing her to suppress her powers until an obscurus grew in her, festering, ready to explode until she meet Juniper and Bill who saved her. But it was too late to reverse her situation however she could still learn to control and accept her powers from the love and acceptance from others and herself.
Nicknames: Mar (by Juniper, Bill and Charlie), wee lass/lassie (by Jacob and Julia), kid (by Jacob).
Born: 26th August 1982.
Hometown: rural village outside Luxor, Egypt.
Nationality/Ethinicity: Egyptian Arab.
Language(s) spoken: Arabic (Egyptian collequial) and English (British).
Blood status: muggleborn.
Gender identity: witch (she/her).
Sexuality: undetermined.
Face claim: Yasmina El-Abd.
Myers-Briggs Type: ESFJ (The Consul).
Alignment: neutral good.
Strengths: kind, warm, sensitive, loyal, creative, cheeky.
Weaknesses: insecure, sensitive, shy, too selfless, avoid conflicts, anxious.
Interests/hobbies: art, baking, learning, reading, new cultures.
Favourite colour: pastel pink or bright yellow.
Favourite food: candyfloss.
Favourite drink: anything fizzy.
Height: 1.43m/4'6ft (at 15).
Weight: 40kg/88lbs (at 15).
Hair: dark brown, naturally wavy and kept at waist length.
Eyes: brown.
Skin: olive, tans fairly easily.
Defects: small nicks covering her hands from practising wandless magic.
Style: dresses in 90s western fashion. She wore lots of bright colours, denim and her favourite accessory are scrunchies.
Wand: does not posses a wand.
Animagus form: none.
Patronus: monarch plain tiger butterfly.
Patronus memory: Juniper adopting her.
Boggart: losing her new family.
Riddikulus: none.
Amortentia (what does she smell?): hasn't smelt amortentia.
Amortentia (what does she smell like?): lotus, thyme, and cinnamon.
Magical abilities: obscurus, wandless magic.
September 1994 - 1997: homeschool student.
September 1994 - 1997: assistant Curse-breaker to Juniper (cover story).
Zidan Family (Father, mother & younger brother) - Before being orphaned, Marwa had a loving family who noticed her magic but never treated her differently for it. They unfortunately passed away in an accident.
Juniper Moss (adopted sister/main guardian) - Juniper was one of the first to accept Marwa and taught her how to accept herself. They have a mutual relationship of healing, despite being close in age making them more like sisters, Juniper became very maternal around Marwa.
Bill Weasley (adopted brother/guardian) - Bill was with Juniper when they discovered her and was very accepting of her however they did struggle with a language barrier. It gradually got better when Marwa learned English but Bill tried his best to learn Arabic. Marwa regularly sends Bill letters and drawings during her travels with Juniper and Bill sees her like another little sister.
Jacob Moss - He is the fun uncle to Marwa and often spoils her since at that point neither Jacob nor Juniper really wanted kids so Marwa was the closest they had in their family.
Julia Moss - Since there were no grandchildren anytime soon at this point, Julia accepted Marwa into the Moss family with open arms.
Charlie Weasley - The other fun uncle but with dragons. Due to Juniper travelling frequently to Romania, Marwa became accustomed to Charlie and enjoys his company. She is also very aware for Charlie's and Juniper's feelings for one another.
Ginny Weasley - They very close in age and heard a lot about each from Bill. They meet a handful of times and got along very well. Ginny doesn't know that Marwa is an obscurial but loves hearing about Marwa's adventures with Juniper while Marwa loves to know how life at Hogwarts is like.
Fleur Delacour - Marwa met Fleur when Juniper visited Bill in England and who wanted introduce them to each other. Marwa liked Fleur but found her hard to understand through her thick accent.
Simon Covaci - Simon is a half vampire whom Marwa befriends in Romania. Simon is one of the few people who understands what it is like not fitting in anywhere.
Love interests: TBC - I have some plans but I don't want to spoil them yet.
TBC - I do have some plans for Juniper's and Marwa's story and have written up some stuff but I'm not ready yet to post so you'll have to wait for some new characters.
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skadventuretime · 6 years
forever and a day
Happy New Year @starship--phoenix! I was your @noragamisecretsanta2018 Secret Santa, so here is your gift! You said soulmate and time travel aus were your jam, so given the otp, that just screamed reincarnation to me. I hope you enjoy, and had a warm and happy holiday! 
She is lost in a sea of sterile white sheets.
Yato tucks in a corner of her comforter, snugs it against skin now puffy and wrinkled with age. The tightness in his throat has only gotten worse.
"Is that you, dear?" she whispers, breath whistling on each exhale.
He takes her hand and rubs gentle circles along the back of it, a hand he's held in grief and joy and the quiet moments that aren't notable at all until times like this. "Yes, it's me."
"Tell me again how we met,” she says, but is interrupted by a coughing fit that sends spasms through her body. Yato knows there is not much time, but he sets the thought aside.
He can feel Yukine’s tension from the other room where he’s keeping vigil with their Far Shore friends, face not a day over fourteen. They have all known this hour would come. No one is ready for it.
He waits for her coughing fit to pass, and then begins. “You saw me on the sidewalk when no human should have seen me...”
Yato tells the story until the very end, no matter that Hiyori’s breathing grows ragged and stills, no matter that tears obscure his vision. He’s still holding her hand and it takes Yukine, hours later, to get him to release it.
As a god, he knows this was all he could ever hope for; a human life’s worth of time in which to condense an eternity of devotion. It was never going to be enough.
Read the rest below the cut, or on AO3!
And so he spends the next two decades finding lost cats and reuniting lovers and doing all the things a former errand god turned god of fortune might do. Yukine remains by his side, and every year on the anniversary of Hiyori’s death they gather round Kofuku’s table to laugh and drink and cry to her memory.
He feels the first tug on the twenty-eighth anniversary of her death.
It’s a small thing at first, barely noticeable beneath the hafuri bond. Something more akin to a muscle twinge or a sour stomach. But as time goes on it becomes more insistent, a slow and steady pull that becomes impossible to ignore.
So one night once Yukine is asleep, Yato winks out of Tokyo and appears in the middle of a warm city where the sun has just set, boots set down on balmy pavement. The tug has a new urgency, like bloodhound who’s caught the scent.
Having come all this way for it, he follows the strange, gut-deep feeling across the usual city trappings, noting palm trees and a large, sluggish river as he bounded from building to building. The air is cloying and so, so hot; he must be somewhere tropical, or at least in summer.
He reaches a giant high rise in what looks to be the financial district. His gut is churning now, almost doubling him over in the pain of it, but it’s bittersweet, like the kind of pain you ask for.
From the feel of it, whatever he’s being led to is in this building. So up he goes, scanning the windows at each level and moving on when the pull contracts again, telling him no, no, not yet.
When he reaches the top floor, the pain vanishes. Inside is a lavish office, dark wood paneling with bright splashes of color. Two people are talking, one a stern looking man behind the desk, the other a young woman, no more than thirty, briefcase in hand and tailored suit like a sheath around her. A lawyer, perhaps. They are arguing; the woman’s gestures become more and more violent until she whirls around and begins to storm out of the room.
Past the window where he hovers, and improbably, impossibly, glances at him.
Deep brown eyes and bold cheekbones, skin black and shining like she houses the heavens themselves.
He has never met her. He could never forget her.
“Hiyori?” he whispers, and then remembers himself.
She scrubs at her eyes and he’s gone before she reopens them, hovering from a new vantage behind the stern man’s desk. A head shake or two and she’s off to the elevator, leaving Yato with a decision to make.
It was definitely Hiyori. Though her flesh may look different, the soul that burned inside was one that he had only just been getting to know, had loved for one precious human lifetime. But did that make it right for him to barge in on her a second time?
Part of him is tracking how long it would take the elevator to reach the bottom floor, where she’ll leave the building and become one of a teeming mass of city goers. It was never a decision at all. When he judges she should be walking onto the street, he teleports into the lobby to watch her go.
She moves differently, stops to talk to someone in a language he has never heard, but it’s really, truly her.
He follows before he can think.
She travels to a more modest part of town, where she enters a small and tidy apartment full of a life spent without him.
Yato wants to soak it all up, the pictures on her side table, the books on her shelf, but he knows he doesn’t have the time before she notices she’s not alone. He clears his throat.
She spins and is on him faster than a starving ayakashi. “Who are you and what do you want with me?” she says, terse but in control. His brain automatically translates the rich, rhythmic language into one he can understand, and allows him to respond in kind. Godhood has some perks.
“I wanted to see you again.” He can’t stop staring at her, drinking her in like a starving man.
She squints, and takes away her forearm from his neck. “Do I know you?”
“Yes,” Yato says, tears welling in his eyes. “You did.”
From there life becomes hectic, stressful, and so full of joy he’s fit to burst. At first Adaolisa, her name now, doesn’t believe him, but as time goes on and she meets Yukine and Kofuku and all their Far Shore friends, she does.
They spend decades together, and he gets another chance to worship the beauty of her skin and the fire of her soul.
And then, as all humans do, she dies, and it hurts more than the first time because now he has lost her twice. What a curse it is, to live forever.
But again, a few short decades later, that pull in his gut is back, and he rejoices. This time he follows it to a dingy part of a cold American city, and Yato finds Hiyori with close cropped bleached hair, slouched against a grimy alley wall with broken glass about her feet, inserting a needle into pockmarked skin.
Yato’s world begins and ends in that moment.
Hiyori’s name in this life is Paul, and he has been using for years after a rotten home life and a society that preaches meritocracy but operates more like a caste system. As in the last two lives, they come together suddenly, like a car crash, and Yato’s understanding of love expands. Her flesh is different yet again, but that determined spirit is the same, and he soon revels in the coarseness of Paul’s stubble against his lips and the assertive insistence of his affection, the night air and cigarette smoke scent of his skin. He does what he can to help her lead a better life, and gets to enjoy the company of her soul once more.
And so it goes. Yato finds her when her name is Marwa and her skin is like the desert at dusk, her voice sweeter than honey; when she’s called Pia and she bends like willow trees when she dances; when her name is Cheng and she only shaves her face once a week so he can feel the grit of her when they kiss. On and on, so many different outsides but always that same bright core, that same essence that he would recognize in any life.
Just as often, she doesn’t make it. He has held her broken body as a teenager, as an infant, body ravaged by men’s tools of war or their more insidious open palms of neglect. There are times he feels the tug too late, when she has a wife or a husband and a happy life, and he simply watches from the window, heart full to bursting; times he feels the tug too soon and must watch her, step by step, walk away from him, unable or unwilling to believe.
But each loss and each joy and each moment he has with her carves him deeper, expands the size of his heart until he understands why Bishamon has so many shinki and marvels at the gift of kindness. Is this what it is to be human? he wonders. So much feeling condensed into a few decades, a nuclear bomb squeezed into a form far too small to contain it.
The world changes around them, new troubles arise, new sorrows blossom, but always he finds her.
He could take a million human lifetimes, strung together until none are alive to believe in him or until the universe stretches so far as to disintegrate, to implode into a single speck of matter that will birth a new universe, and still never understand her the same way twice. Eternity is not long enough to know a human soul.
It is, however, long enough to keep learning. Every life they spend together augments his understanding of humanity and the fragile, defiant way they love. Yato no longer thinks of godhood as a curse; what is there to curse about loss, when it’s only ever temporary? The pain that had seized him the first handful of times she passed begins to lessen as he learns to find joy in endings, those heralds of beginnings. He begins to look forward to relearning her every time, what she’ll look like, what her mannerisms might be, how her laugh will sound; strong, deep, and rich like so many times before, or lighter, with a raucous snort, like her last one?
He lives his immortal life richly, sucking the marrow from the bones of his adopted humanity, humbled again and again at how many forms love takes, how different but ever the same it tastes on her (his, their) tongue. Not every life is easy, or happy, but such is the human way: they struggle, and fight, and cry, and when the dust settles and their needs are met, they love.
And love they do, until the heavens fall and the stars burn up, until all that ever is or was prepares to become something else entirely. In those moments before Time stills, their souls find each other and, like coming home, merge into the newness.
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madamrogers · 5 years
I always end up thinking about that when I think about Sirius but: when he was chosen to be the secret keeper, Dumbledore knew that but he also knew they decided it would be too obvious so they chose Peter so Dumbledore knew Sirius wasn’t the secret keeper anymore,it was wormtail but STILL Sirius ended up being falsely accused and sent to Azkaban WITHOUT TRIAL when he wasn’t even a death eater and Dumbledore (who is a VERY powerful person in the wizarding world) didn’t even ask for the trial 1/2
Oh my god, Marwa darling, we are TALKING NOW. This is exactly something that has been bothering me for ages!!! Do not touch our precious boy Sirius!!!!
Well continue in the second ask ~
>> sleepover!
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alanafsmith · 7 years
What law schools and babies have in common
Motherhood robs you of your precious sleeping time, is expensive and full of sh*t — sound familiar?
Image via Marwa Tariq’s blog, ‘Law School Mummy’
Contract law revision notes in one hand and a young baby in the other, Marwa Tariq couldn’t help but notice her City Law School studies and her recent step into motherhood have an awful lot in common. Here’s why.
1. There is far too much shit
While law school may not necessarily turn you into a pooping maniac (unless it does, in which case power to you and your journey), I think we can all agree the amount of work that piles up just within the first week can be compared to the amount of doodee a baby produces in their first week of life.
2. They both rob you of your precious sleeping time
Whether it is waking up at 3am to tend to a screaming baby or staying up until 3am trying to cram in as much reading as possible, both babies and law school are guilty of taking away one of the most important things needed for human survival: sleep!
3. You keep lying to yourself next year will be better
“Oh maybe when they start self-feeding things will be better”, “Oh maybe when they start talking things will get easier”, “Maybe when they get potty trained it’ll cut down my workload”. Nope, sorry boo.
Every law student deceptively tells themselves that next year will be better for them too: they’ll have gotten the hang of things, more flexibility in third year, etc. WRONG! With each passing year the anxiety and burden of passing exams, finding a training contract, getting onto a good grad scheme, etc, keeps increasing.
4. They are expensive AF!
Childcare, prams, car seats, nappies, baby food, clothing expenses, the costs of raising a child are never-ending. And TBH I don’t think I need to elaborate further on ways law school is expensive, you can just ask my crippling debts.
5. You keep reading, but nothing makes any damn sense…
Ever experienced re-reading the same page of your law textbook over and over again to the point you turn into the upside-down face emoji?
Children’s books are no less of a nightmare. I would like to present you with an actual excerpt of Dr. Seuss’s Scrambled Eggs Super!:
“I went for the kind [of eggs] that were mellow and sweet And the world’s sweetest eggs are the eggs of the Kweet Which is due to those very sweet trout which they eat And those trout… well, they’re sweet ’cause they only eat Wogs And Wogs, after all, are the world’s sweetest frogs And the reason they’re sweet is, whenever they lunch It’s always the world’s sweetest bees that they munch And the reason no bees can be sweeter than these… They only eat blossoms off Beezlenut Trees And these Beezlenut Blossoms are sweeter than sweet And that’s why I nabbed several eggs from the Kweet.”
6. You have gained at least 20 pounds thanks to them
What do you do when your baby has been crying all day: you binge on comfort food. What do you do when you are stuck in the library from 9am – 9pm: you binge on comfort food.
7. Both have unreasonable expectations
My son once cried because he couldn’t hold a bottle of juice which I just took out of the fridge because it was too cold. He seems to think I have super powers, just like my constitutional law lecture when he added two new cases to the reading least the day before the tutorial. And let’s not even get started on law exam schedules.
8. They’ve made you ugly cry on multiple occasions
Both babies and law schools know just how to push you over the edge.
Marwa Tariq is a law student at City Law School.
The post What law schools and babies have in common appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from All About Law https://www.legalcheek.com/2017/11/what-law-schools-and-babies-have-in-common/
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
April 8th - Fruits
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A/N: Sorry no picture this time but I just had to do Marwa plus introduce a new OC Simon. I will go more in depth about him another time. Also, you may find their dialogue a little clunky and it is intentional because it’s two kids who’s first language isn’t English trying to communicate. Warnings: Panic attack
Spring Break Masterpost here
Woosh! A black, smokey form sores through the pine forest. Going at an abnormal speed, leaving a trail of scattered leaves and frightened forest animals hiding. The form never peaked higher than the trees. It stopped near the dragon sanctuary to reveal a little twelve years old girl. She kept enough distance to make sure that the dragonologists would not be able to see her dark form. Her ugly form. Juniper and Bill taught her to be careful of others as not everyone is so understanding of her nature, so for now she has to practise in hidden and secluded areas.
Marwa scanned her surroundings, making sure she is alone. She walked calmly back to the dragon sanctuary but she felt a little reluctant. The girl knew that Juniper would be speaking time with Charlie, Bill's brother. She liked Charlie, but Juniper liked Charlie even more.
Snap! The sound of a twig breaking came from behind her. Another person was here. What if they saw her, saw her form? Her obcusris.
"Bună ziua?" Marwa turned carefully, she used the only Romanian that she had in her vocabulary.
"Cine e acolo?" Asked the person ahead of her. A boy about her age, with thick-rimmed glasses and sandy hair. His face was littered with blonde freckles.
"Um, I don't speak Romanian, sorry," She waved her hands to sign for her lack of Romanian. The boy seemed to understand, "I speak some English."
Marwa still had her guard up, debating if she should run to Juniper but that could lead the boy to the dragon sanctuary. But she also can't use her obscurial powers. She pointed her finger up preparing to cast, Juniper taught her a spell in the case of an emergency.
The boy's eyes widen as he stepped closer, "What are you doing?"
"Don't move or I get someone here," Marwa tried her best to hide her nervousness. Her threat seemed to work as the boy didn't move further. Her hand was still up but she muster up the courage to actually cast it. Marwa didn't know what to do. She had been so careful not to let others see her.
"I saw it. The darkness," The boy admitted. Panic started to rise in Marwa. Her chest tightened as she struggled to get air. The sound of heavy breathing filled her ears. Her breathing. The boy flashed a look of panic himself as he rushed over to her. He caught her as her knees buckled.
"Breathe!" The boy managed to say. Marwa tried to slow down her breathing. In and out. In and out. Marwa's face turned bright pink when she realised that she was in the boy's arms. His eyes showed concern, "Are you feeling better?"
Marwa nodded and shuffled her way out, "Thank you."
The two stared, not knowing what to do now. But Marwa felt more comfortable. The boy wriggled about, searching in his pocket for something. He pulled out a small, orange sphere. A tangerine, she assumed.
"Fruit?" He offered. Marwa had to admit that she was a little hungry. Her fingers cautiously picked it up out of his hand. Pealing the tangerine skin carefully. Marwa split the tangerine bits into two parts and offered the other half to the boy. Surprised by the gesture, he took it graciously.
"My name is Simon," He said, "What is your name?"
"My name is Marwa," She answered back. In the back of her mind, she still needs to address the issue of him seeing her obscurial form.
"Can you forget the darkness you saw, from before?" Marwa appealed. She didn't want to cause a huge fuss. She wanted to show Juniper that she can sort it out on her own. Simon nodded, "Don't worry, I don't tell anyone."
Marwa sighed out in relief. Simon fiddled with his tangerine, "Can we be friends?"
"Yes, I like to be your friend," The dark-haired immediately answered. The boy gave an awkward grin. Now Marwa also had someone to look forward to spending time within Romania. She should convince Juniper to come here more often...
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
26, 28 for Winona and 1,7,14 for marwa and juniper 💖💖💖
Ily 🤟🤟
Ilyt, thanks for the ask 😊
26. Talent or effort?
Winona: a mixture of both but she will claim that she was born with some talents.
28. Would they date a fixer-upper?
Winona: absolutely, who'd you think managed to humble Nolan a little.
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Marwa: she can't fall a sleep without one.
Juniper: won't admit to sleeping with her ugly stuffed rabbit, rather tries to act all cool and mature.
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Marwa (me): precious, precious, and did I mention? Precious; dangerous, quiet, creative.
Juniper (me): tenacious, unruly, independent; adventurous, open-minded, impatient.
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Marwa: yes but she doesn't have any she can think of.
Juniper: yes, she loves the occasional trash novels.
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usernoneexistent · 3 years
Okay, so I saw that @oneirataxia-girl asked about what happen with Juniper’s (adopted) sister, Marwa cause I just casually mentioned it on my patronus post and figured that I might as well start with how they meet just for some background. Be prepared for you to fall in love and your heart broken in one go.
In 1993, after Juniper broke up with Talbott, she took a more permanent assignment to Egypt where she worked with Bill Weasley. During one of their missions they ran into a muggle village and found an 11 years old girl named Marwa, shunned by the villagers. Marwa recently lost her family who was accepting of her magical abilities but when they passed away, the villagers blamed her magical powers for their deaths resulting in her to try and suppress her magic which caused her to be at the beginning stages of becoming an obscurial. 
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Bill and Juniper realised that Marwa needed to be out of that village thus they adopted her but only Juniper could really communicate with her as Marwa only spoke Arabic and Juniper can speak a decent amount of Arabic, so Marwa became more attached to Juniper than Bill. She did see that Bill was trying to talk to her despite the language barrier and appreciates the effort that he was making. They both taught her English and hid her from authorities as she was considered a danger to society. Juniper later was fired from Gringotts because of Jacob’s actions and she became a free lancer curse breaker instead so she offered, Marwa to join her and looked for countries where obscurials are more accepted/ easier to hide. Juniper homeschooled Marwa and took her on all of her adventures. 
Later in August/September 1997, Juniper and Marwa were in Romania alongside with Charlie helping out with recruiting foreign allies for OotP when some death eaters were sent out to track down and kill Marwa since she still has her obscurial power and considered her as a threat since she could potentially have enough power to destroy the horcruxes. The death eaters caught up and Juniper allowed herself to be caught so that Marwa and Charlie could run away. The death eaters tortured Juniper for information but she didn’t give in however Marwa came back to rescue Juniper. A fight ensues and Marwa uses her obscurial power and was almost winning the fight until she struck down by a cursed arrow. Charlie eventually arrived to the scene only to find Juniper comforting Marwa, dying in her arms. 
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usernoneexistent · 3 years
📂 for all of them!
Okay dokey here we go
Juniper: When she gets really drunk, she'll spill everyone's secrets including her own. So either don't tell your secret or don't get her hammered.
Marwa: She loves drawing people and has drawn everyone she considers as family and friends at least 3 times.
Clover: She's a popular smut writer and even sells under a pen name.
Jacob: His favourite muggle singer is Taylor Swift.
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