#chrisas cookies
psyched2b · 6 years
✏5, 6 and 17 with Bucky boy or Loki please
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Disclaimer: I wrote this at work, so if anything seems off, it’s because I’m posting from my phone, not computer.
5. She’s hiding behind the sofa.
6. You’re Satan.
17. I’d rather die than do that.
You and Loki had made plans to bake Christmas cookies together. Or rather, you had made plans and told Loki that he was helping you… whether he wanted to or not.
However, he was on the “Not” helping side and made it abundantly clear that he would not partake in your Christian celebrations saying, “I would rather die than do that”.
You just roll your eyes at him and tell him that because he was being overdramatic, he no longer got a vote.
But, of course, in true Loki fashion, at the time you were supposed to meet in the kitchen to start, he ‘conveniently’ goes ‘missing’.
As fate would have it, there was a missing person sign hanging on the fridge with a picture of Loki in Thor’s hand writing that said, “Have You Seen Me?” and you knew that the older brother would prove to be a reliable source.
“Hey, Thor! Have you seen your brother around?” You ask as you enter the private study where he was ‘reading up on Midgardian modern literature’. Today, it appeared to be ‘The Hunger Games’.
The God of Thunder stands up from his spot behind the desk in greeting with a smile, gesturing for you to take the seat before him, all without looking up from his book. “Lady Y/L/N. I’m glad you are here. I have a question regarding this fascination book about this uh- Panem. I take it that this place represents a dystopian future for the United States, yes? Well, why would all the other countries turn their back and let this annual macabre massacre happen? Though I enjoy a good fight, putting children in the ring seems absolutely deplorable.” He finally looks up from the book. “District Four, tell me, is that Florida?”
You bite your lip in an attempt to keep the smile off your lips, but ultimately fail at the Gods enthusiasm. “You do realize that it is just fiction, right? I think it’s unlikely that anything like this could actually happen, though with the way things are looking today, who knows. It is post apocalyptic America. Fingers crossed, though. Fingers crossed. Besides, I kinda always thought District Four was California. Finnick seems like a surfer dude.”
Thor’s face screws into a look of confusion as he parrots, “Finnick? Surfer Dude?”
Laughing, you give a comforting pat on the arm. “You may not have gotten to him yet.” Then you shake your head, reminding yourself why you are there. “Anywho, where’s Loki? I saw your sign but I know you know where he’s at.”
Thor leans back in his chair and gives you a knowing smile. “I put up that sign because I know not where he is.”
You roll your eyes at him and mimic his relaxed stance. “Mhm,” you hum, unimpressed. “Want to try that again?”
Thor’s smile widens into a cheshire grin, having fun with this game. “Loki wishes for me to send you his regards and sincerest apologies. He was called back to Asgard for erm, diplomatic reasons.”
You quirk an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.“Now really, Thor? That’s the best you got?” You roll your eyes again. “There’s a reason why Loki is the God of Lies, not you. ‘Diplomatic reasons’? Dude, Asgard was destroyed. By you.”
“Surtur, actually,” Thor automatically corrects with a big dopey smile. “And I had to give it my best shot so I can have a defense against the greasy weasel himself when he seeks me out for retribution. I know that I can’t lie to you, nor do I want to. I also want some of those cookies you will be making.” He puffs his bottom lip in a pout and gives you his best puppy dog eyes. “Can I have some? Please, Y/N? Please?!”
You manage to keep an unamused look on your face for all of three seconds before you crack and give him a smile. “Only if you tell me where he is.”
Thor nods enthusiastically. “Yes, of course. Loki’s hiding behind the couch on our floor.”
“Oh no,” you gasp, a panicked look coming on your face. “Don’t tell me.”
Thor gives you a sympathetic look with a sorrowful nod. “He’s a cat.”
“Come on, Lokitty. They are literally just cookies.”
Your plea was greeted with a hiss and you let out a frustrated sigh.
For the last five minutes, you have been trying to coax your boyfriend out from underneath the couch. As soon as he saw you coming down the hall, he leapt from his perch on the back of the couch and dove under into the tiny space between the floor and the furniture. Since then, any attempt to reach for him was greeted with a hiss and a swipe of a paw with sharp claws.
“I swear to the ever loving god, if you don’t cut this shit out right now, I am getting the spray bottle and will throw a blanket over you and give you a very invasive flea bath followed by a shave because do you really need all that hair?”
You sit back on your heels and wait for your threat to be acknowledged by another hiss.
Much to your surprise, Lokitty peeks his head out from his spot, giving you the stink eye. You glare in return, not faltering under his gaze. “Not even joking,” you confirm, narrowing your eyes into slits.
A deep rumble erupts from the black cat’s chest before he leaves his spot completely and sits in front of you. A moment later, a bright green light shimmers over his form and soon enough, the Loki you were most familiar with stood before you with the most adorable pout on his face.
He turns his nose up at you. “You are Satan.”
Standing up from the ground, you roll your eyes in return. “And you are acting like a petulant child.”
Silence settles between the two of you and it turns into a game of who would speak first. Tension is thick, the both of you fuming at each other.
Unlike Loki, you didn’t have forever to hold a grudge. That, and you wanted answers.
“I don’t understand,” you murmur in a harsh tone, glaring at a random tile on the floor. “It’s literally just baking cookies. We’ve baked together before. And you liked it. Why is this any different?”
Loki sniffs, “I feel that I’ve been very clear. I do not wish to partake in any of your Christian celebrations. Especially after you threaten to cut my hair.”
You honest to god facepalm. You weren’t in the mood to bullshit today. “First of all, I only threatened your hair because I knew that it would get you out from underneath the damn couch. Second, you are starting to sound like Thor when it comes to your hair. Third, I love your hair. You know this. So obviously, it was an empty threat. So get over it.”
You watch Loki’s touch facade begin to crack with a twitch of his lips before he caves and smiles at you. “I love that you don’t coddle me.”
“Mhm,” you hum, still not impressed. “Sure you do. If you love me so much, you would stop putting up a fight about f—ing Christmas cookies.” Loki goes to interrupt, but you throw a hand up. “Ah-uh. I’m speaking. You can stop this B.S. about it being a Christian Holiday. There is no one here who really claims to be Christian. It is literally just a holiday like any other and you know this. Besides, the Christmas ‘we’ celebrate today hold strong pagan themes such as Yuletide or jólnir, which literally was meant to celebrate the Norse Gods. I.E. You, dumbass. So, fight me.” You pause. “I have a whole list of ways that the Christians have created their Christmas traditions from midwinter celebrations, so don’t even try to argue with me.”
Strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into Loki’s embrace. “See, I knew you loved me. If I was anyone else, you would have just ignored me. I love it when you get feisty.” He presses a kiss to your neck and you shiver in pleasure.
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Now can we please go make those cookies now!”
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Battlefield 1 Cheat ESP, Aimbot, Undetected, Download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards PlayStation 4 Battlefield 1 hackers already spotted using aimbot and wallhacks. KinjoTakemura 5 years ago 1. The game is available now for EA Access and Origin Access members, and apparently, for cheaters as well. Several Battlefield 1 hackers have been spotted with the same version of aimbot that appeared in BF4. One of these guys went during that match, the other Battlefield 1 still uses Punkbuster, which has been with the Battlefield series for over a decade. What makes matters worse this time around is that there is no clear way of reporting hackers. In Battlefield 4, players could easily report cheaters and hackers using Battlelog. You want a cookie? I cannot contain my shock right now. Chrisa 5 years ago 4. Bob-omb-omb 5 years ago 5. I cannot contain my shock right now It's shocking because the game is not officially out and hackers are already running rampant. Bob-omb-omb posted It's what they do, and it's a popular game. Should be expected by now. One of the main reasons I went back to playing Battlefield on consoles. Rapham0n 5 years ago 8. This is why singleplayer will always be better than multiplayer, and why offline gaming will always be better than online gaming. Too many scumbag cheaters out in the world. And the ultimate joke of it all is we have to pay for services like PSN and XBL but then they can't even keep the cheaters at bay. I think that if a person is obsessed with graphics and performance they should be investing in a PC rather than consoles. OhGood 5 years ago 9. This is on PC only. It was a wise choice because the hacking on PC is rampant. You could get away from it in DLC maps Hackers don't usually stick around and pay for DLC but the core maps were completely ruined by it blah blah blah mouse is better for PC but i'd rather have a hack free environment any day. ClintonFly 5 years ago How exactly do you hack ps4 games online? I have heard of people already using bots in shooters and fighting games, and yet there's 0 evidence of ps4 firmware being hacked. So how can hackers even build bots for the game? More Topics from this Board. Days Gone is better than Horizon. Hololive vtuber played PSO2 over 5, hours Community. Tommy Want Wingy! Which games are you currently playing thread? One of my videos that i bought through playstation video years ago is missing? Tech Support. Why does my controller turn off using Bluetooth? Why can my kids play battlefront 1 multiplayer they do not have PS Plus on one PS4 console but not another? Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Chrisa 5 years ago 4 on PS4? Rapham0n 5 years ago 8 This is why singleplayer will always be better than multiplayer, and why offline gaming will always be better than online gaming. OhGood 5 years ago 9 This is on PC only. Everything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant. ClintonFly 5 years ago 10 How exactly do you hack ps4 games online?
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Wszystko O Samochodach 6
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