martinatfacetroid · 4 years
*Martin quickly rolled as the rather hefty sword of the new entity crashed down where he had been but a short moment ago. Sparks of light and dark erupted at the point of impact, making Martin back peddle further. With a screech the monster swung the sword horizontally, the tip of the sword unleashed a focused beam of interwoven energy across the top of the tower, causing the party to avoid its erratic movement*
Arius: To hell with this!
*Arius unleashed a hail of energy blasts to the being’s upper body, a few shots met their marks before the remainder were absorbed into a freshly formed dark portal. A low growl emanated from the creature as it seemed to take a quick moment to assess the other targets on the platform as only just now they had caught their attention. His focus swapped back to Martin quite often, but his fixation also seemed to drift towards the pair of luminoth. With a swift uppercut, a wave of darkness was sent along the floor towards the couple, jutted spikes erupting from the crawling abyss as it encroached*
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dsatfacetroid · 6 years
*U-Mos notices the approaching threat just as Elira does, but as he starts throwing bursts of light energy around the room to try and stop the others from being taken, he finds a smoky wall absorbing his attacks. J-Mos runs back into the room upon hearing the commotion and, seeing the situation, draws her sword, running at and slicing through a vague, wispy form, only to find it reappearing a short distance away. The Sentinel looks down at Martin, finding him to be the only one left. Without another word, his hands become enveloped in black smoke, and he forces this energy forward. As though striking an invisible wall, the smoke flattens out and is pushed away, drifting down to the floor. As he forces more and more dark energy into it, however, cracks begin to appear in the space itself, like glowing fractures in a glass wall. U-Mos lets out a quiet sound of pain as black tendrils start to consume his arms again, but he keeps going, finding that the cracks in the invisible wall grow more numerous.*
U-Mos: Jay... Your sword...
*J-Mos steps up to the wall and swings downward with her katana. The cracks flash red for a split second before the dimensional wall finally shatters, fragments of space falling and disappearing into black smoke. What is left is a small portal filled with purple and black.*
U-Mos: Martin, bring the light crystal. We'll need it.
*J-Mos grabs onto his arm.*
J-Mos: Wait a minute, you're going?
U-Mos: As of now, the undying lands have declared war on us. I have to.
J-Mos: Not without me.
U-Mos: That armor's not dark resistant.
*The Sentinel begins to glow, and is soon covered in thin, sleek light armor.*
J-Mos: Oh really?
*As her lightweight armor begins to fold away, she backs over to a corner of the room and grabs a large medallion, placing it around her neck before holding her hands to it. New armor begins to fold out around her, stone gray in color but heavy, yet somehow streamlined. Her helmet obscures her head, leaving only a glowing red line for a visor, and a long horn protruding from the front. She reaches back, grabbing a long, two-handed warhammer with a light crystal embedded in the center. Finally, she steps over beside U-Mos.*
U-Mos: Do you even know how to use Ingsmasher armor?
J-Mos: Nope.
U-Mos: I'm not sure if you're brave, overconfident or just stupid... Oh, Martin, you should use this.
*He hands Martin a similar medallion, though it stores collapsed light armor rather than the juggernaut armor J-Mos wears.*
U-Mos: Let's go.
*He floats off of the ground and disappears into the portal, followed in turn by J-Mos.*
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thehandadmin · 7 years
Happy 5th Anniversary for Smashtroid :)
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katieatfacetroid · 7 years
*The Kennet dropship blasts the ground where the Xanthus was, and in digs an even deeper hole in the ground, and debris flies everywhere. However, when the dust settles, there is no evidence of its destruction.*
[Xanthus_Escaped // Blujay_Aramada // ScanComplete.exe /// ORDER0000001_still_active // SF_224>>readingObjective>>confirmed]
*The Kennet Spartrons turn from where the Xanthus was moments ago, and turn on the remaining soldiers, weapons raised as they slowly approach, keeping their targeting sensors active at all times.*
*The wind picks up... and it starts to rain. A lightning bolt crackles across the sky in a frightening fashion.*
[RelayData // DATA:Meteorlogical, <<SEVERE WEATHER APPROACH WARNING: Dangerous activity detected. Automated request to retreat sent.>>]
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tseyatfacetroid · 7 years
*As Tsey rose to get moving, he grabbed his lance and laughed at what Damaris said*
There are great bars in Brinstar? After all my visits to Zebes, I never knew!
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motheratfacetroid · 7 years
*The Shadow Pirate led Elira to the makeshift infirmary, Demeter and Damaris helping a few wounded pirates to wine while the robotic Martin was lying down. The android's chest was propped open, few technicians diligently working on him under the supervision of Cyphern.*
Shadow Pirate: He'll be arriving back from civilian support soon. Stay a while and Mother will be putting on quite a show for us.
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*Sparks flew around the device that welded Alice's leg into place* AU 673: Good to know that the neural link was a success, and it was integrated so well that you did not even realize your own body had been altered. Excellent. *More mechanized structures surrounded Alice, cutting and replacing metal, connecting each piece to the metal shell that was becoming her new body* AU 673: You're proving to be useful on two fronts, giving me an opportunity to study this foreign dark energy and also allowing me to test cybernetically enhancing the human race. Weavel, the space pirate bounty hunter. We conceived the idea from how the space pirates recreated him. The Federation rejected our proposition to use cybernetics to increase the potency of common Federation soldiers, they dubbed the concept "inhuman." Such emotions are why your species has not evolved from such a primitive state compared to the other races of this universe. You will become an instrument to prove how much we can achieve and how the Federation was blinded by principles to stop progress. *Anesthetics were administered to Alice so that she would lose consciousness just before a mechanical arm began moving to remove her dark infected eye*
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*Cyphern flexed his metallic hands as he awaited the tediously long flight to Drelion, the ship had to remain in minimal power settings to avoid detection by the orbiting fleets. Cyphern hoped that his own plan would come into fruition on Drelion. He agreed to go through with the construction of the Martin android when he heard rumor of the dark Martin. Throughout their travels, Martin’s survivability as well as his amount of injuries sustained denied Cyphern’s statistical possibilities. A being built to be eternal, Cyphern’s journeys with the human proved to be some of the most intriguing years of his existence. Now he sought to test this cursed Martin. The Inquisitor’s blind obedience may disrupt his plan however. Cyphern had a plan in motion to disrupt the Inquisior’s caution*
>Martin<: You ready for this Cyphern?
Cyphern: My scythes long to stab fleshbags.
>Martin<: I’ll need you at my back, for this and if I go for chairman.
Cyphern: Political intrigue doesn’t suit you but if the Great Mind is backing you, the probability for success is high.
>Martin<: I’ll take that as a vote of confidence.
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goreaatfacetroid · 8 years
*Gorea’s eyes burned brighter as she heard Blujay’s voice as well*
*She continued to strike at the figure portrayed as Martin relentlessly, each blow being met by a blow of the shadow servants blades. The rage growing within her with each strike of her piercing arms*
You desecrate his image in this broken form. How dare you exist!? Die!
*As her arm continued to strike, she released a powerful blast from her eye that painted the entire area in red as it fired*
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blujayatfacetroid · 7 years
*Blujay remains in the shadows as he watches the group. For once, the lone swordsman prefers to work away from them and listen in, following at a distance. There are too many hostiles in one room, and having his presence be unknown may be useful in the future. Despite that Samus Aran—the alleged Guardian of the Metroid Realm—is present... he still doesn’t know who to trust. Elira is far too conniving and elusive for his taste, Alice is a loose cannon trigger-finger, Martin is half-mutated into a darkling now, Javalix is a part of Echo Squad—the group that Martin had originally affiliated himself with that now is trying to kill him, Weavel is... “notoriously dangerous” according to Federation records, and Samus hasn’t been heard from since the Battle of Final Destination.*
*Yes, perhaps keeping his distance is the best option, at this point in time.*
Q5-C7 V.2 (quietly into earpiece): [Master Aramada, the planet Okeana is listed in the Federation Databanks. Coordinates marked for next destination in the Lightning’s Breath Navigation System.]
Blujay (whispers): Thank you, Cuefive. 
Q5-C7 V.2 (quietly into earpiece): Battery for portable computer low—15%. Recharge soon.
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weavelatfacetroid · 7 years
He's not a distraction. He thinks he's nothing more than a tool. *Although his words are vile, he says them with considerable pity.* Tsey... shut the fuck up... *He looks around the group of people, knowing he must get to his gunship if he is to repair himself, but well aware that no one would really want to help him. He takes a small stick from his side and presses a button on it, causing the device to fold out into his lightbike. Slowly and awkwardly, he climbs up onto it, and moves over to where he can pick up his other arm from the floor.*
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martinatfacetroid · 6 years
*At the top of the tower, Araysia wiped sweat from her forehead as she reached the final door alongside Alice. The sniper’s blue eyes turned to meet Araysia’s fatigued state. The cybernetically infused woman certainly had an advantage on the jovian in regards to stamina. Araysia could tell that her condition was being evaluated. Araysia waved her hand in dismissal*
Araysia: I’m fine, if I wanted to quit, I would have done it half way up this freaking tower!
Alice: Yes, but up ahead isn’t a simple beast or over zealous darkling. Elira is much stronger. Those luminoth should have let me kill her when I had the chance. Guard this door, I have a feeling she won’t be held by restraints. It will be better if the both of us could focus on her with our full potential. Worrying about one another will give her an advantage.
*Araysia bit her lip in frustration, she didn’t like leaving Alice alone to battle Elira. Though she was bluffing about her fatigue, the countless transformations that she had used throughout the climb had taken their toll on her body, she knew bravado wasn’t going to get her far. Araysia slumped against the wall and tossed one of her daggers to Alice*
Araysia: Don’t make me open that door. 
*Alice nodded and stood in front of the door. It parted, revealing a short staircase that led up to an opening to the roof of the tower. She stepped out into the dark atmosphere once more and froze. Elira’s body hung, only being lifted up by the chains that were attached to her wrists. A swirling darkness floated above her, and the corpses of her captors littered the floor around her. Despite the grizzly scene, Elira looked unharmed despite being lifeless*
(Does her power have a will of its own?)
*Alice wasn’t going to take chances, she loaded a round of light crystal into her wrist cannon, and aimed it directly towards Elira’s drooping head. She fired, and the sound of screeching metal was heard as her arm was severed from her body. Alice went spiraling towards the edge of tower. She quickly looked up as she had lost her firing arm along with her light crystal rounds. An expression of irritation crossed her face but soon turned to surprise as she recognized the frame of the dark warrior standing in defense of Elira*
Elira: My paladin...my paladin...has come to save me from the nightmare...
*Her word were distant, as if she weren’t in the room, the Paladin held a sizable sword and shield. It moved methodically in an almost mechanical motion towards Alice. She knew it wasn’t Martin. At least, it wasn’t their Martin. Alice wondered if somehow in her distress was summoning a full apparition of Martin unconsciously. Alice activated her scythe on her left arm. She now was at a huge disadvantage with her range gone, the Paladin had melee superiority. With an unyielding run, the Paladin charged. Alice slid under the brutish being as it had lunged for a horizontal strike. She still could outmaneuver the being but one wrong move would end it all. The Paladin simply turned around with no sign of irritation, as if everything that had occurred was natural. It seemed to size down Alice as she examined her opponent*
(If she is recreating Martin in her twisted head, he should still have that chest wound in this state.)
*True enough, the center of the Paladin’s chest armor was fractured. If she could plunge her light scythe into that spot, the beast would hopefully go down. It charged once more. This time, Alice stood her ground,she dodged the diagonal swing of its blade and then moved in to plunge her scythe into its chest. The blade struck against the Paladin’s shield as it pushed her back with it. Alice was faced with yet another charge, she jumped over and past the Paladin. As she turned to face it, she let out a gasp of surprise as she was struck in the center of her body with the Paladin’s thrown shield. Her body got sent hurtling back, metal scraped on metal until she reached a grinding halt next to the edge. She coughed and blood came out of her mouth. Her senses had grown dull. Without a doubt that blow had caused major damage to her mechanical and biological internals. Fortunately, she could still feel her legs do she shakily stood to her feet. The Sniper knew she was outmatched indefinitely as the beast gave her little time to recover, it sprinted towards her with unrelenting ferocity. An idea came to Alice in the moment, as she stood on the edge of the tower, a fatal drop to her back. As the Paladin got close it moved to slow its pace as it moved in for the killing blow. Alice carefully spun, the beast turned with her to avoid falling, leaving the chest exposed to her scythe into the Paladin’s fractured armor as its blade cleaved through her legs. Both of the combatants fell to the ground. The armored apparition writhed as the light energy coursed through it until finally it dissipated. Fragments of the beings dark energy floated back into the dark energy floating above Elira. Alice’s senses dulled as she laid upon the ground, the Paladin had nearly killed her. She struggled but managed to use her only remaining limb, her left arm, to roll herself over. Elira still hung motionlessly as she was suspended in the chains, a newly formed tear had run down her face, perhaps in recognition of the fallen warrior. Alice then began to pull herself towards the witch with her arm. Her metal body screeched as she made her way. With each pull, she could feel her strength fading her body, her senses had all but dulled to numbness. One pull followed by another, and one after that. Everything seemed distant*
(Just...a little...farther.)
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dsatfacetroid · 5 years
*As the chaotic form emerges and roars into the sky, J-Mos tightens her grip on her hammer, holding it at the ready while U-Mos floats into the air, holding his hands out to form a sphere of golden light around him. His eyes are drawn to his hands, however, where he finds that, even over his light suit, veins of darkness linger on him, pulsing a deep, sickly purple. He clenches his hands into fists and looks back up at the abomination before him.*
U-Mos: I don't understand... How did they manage to summon this?
J-Mos: Does it matter?
*With that, J-Mos lifts herself off of the ground and charges forward, swinging the full weight of her hammer toward the being's head.*
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hunteratfacetroid · 7 years
*Samus finally intervenes into Weavel and Tsey’s fight, walking up to them as she primes a missile on her arm cannon*
That’s a good question, but I don’t care to find out.
*With barely a moment of hesitation, she points her cannon down at Tsey*
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katieatfacetroid · 7 years
*The Phazon Spartrons stand over Blujay’s weak and frail body. Next to them appears Libidine, who smiles.*
[Directive_Complete.exe // Mission_00000000001 -- Accomplished]
*Libidine opens a direct channel with Katie Kennet.*
“Mistress, the Phazon Spartrons worked. Blujay is ours.”
*Upon receiving word, Katie smirked victoriously and joyfully.*
Excellent. Restrain the Blujay and his companions on the beach and bring them aboard the Dark Heart. Retrieve the Archepée as well -- extensive research is needed on it reading the Blujay’s powers.
*Similarly with Samus, their gatling guns spin with prongs at the ends until blue energy appears, and they zap Blujay’s body, surrounding him in restrictive energy cuffs. They carry off the defenseless hero back to their drop ship, while Libidine turns to the legendary Archepée, which stuck upright in the sand. Against her face, she feels the raindrops pecking, their wetness cold and frigid. She grabs the Archepée from the sand—the hilt still warm from the hand of its previous wielder—and carefully holds it outward. As she walks away from the shoreline, which had gotten substantially closer since they arrived, she walks alongside the Spartrons who have detained Samus as well as the other two defenders on the beach—who had received little damage, but were both restrained—and boards the shuttle with the other Kennets.*
*Having completed their mission, the drop ship makes its lit off and flies through the clouds of Okeana up into space -- to the Dark Heart, where Katie Kennet was awaiting them with anticipation.*
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tseyatfacetroid · 7 years
*Tsey accepted the wine from Damaris and began drinking it amost instantly*
Disable power and force them into submission while extending Mother’s will, simple enough. Ah, this wine is a true grace for the weary.
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