#mariams show list
thethief1996 · 11 months
700 Palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours and the airstrikes are more violent each night. Gaza's hospitals have fuel left for two more days. Israel only allowed aid into Gaza on the condition they didn't carry fuel. The Indonesian hospital has shut down already, because doctors have no supplies and no choice but to let the wounded die. They're calling it a collapse but the term doesn't do it justice.
Over a 100 incubator babies are at risk. There are 50.000 pregnant women in Gaza right now, and 5.500 due to give birth this month. Menstruating people are taking pills in order to stop their periods, because they do not have pads or water to maintain hygiene. Surgeons are operating without anesthesia. Water is not reaching Gazans because there's no electricity or fuel for water pumps.
There's no excuse for this. Israel justifies the airstrikes by saying they want to destroy Hamas infrastructure and release the hostages, but they have refused to negotiate for their release. Hamas informed Israel they wanted to release two elderly women without anything in return, and Israel refused. Netanyahu said they wouldn't take their own civilians back because it was "mendacious propaganda." When the hostages were finally released, Netanyahu prohibited the hospital from giving press releases. Yocheved Lifshitz went behind their backs and talked to the press anyway, saying she was treated very well by Hamas, but the government abandoned them. They're being used as straw men. Israel is conditioning the entry of fuel to the release of hostages and yet, according to The Wall Street Journal, when Hamas proposed to exchange 50 hostages for fuel they denied. IDF officials have said they fear the release of more hostages because that might withhold the order to their ground invasion. They do not care as long as they can use the hostages as a pretext for their slaughtering.
There's a turning tide for Palestine in public support. Support for Israel was built through decades of propaganda and we are making a dent into it. Zionists are desperate, holding zoom meetings to promote zionism, but we have to do so much more. We have to shame people in power into supporting the Palestinian cause.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices, looking to inform yourself from the sources. Palestinians have asked of us only that we share, tweet and post, over and over. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera
Anadolu Agency
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Al-Shabaka (twitter / instagram)
Mariam Barghouti (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza
Take action. You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting (don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. Only boycott additional brands if you can):
Ahava cosmetics
Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate. Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London. Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN GERMANY: Here's a toolkit to contact your representatives by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN IRELAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN POLAND: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN DENMARK: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN SWEDEN: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Here are upcoming events:
CANBERRA/NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA – Wed Oct 25, 11 am, National Press Club. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyh1xy1BMrU/
OXFORD, ENGLAND – Wed Oct 25, 12:15 pm, Cornmarket. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CykroKeInz3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
SMITH COLLEGE (US) – Wed Oct 25, 12 pm, Chapin Lawn. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CymT8f5vnHN/?img_index=1
ST CATHERINES, ON ( CANADA) – Wed Oct 25, 6 pm, 61 Geneva St Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/889319005528757/
TORONTO, CANADA – Wed Oct 25, 5 pm, Sidney Smith Hall. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyjVbpGvva8/
SANT CUGAT, CATALONIA, SPAIN – Thurs Oct 26, 6 pm, Davant l’Ajuntament. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CynL834tgg9/?img_index=4
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 27, 7 pm, Federation Square. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyhyd0vhP8t/
LIVORNO, ITALY – Sat Oct 28, 2:30 pm, Piazza Cavour. Info https://www.instagram.com/p/CyiWJ06MXpM/
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (US) – Sat Oct 28, 1 pm, Lake Street and Minnehaha.
ROME, ITALY – Sat Oct 28, Rome. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyi7ey-MMs1/?img_index=1
ROME, ITALY – Sat Nov 4, Rome. Info TBA: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyndKUitnMU/
WASHINGTON, DC (USA) – Sat Nov 4, 12 pm, White House. Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyiecRtr9-B/
Wollongong: Rally at Crown Street Mall Amphitheatre on 21 Oct at 1 PM
Melbourne: Blak and Palestinian Solidarity Rally at Victorian Parliament House Steps on 25 Oct at 6 PM
HOUSTON: Thursday, October 26th, 5:45PM, Rice University, Central Quad
VANCOUVER: OCT 28 at 2PM, Vancouver Art Gallery
KITCHENER: Wednesday October 25th at 5 PM at CBC Kitchener
SANTA ANA: 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701, October 25th at 5:30 pm
TORONTO: WED. OCT 25 at 7PM at Queen's Park
[CAR RALLY] WASHINGTON D.C: Wednesday 10/25 outside the US State Department on the 23rd Street side
Feel free to add more.
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We all know Damian Wayne is on the schools high alert. Like my man’s list of crimes committed is longer than the class roster. This leaves us with the school counselors having a debate of culture shock or autism on the legal, but weird things he does.
Counselor 1: Look, yes bringing a dog to school on a random day is unorthodox, but this may be his first time in a formal classroom.
Counselor 2: Mmn. It’s giving comfort pet and misunderstanding of why no other kids bring their pets.
Counselor 3: Autism would explain his difficulty making friends.
1: So could being Arab, this is Jersey for hell’s sake. He walks up to kids and they run away.
3: What did neuropsychology say?
2: He showed up to the hospital with a sword and got escorted out.
1: Okay, maybe reading the room isn’t his strong suit, but hospitals are different in the Himalayas.
2: Not a chance he’s read the entire Mariam-Webster English dictionary and has a father who’s lived in Jersey his whole life and is ignorant to basic rules.
3: Autism is genetic too; Bruce… is a character.
*This debate went on for hours*
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Little One - Story AU! | Chapter 7
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Paring: Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: You are the only daughter of Jacaerys Velaryon, future lord of the tides. After the victory of Aegon and his side in the war, your family suffers the rejection in Driftmark. There you must always give an account to the king's new hand, Aemond Targaryen. However, when the time comes, Aegon and his court claim you as Queen Helaena's lady-in-waiting. As a new piece of the Greens' strategy to coerce your father, you are taken to King's Landing to begin your life in high society. Aemond will be, much to his pleasure, in charge of guiding you in this new stage.
Tags: Alternate Universe/ Enemies to Lovers/ Emotional Hurt/Comfort Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st, at some points.
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know):  @thedamewithabook @bluevxnus @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @qyburnsghost @croatianprincess @hopeless-addiction-love
Author´s note:  Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Acknowledgment: To @ammo23 for the brilliant corrections and the wonderull work as beta reader, for all the patience and the love that always shows for my writing. Thank you so much :D
Word Count: 3.5K
"You'll end up being the queen of love and beauty if the tournament goes on like this", Mariam sighed sweetly, and the princess rolled her eyes, annoyed, even though she knew it was true.
Daeron would win in the arenas if business as usual continued. Jaehaera sat at the window that led to the training yard of the Red Keep. You had already been sitting there for a while, and all the young girl did was sit next to you. Mariam moved close, leaning against the thick stone wall but keeping an eye on the training ground.
The truth is that Larys's daughter had become your shadow since the first day of the tournament had ended, and you had an idea of ​​why: she was alone. Very alone. As lonely as you and the princess, that loneliness had ended up uniting three girls who were going from being treated like girls to realising their importance as women.
The three of you were maturing, each in her own way but all locked within the literal and metaphorical walls that the war had raised against you. "Do you think that in the last celebration of the tournament, someone will ask you to dance?" Mariam asked again. While Larys's daughter was growing obsessed with liking a knight, a lord, or a simple man in general, Jaehaera had educated herself not to fall for such trivial topics. Daeron and his presence had greatly helped bring about a silent maturity that had little or nothing to do with young Strong's character. You, for your part, didn't know if you would ever grow up, but you were doing it like the others. Simply, the fact that your father had protected you from everything did not help you to develop into a full woman; after all, everyone referred to you as "little".
You were your father's little girl, your grandfather's little girl, the little one to Aemond. The hand of the King had ignored you for the last three days of the tournament ever since Ser Gargalen had dedicated each and every one of his jousting victories to you. You hadn't exchanged a single word with him, yet he always smiled at you with that sincere, daring grin that only southerners seemed to have, and your heart always seemed to quicken slightly whenever he appeared riding her black hair, muzzle. Strange. According to what your grandfather had told you, those horses were originally from the south, and that same day that Corlys had told you about those desert steeds that always raised their tails when they ran, Aemond had withdrawn without a word to you. You supposed that he had ended up tense and annoyed by all the praise and comments that your grandfather made every time the Dornish boy went out. Be that as it may, Aemond was gone, and a small part of you, a very small part, yearned for his ever-looming, shadowy presence. Something in that imperturbable face drew you in, and you would be lying if you didn't accept that you loved seeing him.
“I'm not worried about being asked to dance,” Jaehaera replied with a shrug, keeping an eye on her uncle, who was practicing with his sword next to his squire. The prince smiled at his niece, and she smiled back with a slight nod.
Perhaps the princess didn't mind being asked to dance, but she did like to feel desired, and Daeron fulfilled all those requests more than gladly. "It's never something that has caught my attention," she said in a whisper as she looked at you. You gazed around the training ground, almost hoping to see the Dornish knight who had dedicated each victory to you, but Ser Gargalen never seemed to train with the rest of the men of Westeros. You hadn't seen a single southerner during those days on the castle walls. While the rest of the men from the west walked around as if the castle were theirs, the Dornishmen stayed outside the walls. As you well knew, Dorne was not yet part of Aegon II's reign, even though he proclaimed himself King of the Seven Kingdoms. "And you, (Y/N)? Do you think someone will ask you to dance?" Jaehaera asked with a half-smile.
"I don't think anyone will.” You smiled innocently, and Mariam approached you with joy and self-confidence. Her crippled leg made her walk slower and wobbly than the others, but that didn't mean she wasn't a girl her age, with the desires of a girl her age.
"Ser Gargalen will take you out, even if he loses. He shows too much interest" She laughed, amused, as she tried to turn as if imitating a dance. "I've always wanted to be kicked out, but, well, I don't think any gentleman wants to dance with a duck." She laughed as if she didn't care, but she did; of course, she did. She knew she wasn't pretty, but her limp didn't help men notice her either. Mariam was the daughter of someone important, so she would marry. However, she would not get the fairy tale she wanted. She didn't know that no woman ever got what she wanted, but she thought it was all down to her leg.
"There will be someone," Jaehaera smiled as if trying to comfort the young girl. Mariam kept trying to dance, and you and the dragon princess laughed with her. At a moment like this, it almost seemed that you were a girl of your age living in a moment of your own. And those moments reminded you of Driftmark. You kept laughing. At that moment, your eyes returned to the training field, it was almost night, but you recognised a silhouette that was hiding in the shadows of the gate.
The princess and Mariam stopped laughing when they saw how you were now looking at the training ground with interest. "Is there Ser Gargalen?" the youngest of them asked, almost elbowing herself open to see the young Dornishman showing off like a peacock, just like he always did. The girl sighed when she saw the King's hand.
"It is only the hand of the King. I guess he's going to practice," you commented without taking your eyes off him. It was the first time you'd seen him in three days, and even in his workout clothes, you still found him attractive.
"He always practices this hour," Jaehaera replied, bored by the shift in focus. The young princess moved away from the window and sat down next to a table where dinner would be served to you sooner or later. "Ser Criston said he could have won all the tournaments he wanted when he was young, but according to my uncle, he didn't care about them," she shrugged. Talking about Aemond always bored her, yet she was always amused by the look on your face when you saw him. She was beginning to think that surely you also felt something for her uncle and that what the one-eyed man dreamed of was not so far from his reach.
"That's because he didn't have a lady to woo," Mariam sighed, almost maddened by the presence of the King's hand. "I would let myself be courted by him..." you heard her say, and you could only look at her without believing what your ears were hearing. "He is so…."
“Arrogant and pretentious?” Jaehaera asked, laughing at the situation. And Mariam looked at her, her eyes bugging out, almost as if her great love had been insulted. "Mariam, fall in love with whoever you want, not with whoever your father tells you to," the princess whispered to her in a confident tone, and the girl blushed. She looked at you, embarrassed, as she looked back to the front. Now Daeron and Aemond practiced in silence, and you all remained without speaking until dinner arrived, perhaps because each one was lost in their thoughts, but especially little Strong, who had never been told that she could be interested in another man who was not liked by his father.
"I tell you, you don't have balls", Martell shouted against Trystane Gargalen, the future heir to the tiny and irrelevant house onSalt Shore. The newly knighted boy stared at his comrade-in-arms in disbelief while the Sunspear boy, who had to be his age or similar, pounded the table with the ferocity of southern men. All the young people of more or less his age were gathered outside the castle walls, not only the southerners, those who had not lived through the war or who had only experienced it in the first years of their lives, had gathered around wine, beer and the music that some young man from Sunspear, who knows which one, had organized. It was far from the constrained and sad paternal gazes who longed for and disapproved of that behaviour at the same time.
"You don't know if I have the manhood to do it or not", snapped the young man fromSalt Shore, the one who had dedicated each and every one of the duels he had won to you. All the young people sitting at his table in that makeshift hut laughed at the young man.
A young Rickon Stark, son of Cregan Stark and future Lord of Winterfell, was sitting a few tables further away than that group of young men from the desert, who talked about kidnapping princesses, being mercenaries, or simply claiming things the way things were claimed in the south. With passion and fierceness.
Rickon didn't drink wine like they did; none of the northerners who accompanied him in silence did. He just sipped his beer in silence and with a sulky gesture as those he was listening to the boys from the south made him angry. "I can enter the fortress and take her in front of all the guards, take her with me to Salt Shore and be happy for what's left of our lives," the newly knighted young man cried, and everyone at that table laughed.
"First, you should get laid and see if you two work between the sheets before you do something like that. Suppose she is terrible in bed later," the young Martell chuckled in a whisper as Trystane sat back down. Just as the young Gargalen was about to respond with an even more vile comment, Rickon Stark broke the silence at their table. He had lived through the war, or at least in part, and he wasn't thinking of going through a similar conflict again for you, much less for your family.
"There would be a war if you do that; thousands would die because you made a fairy tale come true," said the northerner, intruding on a conversation that had little or nothing to do with him or perhaps too much. After all, one of Jacaerys Velaryon's pacts had been to promise his first daughter to Rickon; another thing was that the pact had been broken at the same moment that the Greens won the war. "Not to mention that the King's hand would surely emasculate you as it found you. Those women have owners, boy.” Rickon turned his gaze forward, fixing it on the crowd that danced in front of him. His table fully expected the southerner's reaction to such a provocation, but Trystane Gargalen only laughed. All the young nobles were there, perhaps the only ones missing were you, the princess and the daughter of Larys. But few heard the words of the young man from Salt Shore.
"What will a cold northerner know of the hot and burning passion of the south?" replied the young Martell, challenging Rickon to speak with his eyes, but Rickon only shrugged.
"Absolutely nothing, but I do know more than you do about the war that just sixteen years ago filled almost the entire West with Blood and Fire", he responded reluctantly. Both tables fell silent. Up to that moment, all the young people who had laughed and celebrated now remained silent, as well as the grumpy northerners who accompanied Rickon; it almost seemed that all of them were looking for a confrontation. But Dorian Martell just walked up to Rickon Stark and laughed as he put his hands on the northern giant's shoulders. Everyone tensed as the party continued around them.
"Relax northerner. We would never touch something that you consider yours," he whispered in his ear, and Rickon Stark tensed because he knew that the young Martell's words were true. You had only attended the celebrations of Aegon's name day without noticing his presence, that at one time was the man destined to marry you. You had only been a shadow of Aemond; he had heard the rumours running through the city like a virus.
When you weren't with him, you dedicated yourself to making eyes at that southerner, and meanwhile, Rickon Stark, the man who was once going to be your husband, only received your indifference. Martel squeezed his shoulders again, sighing through his teeth. "She must be so tight, only if the King's hand hasn't made his way inside your girl, of course," Rickon rose like an automaton and punched Dorian Martell in the jaw. Those boys engaged in a pitched battle in which Trystane Gargalen ended up punching out the son of Gregan Stark. The young man from Salt Shore had other plans for tonight. Other plans that included your presence, although he wasn't thinking of kidnapping you, at least for the moment.
It was already late, but you were still with the princess and Mariam, now walking through the palace gardens. You listened to the music that came from outside the palace walls, where all the young nobles had gathered that night. Everyone except you. Jaehaera hadn't wanted to go or really knew she couldn't go; neither her eyes nor her hair was easy to hide, and she didn't want to attract attention any more than it already did between the walls of the Red Keep.
Mariam had been left wanting if only to wobble from one place to another while the music played. However, a small part of you would have enjoyed going to the party with the youngest; you have always attended all the ones that had been held in Driftmark. Always with sad faces and serious looks when the King's hand decided to come. But that party was different. It would just be people your age having a good time, much like the camaraderie you had found with the girls you swam with at the beach.
Another part of you screamed that it would be fooling Aemond, finally seeing the young Ser Gargalen. You just sat next to them on one of the benches in the palace gardens, literally watching the night go by. You were all silent, each deep in her own thoughts. One of the knights of the royal guard was following you closely, although it was obvious that the man would have preferred a thousand times to go to rest rather than following closely three young men who should already be in bed.
Finally, Jaehaera began to notice the exhaustion. She was the first one you escorted to her room, then Mariam had her turn, but when you reached your chambers, the royal guard, accompanied by his white cloak, spoke to you in a deep voice, but a whisper that only you could detect. "The hand wants to see you tonight, my lady." You blushed without saying a single word, and the royal guard looked away as if he, too, suspected the purpose of Aemond requesting to see you so late.
"He asked me to tell you once the princess had departed and was not in our presence.” He was a careful man, he wasn't going to let Jaehaera go where she wasn't called, and you just nodded. You followed that knight in silence through the corridors of the Red Keep until you reached Aemond's chambers. You entered the most sepulchral silence while that gentleman pitied you with his gaze. You were the new object of desire from the King's hand. Anyone in the Red Keep would pity you.
Dressed in the colours of your house, you timidly approached the desk where Aemond was taking notes from an old history book. He stopped writing when he detected your presence and tiredly leaned back in his chair. You greeted him with a nod, and he stood up, moving towards you. He smelled like a mixture between ink and steel, and one of his hands grabbed your chin so you could look at it. “Are you enjoying the tournament?” You never thought of sharing a moment of intimacy like that with him. Yet there you were in the middle of the night, with him, caressing your face. You saw that his eye was trying to decipher something that he would never confess to you. He looked at you as if you were the most precious thing in the Seven Kingdoms.
"Yes, my prince", you replied while he now caressed your bottom lip. He ran his thumb slowly, imagining those lips around his cock. Aemond would never admit it, but perhaps he had drunk too much wine that night. That made him braver, and that made him realize what he himself wanted. He, like a simple man, not like the prince, not like the hand of the King. You felt a pleasant chill as he caressed you. You closed your eyes, and he brought his lips closer to yours without actually kissing you. Just imagining what the contact of their lips would be like at that moment.
"The nights are cold in the red fortress", he confessed without any haste, and you opened your eyes at that moment. You saw a broken man. He has always been always upright and formal, aware of his family and his kingdom. You saw the man who was hiding behind so much coldness.
"Above all, they are cold for those who cannot sleep, haunted by their ghosts" He kept talking to you while your eyes, your precious eyes, were still fixed on him. "Hmm... I always wonder if you would like to help me sleep..." That proposition made your eyes widen, and Aemond only laughed at your innocence.
"I…" You swallowed hard, and Aemond pressed his body closer to yours. You felt a strange warmth in your lower belly, and Aemond thought how virgin girls were always fun. Although he had never had the pleasure of being with any. The alcohol made him not think clearly.
"Lord Gargalen sent me a marriage proposal today, for you, with his flagrant son", he confessed, separating his body from yours with what little sanity he had left at that moment. He walked over to the table and poured more wine into his empty glass. He didn't wait for your answer. He already knew it, even if you were afraid to verbalize it. That curse pronounced so many years ago from Alys's lips had shown him that you were part of it too. A fundamental part, much to his regret. "Cregan Stark has done the same with his son, although this proposal has reached your grandfather."
"You said that the Queen's ladies always get the best suitors," you told him in a whisper while he took a sip of his drink, his back to you, after sneering at the words he himself had told you. Now he was simply lost. He didn't look at you, not wanting to face your presence or the fact that he had narrowly taken you as his own, claimed as one of the most prized possessions of the only one-eyed dragon in the realm.
"None of them would be worthy of you," he confessed, looking at you for a single moment. "They may be young and believe they are great fighters, but you don't need a man like that," he approached you again, although this time he did it with a book that he placed in your hands.
“Help me fall asleep. That is all I ask of you.” Aemond took your hand as he led you silently to one of the armchairs that were next to the fireplace in his room. The fireplace was off. It wasn't necessary to have on as there was a multitude of candles that gave the feeling it was on. They were necessary for what he wanted to do with you. He elegantly and courteously seated you in one of the armchairs while he tiredly fell into another of the armchairs placed in front of you.
"You will no longer only attend the Queen. You will come here every night, and you will read for me what I say until I say," he told you tiredly, slipping into his seat. You looked at him confused, surprised that he had only asked you for something so... simple, as innocent as you. You looked at the book. It was a dusty book and yellow pages about the history of dragons in Ancient Valyria. You began to read without knowing that, not far from there, two boys your age were fighting for your favour, while that dragon had you just in one of the many ways he wanted you.
Aemond smirked at hearing your voice, just for him.
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mateodoodle · 4 months
Yes, the Blockout2024 is important but are you following Palestinian creators? Do you engage with content, products, art, etc made by Palestinians? I admit that even I personally have only recently begun intentionally engaging with Palestinian creators/activists/artists online so this is in no way a harsh criticism. Rather, I want non-Palestinians like myself to show more effort into uplifting Palestinians with the same fervor we distance ourselves from the celebs who at best do the bare minimum. We need to do better than the celebrities we are targetting. This is a great continuation of the efforts this trend and others like it are creating.
You can't just eliminate the voices who do harm from your circle of influence. You also have to amplify, enage with, and financially back Palestinians directly. No more politics telephone. No more listening to your fave white (and simply non-Palestinian) content creators who heard x from their fave white/non-Palestinian content creators who heard x from their faves and so on. Learn about Palestine directly from the mouths of Palestinians. Non-Palestinian allies are integral to this movement, but we need to center Palestinians in our education, conversation, and the ways we spend our money
V short list of starting points under the read more! Most on Instagram admittedly bc thats the only other social media I frequent
And please! Share your favorite Palestinian creators, celebrities, comedians, etc whether they're on this list or not!
Amira Jazeera (pop singer, she reminds me a bit of Chappell Roan though I know v little of her aesthetic and musical style) on Instagram @/amirajazeera
Bashar Murad (almost got into Eurovision, wonder why he wasn't permitted 🙄 (eye-roll) and his new single "Wild West" i listened to on repeat for um. Far too long) on Instagram @/basharmuradofficial
Hirbawi (last Palestinian keffiyah store on Palestinian soil, beautiful designs as well as advocacy) on Instagram @/hirbawi
For Your Viewing Pleasure (Palestinian/indigenous-owned, women run clothing shop creates great pro-Palestine and generally left-leaning clothes and tote bags that make a political statement (do not wear easily recognizeable clothes like their products at protests!)) On Instagram @/foryourviewingpleasure
The Pali Project (Palestinian owned clothing, phone cases, mugs, etc. Go up to 5xl. Donate portion of proceeds to Palestinian causes) on Instagram @/thepaliproject
Darzah Designs (non-profit where all proceeds go directly to the women in Gaza who hand-stitch each piece and train more Palestinian women in safe working environments along the West Bank! The most intricate, indigenous Palestinian tatreez and Tahriri embroidery I have ever seen) on Instagram @/darzahdesigns
Activists in Palestine
Yusuf Abu Hattab (teen documenting daily life in Gaza) on Instagram @/reachyusuf
Hind Khoudary (reporter in Gaza, journalist for Al Jazeera) on Instagram @/hindkhoudary
Ali Jadallah (photographer in Gaza) on Instagram @/alijadallah66
Media and The Arts
Jenan Matari (producer & writer & activist. Has a reels folder on her Instagram where she spotlights talented Palestinian creators) on instageam @/jenanmatari
Dalia Elcharbini (art student with a print shop online filled with intricate, amazing art) on Instagram @/daliaeart
Luay Gharfai (chef who shares Palestinian recipes and gardening techniques) on Instagram @/urbanfarmandkitchen
Mariam (chef who shares The Most Delicious recipes I've ever had the pleasure of recreating! Those texas roadhouse rolls copycat recipe... Her desserts? To die for) on Instagram @/mxriyum and on her food blog where her recipes are written on mxriyum . com (broken up so its not a link)
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Pisces films 🌚🧚🏼‍♀️♓️💊💉🔮🪬
Hey, some list of Pisces films and why I think they are starting with natural born killers. Oliver stone who directed this movie said that we have become a nation obsessed with serial killers and this was in the 90s and now it’s just gone out of control, how people are obsessed with real crime and all that true crime all the programs they are about that and people doing it on YouTube everywhere. It’s so popular and this was predicted before then in the early to mid 90s These two people have a soul connection which they share through drugs, and they love of killing people, but it goes into a little dreamy like Pisces world with it. requiem for a dream, this film is very dark and very depressing. It goes follow the life of four different drug addicts in their different lives and how harmful it is. It is one of those movies that you don’t wanna watch too many times but it dies they deep into the addiction of heroin, the addiction of amphetamines, it is so good but it’s very sad It also blows the lines of it which I think Pisces does with the relationships of the people in it Mariam and her boyfriend. The next film we have on our list is spun which is about methamphetamine addicts and the life that they live and how they don’t think they’re doing that badly when their lives are fallen into pieces also the way it’s filmed is very Pisces like I feel it shows it very under the influence and very well shot. The next one we have is fight club. This deals with insomnia and the effects of not having sleep can do to you. It also deals with the man who has a whole other personality called Tyler durdan and who does different jobs while the narrator has no clue what’s going on around him. he was a fool in love with Marla singer and she has to deal with his detached Ness and his whole other personality. Well he thinks he’s just being normal and that  Tyler is a real person. All these films still with connection, but also the disconnection with drugs and mental health, which will all Pisces on the 12th house.
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pixie-skull · 4 months
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My 282nd edit, happy Mer-may, and based of my most memorable and old nostalgic crushes. I decided to use these lovely ladies’ eye colors to help with the tails. So besides an obvious preference for darker features like eyes and hair color, I also want to point a huge traits these ladies all overlap. Ambitious, bold, and compassionate. Too often I see characters who are ambitious seen as antagonistic, bold as hot headed or stubborn, and compassionate as mistaken as passive. However these four I adore showing these traits and more can be written in a great character. I was torn on using Tiana instead of Mariam, but I realized I accidentally included characters who are: Christian (Esmeralda), Muslim coded (Yum-Yum and I believe Jasmine), unknown (Belle), so adding a Jewish character like Mariam felt fitting. I am spiritual, yet to my future partner wherever be, I am open to having different beliefs. Unless Scientology, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormon, plus any sense of causing harm to self and others if core values “encourage”. I was raised Catholic and even if I am spiritual, I appreciate knowing can be not limited to such standards that make that religion not have the cleanest history either. However I feel more accepting to be individual the three I listed. I would be glad to hear though insight if I am mistaken about those three I listed.
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@thenamelessdoll Funny I used eye colors for tails, but Belle still ended with aspects of yellow. Her starfish in her hair I purposely made colors of her gold ballgown.
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candiedspit · 2 years
I Trip The Nighttime Fantastic
The morning after a show is always a frightful one. I smoke in bed as the sun ambushes the windows with her bright fist. Then, slink downstairs where Mariam awaits with her list of complaints, her pot of lukewarm coffee. A newscast on the television. I lay on the sofa as she badgers me, aims her gun and shoots. 
Why did I awake to find glitter in the bed? A smattering of glitter and the stink of cheap, godless perfume. And whose lipstick was on your cheek? It was the color of a bruise. And I only wear tulips, wines. And you know this. So there isn’t anywhere to turn, Roger–nowhere at all. 
And she will continue until either she realizes I have not heard–or rather, ingested–a word she has said, and sigh into her own oblivion, making a fuss about leaving the room, or until I shoot off my own gun and we go back and forth like tennis players. 
I love you, I’ll state and state until she throws a plate and then I’ll have to dodge the plate. And we’ll have sex until the evening. Hot, upset, confused sex. When we’re finished, the temperature of the house has risen several degrees and there is a scent which lingers, the scent of flesh. 
I don’t feel I know you, Mariam said once. Not the way I might know someone else. Some nights, there is a stranger here with me. 
Sometimes, I’m right as lemonade. I laugh like a schoolgirl, stuff boxes with flower heads, chop up the lettuce and prepare a large spread. I am fascinated, then. Nothing can hold my attention for very long but everything appears to have saturated overnight, steeped in a fantastic tea which accentuates the colors and the weight and the God. Mariam likes me when I’m like this. At least, for a moment. Then I start reciting rhymes for the ghosts in our yard and the neighbors sneer and I can’t stop electrocuting myself. Once, Mariam found me across the road confused on whether or not to cross. I would have stood there for the rest of my life had she not tugged on my shirt and brought me inside. 
Other times, I’m a dragonfly caught in the rain. I would not crawl out of bed if there was a parade outside. I am crippled by the slug of daytime. I want nothing. When people call, I tell them I’ve left. Mariam hates this, too. She hides even the trick gun. 
I’m a magician, you see. 
I draw the rabbit from the hat, slice the woman in half. I make girls levitate. I play tricks on the crowd; the quarter from behind your ear and the water from the ceiling. 
A few weeks ago, I felt the orchestra playing from behind my eyes. I could feel the green angels spinning around in my glass, and came home with a bouquet of flowers for Mariam from our neighbor’s garden. I did not sleep. I practiced my introduction again and again as the television mumbled to himself. I was certain I was going mad again. That night, the show was quite fantastic. The audience shuddered like livestock being driven to the slaughterhouse. And the applause came in waves. Mariam told me I was her lightning bolt, her one true silo. 
But the days wove into days and I grew increasingly frenetic. I could not be bothered to clean after myself so the house grew into a labyrinth of clutters. Forks where the soap ought to be. A shaving razor in the fridge. I shaved my head which Mariam shrieked about. But she couldn’t understand. Ideas crashed through my head like pianos from great heights. I slept with all of the girls at the club; I stayed awake for nine days straight, moving through the world as a saw moves through a massive tree. 
Let’s go to the sea, Mariam said on the tenth morning as I painted the kitchen a baritone orange. I had the idea after watching a cartoon the night before. 
What sea? I asked. There are no seas around here. 
It was true. I hadn’t seen the ocean since I was five years old. 
We could go to Ruislip, she said. And spend a long weekend there by the ocean. I think it might help. 
I had a second feeling, a sort of inkling. But I appreciated her effort at being spontaneous–more like a liquid and less like a solid–and packed bags with shorts and hats and books I’d been meaning to get through. And while we drove, I smoked and raved about the vermin in the grass, how the miniature always feeds into the massive. I realized we weren’t headed to Ruislip when the asylum pulled into view. 
Mariam had me committed for twenty one days. During that time, I barked at the staff and refused everything. I was given periodic sedation interludes. I slept for two days straight. And when I awoke, I realized I wasn’t sharing the room with a shadow but a seventy five year old lawmaker. I told the doctor nothing was wrong exactly fourteen times. And when I was finished, he told me I wouldn’t be there if that was the case. I beat the lawmaker at cards. 
I was meant to go back home–that is, Mariam was meant to come pick me up–in two days when I came upon my decision. I was never truly going to be able to leave, I realized. I was caught in an infinite cycle. I would go home and muck things up and end up back in the same position. I would end up delighted again. My train of thought would derail. I had already spent a lifetime moving from season to season. 
Anyway–I had a cure. 
Mariam picked me up and the house was cleaned, pristine. The kitchen painted a mint green again. We sat outside in the yard and smoked and shared a piece of fish. And when Mariam went to work the following morning, I left her a note on the fridge. 
Mariam, it read. 
I believe you’ll read this–or perhaps you’ll realize before you read this, some kind of psychic pang, a twitch in your hand–and while the rain might start, there will be a sense of relief. And that is why this had to happen. I’m tired of this mud, princess. I love you too much. Do you understand? 
I changed into my favorite suit and packed the gun in my belt. When I got to Heaven, everyone wanted to hear my stories.
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eastwindmlk · 9 months
I'll show you mine if you show me yours... 😁 Speed Dating Chaos?
As you might imagine, this WIP was prompted by the same prompt from last Jilytober. This one. Though what I wrote then was nowhere near chaotic enough. Nor was there actual speed dating involved. But I did write some more here and there.
While it is on the list for this year and I hope to make a little more progress! But under the fold there is a little snippet of what it's turning into.
Back to the WIP tag game
Mariam had outdone herself, the room was filled with beautiful women and James had a hard time believing they were there for him. He wasn’t bad-looking by any standard, but he definitely wasn’t fit enough for most of these women. Hooking a finger into his collar, he gave himself some air and looked at the matchmaker beside him. “Are you sure they’re all here for me?”
His question was met with a disapproving look and a sarcastic reply. “No, I just invited them all here to show you what you can’t have.” She flicked a lock of straight black hair over her shoulder as she surveyed the room. “It does help that they have no idea what to expect other than You’re a young, family-oriented heir to a pharmaceutical empire. And if they have half a brain, which I made sure they did, you have a thing for redheads.”
It wasn’t like he had not noticed the trend before, a range from strawberry blonde to deep auburn. “I can’t help but feel like this is giving the wrong impression,” James commented, only for the answer to be interrupted by a phone call. Her iPad was pressed into his hand while she tucked the phone against her shoulder. “There is something I need to take care of. You stay here, don’t even think about going in without me.” She warned, her eyes flashing dangerously at him. All he could really do was nod and watch Mariam stalk off.
James wasn’t opposed to having another minute to himself, occasionally peering down at the pool of potentials waiting for him. Impatient as he was, it took all but three minutes for him to start pacing. Lingering near the door, wondering if he could peer his head through, just to check how she was going on.
Just as he decided to have a little peek, the door swung open, and a young woman rushed inside. Reeling to a stop right before colliding with him. “Oh bullocks, I’m so sorry I am late.” She started, tossing her trench coat his way. “You must be Duke.” James blinked at her confused, following her eyes gaze to the tablet in his hands. “So, you’re not my matchmaker?” Still nothing. “Goodness me, can you hear me?” His eyes travelled up to meet her, slowly. Taking in the trail of freckles that lead from a rather generous cleavage to the hollow of the throat. Soft copper waves framed her impatient expression.
Stammering for a moment, he managed a shake of his head. “No, sorry I’m not.” He smiled apologetically as if somehow this was all his fault. “I swear my calendar said conference room B.” She muttered to herself, and suddenly James’s eyes lit up. “This is D. I think you’re in the wrong room.” At his words, she marched back to the door and pulled it open, peering at the plaque on the side. “Oh piss it! You’re right! I am so sorry! Well, off I pop.” The woman laughed lightly, the sound like wind chimes.
Before he could do more than raise his hand to wave, she disappeared. Leaving him as startled as she had found him. Staring at the closed door, still smiling to himself when Mariam reappeared.
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Show 0! - EC Radio
Recorded a test show today during my time slot! The file is too large to embed here, but you can listen to it with this google drive link!
Here's the track list:
Alvvays - Dreams Tonite Japanese Breakfast - The Woman That Loves You Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru - Mother's Love As the Sparrow - Dark Moon Bluhm - Honey I'm Afraid Honey. - Somebody To Melody's Echo Chamber - Where the Water Clears the Illusion Bears - Please Don't Gabby's World - A Hug Too Long Otto Benson - Mr. Sunday Night Magdalena Bay - Dawning of the Season Draumr - In a Daze Raveena - Still Dreaming Japanese Breakfast - Be Sweet - Korean Version The Marías - Over the Moon Havet - Joaquin Phoenix vill ta sitt liv Japanese Breakfast - Here Come the Tubular Bells Arooj Aftab, Shahzad Ismaily, and Vijay Iyer - Sajni
Thanks for listening!
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sevenrenny · 1 month
Went to the dermatologist today. New doctor. Had to fill her in on my list of health issues, medications, history with doctors, and so on. We bonded over the fact we both had chronic migraines. She was very nice.
She asked about my past dermatologists, and while I was explaining, keep in mind I was very tired cause I'd waited two and a half hours in the waiting room. I was already deep in burnout and recovering from a respiratory issue and a mild migraine.
I had no spoons left to mask in public and looked bored as heck while explaining to her, "One doc said it's eczema, but he didn't even look at me and I know what eczema looks like so forget him. One said it's sunburn. Not sunburn.
"One said it might be fungus and did a skin scrape. I got the results via phone call that it's not fungus. Went back and asked to see Doctor Mariam or whatever her name was back then, and the front desk told me they didn't have a Mariam-or-whatshername. I showed him the paper from the other day I got at the hospital that clearly had her name on it. He looked her up on his system, couldn't find her or something cause he just told me she doesn't work here. So I guess I had a ghost doctor or she went to Mars or something cause my doctor told me I had no fungus and then vanished.
"Found another dermatologist who told me to lift up my shirt to check then proceeded to grab my tits to do a surprise breast exam but that's a whole other thing. Didn't go back. Then there was my last doctor-- said it could be an autoimmune thing but stated, 'Honestly, I have no idea what this is.' And I'm kinda glad said he's clueless rather than pretending he knows. Last doctor to check on my skin was maybe two years ago."
Think I mentioned some other stuff and my ADHD derailed the topic into other things but I forgot about what. My dermatologist morphed between laughing and having this mortified 'wtf' look on her face.
she asked to do a skin scrape to look for ''′spaghetti and meatballs′"
I thought I misheard, cause she casually talking with me in Arabic but then switched to English to say ′spaghetti and meatballs′. Apparently, that's what they call it when they look for fungus and such under a microscope.
She confirmed, "You have meatballs."
Diagnosed with meatballs. I went from eczema to sunburn to fungus-but-no-not-fungus to tiddie-McGrabby to autoimmune disease-but-who-knows to meatballs.
Even though Dr. Ghost Mariam said I did not have meatballs. Fungus. But I'm still unsure if she even existed so her credibility doesn't have a leg to stand on, I think.
I've been misdiagnosed a billion times but I'm more confident this might be it. I don't think a doctor who has no idea what they're doing would've had the self-assurance to tell me I'm positive for meatballs like that. Gonna go on a pill later to see how well that works.
Note: it's called Tinea versicolor (severe with me cause, according to the doctor, I went so long without proper treatment so it sticks out) but I didn't mention it because she said meatballs and I'm still stuck on that.
Second note: Not associated with the topic but I came home after the appointment to find out we got robbed lol (my stuff and the cats are okay. Just my dad's stuff got stolen, and I don't like him much so that's okay.)
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam what do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of both atla and lok!
hi mariam!!! <3 <3
right off the bat i have NOT seen lok and at this point i probably won't ever watch it. like it's On The List, but i know myself and my attention span and how quickly it takes me to get to things (i have also heard. some bad things about the general story and some of the decisions made for lok that make me not want to watch it anyway but as i have not seen it i shall 🤐)
however, as far atla goes, it's obvious strength is in the world building. like the magic system rules and the world is really quite fleshed out and nuanced. also the morals of the story and just like... what the story has to say about life and stuff are really really great.
weaknesses.... the aang/katara subplot. like god i'm sorry to all the aang/katara shippers but it's just really super duper not for me and like is The Glaring Weakness in the show. for starters bc it just always feels,,, shoehorned in. like for some reason it never felt genuine to me. maybe because aang always had this younger-than-his-years childish energy to him, maybe because katara had this older-than-her-years adult energy to her, maybe because i can't think of a 14 year old girl who would ever imagine kissing a 12 year old boy and then actually follow through with it.... idk it just felt so weird. idk idk that has always been like The weakness to me. which is not to say that romance has no place in the story (it really does actually, and is done well in multiple other places), it's just between them in particular that it just felt,,,, bad. wrong. there wasn't chemistry there imo
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lil-scout-precure · 10 months
Junior Eurovision 2023 detailed opinions before the show. Part 1
Well, as I told you in my previous post where I made my tier-ranking for this year's Junior Eurovision, I will now make a new explanation about my opinion of each song by tier! As my second live-watch JESC, I'm very hyped to see how this year goes since it's more of a ballad edition, I got more than one winner, and well the live decides it all!
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Let's start from the lowest to the highest tier!
Tier 5: "I heard better ones in previous years"
🇮🇹 Melissa and Ranya "Un Mondo Giusto"
First of all, I will clarify I don't have any beef with this or other song in low places. I'm more open in JESC, I support the kiddos, and also, the songs are at least decent compared to some songs of the adult edition I really hate or just bore me. But since there are a lot of entries I like from this year, the first one really didn't catch me too much compared to others.
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For being their first song in JESC, Melissa and Ranya sing so good in a duo. The raspy voice of Melissa caught me off-guard with the soft singing of Ranya. And somehow, the combination goes well for the song, apart of the main melody and the Italian talent. But for being a ballad between others this year, it doesn't surprise me too much. Like Albania last year with "Pakez Diell". And I regret right now saying Chanel Dilecta's "Bla Bla Bla" was the downgrade of the downgrades after Elisabetta Lizza's "Specchio" in 2021; at least Chanel's song would have been more than welcome in the train of ballads of this year.
I really hope the live version in Nice boosts them a lot. Because they have potential nevertheless. They are nice girls! :D
🇬🇪 Anastasia and Ranina (still Oto and Nikoloz for me) "Over the Sky"
I had better hopes for the Georgian trio this year. Like, it was a surprise for me when GPB decided to call two Ranina finalists, Oto Bazerashvili and Nikoloz Kharati, to join Anastasia Vasadze (Ranina 2023 winner and direct representant of Georgia in JESC 2023) for this edition. And well, a trio already won the Junior contest in 2008 and Ranina always delivers potential winners, so surely they would have a song to get their fourth victory, right?
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First with the good things, the song itself is good. Calm and more serene, but good. And the trio really works here, even the boys have their moment to shine! (considering they decided to make Anastasia the main singer and call the male duo "Ranina", something that still bugs me). The music has good potential. And the lyrics inspire me, even the "Ranina, hey!" chant. But with the downsides, not the best song I expected for them after hearing a masterpiece like Mariam Bigvava's "I Believe" last year (and other songs from Georgia in previous editions). Not bad, but softer in vibes than 2022.
Hearing the rumours of two expert ballet dancers joining them for the live version, I think a good staging can deliver this song to a well-placed position still (and if possible, maybe win?). Just to wait.
Tier 4: "Unlikely but potential Top 5/Winners(?)"
🇦🇱 Viola Gjyzeli "Bota Ime"
To think I had this one at the bottom of my list before the revamp. As someone who listened (at work) the Junior Fest 2023, I thought "no way, they gonna choose another Pakez Diell again" due to most songs (and the contest itself) being soft; and "Bota Ime" 's first version didn't surprise me when it won. But when I thought it would be in the lowest place for the list, the revamped version came in the YT channel of JESC and my gosh, what a glow up!
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It's still not, as a popular TV phrase in Mexico says, "Que bruto, pero que temazo!" ("What a bop!"). But the studio version gave the song the strength it needed a lot. Viola's voice sounds so whimsical and with class. The entry is way less plain than Pakez Diell at least. And as for the lyrics (the same one that wrote Duje made this? WOAH), if the studio video made them have sense, I wonder how will the live deliver that "own fairyland" feeling I appreciate of the song.
I really hope they keep the vibes and world-setting for the live version. To see them ruining it would be devastating for this song.
🇬🇧 Stand Uniqu3 "Back To Life"
After Freya Skye's SLAY (even if sick bc of cold night ceremony, darn you, EBU) in Yerevan with "Lose My Head", I knew United Kingdom wouldn't play easy. Sure, Mae Muller's "I Wrote A Song" placed at the last places in Liverpool (something I won't forgive alongside LOTL's unfair last place and "Solo" at the grand final >:U), but in JESC they would still give fiery competition! And we have "Back To Life"
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A group in Junior Eurovision is always welcome in my list. And Maisie, Yazmin and Hayla (the girls) really got some good vocals and energy for their song! Sure, not too great compared to Freya's entry and queen vibes, but the song itself is awesome (and necessary given the time, when a lot of ballads were revealed)! They remind me a lot of Fifth Harmony imo, maybe by vocals or the entire energy they give in the song.
If the staging and live version can upgrade their entry to a new level than it is already, maybe United Kingdom can get some justice for what they did to Mae and get a good placing!
🇫🇷 Zoé Clauzure "Cœur"
As always, I expect for the host/winning country in a Junior edition to have a good "defender entry", a song that shows the world they're not playing safe just because they won once and/or host the contest. France did it with Enzo's "Tic Tac" (even if the Discord fandom despises him fsr), Armenia with Nare's "Dance!" (and they really ALMOST WON TWICE A ROW like Poland in 2018-2019). And I had my hopes high for France (again XD) after Lissandro's win
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For being a French JESC song not written by legend (and idol for some of my mutuals) Barbara Pravi, this one takes the cake for being as French as possible (in a good way) and still be likeable for every audience! Zoe's vocals sound SO CLASSY for someone so young, and the song itself could easily be confused for an adult Eurovision entry (with some tweaks). And yeah, the entry reminds me A LOT of La Zarra's "Évidemment" (another Big 5 robbed entry this year, no wonder she gave everyone the finger and left the Green Room before the end of the votes). Not of my 100% favorites or a song I see winning JESC 2023, but I still love it.
At this point I wonder if they will pull a "Paris/France reference" in the live staging (like La Zarra did this year, queen), because the song itself is so wonderful it screams good live version!
And that's all for this first part! Next one I will get to the personal wild card tier! See ya!
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female-malice · 1 year
Feminism(s) and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA)
The Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA) is an inclusive network of academics, activists, and practitioners. FaDa aims at fostering dialogue between feminists and degrowth proponents and at integrating gender analysis and reasonings into degrowth activism and scholarship. The network was launched in September 2016 at the 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest. A survey conducted before the 2018 conferences in Malmö, Mexico City, and Brussels showed that FaDA members are coming from and are located (nearly) all over the world, have an immense variety of activist, academic, and professional backgrounds and diverse experiences in feminisms and/or degrowth in a more theoretical and everyday-life perspective. Since the 2018 conferences, FaDA has seen an increase in activities. 
Feminist degrowth is an interface of feminisms and degrowth. As a principle, there should be no degrowth without feminism. Environmental justice does not only require social justice, but recognising the gendered nature of injustices as well as the role gender plays in every aspect of our lives because of its embedment in the family, the workplace, communities, the state, as well as in sexuality, language, and culture. Theorizing and practicing feminist degrowth is a collective, ongoing process.
FaDa acts as a collective platform for feminist degrowth activities, such as
managing FaDA mailing list open to everyone interested in feminist degrowth (subscribe at [email protected]
organising network meetings at degrowth conferences
organizing feminist degrowth themed sessions at degrowth conferences
hosting open virtual meetings 
acting as a platform for emerging timely projects, such as feminist reflections on COVID-19
sharing relevant readings
planning FaDa outreach
These and other activities are based on voluntary work by FaDA members. 
FaDA's main tool of communication is the FADA mailing list, to which you can subscribe by sending an empty email to [email protected]. FaDA uses this project space at degrowth.info to publish collective research notes and other resources. We also have a twitter account – you can follow us @fem_degrowth and meet occasionally for open meetings and dialogue. Anyone can join via the listserv email account!  
At the moment, the FaDA coordination group is the only solid structure of FaDA. It arranges meetings, manages connections and takes care of communication. Anyone interested in the coordination work can volunteer by sending an email to [email protected]. Both the coordination group and the FaDA network are open and inclusive – we are always happy to welcome new members!
Coordination group composition 
December 2020: Mariam Abazeri, Corinna Dengler, Eeva Houtbeckers, Siri Kjellberg, Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen, Anna Saave and Katy Wiese.
Discover more about FaDA:
Collective research notebook
Feminist degrowth texts by FaDA network members
Reading list
Past activities
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seareigns · 8 months
OOH just saw I was tagged, thank you @selene-themoon!! 💃
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs:
lmaooo most of these are definitely from the playlist I made for my tav 🫡 spotify has told on me
The Curse - Agnes Obel
Big God - Florence
Downhill Lullaby - Sky Ferreira
I Follow Rivers - Marika Hackman
Raised by Wolves, Opening Title - Mariam Wallentin, Ben Frost
Under Giant Trees - Agnes Obel
KINDRED I - Kelsey Lu
Rise Up O Flame - Kiki Rockwell
Dream Walk (Baldur’s Gate 3 OST) - Borislav Slavov
Let Me Follow - Son Lux
list your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality:
for some reason I always struggle to come up with favorite liiiists
The Americans
Halt and Catch Fire
30 Rock
Better Call Saul
Breaking Bad
The Knick
Bob's Burgers
Mad Men
I am very behind on my to-watch list so most of these are now OLD (like me)
*~optionally tagging @bebeocho, @themanicnami ~*
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Random Assorted Artists with songs in the showdown Pt. 1
This is the first list of random artists that have been submitted. This is pretty much anyone that didn’t get many submissions. If you see a song and are like hey this should be somewhere else the answer is no. Unless there is a repeat of a song somewhere or the artist shows up on another list they are meant to be here. Check out the other lists here.
Sinners - Barns Courtney
My Frankenstein - Kody Kavitha
An Alien’s I Love You - Utsu-P
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest
Gladiator - Jann
Light - Next to Normal
Gut Punch/Don’t Meet Your Idols - Everybody’s Worried About Owen
Us - Chxrlotte
It’s the end of the world as we know it - R.E.M.
Trouble - Valerie Broussard
A Meadow - Open Book
Serenade - Kamelot
The Bard’s Song: In the Forest - Blind Guardian
The Weekend Whip - The Fold
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths (Four different lyric submissions)
Farewell Kabarista - Vagabond Opera
Tango Dancer - Dave Malloy
Cold Day in Hell - Delta Rae
Still… - Sophia James
Mirrorball - Elbow
Waltz #2 (XO) - Elliott Smith
One More Try - Mariam-Teak Lee & Jordan Luke Gage
Marie - Townes van Zandt
City of Lights - The Music Tapes
Bloody Motherfucking Asshole - Martha Wainwright
On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz
Don’t Let’s Start - They Might Be Giants
Touch - Daft Punk ft. Paul Williams
The Hounds - The Protomen
Infinite Lives - Mega Ran ft. D&D Sluggers
Nights Like These - Bears in Trees
Slumber - Slløtface
gum v6.4 - Devon Again
head - Devon Again
Dissociate - Atlas
Introduction to the Snow - Miracle Music
Wait for It - Hamilton Musical
Ice To Never - The Black Queen
Progress - The Dear Hunter
Warrior - Paradise Fears
Windowpane - Opeth
Voodoo Dust - Urfaust
Yen - Slipknot
Order - Heaven Pierce Her / Hakita
VI: Sons of Fate - The Protomen
Charlie’s Inferno - That Handsome Devil
Paradox - Survive Said the Prophet
This Too Shall Pass - Danny Schmidt
Light - Chonny Jash
Worms - AlicebanD
The Mighty Echo - The Family Crest
Ride - Bligh
Jesus Christ - Brand New
Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of Your Fist - Ramshackle Glory
The Summoning - Sleep Token
In The End - Black Veil Brides
Don’t Break Me - Milo Murphy’s Law Soundtrack
For You - Barenaked Ladies
Sober - Tool
Bullets - Archive
Relay - Fiona Apple
Let Me Stay - Heather Maloney
New Radio - Bikini Kill
The Marriage of Bigfoot and Mothman - The Forgetmenauts
What’s With You Lately - Car Seat Headrest
Armarillo - Gorillaz
Dark Lover: A Love Song To A Vampire - Tempest
Smile Like You Mean It - Tally Hall
Fine, I’m Fine - Chonny Jash
Rightfully - Mili
Give It to Me - The Northern Boys
We’re All Leaving - Karine Polwart
Unbroken - Man on the Internet
Hell’s Comin’ With Me - Poor Man’s Poison
Necromancin Dancin - Bear Ghost
I Got No Time - The Living Tombstone
Labyrinth - Miracle Musical
Hello and Goodbye - JT Music
A Poem - AJJ
People 2: The Reckoning - AJJ
Your Voice, As I Remember It - AJJ
The River - Bruce Springsteen
Jungleland - Bruce Springsteen
You Only Know - PhemieC
Girls in Love - PhemieC
Evidence - DaisyxDaisy
Portrait of a Woman on a Couch With Cats - Michael Cera Palin
The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake
Found (Forever) - Caamp
4 Morant (Better Luck Next Time) - Doja Cat, Com Truise
Box Fort Baby - Papa Jake
Flowers - Eva Noblezada (Hadestown)
You - Keaton Henson
rock + roll - EDEN
Tourniquet - Leanna Firestone
Close to Home - Vienna Teng
Spring and a Storm - Tally Hall
You’re the Reason I Don’t Want the World to End - The Wonder Years
I Earn My Life - Lemon Demon
Twisted - Team Starkid
Time, As A Symptom - Joanna Newson
The Party - Regina Spektor
I’m Just Your Problem - Rebecca Sugar (in Adventure Time)
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Rating Beyblade V-Force and movie drip
1) Still no spoilers
2) Still a long ass post
3) The ratings are still relative to the franchise. A 2/10 on this list is the equivalent of a 6/10 irl
4) This is based purely on how good it looks. I’m not going to delve into any symbolism present in these designs
5) Season 1 can be found here
Tyson: 3/10. A direct downgrade from season 1
Uniform Kai: 3/10. Mostly regular clothing. Not bad, but definitely one of the weakest fits for the series. I’m not a fan of the tie, but the earring makes up for it
Kai: 6/10. It’s not as over the top and muscle-showing as his season 1 design, but I do like the arm warmers (and I want a pair of those, which I would not be able to use because I live in the tropics)
Ray: 7/10. Similar to season 1, but I do like the black more than the blue
Max: 2/10. I don’t like how the sweater is so oversized, but the design on it is pretty cool
Kenny: 3/10. I like the red, and it makes him stand out more compared to season 1
Judy: 4/10. It’s better than her regular season 1 look, mainly due to the necklace
DJ: 6/10. It’s good, but not as much as season 1
Mr. Dickenson: 5/10. He loses a lot of the eccentricity he had in his earlier design (like the bow tie). He technically has his hat this season, but appears without it very often
Ryu: 4/10. It’s basically the same as in season 1
Taro: 2/10. It’s a more basic version of season 1
Hilary: 4/10. It works, but nothing special
Athletic wear Hilary: 3/10. It j=doesn’t look as good as her regular outfit
Ozuma: 4/10. I have the same complaints as with season 1 Lee, but Ozuma looks somewhat better
Joseph: 5/10. I like the legwear
Mariam: 4/10. The orange doesn’t work as well for her as it does for Joseph
Dunga: 5/10. I like the ripped sleeves
Saint Shields Elder: 5/10. His clothes are a less colorful version of the Saint Shields and they work well for him
Kane: 2/10. It’s not bad, just uninspired
Psykick Kane: 4/10. It’s not original or unique, but it looks decent
Post-Psykick Kane: 2/10. Same as pre-Psykick
Salima: 2/10. Same as Kane
Jacket Salima: 5/10. That jacket completely makes the fit
Psykick Salima: 4/10. Same as Psykick Kane
Jim: 2/10. Same as Kane and Salima
Psykick Jim: 4/10. All the Psykick outfits look exactly the same
Post-Psykick Jim: 2/10. Same as post-Psykick Kane
Goki: 1/10. It just doesn’t work
Psykick Goki: 4/10. It’s a Psykick outfit
Chameleon: 5/10. The green Psykick uniforms are worse than the purple ones, but the camo pattern makes up for it
Dark Emperor Bat: 5/10. The night vision goggles improve on the uniform
Figel: 6/10. The hair and makeup compensate for the somewhat bland uniform
Daryl: 3/10. The most boring of the Psykick uniforms and nothing to make him stand out even amongst his fellow Psykick bladers
Dr. Zagart: 6/10. The coat and high tech monocle are great
Gideon: 3/10. He wants to look like an old aristocrat but doesn’t quite get there
Doctor B: 2/10. Generic and boring, but not downright ugly
Slim: 2/10. Same as Doctor B
Fatso: 2/10.Same as Doctor B
Snakey: 3/10. Same as Daryl
Gerry: 3/10. Psykick uniform
Wyatt: 3/10. Looks good, but uninspired
Psykick Wyatt: 3/10. It’s a boring Psykick uniform
Zeo: 3/10. It’s a subpar fit, saved only by the hair
Pajamas Zeo: 4/10. Why is this better than his casual clothes?
Evil Zeo: 5/10. This is how you do an evil uniform
Gordo: 5/10. Sleeveless + visor
Net: 4/10. Better uniform than the green Psykick ones, but not better than the purple ones
Jack: 4/10. Same as Net
Dennis: 4/10. Same as the other Zagart bladers
Denny: 4/10. Zagart blader
Foxy: 4/10. Zagart blader
Undercover Doctor K: 4/10. Good but not great
Doctor K under Zagart: 5/10. A slight improvement
Doctor K: 7/10. I love that outfit and want one for myself
Dan: 4/10. 2 of those points come from the sunglasses
William: 3/10. Nothing special
King: 4/10. I have nothing to say besides “it looks neat”
Queen: 4/10. Same as King
Tanner: 1/10. Very boring
Ganta: 1/10. He’s basically a background character so I didn’t expect much
Marcos: 3/10. Surprised by the amount of detail that went into a barely named background character
Sanchez: 3/10. Same as Marcos
Alan: 1/10. Not a fan of this look
Evil Alan: 2/10. Red works better than orange
Armored Alan: 4/10. I like it much more than his regular clothing
Sunny Ronny: 3/10. All 3 points come from the comically large polka-dot bow tie
Ms. Kincaid: 2/10. She’s a background character in design (but not as good as actual background characters Marcos and Sanchez)
Scott: 2/10. It’s just a suit and not a particularly stylish one at that
Mrs. Saien: 2/10. Background character design
Mr. Saien: 1/10. Not as interesting than his wife
Daichi: 3/10. Alright, but not as good as he’d look in G-Rev
Shadow Daichi: 2/10. He just looks like a gremlin
Professor Tengai: 2/10. Almost background character design
Henry: 0/10. It seems minimal effort went into his design here
Shadow Henry: 9/10. I love absolutely everything about this look
Ashley: 0/10. Same as Henry
Shadow Ashley: 9/10. Same as Shadow Henry (I love these evil designs)
Daniel: 1/10. At least the rolled up sleeves are something
Shadow Daniel: 7/10. Not as good as Henry and Ashley, but still great
Steven: 1/10. More detail than Henry and Ashley, but not by much
Shadow Steven: 8/10. I love the evil armored look
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