#marble slab shower walls
ilove-heichou · 1 year
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Mediterranean Bathroom - Sauna A medium-sized sauna with beige walls and tuscan beige tile and stone tile flooring.
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spencerscookies · 2 years
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Denver Bathroom Large minimalist master bathroom with gray walls, a vessel sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, recessed-panel cabinets, and dark wood cabinets. Also features a two-piece toilet, gray walls, a vessel sink, white floor, and dark wood cabinets.
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wolfpal · 2 years
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Transitional Bathroom
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sivangifs · 2 years
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Master Bath Bathroom in Milwaukee
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mqslow · 2 years
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Transitional Bathroom
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Chicago 3/4 Bath
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mrkng · 2 years
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Bathroom (Orange County)
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clarysjace · 2 years
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Bathroom Master Bath (Los Angeles)
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hellaplastic · 2 years
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San Francisco Bathroom 3/4 Bath
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keshascult · 2 years
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Bathroom Master Bath
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frances-baby-houseman · 4 months
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We went to look at the 1.2 million dollar immaculate untouched but well maintained mid-century ranch that our real estate agent showed us. It is the most insane house I've ever seen
it has a pink marble bathroom (above)
all the floors are terrazzo
the primary bathroom has a bathtub inside the shower enclosure with a little step to get out of it (I do not know how to describe this feature)
there is a drive-through garage (a thing I have never seen before IN MY LIFE)
the backyard is a japanese garden
adam was like where will the children play sports, the entire yard is a japanese garden and then we kept walking around the back and discovered a FULL HALF BASKETBALL COURT
there is a boiler (??)
it is on a slab so no basement
there is no actual family room and all the walls are stone
the walls that aren't stone are covered in fabric wall paper
I am not describing this well bc it is PERFECT
every room is full of built ins, you would not need a single dresser
the walls are covered in actual art work, if we don't buy the house I'm at least going to the estate sale (I know there will be one bc many things are tagged "don't sell")
there is an enormous pass through from the kitchen to the dining room
there is an explicable structure made of steel and mesh screens enclosing the patio
it has a circle driveway in addition to the drive through garage
there is a tiny office all the way on the other side of the house
every room has a door
the bedroom half of the house can be fully closed off from the rest of the house
listen i'm obsessed with this place but we cannot spend 1..2 million dollars
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sabraeal · 6 months
Remedial Lessons, Chapter 2
[Read on AO3]
Written for @kaedix's birthday!! Last year Kimber requested what become the first chapter of this fic, back when there were only a handful of people in the fandom who had even watched Soul Eater. But last summer the discord ended up watching Soul Eater as its summer shonen, so I was all too happy to continue it when she asked for a continuation this year!
This is hardly the first sepulcher that Shirayuki has been lead into since she started her time at Shibusen, but she’ll grant the professor this: it is the nicest.
“So what?” Obi huffs, parka hunched up around his ears as he takes in the bank of computers stretched along the walls. His breath mists in the air as he speaks, like swallowing souls in reverse. “You get like, four? Five G in here? Or did you just like…roll some fiber out here? You know a guy? There’s some people who could really use this kind of set up—”
“Etiquette demands that a host graciously welcome his guests into his residence, whether that be a professional office or personal home,” Lata informs then with all the enthusiasm of a wet blanket. “However, since it seems that you are determined to wear it out as fast as humanly as possible, I think we’ll skip over all that.”
Obi presses a hand to his chest; his parka lets out a soft pffft under the pressure. “I’m just showing interest, sir. Showering you with compliments. Really—”
“Asking for proprietary information.” The professor glances over his shoulder, glowering at where she lingers in the doorway. “Come here already. We don’t have all day.”
‘Here’ happens to be a marble slab; one large and smooth enough to accommodate Mitsuhide from head to ankle, the way most beds do. There’s quite a few of them in the room, most serving as flat surfaces for Lata’s equipment, but this one has clearly been left free, sterile as an exam table, though with the way it fits into that carved bier beneath it, Shirayuki suspects—
“Is that a coffin?” Obi coughs, circling it like a cat around a bath. “Just what are you gonna do with her on that, doc? Hoist it up to the ceiling? Let lightning hit her? Hate to break it to you, but she’s already alive.”
“Obi.” If there’s one thing Shirayuki has learned about Shibusen faculty, it’s that you don’t go around giving them ideas.
“What? I just want to get the scope of the work or whatever.” His hands slide into his pockets, slowing his stride to a casual creep. “If we’re going to have to run, I’d like to start now rather than after he’s got your all hooked up to his Doom Canon.”
“Oh, really. I’m not about to perform surgery on her. Or mad science,” The professor grouses, rummaging around in a drawer. “This place is hardly sterile. But you can’t possibly think I’m so naive as to take your word about her bloodline, do you?”
Shirayuki wrinkles her brow. “Why would I lie about that?”
“Why does anyone lie, girl? To get what you want.” Lata straightens, the honed edge of his body angling toward the stone. “Now take off your coat. This won’t take long.”
She glances down at the cold marble and suppresses a shiver. “But you haven’t taken your coat off.”
“Of course not. It’s freezing in here.” Clouds steam from his sigh as he turns to her, strung tight with impatience. “And I hardly need to take blood samples from myself.”
The tag of her zipper digs bloodless gouges across the fleshier bits of her knuckles. Two year ago this would have all come as a shock, but after a few semesters at Shibusen, she’s only thankful it isn’t a weirder bodily fluid. “Blood? Couldn’t you just—?”
Obi steps right between them, shoulders not squared to shield but hunched, potential energy all coined in his spine like a spring. “Uh uh, no way, doc. We said we’d let you poke around, not actually put a needle through her. Just because she’s a weapon doesn’t mean you get to treat her like an ob—”
“I wasn’t asking you,” Lata informs him, bored. “Now are you going to take off your coat, Miss…?”
“Shirayuki.” Obi angles a look over his shoulder, half are you kidding and half don’t feed the animals. As if she were some child sticking her hand through bars at the zoo, daring a tiger to chomp them off at the wrist.
To be fair, it’s earned. But this particular tiger is their best best for surmounting this resonating problem, and Shirayuki’s willing to risk far more than a nibble to keep from collecting another ninety-nine souls. Twice is more than enough. “And yes, I will.”
The professor doesn’t quite smile, but there’s a shift in his eyes as she bares the skin at her elbow; a deepening of the crinkles at their corners, a widening of his pupils. There’s a part of him that likes this, that looks at her twining path of veins and sees something beyond flesh. That devours this stretch of skin the same way she might a grimoire’s pages, reading fell knowledge in every drop of her blood.
“Good.” She’s barely set herself on top of the sarcophagus, wincing at the chill that seeps through her jeans, when Lata strides right around Obi and grips her wrist. Klaxons ring between her ears, telling her to dig in her heels and twist, but there’s only air beneath them now, an awkward angle between her and the nearest flat surface, and—
Just a pinch, a squeeze, and he’s stepped away, glass slide gripped between his fingers.
“Wha….huh?” she murmurs, watching as blood wells up from the prick. It lasts hardly more than a blink— Obi hands her a tissue, and by the time she’s wiped the bead away, it’s like her skin was never broken at all. A perk of the lineage, Lord Death had always told her. “You just needed a drop?”
“As much as I would love to sequence the entirety of your genome, I would prefer not to wait for the results— or waste the resources.” He hums, much more chipper now that he’s placed that slide into one of his machines. “Not when a specimen sample is much quicker and negligibly less accurate.”
The reasoning is solid, but still— “Then why did you have me take off my coat?”
"To see if at least one of you could obey an order.” The professor jerks his chin toward Obi. “Or if you were as much of a lost cause as that one.”
“Hey! I can sit and roll over as good as anyone,” Obi sniffs, dropping his coat over her shoulders. “If I wanna.”
They’ve hardly known each other a quarter of an hour, but already Lata is sending her long-suffering looks. “That’s the entire—”
His machine beeps, once, twice, like it’s impatient, eager to have eyes on the data flying across its screen. Attention Lata’s quick to give, scrolling through faster than even she could possibly parse, turning familiar words into flipped-bit gibberish. The professor, however, hums.
“Well, you are from Carnwennan’s lineage, it seems.” Shirayuki can’t help but notice that he doesn’t say daughter. Like somehow a hidden bloodline was probable, but direct progeny a stretch. “You’ll forgive me for doubting you. I’ve met Excalibur” —he grimaces— “and there’s not much resemblance. In either of your forms.”
Obi cocks a hip against the sarcophagus, making himself one long, lean line. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Lata fixes him with the same sort of look a stern kindergarten teacher might give their most difficult charge. “Carnwennan was a dagger. And from what I’ve seen of Miss Shirayuki’s shape, she is most certainly not.”
One of these thing, his look says, is not like the other. “I suppose your father had his own lineage? Or should I assume he was a meister rather than a weapon?”
Her mouth opens, then shuts. Opens again, only to say, “I don’t know.”
There’s the vaguest twitch of that stern brow, the softest hum of intrigue. “Interesting. It was always said that Carnwennan was particular with her meisters, one must assume she would be even more so with a romantic partner. So who is he?”
“A deadbeat.” Obi says it like punctuation, the period at the end of a sentence gone on too long. He shifts too, crossing his arms and angling his shoulders, breaking line of sight between her and the professor. It’s effort she appreciates, even if it’s unnecessary.
“My mother is the legendary weapon,” she asks, each word weighed and measured, the perfect split between firm and fair. “Is my father really pertinent to your research?”
“Look around, Miss Shirayuki. Do you see a water cooler anywhere? A break room, perhaps? Coworkers?” The look he levels at her is downright withering. “Do I really look like the sort of man who would make small talk?”
Obi's smirk glints the way her blade does before it cuts. “He’s got us there, kid.”
There’s an inertia to overcome when it comes to her father; it’d been so much easier to not talk about it, to let everyone believe she thought he was dead. But now that he’s dredged himself up out of her memories and into reality, becoming more than just a character from the childhood she can’t remember, it’s…hard. Separating what she knows from what she feels is a job Shirayuki’s pretty sure she’s under qualified to handle.
“I don’t know much about him,” she admits, because that’s true. Maybe he raised her for four years, but she’s lived another thirteen without him, and that doesn’t make him any better than a stranger in her book. “He left me with my grandparents when I was little. I barely even remember his face.”
Also not a lie, even if it earns her some side-eye from Obi’s direction. She’d seen him for a day nearly a year ago; not enough to commit more than broad strokes to her memory. It’d be a miracle if she could even pick him out on the street.
Not that she’d tell the professor that. She’s already in danger of clucking tongues and piteous looks; something about parental abandonment bloodies even the hardest of hearts. There’s quite a bit Shirayuki’s ready to weather for this training, but if she has to endure yet another ethically dubious mentor trying to empathize with her, well—
“Hm.” Lata’s fingers clack across the keys, not even sparing her a cursory glance. “Interesting.”
“So.” Obi wraps his mouth around the sound, stretching it as long as the look he sends her. “That’s it, right, doc? You’re gonna help us?”
“I didn’t say that.” Lata steps back from his screen, one rigid line from the heels of boots to the whorl of his cowlick. “I study legendary weapons. As intriguing as it might be to study one of their progeny— however direct— Miss Shirayuki is not her mother. There’s no guarantee that her biometric data will provide any meaningful contribution toward my—”
“So you have other half-mythical weapons lining up to be a part of your experiment?” Obi perches on the sarcophagus like a particularly mischievous gargoyle. “Is Caliburn’s great-grandson going to walk through here? Excalibur’s ex-roommate? Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find a guy who knows a guy who saw Kusanagi-no-tsurugi buying cabbages once.”
Lata’s mouth pulls thin. “Caliburn is—”
“—the same sword as Excalibur,” Shirayuki finishes, hurriedly.
“What?” Obi squawks, nearly toppling from his perch. “But wasn’t that the one in the stone, and then that lady in the lake or whatever gave that guy another one…?”
“That was a translation error,” she murmurs, flushing as Lata lifts his brows. “From when the troubadours in France began singing Arthur’s lays. Exacalibur was the sword in the stone. He just, er…broke. And the Nimue” — ah, she’s starting to sound like her uncle— “never mind. It’s a common mistake. He was still sleeping when it happened.”
“A better time.” Lata glares as if they were the ones who woke him.
“Huh.” Obi shakes a hand, like that might clear the air. “The point is, does how many legendary weapons is doc gonna meeting hanging around in some dusty ass old ruins? You’ve gotta need us as much as we need you. Maybe even more.”
If the professor was glaring before, he’s glowering now.
“You make a compelling point,” he admits, begrudging them every word. “Fine. I supposed it would be beneficial for my work if I helped you both with your resonance issue. But you’ll have to help me with my research,” he warns, as if that soured rather than sweetened the deal. “And not just your own contributions to my data— I need legendary weapons if I’m going to get anywhere, not just their…relations.”
“Well,” Shirayuki hums, struggling to keep her voice so even, so innocent. “I could always ask my uncle, if you really needed—”
“We can start with your training first,” Lata grits through his grimace. “I’m hardly that desperate.”
“Sounds like you’ve got yourself a deal, doc.” Obi sprawls himself across the top of the coffin, tapping at the marble slab. “Now which one of these are ours? You got a couple lined with Egyptian cotton or something? Maybe some memory foam? I don’t need a lot but I’ve got to be able to snooze in full Nosferatu.”
His eyes close, arms cutting up to cross over his chest— full Nosferatu, indeed— but Lata only grunts, “None of them.”
One eye peels open, skeptical. “What, the Cryptkeeper’s got guest rooms down here? A Best Western? It takes three hours to get here one way, there’s no way we can hike out and back every day.”
“Of course you can’t,” Lata scoffs. “I’m coming back with you.”
“Just like that, huh?” Obi’s no longer playing vampire, but he’s still sitting on the sarcophagus,  shoulders stacked beside hers. “You’re not even going to ask us what the problem is first? What if it’s just a five-minute fix, and—?”
“If it were really some ‘five-minute fix’ then that idiot Shidan would have been able to handle it,” Lata grouses, already sifting through books to take with him. “And there’s certainly no point in asking your opinions on the problem. If you neither of you have managed to devise a solution by now, then I doubt that you have any meaningful insight to provide me.”
Shirayuki would have protested— if the professor didn’t have a point. Locating a reclusive academic was hardly the sort of option a reasonable person took as their first step. But after two years of reaching for resonance and having it slip through their fingers, Shirayuki was willing to try anything. Short of braving one of her uncle’s lectures, of course.  “That’s not very nice.”
Obi tucks his chin, keeping his grimace between the two of them. “He’s not wrong.”
“Still,” she sighs, “he doesn’t need to say it.”
“Hey, what did he mean anyway?” She cocks her head, questioning, and Obi clarifies, “About how you don’t look like your family.”
“My uncle…” It’s her turn to grimace now. “Well, my mother doesn’t take after him, that’s all.”
“That gives me at least one answer about your father,” Lata grunts, heaving a trunk up onto his back.
"Really?" Obi drawls, rubbing at his shoulder. "I feel like I didn't get anything from that at all."
"I'm sure," the professors hums dryly, "that you're used to it. Now, are you two ready to go? We have quite a ways back, and thought I am experienced at traveling in the snow, I'd prefer not to do it in the dark.”
Obi heaves sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Get a load of this guy, kid. Spends all this time packing up everything that isn't nailed down, then ask us to hurry up and--"
"Today, if you would." The words echo down the hallway, ghostly in the empty room.
"Yeah, yeah. We're coming." He rolls his shoulders, shifting his weight like a fighter right before a match. "Welp, you heard him, kid. One-way trip to Lilias, leaving now. You ready?"
Shirayuki doesn't spare a glance for the sepulcher behind her-- but she does pause for a shiver. Really, she'd thought she'd left these sorts of trips behind at Shibusen. "More than."
"Love to hear it." He holds out a hand as she starts up the rise. "Let's get out of here. Ladies first."
There's no hesitation as she takes it, hand fitting in to his like her haft snugs into his palm. "Let's."
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h-o-timeline · 2 years
Inside Harry's (Old) House
As some of you know, in July 2016, Harry bought a unit in a condo in Tribeca. It was widely reported because a) people thought that meant he was moving to NYC, b) other high-profile celebrities lived in the building. In the end, Harry was never photographed around the place, and it was rented out for other people during most of the time he owned it (a loss for NYC harries).
He finally sold his condo (443 Greenwich St. #3J) in August 2021. The move didn't surprise me. It's a beautiful place, but far from private. Fortunately for Harry, he was able to sell it with a considerable profit ($290,906!).
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Photos from 2016, via Compass.
Size: 2,868 ft²
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3.5
"Arrive via private key elevator and take in the massive great room, flooded with light from four west-facing, custom arched windows. Flawless, 8-inch white oak flooring runs underneath soaring 11-foot tall ceilings, accented by reclaimed wood beams and pillars. [...] Designed by Christopher Peacock, the space is lined with abundant custom cabinetry and top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances, while the wet bar sits center stage in the massive Calacatta marble island supported by polished stainless steel legs. Private quarters are smartly placed along east-facing expanse of the home, capturing morning sunlight and stunning views of the building's leafy central courtyard. The master suite boasts an oversized walk-in plus a full wall of closets, while the palatial, spa-like master bath features Italian Calacatta marble slab walls, distinctive bronze and glass accents, a dual-faucet trough vanity and sculptural free-standing bathtub. Radiant heat flooring and a towel warmer complement the large walk-in steam shower with built-in stone benches. In each of the generously proportioned second and third bedrooms, you'll find large closets and equally well-appointed en suite bathrooms. A powder room and large laundry room with service entrance round out this premier home’s incredible floor plan." - Description from Compass.
The building also has a full-time doorman, a gym, and a pool.
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Karst Galleria Marbles: Elevate Your Space with Timeless Elegance.
At Karst Galleria, we offer an exquisite range of luxury marbles that are perfect for transforming any space into a masterpiece of elegance and sophistication. Whether you're designing a modern home, a luxurious office, or a high-end commercial space, our carefully curated marble collection brings beauty, durability, and a timeless aesthetic.
Why Choose Karst Galleria Marbles for Your Space?
1. Natural Beauty & Unique Patterns
Luxurious Veining: Each marble slab is a work of art, with unique veining patterns that add character and individuality to your space.
Classic Appeal: Marble is synonymous with luxury and timeless elegance, making it the ideal choice for creating a stunning visual impact.
2. Versatile Design Applications
Flooring: Marble floors are known for their elegance and durability, making any room feel more open, bright, and sophisticated.
Countertops & Vanities: Whether in the kitchen or bathroom, marble countertops offer a sleek, refined surface that’s both functional and luxurious.
Wall Cladding: Elevate walls with polished marble, adding texture and depth to living rooms, foyers, and bathrooms.
3. Premium Quality & Durability
Long-Lasting: Our marbles are sourced from the best quarries, ensuring that they stand the test of time while maintaining their beauty and charm.
Resistant to Heat & Scratches: Ideal for areas like kitchens and fireplaces, marble combines durability with elegance.
Types of Marble Available at Karst Galleria
1. Carrara Marble
Soft & Elegant: Known for its subtle gray veining and soft white background, Carrara marble is a favorite for its timeless and elegant appearance.
Perfect for Bathrooms & Kitchens: Ideal for countertops, backsplashes, and bathroom walls, adding a touch of classic luxury.
2. Calacatta Marble
Bold & Dramatic: Featuring striking, large veining on a bright white background, Calacatta marble is perfect for making a statement in luxury interiors.
High-End Spaces: Ideal for feature walls, lavish flooring, and grand entranceways.
3. Statuario Marble
Refined & Luxurious: Known for its rich white background and bold gray veining, Statuario marble is a symbol of high-end luxury and sophistication.
Ideal for Showpieces: This marble is perfect for feature elements such as fireplace surrounds, tabletops, and statement floors.
4. Emperador Marble
Warm & Inviting: With its rich brown tones and lighter veining, Emperador marble adds warmth and depth, ideal for cozy and elegant spaces.
Perfect for Living Areas: Best suited for living rooms, dining areas, and accent walls that demand a luxurious yet welcoming feel.
Popular Applications of Karst Galleria Marbles
1. Flooring
Grand Entranceways: Make a stunning first impression with marble flooring that exudes elegance and sophistication as soon as you step into a space.
Open Living Areas: Marble floors reflect light and create an airy, spacious feel in any room, enhancing the overall luxury of your interior.
2. Countertops & Kitchen Islands
Durable & Elegant: Marble countertops and islands not only add luxury but also offer heat resistance, making them practical for kitchens while elevating the aesthetic.
Vanities: A marble vanity top brings timeless beauty to bathrooms, providing both style and durability.
3. Accent Walls & Feature Elements
Statement Walls: Create a bold focal point in living rooms or offices with a marble accent wall, showcasing the unique veining patterns of the stone.
Fireplace Surrounds: Marble-clad fireplaces add warmth and luxury, turning a functional piece into a stylish centerpiece.
4. Bathrooms & Wet Areas
Luxurious Spa-Like Atmosphere: Marble is the material of choice for luxurious bathrooms, transforming showers, walls, and floors into spa-like retreats.
Water-Resistant: Marble’s natural resistance to water makes it ideal for areas like showers, baths, and vanity countertops.
Why Karst Galleria?
Handpicked Marble: Each slab is carefully selected to ensure premium quality, beauty, and uniqueness, bringing the finest materials to your project.
Custom Solutions: Whether you’re working on a large-scale commercial project or a home renovation, we offer custom cuts, finishes, and designs to suit your specific needs.
Expert Guidance: Our experienced design team is here to help you choose the perfect marble for your space, providing expert advice on application, maintenance, and care.
Transform Your Space with Karst Galleria Marbles
Whether you’re seeking to add a touch of luxury to your home or looking to create an opulent commercial environment, Karst Galleria has the perfect marble for your project. With a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns, we help you achieve a space that is both beautiful and functional.
Contact us today to explore our marble collection and find the ideal solution for your space!
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wedezineinterior · 4 days
Transform Your Bathroom with Natural Elements: Design Tips from WeDezine
At WeDezine, we believe that your home should reflect your personality, and the bathroom is no exception. By blending natural elements into your bathroom design, you can create a calming, spa-like retreat that offers a refreshing connection to the outdoors. Our team at WeDezine, based in Bangalore, specializes in bringing nature-inspired interiors to life with a focus on beauty, sustainability, and modern living.
If you're thinking of revamping your bathroom, here are our top tips to incorporate natural elements that will help you achieve that serene and rejuvenating space you’ve always dreamed of.
1. Introduce Natural Stone for an Elegant Finish
Natural stone is a classic choice for elevating the aesthetic of your bathroom while keeping a grounded, organic feel. Whether you opt for marble, granite, or slate, stone surfaces add a rich texture and a timeless elegance. Stone can be used in various ways, from floors and walls to countertops and basins, creating a seamless connection with the outdoors.
WeDezine Tip: Larger stone slabs for walls create fewer grout lines and make your bathroom appear more spacious and luxurious.
2. Enhance Warmth with Wooden Accents
Wood can introduce an inviting warmth to an otherwise sleek bathroom space. Our design team at WeDezine often incorporates water-resistant woods like teak and bamboo, which are perfect for handling Bangalore’s humid conditions. Whether it’s a wooden vanity, shelving unit, or decorative ceiling beams, wooden elements bring balance and natural beauty to your bathroom.
WeDezine Tip: Opt for sustainable and eco-friendly wood choices, such as reclaimed wood, to enhance both the aesthetic and the environmental footprint of your bathroom.
3. Bring Nature Indoors with Lush Greenery
No bathroom design rooted in nature is complete without plants. Adding greenery can instantly breathe life into your bathroom, bringing a fresh and vibrant energy. At WeDezine, we recommend low-maintenance, humidity-loving plants like snake plants, ferns, and pothos, which thrive in the moist environment of bathrooms.
WeDezine Tip: We love incorporating vertical gardens or hanging plants to save space and add a dynamic visual appeal. Pair them with natural light to boost their growth and vibrancy.
4. Maximize Natural Lighting for a Serene Ambiance
Natural lighting is essential to create an open, airy atmosphere. If you’re renovating your bathroom, consider adding large windows or even skylights to let in natural light, making the space feel more connected to the outdoors. At WeDezine, we also focus on optimizing lighting placement to accentuate your bathroom’s natural materials and features.
WeDezine Tip: Where natural light is limited, we suggest using warm LED lighting that mimics daylight, creating a bright and welcoming space.
5. Stick to an Earthy and Neutral Palette
A neutral color palette is key to a nature-inspired bathroom. Soft shades like beige, taupe, or light grey create a calm and cohesive environment. Our design experts at WeDezine recommend pairing these earthy tones with natural materials like wood and stone to achieve a perfect balance.
WeDezine Tip: Introduce subtle pops of color with natural hues like greens from plants or deep browns in wooden accessories to create a visually engaging space without overpowering the natural theme.
6. Create a Spa-Like Environment with Water Features
Imagine walking into your bathroom and feeling like you’ve entered a serene spa. Adding water features such as a rainfall showerhead or a freestanding bathtub can enhance this experience. At WeDezine, we specialize in designing bathrooms that not only look natural but feel like an oasis where you can unwind and relax.
WeDezine Tip: Surround your tub or shower area with stones or pebbles for a tranquil, natural vibe that gives the feel of bathing in a luxury spa.
7. Opt for Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Choices
Sustainability is at the heart of modern design, and at WeDezine, we prioritize eco-friendly materials and solutions. We encourage clients to choose water-saving fixtures, low-flow toilets, and eco-friendly materials like bamboo, recycled glass, and organic textiles. These elements reduce your environmental impact while giving your bathroom an authentic, natural feel.
WeDezine Tip: Use energy-efficient lighting and water-efficient showerheads to enhance both the aesthetics and eco-friendliness of your bathroom.
8. Complete the Experience with Natural Scents and Textures
Natural scents and textures bring the final touch to a nature-inspired bathroom. Incorporate aromatherapy by using essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, or sandalwood to create a relaxing atmosphere. Add soft, natural textiles like organic cotton towels, bamboo mats, or linen shower curtains to enhance comfort and style.
WeDezine Tip: Choose plant-based candles or eco-friendly diffusers to keep the air fresh and fragrant, all while keeping the natural theme intact.
Why Choose WeDezine for Your Bathroom Design?
At WeDezine, we are passionate about creating spaces that reflect your lifestyle, personality, and desire for comfort. As a leading interior design company in Bangalore, we have extensive experience in integrating natural elements into modern homes, crafting spaces that promote well-being, relaxation, and sustainability. Our team takes a personalized approach, working closely with you to ensure every design detail aligns with your vision.
If you’re looking to transform your bathroom into a tranquil, nature-inspired haven, contact WeDezine today. Let’s bring the outdoors into your home and create a bathroom that offers peace, beauty, and functionality.
Reach out to WeDezine, your trusted interior design partner in Bangalore, and start your bathroom transformation today!
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theinfinitymarble · 4 days
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Italian Arabescato Marble: Timeless Elegance from The Infinity Marble
Italian Arabescato Marble is synonymous with luxury and timeless beauty. This exquisite marble, sourced from the prestigious quarries of Italy, brings a touch of opulence to any space. Its unique veining, durability, and natural elegance make it a top choice for designers and homeowners alike. In this blog, we will explore why Italian Arabescato Marble from The Infinity Marble by Bhandari Marble Group is the perfect choice for your next project.
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What is Italian Arabescato Marble?
Italian Arabescato Marble is a premium natural stone recognized for its distinctive gray and white veining patterns. This marble has been cherished for centuries and is still one of the most sought-after materials for interior and exterior applications. Its sophisticated appearance, combined with exceptional strength, makes it a popular choice for luxury homes, hotels, and commercial spaces.
Why Choose Italian Arabescato Marble from The Infinity Marble?
At The Infinity Marble by Bhandari Marble Group, we take pride in offering only the finest quality Italian Arabescato Marble. Here's why our collection stands out:
Premium Quality: Sourced from the best quarries in Italy, our Arabescato marble is known for its flawless texture and remarkable veining.
Exclusive Collection: We offer a curated selection of Arabescato marble slabs that cater to a variety of tastes and design preferences.
Expert Craftsmanship: Our team ensures precision in cutting, polishing, and finishing each marble piece to perfection.
Sustainability: We are committed to ethical sourcing practices, ensuring that our materials are environmentally friendly.
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Applications of Italian Arabescato Marble
Italian Arabescato Marble is versatile and can be used in various applications, including:
Flooring: The elegant patterns of Arabescato marble can transform any space, from grand foyers to living rooms.
Countertops: Ideal for kitchen and bathroom countertops, Arabescato marble adds a luxurious touch while being easy to maintain.
Wall Cladding: Enhance your interiors with the striking beauty of Arabescato marble as a statement wall.
Bathrooms: Create a spa-like ambiance with Arabescato marble in your shower areas, vanities, or backsplashes.
Benefits of Italian Arabescato Marble
Aesthetic Appeal: The contrasting white background with gray veining creates a striking visual impact.
Durability: Arabescato marble is highly durable, making it suitable for high-traffic areas and long-lasting applications.
Easy Maintenance: When properly sealed, it is resistant to staining and moisture, ensuring a hassle-free upkeep.
Timeless Style: Arabescato marble never goes out of fashion, making it an investment that will remain stylish for years.
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How to Care for Italian Arabescato Marble
To keep your Arabescato marble looking pristine, regular care is essential. Here are a few maintenance tips:
Sealing: Always seal your marble to protect it from spills and stains.
Cleaning: Use a pH-neutral cleaner to clean the marble surface regularly.
Avoid Scratches: Place mats or coasters on surfaces to prevent scratches from sharp objects.
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FAQs about Italian Arabescato Marble
Q1: What makes Italian Arabescato Marble unique? Arabescato marble is prized for its bold, intricate veining that sets it apart from other types of marble. The contrast between the white background and gray veins creates a luxurious and timeless look.
Q2: Is Arabescato marble suitable for kitchen countertops? Yes, Arabescato marble can be used for kitchen countertops. However, it is essential to seal the surface to protect it from acidic spills and stains.
Q3: How does Arabescato marble compare to other Italian marbles? Arabescato marble is similar to Calacatta and Carrara marble but stands out due to its unique veining patterns. It’s an excellent choice for those seeking a blend of luxury and durability.
Q4: Can I use Arabescato marble for exterior applications? Yes, Arabescato marble can be used for exterior applications like facades and patios, but it’s crucial to maintain it properly to protect it from weathering.
Q5: Where can I purchase Italian Arabescato Marble? You can explore the finest selection of Italian Arabescato Marble at The Infinity Marble by Bhandari Marble Group. We offer premium marble for a wide range of applications, with expert guidance to help you choose the perfect slab.
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Conclusion: Elevate Your Space with Italian Arabescato Marble
Italian Arabescato Marble is more than just a stone; it’s a statement of elegance and luxury. Whether you’re designing a modern kitchen, a chic bathroom, or a grand hallway, The Infinity Marble by Bhandari Marble Group has the perfect slab to meet your design needs. Choose Arabescato marble to transform your space into a masterpiece that will stand the test of time.
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