#markings based on the kitsune statues around Inazuma
losstfrost · 10 months
God's Favourite
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nightglcw · 4 years
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                      Once Inazuma's most sought-after,  most coveted,  most desired oiran,  a courtesan of the highest order.  Inari held such sway over the men of the shogunate with their beauty,  their voice.  It was believed that a word from their lips may bring the sweetest pleasure if uttered in favor,  or bring about the greatest misfortune to any and all who dared cross them.  The grace and beauty of one who once entertained the Shogun herself comes as a veil across the truth...
The fox with a thousand names, a thousand faces, they wear the guise of eternal youth, beauty and grace. But their heart is blackened with desire, with hunger. No longer called to entertain the shogun, the silver fox can now be called upon to entertain those lower than their lord. That is until they disappeared, no longer within the borders of Inazuma.
Name ;  Mizu  .  Mae  .  Izumi True Name ;  Inari Birthday ;  October 27 Age ;  3,000 Species ;  Celestial fox  .  Kitsune  .  Fox Spirit Affiliation ; Inazuma Shogunate  .   Júhuā Inn Vision ;  Cryo Constellation ;  Vulpecula  ,  Little Fox Status ;  Alive  ,  currently located within Liyue. Rarity ;  ★★★★★
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Main Weapon ;  Bow Normal Attack ;  Standard attack for all archers,  performs up to five consecutive shots with a bow. Charged Attack ;   Whilst preforming a more precise Aimed Shot,  Inari will nock three arrows,  a bitter chill wind building over the arrowheads,  and accumulating into an icy coating,  impossibly sharp.  When loosed,  these arrows deal Cryo DMG.  Plunging Attack ;   A shower of icicles in varying sizes manifest mid-air before falling and striking the ground around the vulpine creature,  dealing AoE DMG upon impact. Elemental Skill ; Shapeshift               Without warning,  Inari lunges forward in a near sprint,  their physical form fading from view,  replaced with that of a large white fox.  Their limbs are purple-black in color,  veins of ice blue manifesting throughout the dark fur,  fading into the snowy pelt.  Nine long white tails fan out behind them,  impossibly long and beautiful.  As they dash,  deadly shards of ice erupt from the ground,  piercing their target,  and dealing Cryo DMG.  Elemental Burst ; The Fox’s Wedding               Inari calls forth a phantom nine-tailed fox which runs a circle round their foes.  The air around both Inari and their foes will begin rapidly dropping in temperature, turning the immediate area to ice.  The subzero temperatures will sap their enemies of their strength and their health.  Shards of ice rupture from the ground and descend from the sky as though one is caught in the jaws of an even larger vulpine creature. Passive Skills ;               The Eternal Ice ;  After charged attack, Inari’s five consecutive shots will have a chance to inflict further Cryo DMG for the next 10s.               Fox’s Frozen Dream ;  After Fox’s Wedding, Cryo DMG increases by 20% for all party members for 20s.               Fox’s Gamble ;  Whilst active within the party, Inari has a small chance of receiving higher grade rewards or being met with higher level enemies.
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                      Shortly after news spread that the Shogun was collecting the Visions of her people,  closing the borders and making it nigh impossible for those to leave the land,  a small inn appeared within the close nit harbor city of Liyue.  A unique place of business,  Júhuā Inn offered one the aesthetic based experience of Inazuma,  from the liquor served to the very entertainment.  The owner of the inn,  a man by the name of Zhao,  is rarely seen,  and even harder to locate.  His reason for bringing the aesthetic of another country to Liyue is said to be for the sake of gaining mora now that getting into Inazuma is impossible.  Others believe that it is a cover up for a smuggling operation.  Whatever the case may be,  Zhao’s business appears to be very lucrative.  And perhaps he owes it to his main attraction,  the mysterious oiran,  Izumi.
Izumi is an undeniably attractive woman,  her hair long and white as the snow upon Dragon Spine,  highlights under the top layer of hair are marked by pearlescent colors ranging from delicate hues of baby blues,  pinks,  and even lavender.  Her striking ruby gaze is said to freeze a man on the spot,  and the seductive curl of her lips would bring a man to his knees.  She dresses in elaborate kimonos,  which are believed to have been imported from Inazuma itself!  And word has spread that even she is a rare beauty from the now shut off nation.
To the public,  one would assume that there is nothing altogether strange about the inn,  it’s entertainment,  or even it’s owner.  But to those with a keen sense of mystery or an ear to the ground,  one might notice that there is something odd about both the owner,  Zhao,  and his prized entertainer,  Izumi.  Where did they come from?  When did they arrive in Liyue?  How did they procure the land,  the building rights,  and the goods they offer?
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