#marik plays aversion
rycien · 7 years
‘Marik Gra w Aversion’ Translation
lordtheevil presents
Marik Plays Aversion
Ah, yes. Another beautiful- AH!
Where am I? This isn’t my room. It’s supposed to be sand coloured, not a metal grille wallpaper.
Is this a tanning bed? If so, then where’s the ultraviolet lightbulb?
Okay, found it. Well, the friggin’ switch doesn’t work. Something tells me that this isn’t an ultraviolet lightbulb.
This is supposed to open these doors1. Why don’t these doors want to open?!
What is this? Ah ha, a fan. Now you are my faithful servant, and I shall give you the name Steve the Fan2.
And now, Mr. Steve the Fan3, your first task shall be to air out the tanning bed!
You’re doing well. You’re spinning slowly, but in the right direction.
What, you’ve never seen a tanning bed that folds at the press of a button?
Of course I keep a flashlight and a magazine4 under my bed, what else could I do in a hole like this?
Oh, of course I keep a key in a safe, who doesn’t do that?
What’s this, a book in the garbage? [As if reading the title] ‘The Best Collection of Harley Quinn’, [hurriedly putting it down] I didn’t leave anything strange behind.
I’ll use my reliable door opening skills. Open doors at my command! Well, lovely. It just led me to another door.
Ha ha, my skills! Oh, even better, it led me to a hallway with whole bunch of doors.
Well, good. Where am I now?
Ha ha, my skills! Ha ha, my unfailing skills!
A book! ‘Antigone’. Bleh! [Throws book away] No one’s interested in a story about women digging graves.
Wow! What a great … ‘KEY’. ‘KEY’, ‘key’, ‘key’ or ‘kij’5? A great ‘key’, ‘ke-ey’, ‘kij-key’.
Is this a locker room for the Jagiellonian University students? Because this is exactly what I imagined it would look like. Oh, Red Bull. [Takes can]
‘KE-E-EY’. [Mimicking machine noises] Bow. Bow, bow, bow, bow. [‘Beep’ noise heard from machine] Is that you, R2D2?
What is this supposed to be, a friggin’ cabinet opening simulator? The worst part is there’s nothing even in them, only school textbooks. Let’s see, first grade, second grade, third.
Oh, a radio! Finally, something different. Radio Z, only the greatest hits.
[Singing] ♫Party at Steve’s. Party at Steve’s. Party at Steve’s. Party, party ‘til the morning.6 ♫
Aaaahh! Book, what have you done?!
This has got to be one of Bakura’s missing books: ‘How to kill people on tanning beds’. You’re going to go to a corner and think about what you’ve done7.
Of course, you’ve hidden the body. But it’s nothing, my great mind is telling me that I’ll find the body here, because this is really the only place that I can look around here anyway.
Oh, of course not, it’s only the diet of every student: Red Bull, a magazine, and a glowing ‘KE-EE-EY’.
Something tells me that this was the book of the month.
Open Sesame! Ha ha, the great Marik hacks into the account! Well, good. Now where’s the exit?
Crystallography, Geology, The Basics of Paleontology for First Class, twenty-fourth volume, the twenty-third was more interesting.
Aw, I thought there would be fish in here, but they’re just imported goods.
The only things I’m collecting are the missing pages to ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, the illustrated edition. My task is to find the entire collection.
Fascinating. [Sing-song voice] Loading.
[Singing] ♫Mr. Steve, your name is called out. Melt down the drain8♫ – because there’s nothing like a fierce party in wet T-shirts in a dark library. The only thing that’s missing is some annoying guy who’s going to ask me if I scanned my card, or ask if I read the book.
[Ominous sounds] Meh? What’s happening? How wa- Waaahhhh! Mr. Librarian wants to punish me for my third grade homework assignment! Quickly Mr. Steve the Fan, protect me from him, Fan Power Activation!
Oh, oh it worked. Whee!
It’s a good thing at least that he didn’t ask if I returned the book. Heh, fool. I’m not paying the fine.
Ha, ha! Excellent! ‘Greatness’ is my second name. My first is Marik. No, seriously, on my birth certificate its written ‘Marik the Great9 Sebastian Ishtar III’.
Okay, why is someone putting these ‘keys’10 in the garbage? But what I really wanted to say was ‘KE-EE-EY’.
Oh, oh, AH! These barrels are made of balloons!
This game deserves an award. Beating up balloons in the shape of barrels: 10/10.
Okay, I know what this game is reminding me of- AHHHH! Again! O-oh no! The barrels are taking revenge on me and blocking me in!
What am I doing? What do I do? Ah, it’s you again!
All right, Mr. Steve the Fan, do your thing. Mr. Steve the Fan, we must be very quiet.
Good, the librarian walked through the wall. Everything’s going according to plan.
Get out of here you useless barrels! We could have joined forces and conquered the world but NO, we’re barrels.
Oh, look. I have the exact same oven at home.
Whee! Ah ha, books! AH HA, my ticket out of here! And besides that, this carpet is friggin’ sucks. I don’t like it and that’s my argument.
[Heavy sarcasm] If it wasn’t for this game I never would have figured out how to open cupboards. Practice makes perfect. Just a bit longer and I’ll be able to open real cupboards.
Oh, Mr. Librarian is in the area. Hey, it’s a good thing I have Mr. Steve the Fan, he’ll chase him off.
WRAAHHH! Mr. Steve the Fan, use your power!
Mr. Steve the Fan, you’ve let me down for the last time.
Marik plays Aversion
Made by Marik the Great Sebastian Ishtar III
Clips from the game “Aversion”
Available from the page: http://aversion-game.co.uk/download/
Special thanks to: angellychan, Little Kuriboh, Kondzik
[read books!]
  1 ‘Doors’ is only has a plural form in Polish, and since I can’t exactly tell if there is only one door or a double door, I went with the plural form.
2 The term used is ‘Fan Stephan’, which is a rhyme that does not carry through to English. ‘Stephan’ would also be the closest Polish equivalent to Steve.
3 The term used is ‘Panie Fanie Stephanie’, which is a longer, different rhyme from the one previously used for the fan. The ‘-ie’ prefixes make it something like a cute nickname.
4 Marik specifically uses the word ‘Świerszczyka’, referring to the illustrated Polish magazine for children ‘Świerszczyk’. Since what Marik seems to be going for is a reference to a children’s book to offset the creepy atmosphere of the location he is in, I just replaced it with ‘magazine’.
5 Marik is relating how the English word ‘key’ sounds identical to the Polish pronunciation of ‘kij’, meaning stick or staff.
6 Marik seems to be parodying the song ‘Bania u Cygana’, by using the name Steve instead of Cygana.
7 The phrase used was ‘pójdziesz w odstawkę’ which is a figure of speech meaning to be dismissed or removed from a situation. Since being sent to a corner is a disciplinary action used to reprimand children who misbehave into reflecting on their actions, I used this instead.
8 I do not recognize the song being referred to. While Marik is indeed rhyming, it does not carry over to English.
9 If you were to translate ‘Genialność’ directly, it would be Greatness. In the context of placing it in his name, however, I changed it to ‘the Great’, as that has better structure for his name in English and sounds more boastful.
10 The term used was ‘kije’, which is the plural form of the word ‘kij’, meaning stick or staff. As previously mentioned, Marik relates how similar this sounds to the actual key he has.
This video is from the YouTube channel  GryKarcianeDlaDzieci, which takes the abridged series and translates it to Polish. The voices and translations are pretty exact, which I think they did an amazing job on. I am a big fan of Marik’s Let’s Plays, so finding a new one was super exiting! It really surprised me how in character this is to the abridged series, this being an original script of theirs. I’m pretty sure there are other fans out there who don’t understand Polish, so I listened through and translated it to English. I myself am not affiliated with the channel.
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