#marth going along with it is so!!!!
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
fe: heroes KILLS me
A Day in the Life having female Alear try to Engage with Marth??? Marth saying: “Let’s try it anyway” and playing along???
Male Alear saying “It feels wrong to be here without Marth”???
They are so stinkin cute I can barely stand it
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s1llyalabaster · 2 months
When mediocrity meets the supremacy - veritas ratio
Where the Doctor narrows his eyes at the trailblazer for stealing his partner's attention.. ~700 words, SFW (not necessarily connected, but read part 1!
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AU where reader followed the trailblaze before quitting to pursue further studies in various fields of science with Dr. Ratio himself in the Intelligensia Guild. (Might not be entirely lore accurate, trailblazer doesnt go to Belobog)
Your mind brings you back to the soft swishes of water during your bath with you beloved. it had been almost 5 system hours since the last few drops of bathwater went down the drain, small petals being the only thing that signified your intimate rendezvous with the Doctor himself.
You shake your head, forcing yourself to pull away from the sweet, dream-esque scene. You find yourself struggling to focus on the task at hand, the smug face of Vertitas Ratio plastering itself all over the wals of your mind like the "WANTED" posters all over belobog's brick walls you saw during the journey to Jarilo VI with your old friends.
Speaking of the trailblazers, you had planned a small gathering with the Astral Express members in the evening, since they were visiting. You had yearned to see the faces of Marth 7th, Dan Heng, Himeko, Welt, even Pom Pom. You've heard from March that there had been a new member of the Astral Express, going by Caelus. Judging from March's bombarding texts of photos and videos, he seemed to have a quite....eccentric personality, but bore a kind expression nonetheless.
You'd adequately dressed yourself up after returning to you and Dr. Ratio's humble home, opting to switch to a fancier outfit. It was a speical occasion, after all. You loosely linked your arm around Veritas' very reluctant arm, walknig towards the round table where the members were sat.
"It has been a while, hasn't it?" Himeko addressed your name, and drifted her eyes to the grey-haired trailblazer to the opposite of you. Dr. Ratio narrowed his eyes, you slightly nudged him to get rid of that old habit, hard enough to get a small grunt out of him.
"Say, Trailblazer. How has the Astral Express been treating you?" You asked, watching as the gears slowly spun into action in his head, almost as if someone was controlling him through a game screen.(teehee)
"Well..I've been through lots of unforgettable journeys with the Astral Express, and they've shown me much care in a...familial way."
You nod your head, satisfied at the answer before you. You reminisce about your days spent on the Express. Whether it be happy or hurtful, significant but sad. A clink of the wine glass drew everyone at the old-fashioned western-styled restaurant's attention.
"Come on! Won't a handsome man just come up and sing along to this song with me?!"
The woman dragged Caelus' arm towards the center stage, handing him a hat. He gracefully donned it on his head as you watched in admiration. Since Caelus was younger than you, you had an almost...motherly love to him. But Veritas didn't seem to take it that way.
You clapped along to the rhythm of a song sang by the singing duo - composed of a random woman, and the newest member of the Astral Express. The soda bottles hopped in joy as the trailblazer returns to his seat. Ah, a livehouse, I see.
Throught the scene, Ratio's eyes trailed alongside your movements; every captivating smile, every clap sent to the trailblazer, every whoop or cheer sent to him, every---
Graphs and charts were buzzing about in his mind. His analytical brain was working at full speed. "What made him to be so charming when it was me that needed to be appealing?!" No amount of data or statistics could account for how much love he had for you in his heart, yet he couldn''t show it, and you were about to be taken away by--
"Veritas? Are you alright?" He had awoken to your soft touches on his face. He'd abruptly sat up on the bed that he once laid on. Pause. An epiphany occured in his mind, "You...the party...!" He tried to compose himself, yet his drunk-dazed (teehee) mind wouldn't cooperate. "The party went greatly, dear! Half the time, you were zoned out, just staring at some random poster about Robin and Sunday!"
Veritas' eyes widened. "I didn't say anything....preposterous, did I?"
"Well...only something about wanting me to be your super private secretary, and only yours-" "Ridiculous! Utterly absurd!"
Putting on his alabaster head, facing away from you. Looks like the Doctor won't be able to admit to his jealousy...
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sincerely--me · 2 months
[Everyone is taken back to headquarters. Although Marth had to go and get Tracy. Lucas and Pit tag along since they are involved in this. So at the main room is Ness, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Luigi, Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Kirby, Fox, Samus, Link, Marth, Roy, Ike, Reflet, Chrom, Corrin, Kamui, Byleth, Byless, Lucas, Pit, Older Ness, Jeff, Tony, Tracy, and Poo]
(? Where's Paula...?)
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s0ckh3adstudios · 6 months
Now I'm curious... assuming the humans come back after the true pacifist ending, where do Clover and Flo GO? Do they end up living with Martlet? Or would they end up with the Ketsukanes or Sunnysides? I can't imagine they'd return to the parents they had before given the uh. negative implications that part of their life has, at least from what we know about it because of clover. Would flo get to also partake in the found family clover got?
SO THIS IS ACTUALLY A REALLY INTERESTING ASK because.. Clover and Flo both sort of gathered their OWN people. Me personally with my own headcanons, I love thinking of Dad Starlo and Clover, though of course Martlet is also an option. Ceroba is.. not a caretaker option. Genuinely do not think she can mentally deal with all that right now especially with what happened between her and Clover.
Meanwhile, Flo has a total of one (1) people in their corner. Alexander. As much as they hate to admit it, and it would take them awhile to properly admit it, they care about Alexander a lot. They would want to stay with him.
And the problem with that this is that Clover and Flo want to stay with each other but have ultimately got different lives and people for them. Clover moreso, especially having been separated from Flo for like two years while Flo was with them previously before just dying.
UNLESS Alexander (and honestly Marth by association depending on the two's relationship. wink wink) was to become buddies with the UTY crew. Which honestly that's not too far-fetched to me because I feel like Alexander and Starlo could actually be great friends with their interests. I feel like this is possible LMAO
I think it would be cute if Flo (and maybe Alexander) got assimilated into the found family I think that would be really sweet. When all of Flo's baggage is unpacked that is HAHAGJKG everyone needs to like. understand what Flo did and just kinda. process that. BUT IMAGINING FLO INTERACTING WITH THEM IS CUTE I actually think Flo would really get along with the occasionally rough and rowdiness of the feisty five. They'd get annoyed with Martlet's chatting. Flo WOULD think Ceroba is cool if it weren't for. uh.
The History They Have With Her Family.
wow this post got long. ANYWAY HEHERJKG I'll have to draw some interactions sometime
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moe-broey · 7 months
My "Not a full thought" post about Emblems now being able to exist in Askr and the potential of timeline fuckery is coming back to haunt me.
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@iamdarkness BUT I really did wanna reply to this more in-depth esp to have context on the Engage side of things as well! And tbh it could be a really interesting thing to dig into, I just feel a bit out of my depth about it (the FEH autism does not extend far past Askr. If I'm entirely honest 🧍)
Hoping to clear the air on some things! Such as, Elyios (Engage) is separate from Askr/Zenith (FEH)! All the Emblems have their own "domains", in the form of a paralogue/map that's modeled after the respective Emblem's world. For story Emblems, you unlock these as you collect the rings, and for the DLC Emblems, that's how you recruit them. Unsure what this says about Elyios itself, if these maps are like. Pocket dimensions that are replicas of that Emblem's world or what. Given what I vaguely know about Emblem lore I'm gonna say replicas.
This is Askr's!
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Which, is interesting that it Is Askr, because it's Emblem Veronica's domain.
But honestly I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself, because even before the DLC came out, I was under the impression that Engage took place after all FEs were said and done, timeline wise. Given the nature of the Emblems, and the set up of the story starting off "1000 years ago" (and that was just to set up the story of Engage! So it has been A While).
One thing (that feels very loose canon-wise) that made me feel Engage is after FEH is because, not only are there Bond Rings of the Askr trio, but their weapons are here too! This was a promotional thing, but. It's There
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Something worth noting, is that Bond Rings are different than Emblems. They don't have a spirit in them, that's as animated as the Emblems anyway... they give small stat bonuses, and are of characters that are related to any given Emblem (so, Corrin has a collection of Fates characters for Bond Rings, ect). This Does have an interesting result where there's an overlap between some DLC Emblems and Bond Rings. Cases being, there's Emblem Camilla and a Camilla Bond Ring that's connected to Emblem Corrin -- and, this happened to Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude too! Each of them having Bond Rings connected to Byleth, and also becoming their own Emblems in the Get Along Bracelet LMFAO (all three of them are in there. It goes about as well as you'd expect.)
But I am. Getting a little distracted.
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One line that stands out to me is Alear (named Milo here) saying he hasn't heard of Askr before. But like if I think about that too much my head might explode and also Alear was previously comatose for 1000 slutty slutty years. So. Take it or leave it, whatever this is implying
Also, interestingly, she takes the form of her post Book 6 look -- but there's some odd inconsistencies, like her personality being more young Veronica, and also, mentions of Bruno as if he was still missing in action and not. Well. You know. (I'd have to dig further into Bond convos for examples, which tbh may be a worthwhile endeavor! But for now Take My Word For It Please this is already so all over the place 🥲)
But the main reason I wanted to emphasize that dialogue (aside from it being interesting, to say the least), is how Alear doesn't know about Askr as a whole. And, in Alear/Alfonse Forging Bonds:
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WHICH.... AGAIN.......... MADE ME FEEL LIKE. With everything going on in Engage, the Bond Rings of Alfonse/Sharena/Anna, their Respective Signature Weapons (feels particularly damning) and Emblem Veronica. It felt like, what happens in Elyios is something that has Yet to Happen. And that, Askr as we know it, has been long gone.
But then...... everything with the Katarina/Kris FBs............ how Kris was only able to be summonable because Katarina and Marth told their story............. and how it's just the Emblems that are specifically mentioned as Not Having Info on, not Alear herself or her friends. My head hurds so bad.
LIKE...... I GUESS???? My initial thoughts on "Oh yeah that makes sense the Emblems don't exist in Askr" was that they Didn't Exist Yet. Aughh but then ...... in-universe, wouldn't the same be true for. Anyone from "the future". Or does it just apply to ghostly jewelry apparitions. Because we KNOW that option isn't true, it's shown/stated that Kiran comes from a modern world like ours, and there's also the Tokyo Mirage Sessions idols. Maybe the Emblem thing WAS just a Kris case, but that feels SO ODD. Like the Emblems are intrinsic to Elyios it seems. Why wouldn't the Askr library, chock full of information about the various worlds and lives of Heroes, Not Have That Info??? Especially with royalty like Lumera (Alear's mom) having close ties with specific Emblems (Sigurd). And also off the top my head that's a REOCCURRING thing, that the royal families in Engage Are entrusted with specific Emblems that are passed down/protected across generations. Celica with Céline/Firene, Lyn with Alcryst/Brodia, to name a few. It just seems SO strange, because it Feels Like it would be basic information about the world of Elyios.
My head hurds so bad. Net zero information. I'm so sorry. I hope this helped!!!!!!!!! 😇🫡
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meebochii · 2 years
[FE17] Birthday Wishes
[Vander] All my life, I could only offer birthday wishes to you as you slept. I am... overcome with emotion.
[Clanne] Happy birthday, Divine One! I hope I can wish you happy birthday every year from now on!
[Framme] HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't believe I actually get to say that to your actual face!
[Alfred] Today we celebrate the day of your birth. I hope we can do it again next year, and the year after!
[Céline] Happy birthday. I've been walking the Somniel for quite some time hoping to say it in person.
[Boucheron] Today's your birthday, isn't it, Divine One? I was looking for you so we could celebrate.
[Etie] Congratulations on another year, Divine One. Your muscles are growing along with you!
[Chloé] For your birthday, I think you'd look precious with a cake or some flowers.
[Louis] Today marks the day of your birth, yes? Allow me to celebrate it with a pot of tea.
[Jean] After the war, we should have a big birthday party for you. I hope you enjoy today anyway!
[Yunaka] Zappy! Happy birthday! We should get everyone to throw you an enormous party!
[Diamant]* It's your special day, Divine One. Let's have a proper toast and celebration! Are you free later?
[Alcryst] Happy birthday, Divine One! I'm so sorry that someone like me is celebrating your birthday...
[Amber] Happy birthday, Divine One... Yes! I managed to say it on the actual day! Way to go, me!
[Jade] Happy birthday, Divine One. In the story of your life, I'm honored to be a supporting character.
[Lapis] Happy birthday! If we were in my home village, you'd get a special treat... sweet boiled grass!
[Citrinne] Happy birthday! This calls for a celebration. I must prepare a cake... and so, so many gifts!
[Saphir] Relax - I won't make you fight on your birthday. Take it easy, eat some cake. You've earned it.
[Ivy] I've counted the days until I could wish you a happy birthday. Now, I... seem to have done it!
[Hortensia] Hey, isn't today your birthday? Yes, I was right! Happy birthday!
[Kagetsu] I am excited to celebrate your day of birth! I am so grateful that you were born!
[Zelkov] Please accept my sincerest birthday *wishes,* Divine One.
[Rosado] Happy birthday, Divine One! You're especially cute on your special day, naturally.
[Goldmary] Today is your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday. Hmm... How old are you now, exactly?
[Anna] Happy birthday! Today is very special - I'm making a one-time offer to celebrate for FREE!
[Lindon] What do you think of a birthday firework show? I could go all out for a truly grand display!
[Timerra] Happy birthday, Divine One! We'll celebrate you properly later with a big ol' meat roast!
[Fogado] What a beautiful day it is! It feels like the whole Somniel is celebrating your birthday.
[Merrin] I'm grateful I get to celebrate your birthday with you, Divine One. May you live a VERY long life!
[Panette] Happy birthday, Divine One! I'm sure you can play hooky from patrol duty, just for today.
[Pandreo] Haaaappy birthday, Divine One! There, I said it. I was kinda nervous, actually.
[Bunet] Today is your birthday, Divine One. Please, let me have the honor of baking a cake for you.
[Seadall] Happy birthday! Beneath the moon and stars tonight, I'll perform a dance that celebrates you.
[Veyle] Getting to celebrate your birthday WITH you is like a dream come true. Let's do something fun!
[Mauvier] I feel much gratitude for your birth, Divine One, for you are why Lady Veyle and I are here.
[Marth] Alear, happy birthday. I hope it is pleasant and peaceful, always.
[Celica] Happy birthday, Alear. May the Goddess Mila protect you.
[Sigurd] May you know good fortune in battle, especially on this, the day of your birth, Alear.
[Leif] Happy birthday, Alear. May your year ahead be a joyful one.
[Roy] It's your birthday, Alear! I hope this next year is great!
[Lyn] Happy birthday, Alear! May you be blessed by Mother Earth.
[Eirika] Alear, please let me wish you the happiest of birthdays.
[Ike] Today's your birthday. I have nothing clever to say, but I do want to wish you a happy birthday.
[Micaiah] Alear, happy birthday! This year will surely be a great one for you. I can feel it.
[Lucina] Happy birthday, Alear. I am so glad we can celebrate your special day.
[Corrin] Happy birthday, Alear! Isn't it nice to hear that or to wish it for someone?
[Byleth] Happy birthday, Alear. I would happily give you celebratory flowers if I could.
[Tiki] I hope you have the very best birthday!
[Dimitri] May the coming year be full of good health and good fortune, Alear. Happy birthday.
[Claude] Hey, happy birthday! How about I let you in on a little secret as a gift, Alear?
[Edelgard] Happy birthday. I hope you'll continue guiding us for a long time, Alear.
[Hector] It's your birthday, isn't it? I'm not great with words, so let's skip to the celebration!
[Soren] I hear today's your birthday. You were born in a favorable season, Alear.
[Camilla] Happy birthday! I hope, no matter your age, you will always guide us as our Divine Dragon.
*dialogue may be different when not s-supported
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iturbide · 1 year
How old would be like, an actual adult for a manakete? Nowi's "1,000 something" and she seems. Like a child. Tiki's what, like 3,000? She seems like an adult... is it like humans x 100? How does the dragonstone thing work? Are they born with them now or does each generation have to seal their power in stones? Do taguel actually need stones or is that a gameplay mechanic?
At least for me, I tend to interpret dragon ages along the lines of human age x 100 based on what we've seen in most of the Fire Emblem games. Tiki when she meets Marth is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,100, but she looks like a kid -- at best a very young teenager, more likely a preteen, so 10-11 range by my read. Nowi, similarly, says she's over 1,000 and both looks and acts like a kid, so I struggle to see her as older than a teenager (and a particularly childish one at that). By the time of Awakening, though, Tiki's around 3,000 years old, and is clearly an adult at that point, so that really does seem to line up with the dragon age being two orders of magnitude removed from the human equivalent.
As for the dragonstone thing...that's open to interpretation, I think. I know some people interpret them as something dragons create themselves (@anankos has a fun bit in one of their old Fates fics that goes into it), but in Awakening it's frustrating because dragonstones are sold and they come in multiple flavors. Awakening why do you do this to me.
So I've tentatively adopted a concept where dragons (and taguel) use a specific type of stone as a form of energy storage: specific stones have a crystal matrix able to receive magical energy, and by taking advantage of this specific resonance, dragons can siphon their power into the stone in their possession and adopt a human guise; if they need to transform, they pull the energy back out to resume their original form.
Of course, I'm damned either way because Awakening's mechanics make no sense and a dragon/taguel can't transform without a stone, leaving them trapped in a human guise -- which frankly makes no sense: if the stone breaks, the power can't go anywhere but back where it came from, so logically they should be stuck in beast form rather than the other way around. So I picked my battles and decided that when I work with dragons and taguel, if they don't have a stone, they don't look human. (On a related note note, if a dragon or taguel loses their stone but it doesn't break, they'll be stuck in human form for a while but eventually revert back to dragon form if they don't find it because eventually their energy levels are going to replenish naturally and they'll transform back whether they like it or not. Nowi has this problem...a lot.)
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jamiebamberdaily · 9 months
A Year in Review : Jamie's 2023
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Welcome to our look back on Jamie’s 2023! It’s been a tough year for the entertainment industry in general, with the SAG-AFTRA strike taking place from July all the way through to November, and we know that this impacted Jamie as he chose to take a stand along with many of his other acting peers. Yet despite this, Jamie has accomplished a lot in this year & it’s time to look back at some of the highlights!
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February saw the release of Beyond Paradise on BBC1. Jamie played Archie Hughes, an ex flame of Martha’s who joined forces with her in getting her new business in Shipton Abbott up and running. Unfortunately for Archie, Martha had moved back to Shipton Abbott with her fiance, Humphrey and the two didn’t quite see eye to eye. This was such a fun role for Jamie and a complete joy to watch.
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April was an exciting month which saw Jamie celebrating his 50th birthday and as always we marked the occasion with a birthday video which many of you took part in! He also travelled over to Cannes to premiere Cannes Confidential at  the 6th Canneseries Festival alongside co-stars Lucie Lucas and Tamara Marthe.
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May saw Jamie treading the boards once again in Uncle Glen’s Menagerie at the Arcola Theatre which we were lucky enough to go and watch. Such an incredible evening of ad-lib comedy and superb acting from an incredible group of actors and comedians. As ever we want to thank Jamie for his time that he spent chatting with us before and after the show too.
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In June finally came the UK release of Cannes Confidential on Acorn TV and we LOVED Harry King from the moment we met him. Such a fun, easy watching show and such a complex character in which Jamie got to show off all sides of his talent, from comedy through to some really beautiful emotional moments, especially in scenes with his on-screen daughter Emilie who was played by his real life daughter Ava in a brilliant debut performance. June also saw the release of Trader over in Russia - a project which Jamie filmed alongside his amazing wife Kerry all the way back in 2019! And of course, we cannot forget the epic BSG reunion which took place when Jamie headed over to Phoenix Fan Fusion. #SoSayWeAll
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July brought some incredible news as Jamie announced that he was taking part in Kenny Logan’s RWC Challenge - an epic 700 mile cycle & walking challenge from Edinburgh to Paris, all to raise money for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. Throughout July all the way through to October when the challenge took place, Jamie was training hard to ensure that he was ready for the mammoth challenge ahead.
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August saw the release of Who Is Erin Carter? on Netflix - a twisty, fast paced thriller from the mind of Strike Back writer, Jack Lothian. Jamie played DI Jim Armstrong, a mysterious figure from Erin’s past. Though he was only in two episodes. We LOVED this character and with the series being left open ended, we really hope we get to see more of Jim in the future.
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In September, Jamie attended the National Television Awards alongside his Beyond Paradise cast mates as the show was nominated for Best New Drama (which sadly it didn’t win).
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And onto October which was such an important month for Jamie as all the training paid off when he & so many other incredible people including Kenny & Gabby Logan, Ally McCoist, Jason Fox and Jimmy Nesbitt started their gruelling trek on bike and foot from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh to the Stade de France in Paris. This challenge was hugely life changing for the whole team (as well as a whole lot of fun!) and they smashed their target of raising £555,555 between them for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. We were honoured to be able to cheer them all on for a small part of this journey when we saw them off in York on day 3 and welcomed them back as they ended the day at the beautiful Belvoir Castle. To top off an incredible achievement, Jamie was also asked to become an ambassador for the foundation - a role we know that he will embody so well.
October also saw Jamie joining Cameo, giving fans the opportunity to get a personalised video message from him (which we of course took advantage of also!) and to round off the month, Cannes Confidential aired on French TV, renamed  Cannes Police Criminalle, with the entire show having been dubbed into French by the original cast.
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November saw Jamie as a guest on fellow RWC Challenge team mate Archie Curzon’s podcast, The Rig Biz Pod, which was a brilliantly funny interview.
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And to round the year off, December gave us announcements of not one but two new projects to look forward to in 2024! Firstly, Heavyweight, starring and produced by Jamie’s Marcella co-star Nicholas Pinnock, will be a gritty London drama focusing on the mental state of a boxer and his cornermen backstage before the fight as the clock ticks down. 
With the strike finally over, Jamie travelled to Bulgaria to film Strangers alongside Sienna Guillory, Emmett J Scanlan and Jon Voight. The project is described as an action thriller and will be released in 2024 on Paramount Plus.
As well as these two exciting announcements, AKA Blackbird, the brainchild of BSG alumni James Callis was finally released as an audiobook! With so many former BSG stars taking part in it, including Jamie and Kerry, it’s definitely not one to be missed.
And there you have it! Despite some difficult times, Jamie really did achieve a lot this year and with 2 projects already to look forward to, we can’t wait to see what else 2024 has in store.
As ever, we would like to thank you for all the support of our page over this past year and wish you all a very happy new year!
Jemma and Sophie. xx
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terabyteturtle · 1 year
Fighter #03 - Link
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- Link spends a lot of time outside doing archery practice. He sets up targets in tons of different spots and spends an hour or two shooting them.
- Sephiroth is very intrigued as to how the Sheikah Slate works. He's threatened Link numerous times in an attempt to get it for himself. When this happens, Cloud usually steps in and sticks up for him, to which Sephiroth says, "There's no point in trying to ward me off, Cloud. You know better than anyone that I always come back," (bro's like William Afton for real). At this stage, Master Hand has to take care of it.
- Link and Cloud are really good friends. They both understand what it's like to be constantly pursued by their greatest enemies. Ganondorf and Sephiroth just won't leave them alone.
- He really likes pinwheels for some reason. Villager made him a couple for his birthday and he could not have been happier.
- He always keeps his Ancient Arrows under lock and key. Hylia knows what will happen if someone got their hands on those.
- Wii Fit Trainer is his go-to gal for anxiety relief. Link's usually a calm guy, but when he gets anxious, it gets really bad. He's discovered that, during times like these, yoga helps him tremendously.
- He and Cloud secretly love watching Thundercats! Cloud has all of the episodes on DVD, so on their nights off, the two will binge-watch it in Cloud's room. Whoever's going grocery shopping for the week always buys TONS of popcorn in advance because these two would go through the entire stash otherwise.
- He's very good at slight-of-hand and is better at it than Mario. Ness and Lucas think this is super cool and always ask him to do coin tricks.
- When Link first saw the item rack, he was flabbergasted. Like they use Cuccos here? Seriously?! How is everyone still alive?! If that wasn't weird enough, there was an odd drone resembling a beetle that looked strangely familiar to him. Link's sure he's never seen it before, but for some reason, he just can't shake the feeling that he's connected to it somehow.
- When he first joined Smash, Link didn't recognize Ganondorf. He actually tried to have a normal conversation with him, but got completely ignored. When he told Zelda about it, she revealed that the rude man was actually Ganon. As soon as she said this, Link suddenly went into hero mode and tried attacking the Gerudo menace. Marth, Roy, and Ike all had to restrain him. 
- During his first few days in Smash, Link's anxiety levels were through the roof. Considering how many villains there were living in the same house, he had a very bad feeling about the whole thing. He kept waiting for something catastrophic to happen, but to his surprise, nothing did. After a few weeks, he began to calm down.
- He loves taking walks in the forest. He has to keep his guard up though, or else he'll get stampeded by the Kongs when they go on their forest runs.
- Along with Villager and the other Links, he'll give advice to the others on how to maximize pocket space (all of them carry so much stuff, it's insane).
- If anyone ever needs extra sword polish, he's got them covered! There's a big supply of it in the weapon repair room, but Link has high-quality stuff from Hyrule.
- His favorite color is green. He kinda wishes the Zelda from his world made his tunic green instead of blue.
- To say the least, Link was very confused when he first met Zelda and the other Links. Zelda sat him down and explained to him that she, Link, and Ganon were all part of an endless reincarnation cycle. She told him that she was a past incarnation of the Zelda he knew from his world, Young Link and Toon Link were past incarnations of himself, and the Ganon he tried killing the other day was a past incarnation of Calamity Ganon. It explained why the Gerudo King was so cold toward him, and also why he felt strange connections to certain items. It took Link a while to process all of this at first, but was eventually able to wrap his head around it.
- He keeps a close eye on Ganondorf, no matter what. If the King of Darkness decides to pull something evil, Link feels it's his responsibility to deal with him.
- Link and the Fire Emblem fighters help maintain order within the mansion. If a fight breaks out, they're the first ones to stop it.
- He loves going to the stables! Young Link often joins him to take care of the horses.
- He's such a gentleman, always opening doors for people or letting them borrow his hood if the weather's unpleasant.
- Link has a lot of strange dreams, most of which he'll only tell Cloud about
- Sometimes, he follows Zelda around out of habit. She constantly has to remind him that he's free to do whatever he wants and she's fine on her own.
- He's constantly gets recognized by Assist Trophies from his past lives, which always makes him confused. Seeing Ghirahim for the first time was an absolute nightmare, and the first question that Midna asked him was "Can I have a wolfback ride?". Needless to say, it was awkward as hell.
- He likes feeding birds with Robin sometimes. Out of all the birds he's seen, egrets are his favorite.
- Once in a blue moon, it seems like his shadow takes on a mind of its own. No one, not even Cloud, believes him and sometimes, he doesn't sleep because of it. There was one night where he looked in the mirror and he could've sworn he saw red eyes staring at him from behind.
- Link and Cloud play fetch with Pikachu all the time.
- Link's always doing heroic poses, so the villains frequently mock him. 
- Dark Pit makes fun of the Master Sword a lot, calling it a giant glow-stick.
- He has the aim of a traditional Portuguese mother (meaning it's godly).
- Link has a really big heart. No, seriously, have you seen the size of his Heart Containers?
- Pit is taking archery classes from him. Dark Pit can ridicule Link all he wants, but the man is a really good teacher.
- Ganondorf makes at least one snide remark to him a day.
- He's a symbol of courage, and the younger fighters aspire to be as brave as him.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the main theme from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's a song that he knows completely, not something vaguely familiar from his past lives, and it fills him with courage and determination.
Note: It doesn't matter which Link you're talking about, they're all wonderful characters! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Next up, an intergalactic bounty hunter who's journeyed across numerous planets.
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childofaura · 1 year
Not to drop in another ask after the recent one but looking at your last post regarding how you want to change Engage’s story….
What are some of the things you want to rewrite and/or change in FE Engage?
I wanted to get to my computer before I answered this one, because I have a LOT to say on it.
I've basically been re-imagining most of Engage's story from the ground up, changing a lot of things to either make the story make have a little more meaning at some parts, or just to satisfy some personal itches I had with the game. I've been doing my best to think of things that would make the story more enjoyable to me overall, though sadly some of it would erase Veyle's established development (but also it would kind of just go down a different path?), and I'm trying to do my damndest to hold onto Hortensia's character arc, lol. So it'd be a LOT of things to change in Engage's story.
I spent nearly an hour typing stuff up but decided to remove it because I MAY want to do a comic someday. But bottom line is mostly this:
Alear and Veyle would be established as Fell Dragons right off the bat in the game. They would also actually transform into dragons (none of that "uwu I hate my dragon form" just because they didn't want to design more dragons. We were cheated of Dragon Alear, Veyle, and Zephia!). The designs would be reminiscent of swans (since Veyle's outfit gives off swan vibes), with Veyle being based off of a white swan and Alear being based off of a black swan. Also Zephia would have a dragon form as well, something along the lines of a vampire bat. Because they're established as Fell Dragons, instead of being worshiped by everyone, they're distrusted and scorned by most of the cast (in varying degrees from mild to more severe), with most of the story having Alear and Veyle needing to earn the trust of the other characters.
Their meeting with Lumera would be drastically changed: Instead of Lumera meeting Alear in the mountains, Alear would have tried to kill Lumera to appease Sombron, but Veyle tags along and is captured by guards, and Alear gives up their fight with Lumera to plead for Veyle to be released. Lumera is moved by this and orders the guards to release the both of them, where she takes them to a separate room alone and makes tea for them. She spends the night talking to them and learning about how Sombron uses them as tools, they bond, and then she lets them go. Sombron is angered by their failure and goes to kill them; Alear, in a panic, defies Sombron and fights him, but Veyle also tries to protect Alear and is injured in the process. So Alear takes Veyle back to Lumera, having nowhere else to go, and Lumera manages to heal Veyle and offers them refuge in her castle. Thus begins Lumera, Alear, and Veyle's bonding, and at some point she adopts the two as her own children. The Sombron attacking Alear at the castle would probably play out the same, but instead Lumera, after giving her Divine Blood to save Alear, would tell Veyle to take Alear and hide somewhere safe, also entrusting them with Marth's Emblem.
For the game's beginning, Alear would have their memories of what had occurred intact (because no more protag amnesia, please), and instead of the Somniel, would wake up in a small isolated cottage where Veyle's been watching over them this whole time (which means Veyle would be with you from Chapter 1). Also a drastic change: instead of starting the game off with Vander, Framme, and Clanne, you'd start off with Mauvier who finds Veyle and Alear alone several years before Alear wakes up, becomes friends with Veyle, and opts to stay to take care of the both of them (this is actually a ruse ordered by Zephia who finds out where Veyle and Alear are hiding, but this is still kind and compassionate Mauvier so he genuinely bonds with Veyle during this time). Once Alear wakes up, this is when they decide to return to Lumera to show her Alear has awoken.
The whole rewrite is still a big work in progress, but to summarize some other changes:
The order in which the kingdoms are visited would be different. Instead of Firene, Brodia, Elusia, Solm: Firene would be first (Instead of Alfred meeting you at the castle, you'd first meet Celine on the way to Firene who asks for your help, and Alfred would be at the castle attempting to defend his mother). Then Elusia, which would be the first and only kingdom that actually worships you as Fell Dragons (However Ivy and Hortensia don't quite join you yet); however this would be for ulterior motives as King Hyacinth wants to use you to counterattack and conquer Brodia as revenge. The war between Brodia and Elusia would still play out, but with Brodia on the antagonistic side instead; however, when Hyacinth tells Alear and Veyle to execute Diamant, they refuse (also gaining Diamant's trust for him to be recruited later).
Sombron's return and Hyacinth's death are still played out the same, but instead of Veyle having a dual personality, Sombron executes his influence over her to simply make her an empty, emotionless drone. With this, both Mauvier and Veyle are removed from your party (as Mauvier would be revealed to be one of the Hounds), and instead of your current party running away, it's just Alear (of course with a MUCH ADJUSTED level design), but after a few turns your party comes in to save the day, with a new alliance from the Brodian and Elusian characters.
Additionally, Yunaka, Lindon, and Seadall would be recruited in paralogues like Jean. There'd be two separate types of paralogues; ones to recruit the new characters, and memory paralogues that explain Alear's Fell Dragon origins. The Emblem battles would be done away with entirely.
I haven't gotten much further than that because there's a LOT of nitty-gritty story stuff I've been reworking in my head, but this is the best that I can summarize of my rewriting. Actually typing it out is VERY messy for me, lol.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
And another one (Marth and Tiki drabble), also on Ao3
“Mar-Mar,” Tiki mumbled.
“Tiki,” he replied, smiling. “It’s wonderful to see you, again.”
Tiki nodded. She sat on the edge of his bed, careful not to press too close to him. Humans were always so fragile, but they were even more fragile when they were close to dying.
Marth was thin and gaunt. His hair was thin. His eyesight had gotten poor. He looked a single light breeze away from scattering into the wind like dandelion fluff. Tiki had never seen him so weak before.
He reached out his hand and she took it. She still looked the same, no matter how much time passed, and it was obvious in their hands. Hers were still so small and soft. His were small and bony and frail. Tiki cradled the hand offered to her in her hands like a bird. Marth chuckled.
“I’m not going to break,” he told her, his voice so soft.
“I don’t want to risk it,” she replied.
Marth ran a shaky thumb over her fingers. His hands were smaller than they once were, but still bigger than her own.
“Aren’t you scared?” Tiki mumbled.
“No,” he replied. “Not at all.”
She frowned, but he just laughed.
“I’m going to die,” he admitted casually. “This has always been my fate. To do so while laying in bed, after years of peace, sets my mind at ease. I will not be dying to an arrow or a lance. I find it to be a nice change of pace. The only threat to my life is my own mortality. I am more than pleased to be able to die peacefully.”
“I don’t want you to die,” Tiki sniffled. “I’ve dreaded this day for years, Mar-Mar. What will I do if you aren’t with me?”
“You’re strong,” Marth said. “You can do whatever you like. You don’t need me to be there.”
“But I want you to be there,” she stated.
Her tears fell on the back of his hand. She sniffed and tried to blink the tears away, but they came no matter what she did.
“Oh, Tiki,” he sighed, as fond as he had always been. “I cannot live forever. Nor do I wish to live forever.”
She nodded. He’d always been open about his own mortality. No matter that Tiki viewed him as godlike and similar to Naga herself, Marth was still a mortal and seemed to even enjoy being one.
“But,” he continued, smiling, “if given the chance to spend a thousand years more at your side, I would take it. I don’t want you to cry for me, Tiki.”
“I can’t help it,” she insisted. “I’m going to miss you.”
He cupped her face with a hand. The touch was light and gentle. His touch had always been so. Even knowing that she was a manakete and not so easily injured, he still touched her gently, as though cautious of hurting her.
“I will miss you too,” he said simply. “You are my dear friend, Tiki. Can you take some peace knowing that being able to see you, in my final days, has brought me great joy? I wondered if you would sleep through my passing altogether.”
“I almost did,” she admitted. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. You’re here, and that’s all that matters.”
His smile was still as bright as the sun, warming her even as his own hand remained colder in her palms.
“I miss those who passed before me,” Marth said quietly. “I’m going to see them again, after many years apart.”
“You won’t get lonely without me?” Tiki asked.
“I will miss you, Tiki,” he sighed. “And I will look forward to you joining us. I will want to hear all about the life you lead. I even look forward to hearing the boring parts.”
“Yes,” Tiki agreed. “I’ll live the most boringest life imaginable and tell you all about it!”
“Nothing would make me happier,” Marth admitted. “Than your having an uneventful life. I hope that you will make more friends-“
“I’ll make friends with everyone!” she promised.
“-and that you will not have to suffer through more war and turmoil,” he concluded.
“My life will be as boring as your books,” she swore.
He laughed, light and airy and pleased. She pressed her face into his hand and couldn’t help but laugh along.
“Take your time,” he ordered. “Live your life. I wish you more happiness than you can stand.”
Tiki’s tears refused to stop, even as she promised to listen to him. When he passed, only a week or so later, Tiki cried until there were no tears left, then cried a bit more. There was a pain in her chest, reminiscent of her heart being torn out. Already, only days after he was gone, she missed him more than she could stand.
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viridescent-lance · 1 year
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging whoever wants to do this!
Name: Pat Gem! Patrick is the full name but Pat is what I go by most often in this group.
Pronouns: he/they
Birthday (no year): September 15! Same as my beloved kitty Cassie.
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: I'm from California, PST! I was born in the Bay Area, moved to Alabama where I spent ten years as a kid, and moved back to California. That's the truncated version.
Roleplay experience: I started roleplaying on the Warrior Cats Forums in like...2010, I think? I also did private Skype rps with my best friend at the time. This lasted for 3-4 years until both fizzled out around the same time. I have some experience doing group nuzlocke rp on the nuzforums, but that also didn't last as long as I'd like. Other than some ttrpgs, I had a dry spell, and in 2019 I joined a Friends at the Table tumblr RP that would change my life. There I met Maddie and some other friends, and while the rp wasn't super active after I joined it, Maddie and I started doing rp ourselves! Finally, in late 2021, Lucius invited Maddie to TOA and I also got the invite and tagged along.
Got any pets?: Yep! Cassie and Oreo, my beloveds! Both cats, Cassie is the one with a hairdo and she's almost 4, Oreo's a year and a half and a tuxy baby.
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Favorite time of year: I love when it is nice and cool but not too cold. Fall is my favorite season, personally, but really I especially enjoy not sweating to death.
Some interests and things you like: I'm a huge Pokemon fan, which I'll elaborate on later. Here though I'll say that I have a huge interest in competitive Pokemon, both singles and the official VGC circuit. I'm a big TTRPG guy! I have a lot of systems and games I like but I'll single out Fall of Magic, Jenna Moran games, the Forged in the Dark system, the Belonging Outside Belonging system, and It's Been A Long Long Time! I have an interest in speedrunning, I watch a lot of videos about it and it's fun. I love Discworld, the Terry Pratchett series. Tales of Vesperia is a game of all time. Yuri Lowell your problems disorders. Ace Attorney helped mold me as a person. Warrior cats will forever live in my heart. Bionicle also helped make me the guy I am today. 999 is a visual novel of all time. Play it and do not look it up. I actually have a huge interest in media analysis, it's something I really really enjoy talking about and researching. Splatoon my beloved. Octopath Traveler 1 and 2! I love birds and bats and lots of animals! Okay I'm running out of steam and also this is very long so I'll just stop here but there's definitely things I am forgetting.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm a library and women's and gender studies student, and hope to some day work as a librarian! For now, I'm an afterschool program associate, and I love working with the kids. - I have met Nancy Pelosi while wearing a Pokemon button up. - I've survived a tornado that started above my house. - I have finished 34 nuzlockes. - Marth was one of my first smash mains but I didn't get into Fire Emblem for years. - I have the cilantro soap gene but I like the taste of soap. - I'm physically disabled and use a cane irl! - My girlfriend used to have me blocked on Twitter. - I've made it to playoffs every single Pokemon draft league I've been in but never made it past semifinals - I was very isolated as a kid and rarely left the house. As a result, I learned my vocabulary mostly from books, as well as how I talk and emote from books and shows. I've been told I talk and act like a cartoon character, which I suppose is fair!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: I play a bunch of Splatoon, probably one of the main games I play! It's very fun, and I'm a Sploosh/Custom Jr/Tentatek triple threat main who constantly hovers around S. Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 have me grabbed so hard. I am hopelessly a Pokemon guy. I play nuzlockes, casually, and competitively, and I have almost every single Pokemon and its learnset and viable competitive learnsets memorized. I am very normal about it. I also really love the Zero Escape series. I've been playing the warrior cats procgen sim ClanGen recently. I used to play a bunch of No Man's Sky, want to get back into that soon. Honestly I struggle to consistently play and finish games, and I've been trying to work on that.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Bug; Flygon. Yes, you can combine these two to get the logical conclusion: Flygon should have been a Bug/Dragon type! It's based off the life cycle of a lacewing!!
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I've got two stories here, one of how I almost got into Fire Emblem and how it got on my radar, and the other being how I finally got into it for real. So, in 9th grade, I had a crush on a boy who played Awakening at lunch every day. I'd talk with him and he actually offered to buy me Awakening, but I, one of the only poor kids in a rich school, was flabbergasted he would spent 40 dollars on me and felt guilty and was like are you sure? And he was like well okay if you don't want me to. I kind of wish I'd taken him up on the offer because he sucked as a person and his family was super rich but oh well. I then played the hell out of the demo. Flash forward to 2019. I'm scrolling twitter and see a friend of mine is streaming Fire Emblem Three Houses. I've seen it before, and it seems pretty fun. A lot of my friends like Fire Emblem. I watch the stream and fall in love with the characters and style of the game, and I impulse buy Three Houses. I then tell Maddie and sell them on Three Houses. Thus, it begun...
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: This is a fun and complicated question for me to answer because if you count me backseating Maddie, it's some of fe4, most of fe7, fe8, fe9, fe10, over half of fe13, some fe14, fe15, and fe16. If it's just me, that shrinks down to some fe7 and fe8, some fe9, over half of fe13, some fe15, and some fe16. I was an active participant in watching the games so it feels like a smidgen of playing them but not quite?
First Fire Emblem game: Either the Awakening demo or Three Houses.
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Shadows of Valentia, Sacred Stones, and the Tellius duology. Hard to specify a single favorite, especially depending on what we are defining favorite as.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 : Where do I begin. I mean Lukas is like, perhaps one of my strongest ones. Though I'm also smitten with Forsyth and attracted to Python despite him being terrible boyfriend material. Recently I have been making eyes at Legault in Blazing Blade, and also playing Fates for the first time had me really surprised at how much Setsuna charmed me. Uhhh lemme think also. Christ Kent your problems disorders bewitch me. Claude you are my everything I will do anything for you. Shamir also if we are talking 3h, what a gal. Ranulf my beloved, he's got things together and he's playful and teasing and just has a great personality. Also Titania...pretty and strong and cool and just a fantastic character who I would not object to kissing on the mouth. I think i might stop here because if I keep going I am going to just take you on a tour of my numerous Fire Emblem crush tastes.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Panne; I'd also S support Libra or Say'ri. I need to mention that my first awakening playthrough was in 2020 though so if I'd gotten it in 2013 like I almost did I'd probably have gotten married to like...Libra if I waited that long, Chrom if I messed up and got automarried, or like. Stahl or something bc he's really nice and a knight. - Fates: I have not S supported anyone in Fates yet but Setsuna and Silas I am Looking. - Three Houses: I actually never have S supported anyone in Three Houses, as I never actually finished my personal playthrough! However, my big choices are Shamir and Claude, though w the latter I just pretend that's me bc I don't do teacher/student. - Engage: Not enough experience to say who I might S support. Will get back to you.
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Do laguz/taguel/manakete count. I'm also weak for archers I shan't lie.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: Oh I know I'd be one of those frail little mages who has explosive firepower and waning physical ability. Honestly being that but on a wyvern would be fun. My good friend my mobility wyvern.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: Golden Deer 4ever baybee not even close.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: I'll get back to this, I'm not sure if I have the info I need to make an informed choice. My first thought is that I would love to have Ike chilling with me though, Ike my good friend Ike.
How did you find TOA?: Lucius invited Maddie, and Maddie invited me! I was roleplaying Forsyth with Maddie's Python 1on1 at the time and the idea of a group RP was very appealing to me, despite me being swamped with work and school and health issues at the time. I'm so glad I made the leap!
Current TOA muses: Forsyth and Leanne!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again?: Forsyth! I don't see myself dropping him unless his narrative here is done, really.
Have you had any other TOA muses?: Oh Ranulf...I had a very fun time with him, but I just was not in the state to handle three muses and having two muses has been much more manageable, so he's probably not coming back for a while.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: I tend to write very earnest characters, especially in a group RP setting. I've pushed my comfort zone before, but characters who express themselves very openly and intensely are my bread and butter. Characters who wear their hearts on their sleeves, for better or worse.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: Hard to say, but honestly I really enjoy writing relationships, and the ways in which they shift and change over time. I really like character-focused writing the most, emotions and thoughts and such, and exploring the connections between characters! This feels like a silly answer, but it's what I'm feeling!
Favorite TOA-related memory: Oh man this is a hard one. Hard to choose so I'll just pick one that came to mind which is Leanne and Vaida's bizarre adventure in Queen's Compass. What a good event that was, blows a kiss to the sky for Zyra. I'm also a huge fan of everything involving Forsyth's Jugdral meddling and the narrative impact of his deaths in KKE. There are so many funny little experiences and memories that stick with me forever, really.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: Tee-oh-ay! Pronouncing it as a word is the same as Toa from Bionicle and to keep them distinct in my mind I sound it out.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: The world if I could handle three muses...Legault scratching at my door. Ranulf also scratching at my door. Blows a kiss to the guys I would enjoy playing but don't have the time and energy for.
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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While the dreams in Rusalka persist, the Officers Academy receives an interesting letter from one of the lords of Faerghus. They had a fairly recent experience with the current Blue Lions class, being one of the map charters that explored the new territory with them. “And so,” he writes, “it behooves me to inform the academy that…”
Celica. Roy. Lucina. Marth. Those four, along with a handful of other foreign nobles, were sighted in Faerghus in the midst of their “grand tour” through Fódlan. Taking advantage of their countries’ relative obscurity, they are traveling around pretending to be in whatever situation that suits them. They grift money from noble and commoner alike under this false identity, putting on a charming face as they drag their namesakes’ reputations through the mud. This man, having worked with the Lions before, knew this was not like them. The Church, having sent them on missions, knows it was not them. Everyone else though? They believe the ruse without a doubt. When you come back, it’s off to Faerghus to do some massive damage control.
Blue Lions Mission: Snuff Out the Crime Ring!
BL Mission Task Board
“Hark! Hark, I say! No, no, down here!” If the sight of a ragged white horse grazing in the middle of the forest doesn’t grab your attention, the voice that calls from the bottom of a pit sure does. A tall man with tousled blue hair winces as he waves at you, claiming to have broken his leg when he fell into this *dastardly* trap. “I, King Sigurd of Grannvale, humbly request thine aid! Know that thy kindness today will reward thee handsomely in the years to come!” [Grants Faith +1]
When you break the news about the imposter lords to one of the villages, they naturally react in horror and shame for being deceived. However, something goes awry when the message is passed along to the village elders. A miscommunication down the line leads these leaders, half-blind and three-quarters-deaf, to believe that you are the “real Lyndis”. Whether you are or not, there is little you can do to convince them otherwise, and so they demand you make things right. [Grants +1 Authority]
Fortunately, the next town over receives news of the imposters before you arrive to warn them. Unfortunately, that leads to you looking a bit too suspicious. Officers Academy students all the way out here? Out of an abundance of caution, you find yourselves spending a night in the local jail with an interesting roommate, one who calls themselves “Micaiah”. Apparently she’s fallen on hard times and racked up a huge amount of debt to the town. “Let’s help each other out, hmm? I help you get out of this cell, you let me go… Pretty fair deal, if I do say so myself.”
A number of you are sent straight to Fhirdiad to warn King Rufus, only to arrive too late. The guards say that he is with two young princesses, a “Celica” and a “Corrin”, and are naturally aghast when they find out the truth. That said, this must be dealt with carefully: the king’s, nay, all of House Blaiddyd’s reputation is on the line, and an embarrassment of this magnitude would shame the family for generations to come. There is only one option: to don a variety of disguises as you follow after the king’s date night through the market district and separate him from the ‘princesses’. [Grants Heavy Armor +1]
It takes some time and a little help from the more covert members of the Knights, but you finally get a lead into who is organizing this ring. This information takes you to Arianrhod, where you will meet a priestly “Dragon” holding auditions for a Leif to add in their crew of characters. They don’t particularly care what you look like, but two things are non-negotiable: a boyish attitude and proficiency in a variety of weapons. This could be the chance you need to infiltrate the group, if you manage to impress him. [Grants Any Weapon +1]
[NEW!] Once you infiltrate the crime ring’s base of operations, it’s up to you to find cold, hard evidence of their wrongdoings. Your snooping around gets interrupted by “Eirika”, who gives you a strange look… and kindly offers if you need help looking for something! She warns you that their “Lucina” has been paranoid about traitors lately, so she tells you to be careful, “because she might get the wrong idea about you.”
[NEW!] “Ike” earns his keep as a “premium” consultant for mercenary companies and other small forces, charging top dollar for questionable advice. There are plenty of detractors calling out his poor counsel, but every confrontation ends up the same: with Ike pointedly dismissing them with a no-nonsense attitude that garners admiration and respect from onlookers. You’ll have to be subtle if you want to catch him in his lies. An idea comes up for you to play the perfect victim and make him waste his time instead of scamming some other poor sap.
[NEW!] As the most successful scammers of the group, “Marth” and “Roy” are your biggest targets. A chance encounter in a large town brings you face to face with the two, but things turn complicated when a crowd forms in support of the imposters. A gaggle of fans proudly support these “down-to-earth princes”, viciously defending them against your supposed slander. Try as you might, just one sensuous “babygirl” from Marth is enough to rally the crowd against you. The puffed-up “Roy” goes as far as to say they are undefeatable in their strength and purity of heart… but can they prove it? [Grants Sword +1]
[NEW!] You have turned your back on justice and joined the Dragon and his coterie of imposters… or so he thinks. A threatening “offer you can’t refuse” becomes the opportunity of a lifetime when he bribes you for information and cooperation, opening up a chance for you to feed false information and get some insight into how the group operates. That said, the enigmatic “Al” is said to be an intelligent and calculating man in his own right. Be warned, this may be one of his traps… [Grants Any Weapon +1]  
Non-Mission Task Board
Rest assured that the administration is taking the matter of the imposters seriously and with the utmost gravity. The students that call these lords friends and classmates, however, gladly have their fun with the situation and jokingly adopt a colorful variety of wigs and accents to match.
Ironically, this month’s mishaps spurred a greater interest in the other countries and continents beyond Fódlan, with more and more students eagerly learning what they can about them. The Cooking Club, with their hands on an Ylissean cookbook, is putting out calls for some brave idiot to go and hunt a bear for a Ylissean-style roast. [Grants Axe +1]
The Battle of the Eagle and Lion is coming soon! The armorers are holding a seminar on the infamous hilltop ballista, allowing students to learn what goes into its maintenance and care. You’re even allowed to make a few test shots! [Grants Bow +1]
Are you stuck with glass bones and paper skin? Sick of just having pedestrian magic to your name? The professors are holding a special class for the squishiest of mages, clerics, and archers, where they may learn close-quarters self-defense if they’re ambushed by an enemy. [Grants Gauntlets +1]
A well-known traveling group of dancers and musicians have arrived in town, to the delight of many fans! Except, there's an issue on the night of the performance. The youngest drummer quickly runs up to you and the few Knights positioned to keep the crowd under control; the lead dancer, Marcie, doesn't know where her sister is! The group of musicians seem mixed— some happy, others upset— at her disappearance. Besides, she's the only other dancer they have. There's only a few options to take, though you aren't sure which is best. You can go after the runaway dancer and try to find her for the performance or you can don the dancer attire and pretend to be a relative to Marcie and take the stage with her. Quick! The fans are gathering!
[NEW!] The Officers Academy welcomes the continent of Elyos! With the current interest in countries outside of Fodlan, the students are eager to welcome new faces and learn all they can about these new-to-them countries. The cooking club in particular is hosting a potluck for all to attend, starring a roast bear on a spit.
[NEW!] Among the new students are massive wolves unlike any that Fodlan has seen before: not monsters cursed by crest stones, but mounts that are frequently used by Elyos’ elite cavalry units. The Officers Academy has gone out of its way to import a small pack of these creatures, hoping to one day offer certification for aspiring Wolf Knights. However, these seasoned veterans prefer sunny afternoon naps and would rather ignore whatever nonsense that’s coming out of your mouth. You’ll have to earn their respect first. [Grants Riding +1]
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the divided task board work?
This season’s mission is assigned to the Blue Lions muses. Therefore, tasks from the ‘Blue Lions Mission Task Board’ must be undertaken by someone that is affiliated with the Blue Lions house. However, they may choose to perform the task with someone who is not from their group as well. In logistical terms, this means that if you play a non-BL muse and want to do a mission task, you must ask someone who plays a Blue Lions muse to thread with you. All thread participants will still receive any skill point rewards.
Tasks from the ‘Non-Mission Task Board’ have no house restriction and can be undertaken by anyone.
These aren’t the only threads I can do, right?
Of course not! These are just prompts to help give some ideas of possibilities. You’re always free and encouraged to make up your own threads.
If my muse is not a Blue Lions muse, can I still write an open starter for the mission tasks?
Yes, but only the non-mission tasks. Your character must be affiliated with the Blue Lions to write an open starter for this season’s mission.
How do I claim the skill points?
In order to qualify for the skill point, the thread must clearly allude to the listed task and preferably feature the task being completed. You do not need to message the masterlist to claim your skill point.
Can I only do one task?
Nope, you can do as many as you’d like with as many different partners as you’d like! You can do the same task with more than one person! However, you can only claim any skill points once.
What if my partner leaves or drops a skill point thread?
If the dropped thread has at least 2 reblogs and you have hit at least 400 words on your end, you may still claim the skill point.
Remember to use (and track!) the #toa open tag for any open threads, and you can also post a link to your open thread on the appropriate Discord channel! If you have any other questions or concerns, shoot us a message through the masterlist or on Discord!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 6 months
How would clover interact with the UTB cast? I ask both because the “Undertale Yellow but Blue” mod swaps them with Flo, and just in general! I want to know how they interact with the monsters their sibling met!
Oooh!! Fun question.
I feel like despite Ernest's strangeness, Clover would probably pull their usual Cloverness and befriend him. They'd be a little weirded out at first but, unlike Flo, I think if it was Clover who found him instead they'd be able to convince him to come out of hiding and to feel less paranoid over his conspiracies!
I don't know what much to say about Clover and Iris because I just feel like that's an automatic get-along.
Clover and Alexander I think would actually be really funny and cute as a duo??? He is giving them so many piggy-back rides and they are acting out cowboy scenarios. They are bound to have a good time
I think it's obvious by now that if Clover's a human who enters his caves Marth isn't going to like Clover LMAO
However.... Clover is a lot different than Flo. I think after some time and Clover's different attitude, he could... TOLERATE them. :]
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felikatze · 1 year
So this guy I watch on YouTube played Fire Emblem Engage recently and when he was talking about his Emblem Rings he said something along the lines of “Lucina, who looks an awful lot like Marth” and I was sitting there waiting for the comments section to load like “so get this,”
which youtuber was it? that sounds like a joke excelblem would make tbh
if that person didn't have experience with fire emblem then. who's gonna tell them. do they get the dlc too and go "wow this chrom fella also looks an awful lot like marth and lucina"
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Nathalie Nattier, Yves Montand, and Jean Vilar in Les Portes de la Nuit (Marcel Carné, 1945) Cast: Yves Montand, Nathalie Nattier, Pierre Brasseur, Jean Vilar, Serge Reggiani, Saturnin Fabre, Raymond Bussières, Sylvia Bataille, Christian Simon, Julien Carette, Dany Robin, Jean Maxime. Screenplay: Jacques Prévert. Cinematography: Philippe Agostini, Production design: Alexandre Trauner. Film editing: Jean Feyte, Marthe Gottié. Music: Joseph Kosma. Marcel Carné's Les Portes de la Nuit was a flop in postwar France, and its poetically vague title may indicate some of the reasons why. The film attempts to walk a line between whimsy and tragedy, its vision of life in postwar Paris a little too suffused with romantic melancholy for audiences grappling with the day-to-day uncertainties of existence. The setting is February 1945, after the liberation of Paris but before the end of the war, a period that feels like a kind of limbo. A homeless man (Jean Vilar) with the gift of foreseeing other people's fates walks through the streets, first encountering our protagonist, Jean Diego (Yves Montand), a former member of the Resistance, on the Métro, Jean is going to see the wife of Raymond Lécuyer, a fellow Resistance fighter, to tell her that her husband is dead. But when he breaks the news, she bursts out laughing, whereupon the door opens to reveal a very much alive Lécuyer (Raymond Bussières), who wants to know what's so funny. Jean, it turns out, had been captured along with Lécuyer and had overheard the orders sending him to the firing squad, but the execution didn't take place. Eventually, the plot will reveal who ratted on Lécuyer, and the homeless man will predict the rat's fate. But this story of the clash of Resistance and collaboration takes a secondary place in the film to the romance that develops between Jean and the beautiful Malou (Nathalie Nattier), the wife of Georges (Pierre Brasseur), who made his fortune in armaments during the war, as the film turns into a muddle of coincidences. Carné was a great director, and even this weakling among his films gives us something to watch, including a performance by the 25-year-old Yves Montand. He's a bit too young for the role, given that Jean was supposed to be a soldier of fortune before the war, but he was Carné's second choice after Jean Gabin, whom the director wanted to co-star with Marlene Dietrich as Malou. After starting to work with Carné, Gabin and Dietrich bowed out and went on to make Martin Roumagnac with Georges Lacombe instead -- not the most felicitous of choices. The other major distinction of Les Portes de la Nuit is the score by Joseph Kosma, which introduced his song "Les Feuilles Mortes," better known in the States as "Autumn Leaves," with lyrics by Johnny Mercer replacing the original ones by Jacques Prévert.
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