#marcello strati
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jaygeezthechosen · 1 year ago
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abatelunare · 2 years ago
Libri che vanno letti 27
Il volume che intendo segnalarvi in questa giornata di festa racchiude i precetti del Bushido, vale a dire la Via del Guerriero. Esso costituiva il codice d’onore degli antichi samurai. Gradualmente venne esteso a tutti gli strati della popolazione, diventando una vera e propria regola di vita. Leggerlo aiuta a comprendere quanto accade nelle serie animate provenienti dal Sol Levante, avendo presente, come sostiene Marcello Ghilardi nel suo saggio Cuore e acciaio, che il Bushido degli anime giapponesi è per così dire semplificato. E vi dirò che personalmente ho capito molte cose che a noi sembrano assurde in quanto appartenenti a una cultura profondamente diversa rispetto alla nostra. Fra l’altro è stato pubblicato da un editore specializzato in cose nipponiche. In caso vogliate approfondire, sappiate che alcune di esse sono assolutamente strepitose.
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Pura Besakih, Indonesia by Marcello Strati
Source: infected 
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greysyour · 2 years ago
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#Chitarrella full#
#Chitarrella professional#
The best known and most studied advanced strategy for Scopone. Outperforms all the rule-based players that implement The cheating MCTS player outperforms all the other strategies while the fair ISMCTS player Then, we performed a tournament among the three selected players and also an experiment involving humans. We performed a set of experiments to select the best rule-based player and the best configuration for MCTS and ISMCTS. We evaluated different reward functions and simulation strategies. ISMCTS can deal with incomplete information and thus implements a fair player.
#Chitarrella full#
MCTS requires the full knowledge of the game state (that is, of the cards of all the players)Īnd thus, by implementing a cheating player, it provides an upper bound to the performance achievable with this class of methods. The third rule-based player extends the previous approach with the additional rules introduced in. The second one implements Chitarella’s rules with the additional rules introduced by Saracino ,Īnd represents the most fundamental and advanced strategy for the game The first rule-based player implements the basic greedy strategy taught to beginner players Players based on Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) Īnd Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search (ISMCTS). We compare the performance of three rule-based players that implement well-established playing strategies against In this paper, we present the design of a competitive artificial intelligence for Scopone and The second most important strategy book was written by Cicuti and Guardamagna who enriched īy introducing advanced rules regarding the play of sevens.
#Chitarrella professional#
Only recently Saracino, a professional bridge player, proposed additional rules to extend the original strategy Īlthough dated, the rules by Chitarella are still considered the main and most important strategy guide for Scopone However several historians argue that Scopone was known centuries before Chitarella. 2 2 2 Īt that time, Capecelatro wrote that the game was known by 3-4 generations, therefore it might have been born in the eighteenth century Was written by Capecelatro in 1855, “Del giuoco dello Scopone”. The first original book about Scopone, that is still available, Unfortunately, there are no copies available of the original book and the eldest reprint is from 1937. The rules of the game and a compendium of strategy rules for advanced players. The first known book about Scopone was published in 1750 by Chitarella and contained both It is often referred to as Scopone Scientifico, that is, Scientific Scopone). Originally, the game was played by poorly educated people andĪs any other card game in Italy at the time was hindered by authority.īeing considered intellectually challenging, the game spread among highly educated people and high rank politicians 1 1 1E.g., Īchieving, nowadays, a vast popularity and a reputation similar to Bridge (for which Chitarrella si sobbarcò quindi l'onere di restituire allo scopone la sua "purezza": non, ovviamente, sulla base di fonti, ma individuando gli elementi essenziali del gioco.Scopone is a popular Italian card game whose origins date back to (at least) 1700s. Esso, destinato in origine alle classi elevate, si sarebbe infatti diffuso nel tempo agli strati meno colti della società, che ne avrebbero adulterato variamente le norme. La circostanza che un gioco non semplice fosse così in voga presso una popolazione ancora analfabeta depone per l'antichità del medesimo. Nel tracciare le differenze fra i mazzi di carte in uso in Italia, assumendo il "confine" della val padana, il trattato offre indiretta testimonianza dell'ampia diffusione dello scopone nel 1750. Sull'autore, identificato con il sacerdote napoletano Marcello Chitarrella, forse monaco domenicano, non si conoscono notizie biografiche. Il codice di Chitarrella è un trattato in latino che codifica e chiarisce le regole dei giochi di carte dello scopone e del tressette, diffusi all'epoca della pubblicazione e pervenuti fino ai nostri giorni. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti.
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rococo-girls-shrine · 5 years ago
Pura Besakih, Indonesia by Marcello Strati
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mayolfederico · 5 years ago
sedici agosto
Augusto Giacometti, Fantasia su un fiore di patate, 1917
  Sentieri sensibili
Sensibile è la terra sopra le fonti: nessun albero deve essere abbattuto, nessuna radice estirpata
Le fonti potrebbero inaridirsi
Quanti alberi sono abbattuti, quante radici estirpate
dentro di noi
( Reiner Kunze )
  Nati il 16 agosto
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collectorscorner · 5 years ago
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 9/9/20 Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8 Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air -NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 2 Super Cool & Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE - HEADQUARTERS 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 & CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com PUBLISHER/TITLE/PRICE
Five Years Omnibus HC, $39.99
Five Years Omnibus SC, $29.99
Join The Future #5, $3.99
Ash And Thorn #5, $3.99
Zorro Galleon Of The Dead #1 (Cover A Roy Allen Martinez), $3.99
B & V Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #284, $7.99
Bad Mother #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Resistance #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Lady Mechanika Volume 6 Sangre TP, $17.99
Nobody Is In Control TP, $16.99
Survival Fetish Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #3 (Cover A Jen Bartel), $3.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #3 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $3.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #3 (Cover C Rosemary Valero-O'Connell), $3.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #3 (Cover D Jen Bartel Black & White Variant), AR
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #3 (Cover E Mirka Andolfo Black & White Variant), AR
Firefly New Sheriff In The 'Verse Volume 1 HC, $19.99
Lumberjanes #73 (Cover A Kat Leyh), $6.99
Lumberjanes #73 (Cover B Harriet Moulton), $6.99
Red Mother #8 (Cover A Jeremy Haun), $3.99
Red Mother #8 (Cover B Jeremy Wilson), AR
Seven Secrets #1 (Daniele Di Nicuolo 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Something Is Killing The Children #10 (Cover A Werther Dell'Edera), $3.99
Something Is Killing The Children #10 (Cover B Simone Di Meo), AR
Wynd #2 (Of 5)(Michael Dialynas 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Comic Shop News #1725, AR
G-Fan #128, $7.95
Art Of Ghost Of Tsushima HC (not verified by Diamond), $49.99
Bill And Ted Are Doomed #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Evan Dorkin), $3.99
Bill And Ted Are Doomed #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Roger Langridge), $3.99
Blackwood The Mourning After #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Veronica Fish), $3.99
Blackwood The Mourning After #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Andy Fish), $3.99
Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #1 (Of 4), $3.99
God Of War Lore And Legends HC, $34.99
Legend Of Korra Ruins Of The Empire Library Edition HC, $39.99
Spy Island #1 (Of 4)(Lia Miternique 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Animal Man By Grant Morrison 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $39.99
Aquaman Volume 3 Manta Vs Machine TP, $17.99
Basketful Of Heads HC, $24.99
Batman #90 (Jorge Jimenez 3rd Printing Black & White Variant Cover), $3.99
Batman #92 (Cover D Jorge Jimenez Punchline Retailer Appreciation Variant), AR
Batman And The Outsiders #16 (Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $3.99
Batman And The Outsiders #16 (Cover B Michael Golden), AR
Batman Detective Comics Volume 2 Arkham Knight TP, $17.99
Batman The Adventures Continue #1 (Of 6)(Dave Johnson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Batman The Adventures Continue #2 (Of 6)(Sean Murphy 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Dark Nights Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Francis Manapul), $5.99
Dark Nights Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Kyle Hotz), AR
DC Classics The Batman Adventures #4, $1.99
Flash #761 (Cover A Howard Porter), $3.99
Flash #761 (Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), AR
Green Lantern Season Two #7 (Of 12)(Cover A Liam Sharp), $3.99
Green Lantern Season Two #7 (Of 12)(Cover B Howard Porter), AR
Hawkman #27 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $3.99
Hawkman #27 (Cover B Gerardo Zaffino), AR
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #5 (Of 9)(Cover A Francesco Mattina), $5.99
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #5 (Of 9)(Cover B Mico Suayan), AR
Justice League Odyssey #24 (Cover A Jose Ladronn), $3.99
Justice League Odyssey #24 (Cover B Jung-Geun Yoon), AR
Last God #3 (Kai Carpenter 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Nightwing #74 (Cover A Travis Moore), AR
Nightwing #74 (Cover B Alan Quah), $3.99
Superman #25 (Cover A Ivan Reis & Joe Prado), $5.99
Superman #25 (Cover B Bryan Hitch), AR
Superman #25 (Cover C Ivan Reis Synmar Card Stock Variant), AR
Wonder Woman #762 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99
Wonder Woman #762 (Cover B Joshua Middleton Card Stock Variant), AR
Wonder Woman #762 (Cover C Mikel Janin Liar Liar Card Stock Variant), AR
Atlas At War HC, $65.00
Contradictions GN (not verified by Diamond), $24.95
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover A Ben Oliver), $3.99
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover B Sergio Davila), $3.99
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover C Mirka Andolfo), $3.99
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover D Juan Gedeon Jim Lee Homage Variant), $3.99
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover E Mirka Andolfo Black & White Variant), AR
Death To The Army Of Darkness #4 (Cover F Sergio Davila Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Green Hornet #2 (Cover A Lee Weeks), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Cover B Anthony Marques), $3.99
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover B Arthur Suydam), $3.99
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover C Luca Strati), $3.99
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover D Luca Strati Sketch Dressed Variant), AR
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover E Lucio Parrillo Black & White Variant), AR
Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 (Cover F Luca Strati Sketch Virgin Variant), AR
Baby-Sitters Club Color Edition Volume 8 Logan Likes Mary Anne GN, $12.99
Bunbun And Bonbon Volume 1 Fancy Friends GN, $7.99
Bunbun And Bonbon Volume 1 Fancy Friends HC, $22.99
Dog Man Volume 9 Grime And Punishment GN, $12.99
Dog Man Volume 9 Grime And Punishment HC (With Dust Jacket), $24.99
Nat Enough Volume 2 Forget Me Nat GN, $12.99
Nat Enough Volume 2 Forget Me Nat HC, $24.99
Owly Color Edition Volume 2 Just A Little Blue GN, $10.99
Owly Color Edition Volume 2 Just A Little Blue HC, $22.99
Roald Dahl The Witches Volume 1 GN, $14.99
Roald Dahl The Witches Volume 1 HC, $24.99
Squidding Around Volume 1 Fish Feud GN, $7.99
Squidding Around Volume 1 Fish Feud Hc, $22.99
FCBD 2020 Enter The Incal #1 (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR
Canto And The Clockwork Fairies #1 (One Shot)(Drew Zucker 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #274 (Cover A Robert Atkins) , $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #274 (Cover B Jamie Sullivan) , $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #274 (Cover C John Royle), AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #109 (Cover A Jodie Nishijima), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #109 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #109 (Cover C Daniel Chavez), AR
Transformers Galaxies #9 (Cover A Umi Miyao), $3.99
Transformers Galaxies #9 (Cover B Sara Pitre-Durocher), $3.99
Transformers Galaxies #9 (Cover C Kei Zama), AR
Transformers Vs The Terminator #1 (Of 4)(Alex Milne 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #7 (Of 7)(Cover A Stan Sakai), $3.99
Wellington #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Piotr Kowalski), $3.99
Wellington #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Robert Hack), AR
Ice Cream Man Presents Quarantine Comix Special #1, $5.99
Marked #7 (Cover A Brian Haberlin & Geirrod van Dyke), $3.99
Marked #7 (Cover B Brian Haberlin & Geirrod van Dyke), $3.99
Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #27, $3.99
Outer Darkness Chew TP, $12.99
Reaver #11, $3.99
Stealth #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Undiscovered Country #7 (Giuseppe Camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Dry Foot #1, $3.99
Stargazer #1 (Of 6), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #48 (Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #48 (Cover B Mark Bagley), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #48 (Cover D Gurihiru Heroes At Home Variant), AR
Captain Marvel #21 (Cover A Jorge Molina), $3.99
Captain Marvel #21 (Cover B Jenny Frison Empyre Variant), AR
Captain Marvel #21 (Cover C Chris Bachalo Spoiler Variant), AR
Captain Marvel #21 (Cover D Gurihiru Heroes At Home Variant), AR
Empyre Aftermath Avengers #1 (Cover A Jim Cheung), $4.99
Empyre Aftermath Avengers #1 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR
Empyre Aftermath Avengers #1 (Cover C Greg Land), AR
Empyre Aftermath Avengers #1 (Cover D John Tyler Christopher 2-Pack Action Figure Variant), AR
Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four #1 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99
Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four #1 (Cover B Carmen Nunez Carnero), AR
Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four #1 (Cover C Alan Davis), AR
Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four #1 (Cover D Alex Ross Timeless Virgin Variant), AR
Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four #1 (Cover E Alex Ross Timeless Virgin Sketch Variant), AR
Ghost Rider Volume 2 Hearts Of Darkness II TP, $17.99
Heroes Reborn The Return Omnibus HC, $125.00
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14, $3.99
Marauders #12, $3.99
Marvel's Spider-Man The Black Cat Strikes #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Sana Takeda), $3.99
Marvel's Spider-Man The Black Cat Strikes #5 (Of 5)(Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), AR
Ravencroft #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Kyle Hotz), $3.99
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Alex Ross), $5.99
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Ed McGuinness), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Adi Granov), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Olivier Coipel Spider-Man Variant), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Yuji Kaida), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Skottie Young), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover G John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Classic Photo Variant), AR
Rise Of Ultraman #1 (Of 5)(Cover I Blank Variant), AR
Runaways By Rainbow Rowell Volume 5 Cannon Fodder TP, $19.99
Silver Surfer Epic Collection Volume 9 Resurrection TP, $44.99
Star #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Carmen Nunez Carnero), $3.99
Star #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Phil Noto), AR
Star #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Kris Anka Foreshadow Variant), AR
Star Comics Top Dog The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP, $39.99
Star Wars Age Of Resistance HC, $34.99
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #1 (Paolo Villanelli 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #3 (Raffaele Ienco 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Strange Academy #2 (Humberto Ramos 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Thor #1 (Nic Klein 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Thor #3 (Nic Klein 4th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Thor #4 (Nic Klein 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
True Believers X-Men Empath #1, $1.00
True Believers X-Men Greycrow #1, $1.00
Web Of Venom Wraith #1 (Cover A Kyle Hotz), $4.99
Web Of Venom Wraith #1 (Cover B Juan Jose Ryp), AR
Web Of Venom Wraith #1 (Cover C E.M. Gist), AR
X-Factor #3 (Cover A Ivan Shavrin), $3.99
X-Force #12, $3.99
Aggretsuko #6 (Cover A Shadia Amin), $3.99
Aggretsuko #6 (Cover B George Caltsoudas), $3.99
Zero Day Threat #4, $3.95
Vlad Dracul #3 (Of 3), $6.99
John Carpenter's Night Terrors Graveyard Moon GN, $14.99
Heathen Volume 3 TP, $14.99
Vampire The Masquerade #2 (Cover A Aaron Campbell), $3.99
Vampire The Masquerade #2 (Cover B David Mack), $3.99
Wasted Space Volume 3 TP, $17.99
Fly Me To The Moon Volume 1 GN, $9.99
Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess/Splatoon Squid Kids (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR
Pokemon Sun And Moon Volume 8 GN, $4.99
Rin-Ne Volume 35 GN, $9.99
Splatoon Volume 10 GN, $9.99
Yo-kai Watch Volume 15 GN, $9.99
Robyn Hood Justice #3 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99
Robyn Hood Justice #3 (Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $3.99
Robyn Hood Justice #3 (Cover C Allan Otero), $3.99
Robyn Hood Justice #3 (Cover D Martin Coccolo), $3.99
Friday The 13th Horror Camp Crystal Lake Board Game, AR
Aliens Bishop ReAction Figure, AR
Aliens Hicks ReAction Figure, AR
Aliens Hudson ReAction Figure, AR
Aliens Newt ReAction Figure, AR
Aliens Ripley ReAction Figure, AR
Aliens Vasquez ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Deadite Scout ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Evil Ash ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Hero Ash ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Medieval Ash ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Pit Witch ReAction Figure, AR
Army Of Darkness Two-Headed Ash ReAction Figure, AR
Halloween 3 Season Of The Witch 8 Inch Retro Action Figure 3 Pack, AR
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Pura Besakih, Indonesia by Marcello Strati
Source: infected 
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