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kayleightarot · 3 years ago
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Saturday, October 30, 2021 Good  morning! Today is about Energy, Confidence, Controlling your Destiny Tarot of the Day: Mother of Flames /Queen of Wands
This Queen embodies honesty, confidence, and fertility (both metaphorically and literally). She is a lively, passionate, and independent person who brings out the best in people. She is engaging and thoughtful. Like all of her suit, she tends to focus on career, beginnings, and fiery energy, but she does it with intuition and perspective. She is the muse of success, the mother of inspiration, a seat of ethics, and the source of the will to seek self-development. If you are trying to conceive, she’s a good omen.
Like all the court cards, she is either asking you to connect with these qualities in yourself or, she represents a specific person in your life. If she signifies a literal person, you should reach out to the feminine energy in your life with medium to light hair and with whom you associate steadfast ethics, uplifting support, and great advice. 💚 At work, you are likely getting a lot accomplished in little time which is a great groundwork for positive things in the future. She asks you to be creative in your solutions today; think twice before you spend – see if you can be creative and re-purpose instead of just buying new.
💙 If you are looking for love, trust yourself and your growth enough to know that the 'right person' is out there and you will soon be ready. You might meet the person through a friend who emulates this Queen. 💙 If you are in a relationship, do not be surprised if you find yourself enjoying a surge of admiration and/or pride for your partner; likely due to how they handle a social situation.
🧡 However she appears to you today, Queen of Wands brings positive energy, so remember that life is meant to be lived; embrace, enjoy, and share the energetic wealth. Gus an ath thuras (Until next time) , Lovelies Peace out...
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cooptylew · 6 years ago
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#Cooptylew #margaretepetersentarot #oracleofechoes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9HG7enmtX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10n7ybcq9i4ad
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thetruthinstory-blog · 8 years ago
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Turning my backup #margaretepetersentarot into a stunning oracle of light, color, and movement. I will never trim my main deck but I'm loving working with this stunning artwork in another way, you can about scry in these images.
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kayleightarot · 3 years ago
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Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Good morning, Lovelies! Today is a card about Fulfillment, Abundance, Sensuality Tarot of the Day: The Empress Ruled by Venus, the Empress is an archetype of feminine power. She is intuitive, sensual and sexual. She is a creator of opportunity, art, life, and abundance. The ultimate nurturer, she is patient, loving, and devoted. She speaks to a need to be in touch with your ‘feminine side’, listen to your intuition, and give priority to your emotions and passions. She can signify coming abundance or fertility. She is a gifted and creative problem solver, and indicates a similar energy in you, so don't be surprised if people are more attracted to you - in every sense. Attracted by your creativity, your wisdom, your humour, or your sex appeal, you will find them literally at your doorstep seeking your advice or attention. 💚 At work - and everywhere, really - people will be inspired by your ideas and passions so let your inner voice guide you on how to proceed. Be open and generous with your ideas and let the chips fall where they may.
💙 Both men and women will be very attracted to you today - not just romantically but for friendship, as well. Whether single or not, be honest and responsible as you share the powerful force you wield today. 🧡 The Empress is all about rejoicing in the senses and embracing the primal and natural.  Accept and share the energy she brings today as this is a perfect day to simply enjoy being you. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out...
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
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Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Good morning, Lovelies. Today is about Balance, Accomplishment, and Concision Tarot of the Day: Son of Feathers /Knight of Swords
Knights often mean that someone or something desirable is about to seek you out so, if you are waiting for news about something, you'll likely hear today and you'll be pleased. He points to energetic activity, travel, and/or  getting things accomplished.
Today, you are unlikely to feel comfortable waiting for things to happen, delegating, or accepting someone else’s take on things. Embrace the need to seek the truth of the matter, to gain information and to get things accomplished. Be proactive; go after and reach your end goal.  Supercharged and super focussed can also mean you don't see others in your path; watch they don't get trod on in your quest.
💚 In work and finances, your projects will take on momentum today and lead you to success. Likely this will highlight your skills and successes above others - celebrate your accomplishments but be careful not to let it turn to smugness or gloating. Humbly accept your success.
💙 In love, this Knight points to you being swept off your feet. If you are in a relationship, this means today may be a turning point for you; a day of deeper truths and bonds. If you are seeking love, take the energy of the Knight and go be with people - be yourself, be clear, and have fun; the right person may find you there.
🧡 Wherever you encounter this Knight's energy today, you will find truth and success, so embrace the balanced power of mind, body, and spirit in sync and go after your heart's desire. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out…
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
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Thursday, January 28, 2021 Good  morning! Today is about Energy, Confidence, Controlling your Destiny Tarot of the Day: Mother of Flames /Queen of Wands
👑This Queen embodies honesty, confidence, and fertility (both metaphorically and literally). She is a lively, passionate, and independent person who brings out the best in people. She is engaging and thoughtful. 
🔥Like all of her suit, she tends to focus on career, beginnings, and fiery energy, but she does it with intuition and perspective. She is the muse of success, the mother of inspiration, a seat of ethics, and the source of the will to seek self-development. If you are trying to conceive, she’s a good omen.
🗝Like all the court cards, she is either asking you to connect with these qualities in yourself or, she represents a specific person in your life. If she signifies a literal person, you should reach out to the feminine energy in your life with medium to light hair and with whom you associate steadfast ethics, uplifting support, and great advice. 
💚 At work, you are likely getting a lot accomplished in little time which is a great groundwork for positive things in the future. She asks you to be creative in your solutions today; think twice before you spend – see if you can be creative and re-purpose instead of just buying new.
💙 If you are looking for love, trust yourself and your growth enough to know that the 'right person' is out there and you will soon be ready. You might meet the person through a friend who emulates this Queen. 💙 If you are in a relationship, do not be surprised if you find yourself enjoying a surge of admiration and/or pride for your partner; likely due to how they handle a social situation.
🧡 However she appears to you today, Queen of Wands brings positive energy, so remember that life is meant to be lived; embrace, enjoy, and share the energetic wealth.Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out...
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Good morning! Today is about Untamed Energy, Creativity, and New Beginnings Tarot of the Day: Ace of Wands 🔥 There is a new beginning at hand. It may take the form of a new phase of life, a new enterprise, a new project, or a new source of inspiration. This is the time to be courageous and “go for it”; whatever “it” means to you. Harness the positive, optimistic energy you’re feeling and channel it for your highest good. 🗝The Ace of Wands is an inventive, creative card suggesting some sort of passionate union, good news, or the birth of something powerful and inspiring yet to come in your life. It could be a new project or something creative that you will be taking on either at work or, as a hobby. Today is also a good day to start a new health regime. Even if that means add vegetables to one meal a week and exercise for 5 minutes a day, embrace it; the benefits will surprise you. 💚 If work is where this Ace appears today, be bold and ask for what you want. You will likely be more successful than you imagined. 💙 If you are in a relationship, this Ace indicates a new beginning - this could mean a new depth or a fresh start. Express yourself openly and honestly to achieve the best outcome. 💙 If you are looking for a relationship, this Ace indicates that possibility. Express yourself honestly, and be open to new opportunities. 🧡 Ace of Wands heralds a time of innovation, enthusiasm, and hopefulness. Anything you start with this energy, will succeed beyond your hopes and expectations. With all that possibility, what will you begin? Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out…
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Good Morning! Today is about Concentration, Dreams, your Inner Voice Tarot of the Day: Seven of Cups
Today, you may find yourself tempted to listen to your ‘troublemaker angels’ instead of your ‘better angels’ or simply finding your head keeps returning to the clouds. This card is about choices; not just making them but having many on hand. Who hasn't played the "If I won the lottery..." game, or “If only…” when they were overwhelmed with options?
This Seven speaks to your innermost self, your unconscious, and the realms of your imagination. It's asking you to reassess your motivations; are you being creative and adventurous where it may be harmful to you and linear and logical where you need imagination? Are you making or avoiding choices based on fears?
💚 In work and finances, watch that your decisions are not based on wish fulfillment. If a deal feels ‘too good to be true’ then it likely is.  💚 If your job has a creative aspect, today holds the ideal energy for it but if it’s a linear or precise job, today is a better day to re-examine and follow-up than decide a new path, project, or investment.
💙 If you are in a relationship you may find yourself over thinking small issues and finding problems where there aren’t any. All relationships reach a comfortable place where love is felt deeply and serenely instead of the heady rush of a newness. Don’t mistake this for a rut. If your relationship isn’t truly troubled, stop trying to “fix” it.
🧡 For today, where possible, leave decisions for another day. Where that's not possible, Seven reminds you to focus on your 'better angels'; your clearest intuition, to make the right choice for your highest good. Focus on what you need, not what you wish, or fear... Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out…
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kayleightarot · 4 years ago
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 Good morning! Today is a day for Noble Impulses, Reconciliation, and Childlike Joy Tarot of the Day: Six of Cups
The Six of Cups is about simplicity, history, and an open-hearted approach to life. Just as the ways in which your deeply rooted past informs the present, what and how you choose to remember, informs the future. You may be moved to revisit childhood memories today; remembering simplicity and the ability to find the joy in each moment.
The pull of those warm nostalgic feelings may inspire you to reconcile an old rift, miss a lost loved one, or even rekindle an old flame. Regardless of where in the past you return, remember that the present is where you must live so release issues and patterns that don’t serve your highest good
💚 This is an excellent time for creativity so, if your job doesn't call for it, find personal time to be creative and expressive. If you don't have a creative hobby right now, or don't feel you have the time then do something expressively child-like. When my clients draw this card in a reading I suggest colouring with crayons or getting a bottle of bubble solution – it’s difficult to be reserved & ‘adult’ whilst blowing bubbles.
💙 In love, this card can indicate a need to refocus the path of your relationship. You may have been living on the romantic warm feelings of the beginning of your relationship and not spending enough time talking about the goals and future, or allowing your past to hinder your relationship. Perhaps you simply abandoned the hobbies and pastimes you had as an individual or are 'dining out' on past tales of glory and not living them.
🧡 Today, don't let 'adulting' or looking to your future prevent you from connecting with the important parts of your past. Neither, let nostalgia or reward cloud your vision of the past nor entice you into 'living' there. Reconcile the feelings for your higher good - then, blow bubbles… Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out…
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kayleightarot · 5 years ago
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Good  morning! Today is about Energy, Confidence, Controlling your Destiny Tarot of the Day: Mother of Flames/  Queen of Wands
This Queen embodies honesty, confidence, and fertility (both metaphorically and literally). She is a lively, passionate, and independent person who brings out the best in people. She is engaging and thoughtful. Like all of her suit, she tends to focus on career, beginnings, and fiery energy, but she does it with intuition and perspective. She is the muse of success, the mother of inspiration, a seat of ethics, and the source of the will to seek self-development. If you are trying to conceive, she’s a good omen.
Like all the court cards, she is either asking you to connect with these qualities in yourself or, she represents a specific person in your life. If she signifies a literal person, you should reach out to the feminine energy in your life with medium to light hair and with whom you associate steadfast ethics, uplifting support, and great advice.  💚 At work, you are likely getting a lot accomplished in little time which is a great groundwork for positive things in the future. She asks you to be creative in your solutions today; think twice before you spend – see if you can be creative and re-purpose instead of just buying new.
💙 If you are looking for love, trust yourself and your growth enough to know that the 'right person' is out there and you will soon be ready. You might meet the person through a friend who emulates this Queen. If you are in a relationship, do not be surprised if you find yourself enjoying a surge of admiration and/or pride for your partner; likely due to how they handle a social situation.
🧡 However she appears to you today, Queen of Wands brings positive energy, so remember that life is meant to be lived; embrace, enjoy, and share. Peace out, Lovelies...
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kayleightarot · 5 years ago
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Good morning, Lovelies. Today’s message is about Skill, Diplomacy, Powerful Energy Tarot of the Day: The Magician
The Magician represents intelligent and skilful communication; whether that ‘s communing with nature, the elements, or the other side of the veil or, communication with people. This card is a very powerful, positive omen of newness and freshness; Ideas, plans, innovations, patterns are all affected by the power you yield, today.
In areas where you have been feeling there is no movement or feeling powerless, this card lets you know, that time is at an end. Today, creativity will increase and improve your position.  Pay attention to synchronicity; no matter how "small" the 'coincidence' know that it is the Universe clearing your path to give you the knowledge, strength, and inspiration you need.
💚 This is the perfect time to find a new job or to ask for and receive a promotion. If your work is in a creative field, you’ll find your ideas will be met with excellent comprehension and may lead you to "bigger and better things."
💙 If you're in a relationship, today you are likely to see new or deeper levels of commitment and joy.
If you are in the market for a new romance, this is a great time to meet someone new so, "get out and meet people."
🧡 The Magician seeks to remind you that you have the power to make a difference, in your life and in the greater world. Focus your energy, believe in yourself, and watch things happen.
Peace out…
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kayleightarot · 5 years ago
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Good morning, Lovelies! Today is a card about Fulfilment, Abundance, Sensuality Tarot of the Day: The Empress Ruled by Venus, the Empress is an archetype of feminine power. She is intuitive, sensual and sexual. She is a creator of opportunity, art, life, and abundance. The ultimate nurturer, she is patient, loving, and devoted. She speaks to a need to be in touch with your feminine side, listen to your intuition, and give priority to your emotions and passions. She can signify coming abundance or fertility. She is a gifted and creative problem solver, and indicates a similar energy in you, so don't be surprised if people are more attracted to you - in every sense. Attracted by your creativity, your wisdom, your humour, or your sex appeal, you will find them literally at your doorstep seeking your advice or attention. 💚 At work - and everywhere, really - people will be inspired by your ideas and passions so let your inner voice guide you on how to proceed. Be open and generous with your ideas and let the chips fall where they may.
💙 Both men and women will be very attracted to you today - not just romantically but for friendship, as well. Whether single or not, be honest and responsible as you share the powerful force you wield today. 🧡 The Empress is all about rejoicing in the senses and embracing the primal and natural.  Accept and share the energy she brings today as this is a perfect day to simply enjoy being you. Peace out...
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kayleightarot · 5 years ago
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Good  morning! Today is about Energy, Confidence, Controlling your Destiny Tarot of the Day: Mother of Flames /Queen of Wands
This Queen embodies honesty, confidence, and fertility (both metaphorically and literally). She is a lively, passionate, and independent person who brings out the best in people. She is engaging and thoughtful. Like all of her suit, she tends to focus on career, beginnings, and fiery energy, but she does it with intuition and perspective. She is the muse of success, the mother of inspiration, a seat of ethics, and the source of the will to seek self-development. If you are trying to conceive, she’s a good omen.
Like all the court cards, she is either asking you to connect with these qualities in yourself or, she represents a specific person in your life. If she signifies a literal person, you should reach out to the feminine energy in your life with medium to light hair and with whom you associate steadfast ethics, uplifting support, and great advice.  💚 At work, you are likely getting a lot accomplished in little time which is a great groundwork for positive things in the future. She asks you to be creative in your solutions today; think twice before you spend – see if you can be creative and re-purpose instead of just buying new.
💙 If you are looking for love, trust yourself and your growth enough to know that the 'right person' is out there and you will soon be ready. You might meet the person through a friend who emulates this Queen. 💙If you are in a relationship, do not be surprised if you find yourself enjoying a surge of admiration and/or pride for your partner; likely due to how they handle a social situation.
🧡 However she appears to you today, Queen of Wands brings positive energy, so remember that life is meant to be lived; embrace, enjoy, and share. Peace out, Lovelies...
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kayleightarot · 5 years ago
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Good Morning! Today’s message is of Powerful Focus, Manifested Success, Equitable Partnership
Tarot of the Day: Three of Fire/ Wands
If you can invest your full creativity and resourcefulness, this Three brings good news of success and fresh starts. Whether you desire a better career, increased income, a new mate, or something else, this is an indicator that the time is perfect for you to manifest what you desire.
New associations, new information, and a changing viewpoint are all possible contributors to your success. Release any fear of change to ensure you don’t block the results you are working toward. The fullness of your success will not be immediate so patience as well as trust in your vision and effort is key, now.
💚 At work, whether you are a stay at home parent, a single service provider, or work in a company of hundreds, be proud of what you are bringing to the table. Your colleagues and the decision makers have noticed your efforts and wish to reward them. So does the Universe, so take heart.
💙 In love, this card reminds you to only hold onto and invest in the partnership that is equitable. If the relationship is not all it needs to be for you then let it go and seek a partnership that is equal and respectful.
If you are looking for a relationship and cannot seem to find one, look at your work schedule, how stressed you are at the end of the day, etc and consider how much energy you have to focus on someone else and where you might make space for a partner.
🧡 Overall, this card is saying that you need to invest time in the things that matter and then release control. The rewards come only in the fullness of time so let them develop as they were meant to; trust the process, let go, and choose to be surprised by joy.
Peace out…
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cooptylew · 6 years ago
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#Cooptylew #margaretepetersentarot https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2solDHyq4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=103hv9bupdp2x
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thetruthinstory-blog · 8 years ago
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3 card on the situation or focus, do and don't do beneath using #tarrocconeoclassico and with #geomancy energy to pay attention to and a message from #margaretepetersentarot #littleofthislittleofthat
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