#martin WOULD tease him for the rest of time after the initial joy wore off tho
tweetsongs · 4 years
acemartinblackwood replied to your post: jon liking martin’s poetry and only martin’s...
Okay but what if at some point Jon took the time to get Martin’s poems printed and bound (like nicely bound bc I feel like that’s something Jon would be into). And either keeps them for himself or ‘gives’ them to Martin. Either way Jon can proudly show off his fancy poetry collection of his boyfriend poet.
AMAZING. jon’s like ‘i managed to get my hands on a copy....it was difficult, because it was an EXTREMELY limited release...but i want you to have it.’
martin: ‘oh, i mean- if it’s that precious, you don’t have to give it to-’ *sees the Martin K. Blackwood on the cover* ‘OH.’
jon spends like an hour talking about the exact method he used to bind the book and the material he used for the cover, and martin just keeps tracing his fingers over the very nice print, marvelling at it because he never really imagined his poems would mean that much to anyone but himself, and holding in his hands proof that it does.
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With Smiles On Our Faces
*Despite the gown that skimmed the floor and the towering heels that had been shoved at me by Asher, I still felt slightly underdressed as I wove through the glittering crowd, my heels clicking on the shining floors as I navigated the who’s who of Chicago elite, decked out on their finest.  It was a ridiculous fear of course, but there was still a bit of relief that blossomed in my stomach as I caught sight of the table we had been placed at.  It was just far enough back to be both quiet and out of the way, but still close enough to not be one of “those tables” that every wedding has.  Shifting my small backpack from my shoulder to slip under the table, I let my now empty hand graze over the strap of the camera bag draped across the back of my chair, Pan having been charged with watching it while I changed.* Has the fun started yet? *My voice was soft as I settled down in my seat and reached immediately for the glass of water that glinted in the lights. “Of course it ha-fuck.”  His voice trailed off as he turned around, pulling his eyes from watching Trick across the dance floor, to look at me.*  That is far from encouraging, Pan. Is there something wrong? *I immediately started brushing my hands over the delicate silk of my gown, checking the straps and smoothing the skirt nervously.  “No, no, Beary, there is nothing wrong at all. You look stunning.”  I didn’t blush often, but the fondness in Pete’s voice had my cheeks warming as memories of questions and unknown answers swirled in my head. Taking a sip of the water in my hand to wet my suddenly parched throat, I hoped that the soft lighting would disguise my blush but if the grin on my companion’s face was anything to go by, it absolutely did not.* Thank you, Pan. You know you clean up pretty well yourself. *The words were accompanied by a soft smile before I brushed at a piece of fuzz on the shoulder of Pete’s jacket. “You flatter me, Teddy. You know that will get you everywhere.”  The teasing note in his voice and playful bounce of his brows broke the slight, possibly imagined tension that hung between us and I couldn’t help but laugh, rolling my eyes.*  You are incorrigible, Pan. *The grin I was rewarded with was fucking light and there was that familiar stirring in my stomach again that I fought to push away by flicking my eyes back over the crowd. Pale blue and maroon clad bridesmaids milled about, sylph-like through the crowd and their high laughter seemed to increase in the presence of a certain fedora-wearing singer who was, to everyone but Pan’s knowledge, highly unavailable. Somehow, as I had learned in the last few months, that seemed to be an easily forgettable fact for some people. Pan, being far more observant than almost anyone including me gave him credit for, followed my line of sight with a quiet laugh. “If looks could kill, Beary” His tone was teasing, just slightly though, and I leaned against his shoulder, the fabric of his jacket luxe and soft against my arm.* People never cease to astound me sometimes.  I mean, they really shouldn’t but… *I let the thought trail off and shrugged, settling back against my chair and returning my attention to Pete. “Nah, you’ve got reason to be pissed. Always have.  And it’s not just you.” The last words were quiet, for my eyes only, and I arched a brow in question; although it was more teasing than in surprise. Pan grinned, all bright white teeth and mirth. “It looks good on you. Oh! Speaking of looking good on you…” Dropping his attention, he slipped a hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a flat jewelry box, the black velvet looking plush against his dark hands. I couldn’t hide my blink and once again my traitorous throat went dry and my eyes wide. The asshole laughed and flipped up the box lid, pressing a kiss to the side of my head with a quiet laugh. “Breathe, Sweetheart. Mom sent them for you to wear, apparently Asher talks to literally everyone. She said, and I quote, ‘Dora is saving my wedding, and she needs to look it.’. I’m pretty sure Ash has lost her mind, but…” Pete’s shrug was easy as he handed over the box.  The diamonds and sapphires lay on dark velvet sparkled almost too much in the elegant lighting. I shook my head, hair swinging over my shoulders and fighting the tears that stung my eyes, fighting them away with a laugh.* Ridiculous, but beautiful. We will have to go visit before we go home. *Pan just nodded and sat back as I carefully slipped the earrings in, brushing my hair back behind my shoulders.  I could feel the cool metal brush against my neck as I turned back, snapping the box shut and handing it over.*  What do you think? Respectable or just playing dress up in your mom’s jewelry box again? *Pan laughed, loud and long, one finger pushing gently against the swinging stone, his fingertips just barely brushing the skin of my neck.  I liked it far more than I should have. “They suit you, Beary, you know that.” The smile that accompanied the words was warm and sweet and it did not make me shiver. Not at all. “He’s right you know.”  Trick’s voice was low and he was so close that I could feel his warm breath ghost across my head before he placed a gentle, almost fleeting kiss to my temple and settled into the empty seat on my other side. I couldn’t help my smile, and neither could Pan.*  You are both biased and you know it, but thank you. *”Now Teddy, biased doesn’t mean wrong. Besides, Mama Beth knows her jewelry. She would never send anything but the best.” There was a teasing lilt to his words and I opened my mouth to argue, but the timing was all of. The delicate tinkling of china against crystal filled the air and the graceful strings faded as cocktail hour finally came to an end, and the reception formally began. The rustle of luxurious fabrics and click of heels on marble a prelude to the annoyingly familiar DJ crooning from the set-up he had in the far corner of the room by the string quartet and a piano. His voice was almost annoyingly unctuous and I wrinkled my nose, but the initial effect faded quickly as the wedding party, all ten Bridesmaids and Groomsmen entered, along with both Asher and Alex’s parents, each pair with their own themed song.  And then finally, blessedly, the happy couple themselves to the strains of “Happy”, of all the songs in the damn world. Turns out Alex had had a hand in planning after all. The applause and smiles all around as DJ Smooth on the mic over there finally introduced Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Martin.  I might even have teared up a little. I know Pan did. “Be right back.” Trick’s voice was barely a whisper as the applause finally died down and he was gone before either Pan or I could question him,  striding away towards the corner of the dancefloor. I caught Pan’s confused gaze just moments before DJ Smooth piped up again, announcing the first dance and the pieces clicked into place as Trick settled at the piano just as he trailed off. Trick didn’t say anything but I could see his smile as his fingers trailed over the keys.  Asher, for her part, looked just as confused as the rest of us were, but Alex was grinning as he pulled his wife into his arms. And then Trick started singing and the place went up in absolute cheers. ‘Let’s Get It On’ was probably the least appropriate song for a first dance ever, but it worked in some weird way, especially for Alex and Asher. Well, honestly mostly Alex, but it was sweet and unexpected and the moment was, as it should have been, absolutely perfect. Trick received hugs from both the bride and groom once he wrapped up, Asher nearly shrieking in joy.  I loved the girl but she needed to tone it down a little.  The evening wore down just a bit during dinner, a shockingly delicious vegan spread, and the toast that followed, all punctuated with witty, self-effacing stories and in jokes that seemed to flow almost effortlessly into the family dances, after which there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  It was nice, in a way, to be a guest as opposed to working the event.  The company, however, may have had a little something to do with that, as well as the Veuve Cliquot that the waitstaff distributed freely, although I limited myself to two glasses.  I had opted to serve as DD for the evening, mostly because I didn’t want Trick or Pan driving my car. We were deep in conversation with Asher, while Tegan, the photographer I had contacted behind her snapped away. We were lingering over the last bites of a frankly delicious cake, when DJ Unctuous’s voice echoed out over the notes of one of Trick’s older songs; a fact that had been pointed out to him by at least four people that passed by. Because obviously we didn’t know. Pan, happily buzzed, played dumb the entire time and I couldn’t hide my laugh at Trick’s exasperation. In other words, it was perfect until the interruption. “Ok now it’s time for a little fun, because it’s time for the traditional throwing of the Bouquet.  For those of you who’ve seen the running of the bulls at Pamplona, it’s a little similar. There’s always a little risk for the lasses determined to get the bouquet in their clutches. It’s also the real reason you see so many high heels shoes tonight.”  Jesus Christ, was this dude actually getting paid by the word? “As you know, traditionally the young lady who successfully catches the bouquet in mid-flight is a certainty to make her own way down the aisle. I’d like to request all the single ladies to step forward for the bouquet throw. The married ladies who’ve sneaked on, don’t be greedy. This is for single women only.  Our lovely and charming bride Asher has been practising this throw all summer, so give yourselves some elbow room.” I swear to God, Ash screeched and grabbed my arm, very nearly wrenching it out of my socket as she pulled me to my feet, despite my protests.*  Ash, no. No, I’m not single. *I shot a desperate look over my shoulder at a clearly laughing Trick and Pan, both of whom could walk their traitorous asses home. “No, but there isn’t a ring on your finger. Let’s go, Dora! It’s my wedding.” * I don’t even believe in- *”Theodora, I’m not budging. I swear to god..”. My last argument was cut off by a very determined Asher and there was absolutely zero room for argument in her voice as she dragged me towards the crowd of satin and bejeweled woman already grouped on the dance floor. ��My unappreciated escort deposited me in the front of the group with a quiet ‘stay’ before skipping over to the single chair that was set up a bit up from the group of women just clamoring for a handful of flowers. I cast a last glance over at the table I had been nearly carried away from only to see my escorts nearly doubled over with laughter at the spectacle. I hated them with all of my being for just a moment until the all too familiar sounds of “Single Ladies” which was the WORST song ever, echoed through the air. The seething hatred was quickly turned towards the DJ who was now talking in earnest over the obnoxious music. “Ladies take your place behind the bride and be prepared to jump high. Fortune favors the brave! At the count of three, the bride will throw her bouquet. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all count together. Are you ready Ladies? Would you just look at the concentration. There’s some determined women out there.”  Jesus Christ.  The cheese factor was high.  Ash however, looked positively radiant as Alex helped her up like a gentleman, which he decidedly was not. Once steady on the chair, Asher gestured to the asshole with the mic and he both turned up the music and spoke over it at the same time. “Alright,  The countdown! One, Two, Three!”  There was nothing but Queen Bey for just a moment, as well as some wholly unnecessary pushing, shoving and a goddamn hand in the middle of my back giving me an unappreciated push just before I received a bunch of roses, lilies and ribbon in my goddamn face. Goddamnit. Another high pitched shriek, and I was nearly being bowled over by Ash as she threw her arms around my neck in a flurry of lace, silk and excitement that I couldn’t quite understand as the song faded and that damn voice was back.” And we have a winner ladies and gentleman! I’ll make sure to leave my card at your table on the way out.” I didn’t flip him off as I wandered back to the side of the dance floor with the obviously pissy woman that had just lost out on a pointless tradition, but it was very, very close. Peeking back over my shoulder I caught sight of Pan and Trick, both of their heads bowed in in conversation, the color evident on Trick’s cheeks even from here. I attributed the fluttery feeling in my stomach to the champagne and sugar, because denial is where it was at. I was, for the first time all night, thankful for the voice that carried over the crowd. “Ladies and Gentlemen, here’s where things get serious. It’s time for the Garter toss. I understand some of the guys jumping for the garter have been in training for months. Underneath those tuxedos and suits  we’re talking washboard abs, bulging biceps, nerves of steel. We’ve got Olympic gymnasts, high-jumpers, Morris dancers and even a rockstar. These guys are ripped and ready to rumble! Remember gentlemen this is serious business. The guy who catches the garter is destined for the altar next!” I didn’t hold back my glare at that one and shook my head as the unmarried men were herded up towards the dancefloor like some sort of well dressed cattle call, my companions among them. Alex showily sat Asher down in the chair she had just cleared, a smirk on his face.  “ Now while the groom retrieves the garter, don’t let any of those garter jumpers melt into the crowd.” The unmistakable opening notes of “Pony” echoing through the air to ridiculous cheers as Alex nearly dove under Asher’s skirt.  As always, the little asshole managed to make a spectacle of himself, although it was enjoyable and even I couldn’t help laughing as he finally emerged, lace and silk between his teeth complete with a triumphant grin and red faced wife. Of course. “Alright we have the garter. Get ready gentlemen!” Allie Boy whooped and turned his back, swinging the scrap of dusty blue and cranberry silk and lace over his head before letting it fly into the crowd of laughing men with hands outstretched. There was nothing but Ginuwine over the speakers as all attention turned back towards the group, eager with anticipation. The ridiculous item was clutched in a very, very familiar hand, although there was at least an attempt made to pass it off which Alex halted very quickly, much to not nearly everyone’s joy.  Everyone excluding me, Trick and Pan, of course, who was twisting it between his fingers, a smile on his face that didn’t quite meet his eyes, though nobody else would see that but Trick and I. Charisma and presence was Pan’s stock in trade, literally, and it was only a lifetime of friendship and whatever else it was that we had that allowed us to see past it.  My thoughts headed down a decidedly ill-timed path as Asher, once again, bodily dragged me to the chair, nearly pushing me in it, babbling the entire time, her voice high and excited. I tuned most of it out until I heard Patrick’s name and I snapped back to attention, glancing back at my presumed boyfriend with a soft smile. Trick, for his part, looked happily unaffected, but there was something hiding behind his eyes that I needed to know about. Now, however wasn’t the time as Asher demanded my attention, muttering in my ear. “I mean, you’ve all known each other so long it won’t matter so much, right?” I blinked at Asher, struggling to get focused when the DJ, once again began babbling as he slid the music easily into “Sexy back” which… really?  “What a match! Theodora, if you would take a seat, Pete have at it!”  I was going to kill this dude, seriously. Pan, thank fuck, was a bit more level headed than I was somehow, mutter a low ‘breathe, Beary’ before ducking and sliding the garter up my leg to my knee.  The light drag of his fingers was familiar and far, far too comfortable for such a public spectacle. And there were those goddamn butterflies again. Layers of silk fell back around my ankle as Pan stood back up, his whiskey eyes dark with something I couldn’t quite name, or didn’t want to. “There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our new lovely pair and if it would not be too much to ask we would like the gentlemen to give the lady a quick kiss?” This dude was a fucking dick, holy shit. My hands were clenched by my sides as Pan brushed a gentle, chaste kiss across my lips, much to the delight of the watching crowd, pulling me into a warm embrace to whisper in my ear. “Almost over, Beary.” I couldn’t help but return the hug, because it was Pan after all, and I relaxed just slightly into him, letting the anger fade away for just a moment and basking in the familiarity and comfort. It was short lived however, when the flash of the flash of the camera went off before Alex and Asher pulled us both away for warm hugs. “Look at that, folks, the next happy couple.  You know I have the name of a fantastic videographer if you need one, just let me know.”  There was a hint of malice behind the words and I blanched, my hands clenching into fists, Pan’s firm hand on my waist the only thing keeping me from veering off to share my opinion of the tasteless joke with the teller himself. From the looks on their faces, neither Asher nor Alex was amused either, and when I finally caught sight of Trick as I arrived back at our table, the anger was nearly rolling off of him in waves. Again, though, he hid it well, and I grasped his hand beneath the table, giving him a watery smile. The one received in return, to Pan and I both, was warm and comforting, fucking light compared to before. “I’m going to have a word before we leave.”  There was an edge of iciness to his voice that sent a chill down my spine that had nothing to do with the artificially cooled air, and I filed it away for later.
The remainder of the evening passed quickly and after a bit more mindless chit chat and a round of warm hugs and thanks from Alex and Ash, and a side conversation at the DJ booth for Trick,  we were all headed home as a storm started brewing overhead, the dark sky in the distance split with blue white streaks of lightning. I left the windows down for the drive despite the storm, or maybe in spite of it, the silence comfortable past the soft strains of the music on the radio and the growing rumble of thunder overhead. Pulling into the garage just as the deluge began, I felt a weight that I hadn’t even realized I had been carrying lift as I gathered bags to head inside, following behind Trick and Pan. I settled my camera bag carefully in it’s place of honor by the door and left the rest of my mess scattered on the kitchen island, flipping on the music as I passed the stereo before flopping down on the couch, dropping my feet in Trick’s lap and resting my head on Pan’s thigh.* Well, that could have gone worse, right? “The laughter that filled the room was rich and immediate, a much needed sound that shattered any and all remaining tension that may have lingered from the few bumpy portions of the evening. Trick rested his hand on my ankle, the laughter still evident in his voice as he tossed his hat easily to the coffee table. “That is an understatement Teddy, but yes. Yes it could have.” Sticking my tongue out, I shook my head and turned back into Pan’s hands as they carded through my hair.* I’m never going to another wedding again. Don’t let me, okay? Even if I say I really want to. Too much bullshit and fake laughter. *Trick hummed in agreement, and Pan grinned, a real smile this time, his eyes dancing with mirth. “You miss real laughter, Beary?” There was a teasing note in his voice and I craned my head back to look up as his hand slipped from my hair and I felt the warmth of fingers just over my ribs.* Peter Ethan King, don’t you dare. *I tried to keep my voice stern but it was an exercise in futility because Pan was a monster. His fingers danced quickly over my highly ticklish ribs, the delicate fabric of my dress doing exactly nothing to help and I squirmed and squealed trying to get away from the playful onslaught.  Patrick, being a traitor, just laughed and copied Pan’s efforts on my feet.*  Stop, you fucking assholes, you aren’t allowed to gang up on me!  *Gasping and laughing, lighter than I had felt in a very long time, I begged for a reprieve, although the giggles may have possibly undercut the attempt at stern I was shooting for. Oops. Pan grinned down at me, just tapping his fingers over my ribs as I caught my breath. “What are the magic words, Beary?”  His voice was light and teasing, Trick’s laughter the same and the words fell from my lips before I could stop them, before I could even think.* I love you. *The words were rushed and shocking, Pan’s hands stilling in the silence that followed as Trick pulled in a deep breath in that silent, heavy moment as the lights flickered off and the music cut out before the room was lit up again, although silent . “Beary, I-” Pan tripped over himself, at a highly unusual loss for words as he pulled his hands away.* No, I just.. I do.  Both of you. *I glanced at Trick, his hand still resting heavy and warm on my ankles, his face unreadable save for a glint in his blue eyes.* I don’t- fuck. *The curse was almost instinctive and I squeezed my eyes shut against the prick of tears as I struggled to make sense of the jumble of words and emotions that had been building not only over the day but throughout the last few weeks, if not months and I kept them closed as I spoke, needing the darkness.* I don’t know how to say it, so I just didn’t. I was fucking scared of things changing, of hurt and what I’d seen but now, I just.. It’s-you, both of you, are home. You are goodness and light and every-fucking-good in my life and I love you. *The outburst was accompanied by a few tears that I couldn’t seem to hold back and my voice, as I squeezed my eyes closed, was very small, even to me, especially as the storm outside seemed to rage on.* I’m in love with you, both of you. * The silence felt almost crushing until Pete’s hands rested gently, almost carefully on my waist as he shifted me upright, pulling me into his lap. “Sweetheart.”  The word was a whisper and I finally opened my eyes, still wet with tears I couldn’t seem to will away, to meet Pan’s gaze before looking at Trick.  Their expressions were both soft, a glimmer of hope sparkling behind their eyes, both baby blue and wide-eyed brown, and there it was again, that flutter I had been ignoring and avoiding.  I’d gotten pretty used to lying to myself, although the truth felt really, really good.* I’m not sure how this all would work, if it would, or can but I want. I want, I want, I want. *It would seem that once I actually let myself talk, I couldn’t fucking stop, a fact which amused Pan to seemingly no end as he laughed softly, brushing a hand over my cheek before leaning in to . “You’re allowed to want, and you aren’t alone in that.” The quiet words were accompanied by a gentle thumb sliding back and forth over my wrist, and the tender touch of warm breath against my heated skin. Trick’s hands, calloused and warm, slid over my mostly bare shoulders, brushing my hair aside before his lips teased my neck and I could feel his smile. “It’s up to you, Teddy, whatever you want.” My throat went dry again, a shockingly familiar occurrence at this point, and I grasped Pan’s arms where my hands rested on them. The silence hung, heavy and thick in the air for an endless moment before I found my voice again.* Upstairs. *The word was a gasp as a crash of thunder rang out overhead and the three of us somehow made our way upstairs, leaning against walls and pausing on stairs before stumbling to the bed.  We never closed the goddamn door.*  #WithSmilesOnOurFaces #TheKidsArentAlright
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