ripkord-sims · 2 years
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my contributions to the NSFT 2023 Calendar!!
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So Fucked Up, From the Way That You Touch - Part 1
A party at the beach with your friends, to blow off some steam after a rough break up. Well, that turned into something else.
This will be a little two parter- I am working through some writer block on my chaptered pic, and was dabbling with this. It got a little long, so I am breaking it into two parts. Let me know whatcha think- the second part of this is the smutty part ;] I hope y'all enjoy!
No warnings yet ;]
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The sun was beating in through the windshield of your blacked-out truck, proving that it was no match for the tint you had on all the windows to keep prying eyes out of the happenings of your vehicle. You weren’t someone who participated in nefarious or delinquent activities you were the opposite- you liked your privacy. You had always been regarded as the quiet, observant, and reserved one of your friends. You coincidentally made friends with plenty of people who were the exact opposite of you- boisterous, life-of-the-party types. Often, you were the “ol’ reliable” of the group, always there for anyone who needed the ride home after a long night of drinking, or when someone was being cross in their direction. 
You took a deep breath, collecting your thoughts, before grabbing the backpack in the passenger seat that contained your beach towel, sunscreen, and other necessities for an evening at the beach. You had been dreading today, trying to think of an excuse or a convenient white lie to allow you an escape, particularly with the nasty breakup you had just gone through. But your friends, they wouldn’t have it. The sun was on its last few hours before it descended below the horizon, and then there would be a huge bonfire, and the party would continue well into the night. You had been to enough of these parties to know they went until the wee hours of the morning. As you gathered the necessary items that you had been obliged to bring, the cooler with your spirit of choice, and some snacks for sharing, your best friend came running up to you, wrapping you into a tight hug from behind. 
“Y/N/N! You didn’t flake on us!” She laughed, pulling away and punching you in the arm. You turned in her direction with your eyebrow raised, your pointed brow just making an appearance over your dark sunglasses. She looked you over, shaking her head at your choice of attire. “Y/N, what in God’s green earth are you wearing? Are you going to a funeral or something after this? It’s a beach party. Not work. Relax. ” You looked down at the dark blue jeans, black vans, and black hoodie that adorned your body. Frankly, you were so used to hiding your tattoos for work- being an officer didn’t allow for the expression of body art- so you weren’t fazed by your choices. It was just second nature. The only tattoos that were currently exposed were the ones along your slender fingers and on the backs of your hands, and the ones that you allowed to sneak up the side of your neck. Typically, you wore a turtle neck for work, along with gloves. You lifted the black baseball hat off your head, running your hands through your undercut black hair, before replacing it on your head. 
“Sorry, I was under the impression I couldn’t wear white after Labor Day,” you smirk, and turn back to grab the remainder of your belongings. “I do wear things underneath, Mar. It’s the middle of October, beaches get cold at night.”
“Duh! That’s what the fire is for!” The shorter blonde rolled her eyes and was already slightly tipsy, your 15-year friendship allowing you to know the woman inside and out. Marliana had known you since transferring to your San Diego middle school for the tail end of 8th grade, and then you both ended up going to the same high school and college, just for different majors. You had instantly taken a liking to her, with an affliction for blondes with accents and blue or green eyes, but became best friends, as she didn’t play for your team. You grabbed the heavy bags as she grabbed the light bag, and walked around the house, down the boardwalk to the beach below. As you descended from the street to the shore, your eyes began to scan the group of people for familiar faces. There were plenty of people here you had met before, and some new people as well. 
You approached a group of people already huddled around a smaller fire, knowing one of them would be your popsicle of a best friend Kennedy, who could literally live in Death Valley and still find a way to be freezing. You approached her, and as predicted, she was bundled in a few layers, her brown hair curled, and a hoodie and two jackets cloaking her rather small frame. You threw your cooler in between yours and her chair, plopping yourself down next to her. 
“Hey, Kenz.” You smile in her direction, and she turns to you, throwing her arms around your shoulders in a brief hug. “How are you, my little Eskimo?” You laugh as she pulls away, bopping her nose with your finger before reaching between the chairs to grab a drink out of the cooler. She groaned at the nickname, before turning her gaze fully to yours. 
“Don’t make fun of me! You know I hate that nickname,” she pouts, and you cackle. You both had been friends since kindergarten, going through every single grade together. Your paths separated in college, but after that was over, your search for a barber who could keep up with your ever-changing styles was found- in your best childhood friend. Mar and Kenz didn’t necessarily get along at first, but now you think they may be closer than you. “I should be asking you how you’re doing. I'm glad you left the bitch, let’s be honest- but I know it’s been rough for you.” She asked, already knowing part of the answer to her question. 
She made no effort to hide her strong dislike of your most recent ex. Your ex didn’t like how close you were to some of your friends, particularly Kennedy, since you had known her for so long, your relationship was blunt, to say the least, and very hands-on. Many nights out you would act as a couple to stave off an awkward conversation with a stranger, with her rubbing your chest, or making suggestive comments in your ear, even having kissed her on multiple occasions. But you never saw her as a partner, just a very strong platonic relationship. She was also a very expressive person and preferred touch to communicate. You took it as part of the territory, but your ex-girlfriend did not like it, and no matter how much you tried to cut back from Kennedy, it was never enough. 
“It’s been ok, honestly. Just some rediscovery and I feel like a 140-pound weight has been cut off my ankle.” You shrug and laugh, you had known the relationship was going nowhere, but the last few months had been hell. You finally ended it, which caused the woman to lose her absolute mind. But after two years of her nitpicking and pulling apart every relationship you had, it was time for it to end. Kennedy smiled, knowing that you were putting up a wall regarding your last relationship.
“I’m just glad it’s over, Y/N/N. I need my cuddle buddy for movie night back!” You rolled your eyes at her response, and she slapped your shoulder. “Jerk.” She muttered, making you laugh into your drink. 
“I love you too, Kenz.” You give her a slight hug and then stand up to go mull around in the groups and catch up with some of your other friends. 
After you had made your way through three or four groups, and then got roped into a volleyball game, it had finally got warm enough that you came back to your chair, ready to strip off your hoodie. Instead, you found an unfamiliar person in it talking to Kennedy with a rapt interest. It didn’t strike you as super odd, Kenz was the more sociable of the two of you, but she was talking to this woman like she knew her. But, after all, this was a huge beach party, so not out of the ordinary. 
“Y/N!” Kennedy called out as you approached. “I wanted to introduce you to someone, this is another client of mine, I’ve been cutting her hair for… how long now?” She looked back to the blonde, trying to think of a timeline. A noticeably raspy voice answered, coming from the woman in your chair, almost sending you to your knees alone from how it affected you. 
“7 years, I think.” Was the response. 
“Fuck, has it been that long?” Kennedy stared in disbelief. 
“Yeah, I think so. It was right out of school for you, you got a job at my old stylist’s salon. He was sick for some time, and had you cut my hair instead.”
“Well, there you go, Y/N. I’ve known Scar here for 7 years. Y/N, this is Scarlett, Scarlett, this is my better half bestie, Y/N.” She gestured in between you both, Scarlett turned in the chair, removing her sunglasses to reveal the green irises beneath, surrounded in a smoky grey eyeshadow. Her smile was stunning, and you almost needed to slap yourself to keep from staring. You gave her a quick once over, taking in her tanned figure, ripped denim shorts, and a baggy hoodie. Her hand reached out to you, and you smoothly grasped it, shaking it gently. She turned your hand over, gazing at the tattoos on your hand, eyebrow-raising above her glasses. 
“Y/N, I have heard a ton about you. It’s great to finally put a face to the name.” She smiled, and it took a second for your brain to quit short-circuiting at the confidence and beauty this woman was exuding. 
“Scarlett, nice to meet you. All good things, I’m hoping. This one tends to over exaggerate.” You motion to Kennedy, who promptly made a face at your remark. “I was just going to leave my hoodie here, I was getting a little bit toasty over there.” You motioned back to the volleyball game. 
“Oh! My apologies, was this your seat?” Scarlett was quick to rise, but you placed your hand on her shoulder, trying to ignore the electricity you felt when you touched the older woman. 
“It’s okay, I was going to go back over and play some more. I didn’t hit the gym today, so I need my workout.” You laugh, and the blonde sits back down. “Besides, someone needs to keep this one from stealing my stuff.” You send a pointed gaze to your best friend, who sticks her tongue out at you. Scarlett laughed at the exchange before her gaze shifted back to you. 
“I’ll keep an eye on your stuff for you, Y/N.” She motioned for you to take off your hoodie. You quickly pulled it over your head, and it pulled your tee shirt up with it, briefly displaying a very tattooed frame. You quickly pulled the tee shirt back down, pretending not to notice the blonde now returning the once over, and a slight lip bite when your abdomen was exposed. Kennedy noticed the exchange and smirked. She planned to get you hooked up with someone, but she didn’t intend for it to be this someone. You folded the hoodie, putting it on top of the cooler between the chairs, and briefly hugging Kennedy from behind.
“Thanks for watching out, Scarlett. Be careful though, this one is tricky.” You smile, pulling down your glasses slightly, allowing for eye contact to be made, and then turning and running away, effortlessly interjecting yourself back into the game. However, there was a pair of viridescent eyes that were keeping an eye on you at every opportunity they could. 
After a few more rounds of volleyball, the majority of players had grown tired and opted to separate and find other forms of entertainment. You were milling around, talking to a few more friends before the chill of the slaty air started to get to you. You stalked back to your spot, noticing Scarlett and Kennedy were both gone. You grabbed your hoodie, sliding it back over your frame, as well as a drink from the cooler. You chose to walk away from the party for a little bit, as the sun was beginning to set. You weren’t necessarily an introvert, but large outings like this were hard on you, and you often needed to take a break or two to maintain your sanity. You knew of a cliff you could relax by, as Marliana often took you there when you both were walking her dog on a movie night. It wasn’t too terribly far from the party, but the sounds of music and conversation had died a few hundred feet back. You made yourself comfortable on a flat rocky outcrop, hanging your feet off the small drop to the foamy water below. Watching the sun dip below the water on the horizon, you lift your glasses and rest them on top of your head, taking a swig of your drink. 
You weren’t sure how long you were away from the party at this point, but a voice from behind you almost caused you to throw your now empty can into the air. 
“Pretty long way from the party, Y/N.” You turned to see the blonde smiling from the sand. “What brings you over here?”
You motioned for her to come join you, scooting over on the rock enough for there to be room for her to sit. 
“Just needed to clear my head. Parties like that tend to be a lot for me. Kenz is usually the more sociable one of the group.” You look down at your hands, folding and unfolding them in your lap.
“Ah. Social battery maintenance.”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”  You lean back, placing your hands behind you and looking up at the woman, who is staring straight out at the horizon. Her strong jawline was shadowed by the remnants of what sunlight there was. You could honestly stare for days at the way the lighting affected this woman’s appearance. 
“I can feel you staring, Y/N.” She smirked, giving you a side-eye. 
“Oh…uhh…sorry,” you respond, becoming flustered at being caught. “I would imagine people probably do that a lot to you.”
“Don’t be sorry, Y/N. But yes, they do.” She smiled, turning her focus fully to you. You both continued to talk until a chill began to take over the air. You noticed that she was beginning to shiver, so you quickly removed your hoodie and handed it over to her, a slight smile on your lips.  “Oh, Y/N, it’s okay, really. I'm fine.”
“Scarlett, you're shivering. I’m more like a space heater. Really, just put it on.” She grabbed the sweater, pulling it over her smaller frame. She looked over at you, taking in the multitudes of ink adorning your muscular arms. “Now you’re the one staring.” You stood across from her, a smirk adorning your features. 
“Sorry,” she looked down, before reaching out to grab your hand. ”I’m still cold, Y/N.”
“Oh? Well, I don’t really have any more layers to share, Scarlett.”
“Well, if you’re so much like a space heater, maybe you should warm me up?” You laughed at her response. Dropping her hand, you close the gap between the both of you, enveloping her frame with your larger one. She snuggled into your chest curling her arms in between your chest and hers. 
“Better?” You chuckle, leaning back to look at her. 
“Mmhmm. You are like a space heater.” You feel her relax further into you, and you wrap tighter around her. You feel her shifting in your hold, and you shift your gaze down to her. “You’re a very attractive space heater.”
“Oh, am I now?” Chuckling at her response, and resting your chin on top of her head. The scent of her perfume and shampoo wafted through your senses. 
“Yeah, I’ve been keeping my eye on you all night. Kennedy was right about you.”
(PT 2)
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fontriver · 2 years
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The Historical Marliana font designed by Storytype Studio
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diama9te · 1 year
Day 9
Challenge by bweird
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This is Marliana Gump, she lives in a distant future and she is a reincarnation of Hospes (Day 1)
She is deffently super different from her past life and ever though she is the same species they look conletley different. Still Diamante, who is still alive after 2000 years she will recognise her long gone sister.
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rasalogin · 4 months
Kasus Vina Yang Tak Terpecahkan Sejak 2016
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polda Jawa Barat memberikan pemberitahuan terkini terpaut perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eky. Polisi menyebutkan sepenuhnya tertuding cukup 9 orang, bukan 11 orang kayak rekaan awal.
Tersangka terakhir benarng diringkus yaitu Pegi Setiawan ataupun Perong. Pegi buronan semenjak perkara itu bergulir 2016 terus.
"mesti aku jelaskan, tertuding seluruhnya bukan sebelas tetapi 9, maka DPO cukup satu," tutur Dirkrimum Polda Jabar Kombes Surawan dalam pertemuan pers di Polda Jabar, Minggu (26/5/2024).
ia berkata buronan dalam perkara ini cukup memiliki satu, yaitu Pegi benarng telah diringkus. 8 tertuding yang ada telah iadili serta melakoni ganjaran bui.
"saya memercayakan apabila 5 klarifikasi bertentangan dari tertuding itu memiliki yang menerangkan 5 memiliki yang menerangkan satu, kita lakukan penjajakan lebih mendalam," tuturnya.
ia berkata buronan dalam perkara ini cukup memiliki satu, yaitu Pegi yang telah diringkus. 8 tertuding yang ada telah diadili serta melakoni ganjaran bui.
"saya memercayakan apabila 5 klarifikasi bertentangan dari tertuding itu memiliki yang menerangkan 5 memiliki yang menerangkan satu, kita lakukan penjajakan lebih mendalam," tuturnya.
ia berkata buronan dalam perkara ini cukup memiliki satu, yaitu Pegi yang telah diringkus. 8 tertuding yang ada telah diadili serta melakoni ganjaran bui.
"saya memercayakan apabila 5 klarifikasi bertentangan dari tertuding itu memiliki yang menerangkan 5 memiliki yang menerangkan satu, kita lakukan penjajakan lebih mendalam," tuturnya.
lamun, terkini ini, pihak kepolisian menyebutkan apabila Pegi lah jadi tertuding terakhir dalam perkara ini.
Berarti, sepenuhnya cukup memiliki 9 orang aktor dalam perkara ini yang sebelumnya dituturkan memiliki 11 orang.
Marlina (33), kakak dari Vina pula menanggapi ketentuan Polda Jabar yang menggugurkan 2 dari 3 DPO dalam perkara pembantaian serta pemerkosaan Vina serta Eki.
Dalam pertemuan pers Polda Jabar yang dilaksanakan p memiliki Minggu (26/5/2024), kepolisian menandaskan 2 DPO dari perkara menyeramkan itu.
sementara itu sebelumnya, pihak kepolisian mengatakan dalam perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eki, memiliki 3 tertuding yang tengah DPO dari sepenuhnya 11 orang.
Polda Jabar mengkonfirmasi apabila DPO yang sepanjang ini memiliki 3 orang nyatanya cukup satu orang, yaitu Pegi Setiawan maupun PS yang saat ini diresmikan selaku tertuding.
Marliana mengatakan perasaan gemar sekalian bertanya-tanya atas data yang dituturkan oleh pihak kepolisian itu.
"Tanggapannya aku sebagai keluarga Vina pasti gemar ya akibat sepanjang 8 tahun ini keluarga yang ditunggu-tunggu dengan membekuknya DPO yang pergi itu ya," ucap Marliana ketika diwawanmetodei sehabis penentuan tertuding Pegi Setiawan, Minggu (26/5/2024)
lamun, Marliana melaporkan terdapatnya kepanikan serta ketidakpastian sehabis Polda Jabar menyebutkan apabila DPO dalam perkara ini cukup berjumlah satu orang.
Bukan 3 kayak yang sebelumnya diinformasihukan terhadap keluarga.
"semata-mata dengan Polda Jabar yang berkata apabila DPO itu bukan 3 tetapi cukup satu, barangkali kelak lawyer serta aku bakal mempersoalkan perihal itu ke pihak Polda Jabar," ucapnya.
Polisi menguak beberapa kenyataan anyar perkara pembantaian pada Vina serta belahan jiwanya, Eky yang berlangsung di kawasan Cirebon. Fakta-kenyataan anyar itu dibongkar polisi dalam pertemuan pers penentuan DPO pembunuh Vina, Pegi Setiawan ataupun Perong selaku tertuding perkara itu, Minggu (26/5).
tidak cukup menghukum, Pegi pula memperkosa Vina. "terus mengangkut korban Vina kedekat korban Rizky selanjutnya mencium serta menggenggam buah dada memperkosa korban Vina serta menewaskan korban dengan cara dipukul memakai gelondong kusen," tutur Jules.
Pihak keluarga Rasa4d kecewa pada Polda Jawa Barat yang meniadakan 2 julukan aktor perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eki di Cirebon, yaitu Dani serta Andi, dari catatan pencarian orang (DPO). Dari hasil tafahus, polisi mengatakan kenyataan apabila julukan Dani serta Andi sesungguhnya tidak sempat memiliki maka, bagi polisi, tertuding maupun DPO bukan 3, melainkan cukup satu orang. "Jadi memiliki perihal yang membuat kita kecewa, mengapa Polda melaporkan 2 DPO itu itu tidak memiliki ataupun artifisial," tutur pengaruh hukum keluarga Vina, dara Maya Rumanti, ketika ditemui di Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (26/5/2024). Penghapusan 2 julukan yang dituturkan artifisial itu membuat pihak keluarga berprasangka terdapatnya ketidakjujuran dalam sidang perkara ini. Baca pula: pola pembantaian pater Mushala di Kebon sitrus: pemain Sakit nurani serta geram sepanjang 2 Tahun "betul seumpama diti memilikikan kepolisian mesti dapat menyatakan kenyataan sidang ketika itu, pastinya kan perkara itu berlandaskan isi BAP (berita kegiatan kontrol), selanjutnya memiliki perkara, selanjutnya memiliki ketentuan, setelah itu vonis," ucap dara. "Berarti kan sepanjang ini pantas diprediksi memiliki ketidakjujuran di dalam sidang, macam mana coba seumpama produk hukum saja dipandang artifisial, berarti saksi mereka pantas dipertanybakal dong," sambung dia. tidak cukup kecewa, dara menuturkan, pihak keluarga pula tersentak akibat tidak memiliki kejelasan dari polisi terpaut 2 julukan buronan perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eki. "Jelas kecewa, sebetulnya benar mereka luang telepon aku akibat terkejut pada pemberitahuan kepolisian. Jadi aku coba menyamankan mereka serta aku jelaskan apabila aku akan coba berkoordinasi, coba serta rapatkan dulu cocok Pak Hotman (pengacara Hotman Paris Hutapea) terpaut musnahnya julukan 2 DPO ini," terangnya. "pastinya ini jadi PR besar, bukan cukup kepolisian, tetapi pula kejaksaan. mengapa kejaksaan tidak beroperasi sepanjang ini mempertanggungjawabkan atas vonis," tegas dara.
Kendati 2 julukan DPO perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eki gugur, kru pengaruh hukum keluarga Vina senantiasa menekan polisi merujuk p memiliki amar vonis majelis hukum para tawanan terdahulu yang menuturkan apabila DPO berjumlah 3 orang. "Jadi di dalam amar vonis ini telah jelas selaku DPO yg mesti dicari. Jadi pertanyaannya siapa yang setidaknya bertanggung jawab atas kematian Vina serta Eki seumpama 2 DPO itu dihilangkan," tutur Putri. "Apakah dan merta kita sebagai pengaruh hukum mengakui seperti itu saja, apakah kita mesti bermukim tenang, berati sepanjang ini pastinya yang mesti beroperasi ialah siapa? betul kejaksaan," lanjutnya. Sebelumnya disiarkan, 2 julukan aktor Dani serta Andi dalam perkara pembantaian Vina serta Eky di Cirebon dihapus dari DPO. ketua Reserse pidana normal Polda Jawa Barat, Kombes Pol Surawan berkata, julukan Situs toto Andi serta Dani tidak sempat memiliki dalam perkara Vina. "sepanjang ini, fakta di tafahus kita, tertuding maupun DPO itu 1 bukan 3. Jadi seluruhnya tertuding 9 bukan 11," ucap Surawan ketika pertemuan pers di Mapolda Jabar yang pula mendatangkan Pegi, Minggu (26/5/2024).
Sehingga sepenuhnya aktor dalam perkara ini memiliki 9 orang, 8 orang telah diadili. "DPO tidak memiliki (Andi serta Dani), itu asal tutur julukan. telah kita dalami, nyatanya yang 2 atas julukan Dani serta Andi itu tidak memiliki. Jadi, yang tepat DPO satu atas julukan Toto togel " ucap Surawan. Menurutnya, para aktor mempunyai klarifikasi bertentangan. terlihat yang menyebutkan 11 aktor, akan tetapi memiliki yang menyebutkan 13 aktor. "5 klarifikasi bertentangan dari tertuding. terlihat yang (menyebutkan) tertuding (buronan) 3 julukan bertentangan, ada menerangkan 5, ada satu. sesudah dilakoni pengkajian, 2 julukan yang dikatakan sepanjang ini, itu cukup asal tutur (oleh para tertuding)," tutur Setiawan. sesudah penjajakan mendalam, 2 julukan itu yang sepanjang ini dibongkar saksi ialah kibul. "nyatanya 2 julukan yang dikatakan sepanjang ini, itu cumalah asal-asalan. Jadi, tidak ada tertuding lain," tuturnya.
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: VERGE
VERGE is a bay mare born in Ireland in 2009. By ACCLAMATION out of MARLIANA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/verge3
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misspeculiar-chroi · 2 years
I don't really know how publicity works. I just learned a little of it in my Principles of Public Relations class and acted like a know-it-all. 🤦🏻‍♀️
"Marliana" was his girlfriend at the time, "Spencer" was him, and "Stella" was the name I wanted to give to our kid if ever we get married. (As if. 🤣)
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randaccidents · 5 years
Ok I know I’ve been gone a while but listen I need to share my dorky oc for a sec
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Still figuring her out but this is Marliana and Im actually really liking what I did for her.
She’s a little mosquito child. I was thinking she should be the Higher Being of Disease
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marco-poli · 4 years
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Girovagando in notturna. #marcopoli #fopperdirlo #duemilaventi #toscana2020 #marcopoli #maiarrendersi #sempreinquietante #avantiadognicosto #unicoeinimitabile #sonosemprequi #primalamontagna #sempreallavoro #montagnapistoiese #sanmarcellopiteglio #abetonecutigliano #sambucapistoiese #marliana #appenninopistoiese (presso Piazza Del Duomo Pistoia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4sYcGj6IIJ8rT_3Hkc7YBbAgJz0C3jUogEXs0/?igshid=togxcfbyrgb7
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agenziacioni · 4 years
Agenziacioni propone in vendita Villa Marliana Casore del Monte Mq 170 Sette Locali Due piani Parco Giardino Mq 14.000;
Prezzo di vendita euro 270.000 trattabile
Villa sviluppata su due piani è composta da:
Al piano terra:
ingresso, disimpegno con guardaroba, cucina tinello ampia e luminosa,
Salone attrezzato con Caminetto, zona pranzo ampia e luminosa ricavata nella sala, bagno E antibagno con finestra attrezzato con doccia,
Ampio disimpegno con finestra per accesso alla scala che conduce al primo piano dove si trova la zona notte;
Primo piano composto da:
Ampio disimpegno corridoio, terrazza sviluppata su due lati, Quattro camere matrimoniali, bagno con finestra attrezzato con doccia;
Al piano terra si trova un garage collegabile internamente alla villa;
Il giardino di sviluppa principalmente sui tre lati della villa, terrazzato si tre livelli, contornato da un bosco di castagni di 2 Ettari;
Impianto di riscaldamento realizzato con caldaia alimentata a gasolio, acqua calda sanitaria prodotta tramite due Boiler da 80 litri ciascuno;
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corallorosso · 3 years
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Federico Calvani. Medico. Attivo nella zona di Abetone Cutigliano, Marliana e San Marcello Pistoiese. No vax convinto. È stato posto agli arresti domiciliari stamani. Secondo chi indaga il medico avrebbe attestato falsamente, in qualità di pubblico ufficiale vaccinatore, l'avvenuta somministrazione del siero anticovid a vari pazienti delle province di Pistoia, Prato, Lucca, Pisa e Firenze. L'indagine, scrive La Nazione, “è partita dalla segnalazione di una madre: è andata dai carabinieri di Prato e ha raccontato loro che il figlio aveva un green pass falso, che gli aveva fatto avere un medico di medicina generale. "Ho paura per mio figlio, temo che si ammali di Covid": così ha detto ai militari”. Al medico vengono contestate anche altre ipotesi di reato: peculato (per la presunta dispersione di vaccini ricevuta dal Sistema sanitario ma non inoculati), truffa al Servizio sanitario nazionale (perché sospettato di aver percepito indennità aggiuntive per ogni vaccinazione falsamente registrata) e omissione d'atti d'ufficio. L’uomo non agiva per denaro, infatti non si faceva pagare per le finte vaccinazioni, ma “per ideologia”. Qualora le accuse fossero confermate, ci vedrei bene l’ergastolo. Questa gente, oltre che all’intelligenza, attenta alla vita delle persone. E in tutta onestà, io come immagino molti di voi, di gente così non ne posso più. Ma vergognatevi, cazzo! Andrea Scanzi
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victorianrob · 3 years
Ex Excalibur
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Ex Excalibur Marliana
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northsidemarleyrose · 5 years
texts \\ Marliana
Eliana: No one will hurt him.
Eliana: But I’m sure he wouldn’t mind seeing you if you want to come. I really don’t believe anyone would do anything to you, considering.
Marley: I don't think that's really my scene and he knows that.
Marley: So much so that he didn't invite me.
Marley: I don't really do well in groups of drunk people.
Marley: And Daniel might be there and I'd really rather keep as much distance between him and I as I can.
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#Ristorante #Goraiolo #food #foodporn #tuscany #Marliana #pistoia (presso Ristorante Goraiolo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoEzZ7VCJtY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1czhxlaakhi1u
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marco-poli · 4 years
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Girovagando per San Marcello. #marcopoli #fopperdirlo #duemilaventi #toscana2020 #marcopoli #maiarrendersi #sempreinquietante #avantiadognicosto #unicoeinimitabile #sonosemprequi #primalamontagna #sempreallavoro #montagnapistoiese #sanmarcellopiteglio #abetonecutigliano #sambucapistoiese #marliana #appenninopistoiesenews (presso San Marcello Piteglio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcPz90DfhUGYqnLWTlOQiWWIpUZmQM0ev8RHw0/?igshid=1x0qbuf54z8uq
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agenziacioni · 5 years
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#AgenziaCioni propone in #vendita #Mansarda #Bilocale #Mq80 #PoggiodiMomigno #femminamorta #Marliana #soggiorno #termocamino #angolocottura #soffitta #lavanderia #soppalco #duebagni #cantina #taverna #giardino # #Prezzo di #vendita #€180.000 #trattabile (presso Poggio Di Momigno Pistoia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvy_hHCA8ME/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=slx94aww6gc6
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