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thesightstoshowyou · 1 month ago
Into the Cricketverse
- Cinnamon Rolls and Meat Tenderizers and Cigarettes, Oh My -
Introduction: Marena’s POV* Introduction: Cricket’s POV Aftercare Bread Boundaries* Movie Night* Welcome to My Death Talk Mess Audition Tape* Hair Brushing*
*asterisk denote parts written by the amazing @slashhinginghasher
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, it’s always noncon with Asa, a little ptsd, face-fucking, graphic descriptions of vomit and gore, and a little torture
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It is rare for Cricket to be up before Asa. She can probably count the occurrences on one hand. Cricket likes sleep and Asa can’t sleep, so rising before him has become something of an achievement. However, several days worth of late night murder and not returning until sunrise has finally taken its toll on the Collector.
The palest pink tinges the twilit sky, heralding the rising sun as Cricket carefully slips from the four poster. Asa doesn’t even twitch. He’s like a corpse, minus the steady rise and fall of his shoulders. Perhaps Cricket should savor this rare moment, but Jesse had requested the gingerbread cinnamon rolls she’d made on their last Christmas together, so she needs to get the dough made early enough for it to properly rise.
Silently, she slips into the bathroom to dress and pile her hair atop her head in as messy a bun as she can allow. The bruising under her eyes has finally transitioned from a vivid purple-blue to a more tolerable yellow-brown and the swelling has all but vanished. She’s glad for it; Asa’s ire can now be mostly covered by makeup.
Being alone in the kitchen is delightfully freeing. Sweet relief leaves her in a sigh as she measures ingredients into a bowl. The building tension among the penthouse inhabitants has risen to near suffocating levels. The unspoken history, the feelings, the threats, the egos…. Cricket would almost rather beg for death than suffer through it another day.
Her only solace is clarity. The morning after Asa had broken her nose, after he’d pinned Marena to the wall and done his best to intimidate her into submission, he had returned to his seat with an unmistakable look glittering in his dark eyes. Understanding had dawned like the morning sun blazing off the Florida coast.
The Collector is interested in Marena. Interested and in complete denial about it. Whether that meant he was interested in exploring her, or exploring her is, unfortunately, impossible to tell with Asa.
However, it is undeniable that the woman is certainly interesting.
Something about the hurt Asa inflicts on Cricket has an effect on Marena. Cricket sees it, Asa sees it. The only one apparently unaware is Jesse, though this may be intentional. Nothing can distract from his precious nighttime prowling and hours-long fuck sessions.
Dough comes together under her palms as guilt creeps into the edges of Cricket’s thoughts. Whatever’s going on behind those icy blues, it is apparent that Marena is holding herself back, is stopping herself from sinking her teeth into Asa for Cricket’s sake. It’s baffling and heartbreaking all at once, but Cricket can do nothing about it. There is no way to apologize or help without breaking Asa’s no-contact rule and inflicting more strife on the both of them. She couldn’t even accept Marena’s kind offer of food.
She covers the dough and leaves it to rise. The next sigh that leaves her lips is one of helpless frustration, but there’s nothing to be done. Cricket will bite her tongue as she always has, and likely always will.
Exiting the kitchen, Cricket makes her way through the penthouse toward the foyer, anticipation gradually beginning to win out over guilt. She had worried this opportunity was never going to present itself, but now—finally—it is time for the second reason she awoke so early, for the thing she’s been waiting for the entirety of this godforsaken trip.
The only things she has missed about Jesse’s Florida home are the smooth marble floors. That, and massive size of every room. Here in the spacious foyer, socks on her feet, she can do as many turns as her little ballerina heart desires.
Delicate fingers grasp the edge of the sturdy entryway table and Cricket warms up as she would on any barre. Music plays in her head as she pliés and tendus and stretches and works sleepy muscles to life. Actual music would be ideal, but the risk of disturbing sleeping predators is too great.
A quick pause to roll out dough, shape, and throw cinnamon rolls in the oven and she’s back to it, this time with turns. She does as many fouettés in a row as she possibly can before she’s out of breath and sweating. It’s so much easier for a grand allegro here than at Asa’s.
Cricket is so caught up in the freedom of movement that she almost doesn’t hear the timer. Fortunately, the beep is insistent enough to draw her from her reverie. God forbid she let Jesse’s cinnamon rolls burn.
Asa slouches in the kitchen when she arrives, cup of coffee in hand, circles under his eyes looking darker than ever. She greets him softly as she retrieves the icing from the fridge she prepared the evening prior. Cricket gives him first pick of the cinnamon rolls which earns her a chaste kiss to the top of her head.
She should know better by now.
Water rushing in the sink, soap bubbling on her cheeks, teeth brushed, pajamas folded on the counter and ready to wear, Cricket allows herself to—stupidly—muse that the day had been relatively uneventful.
The jinx is instant.
The television in the guest bedroom buzzes to life and crisp, clear whimpering fills the bedroom. “W-what is this?” A pause, then, “Hey man! What the fuck is going on?!"
Immediately, her stomach plummets. Cricket has heard real begging enough times to know what plays in the next room is authentic. There’s legitimate terror in that voice, something an actor could never truly convey.
Is Asa watching one of Jesse’s tapes? Is it his own video?
There’s a thud, scraping, and an angry, “OW, fuck!” Then, Marena’s accented voice emanates through the speakers.
“If you're going to rape someone, at least have the decency to take them down yourself.”
Startled, Cricket quickly rinses her face, scrubs it with a towel, and creeps from the bathroom. Asa stands before the television, arms crossed, dark eyes trained on the scene unfolding on screen.
“Oh fuck, is that what this is? Some kind of... feminazi intervention?"
From this new vantage point, Cricket now hears the young man’s sniveling voice from three separate locations: the television, Asa’s phone sitting on the nightstand, and—distantly—from the living room. Jesse must be broadcasting this to every TV and cell in the penthouse.
“I don’t know that word.”
On screen, Marena looks ten feet taller than she really is. The cold, fearless expression in her eyes, the wild mane of hair, and the…meat tenderizer (the same one Cricket used on the chicken the night before), gripped in her hand all add to the aura of danger radiating off her. It dawns on Cricket then that it is Marena who in charge of this scene. Jesse is merely a spectator, filming from the sidelines.
Chromeskull is not making her do this, any of it. Marena wants to be there. With shock, Cricket realizes she has completely misinterpreted their dynamic.
And now she understands Jesse’s obsession.
A sickening whack echoes around the penthouse when Marena strikes the man in the face. Cricket yelps, feeling the terrible sound in her gut, and claps her hands over her eyes. She is about to flee back to the bathroom when a warm, scarred hand grips her wrist.
Pleadingly, Cricket looks up at Asa as he pulls her to his chest. He allows her to bury her face against him, apparently content to be the only viewer.
But hearing is more than enough to paint a gruesome picture.
The screaming, the bargaining, the wet, heavy smacking of weighty metal against flesh, the crunching of bone is all clear as day to Cricket, even through the palms covering her ears. However, none of these sounds compare to the shriek of pure, righteous anguish that Marena looses as she viciously pummels that despicable boy into a pulp. Cricket hears the history in it, hears the heart-wrenching sadness that only a life of misery can bring.
Marena, what happened to you?
Tears sting the corners of her closed eyes as Asa slides his hand to the back of her neck to better feel her trembling. He has been eerily silent for the entirety of this feature. Cricket wonders if his feelings about Marena have changed as her own have.
The audible click of the television plunges the two of them into deafening quiet. The movie is over, it seems, but Cricket is far from relieved as Asa grips her shoulders and shoves her to her knees. Fingers prod at her mouth and she obediently opens wide so Asa can push three of them down her throat.
Next is his cock, fed slowly into her mouth until her still-tender nose is buried in curls. Panic makes her tense, the reminder of their first afternoon here fresh in her mind. Asa pauses, keeps his length buried in her throat as he fiddles with something overhead. Breathing shakily through her nose, Cricket hesitantly peels her eyelids apart to glance up.
In his hand, Asa holds the remote. She hears a click. Then—
“W-what is this?” A pause, then, “Hey man! What the fuck is going on?!"
God help her, he’s watching it again. The pathetic, fearful noise that leaves Cricket’s stuffed throat finally draws a satisfied grunt from the man hovering just above. Hand on the top of her head, he holds her in place and thrusts.
It starts with lazy, even strokes that gradually build to Asa’s usual vicious pistoning. She chokes on spit as tears freely dribble down her cheeks and stick her hair to her face. Asa releases a strained breath, eyes glued to the screen.
Cricket hears Marena’s terrible scream just as Asa grips both sides of her head. For one, horrifying second she thinks he’s going to break her nose again, but then he shifts them both in a semi circle. Unintentionally, Cricket catches sight of the pulpy mess of face, bone, and brain being beaten into concrete by the meat tenderizer just as Asa’s cock hits the back of her throat.
Cricket gags, retches, and vomits. Chunky bile fountains up her throat and, having limited space to escape with so much cock in the way, burns its way out her nose and the sides of her mouth. The mess splatters them both, nauseatingly hot and reeking of the night’s dinner.
Horror, mortification, disgust, panic; it’s a myriad of wretched emotions that leave her reeling and rip a garbled plea for mercy from her sore throat. The punishment she’s going to get for this—
Asa laughs. He laughs that genuine, raspy bark so rarely heard by anyone, let alone Cricket, Through tears, she stares up at him in astonishment. Her shock grows exponentially when he grips handfuls of her vomit-caked hair and continues his onslaught.
It’s horrible, having the taste of sick savagely forced back down one’s throat. More nausea roils in her gut when she gags again and, with no way to draw in air through her dripping nose, her lungs starve. Luckily, she doesn’t have long to wait.
Asa snarls and sheaths himself completely, adding his seed to the mess that is her mouth. Then, finally, his grip relents. Cricket resurfaces, hacking sobs spilling from her lips aside saliva and puke and spend.
She frantically wipes her face, desperate to rid herself of the smell and sensation, but Asa bends down, seizes her around the waist and bodily tosses her onto the bed. He pins her by the head, sticky face smashed into the comforter as he all but tears her shorts from her legs.
Cricket expects to be violently, painfully filled the very next second, but the Collector’s pause surprises her. Jars her. She can’t see it with how most of her face is pressed into the bed, but she can hear the familiar click of the television.
“W-what is this?” A pause, then, “Hey man! What the fuck is going on?!"
Cricket hopes with all her heart and soul she can keep her nausea at bay until the Collector is satisfied.
Cricket regains consciousness with a croaky, pained groan. Through her eyelids, she sees natural light filling the room. It’s the next day then, though she can’t even begin to guess at the approximate time.
Under the sheets she shifts and sucks in air through her teeth when every muscle protests. She’s achingly sore, both from dancing and from what the Collector did to her last night. She can still hear the man’s whimpering playing on repeat in her skull. Asa must have replayed that video at least ten times.
She’s clean, at least, hair still damp from the shower and slow to dry in Florida’s humidity. Asa is always very meticulous about tidying her up after he ruins her. Cricket suspects he enjoys that part almost as much as the rest. Now, if only she could rid herself of the memory.
The bedroom door whips open and Cricket flinches in alarm. Asa strides in and begins rifling through the closet. Silently, she wonders if she should get up or stay put, but her question is answered before she can even voice it aloud.
“Swimming suit,” Asa orders. “Jesse is demanding a pool day.” Her lime green bikini lands on the bed at her feet as he speaks.
No one but Asa would be annoyed by a pool party, but there is definitely less vitriol in his voice than there has been the last few days. The question is, was it the previous night’s activities that lightened his mood, or the video itself?
“Mel? Mel, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean- Oh, jesus fuck-
Cricket winces at the memory of the audio. Laboriously, she pushes upright and shifts herself out of the bed. Her knees wobble as she reaches for the bathing suit.
Dark eyes take in every new bruise, every angry, red slash across pale skin as Cricket dresses. She’s too used to the feeling of his gaze on her now to even notice. Is that a blessing? She isn’t sure.
Glancing down at herself, she grimaces at how little of her…treatment the bathing suit hides. The bruises on her hips are the worst, dark purple stripes the exact length of Asa’s fingers. She should put on the cover-up she brought—
“No,” the Collector says simply before she’s taken even three steps to the closet. Cricket stops in her tracks and bites her lip, but nods in understanding.
Of course he’d want to parade around his handiwork.
Asa coos in mock sympathy as he takes her face in his hands. The sunlight bathing the room sharply illuminates every nick and scar adorning his face. Cricket’s mismatched eyes trace the thick stripe across the bridge of his nose. He watches her watch him for a moment, then leans in when he’s had enough of her assessment. His kiss is more like a bite, teeth sinking into her lip and tongue hungrily licking up the little gasp she emits. “My poor little Cricket,” he murmurs against her mouth.
The water is somewhat of a relief. A few laps back and forth across Jesse’s lavish infinity pool with its body temperature water and breathtaking view help to loosen Cricket’s tight limbs. It eases the ache, somewhat. Small mercies.
Asa lounges in the shade on a nearby chair. He wears shorts and a t-shirt and takes a long drag from the cigarette perched between his fingers. Smoke obscures his face and Cricket wonders what he would look like in swim trunks. She’s never seen him wear them and assumes she never will. Even his choice of attire today is somewhat of a surprise. He must be in a decent mood.
Of course, the relaxation is short-lived. The slide of the balcony door reaches her ears and Cricket peers over the edge of the pool to see Jesse and Marena saunter out into the sunshine, the former wearing only sunglasses and a Speedo and the latter wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts. Hastily, Cricket glances away, unable to meet Marena’s gaze.
‘Morning, sluts,’ Jesse signs and Asa scoffs in annoyance. Grinning and crouching at the edge of the pool, he playfully pinches Cricket’s cheek and asks, ‘Did little Cricket have a good night?’ Chromeskull’s shoulders shake with silent snickering when Cricket gives him a pleading look that says, ‘Please don’t bring that up.’
Patting the top of her head, Jesse stands. Then without warning, he steps back and hurtles himself into the water with a practiced cannonball.
The resulting splash leaves no survivors. Cricket quickly covers her chuckle with a hand when Asa and Marena both protest in unison, Asa citing Jesse’s lack of respect and Marena cursing him in what Cricket assumes is Russian.
Shaking her head, Cricket leisurely swims to the ladder and pulls herself up and out of the pool. She does her best to ignore the self-consciousness that pricks at her skin when all her scars and bruises, old and new, are revealed and highlighted by the gleaming sun. She hopes Marena isn’t looking, doesn’t wish to hurt her anymore than she already is, but knows deep down those keen eyes see more than they let on.
As Marena curls up with a book in the chair furthest from Asa, Jesse swims to the edge of the pool nearest her and pats the puddle that has formed there to get her attention. She resolutely ignores him until he flicks her with water.
“What?” she hisses, snapping her book shut.
‘Swim with me,’ he orders, signing fingers crooking into a lewd come hither motion.
“No,” is her icy reply as she returns to her book. Cricket doesn’t see what Jesse signs next as she retrieves a towel and seats herself next to Asa. Smoke curls up around her form, the cigarette still resting between his fingers. He must have managed to save it from Jesse’s tsunami.
“Why don’t you go and fuck yourself instead?!” Cricket’s head whips up in alarm with Marena’s barely controlled shout. Her tiny form is pressed back into the chair as though she is trying to put as much distance between herself and the pool as physically possible.
Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no—
Asa clears his throat. Slowly, he leans forward to rest his palms on his knees. “Your insolence has gone on long enough.” His tone is even, but the measured pace of his words and their undercurrent of finality tells Cricket something terrible is about to happen. Frantically, she glances from Asa to Marena, whose expression has morphed into something akin to pure steel.
Asa turns slightly to address Jesse. “Your lack of control over your toy is embarrassing, frankly, though I suppose you’d have better luck taming a wild animal.” Gently, Asa reaches out, intertwines his fingers with Cricket’s, and brings them to rest in his lap. It’s deceptively sweet and sends her heart rate sky high. Quietly, menacingly, Asa adds, “Fortunately for you, even the wildest of animals can be brought to heel with the proper incentive.”
The Collector looks directly at Marena as he twists Cricket’s arm to expose the soft skin of her forearm. Trepidation chokes a whimper from Cricket’s throat and she fights the nearly overwhelming instinct to thrash. Her fingers curl as much as his will allow, the tendons in her wrist flex, her chest heaves with ineffective gasps.
Pinching the cigarette between thumb and forefinger, Asa sharply presses the lit cherry to Cricket’s flesh. It sizzles and smokes and blistering agony forces a strangled cry from her lips. Cricket writhes with a strange, jerking motion as she battles the urge to rip her arm away in favor of remaining obedient. He simply digs his nails into her palm to keep her arm where wants it as he twists the cigarette back and forth, extinguishing the ember against charred skin.
There’s a clatter across the pool and all attention momentarily turns to Marena, who has leapt from her chair with enough force to knock it to the ground. Frigid rage is her expression as shoulders square and fists clench. She is unchecked, her emotions laid bare, masking no longer her goal.
She wants the Collector’s attention on her. Demands it. With devestating resignation, she utters a single, succinct concession, intent in every syllable:
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slashhinginghasher · 6 days ago
Into the Cricketverse
Butterfly Emerging From Chrysalis
Introduction: Marena’s POV | Introduction: Cricket’s POV* | Aftercare* | Bread* | Boundaries | Movie Night | Welcome to My Death Talk* | Mess* | Audition Tape | Hair Brushing | Cinnamon Rolls and Meat Tenderizers and Cigarettes, Oh My*
*asterisk denotes the parts written by the incomparable @thesightstoshowyou
Sickening silence stretched across the deck. From below, the distant sounds of beachgoers drifted upward, accompanied by the faint rush of the ocean.
Cricket choked back a desperate sob.
Marena's heart was pounding so hard her vision was going black around the edges, tunneling in on the hateful figure of Asa fucking Emory as he rose to his feet. He approached her slowly, deliberately. Inexorable. The animosity between them so powerful it had its own gravitational pull.
"You think you get-"
"Not think," she snapped, cutting him off. "I am telling you now. No more."
Asa's eyes widened, then narrowed.
"Do not fucking move, Cricket!"
Something in her face or her voice somehow cut through years of Asa's conditioning, because the other woman froze halfway out of her seat. Marena closed the distance between herself and Asa and, against all survival instincts shrieking "no!", jabbed a finger at his broad chest.
"You have problem with me? You deal with me." Articles dropped and vowels warped as her accent thickened in her mouth. "You want to hurt? You hurt me. Not her. Not again."
Asa's gaze had a physical weight, a black spear lancing through her and pinning her in place. His face, though, was calm. So calm, dangerously calm. The air is always stillest just before a storm. He looked down at the spot where she'd poked him. Glanced over her shoulder.
Then he turned around and went inside.
The iron pillar of her will began to falter, struggling to support the limbs that were as shaky and liquid as the rippling surface of the swimming pool. She swallowed the air more than she breathed it in. The sun beat down like a hammer, like a fist. It was hot. It was so hot. Something in her mind slipped and stuttered and fell out of place.
"What did you do?"
A trembling whisper was barely audible across the deck. The source of it, the woman staring at her in abject horror and terror, was not Hana. Her hair was too dark. Her eyes were the wrong color. The House Master would never allow them to wear such a garish shade of green.
But it could have been her. She cradled her arm protectively, clearly in pain.
They broke Hana's wrist first. Snapped the bone clean through under a booted heel. It was the only thing the girl saw before they locked her in the closet, left her to throw herself against the door and claw at the wood until her fingers bled while Hana screamed and screamed and screamed until she didn't anymore.
"It's okay," Marena croaked through numb lips. "It's okay. Not your fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
There was no art to her words as she staggered forward. She could have been speaking any language, English or Russian or the few words she knew of Polish or French, as she dropped to her knees and gripped the woman's shaking hand in both of her own. It was meaningless noise. It was desperation of the soul given a voice.
Forgive me. Forgive me. I'll do better this time. I'll take it all. They won't kill you again.
An arm like steel wrapped around her and hauled her to her feet. A piercing pain entered her neck and blossomed outward, burning through her veins. Everywhere the burning went, it left her limbs heavy and dead in its wake. Marena relaxed into it, waiting for the black pit of unconsciousness to swallow her.
It never came.
As Asa slung her unresponsive body over his shoulder, she realized he meant for her to feel every moment of what he had in store for her.
The basement smelled like bleach and a faint undercurrent of decay, same as it had the previous day. Asa dropped her unceremoniously on one of the tables with a clunk. Her body was so heavy; it felt like she would suffocate under the weight of her own flesh. She pushed carefully against the paralysis, feeling out the limits of the drug. Her eyes were the only thing that responded to her will, and even then the lids were slow and clumsy.
She kept them closed. Nothing here she wanted to see anyway.
The sensation of her clothes being cut away with a knife was a familiar one, but the nitrile covering the hands wielding the blade was not. Jesse never wore gloves when he touched her, not even when he was Chromeskull. Same reason he never wore a condom, he said. Not that she'd asked. The little corner of her mind that made her most ridiculous observations wondered if Asa was worried about catching something from her.
When she was bare, the gloved hands took hold of her feet. Thumbs moved over the scars Jesse had made on the soles. Asa flexed each foot, slowly rolling the ankle joint, before moving on to her calves. The touch was too impersonal to be sensual, too lingering to be clinical.
The higher those hands moved up her legs, the more she wanted to hyperventilate, though her lungs kept breathing steadily on their own like an unmanned bellows. If he raped her, she would self-destruct. She would collapse in on herself like a dying star and pull everything and everyone around her down with her to hell.
But when he reached the apex of her thighs, his touch moved outward, over her hips and up her rib cage. He took each of her hands in his - would he break the fingers? - then squeezed the scant muscle of her forearms. Finally, he pulled her gruffly into a sitting position, her head lolling awkwardly around her shoulders, and let her topple forward to slump against a bare, muscled torso. Her eyes fluttered weakly open at that, blurry vision landing on a tattoo as familiar to her now as her own skin.
She hadn't even heard Jesse come in. Sounds were muffled and rang oddly in her head, as though they were coming from the other end of a very long tunnel. Asa had pushed her hair out of the way and was now inspecting her back, hands moving in parallel on either side of her spine and pinching the skin at regular intervals. He said something; Jesse's phone squawked in response. The gloved hands left her body.
Metal clinked and clattered somewhere in the background. Jesse's skin was slightly damp, like he'd toweled off in a hurry before coming down. His bare hands moved over her body in Asa's stead, stroking, tracing, caressing. From another man, to another woman, the motions might have been calming, intended to soothe. But Marena could feel his eager hardness pressed against her. He was looking forward to this as much as if he'd planned it himself.
How many men had she felt this way? How many, lining up, salivating for a taste of her pain? Too many. Men with ropes, men with knives, men who wielded their own bodies as weapons. Too many hands on her, around her, in her, to keep track of.
(How many cold mornings by the river, how many cruel evenings by a dying hearth? How many whip-thin branches cracking against her skin, how many stones, how many fists? How many silent nights spent pleading to the dark and empty wild come, come, take me away, I am ready, please come? Did they watch her then with hungry eyes? Did they lick their teeth impatiently, waiting for her to grow big enough so they could hurt her from the inside out and not just the outside in?)
The world swirled around her as she was lifted and rearranged. Her head laid to rest in a man's lap. Smooth, hard surface beneath her back, her thighs, a rounded edge digging into her knees. The gloved hands returned, made tiny dots here and there along her skin. Her foot was propped against a solid, fabric-clad thigh. Metal scraped against metal.
When the first length of wire entered her foot - piercing the top, slipping between the fragile bones, and exiting through the sole - she thought she might die. By the third, she was certain she would, that her heart would simply explode in her chest. When the wire threaded through her ankles in the gap between tendon and bone, she thought she might already be dead.
Up and up it went, piercing, puncturing, slicing. Sometimes it traveled just below the skin; in other places, it burrowed deep into the muscle. More wire wrapped her like a spider's web, in turns tight enough to cut into her skin and loose enough that she could barely feel it.
Once, she'd gone down to the river after a particularly bad whipping and stood thigh deep in the frigid water until her legs went numb. When feeling returned, it was like cold fire licking at her flesh, joints aching like teeth. She'd wept silently under her favorite tree while her skin burned and froze.
Once, a careless House Guest left her bound after he'd had his way with her. By the time they cut her free the next morning, she was benumbed from the waist down. When blood returned to the deadened limbs, it was like a thousand jabs from a needle. She'd pressed the flesh of her forearm between her teeth to keep from crying out as her muscles cramped and spasmed.
The pain was like that now, magnified a hundredfold and suspended at the moment of greatest agony. Blood, where it dripped, felt at once hot and cold against her skin. Muscles attempted to twitch against the countless intrusions but could not move for the paralytic drug still in her veins.
The slide of a needle passing through her fingertip tasted like bile and hot metal. Slag pouring down her throat and shivering up her finger bones. Again, again. Up, down, over. She was a sensation repeating. There was nothing left to her.
She tried in vain to disconnect, even willed herself to pass out. But every time she nearly managed it, the second pair of hands, the ungloved ones, would pass over a part of her body that was sensitive in a different way, and the little bloom of pleasure would mire her once again in her own flesh. She hated those hands. Hated them in a way that made her blood burn brighter, hotter, that set her already searing nerves ablaze and made the agony of her torment that much worse.
Every nerve screamed in concert as she was rolled onto her stomach, head turned carefully to the side so she did not suffocate against the table. Something punctured her back, something thicker than wire, thicker than a needle, and stayed there. Another. Another. Down, over. Down, over.
The hands - those wicked, detestable hands! - curled beneath her armpits, lifted her upright, higher, higher, until her feet dangled freely above the earth, a sable in the claws of an eagle. Jangling of metal, more, yes, more, and a warm pressure against her mouth. Something tugged very sharply at her back in a sensation that was not really pain, not quite. The hands released her.
And then she was weightless.
"Damn it, Jesse, hold her head still."
Jesse snickered silently, then cupped his hands more firmly on either side of Marena's face before ducking down to nuzzle at her mouth again. It was a sickeningly affection gesture. Had the man possessed a working set of vocal cords, Asa felt sure, he would have been murmuring sweet nothings in the girl's ear.
It was not his best work. Far from it, but then he'd had to work around the limited equipment available and the ludicrous restrictions Jesse had placed on him. Nothing that would lead to permanent disfigurement - no flaying, no amputations. No alteration of the face unless Jesse specifically and unequivocally approved it beforehand. Nothing that would, in the other man's exact words, permanently break her.
Not to mention the difficulties of having a 6'7", nearly naked pest hell-bent on shoving his tongue down the throat of Asa's subject when he needed her stationary. It had taken several vicious reprimands to keep the man's fingers away from her cunt while he worked.
Absolutely fucking pathetic.
Asa didn't work in reversible. Still, he'd managed to create something he could be proud of.
Wire wrapped the girl from waist to toe, dipping in and out of the meat and skin until her legs were a dizzying blur of metal and flesh, excess wire forming an unraveling chrysalis around her. For the hands and arms, he'd taken thread from Cricket's embroidery kit - grey and white webbing her fingers, longer strands draping from forearm to waist so she appeared to be pulling free from a mass of silk. Two neat columns of suspension piercings marched down her back. Chains, both large and small, radiated outward to form her wings and suspend her from one of the metal frameworks Jesse so favored.
(He typically mounted his pieces directly on the wall, but could appreciate the advantages of the frame. He might have to invest in some for the hotel.)
Asa was braiding her hair through the chains now, darkening the basal wing like a Parnassius behrii. The tension would keep her head held aloft and facing forward. No unsightly slumping to interrupt the lines of the work. He'd had to discard his gloves when the blood-tacky material kept catching, irritatingly, on the strands, and he had to admit he was surprised by how soft the hair was. In his mind, everything about Marena was as coarse and rough as her unrestrained mouth and untrained manners. That the reality differed so greatly - luxurious curls, smooth skin interrupted only by the abundant lines of scar tissue - unsettled him in a way that he could not define.
Jesse had given a thorough recounting of the girl's scars whenever he caught Asa's eyes lingering on a particular one. Asa recognized the remnants of Jesse's own handiwork easily enough, but the stories behind the older scars seemed... improbable at best. Rats and bears and sadistic whoremongers, changelings and psychotic mothers. It sounded like an amalgamation of twisted fairy tales, and he wouldn't be surprised if the brat had made it all up. The scars were certainly there, though. That much could not be denied. Asa had cut into enough bodies over the years that he could effortlessly read depth, age, and severity in the marred skin left behind.
If he'd been able to transfigure her unfettered, he would have opened every one of those scars and carved out mirror images to match, turned her into a work of perfect symmetry.
He had considered piercing her breasts and genitals, but Jesse would have enjoyed that far too much, and Asa was not feeling particularly magnanimous towards the man at the moment. He'd also planned to sew her mouth shut, let the little cur try to spit and swear and rage from behind stitched lips. But she hadn't spoken yet.
Not. One. Damn. Word.
The drug had worn off enough by now for her to make some sort of noise; he had calculated the dose down to a ten minute window, could see the faint involuntary twitching of her hands and feet. Yet she remained silent as a statue. It went against every expectation he had of her behavior, against every demonstration he had witnessed of it. He was ready for her defiance now - wanted it, even, so that he could subjugate it further - and she did not give it to him. Disobedience through complete surrender. It was infuriating, and it was confusing, and Asa did not like being confused.
Unfortunately, and to his great consternation, Jesse could be damnably perceptive at the most inconvenient times.
"Cromeans-" Asa cut himself off, pulling a deep breath in through his nose before continuing through clenched teeth. "Go and fetch Cricket."
"Go!" he snarled over the electronic voice, dangerously close to a shout.
Jesse's laughter was a soft clicking as he threw his head back and cackled, but he set off for the elevator without any additional comments. The athletic shorts he wore were hardly better than the ridiculous bathing suit he'd emerged in earlier, and did nothing to hide the erection he'd had almost from the moment he'd entered the basement. Asa's own arousal pressed uncomfortably against his zipper, but that was merely his natural reaction to the act of cutting into flesh and had nothing to do with the person this flesh was attached to, no matter how irresistible Jesse seemed to think his ghastly little pet was.
Still, he couldn't help drawing comparisons between Marena and Cricket now that he'd had the opportunity to thoroughly observe the former. Although she was no longer the skin and bones she'd been at their first meeting, Marena still had the rangy musculature of a stray dog, clearly inferior to Cricket's smooth, toned dancer's body. The lankiness of the Russian's limbs made her seem taller than her diminutive height when seen from a distance, but up close Asa had to wonder how Jesse managed the restraint to keep from breaking her little body in half.
With Cromeans gone, silence filled the basement. Objectively, the man moved like a ghost, but his presence was loud. Its absence created an empty space that allowed the rest of the room to make itself known. The faint tick of the air conditioning blowing through the vents. The irregular drip, drip of blood, each drop trembling on its string and wire branches like dew, like rubies, before falling to the concrete below. Marena, suspended, eyes shut, motionless and serene as a porcelain doll.
Asa slapped her, hard enough to set the chains jingling since her head couldn't turn to the side. Her brow furrowed slightly; a hint of a wince tightened the corners of her mouth. He slapped her again on the other cheek.
"Look at me."
She did.
Where Cricket's eyes were warm, the color of earth and moss and growing things, Marena's were the merciless blue of a frozen lake in the depths of winter. The expression in them was not the rage he expected, nor the fear he craved. If he had to put a name to it, he would say desolation. Fathomless sorrow and the bone-deep resignation of a person forced to pick up a burden both familiar and unbearable. It put him in mind of Sisyphus setting his shoulder to the stone once again. Prometheus, baring new flesh to the eagle's beak.
The first time he'd laid eyes on her, that dreary autumn morning in his foyer, the word ethereal had been among the first to pop into his head. His Collector's mind had filled with images of etched glass, carved ivory, layers of delicate moth wings like flurries of snow. She had seemed more statue than girl already: the shape of her bones under bloodless skin, the long, white dress Jesse had wrapped her in, her stillness, her silence.
That had been a lie, of course. A carefully crafted facade of meekness so convincing that even he had been fooled right up 'til the moment she struck. With the illusion shattered, he'd seen her for what she really was: cornered prey that thought its mindless thrashing made it a predator. A feral creature lucky enough to stumble upon a master that found its savagery amusing.
But now, forced as she was into repose by his own hand, he could see the artistic potential in her again.
"You could be something magnificent if he did not suffer such a lack of vision," Asa murmured, almost to himself. Dark eyes traced her form, drinking in the contrast between black hair and pale skin, between gleaming metal and the glowering crimson of blood.
No, not his best work, but striking nonetheless.
He stepped forward, once, twice, thrice, until he stood nearly nose to nose with her. Close enough to feel the gentle puffs of her breath. He notched the blade of a paring knife under her chin - a warning. He'd seen the scars on Jesse's fingers, would never understand why the other man seemed charmed by them.
Asa raised a hand to the side of her neck. Her oldest scar, Jesse had said; some damning epithet long since stretched and faded into illegibility. The tissue was barely raised as he traced the curves and lines of it. It could have been a birthmark, etched into her skin from the moment she entered the world.
Marena's eyes grew glassy, welled up, spilled over. Crystalline tears tracking down cheeks still reddened from the palm of his hand. Allowing himself a moment of indulgence, Asa leaned in and laved his tongue over her cheek.
Her tears tasted different from Cricket's. More bitter, somehow. Colder.
Beneath his fingers, he could feel her throat working as though she was trying to speak. Drawing back, he watched her lips part and quiver. Words crept out, barely audible, but he caught the shape of them. The misery in her eyes could have drowned oceans.
He drew the blade across her throat.
Not deep enough to kill, no. Just enough for a thin sheet of blood to cover her neck like a stage curtain being lowered, to pool at her shoulders and collarbones and trickle down her sternum. Breath came shallow as he watched a small rivulet follow the curve of her breast - smaller than Cricket's - down to a pert nipple.
He took a hasty step back at the sound of the elevator's arrival, wiping his hand against his pants leg. Cricket still needed to be punished, of course, for allowing herself to be touched by unworthy hands. Several ideas had come to mind over the past hours while he worked.
The elevator door slid open, and Cricket screamed.
"She won't come. She never does."
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utlitsolution · 9 months ago
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darkromanceblackburn · 4 years ago
ooh is it too late to throw OCs at you? Masha doesnt want to play but im making her anyway.
🖤 slashhinginghasher
Sadly, yes. It takes me a lot of energy and time to write each of my OCs opinion. 😵
Also I adore Marena! 😍 I re-read your Jesse x Marena stories over and over, and her interaction with him is simply GOLD.
If you want certain OCs opinion and reaction to Marena I can do that.
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thesightstoshowyou · 10 months ago
Into the Cricketverse
- Chapter Two -
Asa Emory (The Collector) x Cricket (OC) (NSFW)
Chapter One was written by the fabulously talented @slashhinginghasher and featured the first meeting between their OC Marena and my OC Cricket.
Below are the same events, but from Cricket’s POV.
Warnings: Violent oral, blood, and a not so polite reminder that Asa Emory is a terrible human being.
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“Cricket.” Pausing mid-stitch, Cricket glances up from her spot on the floor, piles of half-folded laundry spread around her. Asa stands poised in the bedroom doorway, a spool of wire clutched in his hand.
“Yes, Sir?” The shank of the sewing needle dents her fingers with how tightly she pinches it between them. She hopes that wire isn’t for her….
“Pack a bag for yourself. Two weeks of clothes, a mix of casual and formal. It will be hot, so choose accordingly.”
Two weeks…a possible need for formal wear…hot weather…. Cricket perks up, eyebrows lifting in surprise.
“Clever little Cricket,” Asa murmurs. A smirk pulls at his lips as he stalks away. She waits until she can no longer hear his footsteps before jumping to her feet and returning the needle and thread to the sewing kit.
Halfway to the closet she slows, hands coming up to clasp one another. It’s been well over a year since she last saw Jesse and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved. Life has been relatively peaceful, or as “peaceful” as it can get for someone in her situation.
Was this trip to be the end of that peace?
Carefully, she chooses outfits and lays them on the bed. What had Asa said?
‘Jesse has a new…distraction.’
She hadn’t asked what he meant, but if the fact they weren’t sleeping together anymore is anything to go by, that “distraction” is a new partner. Cricket wonders, briefly, if said partner is in a similar position as herself…or if they are even still alive. It had been over a year….
Is that why she and Asa have been summoned to Florida?
She shakes her head in an effort to clear her racing thoughts. There will be no answers to her questions, not until she happens upon them herself. Keeping her in the dark is Asa’s prerogative.
Cricket will keep her eyes on her feet as she always does until they’re forced to take in whatever horror lies directly in front of them.
Traffic had been terrible. Cricket’s nerves are already frayed, though not because of the seven vehicles that had cut them off. No, it was Asa’s iron grip on the steering wheel that had her fighting the trembling of her hands.
Every time she caught his shoulders tensing out of the corner of her eye, she would wince and when they finally pulled into the parking lot of Jesse’s penthouse, she could not get out of the car fast enough.
Cricket has no hope Asa’s mood will improve inside the building. She is not that naive. However, perhaps Jesse will draw the Collector’s ire instead and give her a chance to escape to the kitchen and make herself useful.
Cricket’s usefulness has always been her salvation.
It’s strange, walking into the penthouse after all this time like nothing has changed. Everything is as it was the last time she was here. Everything except—
“Dr. Emory.”
Everything except the tiny, severe-looking woman on the far end of the room.
Her hair is dark and wild, unruly curls draped over half her face and concealing her other icy blue eye. Her clothes are modest and loose, but what Cricket can see of her skin is scarred. Her flesh tells the story of a brutal past…or of a relationship with Chromeskull.
The distraction.
The distraction’s name is Marena, and she is very much alive.
“Where is he?”
Fearlessly, the woman—Marena—meets Asa’s frigid gaze with ice all her own. Cricket can feel the tension between them, can see it in the way Asa grips their bags like he’d crushed the steering wheel earlier. Her heart beats a furious tattoo against her ribs, the gears of her mind whirring as they work toward understanding.
Asa had seen Jesse more recently than she, had said he was “watching something” for Chromeskull. Cricket remembers the day clearly because Asa had made her stay overnight at the hotel. She does not look back upon that night with fondness.
The “something” must have been Marena. Whatever happened that night must have been heinous, based on their body language. The how and why, though tempting to investigate, will have to wait to be unpacked because if Cricket has to endure this growing hostility poisoning the air any longer she will scream.
She opens her mouth, but pauses. What will she say? Perhaps she’ll offer to make refreshments, or to unpack. Anything to flee to safer ground.
“Quiet,” Asa spits and Cricket recoils like she was struck. Her jaw pops with how quickly she closes her mouth.
Stupid mistake.
She’s trapped here now, stuck between a rock and hard place. Either Asa and Marena are going to lunge for each other’s throats, or….
Took your sweet time getting here.
Or Jesse will saunter in wearing nothing but silk boxers and make everything worse.
“You don’t get to lecture me about punctuality, Cromeans.” As unperturbed as always by Asa’s anger, Jesse’s shoulders shake as he meets Cricket’s timid gaze. She offers him a small smile, weirdly happy to see him despite everything, but she doesn’t dare move from her spot behind Asa.
Aw, don’t tell me you’re getting all shy on me now, Cricket.
She gives him a little wave, a quiet, “Hi,” but this greeting is apparently not good enough for the Collector.
“Manners, Cricket.” Her heart leaps into her throat. Another mistake.
“Sorry, Sir,” she murmurs, quickly scurrying around Asa to face Jesse fully. “It’s good to see you again, Daddy.”
There’s a horrible, hacking cough from across the room. Startled, Cricket whips her head to the side to see Marena coughing her lungs out. A quick glance at Jesse’s shit-eating grin makes her lower her gaze in dismay. The pet name must have upset her.
“There are so many things wrong with you,” Marena rasps. “What the fuck.”
It is abject horror that pulls the strangled gasp up and out of Cricket’s throat. Any second comes the bite, the knife, the discipline for such blatant disrespect—
“Don’t fucking touch me, god!” Cricket watches in silent shock as Marena tears herself out of Jesse’s grip and stomps away. She flinches when the bedroom door slams shut.
“You are far too lenient on her,” Asa comments irritably. Cricket catches herself wanting to agree, but quickly reminds herself normal relationships don’t include physical discipline.
Yeah, but she’s fun when she gets riled up like that, Jesse signs back, rolling his eyes when Asa undoubtably shoots him a withering look.
“You won’t be laughing when it’s your neck with a needle in it,” Asa snarls. He hoists the bags higher and strides away, muttering curses under his breath.
Marena stabbed him with a needle?! How is she still breathing? These next two weeks are going to be hell….
A warm finger on her chin makes her jump. Cricket looks up into Jesse’s scarred face, concern etched in her features. Her voice shakes when she asks, “Did I do something wrong?”
Not at all, doll. She’s just shy. Her worried expression briefly morphs into one of wry disbelief, which makes Jesse snort.
“And Sir is… okay? With that behavior?” Asa is most assuredly not “okay” with her behavior, but Cricket is more interested whatever agreement he and Jesse have reached regarding Marena.
Doesn’t matter if Asa likes it. She’s mine.
So…no agreement then. She supposes some tenuous truce has been reached, or maybe Asa wasn’t even aware Marena would be here….
“That time Sir left me at the hotel overnight, he said he had to watch something for you… that was her?” She is careful with this question, careful to keep her voice down, careful to address Asa properly. He wouldn’t like if she was asking questions, but there were so many that needed answers she couldn’t help herself.
With Jesse’s confirmation, she loses what little courage she’d managed to muster. Talking with Jesse had always been easier than talking with Asa, but even that had its limits. “Okay. Thank you, D—
Cricket pauses, the word poised on the edge of her tongue, awaiting clarification.
He signs, Just ‘Jesse’ to you now, doll. Unless you prefer it the other way, I won’t mind. Heat rises to her cheeks when he winks. She will not be making the mistake of calling him “Daddy” in front of Marena again.
“I should help Sir unpack,” Cricket announces, hurrying away before Jesse decides to get handsy. She would rather do anything else than be alone with Asa right now, but she doesn’t think he’d appreciate being left to do the unpacking by himself.
Bare feet pad quietly along chilly marble, the unease in her gut growing the closer she gets to the half-closed door ahead. Funny—she’s never stayed in the guest bedroom before….
Gently, Cricket eases the door open and pokes her head inside. A massive window runs along the far wall, offering a view of the setting sun and scantily-clad beach goers scurrying around below. Orange light pours through the curtains and Illuminates the ornate four poster. Next to it stands Asa, one of the duffels unzipped and already half unpacked.
“Can I help, Sir—
Asa cuts her off with a hand gesture: Arm outstretched, finger pointing at the ground. Cricket swallows thickly and hastily rushes to his side to kneel by his feet. He finishes what he was doing—hanging a shirt in the closet—before turning his attention to her.
Again, fingers—rough this time—find her chin to tip her head back. Cricket meets Asa’s dark, glittering gaze and she can almost hear what he’s thinking: You would never misbehave like that.
No, Sir, never. With wide, pleading eyes, she wills him to hear her thoughts. A calloused thumb ghosts across her cheek.
“Open your mouth, Cricket.” Ever obedient, she opens wide as Asa unbuckles his belt. Gentle fingers on the back of her head pull her closer while he guides his girth past her lips. She keeps her gaze locked devotedly on his.
Leisurely, Asa eases his cock deeper and deeper until it pushes into her throat. Cricket barely bats an eye when her nose comes to rest in the dark curls at his base, her gag reflex now all but trained away.
Unfortunately for Cricket, it is this ease that makes it possible for Asa to roughly grip both sides of her head, rear back, and savagely slam forward. The sickening crunch as her nose breaks against his pelvis is audible in the quiet room.
It is sheer will to live that stops Cricket from biting down when blinding agony explodes up through her skull. Her scream, muffled by the length seated in her throat, turns into a miserable gurgle when thick, viscous blood pours from her nostrils and into her throat. Tears blur her vision and streak down her face, mascara and eyeliner following soon after.
“Good girl, hang in there,” Asa coos, bucking his hips to fuck her throat. Cricket sobs and tenses and shakes, every movement jostling her nose and sending nauseating anguish ricocheting around in her aching skull. Sticky crimson and drool drip from her chin to stain her dress and block her airway. With no way to draw in oxygen, her lungs soon burn their protest while she fights the urge to thrash. In her lap, her nails dig bloody crescents into her palms.
Cricket’s head spins as her eyesight narrows. The wet squelching of her mouth sounds far away, as though it’s happening to someone else. Eyelids flutter….
Above her, Asa stills, a groan sticking in his throat when he finally spills into hers. Cricket’s head is released and she tips back, catching herself on her hands while gulping down air. She hacks and spits and cries, quivering fingers coming up to cradle her tender face.
Footsteps departing. He’s leaving…but then he returns not a minute later. A hand on her shoulder makes her jerk away, but Asa grips her tight and tugs her hands from her face. A cold, wet cloth dabs at the blood leaking from her nose. Cricket forces her teary eyes open.
Asa’s expression is blank. He assesses her injury with the same cool apathy he shows all his victims. He cleans her up like he would a specimen, his movements unhurried and deliberate.
Then, his gaze meets hers again. A shudder ripples up Cricket’s back. The message in that dark stare is as plain as day:
You would never misbehave like that because I could do so, so much worse.
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slashhinginghasher · 9 months ago
Into the Cricketverse - Audition Tape
Introduction: Marena POV Introduction: Cricket POV* Aftercare* Bread* Boundaries Movie Night Welcome to my Death Talk* Mess*
*asterisk denotes parts written by @thesightstoshowyou
(This is still part of the Spring Break series, I've just switched from part numbers to titles until Sights and I have worked out where everything fits in the timeline.)
Marena's back hit the wall hard enough to rattle the pictures in their frames, the blood in her hair leaving smudges of rust on the white paint. Jesse used the new leverage to thrust even harder, faster, deeper. Every part of his girl was clamped down on him like a vice: bare, blood-spattered legs wrapped around his waist; sharp little nails digging into his scalp and the nape of his neck; pussy gripping his cock like it never wanted him to leave.
About five more minutes, he figured, before the adrenaline rush began to die out and she became cognizant of the fact that he was fucking her out in the open when there were other people in the penthouse. He planned to make full use of that time.
From somewhere in the penthouse, the tinny recorded sounds of screaming and crunching bone looped again and again.
~ One hour earlier ~
Marena was reaching a breaking point much faster than Jesse had anticipated. Only a few days in, and he could already see the strain of Asa's presence taking a toll on her. He'd given Asa a brief overview of her history in the brothel as a way to justify his "hands mostly off" rule, and the clever bastard had quickly deduced that he could circumvent it by using Cricket's pain to torture Marena psychologically instead of physically. If she didn't get a way to work off some of that tension, she'd do something that would push Asa over the edge.
Which was why Jesse slapped down a little plastic baggie of pills in front of her.
Marena glanced at it and went very still. She knew what date rape drugs looked like, and she knew Jesse didn't use them on piggies. When she looked back up at his masked face, it was with the cold, dead eyes of a predator.
"He's in the basement."
Holding his gaze, she slowly rose to her feet, took a few steps backward. Then she took off for the master bedroom at a brisk pace. Jesse smiled behind the mask and fiddled with his camera while he waited for her. It was a digital model, the type he preferred for his personal projects when he didn't have to worry about the cops scraping metadata off a computer file. The sound and picture were crisper, the videos easier to edit after shooting.
And this one had broadcasting capabilities.
Marena emerged in a pair of heavy leather boots with metal plates embedded along the thick soles. With her asymmetric plaid skirt and haphazardly plaited hair, she looked ready to go to some punk show. It was hot. Even hotter was the way she plucked the meat tenderizer Cricket had used the previous night from the drying rack by the kitchen sink, weighing it in her hand and giving it a twirl before nodding at Jesse.
She was silent in the elevator on the way down, absentmindedly tapping the metal mallet against her thigh. Nearly a year ago, she had slaughtered a group of men in a Miami penthouse for drugging and raping girls from the shitty bar she'd worked at. Her subsequent flight from the police had placed her on a path that landed her directly in Jesse's bed - and the rest, as they said, was history.
Jesse mentally sent out a thank you to the four rotting corpses that had inadvertently sent him his Tiny Terror.
The college boy - bermuda shorts, boating shoes, and a button-down shirt that had ripped open in the acquisition scuffle - was tied to a chair, looking a little worse for wear. Various implements of pain were lined up along a metal table behind him and more were locked in a cage off to the side. The setup reminded Jesse of his first encounter with Marena, though she had maintained far more composure than this sniveling wreck. His red eyes and runny nose were shameful in comparison.
Boat Shoes' intended victim had been dosed with a heavier sedative and was snoring away the last peaceful moments of her life in a locked box in the adjoining room. Jesse and Asa would play with the little piggy later; right now her presence would just be a distraction to Marena.
Jesse checked that the camera was linked up to all the TVs in the penthouse, and Asa's phone for good measure. He had a feeling the other man would want to watch this, even if it meant pulling himself away from Cricket's pussy for a time.
Marena looked Boat Shoes up and down dispassionately, like something mildly disgusting viewed from a distance.
"W-what is this?" he whimpered, looking over her shoulder at Jesse. "Hey man! What the fuck is going on?!"
Jesse slowly circled the scene and Boat Shoes tried to follow, straining his neck as Jesse moved out of his line of sight. Marena kicked him in the shin hard enough that the chair scraped several inches across the floor. He yelped.
"OW, fuck!"
She hurled the baggie of pills at his face. He flinched when it smacked his cheek.
"If you're going to rape someone," she said, voice deceptively soft, "at least have the decency to take them down yourself."
"Oh fuck, is that what this is? Some kind of... feminazi intervention?"
Marena frowned slightly.
"I don't know that word."
"You're gonna stand there and act like I'm the bad guy when she's the one who was acting like a tease and giving me mixed signals all night?" His reedy voice rose until he was almost shouting. "If she didn't wanna fuck, then why was she up at my table with her tits out, y'know?"
It was almost comical, the way he tried to square his shoulders when he was still tied to a damn chair.
"It's not like I was gonna hurt her, I just wanted what she owed me without anymore fucking games. But you females gotta make such a huge deal out of everything now with your 'me too' or whatever the fuck."
Boat Shoes craned his head, looking for Jesse.
"How much's she paying you to do this, dude? Or did she just put out like a slut?"
He lost his nerve the second he made eye contact with the mask and quickly looked back to Marena, but his raised voice made it clear he was still trying to address Jesse.
"Fucking typical, females can't even do anything without men to do the dirty work for them, am I right? I wasn't even asking much from her, all she had to do was lie there and take it-"
Whip-quick, Marena backhanded him with the meat tenderizer. The meaty smack was immediately drowned out by his warbling shriek. Melodramatic. She hadn't even hit him hard enough to knock him over. He coughed up a mouthful of bloody spit, and Jesse heard the clink of at least one tooth hitting the ground.
While Boat Shoes whimpered, Marena set the meat tenderizer on the table and picked up a knife. It was a simple thing, less than six inches long with a smooth blade. When she circled back around to face the boy again, he started blubbering and hyperventilating.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck." Blood sprayed off his quivering lips and dribbled down his chin. "Mel? Mel, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean- Oh, jesus fuck-"
He shut up the instant Marena touched the tip of the knife to his mouth. She trailed it downward, over his scrawny chest, until it hovered over his pubic bone.
"You don't want to be hurt, do you?" she asked in that same quiet, even tone. He shook his head frantically.
Marena cocked her head, eyes wide, unblinking.
"Then why are you so soft?"
She pushed the knife in, slowly.
Boat Shoes' wail echoed off the walls of the basement. When Marena stepped back, the hilt of the knife jutted up from his pelvis like a macabre erection. Probably bigger than anything he'd ever achieved with his limp little dick, too.
Marena slipped behind him to pick at the knots binding his hands. As soon as the ropes fell away, he slid to his knees. The knife handle bobbed up and down comically with each of his pathetic whimpers.
And, surprisingly, he wrapped his quivering hands around it and pulled the knife out a cry and a gush of blood. A stupid move - everyone knew removing the knife would just make you bleed out faster - but Jesse had to admit the kid had some guts. They were just a bit too perforated to do him any good now.
When Marena returned, meat tenderizer once again in hand, Boat Shoes brandished the knife at her, flicking lines of sticky crimson across her scarred calves. She didn't hesitate to bring the mallet down on his face again. More teeth went flying, and his jaw now sat at a horrific angle. Planting a boot on his solar plexus, she shoved him onto his back before stomping hard on the puncture wound in his gut.
Boat Shoes' scream could have shattered glass.
Marena knelt down and straddled his chest, heedless of the pooling blood soaking into her skirt. Keening miserably, Boat Shoes flailed at her with the knife, but didn't even land a scratch before she ripped it from his hand. Another swing of the mallet, and sobbing turned to gurgling. Gore spattered and threads of blood arced through the air as she brought the meat tenderizer down again.
And again.
And again.
A very small part of Jesse flinched with every wet crunch of metal against bone and flesh; he remembered all too well the sensation of his skull giving way under a baseball bat. But most of him was focused on capturing the rictus of fury on Marena's face as she reduced Boat Shoes' head to paste. An inhuman growl had bubbled up behind her bared teeth, rising in pitch and volume until it was a vicious banshee shriek. Her eyes were at once zeroed in and a million miles away, and Jesse felt certain she was not seeing an American college boy beneath her fists.
The meat tenderizer was clotted with blood and skin and other squishy bits that were never intended to see the outside of a skull by the time Marena brought it down a final time. It bounced off the concrete floor hard enough to ricochet it out of her hand, and she didn't bother to retrieve it. Chest heaving, she pushed her hair out of her face with bloody hands. She stood, located the baggie of drugs, then searched for the broken teeth scattered across the ground.
Instead of a human head, Boat Shoes' neck now terminated in a pile of chunky red pulp. Having retrieved all of his wayward teeth, Marena gathered them and the pills in her palm and poured them onto the gory mess, approximately where the boy's mouth had been. She cocked her head, considering, and drove her heel into his groin hard enough that something crunched. Then she wiped her hands on her skirt and walked back to the elevator.
Jesse, by this point, was practically vibrating with need. He could have fucked through steel with how hard his cock was. He took one last, lingering shot of the body before ending the broadcast and switching off the camera. He placed it carefully on the table, removed his mask, and bore down on Marena like a tsunami.
She was waiting for him in the elevator car, and he immediately swept her into his arms, her toes dangling a full foot off the ground as he sucked in mouthfuls of her salty skin like a starving man in the desert. Her face was speckled with blood and flecks of bone and brain matter, which turned to ruddy streaks under his tongue.
Marena was grabbing at him with equal fervor, grinding down on his bulge and tossing her head back wantonly. As the elevator door slid shut, Jesse hiked up her skirt, tore her underwear completely free from her body, and slammed home.
Hopefully, Asa had enjoyed the show.
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slashhinginghasher · 8 months ago
Short followup to Audition Tape
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Boar bristles glided through damp hair with a soft whisper. Each stroke of the antique brush left the wavy tresses in its wake twice as voluminous as before. It would be a soft, black cloud around Marena's head by the time Jesse was done, like a blow dried kitten.
Predictably, his little kitten was crashing hard. Scrubbed clean and dressed in nothing but one of his cotton undershirts - which swam on her tiny frame - she had put up no fuss when he plunked her down on the sofa with a bowl of fruit salad and began the long, soothing process of brushing out her wild hair.
Jesse's plan to defuse some of her building tension had worked. So well, in fact, that she didn't even seem to notice Asa watching them from the doorway, arms folded and eyes glimmering in the low light. She just kept eating her fruit one piece at a time with a toothpick, looking at nothing in particular and letting Jesse move her head however he wanted.
"How did Cricket like the show?" Jesse signed, a little awkwardly around the brush in his hand.
"She didn't," Asa replied simply. Jesse chuckled. For a person who had spent so much time around the Collector and the Collection, Cricket still had a remarkably delicate constitution. He suspected Asa preferred it that way.
Sensing the other man's growing impatience, Jesse set the brush aside and burrowed a hand into Marena's hair. Thumb on the soft spot at the base of her skull, the other four fingers gently scratching her scalp. It was like hitting an off switch: shoulders drooped, head lolled, and she slumped back into him with a little huff, leaving him barely enough time to catch the bowl of fruit as it slipped from her insensate fingers.
"Cute trick."
"Thanks." Jesse shifted the sleeping girl into a better position in his lap. "It only works under very specific conditions."
"The college girl?"
Always straight to business with this one. (Unless that business interfered with him fucking Cricket.)
"All boxed up and ready to play."
"Good. And the boy?"
Still lying in a puddle of his own skull where he and Marena had left him.
"I've been busy." Jesse dragged a thumb over Marena's lips, still kiss-swollen and bitten red.
Asa snorted.
"Do I need to disinfect anywhere before sitting down?"
"Might wanna give the island a once-over," Jesse replied with a grin.
After finishing in the hallway, he'd laid Marena out on the marble surface and licked the cum from her pussy until her spine arched like a strung bow, then spat it into her mouth before dragging her off to the shower to have his way with her again. By the time she'd been rinsed of blood, hair washed and conditioned, Jesse had cum twice more and Marena had been given three for each of his one. She hadn't even been able to properly wrap her shaking legs around him by the end, the pressure of his hips and the deep, filthy grind of his cock in her pulsing cunt the only thing keeping her off the shower floor. Body quivering and little toes curling under the onslaught of pleasure, she'd only made the smallest sound of protest when he'd slipped a soaped up finger in her ass to the last knuckle.
Fuck, he was hard just thinking about it again, waxing nostalgic about the debauchery he'd waged not thirty minutes earlier. He'd been hoping to get another round in before unboxing "Mel" down in the basement, but clearly that wasn't going to happen with Mr. Punctuality tapping his foot impatiently.
They were on vacation, for fuck's sake. There wasn't even a schedule to be punctual for.
Asa had one hand spread on the kitchen island, brow furrowed as it always did when he was deep in thought. He could have been envisioning Cricket; god knew the two of them had had her bent over that very counter more times that Jesse had bothered to count. But the sidelong glance at Marena's bare legs as Jesse swept past to deposit her in the bedroom had him suspecting there might be a new player in Asa's depraved little mental circus.
A chink in the armor that Jesse would take great pleasure in chipping away at.
"Sleep deep," he signed against Marena's skin as he settled her sleeping form on the bed. "I am FAR from done with you tonight."
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slashhinginghasher · 6 days ago
Author's notes for Butterfly Emerging From Chrysalis
Hi so I have a lot of things to say about this latest installation of the cricketverse that just could not be fit into a narrative form so here we go!
First: the final line, Marena's sole comment to Asa after being chrysalized: "She won't come. She never does." This comes directly from Marena's childhood, when her bio-mother would torture her in the hopes that it would entice her demon mother to return and take Marena back to the demon realm or whatever.
Obviously, the demon mother never came because it doesn't exist. But imagine being told your whole life "if you suffer enough, something that loves you will come and take you away from all this." And then nothing ever comes. Imagine the absolute torment of the soul, being made to believe that no matter how much you suffer, in how many ways, nothing loves you enough to take you away from the pain.
Why did it come up now, when she never brought up the demon mother before when Jesse tortured her? Under the strain of the situation, her mental timeline has collapsed, so she's basically experiencing every horrible era of her life at once: her childhood torment, the sexual slavery of her teens, her captivity under Chromeskull. It's why she mistakes Cricket for Hana (from the House of Roses) after confronting Asa, and why Jesse and Asa's names slip away from her over the course of Asa's torture.
Second: what the fuck is Jesse doing?
Cricket and Asa seem to think Jesse is, on this vacation, either oblivious or ineffective (respectively). While their reads on him are not Jesse's exact design, they are the direct result of Jesse's intentional actions because Jesse is also torturing Asa.
He can't tie Asa down and knife him, but he sure as hell can wage psychological warfare, and it's doubly effective since Asa, in all his superiority complex glory, doesn't imagine Jesse to be intelligent enough to wage psychological warfare.
Withholding information? Intentional - Asa needs to know every detail about every situation and is a control freak. Riling Marena up and not punishing outbursts? Intentional - Asa has very specific ideas about the role of a pet and is a control freak. Acting completely unaware of the rising tension, thereby making both Asa and Cricket even more tense? Intentional - Cricket torture is always a tasty little bonus and Asa is a control freak.
Marena is less affected by these tactics because she's been dealing with Jesse 24/7 for almost a year at this point and is a) used to this kind of bullshit from Jesse and b) fully aware that he is intelligent enough to pull it off. Asa and Cricket are the source of her psychological torment here.
Which brings me to the third: apart from the "stuck a syringe in his neck" thing, what exactly is it about the Marena situation that has Asa so pissed off?
Asa's read on the Marena thing:
Cricket is a perfect pet -> Jesse likes Cricket -> Jesse has decided to keep Marena because he wants his own pet -> Marena does not behave a thing like Cricket -> Jesse has failed
Jesse's read on the Marena thing:
Cricket is a perfect pet -> Jesse likes Cricket -> Jesse has decided to keep Marena because he wants his own pet -> Marena does not behave a thing like Cricket because she and Cricket are two fundamentally different people -> Jesse can torture Marena in ways he can't torture Cricket -> tormenting Marena is even more fun than tormenting Cricket -> great success
Asa's methods of torturing Cricket are based on overwhelming control. He decides every aspect of her life. Every ounce of pain and pleasure is calculated. Cricket was like a blank slate when he got her; he has molded her into the creature he wants, ensured she will react exactly as he wants. If he wants her to love him, she will love him. If he wants her to fear him, she will fear him. Every ounce of trauma, every scar she has, is his. He made her into Cricket.
Marena, on the other hand, came pre-downloaded with about ten people's worth of trauma. Using Asa's methodology on her won't yield the same results as it does with Cricket because she isn't Cricket. Physical pain? Not a threat to her. She's survived so much of it, she knows she can handle more. She expects it because it's all she's known. But because of all her trauma, it is so easy to send her into a PTSD spiral, hence Jesse's "wind her up and watch her go" approach. No one can torture Marena as well as Marena can torture Marena. Jesse just gets to sit back and enjoy the show.
Asa does not understand this, of course, because he is obviously the smartest, most devious man on the planet. His means are the best mean; his ends are the best ends. Jesse may come a lot closer than others to being his equal, but his is still lesser, and his inability to reproduce Cricket in Marena is clearly a sign of that.
You can understand the problems this will cause.
Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk and also thank @thesightstoshowyou for letting me play with their toys.
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slashhinginghasher · 6 months ago
Midnight Star - Chapter 10: Exploration
Midnight Star masterlist
It's been 3 years since I last updated this fic so I really recommend going back and reading it from the beginning whoops
TW: noncon, knifeplay, bloodplay, blood as lube
Summary: Jesse indulges in his new captive a little more thoroughly
Jesse leaned back in his chair, luxuriating in the full-body warmth that came from a good fuck. The glass of whiskey sat untouched in his hand; he was unwilling to wash the taste of her, of them, out of his mouth just yet. He’d bury his face in that cunt someday soon and drag a real scream out of her. Just the memory of that little gasp was nearly enough to make him hunt her down for another round or three, but he didn’t. He needed to plan first, to prepare.
Things had, once again, not quite gone the way he’d expected. He’d spent much longer than necessary with his back turned at the bar, waiting for her to move so he could turn around and catch her mid-ambush or mid-flight. Instead, it was only decades of finely honed reflexes that kept him from getting a knife to the throat. He should have heard her move. He should have felt her at his back. It was the third time in as many days that he’d had cause to doubt himself, and he’d been angry. Scratch that, he’d been enraged. He was furious beyond reason at this scrawny little nobody bitch who had upended his life, exposing weakness after weakness. He wanted to gut her at his table and mount her corpse over the fireplace.
Then he’d seen her eyes, that I fucked up fear he’d been trying to get out of her from the beginning, and he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off or her clothes on her any longer.
The floor around the table was a mess: shattered plates, scraps of food, spilled wine soaking into the rug like a puddle of blood. Smears of actual blood were streaked around the gouge left in the wood by the knife. It would be expensive as hell to fix; maybe he would install a cuff ring instead so he could have the girl for dessert whenever he wanted. Worth it. Jesse grinned as he remembered the way her spine had arched as she came all over his cock. That was one thing that remained unchallenged, at least. He’d always been proud of his sexual prowess, his ability to pull reactions from his victims’ bodies whether they wanted it or not, and it was good to see that edge was still as sharp as ever.
Fuck, he was hard again.
He switched his glass to his injured hand, watching the trickles of blood blossom into red clouds where they met the amber liquid. At the rate things were progressing, he wasn’t going to have any damn fingers left by the time this little song and dance reached its conclusion. The thought didn’t bother him as much as it should. He finally took a sip, scotch and copper bursting across his tongue. Swallowing, letting the liquor slowly burn its way down to his stomach, he thought of knives and bullets and pink-silver scars, of hot blood and a crimson halo spreading across the floor around a small, pale body.
Truth be told, he hadn’t expected her to answer him. Definitely hadn’t expected more than a few words. That was, of course, assuming she wasn’t lying through her teeth. He’d have to press her more, later, and see if she’d contradict herself. But the idea of her as a skin trade escapee seemed to fit; explained the skittishness, the black box of her past, the… Russian-ness. (In Jesse’s mind, all of Eastern Europe was an amorphous mass of vodka, fur coats, and hookers.) It kindled a perverse little fire of jealousy in his chest. He didn’t like the thought of so many hands on her, of so many others tasting what was his before he’d ever had the chance. That’s all it was, really: sheer possessiveness. The way she told it, it didn’t sound like she’d been there on purpose; she hadn’t used her cunt to string men along because it was the only thing she knew how to do. She was still very much not a Piggy. The whoring was just an unfortunate hurdle she’d had to clear before arriving at her rightful place in his house and his bed, and that was all easily remedied, as Jesse had both the time and the inclination to fuck the memory of any other man right out of her. He’d imprint himself on her so thoroughly, fill her with his smell and taste and touch, that she’d forget how she could even breathe before him.
The only thing that rankled, that really bothered him, was the age. Jesse Cromeans was a fucked up person who’d done a lot of fucked up things to people who maaaaaybe, by general standards, didn’t entirely deserve all of it. But one thing he’d never done, and never would do, was kids. Didn’t touch ‘em, didn’t look at ‘em, didn’t think about ‘em, unless they got directly in his way, in which case he dispatched them cleanly and efficiently. He’d been called a lot of nasty things in his life (and agreed with quite a few of them), but “pedophile” had never been on that list, and in his opinion, those who fell in that category deserved to be fed their own balls after watching them get cut off. Slowly. With a blunt knife. If nothing else, for their cowardice in choosing such weak and easy prey.
Jesse knocked back the rest of the whiskey and pushed himself to his feet. He swiped a finger through the congealing blood on the table before pinging a member of the staff to clean up the mess before the wine stain had a chance to set. The girl’s door was a siren call as he passed by it, but he pushed down the urge through supreme force of will. He pressed the bloodied fingertip to his tongue and imagined it welling up, hot and fresh and sweet, following the path of his blade.
He spent the next three days planning, preparing, and clearing his calendar. Meetings canceled, rescheduled, or delegated to employees; shipments confirmed; necessary communications answered and unnecessary ones told to fuck off. Knives sharpened; chains, cuffs, and frameworks arranged. He kept half an eye on the cameras in the girl’s room to make sure she didn’t do anything drastic. The first night, she had stripped the duvet from the bed and cocooned herself in the corner farthest from the door. After that, she lapsed into a despondent stillness, hardly moving except to eat the meals delivered to her room a few mouthfuls at a time.
On the fourth day, he unlocked her door and waited for her to approach it, mask on, two knives holstered at his hips and a third at his back. The moment she reached for the doorknob, he moved to intercept her in the corridor. Despite the clear skies outside, the hallway was nearly pitch black, two long branches of shadow stretching away from the pool of light at the wide stairwell that led to the first floor. He’d turned off the hall lights and shut all the doors specifically for that effect. Between his customary black wardrobe and the soft-soled shoes he wore for jobs that required stealth, he was practically invisible, and he wanted to see if he could make the girl jump.
She reached the stairs first, materializing from the gloom like an old-timey ghost in one of the most modest dresses he’d provided: black, with long sleeves and a high collar. She’d ripped all the lace off the hem and cuffs, leaving loose black threads hanging around her knees. Her eyes were unfocused, but not in the “lights on, nobody home” way they’d been before. It was more like she was channeling all her concentration into her other senses. Chromeskull shifted his weight experimentally, and her head snapped unerringly in his direction. Hiding place now effectively spoiled, he stepped up to the edge of the light.
He’d had standoffs like this before, a tableau of predator and prey like the ones that had played out across countless species, echoing down countless millennia. The prey would crumble, would plead or flee, and he would silence them or run them down, but he would catch them in the end.
He always caught them. When he wasn’t interfered with.
The girl bolted for the steps when Chromeskull reached for her, his fingertips brushing the ends of her hair as she ran. Halfway down, she vaulted herself over the railing. She landed with a painful sounding thwack, throwing her momentum into an awkward roll before scrambling back to her feet and disappearing around a corner.
Chromeskull laughed. She was so quick, like a little bunny. The short ones were often easy to catch with his much longer legs, but this one might give him a run for his money in an open space. He pulled up the home security system on his phone, making sure all the doors and windows were shut tight. He left one side door unlocked, just to see if she’d find it.
Then he gave chase.
He cornered her in one of the side rooms, one of those useless spaces that were little more than an oddly-shaped bit of hallway between the actual functional rooms. Exertion had put some color in her cheeks and disheveled her hair. One ankle was starting to swell - probably twisted it in her leap from the stairs. Every line of her pretty little body, from her clenched jaw to her rigid shoulders to her curled fists, was tense enough to shatter with a touch.
Oh, how Chromeskull wanted to break her.
The girl flinched as the shriek of his phone echoed off the walls, but rallied quickly.
“We already have a game,” she said. “The question game.”
Several times over the past few days, he’d had questions delivered to her along with her food. She’d stew over them for an hour or two, then monologue her replies to the empty room. Monotone, blank-faced, but with that odd sing-songy cadence like she was recounting a story she’d heard a dozen times before and was tired of. They were enlightening, but still raised more questions than they answered.
He sighed dramatically and pressed a hand to his cheek.
Her eyebrows pulled together slightly as she shifted on her feet, confused and unimpressed by his theatrics. Maybe she didn’t know what “alas” meant.
She was running before the sentence even finished. By the time he’d stuffed his phone back in his pocket, she was already out of sight.
The front doors were unmistakable, twin slabs of wood and metal detailing that stood nearly twice as high as all the other doors on the property. They were also on the opposite side of the house. He could have chased after her, or tried to predict her route so he could blindside her from another room. Instead, he unlocked the nearest sliding glass door and cut across the interior courtyard, enjoying the faint breeze against his scalp portending an afternoon thunderstorm.
No one ever said he had to play fair.
Leaning against the wall in the foyer, he checked the adhesive on his mask. It was a new model, one with a button cam installed in the socket over his missing eye. The added hardware made it slightly heavier than his standard model and so required some testing before he brought it out in the field. It would never replace his beloved tapes, but it was always good to have a more streamlined option available. Especially for days like today when he planned on stripping down and didn’t want to deal with the harness.
There was no patter of bare feet on tile to herald the girl’s arrival. She just appeared in a blur of black rounding the corner. She screeched to a halt when she saw Chromeskull, an unspoken GOD FUCKING DAMN IT clear as day on her face. He waggled his fingers at her in a playful wave. Her only response was to hunch over, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.
She didn’t retreat as Chromeskull sauntered over to her. He noticed her favoring the swollen ankle; it must be too painful for her to run anymore. She glared at him balefully through the curtain of her hair. He was near grabbing distance when she twitched right, as though to duck around him. When he moved to block her, she dove straight between his legs, sliding briefly on her stomach, handskneesfeet towards the door. In his haste to course correct, spin around, and lunge for her, his own feet tangled with each other and he went down hard. He managed to snag her leg on the way down, bringing her to the floor with him.
Bare toes and fingers scrabbled against the tile as she fought to gain even an inch of distance. It was too late; he already had a handful of dress and hair and was pulling himself up to straddle her waist. She put up a good struggle as he wrangled her arms behind her back, but she was hopelessly outmatched. He adjusted his hold, easily gripping both of her wrists in one hand as the other went to his belt. The girl tried to lurch forward at the clink of the buckle, squirming as he wrapped the black leather tightly around her wrists.
The front door was merely feet away.
Satisfied with the bindings, Chromeskull let a little more of his weight settle onto her thighs, grinning at the way she immediately went stock-still when she felt his bulge press against her back. As if that would make his cock any less hard. Her head dropped to the floor in defeat. He brushed the hair out of her face, petting her like he was soothing a dog, and pulled out his phone again.
The little huff of air she gave could’ve meant anything: resignation, irritation, exhaustion, any number of other -tion’s. As Chromeskull hauled her over his shoulder, he decided to go with whichever one stroked his ego the most at the moment and in hindsight. He gripped her leg as high up as he could - thumb rubbing against her ass cheek and index finger tucked snugly against her pussy. Her thighs tensed at that, but she made no other move to throw him off. From what he could tell so far, she was an at least somewhat intelligent girl; she had to have realized that if she wriggled free, she’d just land on her head and Chromeskull would scoop her right back up.
Didn’t stop him from wishing she’d rub against him just a little in the elevator on the way to the basement, though.
The framework was something he’d had custom-made when he got sick of having to find things for Veronica to stand on so he didn’t have to crouch to fuck her when she was strung up from the ceiling. A stainless steel arc formed an almost-complete circle over a pedestal of adjustable height. Attachments at regular intervals along the arc allowed the subject’s arms to be cuffed in nearly any position while still giving Chromeskull - and the cameras set up around the room - unfettered access to all sides of her body.
The girl was upright, her arms stretched outward and slightly up, like a crucifix. She had to stand slightly on her toes to ease some of the strain on her shoulders.
Chromeskull had given a lot of thought to the lighting and layout of the room. The ring frame stood in the center  and could be removed and broken down, the pedestal recessed to be flush with the floor, if he wanted to use the space. Certain lighting configurations were saved as presets that could be accessed with a press of a button. The amount and quality of camera equipment down here was probably comparable to some professional film productions.
Unsheathing the knife from his back, he trailed it slowly along the row of buttons down the dress’s front, teasing each one with the point of the blade. When he reached the bottom, he gripped the hem, pulling the fabric taut, and slipped the knife underneath the last button. A flick of the wrist, and it popped free, landing somewhere out of sight with a soft plink.
The final button rested at the girl’s throat. He took a moment to caress her there with thumb and forefinger, feeling the frantic jump of her pulse underneath the thin skin. She was, once again, steadfastly refusing to look him in the face, gaze unwaveringly fixed at some unknown point over his shoulder as he liberated the last button. He made quick work of the sleeves - two long, clean slices from shoulder to wrist - and tossed the ruined dress away.
The gauzy fabric of her bralette and panties was designed to accentuate rather than cover. Honestly, he was surprised she was wearing them at all, given her apparent aversion to lace. Not that he was complaining, though.
No, definitely not complaining, he thought as he hooked a finger through the center of the bralette. But they were still getting in the way of the places he wanted to touch the most, and the flimsy material tore so easily under his hands that he didn’t need the knife. Almost as if the garments themselves were as eager to leap free as he was.
Chromeskull backed away, admiring the view. A pool of light illuminated the central display, casting the rest of the room into shadow. To the camera’s eye, the girl and the metal frame were the only things in the universe.
And fuck, did she look delicious up there.
He’d seen her naked before, of course. But he hadn’t really looked, too eager to get his cock inside her at the time. Now that he was more level-headed and the girl was secured with leather cuffs that wouldn’t rip her wrists open, he could take the time to really drink in his latest acquisition.
She was still too skinny; a few good meals weren’t enough to change that yet. The shape of her ribs under taut skin flowed with the dark lines of the scars across her chest and stomach. He’d been ready to dismiss the thing with the bear as bullshit, but the marks really were undeniable. He tried to match up some of the other scars with the stories she’d told so far, but the bullet marks were hidden by her curls. The way she’d ducked her head and shaken the hair over her shoulders seemed practiced, the actions of a person who’d often found themselves in a state of undress when they didn’t want to be.
Bruises were already forming on her knees from being dragged to the floor, and the injured ankle was noticeably red. The blooms of color excited him. He couldn’t wait to mark her over and over and over, with knives and teeth and unrelenting fingers, reds and purples and blues and yellows like abstract art on a ragged white canvas.
Still hidden beyond the edge of the light, he began to circle her, slowly. He stripped off his shirt as he prowled, tossing it to the ground next to the remains of the dress. His pants and shoes followed, leaving him in his increasingly tight boxers with a single knife strapped to his thigh. She didn’t crane her head to try to follow him, but her fingers twitched against the chains and he could see goosebumps starting to prick along her skin.
He re-entered the spotlight directly behind her, close enough for her to feel his heat but not close enough to touch. Slowly, deliberately, he gathered up her hair in his hands, brushing his fingertips over her face as he did. When the whole mass was pulled back, he wound it tightly around his fist like a soft black rope until his knuckles rested against her scalp. He gave an experimental tug, tilting the girl’s head up and down. Then he tied the hair back in a loose knot with the shredded remains of her panties.
Her back was a tracery of thin, fine scars like the nearly invisible cracks in a piece of ceramic just before it shatters. One shoulder had a little pink exit wound scar matching the entry wound on the front; the other round must have lodged itself in her body when she was shot.
Hell of a thing, having to dig a bullet out of a little girl’s shoulder.
The knife was like an extension of his hand, and he swore he could feel it when he pressed the tip in at the nape of the girl’s neck. Skin parted and mouth-watering crimson welled up in the knife’s wake as he cut a perfectly straight line down the length of her spine from neck to tailbone. He moved with careful restraint; the blade could easily carve down to the bone with a little added pressure, and that wasn’t on the menu tonight.
Planting the other hand between her shoulder blades, he spread the edges of the incision with his ring and index fingers and ran the knuckle of his middle finger over it, teasing the wound the same way he’d teased her cunt a few nights prior. Blood coated his hand like slick and his cock throbbed in response.
Muscle and bone shifted visibly under the girl’s skin as she fought to tamp down her pained reaction. Inspired, Chromeskull carved two more lines parallel to the first, from shoulder blade to the lowest rib. The streams of blood pooled at the crack of her ass, trickling down her cheeks and thighs to pool on the floor. His mouth watered and he briefly regretted his decision to wear the mask this time. He could imagine dropping to his knees and running his tongue up the bleeding slit, working her with his mouth like he was eating her pussy, blood dripping down his chin and throat.
Another time.
He holstered the knife and unholstered his cock before running both hands down her back. The smears of red across her skin sent a frisson of need up his own spine. When he was coated in blood from wrist to fingertip, he reached around and grabbed her tits, engulfing them easily in his hands. Her nipples had hardened at some point, little pebbles against his palms. He kneaded the soft flesh, then stepped forward to press himself against her, chest to back and not an inch of space between them. It was the most skin-on-skin contact he’d had with her yet, and he couldn’t help rutting against her like a horny teenager. His erection was a living, pulsing thing trapped between them, leaking spurts of precum that probably hurt like fuck when they dribbled into her open cuts. With another squeeze of her tits, he leaned down and pressed the teeth of his mask against the scar on her neck.
She jolted so hard her bad leg gave out, jerking awkwardly in her restraints like a marionette on tangled strings. The iron grip Chromeskull had on her chest kept her from dropping too far, and he hauled her back into him with a silent chuckle. He could feel the twitches as her body tried to fold in on itself protectively. Tendons stood out along her arms and her fingers curled into claws in the air as she pulled uselessly against the cuffs, all animal instinct.
One hand slid down to cup her pussy, leaving behind a trail of sticky scarlet across her belly. She was dry when he fondled her, but that wouldn’t be an issue with such an abundance of natural lubrication at his disposal. He wetted his other hand with fresh blood and gave his cock a few firm pumps until it was slick and red and winking like a ruby in the light. Then he spread her folds and pushed into her tight little hole.
A small, agonized wheeze escaped the girl when the head breached her tight walls. She clenched her teeth against any other sounds, trembling in silent pain as Chromeskull forced his way deeper. When the final inch slid home, balls resting against her bloodied ass, he took a moment to just breathe, nuzzling her sweat-damp temple and pressing a hand to her abdomen where he swore he could feel himself pulsing in her guts. Her inner muscles clenched down on him rhythmically as her body fought against the girthy intrusion. He probably could’ve cum from that alone, if he were inclined to wait.
However, Chromeskull was not a man who was inclined to wait for anything, so he pulled out part way and gave a short, hard thrust.
He would have stuck his fingers in the girl’s mouth for her to suck so he could toy with her clit, were it not for the very real threat that she would bite the damn things all the way off. Her stray dog proclivities meant she would have to deal with the consequences of her behavior and take his cock in her cunt unaided. She was doing a stellar job of it so far; every thrust glided a little smoother and his pleasure was rapidly reaching a crescendo.
With a hand on her thigh, he pulled her leg up and back, opening her up to the camera and leaving her to balance precariously on her swollen ankle. The other hand pressed the knife flat to her neck, forcing her to lean back into him lest she slit her own throat. Every point of contact felt alive. Thighs, stomach, chest, arms slippery with blood and sweat; cock soaked with juices from the most perfect pussy he’d ever fucked.
His balls began to tighten with his impending climax, and his grip on her body tightened, too. Fingers digging into the meat of her thigh, forearm an iron bar across her chest, he lifted the girl completely off the ground as he came: an earth-shattering, vision-obliterating orgasm that nearly made his knees buckle.
For a moment, he worried he might’ve broken her neck in his paroxysm of pleasure; she was so quiet and still in his arms. But then the buzzing started to recede from his head and he could feel her breathing, softer and more even than he’d expected. He set her down carefully, unsurprised when her legs completely folded. His cock was still outrageously hard, but he needed to get her back taken care of before she lost too much blood. He kicked off his boxers - no sense trying to put them back on in his current state - and strode over to switch off the camera and retrieve the key for the cuffs.
Cum dripped from the girl’s cunt to mix with the puddle of blood on the floor. A perfect bloody handprint marked each breast; more red streaked across her legs and torso and a hand-shaped bruise was already darkening on her thigh. Tendrils of hair were plastered to her face and neck, and her head drooped listlessly. When Chromeskull lifted her head by the hair, her face was slack, eyes blank. He pulled out the knife and smacked her cheek with the flat of the blade - nothing.
Oh well, he figured as he undid the cuffs and bundled her unresponsive body back into his arms. There was nothing for it down here in the basement. He had a bottle of lube in the ensuite up in his bedroom; he’d get her cleaned up and bandaged and then see about fucking some life back into her.
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slashhinginghasher · 11 months ago
Jesse, with his mask covered in glitter: ...
Asa: 🤨
Asa: Huh
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slashhinginghasher · 10 months ago
Into the Cricketverse - Spring Break
Cricket and Marena first meeting let's goooooo
This was supposed to be a "miscommunication teehee" piece but it turned into angst at the end whoops
As always, Cricket belongs to the phenomenal @thesightstoshowyou
Spring break meant a month spent in Jesse’s penthouse in the Florida Keys. Having never been to college, or any school really, the concept held no weight in Marena’s mind, but apparently it was like Christmas for Chromeskull. The massive influx of visitors from all across the country made for a bounty of easy prey, and the cops’ attempts to control the chaos of the drunken partiers kept them too busy to worry about some pesky murders - at least until the tapes started rolling in a few weeks later. For Marena’s part, it meant people in brightly colored clothes making a lot of noise on the beach below while she watched from the security of the penthouse’s lofty patio, getting her brains fucked out multiple times a day as the excitement of the hunt cranked Jesse’s libido up to nearly unmanageable levels, and a lingering worry that the Miami homicide department would somehow sense she was back in the area.
She would never understand how Jesse returned to the same murder spots again and again with such confidence. The mask helped, she supposed.
Marena was curled up with a book on one of the sitting room sofas while Jesse showered off the sweat from his morning workout (mercifully, one involving his private gym and not her today). She’d started reading a lot more, in both English and Russian, after being acquired by Jesse, and what had once been a laborious task was now something she actually enjoyed. The novel before her, though, was dense and confusing enough that she felt like she was twelve years old and just learning to read all over again. She’d had to start making notes on a scrap of paper just to keep track of what the hell was going on.
The lock on the front door clicked open. Her head jerked up at the sound. The maintenance staff for all of Jesse’s properties were strictly on-call - no regularly scheduled visits, lest someone walk in on something they shouldn’t see. Was it the cops? The FBI? She’d have expected a battering ram in that case, although it wouldn’t work on the reinforced door.
Setting her book down on the coffee table, Marena slipped her hand into her pocket to grab her knife and listened as hard as she could. There were a few muffled shuffles and thumps, a brief murmur of voices. The shower was no longer running, but Jesse had a skincare routine that rivaled that of a high-class hooker, so it would be some time before he emerged. (She had mentioned the hooker thing to Jesse exactly once, and he’d choked her so hard she blacked out the next time they had sex, which was approximately two minutes after she made the comment.) She would have to be the frontline against whatever intruder was coming down the hall.
Asa fucking Emory walked in, carrying several duffel bags, trailed by a pretty brunette woman in a sage green sundress.
Marena’s spine stiffened as she locked eyes with the predator on the other side of the room. Asa’s face was an impassive mask, but she could tell by the flashing of his eyes that he was hardly thrilled by her presence. To say their first and only meeting had been… fraught would be an understatement. Much of it felt like a fever dream to her, being of neither sound mind or body at the time. Jesse had later told her that it was only his direct and insistent interference that kept her from being turned into one of the mutilated creations that Asa crafted at his torturemurder hotel.
But none of that explained what Asa was doing here now. Did he have some sort of timeshare on the apartment? Had Jesse invited him to join in on the spring break slaughter party? And who the hell was the woman clasping her hands nervously behind him?
“Marena,” Asa said icily.
“Dr. Emory,” Marena replied, equally glacial.
He glanced around the room.
“Where is he?”
Asa sighed heavily through his nose, as though Jesse’s inconvenient hygiene schedule was Marena’s fault. The mystery woman bit her lip. She opened her mouth. Reconsidered, closed it again. Her eyes bounced between Asa and Marena. Beautiful eyes: one warm brown, the other mossy green. She took a small, fortifying breath and spoke up in a timid whisper.
“Quiet,” Asa snapped, and she immediately shut her mouth again with an audible click, shrinking back into herself.
Marena felt a pit forming in her stomach. A phantom smell of perfume, sweat, and blood on the back of her tongue. She was gripping the knife so tightly she could feel the filigreed pattern of the handle imprinting itself on her skin. This was so, so not good.
Asa’s gaze was lingering on her bare neck. She’d had a thick leather collar the last time they saw each other. What did he make of its absence now?
The stalemate was broken when Jesse sauntered in, clad in nothing but his silk boxers and a towel around his neck. He grinned broadly, so clearly he was expecting the company and had conveniently neglected to tell Marena.
“Took your sweet time getting here.”
“You don’t get to lecture me about punctuality, Cromeans,” Asa growled.
Jesse chuckled, then looked over at the woman, who had straightened fractionally when he walked into the room but was still half hidden behind Asa’s broad shoulders.
“Aw, don’t tell me you’re getting all shy on me now,” he said, followed by an unfamiliar sign that must have been the woman’s name. She gave him a little wave and a quiet “hi”.
“Manners, Cricket.”
“Sorry, Sir.” The woman, Cricket, stepped fully into view and folded her hands in front of her. “It’s good to see you again, Daddy.”
Marena choked, on air or spit or her own incredulity. All eyes turned on her when she started to cough: Cricket’s quickly dropping to the floor, Asa’s as cold as ever, and Jesse’s dancing with mirth. The latter was smirking, that smug, shit-stirring grin he wore whenever he did something he knew would get under Marena’s skin. She glared at him while she tried to get her breathing under control, knowing he could read her face as easily as she could read his.
Fucking really?!
Fucking really, baby. C’mon, don’t you wanna try it out?
“There are so many things wrong with you,” she croaked. “What the fuck.”
There was a soft, terrified gasp from Cricket but Marena was already walking away. Jesse grabbed her arm as she passed and she tried to recoil - “don’t fucking touch me, god” - but of course he didn’t listen, reeling her in and planting a kiss square on her mouth before releasing her and sending her on her way with a swat on the ass.
Her shudder of disgust was almost entirely unfaked.
“You are far too lenient on her,” Asa groused after the door to the master bedroom slammed shut.
“Yeah, but she’s fun when she gets riled up like that.” Asa fixed him with a glare that had brought many a grown man to tears and Jesse rolled his eyes, knowing it would piss the other man off even more.
“You won’t be laughing when it’s your neck with a needle in it,” Asa snarled. He grabbed the duffel bags and stalked off to the guest bedroom, muttering uncomplimentary things under his breath. Cricket remained frozen in place, anxiously clutching at her locket. Jesse could see her brain working overtime trying to process what had just happened. She jumped when he tipped her face up with a finger under her chin.
“Did I do something wrong?” she asked tremulously.
“Not at all, doll. She’s just shy.”
Cricket gave him a dubious look that made him laugh before schooling her face into neutrality.
“And Sir is… okay? With that behavior?” Oh, she was stressed stressed if she was referring to Asa as “Sir” when he wasn’t even in the room. Poor little thing.
“Doesn’t matter if Asa likes it. She’s mine.”
She mulled that over.
“That time Sir left me at the hotel overnight, he said he had to watch something for you… that was her?”
Jesse nodded. Cricket bit at her lip. He could tell she wanted to ask about what had happened that night, but she was a good girl. She didn’t survive as long as she had by prying.
“Okay. Thank you, D-” she cut herself off, indecisive.
“Just ‘Jesse’ to you now, doll. Unless you prefer it the other way, I won’t mind.” He winked. She blushed.
“I should help Sir unpack,” she murmured, and scurried off.
Two of Marena’s fingernails were chewed bloody and she was going to work on finger number three when Jesse crouched down in front of her perch on the window seat.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
What was wrong? What was wrong was that someone had ripped a figure straight out of her adolescence and plunked it down in front of her like some kind of sick threat. She had known so many girls who made themselves small and sweet, the only way they knew how to survive the men who led them away every night and gave them pain, and even then it was rarely enough to save them.
“Her name is just Cricket?”
“She doesn’t need any other name.”
Dehumanizing. Reducing woman to insect.
“She wasn’t with Asa that night.”
“I asked him to keep her out of the way. He can be rather… single-minded when it comes to Cricket, and I needed his full attention on you.” Jesse shook his head indulgently. “Not that it made much of a difference in the end, huh?”
The Marena of now was already far more domesticated than the Marena of ten months ago, but maybe that wasn’t enough for Jesse anymore. Maybe this was his subtle way of telling her what was in store, even though he was hardly a subtle man.
“How long has she been Cricket?”
“Asa’s had her for years. Since before I met him. She was actually part of my welcoming committee.”
Was that nostalgia on his face? Marena felt sick. Jesse noticed her expression and frowned.
“I haven’t touched her since we met, baby. That part of our arrangement ended the moment I laid eyes on you.”
Arrangement? Jesse tried to take her hands in his, but she snatched them away.
“I don’t care who you fuck, Jesse! That’s not the goddamn issue!”
The issue was that the woman in the other room had given up her entire self just to be able to keep breathing, and Jesse expected Marena to do something as petty as hate her. The issue was that the fate she had railed so hard against, had been willing to die to escape, was coming for her no matter what. The issue was that he wanted to turn her back into a doll, and whether he succeeded or killed her, she lost either way. The issue was that he had always been on the other end of the knife, had never had to fight against being made into something lesser than himself. The issue was that all of her pain and fear and heartbreak meant nothing because he decided it didn’t. Her life wasn’t hers, it never had been and it never would be, and the latest reminder of that was cupping her cheek in his hand and staring at her like she was a silly little girl.
Please understand, she begged him with her eyes. I need you to understand.
He didn’t. He thought he did, but he was wrong. He thought she was jealous and lying about it for the sake of her pride. He would go out tonight and turn some other girl she didn’t have the bandwidth to care about into a carcass, and then he would come back and kiss her and fuck her and make her cum and she would like it and hate herself for liking it. They would fall asleep and she would have nightmares that left her chest and throat aching with unvoiced screams.
She let him kiss her without complaint before he got dressed, and again before he left the room. She slumped against the window and watched all the scurrying little ants on the beach below. She felt numb. Doll-like.
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slashhinginghasher · 2 months ago
Marena: they should let me out of my cage more often. I'm SO normal all the time and I only bite in self-defense. also everyone I've ever met is probably trying to kill me in some way so I really should bite them just to be sure.
Jesse: gonna let my new gf out of her box, surely this will be fine
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slashhinginghasher · 10 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
woe Marena picrew be upon ye
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slashhinginghasher · 6 months ago
Midnight Star - Chapter 11: Interlude - Blood and Honey
Fun with rats and infidelity.
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
The House Master’s wife is a good wife.
The Mistress, as the girls call her, lords over the kitchens and the housekeeping with an iron fist. She does not tolerate a single stain or speck of dust or overcooked dish.
A good wife knows how to run a tidy household.
The Mistress does not scold or nag. She does not turn up her nose at the uncouth Guests who tramp through the House or complain about the loud noises that echo through the night.
A good wife does not interfere with her husband’s business.
The Mistress does not strike the working girls across the face. Her discipline does not leave scabs or bruises.
A good wife takes care of her husband’s property.
The Mistress knows that her husband takes favorites. She knows he lies with the girls under his roof, and does not say a word.
A good wife knows a man can only be expected to resist so much temptation.
When the Mistress finds her husband with the wild girl from the forest in their marriage bed, she does not direct her anger at him. When her fingers pull savagely at dark hair, when her nails break skin, it is not his.
A good wife does not raise a hand to her husband.
When the Mistress beats the wild girl insensate, the House Master does not try to stop her.
A good wife can be forgiven her trespasses, just the once.
The Mistress is a heartless fucking bitch.
She knows full well that her husband has had his way with nearly every girl in the House of Roses. To the stranger’s eye, she is unbothered by her husband’s straying. There are no shrieks of betrayal or poisonous glares, no slaps from raised hands or wooden spoons. But the Flowers know her weapons are the pain of an empty belly, of overworked muscles and too little sleep until the rooms begin to sway and blur at the edges. So long as the House Master keeps his dalliances away from the Mistress’s chambers and allows her her petty vengeances, she is content to play the role of gracious Wife.
The girl is seventeen, or maybe eighteen, and she does not know where she is. She was in the House Master’s bed, and now she is somewhere cold and dark and alone.
The girl did not want to end up in the House Master’s bed. The House Master had called her into the study - the one where she learned her letters and how to use her mouth, where she and Hana would sit like good pets and entertain him with her clumsy attempts at conversation - and given her a glass of wine.
She has not had wine before, only sips of vodka stolen from the kitchens with the other girls. She did not know wine is not supposed to taste chalky.
The drugs did not send her fully to sleep. Just made her loose and pliant, any thoughts of resistance becoming confused and losing their way before they could leave her throat or reach her hands. She still feels everything the House Master does to her when he takes her to bed like a wife, hears him whisper in her ear even though the words slide together like melting snow.
The Mistress screams in rage when she finds them. She drags the girl to the floor by the hair and the House Master only laughs as his wife spits curses and bloodies the girl’s nose with her fist.
Now she is alone in an airless dark that smells of damp and shifting things, and her face is stinging and sticky. She licks her lips with her swollen tongue.
Honey, she remembers. The Mistress smeared her face with honey after she beat her. Blood mixes with it now, metallic saltiness that curdles the sweetness of the sugar.
The lean cellar rat does not seem to care as it takes another bite out of the girl’s cheek.
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slashhinginghasher · 6 months ago
Marena: I wish somebody loved me
Her mom: God, you're extremely fucking selfish die
Marena: I am 11 years old
honestly 😭😭😭
Jesse, hearing about all this shit years later: hey that's kind of extremely fucked up Marena: you sew living people to dead people's corpses for fun Jesse: yeah but they're all at least 18
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slashhinginghasher · 6 months ago
Is Kseniya living a good life? Does she ever wonder about the "demon"?
Feel like she followed the marry and have kids young lifestyle and that can be pretty hit or miss.
Kseniya actually pulled the "move away to a big city as soon as she hit 18" move. Her father got cancer when she was around 16 and confessed everything to her in his last days, all the guilt he carried over the twin sister they tortured and, they believed, killed. This was 5 years after Marena had been driven out of the village for good and Kseniya had no way of tracking her down. She couldn't look at her mother the same way anymore and left as soon as she could.
I have some things tentatively planned (an interlude in Midnight Star and a one or two chapter separate fic) that would go into more detail about Kseniya and Marena's interactions growing up and Kseniya's life after the fact, so I won't go into any more detail for now. >:)
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