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fotozbranek · 5 years ago
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#pf2020 #pourfeliciter #icehockey #hokej #bilitygri #liberec #portret #portrait #oresnik #jizerky #wedding #svatba #martinsonka #czechgirl #portretnifotograf #svatebnifotograf #sport #redbullairrace #jizerskehory #editorial #pressphoto #nature #landscape #jablonec #azfotky #fotozbranek #czechrepublic #liberecregion #libereckykraj #sunset (v místě Liberec Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ukTjTpg5X/?igshid=1r0abh2uvaub7
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tsukune-ojisan · 7 years ago
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#redbullairrace のハンガーへ! #martinsonka サインもらってテンション爆アゲ♂ TRUMP SuGuRuの#jetsurf 仲間とは… 流石、日本代表ですわー!! #travel #travelgram
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uzasi · 7 years ago
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エアレース・2017シーズン第7戦となるラウジッツ・室屋さん優勝おめでとう! そして能勢さんが、走ってた( ̄▽ ̄) #airrace #エアレース #YoshihideMuroya #室屋義秀 #GoYoshi #Lexus #Breitling #Sard #lausitz #能勢雄一 #YuichiNosse #martinsonka #matthall #Germany #優勝 #winner #2017 #lausitzring #redbull #screenshots_from_redbull_tv #falken #airrace
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reepair · 7 years ago
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rimili · 8 years ago
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@martinsonka at Lausitzring #airrace #lausitzring #germany #martinsonka #race #fly #flyfast #instagrammers #photography #follow #like (hier: Lausitzring)
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xabeldiz · 6 years ago
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_____________________________________ early sunday morning. a redbull plane flies over bratislava’s old town . then an amazing exhibition between the old-new bridge and the snp bridge. aerial spectacles using peaceful planes instead of those fucking army planes which every year remember that asturies was bombed by nazi´s army supporting fascist. ☮ _____________________________________ al alborecer d'un domingu. un avión de redbull sobrevuela los teyaos de la vieya bratislava. el castiellu de bratislava observa pero non xulga. depués una amuesa ablucante ente la ponte nueva-vieya y la ponte del SNP. xuegos aéreos con aviones de paz y non como eso putos aviones militares qu'añu tres añu recuerden qu'asturies foi bombardeada pola aviación nazi nel so sofitu al facismu. ☮ _____________________________________ #redbull #redbullairrace #redbullphotography #bratislavacity #bratislavacastle #thisisbratislava #visitbratislava #bratislava #slovakia #insta_svk #bratislavskyhrad #thisisslovakia #kraskanadunaji #dunaj #danuberiver #nofilter #bezfiltra #acrobatics #planeacrobatics #dailyplanepics @martinsonka @redbullairrace @redbullsk #ufotower #martinsonka #aerobatics #aerobaticpilot #aerobaticshow @gijonairshow #festivalaereogijon @iu_xixon @gijon ……………………………………….....……[*+] (at Bratislava, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2igunJFo3E/?igshid=1lv40c2aqgmlp
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bigbubacz · 6 years ago
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Víš, co je @jetsurf_official ?? 👀 Bys možná měl, páč je to první ryze českej sport, kterej se provozuje na motorovym prkně, který se vyrábí v Brně. To už je celkem sada, ale firma Martina Šuly je kompletně soběstačná a na prkně si vyrábí téměř všechno sama a inhouse. Mimo jiný firma Jetsurf pomáhá @martinsonka při vývoji jeho letadla, resp. kompozitových částí! To je zajímavostí...🧠🤙 ale v dnešnim rozhovoru na @ockotv klasicky v našem milovanym @drive_ocko budu kecat o sportu jako takovym s jedinečnou @martinabrav 💣tak to od 22hod zapni - Bubster • • • #moderator #speaker #czech #buba #bigbuba #bigbubacz #host #show #drive #cestazasnem #spokesman #konferencier #instadaily #igers #instalike #love #event #instalike #me #praha #cechy #prague #czechrepublic #world #wekeepmoments #life #zlatapevnalinka #motivation #jetsurf #water #sea — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QuU7wZ
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beaconoutbound-blog · 6 years ago
Amazing Extra 300 skills!😎 . ✅ @beaconoutbound ✅Notifications 🔛🆗 ✅Tag @beaconoutbound to get featured. 📹@martinsonka https://www.instagram.com/p/BpB-qlIAZIz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cxtl38ra8fj9
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fotozbranek · 6 years ago
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#jbc4xrevelations #4xprotour #fourcross #jbcbikepark #martinsonka #extremesport #jbc4x #revelations #grabyourballs #redbullairrace #4cross #extremesport #redbullbike #aeroplane #flyingbulls #mountainbike #jbc4xrevelations2019 #jablonec #redbull #jablonecnadnisou #sport #sportsphoto #pressphoto #editorial #canoncz #sportsphotography #regionliberec #libereckykraj #czechrepublic #fotozbranek #azfotky (v místě JBC bikepark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OoUc-o8lD/?igshid=vs7ickhg1ias
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cerebralmuseum-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Plane and simple, we’re stoked its #NationalAviationDay. 🛩: @nigellamb @martinsonka @juanvelarde26 📸: @joergmitter @redbullairrace #flying #aviation #givesyouwings #photooftheday #sport #travel
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pristiq50mg-to-buy-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Plane and simple, we’re stoked its #NationalAviationDay. 🛩: @nigellamb @martinsonka @juanvelarde26 📸: @joergmitter @redbullairrace #flying #aviation #givesyouwings #tagforlikes #action #F4F #travel #amazing
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lovinwatch · 8 years ago
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Hamilton and RedBull flying high: @nicolasivanoff and @martinsonka over the Agricultural Palace of Kazan prior to the fifth @redbullairrace of this season. #hamiltonwatch #redbull #airrace #russia #aviation
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bearsimjealousof-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Plane and simple, we’re stoked its #NationalAviationDay. 🛩: @nigellamb @martinsonka @juanvelarde26 📸: @joergmitter @redbullairrace #flying #aviation #givesyouwings #adventure #random #sport #L4L #FF
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slutwalklondon-blog · 8 years ago
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Plane and simple, we’re stoked its #NationalAviationDay. 🛩: @nigellamb @martinsonka @juanvelarde26 📸: @joergmitter @redbullairrace #flying #aviation #givesyouwings #travel #random #photo
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centin-blog · 8 years ago
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That skyline though... 📷: @predragvuckovic ✈️: @matthiasdolderer @nicolasivanoff @martinsonka #redbullairrace #planes #abudhabi #amazing #sport #FF #travel
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temkimesbull46-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Oh hi Mt. Fuji. 🗻👋 ✈️: @nigellamb, @martinsonka & Yoshihide Muroya 📷: @joergmitter #mtfuji #japan #flying #plane #intheair #inthesky #flyby #instafollow #travel #followback #tagforlikes
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