#mariano rajoy ai mis yu
preludio-carmesi · 4 years
atla characters as Spain's ex-president (Mariano Rajoy) quotes
with their respective translation :D
Iroh after finally setting up democracy in the Fire Nation: Venga ya, toma democracia
(Come on, there you have democracy¹)
Ba Sing Se guys after telling everyone that there is no war: Lo que nosotros hemos hecho, cosa que no hizo usted, es engañar a la gente
(What we've done, something that you didn't, is scam our people)
Aang: Haré todo lo que pueda y un poco más de lo que pueda si es que eso es posible, y haré todo lo posible e incluso lo imposible si también lo imposible es posible
(I'll do everything I can and a little more than what I can if that is possible, and I'll do everything that's possible and even the impossible if the impossible as well is possible)
Sokka: Porque después del año 14 viene el año 15
(Because after year 14 comes year 15)
Zuko: It´s very difficult todo esto
(Es muy difícil² all of this)
Suki: Me gustan los catalanes porque hacen cosas
(I like catalonians³ because they do things)
Ozai: Todo lo que se refiere a mí y que figura allí y a los compañeros de partido que figuran ahí, no es cierto, salvo alguna cosa que han publicado los medios
(Everything that refers to me and features me there and the coworkers of the party that feature there, it's not true, except for some things that the media has published)
Also Zuko: No he dormido nada, no me pregunten demasiado
(I haven't slept anything, don't ask me too much)
Katara: Un vaso es un vaso y un plato es un plato
(A glass is a glass and a plate is a plate)
Toph: Los chuches, nos suben hasta el IVA de los chuches⁴
(The sweets, they even increase the VAT of the sweets)
¹: it's not exactly like that, but who cares
²: i translated it into Spanish to keep the essence of this wonderful quote
³: from Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain
⁴: instead of using 'las' as he should, Rajoy changed the pronouns and used 'los', fun fact
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