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lionmom-svenomverse Β· 2 years ago
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Ooh man I haven’t posted in a minute, sorry! I do have two new lil concept/ref pieces to share here though, so let’s get to it! Here’s the concept art for the Aimarusoranulf family! HCs/notes under the cut!
πŸ’™ King Consort Ike Greil - Older brother of Mist Greil. Husband of King Marth Lowell, King Consort Soren and King Consort Ranulf. Father of Ness (adoptive), Priam Greil (bio), Daphne (step), Princess Adora Greil (bio), Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell (bio) and Princex Tycho Lowell. King of Altea. Leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Smash Tournament Member. Cis Male (He/him), Demiromantic Gay, Polyamorous πŸ’™ Like Reiner Braun, Ike has always been a gay man in my eyes. He's a boy kisser folks! I drew him kinda stoic here but his partners/kids make him smile very often, dw. The tallest and beefiest of the dads, could probably carry most if not all of his family on his back like it's nothing. Also this isn't super important but when I draw Ike imagine Jason Adkins' voice instead of Greg Chun's. πŸ’™ King Marth Lowell - Younger brother of Queen Elice. Husband of King Consort Ike Greil, King Consort Soren and King Consort Ranulf. Father of Ness (adoptive), Priam Greil (step), Daphne (step), Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell (bio) and Princex Tycho Lowell (bio). King of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. Cis Male (He/him), Bi, Polyamorous πŸ’™ Marth <3 My SSB main since like 2014. He is very special to me. Anyways! Has dated around quite a bit, starting with his childhood bestie Caeda (who later gets with Catria) and continuing with Roy and TP/HW!Link during Melee. Also besties with TP/HW!Link, Robin and Corrin, as well as TP!Zelda, Samus and Princess Peach. Probably fell for Ike first considering they interacted the most at first, but later fell in love with Soren and Ranulf as well since they're never too far from Ike (especially Soren). πŸ’™ King Consort Soren - Husband of King Consort Ike Greil, King Marth Lowell and King Consort Ranulf. Father of Ness (adoptive), Priam Greil (bio), Daphne (step), Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias (bio), Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell (bio). King of Altea. Staff Officer/Strategist of the Greil Mercenaries. Intersex/Agender (He/him), Demiromantic Gay, Polyamorous Despite also being with Marth and Ranulf he's still the closest to Ike (which, obviously), although they've managed to make him smile as often as Ike does. πŸ’™ Was probably a lil rude to Marth in the beginning but began to respect him and eventually like him. Was surprisingly weepy when Priam was born and will have to excuse himself every so often even now if he thinks about it for too long, that's his baby boy. Still very much a stoic but his family has softened him quite a bit. πŸ’™ King Consort Ranulf - Past Partner of Lethe, Husband of King Consort Ike Greil, King Marth Lowell and King Consort Soren. Father of Ness (adoptive), Priam Greil (step), Daphne (bio), Princess Adora Greil (bio), Prince Tobias (bio), Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. King of Altea. Commander of the Gallian Army. Genderfluid (He/she/they), Pan, Polyamorous πŸ’™ Had a very short-lived relationship (if you can even call it that) with Lethe that resulted in their kid Daphne, suddenly became a single dad until he started dating Ike and Soren (who already had Priam by the time Daph came into the picture). Wasn't expecting to be a dad that soon but surprisingly blossomed in the role, even if she spent many a late night consoling her crying baby (it got easier when she got with her partners). Is definitely the fun dad; from least to most stern in terms of parenting it goes from Ranulf, Marth, Ike then Soren. Very fluffy, purrs when cuddling his partners and/or kids. πŸ’™ Lethe - Older twin sister of Lyre. Past Partner of Ranulf. Mother of Daphne. Member of the Gallian Army. Cis Female (She/her), Bi. πŸ’™ Not really a whole lot to put for her! Had a fling with Ranulf in the past and got pregnant with Daphne as a result of it, which was maybe a lil messy on her part considering her sister's possible feelings for Ranulf. Had no real desire to be a mother so she handed Daphne off to Ranulf and went on her way. I like to think she shows up every once in a while to check in but she isn't super present in Daphne's life. That definitely didn't affect them at all! πŸ’™ Ness - Son of unnamed parents, adoptive son of King Consort Ike Greil, King Marth Lowell, King Consort Soren and King Consort Ranulf. Older brother of Tracy, adoptive older brother of Priam Greil, Daphne, Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. Husband of Lucas. Father of Jarvis. Technical Prince of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. Member of the Tournament Committee. Owner of a local diner (name TBA). Baseball Player. Transmasculine/Nonbinary (He/they), Bi. πŸ’™ Listen I can't really explain why Ness was adopted by Ike/Marth/Soren/Ranulf (initially just Ike and Marth), it's just been a part of Kim and I's slapped together worldbuilding since like 2014 when we played Brawl/4 at my house and did lil dramatic RPs. Ik it's weird but it makes me happy so I'm keeping it sorry not sorry. Anyways, I finally changed his design and I like it a lot more now, plus he coincidentally looks similar to Priam now so that's a bonus haha. Still gets nightmares from his encounter with Giygas and is terribly wary of Sterling. Is still besties with Paula, Jeff and Poo (and maybe helped set up Paula and Kumatora). Technically royalty since Marth adopted him but has no real political power (nor does he desire it). πŸ’™ Lucas - Son of Flint and Hinawa. Younger twin brother of Claus. Husband of Ness. Father of Jarvis. Smash Tournament Member. Trans Male (He/him), Gay. πŸ’™ Luke!! I've been a Nesscas enjoyer since I was 14 so it's nice to do more with them. The uncle of Amie, Claus' kid (the other parent currently being Ninten but I've been debating on making it Fuel instead and maybe making Ninten an ex? Mainly cause idk if I like Clausten as much as I did back when I first started VV). Still taller than Ness in adulthood, not that his partner minds :3c. Bonded with Ness during the events of Subspace and eventually over their game-specific traumas. Is also besties with Red/Pokemon Trainer. πŸ’™ Priam Greil - Son of King Consort Ike Greil and King Consort Soren, stepson of King Marth Lowell and King Consort Ranulf. Adoptive younger brother of Ness, older step-brother of Daphne, older half-brother of Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. Technical Prince of Altea. Member of the Greil Mercenaries. Smash Tournament Member. Nonbinary (He/they), Gay. πŸ’™ Initially Priam was the son of Ike and Soren, who got adopted by Ranulf when they broke up and Soren began dating him. That was until I realized I liked IkeSoren (and later IkeRanulf) too much to separate them and made the huge Aimarusoranulf conglomerate family. Now he was born to Ike and Soren, who later got with Ranulf, and then with Marth when they came to the Mansion, so Pri has just been accumlating dads since he was born haha. He and Ness have a playful rivalry over who the coolest older brother is. Hasn't really had a stable romantic relationship but his most common partners are Shigure and Hisame. Is technically a Prince since Marth adopted him but has no interest in the duties that come with it. πŸ’™ Daphne - Daughter of King Consort Ranulf and Lethe, stepdaughter of King Marth Lowell, King Consort Ike Greil and King Consort Soren. Adoptive younger sister of Ness, younger step-sister of Priam Greil, older half-sister of Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. Technical Princex of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. Computer Engineer. 28 y/o. Unlabeled (They/he), Queer. πŸ’™ Likes coding, drinking coffee, listening to music and minding their business. Not entirely satisfied with their color palette, nor am I 100% sure if I want to scrap them or not. I'll keep it on the backburner for now but I'll go ahead and list some notes anyways. Definitely inherited Lethe's RBF and sour attitude, is probably the grumpiest kid in the family. Is pestered by all of his more extroverted siblings but really wants to be left alone to type away at his computer. Despite that, they don't hate their siblings and they're secretly fond of them. Totally isn't holding a bit of a grudge against their mother for abandoning them even though she checks in once in a blue moon (def has mommy issues), but is quietly thankful they have four dads who are present and love them. Their weapon of choice is their Beast Form! πŸ’™ Princess Adora Greil - Daughter of King Consort Ranulf and King Consort Ike Greil, additional daughter of King Marth Lowell and King Consort Soren. Adoptive younger sister of Ness, younger half-sister of Priam Greil and Daphne, older half-sister of Prince Tobias, Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. Princess of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. 25 y/o. Nonbinary (He/him), Lesbian. πŸ’™ Likes weight lifting, rock music, building models, baking bread and going to parties. A big beefcake just like his dads, is always trying to get stronger. Could probably lift weights in his sleep. Has no manners at all despite being a Princess, will openly belch during speeches and manspread in front of stuffy old officials. A big brash jock lesbian who has probably dated every gal on the Mansion grounds at least once. While he's the first child born from the union of all four parents and the technical true heir to Marth's throne, he has forfeited the title on purpose because being the future ruler of Altea sounds like a lot of paperwork, and he hates working more than he has to. Is workout buddies with Priam (just realized they both also wear headbands, Ike's influence). Actually quite smart despite his gym-bro vibe. His weapon of choice is his War Hammer! πŸ’™ Prince Tobias - Son of King Consort Ranulf and King Consort Soren, additional daughter of King Marth Lowell and King Consort Ike Greil. Adoptive younger brother of Ness, younger half-brother of Priam Greil, Daphne and Princess Adora Greil, older half-brother of Princess Griffen G. Lowell and Princex Tycho Lowell. Prince of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. Librarian. 23 y/o. Cis Male (He/him, Aro/Ace) πŸ’™ Likes reading, practicing spells, table tennis, paintball, car restoration and volunteering. A himbo with not a single thought in his head but will surprisingly come up with some serious wisdom in the middle of a conversation. Has no interest in dating/any kinds of relations because it takes time away from his hobbies and being with family/friends, but is always down to cuddle. Probably the closest with Daphne; they're complete opposites with Daphne being Daphne and Tobi being an extroverted ray of sunshine but they work quite well. Daph is probably the most tolerant of Tobi out of all of their siblings. His weapon of choice is his Beast Form and magic! πŸ’™ Princess Griffen G. Lowell - Daughter of King Marth Lowell and King Consort Ike Greil, additional daughter of King Consort Ranulf and King Consort Soren. Adoptive younger sister of Ness, younger half-sister of Priam Greil, Daphne, Princess Adora Greil and Prince Tobias, older half-sister of Princex Tycho Lowell. Princess of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. 22 y/o. Genderfluid (She/he mainly), Pan πŸ’™ Likes playing video games, studying, making flower crowns, training, traveling and playing the ukulele. My baby girl!!! Back when Venomverse first started this family was solely comprised of Ike, Marth, Ness and Griffen, so she's pretty much the face of Smash Bros VV. Is kinda an inverse of Adora, who is largely golden with blue highlights while he is largely blue with golden highlights. Ike is definitely emotional about the fact that two of his kids kinda look like his dad. Griff's spots have been around since her original design, and since Ike doesn't have them I'm gonna say she got them from Grandma Elena. Extremely optimistic and bubbly, could find the one positive thing there is in the worst situation. Has the biggest crush on Prince Ryder, one of the kids in the King K. Rool/King Dedede/Meta Knight/Bandana Waddle Dee family, but doubts anything will come of it. Will occasionally date Prince Lancelot, middle child of Prince Corrin, but most days he's her cringefail best friend. His weapon of choice is his Battle Axe! πŸ’™ Princex Tycho Lowell - Child of King Marth Lowell and King Consort Soren, additional daughter of King Consort Ranulf and King Consort Ike Greil. Adoptive younger sibling of Ness, younger half-sibling of Priam Greil, Daphne, Princess Adora Greil, Prince Tobias and Princess Griffen G. Lowell. Princex of Altea. Smash Tournament Member. 19 y/o. Transfeminine/Agender (They/them), Lesbian. πŸ’™ Likes the stars, writing policies, chess, painting, horseback riding and archery. Is the youngest of the family but probably the most capable for the Altean throne next to maybe Griffen or Tobias. Actually enjoys discussing policy change, giving speeches and listening to the concerns of their people. Tycho has accepted their father's mentions of them being the one to inherit the throne considering their siblings are either ineligible, unwilling or unprepared, and is surprisingly not nervous about it at all. What does make them nervous is a pretty girl, but luckily they have their best wingman Adora to help soothe their nerves. While Ty enjoys interacting with others, they love their free time all the same, and can often be found in their observatory sketching or looking at the night sky. Is unaware of how pretty they are. Enjoys practicing magic with Soren. Their weapon of choice is their Black Dragon Form and magic! πŸ’™ Jarvis - Son of Ness and Lucas. Smash Tournament Member. Pianist. 19 y/o. Agender (He/they/she), Demisexual Bi. πŸ’™ Likes working on Link's farm, dogs, playing the piano, teaching kids and collecting action figures. An anxious lil guy! Does not yet have the confidence and bravery of their dads but will get there in time. Has a love-hate relationship with her cousin Amie, who picks on her like its her job but will also be there to give her some stoic words of wisdom. Hell I can imagine Amie taking a valuable collectable he had out of the box and spinning it into some kind of narrative about enjoying life instead of just dreaming about it. While she's the Aimarusoranulf kid's nibling, she's essentially like a younger sibling, especially since she and Tycho are the same age (Tycho is a month older). Jarvis is probably closest with Tycho because of this, and Tycho tries their best to get Jarvis out of his shell alongside Griffen. Feels a lil intimidated by how accomplished and high-ranking most of her family is, and feels a bit out of place. Is probably the most comfortable working on Link's farm, where they don't have to worry about impressing anyone. Her weapon of choice is PSI!
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