#mark Robinson can eat shit and die.
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shylittleunicorn15 · 9 months ago
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He doesn't understand that there are women who keep their skirts down and pants on, but then awful men come wanting to get into their pants and forcibly pull their skirts up and pants off.
I'm tired of seeing this it makes me angry.
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echoequinox · 4 years ago
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you wish to know better (i’m not gonna do that lmao). tagged by @hardisonparker​
name/nickname: echo! no nicknames, thank god
gender: woman comma trans question mark
star sign: i was born under the sign of the shadow on the first of sun’s height (or cancer, for the boring astrology)
height: 5′ 10″ (blech, tall girl squad)
time: 8:42am - only awake this early for a therapist who isn’t responding
birthday: july 1
favorite bands: at the moment uhhhh i dont... really listen to a lot of band bands. i’ll just say linkin park still
favorite solo artist: matt maeson and porter robinson for fuckin SURE
song stuck in my head: hero too from my hero academia by... chrissy costanza, i think?
last movie: i think my roommate made me watch To All the Boys I Loved Before: The Third One
last show: cw flash!! i’m really into it rn it’s fuckin great, cisco is a gem tbh
when did you create this blog: like..... 2013 i think, it was when i came out
what do I post: rarely anything, i dunno, clowns?
last thing googled: survey says.... elder scrolls star signs for the above joke JFDKSALC
do I get asks: no :) <3
why I chose my url: when i changed my name to echo i wanted to overhaul my brand so i moved from realityengineer/realityassassin to echoequinox. equinox doesn’t actually have any special meaning, it’s just another E word i liked, like echo
following: 286 but i really should go prune that and then follow new blogs with my more recent hyperfixations (like flash and my hero)
followers: i actually have like 400 followers but i keep forgetting followers on tumblr don’t mean shit like they do on twitter - zero fuckin engagement when it’s not people you know personally
average hours of sleep: anywhere from 6-14 hours a day, broken up every two hours by my insane sleep apnea that stops my breathing completely. i snore really bad lmfao 
lucky number: lucky? none. i like 7s though, like 7, 17, 27, etc. maybe it’s because they’re usually prime
instruments: so i played trombone in high school (ilu @exrayspex <3) but i dont play anything as of late. i really wanna get into music and make fun music in a daw like fruityloops, which i wholeheartedly believe to be an instrument
what am I wearing: this pink shirt that’s too small for me, like all my shirts. that’s it. the bare minimum of a therapy zoom call
dream job: either novelist or video game designer/writer. i really like writing. i wrote a really smutty monster fucker erotica that i’d love to publish but no one to read and edit it lmao whomp whomp (like it put it up on twitter and it didn’t even get any likes, it was rough)
dream trip: somewhere overseas. i really like italy and i’ve wanted to go to greece since i saw it in mamma mia lmfao 
last book I read: OOOOOH the new star wars novel from the high republic uhhh light of the jedi i think. “read” is a strong word - i finished about half of it and got distracted by everything else in my shitty life
favorite food: taco bell, PERIOD. more specifically like... the crunchwrap i guess - lots of meat and cheese, in a convenient to eat package (pro-tip: customize it in ANY way or you’ll get one of the ones sitting on the rack for like an hour). or the quesadilla but you literally have to get extra everything for it to be worth it, but the sauce is to die for. get the app, y’all, you can customize whatever you want super easy, pay for it there, and at the drive thru be like “i have a mobile order for echo” and that’s IT. minimal contact, it’s a godsend
nationality: white (american)
favorite song: uhhh? right now it’s either Hero Too from my hero or Get Your Wish by Porter Robinson 🥺 it feels so painfully trans (also whenever i see porter robinson i think of the “your brother is gnc af” “YOURE INSANE” post because got damn porter is gnc af lmfao)
top three fictional universes: i gueeess i gotta say....... tamriel (elder scrolls), thedas (dragon age), and the my hero universe? yeah that tracks
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nibsthebravelostboy · 5 years ago
Helping Hope
@itslostgirlmisty @hope-robinson
Misty walked out and followed sounds coming from the kitchen and saw Hope drinking out of the bottle she had bought for Nibs’ to celebrate later tonight. She hid it so Nibs couldn’t see but as she looked at the glass on the floor, she realized she didn’t hide it well enough. “Sweetie did you eat? You shouldn’t be drinking if you haven’t eaten, you will get sick.”
Hope took another sip and just shook her head, “Work called there is an emergency and I have to go. Can’t go crying over my shitty husband now can I?” She asked before taking another sip.
“You know you are expecting so why are you drinking?” He asks Hope before going over and taking the bottle from her. “You can’t work while tipsy or drunk, that is not a good example to set. I will go and handle the issue, you stay here with mom and no more drinking.” He scolded her.
“Hope you're pregnant? Oh that’s great. Does...does Zach know?” She asked as she saw Nibs take away the bottle. “I bought that for you for tonight you know...it was supposed to be a surprise but that’s okay. Really it’s fine.”
“I’m not pregnant. And I didn’t ask you to go for me, I can handle my club by myself. The men in this family never seem to understand I can take care of it by myself. I had to before so it’s no different now.”
Hearing Hope’s words, Nibs growled. “First of all, yes you are. I can hear the heartbeat from here. Second of all, you clearly can’t handle it if you can’t take care of business unless you are drinking. I didn’t ask to go in your place I am telling you I am going in your place. You are to stay here with your mother and that is final. Don’t make me use magic to keep you here because you and I both know I will do it to keep you from hurting yourself.”
Misty listened to the two and took the bottle from Nibs before placing it on the counter. “Hope why don’t you just listen to your father okay? We aren’t doing this to punish you. We are just worried okay? So let’s just calm down and let your father handle it.”
“You can’t tell me what to do. You made it pretty clear that I wasn’t a child anymore so you can’t make decisions for me. And now, now you want to step in? I was living with you and you didn’t care what I did so I really don’t give a shit that now that I am living on my own with my own children that you want to play my parent. You can’t tell me anything but my club, you didn’t help me get it and you aren’t helping me keep it, so you have no say in anything. I don’t care that I’m pregnant and I am going into work and that’s final.”
“Actually so long as you want to act like a child, that is how you will be treated. You are going nowhere and that is fine.” He growled before snapping his fingers so that she couldn’t leave the cove nor do anything to hurt herself. “When you decide to act like an adult we will treat you like one but until then you will be treated as you act.” He tells her.
“Be glad that I am going to help the club and not shut it down after that comment you made. Don’t push it Hope, you know better than to get me angry.” He told her as his eyes glowed red.
“Now you’re angry dad? What about when me and Zach fucked on the table? Or when he kept me locked in a room in the ship? Or when he got me pregnant? When I fucked Dylan? When Ken used me to make Stiles think he wasn’t a fucking loser? Or when Mark said he wanted me? You are angry now dad. I don’t give a fuck. You want me to stay here fine. I fucking will.” She said before moving to the cabinet and throwing plates on the ground. “I will stay here for as long as you want me to.” She said tossing the glass and breaking anything she could.
Misty placed a hand on Nibs, Nibs baby please calm down okay. Please for me. She said to him through her mind before watching Hope start to break things. She moved her and Nibs out of the way so nothing hit her. “Hope stop. You are hurting and we get that but this isn’t going to make the pain go away. You are just hurting other people and it’s not going to help you.” She said watching the glass hit the floor. “Stop Hope I mean it.”
Nibs snapped his fingers so that there was nothing that Hope could throw a tantrum with. “Dylan faced his punishment. You chose to let Ken manipulate you. Mark was fucked up and confessed to everyone he loved them. Stop saying I didn’t care Hope because you and I both know that is not true. I tried to protect you and all you did was rebel against me and then blame me when things didn’t turn out like you wanted, after I told you that that was what would happen. Take responsibility for your actions and stop deflecting them onto others.” He growled.
“Let me think about why I am the way I am dad? Maybe if once, just fucking once you didn’t act like this whole family has love running through them. It’s fucked up idea and that’s not true. I remember all the times you two broke up and I remember watching you come back and act like nothing is wrong. I don’t want this fucking baby with someone I don’t want! Love isn’t going to save us and it’s not going to save my family because it’s not real. So stop pretending we can solve everything because we are soulmates. It’s not real. And I rebelled because look who I have as my parents hm. You and mom fucked us all up. That’s why TJ doesn’t come around, I am the only kid that talks to you two, and the twins fuck each other. We have such great fucking parents.”
“Love means you always come back to each other, you always support each other and are there for each other no matter what happens. Fine, go back to Zach and have him tell you that he doesn’t love you. If you live through that then fine you win but if you start to die then you can’t tell me that soulmate bonds aren’t real. TJ doesn’t come around because he was kicked out for hitting your mother. You are the way you are because you don’t believe in love! You push everyone away from you and expect them to chase after you Hope. You expect to be forgiven for all the mistakes you have made without taking responsibility for them. You cheated on your husband because you were mad he didn’t come home. That was your choice and your decision that has nothing to do with how we raised you. Just because Mark was with someone else and confessed his love to you and tried to cheat on Peter doesn’t mean that you should follow the example of a dead man.”
“There is a reason your mother and I have made it as far as we have and I refuse to let my selfish, spoiled little girl, blame us for choices that you made. We never told you to cheat on your husband, we never told you to sleep around when you were younger. In fact, I remember using magic to keep you from sneaking out and going to all those parties and doing drugs and whatever bullshit you did with those stupid friends of your. You had so much potential Hope, but you made the wrong decisions and there is no one to blame for that except yourself. Your mother took responsibility for her past mistakes, I took responsibility for my past mistakes. I will not stand here and be the object of your anger after always being there for you when you needed me.” He growled angrily as his eyes flashed blue at her words before turning red almost immediately.
Misty stepped in between Hope and Nibs and looked at Hope. “Whatever you say right now we can take it Hope, but this isn’t going to make all that pain that you are feeling go away. You want to blame us, fine. Yes we should have been better parents. We should have tried to separate things from you and our relationship, but we didn’t. We should have stopped you from seeing Zach. That’s what you want to hear right? You want us to take responsibility for allowing you to fall in love? Okay then yes it’s our fault. I told your father I didn’t like him. He was older and a pirate and it’s not like he told you those friends of yours were bad. He was having sex with your grandfather. So it’s my fault for listening to your father.”
“Does that make you happy? Are you done now? I won’t let him back into your life. I will make sure to tell the guards at the castle he can’t see your children and to keep him away from you. You can live with the fact Ombra has him and be okay knowing that your kids and that baby you are having will never see their father again. Say the word Hope and I will do it. If that will make you feel better then I will do it.”
Hope looked at her mom and just scoffed, “You know what, do whatever you want. I hate you. I hate you so much. And just so you know, Grace wasn’t going to kill your baby. She wanted mine. The love of my life wasn’t there so I did what I had to and hid my kids. So I guess when she couldn’t find mine she took yours.” She said pushing past Misty and her father. “You want me to stay then I will.” She said before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door.
Nibs could feel himself more than enraged at Hope’s words and he could feel his fingers curling into his fists and starting to draw blood against his palm. “I was the one that told him to come on the mission with me. You want to be mad at someone for that then be mad at me. Stop acting like you have had such a horrible life, so many people would be lucky to be in your shoes.” He growled before she slammed the door.
He could feel his head pounding again as he went into the living room and shifted into his wolf form. The male had a scratching corner of the cove for when he needed to let out his anger so he just kept ripping at it with his claws.
Misty ran her hands through her hair as she heard the slamming of the door before turning to watch Nibs walk away. She followed him into the living room and watched him shift before going into his corner. She sat on the couch and looked at him, “Do you want to talk, Nibs? I can feel how angry you are and you always said anger isn’t good for the baby so why don’t you come over here and talk to me.”
Nibs knew he had to calm down for the sake of Misty and his child. He huffed before he stopped scratching and just went over and sat down before resting his head against Misty’s lap. Why is parenting so hard? How can you be so calm when she says those hurtful things.
She felt him resting his head in her lap and started petting him as she shrugged. “Because I know that behind those words is our daughter who is really hurt right now. And I rather her hurt us then herself. Of course it hurts but, I know if she wasn’t hurting she wouldn’t say those things. She says them because then she isn’t the only one in pain. She is a lot like you used to be. So scared of just letting the people who cared about you see your true feelings.”
That is not an excuse to use abusive words Misty. It shouldn’t be justified just because someone is in pain. Yes, but I also never gave up no matter how hard it got. I mean there were times when we had hurt each other but we forgave each other and moved on because we valued our love for each other over some petty mistakes. It doesn’t make it okay just like it wasn’t okay when Ryan and Finn said those things to you. There are other ways of dealing with it than lashing out. Hell, I had to go to therapy to get over all that. I knew I wouldn’t be happy if I couldn’t just let go of that fear.
“That’s because you are a very protective puppy. You don’t like when things hurt other people and it is very cute, but when it comes to our children, especially a teenage girl they are going to say things that they don’t mean because they can. You know Hope loves you. I know she loves me. Hell I know she loves Zach. I just wish she would stop being so scared to be herself.”
What does that even mean anymore? I feel like I don’t even know her anymore. It’s frustrating because I wanted to keep her safe for her own good but she never accepted that either. She got hurt but yet she still never listened to us. I hope that she can save him before it’s too late because if she loses him, then we might lose our daughter.
“What are you talking about, this is exactly how I felt with you. You were running being some type of playboy and acting like you didn’t want real love when I knew that you loved me and didn’t want to be that person. It was so annoying watching you with other people, but I stayed by you and supported you. Hope has always been widely independent. Yes I wish she would’ve let us shield her from the horrors of the world, but we can help her now. So I need you to know she didn’t mean it.”
When I thought I lost you...it made me realize that I was being selfish and that I needed to wake up. The only way to keep you safe like I wanted, was to stop being so scared to love and be with you. You almost died before my eyes Misty. If I had lost you without you knowing what I felt for you, without knowing how it felt to be truly loved. I would have never forgiven myself. He tells her as he lets out a sigh.
She smiled softly as she kissed his head, “I always knew Nibs. Before you said anything, the way you looked at me...the way you would smile at me when you thought I wasn’t looking. I always knew. And I love you so much. Everything we have ever been through is for this moment together and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
He shifted back before giving her a kiss. “I just wish she knew of the same love that we have for each other. I wish she knew that while life might throw some curveballs in the end it is all worth it to be with the one you love.” Nibs joined Misty on the couch and rested his head against her shoulder. “I wish we could show her it’s okay to be vulnerable with the one you love. It’s scary but it's so freeing to finally accept how you feel and opens you up to feel more than just some surface love.”
Misty kissed Nibs back before feeling him beside her. She took his hand and rested it against her stomach. “Well now she’s back and we have that chance. Regardless of how badly she wants to be viewed as an adult she is still a child and we have to help her. Even if she doesn’t want it.”
“How do we do that?” He asks before feeling the baby kick slightly causing him to smile. “The more we try to help the more she will pull away…”
“She is a teenage girl. We just have to do it without caring about her fits. We can do it.” She said looking at him. “I guess this is the end of our honeymoon.”
“Yeah I guess so. Well it was nice while it lasted.” He says before giving her a kiss.
She kissed him back as she smiled softly, “Yes it was. I’m sorry it couldn’t be longer. I know how excited you were.” She said before kissing him again.
“It’s okay, we can always continue this another time once things are settled down.” He reassures her with a smile before kissing her back.
“Yeah that’s a great idea.” She smiled. “Are you going to go to the club?”
“Oh right, yeah I will. Did you want to come? It’s not like Hope can leave or hurt herself if we leave her here.” He offers up.
“I’m more concerned about what you do when someone looks at me wrong. I should probably stay. Besides if this is my last night in my honeymoon I want to take a very nice and relaxing bubble bath.”
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