#marti rants about her blorbos
shirefantasies · 2 months
Thank you for the follower acknowledgment! I just followed you in the past few days and had looked through your work more than anything else and when you thanked us I felt kinda bad because I thought it was so so so nice of you to do but I hadn’t put much thought in the person behind it. I was so wrapped up in learning about a new character from a universe I loved that I’ve never noticed before and I took an effing Tolkien humanities collage class. 😅😂
But yeah I had never heard of the elf Feren before you or at least paid attention to him in the hobbit movies I went back and rewatched them to find him 🤣 so thanks a lot man, smh, now I have a new hot elf mans to simp over (I’m joking it actually renewed my interest and I started looking at more backgroundish characters I hadn’t noticed before which is normally my forte being an Infp. I’ve been slacking man.)
Also hello fellow Libra ♎️ I also enjoy dnd I’ve never played but have read a few of the older books, read the Drizzt comics, and haven’t played but watched the play through a of Baldurs gate 3 (Astarion and Sorn Orlith omg 😳) Also have you heard of chuckles the clown? 😂 my favorite race from dnd is half-elves (I was a gifted adhd kid so I can relate to the being picked on and not fitting in) and Drow they fascinate me.
Also Star Wars (there’s a comic from like the 1970’s with a character called Taikotelai who was a one and one like feral so I’m writing a fic to fix that I love him he didn’t deserve to die. Harry Potter too (Ravenclaw is my house, my collage professor also did a Harry Potter humanities class and sorted us into houses and kept score. It was awesome especially since he dressed as snape one time since he’s the same personality type and a Slytherin. (Ravenclaw won, Hufflepuff in second, Slytherin, and Gryphandor had negative points 😂 they kept saying the name Voldemort and he penalized for that.)
Star Trek (depending on the series), transformers especially tfp and tfa prowl (he loves organic nature and quiet which I get). Bluey don’t judge me I’m 20-25 (not comfortable with publicly sharing true age) I’m allowed to like children’s shows and books with some adult themes occasionally, life doesn’t give us a happy ending why should fiction. 😂 marvel, some dc, A-team. MASH klinger is the original Disney Princess 🤣 change my mind if you don’t know who that is you must google him.
*sorry for the ramble 😅 I was just shocked at the amount we had in common the rest is me seeing if there’s anything else 😂 but yeah always up for discussions. And really thanks again for all the hard work and creativity you put into your writing! I know it’s a lot of times thankless but discovering your writing really brightened up my week. Especially getting back into the hobbit like that it was almost like seeing it anew because I made it my mission to notice things and characters I hadn’t paid attention to before. Also I can tell you put a lot of thought and care into the characterization of the different characters in each one shot, story, headcanons, you do and that’s awesome! I hope you have a great rest of your week!
(I’m doing anonymous cause I’m shy 😓 and some social anxiety sorry if this was weird. I can message you later if you want to know. Or you can ignore me, like I said I went on a rambling tangent it was cool to find out we had so much in common and I’m like ‘that’s why I’ve liked SO much of her writing and not a select few!’ that’s so cool!)
OMG IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE 🅱️LS 🅱️LS 🅱️LS MESSAGE MEEEEE!!! Among so much other cool stuff you mentioned one of my favorite fictional characters EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR one Mr. Maxwell Q Klinger and my eyes just saw MASH Klinger and hyperzoomed and I got so excited that someone else loves this amazing guy I could talk about for hours!!! M*A*S*H is my favorite show E V E R!!! I don't have to google him, but maybe I will anyway just cuz I like lookin at him 😌 fun fact: My dad and I both share a birthday with a M*A*S*H and LoTR cast member! Dad's January 28th which is Alan Alda and Elijah Wood, while I (October 20th) have William Christopher and Viggo Mortensen! My dad also gets John Banner AKA Schultz from Hogan's Heroes! Have you seen HH too?
Don't worry you can clearly see I go on tangents too 😂 I totally get feeling shy and stuff, so up to you! Background characters are the BESSSST though I too have an obscure Star Wars blorbo who popped up in a handful of expanded universe novels (and the comic rendition) and I just love him even though he's nowhere near major. I am not familiar with Taikotelai yet but I wanna read that fic! SW is the best fandom for the coolest small time blorbos I swear! I'm the opposite of you because I've played D&D but never BG3 even though I post about it on my personal a lot 😅 (it's @spacemanxpaninis if you wanna chat there too! That's where you can see all my fandoms and insanity hehe) I just don't have anything that can run it so I have to live vicariously through the playthroughs too 💔
do NOT be worried about me judging you for anything that seems cringe to you, cartoons/animation is a big special interest for me and I love most things animated! I am almost 25 and have been wanting to watch Bluey myself! Comfort content FTW! I hate things that have no happy ending BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅 I don't pay to feel bad! Real life gives me enough negative emotions!!! 🍅🍅🍅 To help relieve any feelings of cringe: lemme let you in on a little secret: you know what I watch after the most heartrending draining breakdowns? Family Guy. I fucking watch Family Guy because it's the best turn your brain off mindless entertainment simple amusement with no big emotional stakes 9 times out of 10. If you ever feel bad about Bluey you can picture good ol shirefantasies sitting there post-breakdown tear-streaked watching Peter Griffin dance to Surfin Bird.
That class sounds like fun! Teachers bringing themes or fandoms into classes >>>> I need to watch more Star Trek! My dad started watching the original with my brother and I but we stopped because my brother didn't like it and bitched about 'every episode just being something getting on the ship' :( but I've also heard great things about Deep Space Nine and whichever the one with Patrick Stewart is (New Generation?????)! Love me some scifi. Usually I'm more of a Star Wars girlie but A. I don't discriminate B. I know how pretentious I sound specifying pre-2015 and expanded universe only even though it's true 💀
Bro (lmk if you don't like bring called 'bro' or 'girl' or either, I use those pretty indiscriminately of gender unless people don't like it or get confused, also feel free to tell me your pronouns and a name/nickname/even just emoji if you'd rather in your next ask or if you do message 🫶🏻) I will NEVER ignore you 😤 Legit this is the most exciting ask I've ever gotten on here because you're super cool and we have a lot in common and raaahhhh I wasn't that excited to get on here but E N E R G Y S U R G E I hope we can be friends!
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greypetrel · 1 year
Aisling for "one listening to the other talk (or rant) about their day" etc? I'm growing fond of her 🥺
Hi there! <3
Thank you for asking, I’m so glad you like the new blorbo!
I kinda decided to do a parallel story to this one, since it’s the same prompt… We’ll get the two sides of the coin.
Also yes Aisling in the DadWolf AU got her dirty hands on a… eight-hand DeLorean that’s in VERY bad condition. Bull lets her keep it there and pay him when she can, she sometimes stops by and help (with instructions), Dorian tags along. The car is obviously called Marty McFly (the second best name was Millennium Falcon because it’s a piece of junk).
Tis the prompt list. (ask some more, you who read!)
Through a mirror I behold (🎶)
"one listening to the other talk (or rant) about their day"
Aisling came late at the garage. Which was no surprise, but the surprise was that she spent no time in chatting and got directly to work, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows and flopping her back on the roller, and sliding quickly down Marty McFly with a pair of screwdrivers in her hand.
“Good afternoon to you as well.”
Dorian chided, but for all his sarcasm he just got a grunt from under the car and a clank of metal against metal. He closed the book in his lap on his index finger, smelling that there was some tea from his sister instantly and finding it more interesting than a book he had to read for a dissertation he couldn’t care less anymore and was bringing on just because Solas managed to convince him that giving up now would have been stupid. And yet, the team that was assigned to him was… It wasn’t Aisling and Felix. It was him waiting for the others to catch up, which they eventually did, but not quick enough to not leave him with a huge sense of boredom, frustration and rage for his work for the first time in his life. Oh he wished Raina wasn’t still in Kirkwall, she would have known what to do. But she wasn’t, and all Dorian had was sticking his nose in Aisling’s business when they saw each other.
Not that he had anything else to do there: Bull had severely prohibited to touch anything, and he just… hang around. Feeling pointless. Occupying a stool against a table, perching himself up and studying there whilst his sister and the Qunari worked to her car, just to have some company and spend some time with people he actually like.
Or well. With his sister whom he actually liked when he didn’t want to slap some sense into her and bring her back to work with him to something serious, even if it wasn’t what they worked to in the last five years in Minrathous. Bull was pleasant enough company, and a calming presence, when one forgot he was technically a spy and when he wasn’t inserting little snarky remarks over Tevinter every now and then. He may not have been grown up there, but he looked the part and… And well. He’d loved Minrathous, he’d been happy there, and he sincerely believed there was something worth saving, beside all the corruption and crazy sects.
As on clue, Bull entered back from the back, assessing quickly the situation and noticing the pair of feet under the DeLorean.
“Hey, Boss.”
“Hey, Bull.” She grunted.
“Are you beating that thing to pieces? Fucking finally decided you want to do the rest of the work and destroy it?”
“The control arm on the left wheel is stuck.”
“It’s not stuck, it’s rusty. This whole piece of junk is rust.”
“Can you pass me the oiler, please?”
Bull rose one eyebrow, trying to figure out what was going on. He turned to Dorian, a question in his eye that he didn’t have to voice: he was expressive enough.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t even get a hello.” He just replied, shrugging.
“You did!”
“You grunted, that wasn’t a hello.”
“You’re the only one who can grunt as hello, now?” The voice from under the car was getting irritated, and the noises even louder.
At a loud thud and an acute yelp, Bull decided enough was enough. He got closer to Aisling in three quick steps and bent his knees to place both hands on her ankles and forcibly have the elf slide out of the car.
“All right, Boss, that’s enough for today.”
He declared, booming in the garage even louder than the Offspring launched at the usual high volume. Aisling, when her face slipped out, sooty and black from oil, was pouting heavily, a deep scowl on her face.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Bull chided, a hand coming to her shoulder to stop her from pushing herself back where she was. “You’re frustrated, this is not your job. I’m happy when you help, but something fell, you’re not doing a good job, and you’re not listening to me. Go sit with your brother in the rookie corner, and maybe I’ll let you polish something when you’ll calm down.”
It was not a request or a friendly suggestion. It was friendly enough, calm and matter-of-fact, and yet there was steel under his kidness, letting everyone around know that he won’t budge, and that his word was final: Aisling would have walked away or he would have removed her by picking her up like a potato sack. They stood there staring at each other for a full minute, Dorian perfectly still on his stool in the “rookie corner” observing them. For a moment, he thought Aisling would have zapped the Qunari, but instead, she just grunted, irritated, and did as she was told to, raising up snappily and marching towards him.
“What.” She asked, snapping back, just to be met by a clean cloth, tossed right on her head and covering her face.
She huffed, begrudgingly taking the proffered cloth in her hand and coming to sit down beside Dorian, as she rubbed her face clean with the makeshift towel. Bull, on his own, grunted in affirmation and picked the work back, raising the car with the crick -the whole thing wobbled as if it was made of cake and not of solid metal, and Dorian had a shiver thinking that his sister was seriously thinking of driving that death trap around.
“What the- How did you make the battery fell down, Boss??” The Qunari complained, observing the damage done. Yet, he grumbled and keeping on grumbling in Qunlat, got to work, moving quickly and surely.
Aisling was slouched on the stool, back propped up against the table, an ankle crossed on the opposite knees and arms, once she got the most of the oil and soot away from her face, crossed on her chest. Pouting and with that face that screamed exactly that something happened and she was frustrated about it.
“Ok, spit it.” Dorian told her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes you do.”
“I’m fine.”
“Sure you are. And I’m straight and Bull doesn’t need to discover that they sell shirts with buttons.”
“As if you disliked it.” Came a booming voice, at that, full of irony.
Dorian ignored him. Mostly.
“Should I’ve been there with dad? Did it went so wrong? Did he start to scream Elvhen Glory and yadda yadda?”
Direct questions. Aisling worked in yes or no questions, when she was in that mood. She worked in being left alone to muse for a night, and she would be right back to talk about what was going on. But they didn’t share a house nor a work now, it was weird, and tomorrow they’d be both closed in labs and offices and won’t have time to talk but with messages. Dorian hated messages for these. She knew it, luckily. So, she kept on scowling morosely at a vague direction pointing at Bull and, after a couple of minutes, nodded.
“He told me I’m throwing myself away.”
Ah. He had that speech with her. Dorian imagined it. His post-Tevinter speech came two weeks ago, it was both Solas and Varric together, cornering him down and prodding answers from him, and they quarrelled for the whole afternoon. He had to admit he felt better, afterwards, he had needed the hug he got when he eventually broke down and cried. But he also knew that Aisling was, right now, in her “Ostrich with the head under the sand” phase.
So, he did what worked best with her. Because he could relate, he shared the feeling, and knew exactly the frustration she was feeling. He dragged the stool closer, circled her shoulders with an arm, and dragged her in half a hug, keeping her close. As they did a thousand times since they were children.
“It sucks.” He said.
“I don’t want to… Do what he wants. I’m not him. And…”
“I know.”
“I’m just… So tired of everything. I want things to be simple, for once, is it hard to ask?”
“No, it is not.”
“I want work to be simple. I want to go back to when I had fun with it.”
Oh, this hurt. Dorian felt the sting of it, fully, and grew tense on his spot, fixing his glance forward and trying not to show. Aisling, tho, noticed. Because she always did and he hated her and loved her for it. Privacy with her around was non-existant, and yet she always managed not to make it difficult and be unobtrusive.
“… I didn’t mean it like that, Dor, I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“I want everything to stop running for a while and let me catch my breath, or I’ll break. I wanna go back to experiment for experiment’s sake, I don’t care of accomplishing anything big, and you do and... It’s not been like that since… Well, you know.”
“Since Alexius started to rush and pretend results, and didn’t tell us why he wanted those results.”
A pause.
“Can I ask you one thing?”
“Is it something I’ve done?” He asked, spitting out a glump in his throat, voice lowering slightly.
“What? I-” She started with a passion, but shifting more towards him, she noticed he wasn’t looking at her and instead was frowning hard before him, and relaxed, sighing heavily. “No. Of course not, I would never think that… I’m sorry, it came out wrong I… I do miss working together. But you want to keep on working on bigger things and I… I don’t want to drag you down or back.”
“You’re so dull.” He hugged her closer. “You wouldn’t drag me down.”
“You’d hate sound diffusion.”
“Some days I can’t see why you’re not bored to death.”
“Exactly. It’s a conundrum.”
He sighed, leaning his head on top of hers. Bull at least seemed to have improved his mood a little, as he hummed alongside the current song, pretending he wasn’t hearing them talk. The garage and the Qunari were a friendly space, and they felt confident enough. Bull had a way of making you feel at home, and tho they’ve been fully warned that he wasn’t exactly as transparent as he looked, that he was working for the Qun and that even if his presence made Venatori unlikely to attack if they found them, or at least gave them someone who would have noticed sooner and help them, even if they shouldn’t speak openly on details about what exactly did they worked to back North. What they almost accomplished and ran away after destroying. Seeker Pentaghast had been very convincing about what was at stake and how serious the situation was. The garage felt safe.
“Is it me?” Aisling asked, after a while.
“Am I… making a mistake? Is it stupid what I said? Is papae right, am I… throwing myself away?” Her voice broke in that way that usually preceded her crying.
“He doesn’t know everything, Ash.”
“He doesn’t. He wasn’t there. Yes, we called. Yes, he cares for you and he’s worried for us, they’re both worried with everything that happened… They weren’t there. They didn’t see. You need time? Take time. He’ll get over it.”
“But what if he’s right? What if… what if it’ll be too late?”
“With that brain of yours, Boss?” Bull pops in, snorting in disbelief without looking up to them. “It’ll be too late when you’ll be dead. Or anyway, if you’re tired of prissy academics thinking they’re better than everyone else just because of a piece of paper, I will be glad to hire you as apprentice.”
“Can I get hired too?” Dorian asked.
“No, you’ll make everything explode.” Comes the answer, a little too quickly for decency’s sake.
Dorian perked up, scoffing in mock outrage at the abrupt refusal and pointing his free hand on his hip.
“Excuse me! The audacity! We as a pair could build you flying cars, you know!”
“Of course they would fly, if you made them explode hard enough!”
They kept on bickering like that, back and forth, back and forth, none of them relenting or lowering the mood. Aisling, on her own, started to giggle, little by little, as she cried, rubbing tears away from her eyes and just enjoying the moment. That’s was what she wanted, honestly. Something easy, something to laugh about together, no big plan to follow, nothing at stake, for once. Just… Breathing and being happy and stopping with the nerves and stopping minding that everything must be perfect, or else it will reject and put lives at stake. No more competition and strive to do better, do it quicker, do it smarter, calculate everything by the millimetre. Or if you need to, you have a safety net to catch you when you fall, and the worst it happens is that you get confined to the rookie table. She hugged Dorian again, with both arms, drowning her face in his shoulder and breathing deeply his stupid sandalwood cologne that he must bathe in, at this point.
“I’d like to work here all together, you know?” She told, him, muffled in that position but still he heard.
He heard, and hugged her back, squeezing.
“Me too. I’ve missed you at work.”
“Same. Would you… Come visit Felix?”
“…I…” He glomped down, a familiar anxiety spiking up as she asked. He knew he should. He knew he had to. But-
“Yes yes, you’re mushy and two spoiled crybabies.” Bull interrupted them, tossing a tissue dirty with oil in their direction. “First rule if you want to work here, tho: no tears and no pauses for hugs.”
Aisling peeked out, pouting.
“Not even if I hug you as well?”
“That could be an exception.” The Qunari chuckled.
The chuckle lasted very briefly, tho, as the car stopped cooperating and forced even Bull -lenient, motherly, patient Bull- to start cursing loudly in Qunlat, as a screwdriver got stuck and the wheel mechanism stopped working for unknown reason. He boomed and pulled, punched the tire even, and when he finally managed to retrieve his tool, a big chunk of metal fell down heavily on the floor, with a loud and annoying clank.
They all fell silent, looking at the latest piece of junk fell down the supreme one.
“Tell you what, twinsies.” Bull grumbled, turning towards them. “You can experiment on this car all you want. It’s not like it’ll get any worse…”
Yes, that definitely would have been a good plan C, for Aisling.
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