#marfach nimh
moonlit-grove · 1 year
Most likely to get duped by a street magician to least for the OC grouping ask! (@uselessidiotsquad)
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Most Flaithri - Listen the Baron is young and arrogant as fuck. He thinks he knows everything. He will fall for every single trick.
Miesce - Actually she's tied for first but for COMPLETELY different reasons. Girl is so high everything looks like magic to her.
Dubhan - Odd case. He's not duped, he just enjoys them. He's surprisingly able to suspend his disbelief to watch magic shows.
Forgh - Do not be fooled this man is an idiot. It depends on the tricks the magician does if he's fooled or not. COMPLETELY on what tricks are done. Smdh Forgh.
Hartha - She has spirits that can tell her whats actually happening. She might get fooled for a moment until a ghost just goes "you know he's just sliding the cards down his sleeves right?"
Marfach - OKAY. Listen. She's spent so much time around humans. She KNOWS tricks. She even learned some to fuck with Mad.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
In honor of Halloween/Spoopmas/Samhain/Whumptober, I’ve decided to upload the last 5 chapters all at once. And here we are!
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
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poisonous baby
Marfach Nimh, nightmare assassin.
Very big and special thanks to @uselessidiotsquad for helping me create her <3
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
Boss fight as for (1) Marfach! Or anyone who you'd like to answer about. (@uselessidiotsquad )
i know i rambled to you on discord but shhh
Marfach’s boss fight is a series of encounters, similar to a raid wing (I'm going to refer to it as a raid). She’s the first one you encounter, and how you handle her affects the rest of the raid. You’re going to take heavy condi damage, mostly poison and slowness but there will also be some torment- and a “fun” mechanic that sylvari take more stacks of torment when she throws that out.
Given that she’s very much not used to actually fighting, she will be trying to keep away from you. At 60% health she summons a few minions and sends a massive amount of condis. Her minions’ physical attacks will also cause stacks of poison.
At 30%, she calls for help from other courtiers. Unnamed courtiers come in to help, their ranged attacks cause poison. There’s an assortment of different professions, and you must take all of them down before you can continue to damage her. From this point, there are CC openings to stop her from sending waves of condi.
At 10%, she gets significantly weaker- due to heavy use of her abilities. She will completely yield at 3%. You get a choice to kill her or spare her.
If you kill her, she will return later during another boss. You will continue with extreme stacks of poison that cannot be removed with condi cleanse- through the entire wing.
If you spare her, she will not return, and the stacks of poison will wear off shortly after you begin the next fight.
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
Search history for poison lady Marfach plz :3
(@uselessidiotsquad )
1. divinity's reach ministers with sylvari pets
2. masquerade masks
3. high end tailor outside of divinity's reach
4. masque maker outside of divinity's reach
5. easy mesmer tricks everyone can learn
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
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Lady Marfach is prepared to get to work
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
1-4 for any of your kiddos you wanna talk about for the Fight Club asks :3
(@uselessidiotsquad )
is it bad i wanna talk more about Treo? Sweet sweet development :3 but i'll answer for Marfach :3
1 - What kind of weapons does your OC use?
Axes and daggers, mostly. Sometimes she'll use a staff.
2 - Does your OC have a signature weapon they use? How did they get it? Does it have a name?
She doesn't use it often, but a staff she created with her magic, an oddly pleasant looking weapon covered in flowers (imagine the Druid Staff but green and flowery). She has not named it, but she can pick and ingest the flowers for quick poisons.
3 - Does your OC prefer close range or long range combat?
Mid to long range when in a skirmish, close when on the job. She doesn't like letting people see her face, though her poisons work best up close.
4 - Does your OC use magic in combat? What kind of magic?
A lot of deadly, venomous magic. Her innate magic allows her to create poison, which is 99.9% what she uses.
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
Marfach is based on a blend of poisonous plants and a card reading from @uselessidiotsquad!
Jarlath (Cactus Blossom version) is very nervous about his necromancy and would prefer not being seen with any minions.
Aurora decided to move to Zephyrite Slopes in the desert to try to help the people living there.
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
*kicks down door*
MY FUCKIN DOOR CW for torture and light (not completely described) gore, and for harm of animals. let me know if I missed anything please!
You were a new convert. You followed the recruiter to their camp, alongside two others. All three of you were nervous, though you had to admit… Something about Nightmare had always called to you. You were led before the Countess, smiling warmly and greeting you as the newest members of her family.
You spent the first night getting to know the Coil. She said there would be a joining ceremony for you tomorrow, spend now getting to know. You wandered, eyeing the other courtiers. The dark blue sylvari flanked by hounds, who growled at any who came close. The pale sylvari that stared at everything as if bored.
One caught your eye. Green and purple, among a patch of… Was that nettle? You carefully stepped closer to her, watching… She would pluck leaves from the horridly poisonous plants around her. And eat them. What was she…?
She turned.
“New convert, hm?” her voice melodic, entrancing. “Wait until tomorrow, dear. You’ll get a taste of this.”
“I, uh… Lady Diamhasla wants me to get to know the family…” You glanced about for somewhere to sit. There wasn’t one.
The sylvari snorted, as if laughing. “Oh, our lady does enjoy us knowing each other.” She flashed a smile before eating another piece of a plant, “Marfach. Our lady’s personal venom.”
You tilted your head. “[Name]... So what are you doing?”
She flicked her eyes towards you, from her attention on the plants. A sweet smile, though no verbal answer… “You’ll find out tomorrow. Run along now, I need to focus.”
Ask some more questions.
You nod, turning to find someone else. Though you glance back… She’s still eating those. Doesn’t she know they're poisonous?
“But I have more questions.”
Her eyes narrow. She shakes her head, sweetness in her voice gone.
“I said leave.”
The morning came quickly. You and the other two recruits slept near the kennels. Hounds eyed you until you fell asleep. A part of you was certain Madrúil was just waiting for one of you to mess up. You yawned, stretching the sleep out of your limbs… And followed the guard dog.
He, though he visibly skulked, led you before the countess. He walked beside her, you watched.
Someone else brought a prisoner over. Their wrists were bound, their mouth gagged. They looked up at you, begging with their eyes. Silent begging, pleading for help or mercy. You looked at the countess for direction.
“Prove your devotion to our family, dear.” she handed you a thorn, large enough to be used as a dagger, “However you please.”
Time felt slow, as you looked around. Watchful, eager eyes. Terrified whimpers. The curious gaze of the other two converts. You found Marfach, holding a bowl. Huh… She didn’t look well…
“Well?” Mad growled, stepping closer. His hounds mimicked him. “Go on.”
Your attention snapped back to the prisoner. You…
Stab them through the eye
Cut their face, leaving a scar.
You close your eyes and plunge the thorn down. You hear them scream through the gag. Sap splurts and soaks your hand. You can’t stop yourself from letting go of the thorn and backing away. Your heart pounds. You hear courtiers laughing and jeering around you.
The countess claps once. They silence. You force your eyes open, looking up. You try to ignore the sap. You try to ignore the sight just out of sight.
“Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!” She signalled Marfach to come closer. You trembled.
Marfach took your arm roughly, holding it down to one of the the kennelmaster’s hounds. It bit. You tried not to yelp, as the beast bit down just enough to break your leaves. She yanked your arm back up, sickening grin as she wiped a bit of the murky poultice on the wound. Into the wound.
You didn’t feel any different. In fact, now you just hurt. And your gut churned.
“Welcome to our family, dear.” The countess cooed, “Go get cleaned up.”
You swallowed any doubts. Your free hand held the prisoner’s jaw, keeping them still. Slowly, tentatively, you pressed the torn to their leaves. Their eyes widened, they tried to shake their head. Small cuts formed. Perfect.
You pressed down a little harder. Carving slowly, painfully slowly. Sap trickled out onto your hand, though you kept pressing. You felt curious eyes on you. You carved. Around their eye, down their cheek… And beside their mouth. Their tears stung the wound. You grinned, stepping back and admiring your work.
You heard murmuring around you. They sounded pleasant. The countess clapped her hands together.
Marfach stepped closer, smile over her lips. She lifts a small blade to cut a tiny incision on your arm, then presses a small amount of the poultice into the mark.
“Well done!” The countess cooed, “Go get cleaned up and relax.”
You ignore the arguing. There’s a lot of that recently, with the Countess off in the Arbor. There’s a crash. That piques your interest, though you just glance in the direction. Watching, you see the bastard hound skulking away, three hounds and a boar following him. You don’t see what fell, and instead turn your attention back to tending the garden before you.
The nightshade and oleander thrived in this weather. The venomous lady cared well for her garden. You frown…
All this must be bad for her. Eating so many poisons… How long has she been doing it? How much has she? You shake your head, brow furrowing.
She appears beside you, plucking a nightshade berry.
“Wait!” You catch her wrist. Her eyes narrow. “You- This is assuredly slowly killing you. Even you can’t be immune. You should stop.”
“Stop?” she questions, eyes narrowing, “Darling, if I stop, I am nothing to the Court. If I stop, I have nothing to offer.”
“But- But you’re killing yourself!”
“I’d rather be dead than useless.”
You grinned, dragging a pair of Soundless to the Coil. They both begged and cried. The sounds only made your grin wider, as you walked through and threw them into a vine cell together. There was a warden already in the cell, sure, but she’d been in there a few weeks. No threat.
You hum, wiping dust off your hands as you walk to the venom’s garden. Into the hut beside, leaning on the entrance and grinning at her as she bottles a few poisons. Sure… the creation is a little vile, but you can’t deny how useful those are. Especially with prisoners and converts.
She wipes her mouth with a cloth, a smile in your direction. You step closer, press a kiss to her cheek. It’s safer than her mouth, you both know that. Even still, a part of you wishes…
There’s a commotion outside. You hold an arm in front of her as you look. The prisoners-! How!?
You run out, Mad’s hounds and boar are already attacking, biting and ramming legs and arms. Trying to keep focus of the commotion, you grab your daggers from your leg and try to find the warden.
It’s not the warden. Who’s doing this?
A valiant.
Cripple them and call Mad
Check for reinforcements
The valiant is careful, visibly, but brave. Too brave for their own good. You throw a dagger, they scream as it slices through their leg. Perfect. You whistle for the attention of the bastard hound, pointing to the valiant. His grin is sickening. He sets his hounds upon them.
A flash of green. You’re on the ground, the world spinning. The valiant’s own fern hound. You hear the commotion around you, the volume a horrid crescendo and decrescendo. You felt dizzy, bile rising in your throat. You could only see the sky and the thorns above. You couldn’t move.
Marfach appears in your vision. She kneels over you, gently petting your ferns. She’s frowning, staring over your body. You can’t hear her, despite her lips moving. You can’t move. You can’t hear. What did that hound do!?
She sighs. She presses her lips against yours. You taste a medley of flavors, most sweet. Your heart slows. Your vision darkens. She smiles bitterly. You didn’t need to hear to know what she said.
“Goodbye, beloved.”
Your eyes flick. You scan quickly, seeing a green hound. Ah! Your eyes narrow on it, a few streaks of yellow and… purple? Hm… Be careful of bites from that one. You grab the scruff of one of the nightmare hounds. It growls and tries to chomp your arm as you point it toward the fernhound.
It catches the scent. It howls for the attention of its pack as you let it go. The hounds converge. Mad glares at you. You’ll have to deal with that later. But for now, you cleared the biggest threat. Your attention turns to the valiant.
They’re backing up, arms up, palms empty. They trip on the corpse of their hound, fall to the ground and cry out its name. You grin as you walk closer. They’re in tears, begging to be let go. Begging for mercy. They won’t get any. You throw them in the cell across from the warden.
Marfach hums beside you. She gently taps your shoulder to follow her.
“Help me, dear,” she says, “We’ll have a convert tomorrow.”
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moonlit-grove · 3 years
Any or all your Nightmare salads + LWs1, mostly around the time the Toxic Alliance was in full swing
i had thoughts for two (2) beebs! :O
By her Lady's bidding, Marfach was creating several poisons for them to experiment with. She held no beliefs in the alliance itself or wanting to join it- in fact she saw it as a group of idiots stumbling into something greater. She may have even helped develop the toxin that was used in the Tower of Nightmares, it may originally derive from something she produced.
Dubhan would have heard about it and wanted to keep an eye on it. In his mind- post Heart of Thorns- the Toxic Alliance was the beginning of the fall of the main Nightmare Court. He was interested but not enough to seek it out to join. They were too far from it anyway, and packing up his whole Court… Ugh, far too much work if this turns out to be a week’s event.
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