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yarrowleef · 7 months ago
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#35 Marshclaw
pissed off ShadowClan cat who's spent his whole life trying to kill one guy, but he sucks so bad at it the guy he's trying to kill can't even take it seriously anymore
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leafpoolstanblog · 11 months ago
Snaketail becomes a warrior.
Oakfur dies. Ratscar becomes deputy.
Tigerkit dies.
Rubbleskip “finds” a kit by the RiverClan border; Crowkit.
Whitethroat also “finds” a kit, by the ThunderClan border; Redkit.
And, surprise surprise, Badgerfang also “finds” a kit, by the WindClan border; Olivekit.
And Shrewkit is born to Whitewater and Marshclaw.
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saffronscales · 1 year ago
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I think waffle paw is a little silly @marshclaws
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thistleclaw-and-miku · 7 months ago
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was bored yesterday so i drew some people's ocs!!
lmk if you want your own seperate version with your own oc or if you don't wanna be tagged!!
@cheerclaw @marshclaws @the-owl-tree @thylacid @quiverpaw
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nyancities · 11 months ago
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Design by @marshclaws.
Check out my Ko-fi for commissions!
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marmotclaw · 1 year ago
Renames for duplicate cats
Applefur (tf) -> Applestem
Bee (cotp) -> Cicada
Beechfur (tc) -> Beechpelt
Birchstar (skc) -> Elmstar
Birchstar (wc) -> Hickorystar
Branch (hj) -> Sprig
Cloudberry (rc) -> Darkberry
Coco (dk) -> Coconut
Darkstar (cotc) -> Puddlestar
Darkstar (skc) -> Murkstar
Dew Nose -> Dew Grass
Dovestar -> Wrenstar
Eeltail -> Eelfang
Emberdawn (stc) -> Emberlight
Emberkit (dotc) -> Ember Sparks
Feather (gc) -> Quill
Fernleaf -> Fernear
Flower (lo) -> Dahlia
Flower (ro) -> Aster
Flowerstem (cotc) -> Flowernose
Frecklewish (skc) -> Freckleface
Fritz (rp) -> Freddie
Gorseclaw (tc) -> Gorsebush
Gorseclaw (wc) -> Gorseflower
Gorsetail (tnp) -> Fawnfoot
Greywing -> Greyfeather
Hareflight (fq) -> Harewhisker
Heronwing (tc) -> Heroncrown
Ivytail (rc) -> Ivypelt
Larchkit (mv) -> pecankit
Larksong (bp) -> Larkcall
Larkwing (fq) -> Larkshine
Leaf (dotc) -> Stem
Lily (fq) -> Tulip
Max (kp) -> Maxie
Milkfur (wc) -> Milktooth
Milkfur (rc) -> Milksplash
Minnowkit (cotc) -> Lushkit
Mintfur (skc) -> Mintleaf
Minty (ro) -> Mint
Mitzi (kp) -> Jodie
Molewhisker -> Moleleap
Mossheart (tc) -> Mosspebble
Mudclaw (sc) -> Mudlegs
Nettle -> Spurge
Night (hj) -> Spore
Nightstar (dotc) -> Duskstar
Nutmeg (ro) -> Pistachio
Oatwhisker (tc) -> Oattail
Patch (kp) -> Patchy
Patch Pelt -> Patched Fur
Petal (Sister) -> Pond
Pouncetail (sc) -> Pouncepuddle
Quailfeather (cotc) -> Quailwing
Rabbitleap (tc) -> Rabbitfoot
Rain (dotc) -> Monsoon
Rainfur (skc) -> Rainmask
Redclaw -> Marshclaw
Reedshine (cotc) -> Reedear
Rippletail/Buster-> Rippledawn
Robinwing (rc) -> Robinspots
Robinwing (skc) -> Robintalon
Robinwing (wc) -> Robinswoop
Rose (fq) -> Rosa
Rowanstar (cotc) -> Crimsonstar
Rushtail (wc) -> Rushseed
Shade Pelt-> Shade Nose
Shadepelt (avos) -> Shadeclaw
Shimmerpelt (cp) -> Shimmershade
Slate (ih) -> Wedge
Sloefur (rc) -> Sloeberry
Snaketail (tot) -> Snakeeye
Snaketooth -> Snakecatcher
Sparrow (ro) -> Wren
Sparrowfeather (stc) -> Sparroweye
Sparrowpelt (skc) -> Sparrowcrest
Spider (trr) -> Tarantula
Stagleap (tc) -> Stagsong
Stoatfur (bs) -> Stoatsnout
Stone (dotc) -> Cobblestone
Stone Song (dotc) -> Stone Speckle
Swallowtail (rc) -> Swallowheart
Thistle (ro) -> Cleaver
Thistlepaw (cotc) -> Barbpaw
Thrushpelt (wc) -> Thrushthroat
Velvet (sd) -> Silk
Wrenflight (skc) -> Wrenbeak
Warrior names for kits, apprentices and leaders
Acornpaw -> Acornpounce
Adderkit -> Adderbite
Adderpaw -> Adderpatch
Beechpaw -> Beechspring
Beechstar -> Beechdust
Bellkit -> Bellsong
Birchstar -> Birchbloom
Blossomkit -> Blossomtail
Brindlestar -> Brindlestorm
Brownpaw -> Brownthorn
Brushpaw -> Brushroar
Buzzardkit -> Buzzardcry
Carpkit - Carpwhisker
Cedarstar -> Cedarfall
Cherrypaw -> Cherryspark
Chestnutkit -> Chestnutsnap
Copperpaw-> Copperleaf
Cricketkit -> Cricketchirp
Crimsonstar -> Crimsonroot
Curlypaw -> Curlytail
Cypresspaw -> Cypressmulch
Dandelionkit -> Dandeliontuft
Darkstar -> Darkmist
Dawnstar -> Dawngaze
Deerpaw -> Deerwhistle
Dewkit -> Dewflower
Dewstar -> Dewfern
Dovestar -> Dovethroat
Downkit -> Downstream
Dragonflykit -> Dragonflytail
Driftkit - Driftmouse
Drizzlekit -> Drizzleflake
Duckkit -> Duckpuddle
Duckpaw -> Duckfeather
Duskpaw -> Duskflint
Duststar -> Dustmask
Eaglekit -> Eaglefoot
Elmstar -> Elmleap
Emberkit -> Emberfall
Emberstar -> Emberdance
Fallowkit -> Fallowfeather
Fallowpaw -> Fallowfoot
Fallowstar -> Fallowhare
Featherkit -> Featherbreeze
Featherstar -> Featherdust
Fennelstar -> Fennelfrost
Finchkit -> Finchberry
Finchstar -> Finchtail
Flickerkit-> Flickersong
Flowerpaw -> Flowerpool
Flystar -> Flyswarm
Fogpaw -> Fogwhisper
Hatchkit -> Hatchshell
Hawkstar -> Hawkeye
Hazelstar -> Hazelbranch
Heatherstar -> Heatherpad
Hickorystar -> Hickoryheart
Hillkit -> Hillbreeze
Hollykit -> Hollybark
Hollystar -> Hollyseed
Hopekit -> Hopeflower
Houndstar -> Houndtooth
Ivystar -> Ivyneedle
Juniperkit -> Juniperberry
Larchkit -> Larchwood
Lavenderkit -> Lavenderheart
Lightningpaw -> Lightningstrike
Lilystar -> Lilyfall
Lionstar -> Lionfang
Littlekit -> Littlelight
Lushkit -> Lushstone
Lynxkit -> Lynxwish
Maplestar -> Maplewhisker
Marigoldkit -> Marigolddrop
Marshkit ->Marshbelly
Marshpaw -> Marshstep
Minnowkit -> Minnownose
Mintkit -> Mintcreek
Mintpaw -> Mintheart
Mistkit -> Mistmoon
Mistlekit -> Mistleclaw
Molepaw -> Molerye
Morningkit -> Morningdew
Morningstar -> Morningwhisper
Mosskit -> Mossflight
Mosspaw -> Mosslog
Murkstar -> Murkfoot
Nettlepaw -> Nettleleaf
Nightkit -> Nightfall
Oakstar -> Oakthorn
Oatkit -> Oatspots
Patchkit -> Patchheart
Pecankit-> Pecancone
Perchkit -> Perchtuft
Perchpaw -> Perchsplash
Petalkit -> Petalstorm
Pikepaw -> Pikespeck
Pricklekit -> Pricklepelt
Primpaw -> Primfrost
Prongkit -> Prongclaw
Puddlestar -> Puddlefur
Quailkit -> Quailshell
Quickpaw -> Quickclaw
Quietkit -> Quietmew
Redstar -> Redwisp
Reedstar -> Reedfur
Ripplestar -> Ripplestripe
Robinkit -> Robincurl
Robinstar -> Robincloud
Rubblekit -> Rubbledust
Rubblepaw -> Rubblepelt
Rushpaw -> Rushsplash
Rustlekit -> Rustlekit
Sedgestar -> Sedgespike
Seedpaw -> Seedsong
Shrewpaw -> Shrewrunner
Shrimppaw -> Shrimptail
Silverpaw -> Silverspring
Smallstar -> Smallstep
Snailpaw -> Snailmask
Snipkit -> Snippad
Snowkit -> Snowblossom
Snowstar -> Snowstorm
Specklepaw -> Specklennose
Spiderstar -> Spiderfang
Splashkit -> Splashspots
Splashpaw -> Splashpuddle
Spottedpaw -> Spottedfeather
Storkkit -> Storkwing
Swampkit -> Swampswim
Swankit -> Swansong
Sweetpaw -> Sweettooth
Swiftpaw -> Swiftblaze
Swiftstar -> Swiftheart
Talonpaw -> Talonshade
Talonstar -> Talonfang
Tanglepaw -> Tanglefur
Tabsypaw -> Tansybeetle
Thistlepaw -> Thistletoe
Troutstar -> Troutshine
Tulipkit -> Tuliptuft
Tumblekit -> Tumbleweed
Turtlekit -> Turtlesnap
Vinestar -> Vinetail
Volestar -> Volechaser
Waterkit -> Watervole
Weaselkit -> Weaselbounce
Webkit -> Webhaze
Whitestar -> Whitehawk
Wildkit -> Wildheart
Willowkit -> Willowgleam
Willowstar -> Willowmane
Wishkit -> Wishseed
Woodkit -> Woodrattle
Wrenstar -> Wreneye
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@s under the cut
@keabeee @marshclaws @abcwcs @cheryxshug-designs @wcsprites
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marshclaws · 2 years ago
Cutting out the middle man and answering these questions here:
🐈: What cat do you relate to the most too?
Leafpool and Feathertail
😻: Favourite ship/s?
Not a huge shipper but I like LongtailxFirestar and LeafstarxSquirrelflight. I love the impact Leafpool x Crowfeather has narratively but I don’t think they make a good couple
🌟: Favorite prophecy?
Fire alone I think
😺: If you had/have a pet cat/s, did you give it a warrior cat name?
My cat Waffles is Wafflepaw
📕: How long have you been a reader?
8 years I think?
📚: Favorite book or series?
Prophecies begin and AVOS rn
🐱: If you had a warrior name, what would it be?
Marshclaws probably
🌿: What clan would you belong to?
Skyclan or Riverclan
🐯: Any head canons?
These are kinda half hc and half theory but these have been floating around in my brain:
Starclan completely cut content with Leafpool after PO3 and didn’t reestablish it until she became a medicine cat again.
The time Cloudstar spent unable to join Starclan was about 50 years.
🏡: Favorite kittypet?
Princess and Cody
🐅: Favorite cat?
Leafpool!! I also love Feathertail, Cloudstar, Firestar, Leafstar, Tawnypelt, Hollyleaf, Dovewing
🏩: Favorite med cat?
Leafpool and Mudfur
😿: Least favorite cat?
😼: Best Villain?
Tigerstar 1
🙀: Most terribly written villain?
Can I say ashfur again? Tom and One Eye also sucked from a writing perspective
⛺: Favorite clan?
⭐: Favorite leader?
Firestar and Cloudstar
🍃: Ever roleplayed or larped as a warrior cat?
😾: Favorite rogue?
Uhhmm idk
🌈: Favorite breed and or pelt color?
Warrior cats don’t have specific breeds. I like calicos and tabbies.
💓: First warrior cat oc?
His name was Arrow and he had one eye. Rouge turned warrior.
✏: If you rewrote Warriors, what would you change?
A lot!! Change how Starclan is written, lean fully into the corrupt entity. Get rid of the casual kitty cat misogyny, ableism, racism, etc. it can be there as a societal problem but the books should condemn it. Add more world building with the clans being distinct and flesh out the society more. Make it make sense why cats live in clans. Add queer rep, why are they all cishet??? Give them hobbies and holidays and nap time, why are they all just employees dedicated to the grind let them chill.
🌋: What would your tribe name be?
I don’t like this question
🐦: favorite tribe cat?
I started with PO3 so Brook in her thunderclan era will always be my fave
Warrior cat emoji asks!
🐈: What cat do you relate to the most too? 😻: Favourite ship/s? 🌟: Favorite prophecy? 😺: If you had/have a pet cat/s, did you give it a warrior cat name? 📕: How long have you been a reader? 📚: Favorite book or series? 🐱: If you had a warrior name, what would it be? 🌿: What clan would you belong to? 🐯: Any head canons? 🏡: Favorite kittypet? 🐅: Favorite cat? 🏩: Favorite med cat? 😿: Least favorite cat? 😼: Best Villain? 🙀: Most terribly written villain? ⛺: Favorite clan? ⭐: Favorite leader? 🍃: Ever roleplayed or larped as a warrior cat? 😾: Favorite rogue? 🌈: Favorite breed and or pelt color? 💓: First warrior cat oc? ✏: If you rewrote Warriors, what would you change? 🌋: What would your tribe name be?
🐦: Favorite Tribe cat?
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SilentPaw: Is playing a prank on WisteriaPaw. [12 moons-old, strict, fascinated by prophecies.] ThunderPaw: Practices some battle moves. WisteriaPaw: Is eavesdropping on RyePaw. Extras: RyePaw: Is playing a prank on TangleKit. TangleKit: Wants to take a nap. Tomato Soup: Is missing Cleffa. Cleffa: Is scouting out locations for a new den. PatchouliStar: Has been following the growth of RyePaw. [Vengeful, Unshakable StarClan link, great hunter.] FadedBlur: Is looking forward to today. [strict, strange dreamer.] LoudRock: Shares their knowledge with MarshClaw. [Fierce, den builder.] No thoughts: MarshClaw [Strict, good hunter, fairly clairvoyant.]
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nexus-doodles · 7 years ago
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Traditional work for an upcoming small animation
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flashpaws · 5 years ago
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another oc. his name is marshclaw and he is currently temporary leader of a group literally made entirely out of lesbians (soon to be replaced because he is dumb of ass)
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leafpoolstanblog · 11 months ago
Whitewater gives birth to Grasskit, her last reminder of Marshclaw.
Dawncloud and Turtlespark have another litter; Mistkit, Dewkit, and Sparrowkit.
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sparklestardesigns · 3 years ago
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as a snowtuft enthusiast it is a need to draw Multiple Snowtufts At Once BUT ANYWAYS i wanted to do one of these with designs i love dearly!!!! the wc design template meme is made by @shebpaw !
all design creators in order (from top to bottom, left to right!)
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x-birdsong-x · 2 years ago
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I saw this and had no choice
@lockandkeyhyena is the reason tumblrs recommending me a lot of Warriors stuff lately and it's a warriors thing that had me finding out this existed. The one I saw was by @/Marshclaws
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basil-kat · 3 years ago
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The Marshclaws
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cherry-pawz · 3 years ago
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Yet another warriors design challenge with Tawnypelt my beloved!!
Blank template here by @shebpaw
Designs by: @marshclaws @bramblefake @berrybram-wcdesigns @https-cats @orkestrell-wc
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