lesuerts · 2 months
Maybe unpopular opinion: I didn't want to have another spin-off of levi despite loving him very much.
This is what I wanted to have:
• hange's, miche/mike's and nanaba's past
• how petra and co were chosen to be levi's squad
• training of the warrior cadets (reiner and co gen) and more of them (especially galliard brothers)
• the 5 year gap where reiner and co were in paradis but what happened in marley (more of gabi, zofia, udo and falco; pieck and porco; colt and zeke (as mentor); or more of the situation of the eldia in marley)
• veteran trio (hange, erwin, miche/mike) or also with moblit and nile in the training corps and their first expedition outside (except nile ofc)
Just little short stories, a few chapters about that
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shirmirart · 1 year
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after a hard day of training 🌅 (AU where they all went to paradis)
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imarielo · 1 year
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I'm happy I finished it the seven warriors of marley
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koiishyy · 4 months
The death of peace of mind (time is a thief)
ღ summary : Your keen sense for imminent threats and disaster's goes haywire during an otherwise once in a lifetime festival, and if you were given one more minute, then everything might have been different. pairing : porco galliard x braun! reader tags/content warnings : graphic depictions of violence, swearing, depictions of a panic attack and survivors guilt. pre-established relationship, hurt/comfort. a/n: this is the first reader fic i've uploaded to tumblr since i was fourteen, be gentle with my soul pls. enjoy!
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There’s a taste lingering on the tip of your tongue.
It’s sickeningly sweet and accompanied by an icy chill that sends goosebumps pricking across your biceps. Dribbling down the side of your hand, it trickles across your skin towards your sleeve. At this rate, it’ll stain the cream-colored uniform. With another lick, you quell the racing liquid.
It tastes like well-ripened strawberries.
Ice cream isn’t a luxury you’re often afforded within the Liberio internment camp. It’s one of many foods that is solely attainable past the gates. A delicacy that the Marleyans decided to withhold from the spawns of devils. You can stain your hands with the blood of their enemies and do their dirty work, but they can’t even allow the simple, regular pleasure of ice cream.
Today is a different tale, however. Today is a celebration. The war against the Allied Forces took longer than predicted, but even with the countless setbacks, Marley’s victory reigns true.
All thanks to the race they despise so much, of course.
Now, there’s vendors packed, lining the streets of Liberio. Exotic foods and little knick-knacks sit front and present at every booth. It’s supposed to put the foreign guests at ease and make them feel happy that they signed a peace treaty with the country that proceeded to massacre them. There’s supposed to be a play about what you have no idea—at some point in the debrief you had tuned out Zeke’s voice.
The younger candidate’s run amok before you, weaving through the crowd with excitement gleaming in their eyes. Every sweet treat entices them, and every savory dish catches their wonder-filled eyes. Of course, your sister is among them; in fact, Gabi is the most vocal of them. Her brown eyes ogle fascinated over a monstrosity of a chocolate drizzled crepe, the desire to stuff her belly full of the unique pastries setting her up for stomach-aching punishment later.
She’s babbling to Reiner, whom, for once, you’re grateful for, over the treat. He’s been graciously paying for the food, even at your protests.
Over the years of your youth, you’ve butted heads more times than you’d like to admit with your cousin. His arrogance over being a half-blooded Marleyan being the biggest argument starter. Now, after he returned from Paradis, he’s different. Different in a way you can’t quite put your finger on. Whatever he went through with the island devils changed him. You don’t argue anymore, not like you used to.
Pieck has also been keeping up well with the candidates, trailing after them and engaging in conversation. You watch as money exchanges hands and Gabi receives her crepe. Pieck laughs as she practically inhales it after the first bite. You even manage to capture the faint crack of a smile from Reiner.
Udo and Zofia stand off to the side. Udo does most of the talking you notice. The kid has the innate ability to chatter on about any topic. Zofia listens, never once interrupting him or telling him to quiet down.
A little ways away, you spot the Grice brothers, who have ventured just a tad bit further than the group. Colt ruffles Falco’s hair, which earns him annoyed swats from Falco. You’re surprised that Falco isn’t glued to Gabi’s side.
Everyone’s having a fantastic time. Plenty of laughter is being had, and delicious food is being consumed and enjoyed. It’s good company. It’s a beautiful day. Most of the veteran warriors have even let their guards down.
Everyone is happy. So why can’t you be?
“Your ice cream’s melting.”
The words jolt you violently from your endless thoughts. Physically, your head recoils, jerking upwards in the direction of the familiar voice. In the midst of staring off into space, Porco has retreated to your side. He looks at you with a hint of concern and a wealth of curiosity written across his features.
Your eyes trail towards the half-eaten ice cream cone tucked in your grasp. It threatens to become a watery soup. The pink-tinted liquid trails in multiple lines down your hands, sticky and warm now.
“Shit,” You hiss softly, transferring the cone between your hands. You shake the hand covered in liquid, flinging droplets of ice cream against the ground. You’re not even sure why you’re still holding onto it—your appetite has long gone. Porco sighs, pulling a brown napkin from his jacket pocket. He extends it in your direction and you gladly take it. “Thanks.”
“What’s on your mind?” He asks.
“What?” You blink, tossing the ice cream into a nearby garbage bin. Shaking your head, you wipe your hands clean. “Nothing.”
Porco gives you a knowing look—a look you despise. A frown tugs at your lips. He never misses the slightest change in your behavior. You hate it.
“You always finish your food.” Porco points out. “Lying to me is stupid; why don’t you just tell me?”
He’s right; you hate that he’s right. Lying to him is stupid, considering you’re more honest with Porco than anyone else. You’re being difficult for no reason.
Well, you do have a reason, just not a particularly good one.
“I just have a bad feeling.”
Porco’s eyebrows furrow. “About this and the play?” He inquires, and you nod in response. “The allied forces have already signed the treaty. The war is over. No one would be dumb enough to plan an attack in Liberio anyhow.”
“Treaties are broken all the time.” You remind him.
Enchanting hazel eyes trail over your face, and your heart skips a beat. “It’s your gut, isn’t it?” Porco asks.
Instinctively, your hand grazes against your abdomen, a nauseating feeling building in your stomach. “My gut’s never wrong.” You say. “You should know, it’s saved your ass more times than I can count.”
“Not every time.” Porco argues. “Also, I save my own ass and everyone else's—and yours too.”
You roll your eyes. “Name one time I’ve been wrong.”
Porco’s lips part, the resemblance of a word forming on them, only for no sound to come out. They bob open and closed, and you can almost visibly see the gears turning in his brain. He looks stumped. He struggles for a moment, too stubborn to accept the truth, before finally relenting to the glaring reality.
Your gut has never been wrong.
This keen sense for imminent disaster was one of the reasons you earned your warrior candidacy. Gabi calls it your sixth sense. You could sense a threat from a mile away. No one could ever pull a stealth attack on you because your gut was never - and has never been wrong.
Porco’s eyes comb the crowd before wrapping one of his large hands around your wrist. He gently tugs you to an abrupt stop, redirecting your course to a secluded portion of the street—in an alleyway between two nearby buildings. The group continues onward, temporarily oblivious to the loss of two of its members.
Porco turns to you, serious as ever. His intense gaze causes butterflies to awaken and flutter about in your stomach. “Say your gut’s right; do you think we’d need to be worried about it?” He asks, his hand falling from your wrist to your hand and curling his fingers around your own. “It’d have to be one hell of a sneak attack.”
An exhausted, tense sigh falls from your lips. “Of course it would, but you saw how badly Reiner’s armored titan was destroyed by the artillery.”
“That’s because Reiner’s useless.” He grumbles under his breath.
You scowl, continuing with your train of thought. “And Pieck’s equipment takes precious time to transport and set up—time we won’t have.”
Apprehension lingers in him, but you can tell he believes you—or at the very least in you. Your eyes flicker across his face, knowing that he trusts you and that this pointless questioning is only for his peace of mind. He knows you would never be this worked up over something if you didn’t believe it. He knows you. He knows you.
So, he relents.
“I’ll let Pieck know.” Porco says, his hand trailing up to your cheek. He cups the side of your face, sighing. You lean into his touch—his soft, gentle touch. It’s a side of Porco that only you see regularly. “No one will trust just a gut feeling—especially not from us. So stay alert, okay? Stay near me until this is over.”
Relief floods through you instantaneously, and you nod. “I’ve got your back.”
“And I’ve got yours.” Porco smirks. He gazes at you for a moment, his cheeks growing a pinkish hue to them. His usual cool confidence falters. Shyly, he murmurs, “You look pretty today; did I tell you that?”
“No, you didn’t.” You grin. “But I’m only pretty today, though?” You tease.
“What? Well, no, of course not.” Porco flusteredly stammers out. A giggle breaks through your lips. “You look pretty every day; just today you—ah, goddammit, nevermind—forget it.”
It’s rare that you get moments like these. Moments where you are not warriors or dirt-blooded Eldians. Moments where your lives are simple and you get to act like every normal couple.
Embarrassed by your teasing, Porco grumpily attempts to depart. Softly laughing, you tug him back to you. “C’mon, I’m kidding, Pock.” You say, pulling him in by his jacket. “Stay with me. Just for another minute, please?”
He can never resist those puppy-dog eyes of yours. Porco sighs and obliges. “One more minute.”
The two of you lock eyes, and the world dissolves around you. Porco leans down, pressing his lips to yours. One kiss, two kisses, three. His lips envelope yours, gentle but a little sloppily. His hand slides up the small of your back, keeping your body pressed into his.
It’s bliss. Loving Porco is a private affair; these moments that bear the threat of the public eye are few and far between. You cherish them, silently wishing to scream your love from the rooftops. A wish that will never come to fruition—not with your positions.
Coming up for air, you pull back. Still not wanting to break the bubble just yet, Porco leans to press his forehead against yours. The tip of your nose kisses his, and a small smile tugs at your lips. Your eyes lull shut once more, savoring every moment of this temporary peace.
Until you hear the distinct sound of someone calling for you, Gabi’s voice rings across the streets. Your eyes spring open, and you catch a glimpse of her on the main road, Reiner in tow. You still, watching as they disappear down the street.
“Minute over.” You murmur.
Porco hums in response. “Minute over.” He echoes, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s go.”
One more minute.
Clawing at your throat, bile threatens to spill over from you. There’s an aching in your chest, a hammering against your ribcage. Your heart threatens to crack the very ribs that protect it. Your footsteps feel heavy, weighted by cement. There’s a dull pain thudding behind your dry, bloodshot eyes, the capillaries in them threatening to burst at the seams.
You wish you would have stayed in that alleyway for just one more minute.
Corpses would still litter the streets of the place you call home, crimson blood pooling against the concrete and staining the pavement. The hospitals would still be overfilled—maximized to their capacity—and even then, with patients scattered across the hallways. Smoke would still billow, flames roaring in the midst of building debris. The crisp, icy water of the sea would still hold the remnants of Marley’s naval fleet—pieces of their vessels floating aimlessly across the ocean.
A minute wouldn’t have prevented this. A minute wouldn’t have fixed this.
But for a minute, the vile image of Zofia’s pulverized upper body wouldn’t be on repeat in your mind—the mental image of her limp legs connected to nothing haunting you whenever you squeezed your eyes shut. A minute would have spared you the feeling of Udo’s arm slipping from your grasp in the midst of the panic. A minute would have given you the opportunity to hold your sister close, keeping Gabi by your side and never letting her go. Another would have prevented her from boarding that airship and taking Falco with her.
You have to order yourself to take deep breaths, lest you claw at your skin and tear the feeling of guilt out of your muscles. The miserable feeling clutches your chest like a vise, constricting your lungs. Tears threaten to spill from the corners of your eyes. You blink them back—you don’t get to cry, not yet.
Forcing out another sputtering breath is like swallowing a hot coal. The acidic burn in your throat is only reinforced by the action. You keep swallowing, attempting to provide some sort of aid to no avail.
The Paradis devils. Eren Yeager. They’ve destroyed your home and killed innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the Warriors actions. And now they have Falco and your sister—your baby sister.
Through the shroud of grief, there is only panic.
Is she a prisoner of war? Is she dead? Are they going to torture her for information? Will they use the same methods that Marley does? You don’t even want to think about it.
Your gut tells you she’s alive.
And it’s so hard to breathe.
You failed them.
It’s clear as day, plain and simple. You should have spoken up and told someone with a higher ranking about your gut feeling. Instead, you doubted your judgment. General Magath might have listened, though the rest really would have never believed something as silly as a gut feeling.
But you did fail them: Zofia, Udo, Gabi, Falco, Pieck, Reiner, Colt...
Oh god, Porco.
You finally reach his bedside, unsteady and five seconds away from completely unraveling. The feeling of breaking completely only intensifies as your eyes roam Porco’s unconscious body. The Warriors took a brutal assault from Eren Yeager, one that not even your gut could have predicted.
Temporarily, relief floods you. Porco is alive; his body is regenerating. It’s clear the doctors have done all they can for him, the only course of action to allow the titan’s power to complete the rest.
It’s the worst shape you’ve ever seen him in after a battle.
You practically collapse into a nearby chair, unable to stand on the two feet that have been carrying you throughout Liberio tonight. All you can do for a moment is stare at him, watching as his chest slowly rises and deflates. He’s alive. He’s alive, he’s alive, he’s alive...
And Udo and Zofia are not.
Shakily, your hand reaches out for Porco’s, his fingers clammy and cold to the touch as you clasp your hand around his. Thousands of emotions rush through your veins, and your mind fights tooth and nail to make sense of all of them. You cling to him, the relief of him being alive and the guilt of being glad that he is alive swirling within you all at once. How are you going to be glad he’s alive when your sister is gone and people are dead? How are you going to feel glad he’s alive when you should have been by his side in the first place?
You don’t know.
You break.
The tears come pouring out in rapid succession. “I’m sorry.” You say this through gritted teeth, lowering your head against Porco’s arm. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left your side.”
You fall asleep curled over his bedside, his hand in yours, clinging on for dear life.
Porco doesn’t wake for a while, even after his body has recuperated.
Over the span of his unconsciousness, you’ve been flip-flopping between the hospital and your home in what little free time you’re offered, checking on your parents and giving your aunt updates on Reiner.
Your parents are wrought with grief, convinced that Gabi has been killed. The crying is incessant from your mother, while your father is stone-cold and quiet. But you know better—Gabi is not dead. You don’t tell them that, though; the fate of her being alive in the hands of the island devils might be worse than her being dead.
When Porco does wake up, you’re there.
You barely register the subtle flex of his fingers against yours; he is far too busy spacing off. Porco stirs to life, a pained grunt erupting from his lips. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the haze of his newfound surroundings and trying to come to terms with what he remembered before blacking out. By the time you notice, he’s already speaking.
“You're going to squeeze my fingers off.” Porco’s raspy voice grumbles from beneath you. Dazed, his tired eyes peer up at you from beneath heavy lids.
His first words to you almost want to make you laugh—or cry—solely because of the fact that he’s speaking. Porco’s always been terrible with words. When he confessed his love to you, it took you a good ten minutes to actually understand what he was saying. It’s one of the most endearing things about him.
But you can’t muster a laugh, and you’ve almost cried your body's weight in water. There’s nothing left for you to do besides softly gasp, “You’re awake.”
"Yeah, and I hurt like hell.” Porco murmurs, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. You turn and reach for the water at his bedside as he props himself up. He squeezes your hand as he takes it. “What happened?”
Your body stills, reforming itself into something statue-like. One wrong move, and you're certain your limbs will crumble into dust. Regardless of what you believe, you have to tell him everything, much like you had to fill in Pieck when she awoke.
So you do. You tell Porco everything that has happened or did happen as a result of Paradis’s raid on Liberio. You recount the death toll as you know it, including Zofia and Udo. You assure him that his parents are okay. You tell him the effort to rebuild the destruction and scrub the city clean is already under way. You tell him about Pieck and Reiner, you tell him about Zeke.
Much like you did, Porco goes through a range of emotions. The prevalent one is anger; you can see it bubble and dwell beneath his skin. A fierce look glints in his eye, and you let him break into a tangent, surprised that he managed to keep his anger controlled this long. Deep down, you know he blames himself, much like you do.
Once he cools, he looks at you. “How’s Gabi?” He asks.
Your mouth runs dry. You had been purposefully pushing that part of the story until the bitter end. “Gabi’s….Gabi’s gone.” You strain out.
“Gabi’s dead?” Porco’s eyes grow wide. He leans forward, all attention on you.
You shake your head. “Gabi’s not dead.” What little tears you can produce struggle their way out, burning white-hot at the corners of your eyes. “S-she’s gone. They took her. She boarded that damn airship, and Falco went with her.”
It becomes a struggle to breathe again. The all-consuming panic crashes over you like a tidal wave. You wish you could be stronger about it, like you have been, but in the presence of Porco, you shatter all over again.
“Hey," Porco coaxes, tugging at you. “C’mere.”
You crawl into the creaky hospital cot with him, careful about where you put pressure. You don’t care what your position is or who sees it; you need him. Porco seems to have the same sentiment as he guides you. You rest your head against his chest, thankful for the slow, steady beat of his heart that thuds in your ears.
“She’s gone, Pock. They took her and Falco, and they killed Zofia, and it’s all my fault.” You whimper against his chest, once again fighting back the trickling downpour on your cheeks. Absent-mindedly, Porco’s fingers comb through your hair.
“Don’t say that.” Porco firmly commands. “This isn’t your fault. This isn’t anyone’s fault but those fucking island devils'. I swear-“
He sharply inhales, running his free hand along his mouth. “What?”
“I should have had your back.” You say, curling into his body. “I’m - I'm really glad you’re alive.”
Porco’s fingers grow still in your hair. You hear the quick skip of his heartbeat, and your eyes flicker to his face. A faint smirk pulls at his lips. “They can’t kill me that easily, not when I have you to come back to.” He tells you. Porco pulls you as close as he can, mushing your bodies together. “Don’t worry,” he whispers. “We’ll get Gabi back, I promise. Whatever it takes.”
You believe him, body and soul, because you know him. Nodding at his words, face brushing against the rough fabric of his shirt, you mold yourself against the shape of his frame. You clutch to the only thing that makes sense in the world at the moment—tired and weary.
“I love you.” You murmur.
A quick second passes, and you begin to believe he hadn’t heard you, until he murmurs back a soft "I love you, too.”
And in that minute, you wish you could stay in his arms forever.
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
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My gaslighting malewife <3
Eren for the iconic table scene and Grisha
Reiner for gaslighting Annie and for once even Falco xDD but he's still the epitome of malewife xD
Pieck is for the roof scene and all over badass points
Hange is Hange xD
Porco is pratically for being a cheap macho but I love him wtf xD
Jean is very stubborn when he wants to be but still a waifu
Ymir isn't really a mansplainer but she's fearless to speak her mind
Zeke is...Zeke again
And Annie never really wanted to manipulate but she had to do it to gatekeep.(That's a little thanks to Reiner)
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jeanbie · 1 year
i loved ur modern porco teen hcs !! can you please do a part 2?
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⏤ some more pock headcanons for you ^^ think i'm running out of teenage headcanons, maybe next time i'll graduate him to uni level :P enjoy anyway! thank u for sending me this!! part one here!
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porco really likes junji ito artwork and for christmas, annie didn’t know what to get him so she got him an art collection book of his stuff which kinda set him off
he really likes sci-fi books
constantly changes his music taste but he never downloads any music nor does he have any playlists - he just listens to whatever the day gives him through pre-made playlists and radios
he started liking his lifeguard job significantly more when he got promoted from baby pool duty to adult free swim (hot chicks)
but i think porco actually really likes kids, he likes how honest they are and how much fun they have with anything they have
he’s quite easily led by what he hears and reads online so eventually he made the commitment to just erase majority of his social medias - all he uses now are instagram, snapchat, bereal and he cut down on his reddit usage (congrats pock)
he hates reading the news
he’s still kinda pursuing design engineering (uni is just around the corner) but he’s still got that interest in aviation - he thinks he might look into aviation engineering or aerospace engineering or something like that
he can still handle his drinking quite well - zeke is older and says that’ll come in handy when pock goes to uni
he always picks the skin around his fingers when he feels anxious, which seems to be a lot these days
and he gets nervous rashes over his chest sometimes
he likes rock climbing and bouldering in his spare time, and took it up with reiner when he confessed he didn’t really wanna do it alone
he’s more of a dog person than a cat person and is that guy who always wants to sit with the dog at the party or wants to stroke the dog that’s walking across the road
thinks that burger king is better than kfc and will die on that hill (and he’s dying there alone)
always wishes he had a younger brother like zeke and eren
he loves eren a lot and likes to indulge in eren’s interests sometimes to try and imagine what it could have been like if his mom had pushed out a third one after porco
really wants tattoos but he gets bored of things too quickly and he thinks he’ll end up hating all of them
only types with two fingers on a keyboard (he’s so me)
likes jazzy, soul ballads 
one time, he thought he had a crush on pieck, and they danced together at prom and they discovered that porco is a pretty good dancer
wants his hair to look like john wick some day
he’s afraid of mice and rodents
wants to travel outside of his hometown for uni but is always afraid that one day he might not be close with his friends back home anymore and that makes him really sad
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spiteless-xo · 2 years
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╰┈➤ marley boys as boyfriends - aot.
ft. colt, porco, reiner, zeke. cw. explicit content - minors do not interact, references to sexual acts, references to toxic/manipulative behaviour, afab!reader.
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⋙ reiner braun.
really insecure. like very insecure. lowkey thinks that you are only dating him out of pity because you couldn't date the guy you actually like.
also very eager to please you. definitely remembers every stupid little thing you tell him: your birthday, favourite colour, starbucks order, etc. whatever you've told him, i guarantee he's got it written down in his notes app under "favourite things"
texts you good morning every day and checks in to make sure you've eaten and had some water.
not a pet name guy. will tolerate babe or baby but nothing else. prefers to use names.
loooves eating pussy. worships it. he could cum just from getting you off with his tongue. loves it when you grind into him and cum on his face.
huuuuuge dick, keeps it trimmed but not fully shaved.
really into foreplay because he's so scared of hurting you and wants to get you fully warmed up before taking his dick but also loses himself as soon as he gets the tip in
prefers it when you're on top so you can control the pace. he's so scared of being too rough with you.
doesn't like choking but loves to just hold his hand around your throat.
king of aftercare. will clean you off, run you a bath, give you a massage, anything to relax you. sweetest, kindest boy
loves it when you cuddle on top of him, like a little blanket
⋙ zeke jaeger.
really into younger girls lmao like not underage of course but like, 18/19/early 20's. loves feeling like he's someone you can rely on or the more experienced one due to his daddy issues of being not good enough
will call you kiddo or squirt affectionally but will also weaponize it to make you feel inferior when you're fighting. making you seem like an immature kid
high-key toxic and possessive. doesn't want you hanging out with other guys but will get annoyed with you when you complain about him hanging out with yelena
selfish in bed. will do the bare minimum to get you in the mood but expects you to bend over backwards to please him -- also why he goes for younger girls
doesn't shave or trim at all, full bush of curly blonde hair
likes it when you ride him because he gets to watch and also doesn't have to do any of the work
really into facials
never goes down on you but when you complain about it he says i would if you went down on me more
falls asleep immediately after sex
⋙ porco galliard.
pretends he hates you in public. will openly make fun of you and mock you in front of your friends. loves banter -- especially when you fight back.
in private, he's a little baby. loves to cuddle and loves it when you take care of him. will immediately get angry if you point out how cute and sweet he's being. hates admitting he cares because he's so afraid of losing someone he loves.
loooves pet names. baby, babe, or sweetheart when he's feeling nice. stupid, loser, or lil shit when he's feeling bratty.
gets very jealous when you talk with other boys, especially reiner. gets so pissy about it if you like him so much why don't you just date him?
low-key verbally abusive but when he takes things too far he apologizes immediately. kissing you, tickling you, doing whatever he can to make you smile again -- learns from his mistakes.
initiates sex by pulling you into his lap and making out with you. or nibbling on your neck. suuuper high sex drive. sexts you constantly. begs for nudes.
loves dirty talking and fingering. loves to make you beg for him, loves it when you cum on command. loves tasting you on his fingers.
big ass-guy. loves fucking you doggy style so he can watch your ass jiggle. also really into anal.
wants to cuddle immediately after sex. loves to be the big spoon so he can stick his dick between your asscheeks. ready for round 2 after approximately 30 seconds.
⋙ colt grice.
always holding your hand when you're walking together or putting his arm around you when you're sitting together.
relationship moves quick. he asks you out one day, makes you his girlfriend the next, then he's suddenly talking about marriage and kids??? already has your entire life together planned out. you meet his parents on the second date
too logical. when you rant about your day he always gives you solutions instead of just letting you vent. gets confused when you get frustrated with him.
regularly posts pictures of you to instagram with cringy captions, but they're all really good pictures because he religiously watches those tiktok guides on how to take pictures of your girlfriend.
gets along really well with your friends. often comes along to girls-nights so he can dd for you and your friends. very interested in your friend group's gossip.
virgin. or at least very sexually inexperienced. kind of vanilla but open to trying anything. prefers when you take the lead, bottoms from the top-vibes
loves any position that has the two of you facing each other.
very vocal in bed. constantly telling you how pretty you are with his cock in your mouth or hot you look when you cum. likes it when you swallow his cum but never asks for it because he doesn't want to be rude
always reminds you to go pee after sex and falls asleep immediately afterwards. kisses you in his sleep.
sets his alarm 20 mins early so he can cuddle and kiss with you (and maybe a lil quickie) before you have to get up.
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lesuerts · 26 days
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Galliard brothers ♡
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calcitration · 1 month
[ EXPERIMENT ] muses try touching each other more intimately for the first time, groping, caressing and kissing new areas.
They have rut like foam-flanked deer, all antlers and dark-eyed intent. They have writhed sexlessly, kicking up dust, mapping the body’s boundaries. Porco has bruised her, his lips peeled back in grimaces born of concentration, of physical effort. It seemed strange to her now, that his expression was so similar to those times they sparred. Leonhardt, and the lion-hearted boy.
Annie wondered if this was simply practice, for him. Whether she was just a girl willing and on hand, or instead something wild-eyed and strange, something that invited a sporting hunt – only instead of a rare white pelt, it was her virginity that would be stuffed and mounted and flaunted.
No, that was uncharitable.
Together they spoke a new language of touch, one that was tender and fond. Every movement measured, tentative. Porco’s hand roved beneath her shirt, exploring those parts that shamed her, powder-soft breasts moulded against the warm callus of his palm. It pulled from Annie a shivery sigh, colour clawing its way up her cheeks, aware of the shameful damp that spread between her exposed thighs.
Porco tamed the hand-shy creature in her, slowly teaching it that touch could be gentle. Still, the body remembered the bruises. Hands like vices on her upper arms, the violent snap and shake, visions of the ground, then of the trees reaching skyward with bony fingers, then dirt again. The whiplash ache. The girl with the hemorrhagic sclera.
Annie spooked at the thought of her father. Sitting up, she peered through the open window, its shutter propped open to reveal nothing but moon-drenched moss. No sound save for the breeze in the trees, the lonely chirrup of an insect. Porco came with her, the wooden stilts of the bed frame creaking softly as his weight shifted. He’ll kill us if he catches us, she almost said. As if the floor of the cabin wasn’t littered with pieces of the Warrior uniform, as if they didn’t possess the blood of Titans. Gabriel Leonhardt was only a man, but to Annie he held all the shape and power of a god.
Kisses fell on her neck, warm as embers, thawing her by degrees. Her father would be home late, they would hear pebbles scrape beneath his boots – his faltering, wounded gait – long before he entered the clearing. Turning towards Porco, taking his comely face in the frost of her hands, Annie found his mouth with hers, licking at the enamel ridges of his teeth as they settled down on the narrow bunk. Her hands were made for fists, so it did not feel too strange when she slid into the front of his unfastened trousers, dipping into the military issue briefs to curl around him where he was hot and aching. Holding him against her cool palm with a brace of pale fingers – carefully, as though she cradled a fallen fledgling – she stroked tentatively.
“I want to make you feel good…”
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
More musings on AoT Canon Verse
This time focusing on geopolitical interactions, immigration and such. Basically been thinking about this for the fic I've been dreaming of and the hyperfocus is deep y'all 😩 Pleeeease feel free to leave corrections or thoughts in comments, my dms/asks or reblog with commentary.
Concepts and thoughts on my Reader's potential background:
Reader's mom is from outside the Eldian/Marley empire and holds political power of her own through the ties of her father who is possibly a leading ambassador? Really want this version but with how it seems patriarchy is so pervasive in Marleyan society that if her mom was to marry into it somehow to put her in Marley long enough to form connections with the Warrior Candidates it just doesn't seem conceivable?
So her dad being Marleyan could be a potential still, but he'd have to be super progressive thinking. Or an implant spy like Kruger? Thought that's a shit ton of trauma and shit I don't know if I have the space to explore lmao
More likely her dad will be someone either military/diplomat from outside the Marley/Eldian reach of things, but for some reason does trade or work with Marley? Perhaps they're more a neutral country like Switzerland/Wakanda 👀 Cause reader's gonna have a smart mouth and progressive thoughts about the shit that's going on, so she'll need to be up in a family environment that will value that. Even if they're impressing upon her to not go talkin like that in public. Working from the inside to subvert things (sure know how that feels 🙃) — I think this would most likely lead to her mother being Marleyan? Cause like Marley folks seem xenophobic as heck/especially high gov officials so I feel like to walk around freely and not constantly be accosted she's gonna have to at least be part Marleyan. :/
I think this would also help her possibly relate to both Rei and Porco. One of her parents would have grown up in the Marley propaganda machine–even if somehow they avoided being completely indoctrinated and finding companionship and love with someone outside it to start a family.
One other thought is from the vague memory that other countries treat Eldians more like actual people and citizens than Marley. So perhaps her mom is Eldian, but escaped Marley via being a refugee or something else. This way she also, in some regard understands the Warriors on the terms of being oppressed. Which I feel like would be easier for me to hold mind space for and portray accurately.
With this I have to figure out a reason that her mother/parent would risk being found out and returning to Marley to give Reader opportunity to grow up with the Warriors :/
My other thoughts surrounding this is the culture of Reader's Nation being accepting of naturalizing refugees and such (what a utopia 😌/but also sheesh hard to comprehend given life) So once they arrive and go through a process they are now citizens of that country and maintain those legal rights when traveling. Even within Marley. Which would be a sticking point cause can't imagine they'd be ok with that. And they'd know this about this Nation's government to it would be difficult to just sneak in ya know? I'm sure there's other countries in verse with "white"/[cause we know this is an our world concept] folks but like what we mainly know are Eldians and Marleyan so if you can't walk the walk and talk the talk and have identifying papers of being Marleyan, then it ain't gonna fly living there.
There could be avenues of getting papers forged and falsifying connections to Marleyan family lines that are sympathetic to the cause? It's hinted that the doctor that helped Kruger falsify blood work was sympathetic so precedence for that. Also that reminds me that obviously they do blood tests! aiyiyi
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adhdpandas · 2 years
What artist I think they'd listen to
Marley Warriors Edition :)
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Annie: Something tells me she's an Ariana Grande stan. Her top song would probably be "34+35" or "Dangerous Woman".
Berthold: Ricky Montgomery. Berth is more of a calm person. He loves indie music. He will listen to music at any moment of the day, especially when doing homework or schoolwork. His favorite song would either be "Out Like a Light" or "Settle Down"
Colt: He loves any artist. As long as he's happy dancing around vibing he loves any song. He loves Pitbull. He's all hype jumping up and down with an arm around any of his friends, Mostly Reiner or Porco, which they get annoyed with easily. Half of the time Colt is drunk but it's hard to tell if he's hyped or just drunk.
Falco: Cavetown listiner. Just like Berthold, he's more of a calm person who likes indie. He would also enjoy Ricky Montgomery or any other artist that's indie. "Sweet Tooth" is probably his favorite song. He will listen to BTS and Harry Styles ocasionally because of Gabi.
Gabi: Crazy BTS stan. The one time her friend invited her to a concert she fell in love. She was the one to say she hated them because everyone else liked them but that concert changed her. Her favorite song by them is "Permission to Dance" the song that changed her mind about them. Her bias is Suga. She's also a Harry Styles fan, her favorite song being "Watermelon Sugar".
Porco: Arctic Monkeys. He's a huge fan of them. If you became close to him just know you'd be listening to them all day with him. Porco is kinda like Gabi with BTS. "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?" and "Do I Wanna Know" are the top songs that got him his obsession with them. He also listens to rap and any other music but to him, Arctic Monkeys is superior to all.
Pieck: Big Billie Eilish fan, and Mitski as well. She's not a mega fan like both Porco and Gabi but she enjoys listening to them. But she listens to other artists as well. She has more of a calm music taste. "My Future" by Billie is her favorite song.
Reiner: Queen, Mother Mother, MCR fan. I kinda see him loving rock to an extent. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is his favorite song.
Zeke: It depends on his mood honestly. When he's calm he likes Mitski and Coldplay. When he's angry MCR, Maneski. When he's sad or upset Cigarettes After Sex. But most of the time he listens to everyone no matter the mood.
I was thinking about Spanish music since I myself am Hispanic and I feel like Reiner, Porco, and Colt would be the ones listening to Hispanic music as well.
Small Porco x Hispanic Reader moment
If you ever invited him to a Hispanic Party your parents would love them. He'd be the type to drag you to the dance floor once Romeo Santos starts playing. He knows how to dance bachata, holding your waist as you both dance. You would just be surprised at how good he is at dancing probably even better than you. Whenever someone looked at the both of you (especially if it was another guy) he'd pull you closer to him, making surprise moves here and there to show off.
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freya-fallen · 2 years
Beastly 5/17
CWs: Manipulative Zeke Yeager, talk about eating people and death
Word count: 3674
Part 1 Part 4 Part 6
Zeke spends a lot of time working. Training, mostly, he says. However, since he’s also the leader of the Warriors, he has paperwork and other responsibilities. Once a week, he checks the quarters of each of the youths under his charge to make sure they’re keeping everything tidy, and so he knows they’re taking care of themselves.
They’re all teenagers aside from him, so he’s the one who has to keep them accountable. It’s how he keeps the Marleyans who run the military from interfering too much.
“The boys have been asking about you.”
A lance of bitterness spurs through you and you set down your fork. Breakfast is suddenly less appealing when thinking about the two boys whom you’d counted as allies so recently.
Zeke is watching you, waiting, so you say, “Oh?”
He nods. He’s shaved off his beard since returning to Liberio, and his hair is shorter. You liked him scruffy, but he’s handsome like this, too. “Would you like to have lunch with us?”
It’s the one meal a day you have to fend for yourself, though Zeke reminds you what’s there before he leaves everyday. 
You don’t want to see Reiner and Bertholdt.
One large hand lands on your thigh, imparting a squeeze. “I know you feel betrayed, sweetheart,” your brother implores, “but you have to understand that they were doing what they were taught was their duty.”
Your throat tightens and your eyes grow warm. “They killed my mom, Zeke.”
“Oh, honey. I know, but they were younger than you are now when they did it. I know they regret it, and that they’d give anything for the world to be a different place.”
He cares so much about the teens under his charge, just like he cares about you. He’s known them since they were both small children. You’ve learned Marleyan Warrior candidates start training as young as five. 
Even with the horrors of titan invasion, the military in Paradis doesn’t allow kids to join until they are twelve. You can’t imagine being that little, and getting inundated with all the messages about good order and discipline.
“Why did they become Warriors?” you ask after dwelling on the image of chubby-cheeked children standing at attention.
“Well, Reiner’s father is Marleyan. He always hoped becoming a Warrior would unite his family.” He rubs his chin thoughtfully as he recalls. 
“Did it?”
“Well, no,” Zeke says sadly. “Marleyans see us all as a blight on the earth, and I can’t rightly blame them.”
You know that your people, Eldians, can become titans, and that’s something unique to your blood, but you have to ask, “Why do they hate us?”
“Our people used our ability to conquer other nations and rule over them.” 
“Oh.” That certainly explains it. “And they all feel this way?”
“To most, the potential to turn into a titan is evidence of an ancient deal with a devil. They even call Paradis Eldians ‘Island Devils.’ And—” he hesitates before the next part, “many would rather die than claim an Eldian in their family.”
“That’s horrible.”
He nods. “It is. You have to understand, this is the mindset with which they rule over us. We serve in their military and live as less to atone for the actions of our ancestors. Eldians and Marleyans alike are raised with this knowledge. Those of us who choose to take on the mantle of titan shifters are elevated because we are sacrificing thirteen years of our life to serve as their weapons— and then die to pass that ability forward.”
You stare at Zeke as he finishes this little explanation, wide eyes filling with tears that tremble across your vision, already cool when they finally spill over. “What—” You blink away the tears and try to clear your throat. “What do you mean?”
Your brother leans forward and takes one of your hands in both of his. Those silver eyes bore into you from behind gleaming glass. “I mean that those of us who become titan shifters only have thirteen years to live. Once that time comes to an end, we will die. If we die without being consumed by another titan, then our titan form will go to a child born after that time. To avoid that, we train our successors to be ready to inherit our titans.”
“How long ago did you inherit your titan?” Your voice wavers, catches halfway through, but you manage to get it all out.
“Eight years,” he tells you, his sad smile saying it all.
Your eyes go wide as you realize that you have five years with him. Five years, and then your brother will be gobbled up by someone who wants to take his place.
And then your blood freezes in your veins.
“Eren doesn’t know,” you whisper. 
Zeke moves one hand to your cheek to brush away your tears. You hadn’t realized you were crying. The streams down your face are a continuous deluge, but he doesn’t stop trying to clear them for you. “I’m not surprised. I didn’t want to believe it when I heard, but our father was not a good man when I knew him.”
“Why? Why was he exiled?”
“I— It’s complicated.” For the first time since you’ve known him, your brother looks torn.
Your hands wrap around his this time, and you look up at him pleadingly. “Please. I need to know.”
“I’ll tell you,” he promises, and you nod. “But not right now. You’ve already learned Eren and I have our days numbered. Let’s not add to that burden today, hm?”
He leans forward and kisses your cheek. “Soon.”
When he stands from the table, you belatedly remember that this all started with a question. “Zeke?” He pauses and waits for you to continue. “I think I’d like to have lunch with you and the others.”
“Good. I’ll see you then, sweetheart.” 
His gentle smile remains with you after he’s left, a comfort against the doom looming over the two boys bound to you by blood. 
You spend the rest of the morning reading and slowly getting ready for the day. You decide to wear a long cream skirt and a white blouse. There’s a hat that matches rather well, though you feel weird wearing a hat all the time. Apparently it’s normal in Marley.
Everything is so nicely made, soft and smooth under your fingers. You don't think you’re familiar with the material, but you like how it hangs and breathes.
“Don’t you look pretty,” Zeke comments when he comes home to get you. There’s a tall young man behind him. At first, you assume it’s Reiner, but the color is more dull, and he’s not quite as broad.
He wears a yellow armband.
“This is Colt Grice, the front runner for my chosen successor.” Zeke pats the boy’s shoulder before leaning down to kiss your cheek. You’re surprised he’s so affectionate in front of one of his juniors, but you’re happy to accept the gesture. “Colt, this is my sister.” 
Whether he’s surprised, you can’t tell. You think there’s a flicker of something behind Colt’s hazel eyes, but it’s swiftly suppressed. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say, to which he responds in kind. 
You take your brother’s arm and let him guide you from the building. They have a private dining mess, somewhere the Warriors can talk about whatever they want without having to worry about others, Zeke informs her. He gives a little inane commentary about their surroundings as they walk, and Colt occasionally chimes in, but none of it matters in the scheme of things.
“And here we have my own little study.” It’s nice. There are couches and chairs, all padded with matching pale blue cushioning, a huge desk, and a modest sized table. Tall shelves are full of mementos and books alike, and there are pictures on the yellow walls. 
Sitting around the table, you find Reiner and Bertholdt seated on one of the long sides of the table, in twin chairs. On the other sprawls a pale, dainty young woman, her dark hair fanned over one arm. An unfamiliar blond boy stares out the window, leaning against Zeke’s desk.
“Oh, hello, there.” The woman rises to all fours on the couch. “Faye?” When you nod, she beams. “Oh, you’re so cute. You didn’t tell me she was so cute.”
You blush as Zeke guides you into the room. “Pieck, move over, will ya?”
The young woman pouts, but slides over to allow space for you and your brother to join her. “Pieck Finger, the Cart,” she says, as though that explains everything. With the red band around her arm, you figure it’s the name of her titan. 
“Porco Galliard, the Jaw.” The blond boy has turned to face you, but remains behind the desk.
Zeke tuts. “Get over here, Pock. It’s impolite to introduce yourself from so far away.”
The boy, who looks to be around your age, sneers as he rounds the desk. “Don’t call me that.”
It has the sound of something he’s had to say multiple times, and no one bats an eye in response.
Reiner and Bertholdt are both studying your. You’ve felt their gazes since you stepped into the room, though at least Bertholdt has the grace to seem embarrassed when you catch them. Reiner’s eyes narrow and flit over you the little skin that shows. You’re glad the blouse is covering, because the bite mark Zeke left is still healing.
“I’m surprised you’re allowed out.” Your attention diverts back to Porco. He takes a seat at the end of the table, though he’s not sitting in it properly. “Being an enemy combatant and all.”
You blink at his boldness, but before you can say anything, Bertholdt speaks. “Leave it alone, Porco. You know she’s not a threat.”
“I don’t know. She seemed good enough at killing titans.” His pretty grey eyes survey you sharply. “It’s not like she’s a civilian.”
You tense, and Zeke wraps an arm around you. “I got permission from the old man. She didn’t know what was going on. Surely you saw that, too. None of those scouts knew the truth.”
“I also know she handled herself on those little missions. What’s to stop her from—”
“She doesn’t have access to weapons or—
“— slashing our necks—”
“— ODM gear, so how would she—”
“Excuse me.” At your slightly raised voice, Reiner and Porco both fall silent. “I’m really not a threat. I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I’m a terrible scout. I can ride, and kill unintelligent titans easily enough, and take orders, but I’m miserable fighting people. And I’m—” You grimace at the truth of what you’re about to say. “Well, I’m soft. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
The blond runs a hand through the longer strands of his undercut and considers you keenly for a moment. “Yeah, you are pretty shitty at ground fighting, huh?”
Despite saying as much, you flash hot with irritation and embarrassment. “I’m not that bad.”
“Nah, you are.” Porco flashes a grin, one nice enough to make you hot for an entirely different reason, and you feel Zeke’s arm tighten around you. “I saw it myself. Got it all up here.” He taps his temple.
Seeing your confusion, Zeke clarifies, “We inherit memories from those whose titan we inherit.” 
You have no idea how that’s relevant until Porco reveals, “Your friend Ymir, she took my brother’s titan. He was the Jaw when they left Marley five years ago.”
Your face falls. Your memory surrounding the day you met Zeke on the Wall is a little fuzzy, but you vaguely recall something about Ymir needing to come with across the sea, how she had something that was missing.
“You ate Ymir.”
The teen shrugs, the lines of his face unaffected by your horror. “Yeah, that’s how it works.” Your expression twists, and Porco scoffs at it. “Look, she ate my brother first, and she knew what she was getting into when she came back with us. Don’t get all up in arms about it.”
How can you not have strong feelings about it when Ymir is someone you’ve known and trained with for years? You know her as well as you know Reiner and Bertholdt, who are still watching you with rapt attention. 
“How can you all think this is okay?” 
“It’s normal for us,” says Pieck. She leans over Zeke to meet your gaze. “This is just the way things work. Just like, where you’re from, it’s normal to go out and kill titans.”
You turn your sight to a scenic painting on the wall, staring into it as though you can climb through it and disappear. “And all those titans were once people like us.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Zeke pulls you against his side. “I know it’s all a lot to take in. How about we just focus on eating lunch right now, hm?”
You look up at him, into those pale eyes that are so searing and so comforting all at once, and nod.
He smiles and strokes your cheek. “That’s my girl.”
There are boxes on the table, and you didn’t even pay attention to them when you came in because you were too focused on your company. Now, Bertholdt is opening them up to reveal food. There are sandwiches sliced from long loaves of bread, the halves nearly dripping their insides with how full they are. You recognize leafy greens, meat, cheese, and probably vegetables. There are shiny green apples in another box, and some strange crisps you’ve never seen before, but find out are from fried potatoes.
You don’t try those; you know you won’t be able to keep yourself from dwelling on Sasha’s probable reaction to them.
Zeke hands you a plat with a segment of sandwich on it, then adds an apple to the meal. There’s already a glass of water poured from a pitcher in front of you. “Eat up,” he orders, and you comply by taking a bite of the tart fruit.
You eat in silence while the others chatter around you, then there’s a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
At your brother’s permission, the door opens to reveal a young man in a sharp military uniform. “The general wants a word with you, chief.”
Zeke nods. “I’ll be right there.” He sets aside his food and pats your head. “I’ll be right back. Stay here, okay?”
“Yes, Zeke.”
All eyes seem like they follow him to the door, and the second it shuts, Reiner’s attention snaps back to you. “How is he treating you? Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Your brows furrow and you set your plate on the table; you don’t have much of an appetite now that you’re without your brother and facing his Warriors alone. Never have you been more aware you’re in enemy territory than this moment.
“Because the last time we saw you, Zeke—”
“Reiner,” Bertholdt interrupts sharply. It’s a warning, though the blond waves it off.
“I just want to know he’s not being inappropriate.”
You don’t like this line of questioning. “He’s my brother,” you retort. “He’s making sure I eat and bathe and take care of myself.”
Reiner’s eyes narrow. “He was your brother before, too.”
“I didn’t know that,” you snarl. You want him to shut his traitor mouth, but you also worry about saying too much, giving away what transpired to the other three in the room.
Those others are watching everything without even trying to hide it.
“He knew it.” It’s Bertholdt who speaks this time, his voice evenly measured. “I told him your name myself.”
You and Zeke have talked about this a little. You know how complicated the situation really is, though for an outsider it might seem like he’d taken advantage of you or that you were a naive little girl or something. You sigh, wondering what you can say to make them stop interrogating you.
“What are you guys talking about?” Porco finally sits properly in the chair, though he leans so his elbows are on his knees. “What happened?”
The two former scouts exchange a glance, one you resent.
“It’s none of your business,” you say. “It’s between me and Zeke. We’ve dealt with it, and it’s done.” That last is toward Bertholdt and Reiner. Neither looks convinced, but one nods, then the other, and you settle back in your seat.
Pieck stretches across the couch to inspect your face. Her eyes are dark and pretty, and her nose adds a sense of strength to her otherwise fragile beauty. “Did they find you kissing or something?”
She’s matter-of-fact about it that you choke in disbelief. Your cheeks flush, your ears grow hot, your throat swelters behind your collar.
Porco laughs and slaps his thigh. “Holy shit, that’s fucked up.”
Your panicked gaze flits to him. “No, it’s not like that—”
“You had a crush on him, huh?” The boy’s grin is sharp as a wolf’s growl. 
“He is goodlooking,” Pieck remarks with a non judgemental shrug. “I’ve always thought so.
“Yeah, if you like giant monkeys.”
You glare at the Jaw titan. You know it’s a reference to Zeke’s titan form, but you haven’t actually seen it yet. You just know the name, and that it’s appropriately hairy.
“Can we not talk about this?” you ask into your water cup, having taken it to try and draw its coolness into yourself.
He chuckles again, shaking his head. “You could do better, you know. If you don’t exclusively like guys a lot older, I’d be happy to take you out.”
Is he flirting with you?
“Pock, back off.”
His genial smile morphs as he sneers, “Shut it, Braun.”
“Boys, behave. You’re setting a bad example.” Pieck pointedly looks at you, then Colt.
It dawns on you then that Colt is technically a bit of an outsider, too. He’s the only other person without a titan form in this room, though he’s hoping to have Zeke’s someday—
He’s going to eat Ze—
You don’t want to think about that right now, how your brother is training this boy to take his place someday, and seems content to do so despite the ramifications.
“Besides, the War Chief will be back any minute,” she continues. “We don’t wanna upset him, do we? You know he’ll have no problems making us run laps for upsetting his sweet li’l sis.”
Porco rolls his eyes, but deflates. “Yeah, yeah.”
The room falls quiet, everyone electing to focus on their food. You pick at yours, but finally manage to finish the whole apple and half your sandwich. You even accept a few chips at Pieck’s insistence, and they’re almost too salty and crunchy. Sasha would love them.
It’s quiet when Zeke returns. He steps behind you, rubbing a large hand down your back, and surveys the group. “Well, chow time is just about done. I’m gonna take my sister back now.”
“It was great meeting you, sweetie,” Pieck pipes up. Porco nods, Bertholdt waves, Reiner doesn’t say anything, but he watches as you go.
When Colt gets up, Zeke raises a hand to halt him. “Head back to the other candidates, Colt.”
The trip is much quieter this time, since Zeke feels no need to fill the space between you. He seems contemplative. When you arrive back at his quarters, he turns to hold you in his arms, tipping your chin up to gaze down at you. “Wanna tell me what all that was about?”
“What do you mean?” you reply innocently.
He chuckles. “I saw how awkward the room was when I came in. What, did Reiner and Bertholdt interrogate you?” He sighs at your answering flush.
Before he can extrapolate the wrong conclusion, you say, “No, it wasn’t like that.”
“So what was it like, sweetheart?”
“It’s.” You swallow and frown, thinking of the least offensive way to word everything. “They asked questions, but didn’t say anything too bad. Porco thought maybe they saw us kiss. When I blushed, he figured it’s because I had a crush on you before. That’s all.”
Sometimes you believe Zeke is far smarter than he appears, which is already a fair amount. But when he stares at you with gleaming silver eyes that pierce to the heart of the matter, as precise as a surgeon’s blade, you feel fully exposed to him. You have no secrets, not if he wants them bared.
Then he blinks, shakes his head, and gives a laughing huff. “Oh, honey, is that all? Pock just figured out you like me? That’s adorable.” He dips down to kiss you, a tender action that warms you completely until you remember the conversation you just had.
When you part, you’re flustered and confused. Zeke thinks it’s all your usual embarrassment. 
“Say, sweetheart. There’s an event this weekend. It’s a state affair, kinda stuffy, but I’d love to have you come along to keep me company.”
He trails his hands along your arms to intertwine them with yours. “I’d like that.” You know those kinds of things happened in the Walls, too. The military higher ups sometimes had to hobnob with the nobility, which was especially important to Commander Erwin, since the Scouts had the worst budget of all the branches. You’ve never been to one, though. You’re just a random lower-ranked scout.
Zeke gently squeezes your hands. “First time I’ve ever had a date to one of these. I’m looking forward to showing you off.”
It’s another reminder; after all, you’re hardly a proper date. It feels good to know he doesn’t usually bring women, though.
He favors you with another kiss, this one short and chaste, then heads back to the grind.
You grab the book you’ve been perusing, a grade-school level story for Marleyans to help you get better with their writing system, but your thoughts are back with your brother.
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
Another tiktok - rumi
rumi, i ain’t much of a eren simp….so EREN SIMPS COME GET YOUR JUICE.
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jaeger-pups · 1 year
For some reason. An AU where the Marley Warriors are good at football⚽️? The girls, too?? Zeke being a striker??? 🤔
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pondering-apollo · 2 years
Just read “a country once called Marley” and I’m 😭😭😭 I love porco and haven’t really found stories about him so I enjoyed this one even if it broke my heart. It was a great story (: looking forward to what you release next~
Aww, thank you so much! I’m so happy you enjoyed it and also equally sorry I broke your heart! 🙈💖
Porco deserves all the love. If you’re on the hunt for a good Porco story to get your teeth into, may I suggest Hammer by @xokiddo - it’s an epic multichap with the best mix of feels, spice, action and a gripping plot!
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gloriousporcodenial · 2 years
So I love the conjuring movies (the first one the most but I like possession stories I guess, the exorcist is 👌)
So now I have this very dark AU where all the Marley warriors are roommates in a big old house, like they're planning to have a big garden and all. And then there's a Demon.
That's it, that's my new obsession but I might share some doodles of it !
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