#marlene got a sinlge line becuase thats how pandora veiwed her death. short gut punching and miserable
solarisburns · 6 months
Don't think about Pandora and Remus, who were never very close, but always friendly, meeting for coffee after each funeral.
First was Regulus, none of the order could be seen at his public funeral, so they had a private one. Them meeting for coffee wasn't even intentional, Remus was trying to find something to comfort Sirius and Pandora couldn't stand the thought of going back to her and Reg's apartment alone just yet. They didn't say anything but they do smile (wince) at one another across the shop.
Then it was Evan. There were more and more funerals these days but this was the second one that really hurt. Pandora couldn't keep it together after the funeral. Two of her boys gone with in a year, her mind and her soul. All she could do was pray to a god she did not believe in for him not to take Barty, not to take her heart. To not take Dorcas who would not look her in the eyes, not to take her lungs. Remus found her crying in the safe house kitchen and made her a mug of coffee before slipping out of the room.
She did the same for him at Marlene's funeral.
Dorcas went two months later and no one surprised. Pandora had left Barty (who couldn't stop sobbing, she hoped a hot drink would help his inevitable sore throat) when she found Remus chugging whiskey. for some reason it made her start crying all over again, they didn't say anything as she she cried and made three cups of coffee. Eventually she snagged the whiskey and put it away while nudging a cup of coffee closer to the werewolf. Remus had been there when Dorcas died, it was a miracle he got out alive (remus didn't think so). they still didn't say anything.
Lily, James, and Peter were thrown the most extravagant funeral of the century. All anyone wanted to talk about was their sacrifice, the son who defeated the great evil, the order member who went down saving muggles. no one wanted to talk about the people who died, who Remus's friends were beyond their deaths. no one wanted to talk about the traitor who killed them. No one wanted to acknowledge the young boy with a lightning scar who was now an orphan. Pandora and Remus went for coffee after the funeral, they talked about anything that wasn't death for an hour, desperate to escape this crushing grief with someone who understands for just one more minute.
Remus brings Pandora a coffee after she's detained for trying to kill Dumbledore after Barty was sentenced to life in Azkaban without trial. All she could say is that Dumbledore lied, he promised to protect them now they were all dead or gone. This was as close to a funeral Barty Crouch Jr. would ever get.
A few years later Remus sits with Pandora and drinks a coffee wondering what the hell he supposed to do now.
He leaves a coffee on her grave, it only felt right.
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