#marvel is putting out 58 movies and 32 tv-shows a year but hey it’s the audience’s fault that the quality
metalcorebarbie · 5 months
i can’t stop thinking about this article that i saw yesterday about one of the russos (i don’t remember which one, it’s not relevant khjafsf) say that the reason why marvel movies are flopping is because of the audience and that the kids are so impatient now and want everything immediately and they don’t want to wait for new content that long… and i thought that was stupid but then i looked at the comments and some guy was saying that the actual reason why marvel movies are not succesful anymore is because they are so woke now and then the comment ended with him saying ”get woke, get broke!!!!!!” and like. where do i even start. i’m ben affleck smoking dot jpg.
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amymillcr · 6 years
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1. if they were a candle, what scent would they be?
“ i never really thought about it, so i’m going with a lemon scented one. because i may or may not have an obsession with lemons. “
2. what female celebrity do they wish was their sister?
“ ooooh, emily blunt without a doubt in mind !! she’s so great and funny and beautiful, i would love to be her sister.”
3. what male celebrity do they wish was their brother?
“ is it bad if i say pete davidson so i can be ariana’s sister-in-law ?? it is ?? okay... i will choose john mulaney.  “
4. how old do they think they’ll be when they get married?
“ with the current state of my love life ?? never. but i think 30 would be a good age to get married. “
5. how many countries have they been to?
“ never been out of the states, unfortunately enough. “
6. what would they name their daughter if they had one?
“ helena. i like the sound of it and the meaning of the name, so yeah. i would choose helena. “
7.  what would they name their son if they had one?
“ hmmm, i never thought about a boy name ?? but, i like the name anthony. so that will be my answer for now. “
8. what was their favorite tv show as a child?
“ totally spies !! three girls being badass and saving the world ?? count me the fuck in !! “
9.  what language, besides their native language, would they like to be fluent in?
“ italian. i downloaded duolingo once to learn a bit, but that shit doesn’t work for me at all. mainly because i would get a notification and just shrug it off. “
10.  would they ever change their name? if so, to what?
“ as common as my name is, i don’t think so. because one: i never thought of any other name i would like to be called. and two: i think my name fits me. “
11. what was the last compliment they got?
“ a seven-year-old camper told me my hair is pretty. “
12. what is their favorite flavor of tea?
“ green tea. but i only drink it mixed with black tea in the morning to get energized. “
13. how did they find out that santa and the easter bunny weren’t real?
“ i found out santa wasn’t real because my dad was horrible at hiding his santa costume. and easter bunny was because i woke up early one day and i saw my mom making little bunny footprints on the floor. “
14. what is their hogwarts house?
“ i always thought i was a gryffindor, but when i took the pottermore test years ago... i got slytherin. i guess i’m a cunning folk just like merlin. “
15. what tarot card are they?
“ i got the sun card !! “
16. are they more of a marvel or dc fan?
“ i enjoy both, but i lean more towards marvel. i like the comedy route they take on the movies. and the series are better, that’s all. “
17. who is their favorite superhero?
“ jessica jones aka jewel. i relate to her in ‘ being a messy adult ’ department. “
18. everyone has a song that deeply reminds them of their childhood. what is theirs?
“ crazy by aerosmith. it used to be one of my dad’s favorite songs. maybe it still is, who knows ?? but yeah... he used to sing that to my mom and dance around the kitchen with her. it was... nice. “
19. what are the meanings of their first, middle, and last name?
“ amelia means defender and striving, carolina means song of happiness. and after a quick research, miller means one who grinds grain. “
20. have they ever stolen a street sign before?
“ no, but that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. it would be a good decor for my bedroom, hm. “
21. what is their biggest pet peeve?
“ people chewing with their mouth open and slow walkers. i can’t choose between these two, both drive me crazy. “
22. if they were a month, what month would they be?
“ is it weird if i say march because it is always a good month for me ?? like, every year march is so great for some weird reason. anyway, march. that’s my choice. “
23. what is their least favourite movie?
“ oh, twilight without a doubt. i never understood the hype about it and because of it, fifty shades was created. “
24. what five movies would they bring with them if they were stuck on a deserted island?
“ ferris bueller’s day off, can’t hardly wait, drive me crazy, enchated and ocean’s 8 so i can finally watch it. “
25. out of all of the late night talk show hosts, who is their favorite?
“ james corden !! i love his skits and overall games. and let’s not forget carpool karaoke is one of the best things to watch when you are bored. “
26. what are three things they are afraid of?
“ being forgotten, being abandoned and snakes. literal and not literal snakes. “
27. what was the first concert they went to?
“ bon jovi when he played on central park summerstage. i remember my mom going crazy because she is obsessed with him. it was a great afternoon. “
28. is there a nickname that only their family calls them?
“ they call me millie. “
29. what side of the bed do they sleep on?
“ left. “
30. what is their favorite comfort food?
“ hershey’s chocolate bar. at least once a month, i go to the store in times square to get one for free. “
31. what award shows do they watch?
“ all of them. i love award season, but i will love it more when amy addams finally get the oscar that she deserves. “
32. do they have any weird body skills (example: being double jointed)?
“ yes !! i can wiggle both of my ears. “
33. if they drink coffee, what is their coffee order?
“ i don’t drink coffee. when i need caffeine i go to black tea mixed with green tea. “
34. what social media platforms do they have?
“ twitter, instagram, snapchat and pinterest. oh, facebook as well so my family knows i’m alive but i barely use it. “
35. are they a cat or dog person?
“ both ?? how can i choose between these precious animals ?? answer: i can’t. and won’t. “
36. if they were a supernatural creature, what would they be?
“ i think i answered this before, but if not, i would love to be a valkyrie. they are a bunch of badass women. “
37. what show are they currently watching on netflix/hulu?
“ queer eye and champions !! both are great and i highkey recommend everyone to watch them. “
38. what is their favorite disney movie?
“ disney is beauty and the beast. disney pixar is a bug’s life, i love a good classic. live action disney is obviously maleficent. fun fact: i saved money to buy the same lipstick angelina used in that movie.“
39. do they wear any perfume or cologne?
“ i wear perfume when i have to work in an event or something fancy like that. but other than that, i use victoria secret’s hydrating body lotion. “
40. what genres of music do they listen to?
“ broadway, pop and rock. “
41. have they ever seen the bee movie?
“ i have the dvd. i think that is enough answer to this question. “
42. what are their favorite memes?
“ to be honest, any reaction gif that ever existed. but the gif of jonathan from queer eye saying ‘can you believe?’ is one of my favorites at the moment. “
43. what celebrities do they share a birthday with?
“ mila kunis and halle berry !! hey yo !! “
44. what is their moon (zodiac) sign?
“ my moon sign is sagittarius. if you want to know the others, i have my whole chart on my phone thanks to my sister... but don’t ask me what it means, i have no idea. “
45. which of the seven cardinal sins do they embody the most?
“ i would say greed. “
46. do they watch sports on television? if so what ones?
“ i only watch sports on television when i need something to make me sleep. “
47. what do they put on their typical sandwich?
“ bread, cheese, steak and bacon. “
48. what was the name of their first significant other?
“ colin. he was a ridiculous piece of shit and i hope he is happy and stay far away from me. “
49. do they care if people think badly of them?
“ not really. point is, haters gonna hate. shake it off, taylor swift. always right. “
50. what was the last thing that made them cry?
“ i always cry when i listen to champagne supernova by oasis, so i will say that was the last thing that made me cry because i can’t really remember the last time i cried. “
51. are they an iphone or samsung user?
“ iphone. “
52. what type of computer do they use (example: apple)?
“ lenovo thinkpad e475. “
53. what is one of their nervous habits?
“ nail biting, tapping my foot, and talking really fast. my mom says i touch my hair a lot when i’m nervous, too.“
54. out of all reality shows, which one would they have a chance winning?
“ i’m pretty sure i could win big brother. 98% certain of it. “
55. would they ever go bungee jumping or skydiving?
“ without a doubt, someone please take me. “
56. what do they call their grandparents?
“ grandma and grandpa. “
57. what do they do when they can’t sleep?
“ watch any sport on tv, and if there’s none, cartoons. “
58. what time do they normally go to bed?
“ back home, between 10:30 PM and 11 PM on weekdays and 3 AM on weekends. “
59. if they have instagram, what was the last picture that they posted?
“ it was one of me holding a sword toy in the forest, trying to be a badass like wonder woman. but failing miserably. “ (x)
60. if they have twittter, what was the last thing that they tweeted?
“  i was trying to say “c’est la vie” but i forgot the phrase and so long story short i shrugged and said “livin la vida loca”.   “
61. who is their otp?
“ emily blunt and john krasinski !! i only believe in real love because of them !! “
62. do they like sweet, salty, or sour?
“ sweet and sour. “
63. did they play any sports in the past?
“ swimming and water polo. “
64. what is their favorite cheesy pick up line?
“  you look so familiar... didn't we take a class together? i could've sworn we had chemistry. “
65. what tv show or movie is their guilty pleasure?
“ gravity falls and the lego movie. “
66. if they were a fruit, what fruit would they be?
“ green grapes. “
67. do they sing in the shower?
“ sing would be an understatement. i give a whole madison sqaure garden performance in the shower. “
68. what is their favorite type of chips?
“ doritos. always and forever you will be on my heart. “
69. do they drink juice? if so, what is their favorite kind?
“ lemonade !! and orange juice mixed with strawberry juice. trust me, that shit is good. “
70. what is more important to them: power, money, friends, family, love, or fame?
“ family and friends, always. “
71. what does their handwriting look like?
“ my handwriting is legible, that’s what i can say about it?? oh, i write in cursive. i don’t know how to answer this. “
72. do they have reoccurring dreams? if not, what is their most memorable dream?
“ i have a dream that everyone is ignoring me. i searched what it meant when it first happened, and it turns out i need to communicate more about my feelings. that’s funny. “
73. if they were a taste, what would it be?
“ minty gum. you can’t go wrong with mint gum, unless you are allergic to it. “
74. what is one random fun fact about them?
“ i do volunteer work by delivering food, coats, blankets to homeless people every night that i can for a city program. i have been doing this for a year now, and it is so gratifying being able to help them. i wish sometimes i could do more. “
75. what is their lucky number?
“ seventeen !! “
76. do they have any pets?
“ unfortunately, no. money is tight already and with a pet would be worse. maybe in the future i will adopt one. “
77. do they believe in the paranormal or the supernatural?
“ hell fucking yes to the paranormal. not so much to the supernatural, but i wish it was true. “
78. have they ever had any paranormal experiences?
“ no, but i have heard a lot of them to believe that paranormal exists. “
79. can they sing or dance?
“ i can carry a tune, but i’m no whitney houston. and my dance moves consists in high school musical choreography. “
80. who is the first person they call/text when something exciting happens?
“ my lil sister rachel, theo, and my groupchat with addie and lola.”
81. what is their social media handle?
“ @ameliamill on twitter, @amclias on instagram and @amyazing on snapchat !! “
82. what swear word do they use/like the most?
“ fuck. “
83. what is their ideal first date?
“ i really like outdoor dates, a picnic or a theme park would be fun. outdoor movie or concert, a food festival or a street fair. even getting ice cream and go for a walk instead of sitting on the parlor would be a great first date. “
84. if they were a type of weather, what would they be?
“ the weather after a rainstorm, when the sun is timidly shining again behind the clouds and there’s that smell of fresh rain that makes you feel clean. “
85. what is their least favorite holiday?
“ thanksgiving. the bad memories are real with this one. “
86. what is the first thing that they do in the morning?
“ turn off my alarm and proceed to wake rachel up so she can get ready for school. when i’m here, jump in theo’s bed to wake him up.“
87. who is their ultimate celebrity crush?
“ my love, my life, my heart: chris evans. “
88. do they usually pay with cash or card?
“ cash. “
89. what was the last thing that they bought?
“ alcohol, more specifically whiskey and vodka. “
90. are they a good or bad driver?
“ i like to believe i’m a good driver, i never hit anyone’s car... so. “
91. if they could meet one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
“ michael jackson, come on. who wouldn’t want to meet the king of pop ?? “
92. have they ever gotten into a physical fight?
“ once in high school. some girl was talking shit about my friend and the instinct to slap her across the face was stronger than the common sense of not doing so. got detention for a week and a super mad mom afterwards. oh well, it was worth it. “
93. do they prefer pepsi or coke?
“ we love and support coke in this house. pepsi is not welcome. “
94. do they prefer the city or the suburbs?
“ city, without a doubt. “
95. do they have any special or odd talents?
“ just the wiggling ears thing, like i said before. “
96. when they were little, what did they want to be when they grew up?
“ i wanted to be an astronaut and then i found out how much math it required to become one. it broke little amy’s heart. “
97. do they have any favorite smells?
“ the smell after it rains, lemon, and homemade food. “
98. if they could visit any place in the world, where would they go?
“ in ibiza za za za, everyday is a fiesta sta sta sta. “
99. do they wear jewelry?
“ yes, a necklace with a rose pendant that my grandma gave me. i haven’t taken it off since she gave me. and also earings. “
100. who is the last person they talked to on the phone?
“ rachel, turns out the lil sis is missing me more than she thought she would. “
101. do they prefer ‘would you rather’ or ‘truth or dare’?
“ would you rather. “
102. what has been their favorite halloween costume yet?
“ cher from clueless with the iconic yellow outfit !! as if there would be a better halloween costume than being the funniest rich girl.  “
103. do they like horror movies?
“ yeah, but i don’t like to watch them alone. “
104. what is their typical breakfast like?
“ soft scrambled eggs and tea. “
105. are they a netflix or hulu person?
“ netflix all the way !! their original content is great as fuck. “
106. do they like to gossip?
“ oh yeah, definitely. but only with close friends. “
107. if they were a song, what one would they be?
“ who do you think you are by spice girls. “
108. what was their best subject in school?
“ weirdly enough, it was spanish. followed by history and english. “
109. what was their worst subject in school?
“ physics. that shit was my fucking nightmare. why sir isaac newton had to discover gravity ?? tell me why ?? “
110. have they ever met anyone famous?
“ yes, a lot. the latest one was chris evans because he was on broadway with ‘lobby hero’. i was trembling the whole time he was talking to me. his eyes are so blue and dreamy. “
111. who was their childhood hero?
“ the totally spies !! no doubt, no doubt. “
112. were any tv shows or movies that they weren’t allowed to watch as a child?
“ my mom would let me watch things that were on my age range. if i wanted to watch something more ‘adult-y’, she would watch it first and then say if i could watch it or not. “
113. what is the strangest thing they have ever eaten?
“ according to my grandma, i ate a beetle when i was 2 year old. so it would be that. “
114. do they prefer friends or family?
“ i can’t choose, both have important roles in my life. “
115. how do they feel about pineapple on pizza?
“ i’m not a fan of it, but i don’t think is the weirdest topping you could put on your pizza like some people make it out to be. “
116. do they put the milk or cereal in the bowl first?
“ cereal in the bowl first. that way you know how much milk you have to put. duh. “
117. how do they think dogs would wear pants?
“ the second one. i don’t think any dog would be able to move wearing pants like in the first picture. “
118. do they believe in luck or fate?
“ fucking yes. life would be boring if you don’t believe in some things. but i believe more in luck than fate, though. “
119. do they use emojis when they text?
“ yes !! my three top most used emojis are the middle finger, eye roll, and the eyes emoji. “
120. who was their favorite character on friends?
“ all of them but ross. ross can rot in hell for making rachel get out of that plane. “
121. what character on friends are they most like?
“ i make jokes when i’m uncomfortable and the only response to a romantic i love you is ‘oh crap’. couldn’t i BE anymore like chandler ?? “
122. would they rather read the books or watch the movies?
“ watch the movies. “
123. what is their favorite time of day?
“ night, when i can finally lay in bed and relax. “
124. did they watch the teletubbies as a child? if so, who was their favorite?
“ if someone watched teletubbies and their favorite wasn’t po, they are fake. “
125. do they check the rating (like a rotten tomatoes rating) of a movie before they go and see one?
“ not really, no. i just watch it and then complain on twitter if it is bad. “
126. do they have any favorite old hollywood movie stars?
“ judy garland, julie andrews and audrey hepburn !! “
127. if they had to live in any other decade, which would they choose?
“ the 80′s, without a doubt. “
128. if they could only listen to five music albums for the rest of their life, which ones would they choose?
“ abba gold: greatest hits, michael jackson: greatest hits, spiceworld by spice girls, backstreet boys: the hits, high school musical 2 soundtrack. “
129. do they believe in heaven/hell or reincarnation?
“ like i said before, not believing in things makes life boring. so yes, i do believe in hell, heaven and reincarnation. “
130. do they like chewing gum?
“ yes, minty gum is great. “
131. do they like to go see musicals or plays?
“ hell yes !! it is one of my favorite things to do. “
132. were they apart of any clubs or teams in high school or college?
“ i was part of the swimming and water polo team in high school. “
133. what was their high school superlative?
“ most likely to brighten someone’s day. “
134. are they good at cooking or baking?
“ i have to be, or my sister and i would be eating take out every night. “
135. could they beat bobby flay?
“ hell no. “
136. do they watch actual television? if so, what channels do they watch?
“ mtv. and your occasional sports channel when i need to sleep. “
137. have they ever seen rupaul’s drag race?
“ yas gawd, werk it mama. “
138. do they prefer pink or yellow lemonade?
“ pink lemonade. everything that is pink, is better. i don’t make the rules, it just is. “
139. could they lip sync for their life?
“ i like to believe that the only lip sync for the life i would have to be in is the one in the final. and that it would be a song that is comedic like anaconda by nicki minaj so i can pull a ben de la creme on it. in these terms, i could definitely lip sync for my life. “
140. is their room messy or clean?
“ an organized mess, thank you very much. “
141. if they were a body part, which one would they be?
“ the brain, it controls every other body part. “
142. if they were an emotion, what would they be?
“ happiness. “
143. if they were a planet, which one would they be?
“ neptune, i don’t know why. “
144. how would they describe their clothing style?
“ eleanor shellstrop look alike. “
145. do they shower in the morning or at night?
“ at night, so my body can relax after a long day. “
146. do they order regular fries, onion rings, sweet potato fries, or tater tots?
“ regular fries. so i can eat them with a sundae. “
147. do they normally wear socks?
“ yes, socks are comfy. “
148. do they fear natural disasters?
“ of course. is there anyone who doesn’t fear natural disasters ?? ”
149. can they ice/roller skate?
“ no way. i always fall on my ass, but hey, that never stopped me from getting up again. “
150. are they good at video games?
“ i’m horrible at video games. the last game i played was mario kart. years ago. “
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tis-me-riri · 7 years
All of em sweetheart :)
1. What are your hobbies?
Gaming, reading, writing sometimes. Basketball.
2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why?
Living: my friend megan. cuz we talks about everything and anything and thats fun. Can’t think of anyone else tbh Dead: probably my grandfather. I dont have a third sorry.
3. What makes you laugh?
Honestly I laugh all the time. everything makes me laugh. its my way of trying to cope with my crippling anxiety most of the time.
4. What was the last good thing that happened to you?
My friend at work gave me a banana at lunch :)
5. What is your biggest goal?
6. What do you think is the meaning of life?
I think everyones life has the meaning they choose to give it. Or, that should be the case. But hah. My life personally is meaningless atm.
7. Do you believe in an afterlife?
to some extent I suppose.
8. Do you have any pet peeves?
yes. being ignored. loud chewing and slurping. grinding teeth.
9. What do you like to do on the weekends?
Like nothing. or hang with megan. or game.
10. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
I watched everything. I had a huge tv boxset collection that grew and grew. cannot select a favorite haha
11. What is your favorite TV show now?
there are too many shows to determine this. sorry.
12. What are your favorite movies?
Harry Potter movies, Marvel and Dc movies, thriller/ horror
13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.
I have feelings. I know maybe not what you are expecting, but hey, people seem to have trouble grasping that fact. soooo this is my response.
14. What do you look for in a significant other?
kindness, honesty, sense of humour/sarcasm is really attractive. But also being able to have mature conversation. being able to talk about anything. 
15. What were you like as a child?
As a child i was treated like shit but didnt care and i was always a happy person. playful and outgoing. Now I cannot say the same. I cannot socialize. almost at all.
16. What are some things on your bucket list?
travel. meet some people. buy a house.
17. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
friends and family. all in different ways and everyone both positively and negatively
18. Do you have any pets or have you ever owned any?
Currently 2 cats. Ive owned many cats, a few dogs, some birds, etc.
19. Talk about a challenge you had recently and how you overcame it or how you plan to.
my recent challenges are still on going and im not sure im ready to talk about it just yet.
20. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?
21. Talk about a favorite childhood memory.
being happy.
22. What is your favorite commercial?
hate them all.
23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
people suprise you. be careful.
24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
a friend.
25. Who is your celebrity crush?
this changes alot and i currently have not paid enough attention to have one
26. Who is your favorite musical artist?
here are a few: evanescence,halestorm, the civil wars, in this moment, five finger death punch, motionless in white
27. What is your favorite music genre?
Rock/metal/alternative styles. I listen to alot of music though.
28. What is your favorite color?
29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
share and save :)
30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Mind reader hands down.
31. What is your dream vacation?
travel the entire world!
32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life?
ask me later.
33. Where did you grow up?
Ontario canada
34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with?
it would be cool to be anyone else for a day. just to see what its like. truly understand a person. etc.
35. What is your favorite book?
HP books
36. Who is your favorite author?
No favorite.
37. Who do you look up to?
my mom in some ways
38. What is your favorite food ever?
chicken wings
39. Are you a picky eater?
40. Drunken story time! Go!
at a bar I def danced the pole, but other then that nothing too fun yet
41. What beverage do you consume most often?
coffee and water
42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
I tend to wash my arms, neck and chest first
43. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
44. How are you feeling right now?
really upset. really bad about myself. hah.
45. Do you plan out your outfits?
oh god no.
46. What is the closest red item to you?
liqor bottle label
47. Talk about the last dream you remember having.
I was fighting off some creep. My friend was standing in the background laughing. wouldn't help me.
48. Do you love yourself?
im trying too
49. When was the last time you cried and why?
I literally kinda just did, but it was really held back.
50. Have you ever met a celebrity?
yep. slash. at an amusement park where he was doing a concert.
51. Have you ever been to a concert?
several now.
52. What are you listening to right now?
eternally yours by motionless in white
53. Have you ever flown in an airplane?
many times.
54. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
im boring. so nothing crazy.
55. Are your parents or guardians strict?
the opposite of.
56. Did you have a good childhood?
not the best. not the worst.
57. Have you ever been in love?
yes. a few times. 
58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I like to mix it up.
59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize?
If they ever come back ill let you know.
60. What are some of your turn-ons?
i dont have any sexual turn ons. but omg smiles make me melt.
61. What are some of your turn-offs?
ASSHOLES. and not the good kind.
62. Would you go skydiving?
sure would.
63. What are you thinking about right now?
what song to put on
64. Do you ever rent movies?
65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.?
I use spotify so nope not anymore.
66. What is your zodiac sign?
67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny?
68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now?
oh fuck ya. lots of things to a few people. probably wont though.
69. Would you rather live a shorter life but be wealthy or live a longer life and struggle financially?
wherever im happier.
70. What is your stance on abortion?
i have a neutral opinion. personally if someone is not prepared to care for and raise a child, or isnt able to provide for them in every way neccessary i see no shame.
71. Do you believe in ghosts?
72. Who do you admire and why?
little bits of all the people i love.
73. What was your worst experience while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
urmmm nearly walking off a two story landing.
74. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
car accident
75. What do you daydream about?
being cared for. 
76. Where do you want to live after retirement?
somewhere warm
77. What would you change your first name to?
I wouldnt
78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her?
I dont.
79. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
i can be both
80. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
81. What is your dream profession?
Film Director
82. What do you worry about most?
how people i care about think about me. LOL i know its bad but, its the truth. I’m always afraid theyll realize im not enough for them.
83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
new work shoes. 2 days ago. they are great.
84. Who do you compare yourself to?
i know im unique.
85. What excites you about life?
feelings. but also scares me the most too
86. What five words would you use to describe your personality?
sarcastic, shy, talkative, quiet, kind
87. What is one life lesson you learned the hard way?
people suck
88. What belief do you have that many people disagree with?
oh god. plenty and im not gunna start with it
89. If not now, then when?
90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
yep sometimes not saying something can be a lie.
91. What activities make you lose track of time?
gaming, and other fun things
92. If you had to teach an academic subject, what subject would you want to teach?
93. What is your biggest regret?
that i failed
94. What will matter most to you when you're 80 years old?
95. Are you a messy person or a clean person?
i toss between the two
96. Are you a perfectionist?
97. How tall are you?
5 ft 11 in
98. What is your guilty pleasure?
99. Do you prefer sweet or salty?
i like both
100. What is your favorite social media website?
0 notes