#marvel's macabre is actually fun as well
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sixtus66 · 1 year ago
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Recently developed a liking for Kroma and Macabre thanks to their cool roles and designs (respectively the insanity of the latter).
Felt like drawing them doing their honest daily work.
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mikavlcs · 2 years ago
Part 2 !
O.M.G. Not only are they getting revenge for Enid but Wednesday is actually willing to watch a video of it on a phone?? Holy shit that's huge. Wednesday is willing to put aside her distaste for technology in order to see Enids bullies getting roasted. Literally. It is official. Wednesday is Things and Rs number one supporter!
Lol of course Thing and R would discover the Nightshades hideout by accident. Wednesdays out here solving riddles and these loving idiots just stumble upon it.
WEDNESDAY SAID THANK YOU EVERYBODY CALM DOWN! If that isn't a sign for Wednesday being a secret softie and simp for R then I don't know what is. Wednesday never says thank you. Miss girl loves that R has a very similar personality and interest in the macabre. That'd what drew Wednesday in.
😂 "can I come. No. Thanks for letting me come along" That really made me laugh out loud. Wednesday is such a sucker for R. It's hilarious.
AW THING! I love you too buddy. Thank you for standing up for me and risking losing a fingernail. It really does mean a lot!
Well Wednesday. I think we all know why you actually let R come along. You are in looove. You've grown soft. Just admit that you like having that annoying pest R around. It makes your life much easier.
Hey! The conventions with Tjing are far from mind numbing. They are entertaining, intelligent and highly insightful! Wednesday you are just jealous cause you aren't involved.
...that actually was very funny. Wednesday kind of humor is the best. Hyping people up just to drag them down again. I love dry and sassy humor.
Oooh Wednesday is crushing on R! She's experiencing feelings. Though I'm sure that she would prefer having someone/something else lick her sternum and other body parts...
Someone like you. What's that supposed to mean?? R is incredibly endearing and sich a fun person to be around. And Wednesday, girl, you're the one who fell for her. So you should judge yourself. Aside from that, Wednesday and R truly fit together very well. They share common interests and most importantly they can keep up with the other. The bickering is never hurtful and both can challenge each other.
...I feel heavily called out. My vocabulary is also very limited and I keep using the same words to describe your writing. But hey, us dumb bitches need to stick together!
Oh bless Enid. She's such a sweetheart.
Honey I can't even begin to describe how absolutely incredible this story was! It was even better than I could ever have imagined. Even Thesaurus can't help me with finding the right words. I'm heavily biased cause I'm the TT founder but this is fantastic. I was laughing the whole time and R being such a little shit truly made it perfect. Thing is my guy and here he was marvelous. Thank you SO MUCH for writing this story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm really so in love with your writing. You could write about paint drying (shoutout to Enid) and I would be fascinated and entertained by it. You're the best!
The TTs are forever in your debt now. I'm truly speechless, I love this so very much.
ok part 2 👍
O.M.G. Not only are they getting revenge for Enid but Wednesday is actually willing to watch a video of it on a phone?? Holy shit that's huge. Wednesday is willing to put aside her distaste for technology in order to see Enids bullies getting roasted. Literally. It is official. Wednesday is Things and Rs number one supporter!
well she already disregarded her distaste for technology to read enid's blog in ep 1 so, her using it to watch people suffer wouldn't be too much for her<3
Lol of course Thing and R would discover the Nightshades hideout by accident. Wednesdays out here solving riddles and these loving idiots just stumble upon it.
that's honestly how i would find it as well because i don't know how to whistle 😭💔
and yes, wednesday is always a simp in my stories<333
😂 "can I come. No. Thanks for letting me come along" That really made me laugh out loud. Wednesday is such a sucker for R. It's hilarious.
having that be the pov transition was one of the best parts of the whole story (in my opinion) like i really made myself giggle with that one. it's embarrassing LMAO
...that actually was very funny. Wednesday kind of humor is the best. Hyping people up just to drag them down again. I love dry and sassy humor.
getting someone's hopes up just brutally crush it beneath her feet is indeed a very wednesday style of humor 🥰👍
...I feel heavily called out. My vocabulary is also very limited and I keep using the same words to describe your writing. But hey, us dumb bitches need to stick together!
honestly same. like my vocabulary is okay, but actually trying to remember different words to describe different things is so hard, especially in real life conversations 💀💀
Honey I can't even begin to describe how absolutely incredible this story was! It was even better than I could ever have imagined. Even Thesaurus can't help me with finding the right words. I'm heavily biased cause I'm the TT founder but this is fantastic. I was laughing the whole time and R being such a little shit truly made it perfect. Thing is my guy and here he was marvelous. Thank you SO MUCH for writing this story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm really so in love with your writing. You could write about paint drying (shoutout to Enid) and I would be fascinated and entertained by it. You're the best!
The TTs are forever in your debt now. I'm truly speechless, I love this so very much.
thank you so much 😭😭 thank you for requesting this tbh, i already wanted to write something with the basic concept, but your request is what really pushed me to try and write it out. and i had a really great time writing it! fun & fluffy stories are always a joy to write, and getting to write one with thing so heavily present was a treat.
the "shoutout to enid" has me crying 😭💀 thank you for reading and sending these extensive messages! they're so so fun and even though it took much longer for me to actually sit down and answer this time around, i still enjoyed it sm. hope you're doing well<333
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zumpietoo · 1 year ago
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Also, again, the one who gets botox is PP.....ditto "lymphatic massage"----and is the one who's been chunky all along, dudes. By her own admission, no less!
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Cole did it cuz he finds it wildly entertaining, offered him a new way to work on his craft and since it WAS with friends, he enjoyed himself. How dreadful, huh?
Meanwhile.....OML.....Kathy is ninety billion times prettier than SS could ever hope to be and while I do think Glen's hot
A) you dragged their movie (which did flop)
B) Glen actually DOES all the bullshit you pretend Cole does, yet you're suddenly fine with him?
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Umm....doubt Carla gets that much these days (and I do like her quite well), buuutt.....again,
A) yeah "Pinot" knows everything
B) most likely Cole did it for a percentage of the gross
C) Cole doesn't need the $$, anyway
D) HE isn't the one who has to buy his way onto sets, either!
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Umm....while I do think SS and Glen totally fucked while filming (there's a lot of evidence there), this is, again, precisely what one does in promo----and no different from what Cole has done for his last IDK how many projects. You can't possibly BE this fucking stupid? Oh yes, you are....I vividly remember y'all trolling me about Cole and Haley Lu, Cole and Lana, etc...
And COLE acts like his GF is "nonexistent"??? Funny cuz they keep posting one another, etc.....or, again, I thought "being private" was so infinitely superior, anyway?
It was the concept of the photo shoot. You really ARE stupid, huh? Maybe if PP ever had a project big enough to merit a photoshoot beforehand, you'd see it....I mean, had she and Ausdumb done something, yeah, there would've been lots of that....cuz they filmed BTS pics confirming they were fucking.
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You wish PP were 1/10th as stunning as Kathy----and/or had her career....and by "cringe" I'm guessing you mean "not totally ignorant and stupid rustbelt trash"? Or are you still impressed by SweatBoi being rude to his "lessers" as a "joke". Ditto "joking" about genocide?
And what is remotely "unlikable" about Kathy? She seems really nice----and was just in a Marvel movie, sooo, nooopppee!
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Did he say "macabre" again? Speaking of, how IS Kylie enjoying unemployment these days?
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Ummm.....Moonshot WAS successful? But yeah, I have zero doubts so will LF, it's been trending like crazeee....
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Umm....they're in character for their photoshoot? But thanks for confirming they do have chemistry (something PP can't manage!). And, again, I don't find SS remotely "hot", she's trashier than Peepster.
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Glen IS hot, but also a total manho, which I thought was the ultimate sin? Eyebags have nothing to do with being fat (do you make fun of PP's acne?), I actually like that Cole DGAF and he doesn't have a beer belly.
Your kween does. And a fat ass.
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And yet, here you are......there's a shit ton of this....(in fact, I'm gonna start another post, JUST of this)
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cherrykindness · 4 years ago
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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agentnico · 2 years ago
Pearl (2022) Review
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Plot: Trapped on an isolated farm, Pearl must tend to her ailing father under the watch of her mother. Lusting for the glamorous life she's seen in movies, Pearl's temptations and repressions collide.
Earlier this year A24 released a horror flick called X which was a slasher in style of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and honestly it’s still one of my favourite movies of this year. A creepy old horny lady slicing a chap’s throat and then dancing over his dead body to the tune of Don’t Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult - what’s not to love? So yep, if you’re looking for a fun weird horror movie, X should do the trick. As for Pearl, director Ti West filmed a prequel to X only weeks after completing filming on the original film, hence we now got Pearl releasing in the same year as it’s predecessor. And now a third film has already been announced and being fast-tracked to film. Heck, at this rate Ti West will build up his X cinematic world faster than the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Not that I’m complaining, as Ti West seems to have really found a way of reigniting the horror slasher genre in a way that is familiar yet feels fresh.
Pearl serves as a prequel to X, and revolves around the younger years of the aforementioned creepy old horny lady who sliced and danced her way through X. And immediately what stands out here is Mia Goth’s performance as the titular character. Her tragicomic performance of Pearl wanting to capture her dreams of being famous and being appreciated for her supposed talents, yet in doing so literally killing her way to success, it’s very interesting to watch. For Pearl is, let’s face it, batshit crazy. Absolutely nuts. Definitely one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. But also through mannerisms and all the weird things she does, Mia Goth manages to make the character strangely comical yet also frightening and creepy due to the lengths she is willing to go. Especially there are two scenes, one a monologue and the other a lingering shot during the end credits that really signify how much Goth has thrown herself into this role, so much so that it makes me wonder if Mia Goth is actually sane or not in real life. Then again I am not planning on meeting her personally so I think I am safe. 
The film itself is also filmed in that over-saturated Technicolor glossy Disney fairy-tale style, and in some ways reminding me of The Wizard of Oz in like Dorothy, Pearl is being all lovely and nice and nothing could possibly go wro....oh wait, she violently killed a goose and fed it to her pet crocodile. Oh. Oh okay then. But Ti West definitely is having fun playing up to the irony of the fairytale dream in contrast to the psychotic nature of the central character. However when it comes to the story itself, the movie is a bit lacklustre. Don’t get me wrong, the elements of the plot are played out well, like the dysfunctional relationship between Pearl and her angry mother (the latter by the way would have been an amazing Health Secretary during the COVID pandemic, just saying) or Pearl building up towards an audition that she hopes will change her life forever. However none of these narrative are that game-changing or even memorable. The movie for the most part rests solely on Mia Goth’s terrific performance, and to be honest that’s not a bad thing, for Goth as I mentioned is fantastic and eerie in the role. 
Overall as a companion piece to this year’s X this movie is very enjoyable and provides enough slasher gore and twisted macabre to make for a fun watch, though I would still say X definitely shines more as the superior horror flick. As for Mia Goth, if she were to get nominated for an Oscar, I wouldn’t be too surprised.
Overall score: 7/10
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galaxina-the-pyro · 4 years ago
Idk if somebody already asked but you just haven’t answered yet? But what about Phineas (for the character ask thing, unless that’s closed now?)
OH YAS! I’m game for that! :D (I’m always open for these kinds of asks, because not many people ask anyway and they’re lots of fun, lol)
1. Sexuality Headcanon: Either he’s straight or he’s demisexual. Both make complete sense to me - I’m actually leaning more towards the demisexual bit, because while Isabella has technically shown signs of having feelings for another character (The Beak, though that ended up being Phineas and Ferb [ she was talking to Phineas the whole time, though, so...yeah...]), Phineas has never shown romantic interest in another character outside of Isabella (though one could say that technically this interest doesn’t occur until “Act Your Age”, but a lot of moments in the show tell me otherwise).
2. OTP: Phinabella, because that is the cutest, most wholesomest, sweetest, bestest ship there is, it’s my pride and joy and I will love it forever and ever and ever and I just love those two together, they’re such great friends and they’re so cute together and-
3. brotp: Phineas and Ferb. They be bros for life. I also love his dynamic with the rest of the gang, too, I swear they’re the best part of the show for me aside from Dr. D. But seriously, I needed more Phineas and Ferb episodes showcasing the bond of the bros, cmon. (Also, like, not to rant more about Phinabella, but even their platonic friendship is just the most cutest thing in the universe, I cannot even)
4. NOTP: So I already said Phinerb and Phindace - but you wanna know a ship I hate JUST as much? Doophin. Why? WHY would you take two of my favorite characters and smoosh them together in such an unholy abomination? Just. Why? Doofenshmirtz would never groom a child, he’s too fatherly to literally anyone smaller than him (and even NORM at times), that ship’s existence is an egregious insult to his character. (Wait...isn’t this supposed to be about Phineas?)
5. First Headcanon That Pops Into My Head: Phineas is a horror movie junkie, and is absolutely enthralled with creepy macabre stuff. Which is totally out on a left field for people who don’t know how as well as his friends or family, because he’s such a sweet squishy boy on the outside. And he is on the inside...but with a dark side. (He sucks at telling scary stories though, he’s too pure even for his horror loving soul to break through)
6. Favorite Line From the Character: “Anyone else around here leading a bizarre double life...put your hand down Ferb.” (Phineas is a cornucopia of good lines, omg)
7. One Way In Which I Relate To This Character: I can be REALLY oblivious to obvious situations, and can miss social cues as a result (only MY THING is due to social awkwardness, while his is because he’s a precious bean).
8. Thing That Give Me Second Hand Embarrassment About This Character: I actually don’t mind Phineas’ oblivious behavior, and find it charming and hilarious (if anything, I find people blaming him for his oblivious behavior to be more...cringy? But that’s opinion, and I honestly don’t blame anyone for being frustrated) - I just...don’t buy that he’d wait ten years to figure it out? He’s oblivious, not stupid. I also didn’t like how his anger was handled in “Mission Marvel”, but I hate almost everything about that episode so that’s too easy.
9. Cinnamon Roll or Problematic Fave?: I’m not even gonna acknowledge the second half of that question, we all know Phineas is the pure embodiment of the phrase “cinnamon roll” (except when he’s manipulating Bobby Fabulous into helping with his parents’ anniversary, and there’s also that love of horror thing so yeah, but that might actually add to him being a cinnamon roll all things considered)
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ironwoman359 · 6 years ago
Thoughts on Remus Sanders
So the new video came out and I have a lot of thoughts on a lot of different things, but for this post, let’s talk about our new resident trash man, Remus Sanders, aka The Duke, aka the Dark Side of Creativity. 
Remus’s Role (who or what is he?)
First off, Remus’s ‘Side Title’ as it were is definitely Creativity. He is not simply “Intrusive Thoughts.” That is not his function, intrusive thoughts are a result of his function, an area of thinking that he is responsible for. Like Roman, he embodies Creativity and the Imagination, but unlike Roman, he deals almost exclusively in ‘dirty,’ mature, dark, or disturbing ideas. Sure, the video was about intrusive thoughts specifically, but that’s not all that Remus does. He said himself twice, once in song and once in regular speaking, that he wants Thomas to explore more mature themes in his videos and to be more “realistic” with his creations. So while the other “dark sides” like Deceit and Anxiety (maybe Paranoia?) have different functions than the “light sides,” Remus and Roman are two sides that embody the same trait: Creativity. 
As Thomas said, the Duke and the Prince literally wear black and white, because his relationship with his imagination while he was growing up led to Roman encompassing the “good” parts and Remus the “bad” parts. Both ‘sides’ of creativity are important over all, but Thomas specifically gave Roman, the light, the positive sunshine rainbow unicorn side, more import than the dark, the twisted macabre disturbing side. Hence Roman is a Prince, while Remus is merely a Duke, a lesser rank of nobility. 
Remus’s Goals (so what does he want?)
Like Roman, Remus wants Thomas to create things, things that he can be proud of. And more SPECIFICALLY, he wants Thomas to be remembered, to have a legacy. Roman, you will note, wants this too. All sides, after all, want what they believe is best for Thomas, but they all have different views of what that looks like AND of how to get it. And Remus believes that the darker sides of creativity that he encompasses are the way for Thomas to get that notoriety he craves. Just look at the way Remus talks (or sings) about himself in relationship to Thomas’s content:
“If you really wanna challenge your viewership, then you need to stop limiting me.” 
“If you want the spectrum A-Z you’ll need a little help from me.”  
(in reference to Thomas only wanting bright and happy things in his content) ”Hey Prude, your art is Bad.”
“What will our legacy be? Will you even have one? How about this: you get buck naked on camera and self immolate to Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off! That’ll leave an impression!” 
Remus wants what ever creator/performer wants: he wants to be remembered. But unlike Roman, he holds no reservations about how they get there. 
But Remus ALSO a rather chaotic force in general, and you get the feeling that he really just wants to have fun...unfortunately, what’s fun for him is not very fun for most people, Thomas included. Remus is more like the way many of us characterized Deceit at his first introduction: likely to be cruel for no reason. Because it’s fun! Right?! 
Roman vs. Remus...why?
I have a headcanon that Patton (or Patton’s influence) is largely responsible for the development of Remus and Roman as separate entities, actually.  During their conversation about Just Like Heaven, Patton mentioned that a happy ending “makes good cinema.” And...no, it doesn’t. Objectively, good cinema, good ART is not dependent on whether or not it is happy. Now, whether or not it is happy is certainly a valid indicator of whether or not YOU as an individual like it. But not it’s objective quality. And that’s what has happened with Roman and Remus, anything that Thomas’s Moral Code (again, Patton himself or his general influence) deemed as “bad” or “wrong” got shoved into Remus, while Roman kept all the good parts for himself. 
When you look at it that way, it’s no wonder that Remus spends so much of his time sending intrusive thought’s Thomas’s way. (Yes, intrusive thoughts are fairly common, but not everyone has them, and not always to the severity that Character Thomas does) That’s basically his ONLY creative outlet, as everything else has been given to Roman. And why it makes sense that he is desperate to be more involved in Thomas’s creative process. Intrusive thoughts are all fine and well, but if Thomas isn’t ACTING on them, then Remus is effectively not being listened to, which as we all know is every single side’s greatest source of frustration. 
His Logo (this is a pure guess based on my own theories and observation, but it’s fun to think about.)
It’s been theorized before that the “dark sides” have something animal themed in their clothing and/or appearances. Deceit’s is obvious the two headed snake, and Virgil’s is largely thought to be a raccoon, and if we look closely, Remus seems to fit this theory. His animal is some sort of tentacled sea creature, as evidenced by the thumbnail of the video, his green coloring, and the belt buckle he wears. Some have suggested a squid or octopus, but this IS Creativity we’re talking about here...it could be Something Else. Something a little more...creative. 
“Whoa, you guys are acting fishier than the Kraken’s crack.” -Roman, timestamp 3:43. 
I propose that his ‘animal’ is a Kraken, a giant sea monster known for causing great destruction, killing sailors and dragging ships down into the depths of the sea. Sort of like how our Dear Old Duke seems to take pleasure in being destructive towards both himself and others and dragging Thomas’s thoughts down into the depths of depravity? Huh? Maybe? Imagine a logo similar to Roman’s, but instead of an idyllic castle, it’s a giant sea monster. Perhaps reaching it’s tentacles around a ship? Or perhaps looking a little sleeker and going for something like the Hydra logo in Marvel? I dunno, it’s fun to think about! 
The Rainbow Theory (no, I’m never gonna let this one go)
Remus’s existence, and more specifically, his color palate, only reinforce the Rainbow Theory as being canon. Thomas is Full Rainbow all the time, and each of his sides encompasses one color on that spectrum. You have Red (Roman), Orange (a yet to be discovered “dark side”), Yellow (Deceit), Green (Remus), Blue (Patton), Indigo (Logan), and Violet (Virgil). 
One of the reasons I really like the rainbow theory is that it allows for a sense of balance between Thomas and his sides. I like to imagine it like this: There are three “light” or “good” sides, (Roman, Logan, and Patton) and three “dark” or “bad” sides (Deceit, the Duke/Remus, and an unnamed, Orange party). I use quotes on these labels because arguably, any trait could be used for good or for bad, and no side embodies this more than Virgil. Violet, the odd little shadowling out. The side that is now canonically CONFIRMED to have once been considered one of “the Others,” but who now has an equal seat at the discussion table. The side, if you will, that is the tipping point on the scale between whether or not Thomas is a “good person?” Ah, but that’s a theory for another post ;) 
If you combine the rainbow theory with a color wheel, Remus’s appearance also all but confirms some theories that we’ve had about “dark” sides in the past: they are opposites to/extensions of/foils for a corresponding “light” side. It’s no secret who Remus’s corresponding side is, both he AND Roman are literally both creativity. And what is Red’s complimentary color on the color wheel?
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While it’s harder to tell who Deceit’s foil is, since the blue/indigo and the yellow/orange parts of most color wheels you look at are more blurred, but I’m leaning towards Logan, the darker blue, the indigo, being the foil to Deceit’s Yellow, and Patton’s lighter blue being complimentary with the Orange Side yet to be revealed, since the light blue is closer to the green and the orange is closer to the red. 
This also solidifies the idea that I have that Virgil himself has no foil. I see some people suggest he could be Logan’s foil, but I honestly think that Logan’s foil is either Deceit or Mr. Orange, and the Patton’s is whoever Logan’s isn’t. Virgil’s trait doesn’t necessarily have a perfect foil...and purple in particular has no opposite color that isn’t already sort of taken by one of the other three “light” colors. But I digress, this post is about Remus, not Virgil. I just like talking about the rainbow theory, I think it’s neat! 
Other, smaller observations (mostly just fun things I noticed/liked about his character)
As much as they are opposites in ways, Remus shares many mannerisms with Roman, from his expressions to his vocal ticks to his gestures. 
Literally less than a minute after he first appeared on screen, he broke out into an entire Disney Villain style musical number. (no really, he appeared at 6:00 and started singing at 6:53)
I sort of mentioned this earlier, but he is not only responsible for the darker parts of imagination, but also clearly things like childish potty humor and sexual innuendo. For THOMAS, this is a “bad” thing banished to it’s own separate side, but for some people, that kind of humor doesn’t cross the line. Joan, for instance, has both a raunchier sense of humor and darker sense of humor at times than Thomas, as holding up a disembodied corpse prop’s middle finger is, yeah, TOTALLY something they would do without Remus’s influence. 
He cannot be insulted through traditional means, as he takes them as compliments. It is only through him being discredited/weakened by Logan’s words that we see him having any sort of negative reaction to the others. 
Again, a point to get more into detail with another post, but he was particularly interested in beating down Virgil specifically, and in ways that seemed less relevant to what was going on like his taunts to the others. Just like with Deceit in the courtroom, he clearly knows Virgil well enough to get under his skin, and he relishes doing so. 
The trash boi does not sit still, if he’s not engaged by what’s happening, he’ll find some other thing to occupy himself with, such as picking his nose or eating deodorant. 
Like Deceit before him, he gets huffy when he doesn’t have his way, and then does his best to just be a general inconvenience (read also: a dick) to Thomas if he can’t be actually listened to. 
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading <3
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speaknowslut13 · 4 years ago
Lovely Lauren! ✨ (I’ll do some alliteration too hehe so no I don’t think it’s weird 🤪)
No worries at all, I’m just glad tumblr didn’t eat it 😅 congratulations on cleaning your room, that can sometimes feel like such a monumental task!!
And thank you!! 🥰 I didn’t even have too many bad side effects, other than some slight pain in my arm and being incredibly tired for a few days (but then again I’m always tired so is it fair to blame that on the vaccine lol 🤔)
You’re very welcome! And it is so important for the younger generations, I always try to model inclusivity for my students and I hope that I’m succeeding but at the very least I’m trying.
I think with a lot of arts and humanities subjects, but especially with writing, people tend to underestimate the effort that actually goes into the craft until they actually try it. I also love reading sonnets but I’m not a huge fan of writing them because they are so hard 🥲
to narrow down the categories a bit, do you have a favorite sonnet? What is the poem you would want read at your funeral?
I totally agree, there’s a difference between getting dark and using humor as a coping mechanism for difficult things versus using it to be mean and malicious but writing it off as “haha just a joke!” 🙄
I also despise economics haha would prefer if the made up little numbers did NOT control our lives but alas! If you were to someday own your own business, what kind of business would it be??
I don’t think I’ve asked before, so what kind of work does your husband do? That’s really unfortunate about the state of the records, I’m sorry that’s the situation and hope it all works out for the best should either of you decide to go back!!
Ohhh I also have a hidden objects game that I like to play! It’s called Manor Matters, and I like that one and Gardenscapes because there’s a storyline to them so it feels more engaging than just playing the game part. I mostly like to play on the train or the bus haha.
Totally fair, being in somebody’s wedding can be very stressful. Is your sister older or younger? I have several close friends getting married this summer but I’m not able to attend because of travel restrictions which kind of bums me out. I think lacy dresses are so gorgeous!! I truly hope that you’ll be able to have that someday 🥰
Your chair sounds fabulous, it’s so nice to have a good non bed lounging spot!! I’m thinking of rearranging the furniture in my room because I’m kind of bored with the layout and maybe even getting a few new items of furniture (I’m in desperate need of a bookshelf rn) so I’ll keep you updated on how that goes.
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers! And I love seeing dandelions first pop up in the spring, such a nice burst of color after winter. Pink is such a fun color, I loved the “dusty pastel” color trend a few years ago and had so many dusty rose clothes hahah.
Ohhh I haven’t watched H2O in forever!! When I was in high school I babysat for this family pretty consistently and the daughter loved it so we watched it a lot together. Might be fun to watch again! What’s your favorite marvel movie? I’ve never really been able to get into it but my students love it so I promised them if we went into another lockdown I would make it my quarantine project to watch the whole franchise lol.
I’m so glad you were able to see your friend!! Are your kids close in age?
I did get my insurance sorted out thankfully and I even got in my chill walk! AND I went to the pool with a friend this week, so that was excellent. If I’m feeling up to it this weekend I’m planning on taking a hike up to a lake to go swimming and read! The weather has finally warmed up here after a month straight of rain 🌞
Sending you hugs! Xoxo 💖 Drew
Drew, my love! I love how your weekend turned out for you! Send some rain to Az for me, eh? Specifically the Phoenix area. A couple of nights ago we had something called a heat burst happen over my house. I didn’t know that was a thing until last night. But basically the temp skyrocketed suddenly at nine pm to triple digits. Plus, since it’s fire season, we’ve got all this lovely smoke trapping in the pollution. We’re under heat advisory too right now, so we have been stuck inside all week. No swimming. And definitely no going out of it can be helped. I live in hell.
The kids are close in age. Her son is about two and half years older than mine. They love each other. It’s pretty cute. We are just happy they get along.
I haven’t watched all the marvel movies, but they’re all pretty good. Honestly, Black Panther is pretty good. Iron man is one of my favorites but I’m kinda hooked on RDJ. He’s around my parents age but damn does he make it look good. The best marvel universe show I’ve seen yet has been Wanda Vision. Spider-Man is also a must see. They nailed the character. And Deadpool is good too.
I need a new bookshelf too. But I don’t have anyplace to put one right now. I think I need a bigger house. Some people would tell me to downsize my books. I would say that’s blasphemy.
It’s my younger sister who’s getting married. But I also have an older sister! We are all pretty close. Which is nice. In fact, I mentioned wanting to move out of country to my little sister the other day and she just about murdered me. 😂
Husband does data and reporting analysis. However, his degree is in Game Art and Design. He wanted to get his masters in something tech related. But he likes to code too. He and I talk about business ideas all the time! I always thought about owning a coffee shop/ book store. And recently I had this crazy good idea about a resin pour business. I do also have a clothing design I put together for school but also wanted to pursue in actuality.
The poem is by Thomas Gray and it’s called Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes. It’s macabre. And sad. And just a little funny. I should be ashamed of myself. I really should.
Honestly the bard does it for me always. Sonnet 116 is always a classic. It’s been my favorite for a long time. But sonnet 130 is a close second. The first is traditionally romantic but there’s something to be said about Shakespeare’s realistic depiction of his love in 130. It’s honest and kinda sweet.
How do you feel about satire? It can be another difficult form to master but when it’s done well I find it incredibly enjoyable. I had the joy of reading A Modest Proposal to my husband once. He was only really familiar with Swift’s Guliver’s Travels. So I introduced him to that. The shock on his face was priceless. But he enjoyed it overall.
As I was pulling out the book I needed to get the proper name and author of the poem, I came across a book I bought awhile back. It’s called the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. That was an excellent book, and if you haven’t already read it, I thought I’d recommend it. I like to recommend that one to people a lot. It was addicting.
I’m glad your side effects were tame! Here are some sunflowers 🌻 🌻 🌻 to brighten up your day!
Out of curiosity, what do you teach???
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psyched2b · 6 years ago
✏5, 6 and 17 with Bucky boy or Loki please
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Disclaimer: I wrote this at work, so if anything seems off, it’s because I’m posting from my phone, not computer.
5. She’s hiding behind the sofa.
6. You’re Satan.
17. I’d rather die than do that.
You and Loki had made plans to bake Christmas cookies together. Or rather, you had made plans and told Loki that he was helping you… whether he wanted to or not.
However, he was on the “Not” helping side and made it abundantly clear that he would not partake in your Christian celebrations saying, “I would rather die than do that”.
You just roll your eyes at him and tell him that because he was being overdramatic, he no longer got a vote.
But, of course, in true Loki fashion, at the time you were supposed to meet in the kitchen to start, he ‘conveniently’ goes ‘missing’.
As fate would have it, there was a missing person sign hanging on the fridge with a picture of Loki in Thor’s hand writing that said, “Have You Seen Me?” and you knew that the older brother would prove to be a reliable source.
“Hey, Thor! Have you seen your brother around?” You ask as you enter the private study where he was ‘reading up on Midgardian modern literature’. Today, it appeared to be ‘The Hunger Games’.
The God of Thunder stands up from his spot behind the desk in greeting with a smile, gesturing for you to take the seat before him, all without looking up from his book. “Lady Y/L/N. I’m glad you are here. I have a question regarding this fascination book about this uh- Panem. I take it that this place represents a dystopian future for the United States, yes? Well, why would all the other countries turn their back and let this annual macabre massacre happen? Though I enjoy a good fight, putting children in the ring seems absolutely deplorable.” He finally looks up from the book. “District Four, tell me, is that Florida?”
You bite your lip in an attempt to keep the smile off your lips, but ultimately fail at the Gods enthusiasm. “You do realize that it is just fiction, right? I think it’s unlikely that anything like this could actually happen, though with the way things are looking today, who knows. It is post apocalyptic America. Fingers crossed, though. Fingers crossed. Besides, I kinda always thought District Four was California. Finnick seems like a surfer dude.”
Thor’s face screws into a look of confusion as he parrots, “Finnick? Surfer Dude?”
Laughing, you give a comforting pat on the arm. “You may not have gotten to him yet.” Then you shake your head, reminding yourself why you are there. “Anywho, where’s Loki? I saw your sign but I know you know where he’s at.”
Thor leans back in his chair and gives you a knowing smile. “I put up that sign because I know not where he is.”
You roll your eyes at him and mimic his relaxed stance. “Mhm,” you hum, unimpressed. “Want to try that again?”
Thor’s smile widens into a cheshire grin, having fun with this game. “Loki wishes for me to send you his regards and sincerest apologies. He was called back to Asgard for erm, diplomatic reasons.”
You quirk an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.“Now really, Thor? That’s the best you got?” You roll your eyes again. “There’s a reason why Loki is the God of Lies, not you. ‘Diplomatic reasons’? Dude, Asgard was destroyed. By you.”
“Surtur, actually,” Thor automatically corrects with a big dopey smile. “And I had to give it my best shot so I can have a defense against the greasy weasel himself when he seeks me out for retribution. I know that I can’t lie to you, nor do I want to. I also want some of those cookies you will be making.” He puffs his bottom lip in a pout and gives you his best puppy dog eyes. “Can I have some? Please, Y/N? Please?!”
You manage to keep an unamused look on your face for all of three seconds before you crack and give him a smile. “Only if you tell me where he is.”
Thor nods enthusiastically. “Yes, of course. Loki’s hiding behind the couch on our floor.”
“Oh no,” you gasp, a panicked look coming on your face. “Don’t tell me.”
Thor gives you a sympathetic look with a sorrowful nod. “He’s a cat.”
“Come on, Lokitty. They are literally just cookies.”
Your plea was greeted with a hiss and you let out a frustrated sigh.
For the last five minutes, you have been trying to coax your boyfriend out from underneath the couch. As soon as he saw you coming down the hall, he leapt from his perch on the back of the couch and dove under into the tiny space between the floor and the furniture. Since then, any attempt to reach for him was greeted with a hiss and a swipe of a paw with sharp claws.
“I swear to the ever loving god, if you don’t cut this shit out right now, I am getting the spray bottle and will throw a blanket over you and give you a very invasive flea bath followed by a shave because do you really need all that hair?”
You sit back on your heels and wait for your threat to be acknowledged by another hiss.
Much to your surprise, Lokitty peeks his head out from his spot, giving you the stink eye. You glare in return, not faltering under his gaze. “Not even joking,” you confirm, narrowing your eyes into slits.
A deep rumble erupts from the black cat’s chest before he leaves his spot completely and sits in front of you. A moment later, a bright green light shimmers over his form and soon enough, the Loki you were most familiar with stood before you with the most adorable pout on his face.
He turns his nose up at you. “You are Satan.”
Standing up from the ground, you roll your eyes in return. “And you are acting like a petulant child.”
Silence settles between the two of you and it turns into a game of who would speak first. Tension is thick, the both of you fuming at each other.
Unlike Loki, you didn’t have forever to hold a grudge. That, and you wanted answers.
“I don’t understand,” you murmur in a harsh tone, glaring at a random tile on the floor. “It’s literally just baking cookies. We’ve baked together before. And you liked it. Why is this any different?”
Loki sniffs, “I feel that I’ve been very clear. I do not wish to partake in any of your Christian celebrations. Especially after you threaten to cut my hair.”
You honest to god facepalm. You weren’t in the mood to bullshit today. “First of all, I only threatened your hair because I knew that it would get you out from underneath the damn couch. Second, you are starting to sound like Thor when it comes to your hair. Third, I love your hair. You know this. So obviously, it was an empty threat. So get over it.”
You watch Loki’s touch facade begin to crack with a twitch of his lips before he caves and smiles at you. “I love that you don’t coddle me.”
“Mhm,” you hum, still not impressed. “Sure you do. If you love me so much, you would stop putting up a fight about f—ing Christmas cookies.” Loki goes to interrupt, but you throw a hand up. “Ah-uh. I’m speaking. You can stop this B.S. about it being a Christian Holiday. There is no one here who really claims to be Christian. It is literally just a holiday like any other and you know this. Besides, the Christmas ‘we’ celebrate today hold strong pagan themes such as Yuletide or jólnir, which literally was meant to celebrate the Norse Gods. I.E. You, dumbass. So, fight me.” You pause. “I have a whole list of ways that the Christians have created their Christmas traditions from midwinter celebrations, so don’t even try to argue with me.”
Strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into Loki’s embrace. “See, I knew you loved me. If I was anyone else, you would have just ignored me. I love it when you get feisty.” He presses a kiss to your neck and you shiver in pleasure.
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Now can we please go make those cookies now!”
D.B.C: ✏️ Marvel Drabble Challenge✏️| 🎼Musical Names 🎼|💚 Marvel Character Ships💚|❓Get to Know❓|⭐️Headcanons⭐️|
@bettercallsabs @coonflix @dont-stop-keep-walking @angryteapot @geeksareunique @meggie-mouse-28 @mentallych-ill-desi @mermaidxatxheart @moonlessnight14 @theawesomefactor123 @thinkwritexpress-official
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inhumansforever · 7 years ago
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Fantastic Four #2 Review
 spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
The long awaited relaunch of Marvel’s First Family continues in this second issue from the team of Dan Slott, Sara Pichelli, and Marte Gracia.  Brief recap and review following the jump.
Right from the start the story of The Fantastic Four has been one about family.  And as the years have past by this family has grown quite a bit.  What began with Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny gradually expanded to include Reed and Sue’s children, Franklin and Valeria.  Then, with the creation of the Future Foundation, a whole bunch of youngsters entered into the family… there were the two young Mutants, Artie and Leach; the super intelligent Moloids known as Tong, Mik, Korr and Turg; former Power Pack member, Alex Power; the young clone of the Wizard known as Bentley 23; a wiz kid from Wakanda named Onome, a pair of fishlings named Vil and Wi; and the kids’ android guardian, Dragon Man.   Quite the household!
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Last seen, this extended family had helped to bring about the end of the Secret Wars.  With the aide of the omni-powerful Molecular Man, the entire multiverse was recreated and put back together.  Ben and Johnny were returned to 616 universe yet the others remained behind.  Franklin and Owen Reese, The Molecular Man, were creating whole new worlds and universes and the allure of discovery and adventure was too much for Reed and the others to pass up on.  So they all ventured out to explore these new realms as they were created.  
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It would seem that quite a bit of time has passed since then.  What has only been a year or so for Ben and Johnny in the 616 Universe appears to have been several years for the rest of the family; and the kids all appear to be much older…  Valeria was barely more than a toddler when last seen, yet now she appears to be around 12 or so; and her brother has gone from a preadolescent to a gangly teenager…  The other kids have grown as well.  And they all seem to be having a blast.  
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Yet in quieter moments, Val and Franklin admit to one another missing their old life.  They miss their uncles, Ben and Johnny.  And Valeria is growing up quite fast.  Whereas before she enjoyed nothing more than science and discovery and building death-rays, now she fines herself pinning for the sort of stuff many 14-year-olds are interested in.  In particular, she misses the dashing Arboro, the Prince Namor looking alien who had taken a shine to her…
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Still, their mom and dad have essentially been offered the sense of ‘happily ever after’ that always seemed out of their grasp and neither sibling wants to infringe on that.  
The next day, Franklin is preparing to create yet another universe for them to explore when he suddenly discovers that this aspect of his powers seems to have dissipated.  Reed and Owen had expected this day to come.  Energy is finite and it was only a manner of time before Franklin’s capacity to generate matter on this scale would run its course and exhaust itself.  
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A sinister presence has been watching the family from afar… waiting for this exact moment.  And now, witnessing that the ‘god-child’ has finally sent his power, she knows that it is time to strike.  
Her name is The Griever and she proclaims herself the embodiment of entropy and the inevitable death of all things.  It is her destiny to bear witness the ultimate heat death of the universe and grieve all that has been lost.  And these mortal have been doing, creating new universe and new galaxies is seen by her as an abomination of the natural order… a matter that she seeks to put right.  
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It would seem that the family have dealt with such would-be threats in the past and The Molecule Man flies up to make short work of the interloper.   And it is here that the true threat this Griever entity actually represents.  She uses her powers and evaporates the Molecule Man, rendering him into raw energy quickly consumed by her giant caecilian-looking pets.  
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The others can only look on in horror.  This being had just killed The Molecule Man.  Is such a thing even possible?  Reed is not going to stick around to find out.  He rushes the others back into their jump craft fleeing the planet with The Griever and her pets in hot pursuit.  
Through this chase, The Griever sets about on restoring order in accordance to her view of the universe.  She destroys the various universes and worlds that Franklin and the others had created.  One by one entire galaxies and civilizations are snuffed out and rendered back into cosmic dust and dissipated energy.   
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Reed and the others can only watch on in horror as all their work is undone, barely able to comprehend the sheer magnitude of loss of life.  
Bentley 23 and Alex Powers device a plan, an appropriate beach-head where they stand the best shot of making a stand against this monster.  Fleeing to this local basically entails sacrificing countless universes that The Griever will destroy in her pursuit.  Reed is comprehending the most macabre form of arithmetic… sacrificing hundreds of world in an effort to save thousands.  Yet Bentley and Alex’s stratagem is snd and he concurs.  
Well, Valeria just isn’t having it.   Fleeing to this beach-head means bypassing the planet where the issue had begun… a planet where Val had befriended a young alien prince whom she had developed quite the crush on.  Val is not as coldly pragmatic as she had been in the past… this is a Val going through puberty; a Val who leads with her heart more than her head ands she is simply unwilling to let her friend perish.  
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She takes control of the jump craft, rerouting it and ultimately scuttling it on the planet.  Prince Arboro witnesses the crash and run over to make sure Valeria is okay.  She is, they all are… but for how long?
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The Griever catches up with them, easy to use her awesome powers to do away from the annoyance that the family represents.  Franklin seems to have lost his god-like powers, but he is still far from defenseless… he is still an Omega Level Mutant with powers on par with the likes of The Hulk, Silver Surfer and Thor.  He attacks The Griever, yet as powerful as Franklin may be it would appear that The Griever is even more powerful.  
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She deflects Franklin’s attack and sends he careening to the ground where he lands hard, creating a crater.  It tales him a moment to recuperate and when he climbs out from this crater he is terrified to see that the entirety of The Future Foundation has been thoroughly defeated by The Griever.  
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Floating above them all, The Griever laughs and mocks them.  ‘This is the fabled Fantastic Four?’ she asks, adding that she is a bit disappointed that they had put up such paltry fight.  
Reed offers a retort.  He states that this isn’t the actual Fantastic Four, this is just a group of children off on an adventure; The Griever would never stand a chance against the real Fantastic Four.  
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Insulted, The Griever takes the bait.  These humans would dare to underestimate her awesome powers?  She accepts the challenge and summons forth one of her transmaterializers… some sort of device that can transport objects across the multiverse.  She changes Reed to use to bring forth his champions, his ‘real’ Fantastic Four so that she may prove her might by defeating them as thoroughly as she has all others.  
It’s a trap, for certain, but Reed appears to feel confident that it is a trap he can reconfigure to their benefit.  He and Sue work on this strange, transmaterializer device and it’s a recapitulation of the scene shown near the end of issue #1.  They activate it and, galaxies away, a large number four presents itself in the upper orbit of earth.  
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This giant four is not a sign, symbol or call for help.  It is actually a kind of teleportation beam and Ben and Johnny find themselves suddenly risks away, transported across the cosmos to alongside the rest of their family.  
It’s the reunion we’ve all been looking forward to, yet there is no time for catching up… The Fantastic Four has a job to do.  
The Griever, meanwhile appears upset.  What sort of trickery has Reed Richards been up to?  Fore it turns out that Reed hasn’t beckoned just the primary members of the Fantastic Four, but every member, every hero who has ever stood in among the ranks of the FF!  
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It’s an awesome sight.  This collection of heroes may or may not have what it takes to defeat a being whose powers are as substantial as those of The Griever.  But they’re certain to put up quite a fight!
And it is on this cliffhanger that this second issue comes to a close with the promise of continuation in the next installment.  
This second issue of the series very much felt like a first issue, like we are getting two first issues for the series - one focusing on Ben and Johnny back on earth, and a second focusing on Reed Sue and the kids.  Sure why not?  First issues are fun.  They’re challenging to create I imagine, but if Slott, Pachelli and the gang are up to then I say bring it on.  
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The Griever is an interesting new villain.  She seems to be some lost member of the bigger tier cosmic heavies (like the Inbetweener, Grandmaster and Living Tribunal).  She certainly seems a very tough customer and, even with the enhanced forces, I’ve no idea for the Fantastic Four will ultimately triumph against her.  
Val’s finding herself having a bit of a crush on Arboro was just hilarious, especially in light of how much he reminds Sue of Prince Namor.  I guess the preverbal apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree ;3
The Molecule Man’s apparent death was both surprising and unsettling.  I understand that writing him out might be something of a necessity for the plot.  Yet it unfolded in sort of a coldblooded fashion.  It also sort of smacked of the old school trope where a story will show off how powerful a new character is by having them defeat or kill an already established super powerful character.  
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All this aside, what really resonated with me in this issue is just how wild it is to see  Franklin, Val and the others all as teenagers.  I’ve known Franklin for a long time.  He’s actually a good deal older than I am, having debuted way back in 1968 in the pages of Fantastic Four Annual #6.  And he’s been stuck as a toddler for most of that time.  Seeing him and his sister as suddenly young adults is quite something.  
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And also a very much welcome change.  Franklin has been the face of the future generation of the Marvel pantheon for as long as I can remember and it’s about time to see him have some more grown up adventures (all the time-displaced versions of him that have appeared here and there not withstanding).   I’m more than ready to see Franklin and Val take on a greater role in the stories in the future.  Of course doing so is likely going to necessitate a dramatic reduction in Franklin’s power-levels.  It would be hard to craft a tale with any sense of real peril if Franklin could just whisk away any threat with a wave of his hand.  And this seems to be the case as Franklin has spent the majority of his abilities, leaving him still very tough, but not god-level tough.  
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That last scene is poster worthy.  So awesome to see the whole extended roster of the Fantastic Four together (along with, for some unknown reason, IceMan).  Although I was sort of disappointed not to see Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur, Ahura, Luna and Adolf Impossible among the extended FF members (then again, Reed doesn’t know yet about Lunella and he’s likely reluctant to bring more youngsters into this dangerous fray).   Will these reinforcements prove enough to put an end to the threat posed by The Griever realms to be seen…  Although I’m sure Reed has still more tricks up his sleeve and I’m very, very much looking forward to seeing what happens in issue three.
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Once again Sara Pachelli and Marte Gracia outdo themselves in the art department.  This second issue isn’t as finely polished as the first, but they’re also asked to depict a huge array of different settings as well as a rather large ensemble cast.  All and all, it’s a beautiful comic to behold and the art matches the way out nature of the story just wonderfully.  
Of course recommended.  Four out of five Lockjaws!
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years ago
Zanzibar - Inside No. 9 blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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One of the marvellous things about Inside No 9 is that you never know what you’re going to get from one episode to the next. I never would have expected Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith to write an entire episode in iambic pentameter, but here we are. Zanzibar. An amazing opening episode that can only be done in a show like Inside No 9.
Set on the 9th floor of the Zanzibar hotel, the episode opens with the bellboy, played by Jaygann Ayeh, introducing the audience to the story, which was a bit unexpected. We’ve never had narrators in the show before (the closest we ever got was Derek Jacobi in The Devil Of Christmas). Then things got slightly more disconcerting when Reece Shearsmith himself broke the fourth wall. By the time Bill Paterson started doing it, it all became clear. This is Pemberton and Shearsmith’s ode to Shakespeare.
Now of course this isn’t the first time Pemberton and Shearsmith have tried Shakespeare. Series 1′s The Understudy took a lot of its influence from Macbeth, even going so far as to use the play itself as a narrative framing device.  But I personally feel Zanzibar works much better. For one thing, the plot elements and parallels are far less contrived here than they were in the Understudy. Also, mercifully, it doesn’t feel like the writers are constantly bashing you over the head with their cleverness. Instead they just let the work speak for itself. Zanzibar is still immensely entertaining if you’re not familiar with the bard’s work, but those who have at least a passing knowledge of Shakespeare and his plots will derive so much more from it.
Zanzibar is ostensibly a Shakespearean farce and it contains a lot of the plot elements and devices one would find in a Shakespeare play. There’s the case of mistaken identity with Rory Kinnear’s characters, a lovers’ quarrel, the servant trying to usurp his master, a sleeping draught, a love spell, family rivalries and political machinations. Not to mention tons of sexual innuendo and smut and, to cap it all off, the fool (or in this case the bellboy) being the only character smart enough to understand what’s going on around him while those of higher social status than him get lost in their own confusing affairs. It’s classic Shakespeare through and through, but still unmistakably Pemberton and Shearsmith.
All the actors do an amazing job in their roles. Rory Kinnear is brilliant in his dual roles as a royal with questionable sexual tastes and the gormless but well meaning working class boyfriend. Bill Paterson too is a highlight. A man desperately trying and failing to commit suicide feels like a typical example of Pemberton and Shearsmith’s trademark dark humour, but the Shakespearean dialogue gives the character a bit more nuance and depth, revealing him to actually be the long lost father of the Kinnear twins, and Bill Paterson really gives the part a lot of emotional welly. But my favourite in particular is Marcia Warren who got some of the biggest laughs from me. This isn’t the first time i’ve seen her play the barmy old woman (she was also Penelope in Vicious), but she does it so well that you can’t help but love her.
A lot of critics have described this episode as being a parody or lampooning of Shakespeare. I disagree. Yes it’s often vulgar and crass, but people forget Shakespeare often dealt with very risqué topics. What’s Much Ado About Nothing if not a farcical sex comedy? I never got the impression that Pemberton and Shearsmith were in any way mocking Shakespeare. In fact kind of the opposite. There’s a long tradition of theatre, film and television adapting Shakespeare plays in a more modern setting whilst retaining the original, poetic prose and Zanzibar feels very much in that vein. It’s a tribute to Shakespeare, demonstrating how timeless the themes of his stories are. The only time the episode ever makes fun of it is in a very playful, self aware way. For example when Marcia Warren’s character gets her memory back and asks what had just happened, and her son (played by Pemberton) replies that it would be impossible to explain in a rhyming couplet.
What’s most notable about Zanzibar is that it actually has a happy ending. Bill Paterson is reunited with his sons, the assassination attempt is foiled by a hypnotist and the hokey kokey, Marcia Warren gets her memory back and Rory Kinnear’s relationship with his fiancé is rekindled. It makes a pleasant change from the twisted and macabre settings of previous stories. There’s also no real twist as such. One of the reasons I felt Series 3 was slightly weaker than the previous series’ was because Pemberton and Shearsmith had fallen into the same trap that a lot of other writers like Steven Moffat and JJ Abrams have fallen into. Putting more emphasis on trying to shock the audience rather than telling an engaging story. That’s how you end up with stories with twists that undermine what came before (The Bill) or that are so outlandish that the entire episode starts to become pretentious and convoluted (The Riddle Of The Sphinx). With Zanzibar, the focus is clearly placed on creating a funny and entertaining story with interesting characters in a compelling style, and it’s all the better for it. Zanzibar is an episode that rewards repeat viewings. The intricacies of its story and the attention to detail is what makes this stand out so much. Character arcs and plot elements are subtly seeded throughout with such skill and confidence, like Shearsmith’s character planning to use his attendance at the hypnotist’s performance as an alibi for himself only for that same hypnotist to be the one who defeats him.
Zanzibar is by far one of the most creative and well executed Inside No. 9s ever written and sets the bar incredibly high for the rest of Series 4.
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universitychallenged · 7 years ago
University Challenge 2017/18, THE FINAL: review
St John’s, Cambridge: 145
Merton, Oxford: 100
Behold! Something to be truly proud of on this St George’s Day! The arrival of something unutterably exciting! No, it’s not the birth of the new royal baby but the final of University Challenge 2017/18! Oh wait, what? It’s an Oxbridge final? Hmm, I take it back. Gimme dat babyking.
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Sketch by @ChesterScribble
Team Vibe:
St John’s: Mid-century modern, circa 1969, Palm Springs
Merton: Arts and Crafts, circa 1910s, The Red House, Bexleyheath
Grandad Count: Wiberg would quell any high jinks from the other seven with one curt word. I’m more scared of him than of Jeremy! (Both teams actually have an average age of 23.)
Gender Diversity Count: Two, ie two more than last year.
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Style News: Merton were all very inoffensive in pastel - UGH! Over at St John’s, Captain Devine-Stoneman and Hazell The Vet clearly decided the final meant turning it up a notch, and by turning it up a notch I mean throwing on the only shirt, jacket and tie in their respective wardrobes. Someone get the Queer Eye quintet on those boys! Thankfully, St John’s McKeown was sporting a pillar-box red shirt, which transpired, at the trophy-giving, to be a perfectly exquisite dress.
Cult Hero Of The Episode: Ahhh, Merton. I confess I totally expected these bruvs to win. Peplow as usual was quick off the mark, before Captain Woodland did her thing, answering a slew of bonuses and brushing off Wiberg’s feeble attempts to help her at probability. I adored her delicately blinking ‘oh...’ if the team’s guess was incorrect. But alas! They crashed in incorrectly several times, Woodland included, and St John’s began to pick up their game.
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McKeown stretched her arms, sat up a little straighter, and started casually tossing out starter question answers like they were orders of drinks at a bar: ‘Danse Macabre’; 'corpuscles’; ‘ontological’; ‘snail’; as well as rattling off a line of a Marvell ode. Sure, the bromance of Devine-Stoneman and Hazell teamed up for some bonuses on organic compounds and spectroscopies, but without McKeown, they would have been nothing. All hail our leader!
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Handsome Person of the Episode: I preferred Hazell with the beard and jumper. Rosie McKeown, you are glorious in all ways and I bow before you.
Horror Round: ‘Three bonuses on the ineffable, Merton.’
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Dream Bonus Question Round: I am beyond proud that I got 3 out of 4 in the critical theorists word-cloud round (Derrida, Judith Butler and Foucault).
Regular Classical Fail By Composition PhD-owning Composer, Kerry Andrew: University Challenge have been pleasingly notable on featuring female musicians this year, have you noticed? So rejoice! The subject of this bonus round is on music conducted by Marin Alsop in the BBC Proms. Commiserate! They are all from operas. I spent the whole time going ‘Rule Britannia is from AN OPERA???’ Also, I didn’t get the Handel.
Speaking of female musicians…
Trophy Presentation Bonus Feature: Oh. My. God. I’d had my money on Mary Beard presenting it this year, but UniChall went one better, with Master of the Queen’s Music and all-round composer legend, Judith Weir. I can tell you from personal experience that Judith is the most gorgeously humble and splendid person, and it was sooo cool to see her on there. 
Judith Weir fun anecdote #1: I played a set at my birthday party recently under the DJ name Judith Weird.
Judith Weir fun anecdote #2: she has done tutorials at the composition summer school where I teach. My staff and I prepped our students for her impending arrival by singing the words ‘JUDITH WEIR IS HERE’ over and over to the tune of the national anthem in choral harmony and with a piano part, not realising that she was standing at the door. 
Jezza Watch: There he was, swapping awkward pleasantries with Dame Judith, as if both of them were at a party but really wanted to be at home with a Horlicks and the last few episodes of Breaking Bad. ‘It’s amazing what people know, isn’t it?’ he said, affably, which is quite an about-turn from barking meanly at everyone for not knowing about macroscopic particles, like he normally does.
Kerry and Andy’s Score: 15! Not bad, given the excitement. I got 9, because I know about Turkish wars, American poets and early English kings, y’all.
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Brain Food: Andy’s birthday! We went out for a stonkingly good Sri Lankan curry in Tooting (ask for the green banana bhajis at Apollo Banana Leaf).
I’ll leave you with an après-series photo of these bad boys (by which I mostly mean GIRL), with the bonus of Hazell’s beard being back. Note Levin’s unyielding polo-neck/jacket combo.
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Tweets of the Day:
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Please feel free to share, retweet, etc, and tell me if you’ve enjoyed reading. I’m mostly a musician but a writer now too, and every little helps. Look! I wrote a novel which has recently been published!
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thebestintoronto · 4 years ago
7 Fun Drive-in Activities Across Toronto
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Entertainment-on-wheels is the new regular and also we're right here for it.
Accredit approximately date? Examine. Backseat tidy (or cleanish)? Inspect. Favourite treats handy? Check. Buckle up for Toronto's eclectic drive-in scene. Beyond typical drive-in cinemas, neighborhood attractions and also places have innovatively adapted to our existing environment and talented us with never-before-seen experiences. Cruise Ship with Van Gogh's renowned art work, a Halloween-themed valley of lights or maintain it easy with a drive-in movie.
1. Drive via Starry Evening at Immersive Van Gogh. (1 YONGE ST.).
At this internationally-acclaimed exhibition, Van Gogh's post-impressionist work of arts are forecasted from ceiling to floor, while likewise animated by mesmerizing movement. From the convenience of your automobile, set yourself in stunning estimates that emphasize the artist's technique and use colour. Each car timed-ticket acquisition consists of totally free walk-through tickets. Strategy your visit beforehand as space is limited.
2. Take a macabre drive through the Toronto Zoo. (2000 MEADOWVALE RD.).
Each year, the Toronto Zoo's Boo-mobile glides with its haunted premises in creepy Halloween fashion. This year, rather than the typical onsite train, the Boo-mobile is your very own automobile and you, the horror-struck driver (kidding!). Boo at the Zoo happens up until October 31st, featuring all the marvels of the period consisting of gorgeous vegetation, creepy decoration as well as terrifying Halloween-themed tales regarding the Zoo itself. Did you recognize it's haunted? Neither did we, however we would like to know more! Book your tickets on the internet asap.
3. Strategy a flick evening at Ontario Location. (15 ONTARIO DR.).
Ontario Location's Drive-In Theater is excellent for couples, family members, good friends and solo cinephiles who intend to view a motion picture someplace apart from their couch. Relax as well as take pleasure in an arsenal of films from funny to scary, including new launches as well as classic favourites. Tickets are offered online or on area, with food readily available on premises through the Vista Restaurant. Parking areas are on a first-come, first-serve basis so arrive a little earlier to snag your favored sight.
4. Traveling through 700,000 creepy LED lights. (7250 KEELE ST.).
Whether or not trick-or-treating is happening this year, Toronto's serving brilliant means to maintain the Halloween spirit active. Halloween Nights of Lights is an immersive, drive-through experience that features 700,000 LED lights in sync with Halloween music. On until completion of October, saddle up the kiddos or your team of buddies-- all ages rate-- and also commemorate one of the best vacations with this spectacular light screen. Time ports are restricted, so buy your tickets on the internet asap!
5. Capture a live show at CityView Drive-In. (20 POLSON ST.).
Considering that the pandemic hit, CityView Drive-In has actually been all about online experiences. Drive to this breathtaking location for concerts as well as stand-up funny, periodically backdropped by a gorgeous Toronto sunset. Upcoming programs consist of DVSN, The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Just For Laughs and also Dwayne Gretzky. Purchase your tickets and also buy your food online, which is delivered right to your cars and truck window.
6. Experience a haunting on wheels with Toronto Shines. (176 CHERRY ST.).
We can not get enough of Toronto's Halloween-themed drive-throughs and also we bet neither can you! Thanks To Toronto Shines, Toronto's Haunted Drive-Through has several immersive areas-- a graveyard, a haunted pumpkin patch, and also a supernatural movie studio, to name a few-- meeting every Halloween-lover's fantasy. Tickets are offered on the internet with bundles that likewise consist of accessibility to Superdogs, an included location that showcases canines in costume.
7. Cruise ship Toronto's neighbourhoods towards BigArtTO.
What's BigArtTO you ask? This brand-new City of Toronto program (part of ShowLoveTO) happens at different areas throughout the city, wherein regional musicians project their work onto structures as well as sites-- for a minimal time period. Consider yourself lucky if you possess an auto because you can jump in and also quickly head to any BigArtTO estimate! Have a look at the full schedule online, so you'll recognize where to drive to following.
The post “ 7 Fun Drive-in Activities Across Toronto “ was first published on seetorontonow.com
Naturopathic Toronto Doctor - Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND
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scriptscribbles · 7 years ago
can i ask what are your favorite NSA novels? i want to buy some but i have no idea which ones are good so a little help would be really nice ksjgjjg thanks in advance!!
Ooh, I can’t say I’ve read all of them, but I have read a fair few and I’m particularly nostalgic for the Martha ones, which were really the era I got into the show as a devoted fan. I can’t say these are extremely critical or complete takes because I grew up on these books and never did get them all, but some personal favorites include:
Winner Takes All - Marvelous Ninth Doctor era romp.
Only Human - Probably the best offering as far as books with Jack are concerned.
The Ressurection Casket - Genuinely one of my favorite Doctor Who romps ever. Kevin in particular cracks me up every time. It’s swashbuckling steampunk joy.
The Nightmare of Black Island - A nice atmospheric piece grounded in two generations of local children, which gives it a nice Goonies or E.T. kind of charm that goes a long way, alongside a nice edge of horrifying beasties. It’s tremendously invested in developing a community, and that pays off.
The Last Dodo - Wonderful. Some lovely weird storytelling devices and a strong environmental message with a great worldbuilding concept at its core. It just works.
Wishing Well - I don’t really have a reason to enjoy this one as much as I do, but reusing the core concept of the Krynoids in a slightly different way works a treat, with some great imagery and horror moments.
Forever Autumn - A lovely, gleefully macabre journey through American Halloween, with a nice tie-in to a one-off new series monster in mythos. Loads of good imagery.
The Pirate Loop - Another absolute highlight, a truly delightful conceptual romp in which Martha charmingly teaches badgers to eat cheesy pineapple sticks and gets horribly murdered. Up there with The Ressurection Casket in terms of pure joy, and I’ve read both more than most on this list.
Martha in the Mirror - I recall my sister really loves this one so I can’t leave it out.
Snowglobe 7 - I can’t be objective in this one. There’s a ski resort! In Doctor Who! Two of my special interests together! Yay! But there’s also some tremendously strong world-building and environmental messages driving it, if you’re less easily pleased than me.
Judgement of the Judoon - It’s camp space noir with rhinos and a young girl private eye as the one-off companion. It’s just fun.
Prisoner of the Daleks - Possibly the very best New Series Adventure. It’s harrowing and traumatizing, or at least was for me as a kid. It takes the hard edge sci fi pulp of the early Dalek serials and infuses it with an urgency and horror that makes the Daleks basically the scariest thing ever. Probably the best trick of the lot is how much of it is just about one Dalek, totally helpless…
Nuclear Time - The core concept here is absolutely ridiculous, and paid off with a dedication toward tight plotting verging on the insane, all offset by some delightful cold war nuclear aesthetics. Great fun.
Paradox Lost - One of the few books I’ve read with Amy and Rory, and one I enjoyed tremendously.
Dark Horizons - Another highlight of the range, a charming story about the Eleventh Doctor working with a village against a common tragedy. It’s just really wonderfully written and human.
Engines of War - It’s the War Doctor novel. His first solo story. Let’s be honest, even if it were total crap it’d be an essential read. Fortunately, despite a few rough parts, it’s quite good, and I’d even contend better than many of the audios the character got. And, of course, it’s hard not to love Cinder.
Big Bang Generation - It’s not actually good, but it is a lot of continuity-obsessed fun, and the basic pleasure of the Twelfth Doctor hanging with Bernice Summerfield is one I’m tremendously susceptible to.
Now, I grew up on all these with my sister @nymphofnovels, so she also has a lot of opinions on them! Again, particularly the Martha ones. (We really must get The Story of Martha one of these days, it looks excellent.)
Oh, and I hear Touched by an Angel is beautiful and emotional and very worth a read. And I know Ten/Rose fans tend to love The Stone Rose, though I think it’s probably the weakest of Rayner’s generally awesome new series novels, with the plot kinda going right off the rails partway through. Prose and characterization are still excellent, but I can’t quite love it.
Oh, and a friend of mine would probably recommend I add Deep Time, as I heard a ton of praise from them for it.
Anyone else got others worth mentioning? Or other opinions on the ones I already have? There’s a ton of NSAs out there, and they really are quite good for keeping the new series magic going when the show’s off air.
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randomnessunicorn-imagine · 7 years ago
US+SF+UF+UT Gaster reacting to one day coming home to see his SO asleep on the couch with wings made of chitin(it's what makes up most of a bugs wings, like butterflies, bees, dragonflies, ect) When SO wakes up and is asked about it, they freeze a moment, their wings tensing closer to them before slowly explaining that they are delicate and easily damaged, and didn't show him to avoid risking any damage done to them, and that SO didn't want to risk loosing him in case he thought they were ugly.
{ Aww~I’m happy to receive some asks about other characters that are not the skelebros, I love them –don’t let me be misunderstood- but I think every characters deserve love ~Then, I don’t know very well his Swap and SF version but I tried anyway -! And send me more asks about Gaster, he’s cool and I had so much fun writing this-!  }
⊰ Tale! Gaster ⊱
You were the one who saved him from the misery he lived when he was into the void.He has never believed in miracles, God or angels, in any religion since he was a scientist and scientists could not believe in those irrational and fancy things. This would be crazy.From the first time he saw you, he felt a strange feeling he has never felt in his life. Something brand new, magical and special. You gave to him life back. Like he saw the light of Heaven because you appeared just like an angel in his eyes and he has always thought you were too special for this world. These last days, Gaster worked so much in his lab and he ignored you, because science has always been his true and eternal love even if he loved you so much in the same way, but sometime his passion got the best of him without realizing. You knew it and you have never complained this behaviour of his, this was one of the reasons he adored you.He realized he ignored you a bit much and he wanted to apologise to you because he thought he was not the mate you deserved and he had to spend more time with you.The moment he came back home hearing only the sound of the clock. Tick tock. No other sound, it was quite sad. He did not call your name, he just searched for you until he found you laying on the couch. When he noticed your wings, he remained enchanted. He could have never imagined something so beautiful. You were just like a terrestrial angel for him, but you were a real angel. He could not believe his eyes. Maybe he was dreaming.You were so scared and worried for reasons he could not understand and he felt sad and guilty because he knew it was his fault. He neglected you this period and he was unpardonable. You explained to him that you felt uncomfortable with your wings and they were so delicate and you were afraid he could find you disgusting since they seemed bugs wings. Gaster just smiled at you sweetly, walking up to you with his slow steps. Caressing your forehead, he assured you that you were perfect the way you were and your wings were so beautiful and extraordinary. He could never hate you, he thought he was the one to be hated. It was pretty funny and strange. He kissed your forehead telling he loved you so much with his timid voice because it was a thing he was not used to say, asking for your forgiveness because he was not so present in your life. You had nothing to worry because he was not going to leave you because of your wings. It was something so marvellous.
⊰ Fell! Gaster ⊱
Science was his true and real love and so many times he asked himself why you were his mate. It was an illogical mystery for him. Sometime he ignored this fact, keeping living his days with this unsolved mystery but, other times, he wondered why he could love a mere and simple human like you. He spent hours thinking about it, observing you with his cynical and scrutineer orbs while you were doing your jobs. Why? It was the most annoying question mark. It was so frustrating for a scientist not to understand something so simple. He was going crazy. You could see he was mad to you for something but you have never asked for an explication so the two of you ignored to each others. Gas was an egocentric and cold person who thought only to himself, he did not care even about Sans and Papyrus, and he did not consider them like his children or worthy of his consideration. Sometime, he said they were not his real sons but only two spoiled and annoying kids he decided to take care of because he felt particular generous in that moment of his life. At first, he started dating you only because he pitied you and he wanted to use you like his personal guinea pig for his eccentric experiments. Then, he strangely forgot this idea seeing you like a “not so bad” company. He had to discover the reason why he felt that way for you and he was sick and tired of this confusion that did not make him sleep at night and that was driving him mad.One day, Gas decided to come home earlier than his usual because he wanted to have a conversation with you, maybe he would have understood the reason why he found you more interesting than the other living organisms.The moment he opened the door, seeing you sleeping on the couch his soul missed a beat, and he felt a strange warmth inside his body even if it was not new. This was another question mark. Then, when he noticed your wings, he got curious and he desired to know what those wings were and where they came from since he has never seen them on you before. His imagination was exploring weird places of perversion and he wanted to study your new nature but your voice landed him into the reality and those horrible desires vanished instantly. You were afraid because you thought Gas was mad at you for have hidden your wings, like you lied to him about your real nature but you were only ashamed of yourself. When you explained to him your feelings, he could not understand even if he was incapable to say something sweet and comforting.Actually, Gas did not act mad like you thought; his voice was not that rude even if he was still serious. He told that he did not care you had wings or anything else. It was ok, that made you different from other humans. If you truly hated your wings he could have taken them off through a surgery, it was quite painful but if they made you uncomfortable. Don’t be worry, Gas did not want  to hurt you, since he did not want to use you for his experiments, anymore.The next day you would notice his behaviour changed, he appeared less rude and maybe he realized the sentiment he felt for you was not pity or curiosity, but something else he was still incapable to confess you.
⊰ Swap! Gaster ⊱
He has always been a weird man since he was the river man with the right mystery around him. Nobody knew his true identity, maybe you were the only one since you were always kind and sweet with him, sharing to him the lunches you bought to Muffet’s, listening to all his particular quotes and he was happy for this. You were his favourite human and company, his only company. Gasty loved so much bringing you to his boat singing you songs about the Underground or simple stories and fables because they were amusing and he felt so relaxed by your side. You made his life worthy and less boring.Even his job like as gondolier was getting better since so many people wanted to join him in his boat trips, driving everyone in the Underground. He became friendlier than before thanks to you, he did not care if he appeared less mysterious, since it was great to be happy.The day he came back home seeing you so sad and exhausted, he could not believe you were so tired and he suddenly approached you asking for an explication. Then, he noticed your wings and he realized he was not the only mysterious creature here and he felt nicely shocked, he laughed slightly. Then, you explained to him that you hated your wings because they appeared so weak and ugly, they were just like insect’s wings and this fact was so gross for you. Gasty did not think your wings were weird, they were so beautiful and you should have been proud being so special and gorgeous. He was sure everybody would congratulate to you and you had no reasons to hide them. He was so cold and suspicious before he met you, you helped him so much to become a better person and now he desired helping you with this problem because the things people considered flaws usually were not.
⊰ SwapFell! Gaster ⊱
You were an odd person. Really the oddest person alive if you wanted to spend your precious time with him, the weirdest gondolier of the Underground, actually he was the only gondolier here (and he was enough for now).Gassy could not understand why you enjoyed so much his stories that he found quite boring and a lot of them were real scary and you should have the taste of macabre if you kept listening to his horror stories, wow-! He was impressed but he has never manifested his curiosity to you, he always treated you with indifference and rudeness but you came back to him anyway and everyday so he got used to your presence. You were his greatest client –and he did not have so many customers since he had a bad reputation and everyone felt uncomfortable on his boat. Some legends said that some of his customers have never came back and they disappeared into the river, eaten by the mysterious creatures that lived there. Gassy was the one who loved to narrate these stories saying he only fed the beasts that lived in the waters of the Underground. It was one of his duties, but it was just a legend you did not believe. You thought he had a big imagination and it was so funny.When he saw you laying on the couch so weak and lifeless he thought the worst… Not that he cared about you but it was strange since you were the bright and amusing person here, not him. Then, he noticed your wings and he did not know what to think about it, maybe they were fake and you wanted to play some game with him…? A sort of role-playing even if he was too old for it. You woke up confused and alarmed because you did not want him to see your wings, they were your misery and shame. You explained to him your fear but he told you that he would have left you before, even without wings, but he was still here for reasons unknown for him and you were not that bad. You were good enough and your wings were not a problem for him, but maybe someone could have found them weird but he was ready to feed his lovely marine monsters with their wicked flesh.
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years ago
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: OSCAR PREDICTIONS 2020: The visual and artistic categories
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(Image: hypable.com)
The short turnaround 92nd Academy Awards arrive host-free for the second consecutive year on Sunday, February 9th, barely a month after nominations were announced. The pace has added excitement and urgency right on down to my website’s 2020 Awards Tracker. Let’s start calling some winners. As always, that prognostication data is cited in these predictions. This column examines the visual and artistic categories of designs, editing, effects, and more. As I say every year, stick with me and I will win you your Oscar pool!
The nominees: The Irishman, Joker, The Lighthouse, 1917, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Who should be here: I’ve got two picks for you where one is indie and one is mainstream. On the big end, I thought Hoyte van Hotema’s work in Ad Astra deserved recognition. On the smaller end, Claire Mathon’s dazzling natural beauty for Portrait of a Lady on Fire has won the second most cinematographer awards this season and did not get a nod.
Who should feel lucky to be there: Like much of the talent involved with The Irishman, Robert Richardson is a rightful legend in his field, but other than a few Scorsese specialty long tracks and slo-mo moves, nothing about his camera work is special in the crime epic. His inclusion feels, again like just about all of the The Irishman nominations, like a token resume inclusion.
Who should win and will win: This one is not even close and it’s going to Roger Deakins for 1917. His long takes combining monstrous crane, tracking, drone, and Steadicam work is beyond comparison and some of the insane best in history. That entire movie is a jaw-dropping “how did they do that” reel and it starts with Deakins’ open lenses.
The nominees: Ford v Ferrari, The Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, Joker, Parasite
Who should be here: Even if the single-take fakery is a gimmick for 1917, it’s a pretty damn well executed one in terms of economy and hidden smoothness from editor Lee Smith. Less is more and he should be there. More in the “more” department, the massive work it took to take thousands of hours of footage and hone the perfect documentary Apollo 11 also deserved consideration. It’s hard for documentaries to crack this category and I’ll never understand why because editing is everything in that medium.
Who should feel lucky to be there: Take all the things I said about Robert Richardson in cinematography for The Irishman and repeat it here for Thelma Schoonmaker. We get it. She’s a legend working for a legend on a big deal film, but, goodness gracious, that movie is night tight, taut, or sharp in editing. There’s a lot of fat on steak, no matter what truck it fell off of.
Who should win: Much like the sound categories, I think this is a spot where Ford v Ferrari should prevail. The work to merge the second unit shots, stunt performances, and acting inserts with practical sets and props over CGI is incredible. It deserves this outlier consideration for the win.
Who will win: I’m going to be daring here and say this one is going to Parasite. Many people love to point to Best Editing as being married to the Best Picture winner, but that only happens about 60% of the time (including last year with Green Book). A Parasite win here could rile some TV viewers up about Parasite’s Best Picture chances, and rightfully so. However, with no 1917 in here, this award goes to the next best and that’s Parasite and, luckily, the craft of the reveals of its thriller match the award itself in a fair way.
The nominees: The Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, 1917, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, Parasite
Who should be here: Even if 80% of the film takes place in a single location, that macabre mansion in Knives Out created by production designer David Crank and his team would have been a fun and eclectic addition to this field. For the single location vote, it looks like Parasite got that spot.
Who should feel lucky to be there: I don’t think any of these five finalists are inferior to the craft and category. Any of them would be excellent winners, even with the Knives Out wish.
Who should win: If my jaw was dropping from the camera work of Roger Deakins in 1917, the trait that dropped it even lower was the towering desolation and created destruction of the outdoor locations and sets for 1917 by Dennis Gassner. He wowed us with Blade Runner 2049 and 1917 is just as good from the guy who cut his teeth carving a baseball field in the corn for Field of Dreams. He’s got an Oscar in his living room from Bugsy but has deserved two or three more.
Who will win: Barbara Ling is a first-time nominee in this category for crafting Quentin Tarantino’s 1969 for Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood. The industry loves celebrating its golden past and this award is a perfect bouquet thrown to Tarantino’s fairy tale to go with Brad Pitt’s future win. From the cars to the ashtrays, the look of the movie was positively dreamy. This is a worthy winner.
The nominees: The Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, Joker, Little Women, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Who should be here: There is no question Black Panther Oscar winner should be there to defend her title, so to speak, with her flamboyant work on Dolemite is My Name. Her work has won more costuming awards this season than any other film. This counts as a slight.
Who should feel lucky to be there: Here’s one more for The Irishman and its parade of resumes. Three-time Oscar winner Sandy Powell soaked up the era beautifully for Scorsese’s film, but we’ve seen this work before. Solid as it may be, it’s not a standout. That’s where a swap for Carter would have fit.
Who should win: Movies are a chance to really play with changing looks and characterization. The double volume of on-screen show-within-the-show roles and off-screen main characters in Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood was outstanding. Like the production design, not a stitch was out of place and always just garish enough to let the actors have fun. It could still win, but we know older period pieces get more love.
Who will win: .That’s why, and it’s not a bad thing, that Little Women finally wins an Oscar during this ceremony and party. Jacqueline Durran is a veteran with solid work who won back in 2012 for Anna Karenina. This is where finery gets its due.
The nominees: Bombshell, Joker, Judy, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, 1917
Who should be here: If I were to ask you to close your eyes and picture Elton John, the eyebrows would raise and the wild looks being remembered would be a hoot. That flashy variety in Rocketman should have earned a nomination.
Who should feel lucky to be there: Angelina Jolie and her enhanced cheekbones were enough to get Maleficent: Mistress of Evil a spot in the final five as the weakest of the bunch.
Who should win: It’s not massive, but I really want to put Joker here and not just for Joaquin Phoenix’s frightening look. I think the dinge and class warfare of the movie looked incredible for this award. Give me the daring over the attractive.
Who will win: That’s because attractive is going to win. All you need to do is show a picture of Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly and this category is wrapped up for Bombshell. If you needed a second dose to convince you, try to find John Lithgow inside of that Roger Ailes facade. Game, blouses.
The nominees: Avengers Endgame, The Irishman, 1917, The Lion King, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Who should be here: I’ve dropped this title before and here’s another. Ad Astra has won the second most visual effects awards of the year and it was omitted from the finalists.
Who should feel lucky to be there: So help me God, if The Irishman and its crappy de-aging effects actually win, I’m going to break something. When free software fit for YouTube can do a better job that a nine-figure budget, your work shouldn’t be here to win.
Who should win: Call it lifeless all you want, but when you realize that every shot but one (the opening sunrise, in fact) in The Lion King is completely created from a marriage of CGI and cinematography innovations, you have to bow to that newfangled royalty. Their work and detail is staggering.
Who will win: I’d love to see the 1917 train keep going (and it could), but I’m going to push wishful thinking that the saga-capping effects of Avengers: Endgame take the statuette. I think there’s something worth rewarding with the volume and culmination that is its big ending. I’ve been burned here before in this category when I constantly thought the Planet of the Apes reboot effects would and should win. I think with Marvel it’s different. If it wins, I need ABC to cut to Martin Scorsese for a reaction shot of his magnum opus being beaten by the non-cinema MCU “roller coaster.” Take that, you old coot.
NEXT: The writing and directing awards
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