#marble devi statue
ssmoortiart11 · 2 years
Maa Durga Murti | Mata Durga Marble Statues at Wholesale Price | Best Statue Manufacturer
We all know the goddess Durga is Known for its power, anger, and loving nature. Want to get the blessings of Maa Durga? Do worship the marble Maa Durga idol and the Navratri festival is also coming so, are you planning to buy devi idols? Then Sai Shradha Moorti Art is the best manufacturer & supplier of Indian marble statues and makes all kind of Hindu god idols.
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fantasticsandwich · 1 month
yandere influencer x fem! reader (pt 1)
Don't you know you're the apple of his eye?
The dull hum of the museum’s air conditioning blended with the soft shuffle of footsteps, hardly alleviating the stifling heat that clung to  your skin. You trailed behind Cillian, gaze lingering on a serene landscape that seemed worlds away from the cramped gallery you occupied. However, instead of succumbing to the immense discomfort of being perceived, Cillian was in his element, angling his body to capture the perfect selfie, his phone held aloft.
“Stand over there,” he directed without looking your way, focused on capturing his reflection in the glass protecting a centuries-old portrait. “I need more light.”
Yielding an ungodly ring light, you shuffled into place, feeling the tight pull of your blouse as you dangled it over your head. Struggling to hold it in one hand, you fidgeted, tugging at the fabric, wishing you could blend into the walls and disappear. Your oversized glasses slid down the bridge of your nose as you glanced at Cillian, who paused to wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead before flashing another practiced smile at his phone. Or rather, yours, because he thought pictures always looked better through your lens despite the inferior quality.
A couple cast a glare in your direction, clearly annoyed by the disruption. You watched Cillian wave dismissively at the glaring onlookers, his attention never straying from the image on his screen.
“Can’t have them ruining the shot,” he murmured.
As Cillian lined up another photo,  your thoughts churned. The museum had become a stage, and Cillian, its sole performer. Every sculpture, every painting—they were merely props for his endless stream of portraits. You wondered if he saw anything beyond the likes and comments each picture might garner.
“Isn’t it hot in here?” you ventured, seeking some acknowledgment of the discomfort you felt. “The light isn’t helping. Maybe we could enjoy the art without—”
“Comfort doesn’t get followers, Y/N,” he interjected, his tone light but firm. “You know how it is. Image is everything.”
“Right, of course,” you answered, your cheerful facade slipping into place as easily as your sleeves slipping down your arms. “Image is everything.”
In the silence that followed, punctuated only by the sound of Cillian’s camera shutter, the art around you—a tapestry of colors and emotions—seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the one-sided performance playing out before it.
His silhouette morphed with the statue beside him, his body language shifting from casual to statuesque in a heartbeat.
“Y/N,” he called over his shoulder. “Stand next to that one. I want  a photo. It looks like you.”
You hesitated, your eyes tracing the contours of the marble goddess before her: poised, serene, and eternally graceful. You glanced down at your own trendy and curated, yet slightly mismatched attire.
“Um, sure,” you replied, stepping forward with a forced smile. Your limbs felt awkward as you raised an arm, trying to emulate the statue's elegant gesture. The solid chill of the museum air wrapped around your exposed skin, making you acutely aware of how out of place you looked.
“Just like that,” Cillian encouraged from behind the camera, his voice smooth as silk. The device made a soft click sound as it captured the moment.
“Did it turn out okay?” You asked, hoping your performance had been convincing enough to meet his standards.
“Let me see,” Cillian murmured, tapping on the screen with slender fingers. A pause stretched between the pair, filled with the hum of distant conversation and the subtle clicks of camera shutters from other visitors. “Perfect,” he declared, the word dropping from his lips like a verdict. He switched off the camera, his eyes not meeting yours. “Just perfect.”
Your heart fluttered with a mixture of relief and unease. His approval was something you couldn’t help but crave, despite the cost. His hand brushed against yours as he handed back the device, leaving a trail of cold uncertainty in its wake.
“Thanks for helping,” he said with a smile. “Let me treat you to something.”
Exiting the viewing hall, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the muted whispers of other patrons as you and Cillian found your way to a secluded bench in the museum's on-site cafe. A sigh escaped  you, your shoulders slumping slightly as you settled onto the cool metal seat, Cillian taking the booth. Already, he held his phone. His thumbs flicked across the screen, dredging forth a gallery of images.
“Look,” Cillian said, holding the phone between them. On the screen was a photo of him standing confidently next to a marble statue, both strikingly handsome, distant and untouchable, cold in their own regard. “Which is prettier?”
You hesitated, your gaze flitting between his expectant eyes and the image of the two figures frozen in time. You zoomed in to inspect their expressions. The statue’s face was one of great speculation, perhaps even sorrow. Cillian, though undeniably attractive, seemed haughty, almost too aware of his beauty. You experienced a surge of jealousy when you realized his skin was as pale as marble and his eyes were as clear as the glass protecting it from view. Adorned by a light blush, his cheeks were not untouched by the heat. Still, not a single hair was out of place. Not a single blemish or dark spot on that noble farce. His skin was smoother than porcelain.
Meanwhile, spotting your bespeckled reflection on the screen nearly caused your heart to stop. Little flyaway strands plastered against your forehead and splay out across your flushed cheeks. Sighing, you turned your head away, pressing against your shoulder to push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. You felt a dull ache as your lips parted to answer, only for the words to tangle in your throat.
“Hard to choose, right?”
“Both are remarkable,” you managed to say, your words carefully neutral. You hoped your voice didn't betray the unease that coiled within, the sense of being tested. His smile widened, but there was a sharpness to it that didn't quite reach his eyes, and you wondered if your response had been enough to satisfy.
“Of course,” Cillian replied, the word drawn out like a soft purr. “But I’d prefer you say I’m living art.”
Your gaze lingered on the screen as Cillian flicked to another photograph, this one a close-up of his profile silhouetted against a canvas of Renaissance art. His nose stood out. Roman, straight, and perfect, casting a shadow that seemed sculpted by the same hands that had carved the figures they admired all afternoon.
“You are. You look like a statue,” you murmured, voice laced with an involuntary admiration that made your stomach clench. Why weren’t you as pretty as him? Was some cosmic force punishing you for a misdeed in a past life?
“Yeah?” Cillian reveled in your praise, leaning closer. “And what about my other features? Do you think they’re just as perfect?”
You glanced at the high curve of his cheekbones, the arch of well-groomed brows, and how his smile never appeared to belong to you.
“More so. It could’ve been modeled off of you, but you’re still incomparable.”
Abruptly popping out his seat, Cillian muttered an excuse and bolted to the counter. He swiped your desserts up and returned in three long strides. Carefully, he placed them onto the table. Humming cheerfully, you swiped a spoon off the table and guided its tapered head to the dessert.
“Wait,” he said, hand blocking the spoon’s path. “Take some pictures.”
Sighing, you yielded and accepted his phone. The parfait was already melting into a puddle of unappealing, inedible goo, but you slid it across the table. When you pulled back from the lukewarm glass, sugary residue clung to your fingers. The strawberry syrup was congealing, slowly sinking to the bottom to mingle with the yogurt, bleeding pink.
Staring at the mess, you licked your lips. You longed to steal a spoonful, but you couldn’t even consider eating until Cillian decided they had enough pictures. Already, you had snapped fifteen at every angle possible. Upon request, you even shimmied out of your seat to take more.
To think, you could’ve been at home, studying, doing anything else instead of practicing your still-life portrait skills. You shouldn’t have been so excited to be invited out by Cillian. Excitement only brought disappointment.
Popping upright, your knee nearly knocked against the underside of the table. At the last second, Cillian reached out, slotting his hand between to lessen the impact. His skin was warm and soft against yours. His palm enveloped the entirety of your knee. You winced and nervously laughed at the contact, swatting him away.
“Tell me what you think about them,” you said, passing the phone back into the hands of its owner.
Your beaded keychain snagged on a strand of hair that had fallen loose from your ponytail. Wincing, you halted to allow Cillian to detangle it. Once free, you moved to stand at his side, peering over his shoulder as he flicked through every photo. One by one, Cillian kept zooming in on his face, only to pinch his fingers back out to focus on a minuscule detail. Not a single pixel was free from scrutiny.
Slipping his phone into his pocket, he sighed. His hands snuck out across the table, then his gangly arms followed. Elbows resting on the table, he cradled his face in his palms. His gaze rose, narrowed onto you, startlingly innocent.
Although it enhanced his features during photoshoots, you loathed his opaque expressions. Even after several years of knowing him, it was impossible to gauge his response, to anticipate his next word. Fortunately, most of his requests were only minimally irritating to fulfill.
“Can you take a few more pics on your phone? Maybe they’ll turn out different.” He requested, peering up from his device. Neck craned back to view you, his hair flopped over, billowing out into disarray.
A stray strand brushed against your nose, tickling. His roots were growing in, stark against his bleached strands. You pursed your lips, urging your attention elsewhere. Otherwise, he’d ask what you were looking at, and you’d have no choice but to answer. Since that apparently wasn’t a solitary task, you could expect to dedicate an additional hour to helping him pick a shade then dye his hair.
Self-conscious at the proximity, you stabbed your fingers through your hair, tugging the thick mop back. Prodding through knots, you felt the sweat of your scalp melting through your fingertips, boiling into your skin. Mournfully, you realized you would have to take another shower. And to think, you finished your favorite shampoo the morning prior. You’d ask him to buy more and call it a photography fee.
Feeling more coerced than inspired into the act, you sighed and snatched your bag off the back of the chair. Rummaging through the contents, you plucked your phone out. Cillian eyed the keychain with a small grin.
You inhaled for the sake of your patience. Lowering into another awkward position, you guided the camera around, searching for the perfect angle as he posed, arms thrown over the back of the plush seat.
He was rather opinionated about composition; he liked either having his face centered in images or leaning more to the right-hand side. Rule of thirds, symmetry, and whatnot. A simple photo became a portrait, something meant to rival baroque image. You clicked another picture when he scooped a glob of the parfait onto the spoon. Another, when he took a bite, then another when he pressed the spoon to his lips, and another when his eyes fluttered shut.
At some point during the ten-minute extension, a drop of the watery yogurt slipped past your trained eye, dribbling onto his chin. You set the phone down and moved to grab a tissue off of the table when he prompted you to continue. You complied. At last, Cillian decided to grant your wobbly arms mercy as he finally picked his final pose. To end it, he winked and blew a kiss. 
You grumbled, plotting back onto your seat. You winced when the cold metal touched your thighs. “Pay me.”
“An air kiss isn’t enough? Want a real one?”
“Pass. I’d rather gut myself.” You swiped your hair over your shoulder and grabbed a stack of napkins to fan yourself with. Hoping to experience a reprieve from the heat, you reached for your dessert and was sorely disappointed to discover that it had liquified. Only the precipitation clinging to the cup was cold. You grabbed the cup and sloshed its contents around, watching globs spill over the edge. You looked over at Cillian’s dessert and sighed upon discovering that it was in an even worse state. His big, warm hands had cradled it for too long.
Opening up Instagram, you slumped over, assassinated by a surge of jealousy. Posts about vacations in Granada, California, and Rome filled your recommended feed. These broke college students shouldn’t have been partying abroad, living it up. And why were they on vacation when there were still two weeks of spring semester left? Did they take their finals early? How? Could you still get in on the action? Oh well; it wasn’t as if you had money for plans anyway.
When you were done imposing misery upon yourself, you handed your phone to Cillian. He accepted it with the grace of a dog snagging meat.
“I appreciate it,” he said, attention glued to the screen. You saw the images flash across his eyes, his own face superimposed on his retinas as he zoomed in, pinching and frowning. After browsing and sending the photos, he placed your phone down on his lap. Ignoring your sudden anxiety, he rested his hands on the table and smiled. “I mean it. No one else does this for me. Thank you.”
You observed the rings on his knuckles. Glinting like teeth in subdued laughter, he tapped against the table. So pretty and shiny, gleaming with sunlight… And that face… If you became rich enough, you would consider asking him for fashion and skincare advice. He’d taken to giving you gifts at random, and all the products were from expensive brands you couldn’t pronounce.
The perks of having a trust fund, you supposed.
“You’re leaving the country soon, right?” You leaned back against the chair and splayed out your legs, recoiling when your foot made contact with his shim.
A trickle of sweat ran past your neck, seeping down to the plunge of your shirt. Contrarily, Cillian was dressed to attract the sun; he wore a dark dress shirt, rolled up to his elbows. The top few buttons were unfastened to reveal the black designer t-shirt trapped beneath. His jeans were black, with slices at the knees.
“I’ll only be gone for two weeks. Why do you ask? Are you going to miss me? Already feeling the crushing weight of my absence? Don’t worry. I’ll text you everyday. I’ll even bring you souvenirs.”
“No.” Firmly, you shook your head. “You’re the one who’s going to miss me.”
“Get WhatsApp so I can text you without getting charged. It’s about time you finally downloaded it.”
“So you can spam my messages with even more pictures of yourself? No thanks. You have a mirror, and my gallery is already filled by you.” You narrowed your eyes. “Even if I wanted to, how can I download anything if you have my phone?”
“You mean this thing?” Teasingly, Cillian brandished the device. When you reached for it, he leaned back, toting it out of reach. “I can figure out your password and get it for you.”
He typed random combinations of numbers until he successfully unlocked it.  You rose from your seat, more serious about retrieving it. To counter, Cillian hunched over, shielding the screen with his body.
“Relax,” he said, head disappearing beneath the table. Self-conscious again, you tugged your skirt down. “I’m sending myself the photos you took of me.”
Red with anger, you joined him, ducking beneath the table. With the slit of your phone screen showing through the opening in his posture, you glanced down, realizing he was going through your messages and replying with a selfie of himself.
“Cillian…” You grasped his shoulder. “Stop being a cunt. I’m not getting WhatsApp if you’re going to keep acting like this.”
Ignoring you, he abruptly stood. In y ourhaste to follow, your head slammed on the underside of the table. With a hand pressed against your scalp, you rose, only to encounter your frazzled expression staring back on the screen.
“Say cheese!”
Holding the phone over his head, Cillian snapped a selfie of you. As usual, he was smiling, sparkling, while your hair was frazzled and your face was sullen. Although you begged him not to, he promptly posted the picture to your Instagram, accompanied by some of the parfait and himself.
“Cillian,” you tried again. Shaking his shoulders, you groaned when he refused to budge. “Alright, then. I guess I’m just gonna get your phone.”
As if shocked by lightning, he jolted upright. He stared at her, eyes peering into your soul. “Go on. I don’t have anything to hide. But why don’t you want me to have yours? Do you have something to hide?”
“Nothing at all.”
“Good.” He shot you one of his infamous, heart-melting smiles. “Since I already looked at yours, we can look at mine together. It’d please you, right?”
There were moments when he sounded peculiar. Was it something in his tone, or was it his irregular phrasing? Regardless of the strange feeling’s origin, you felt a guilty caution and were inclined to dishonesty in his presence. You wouldn’t want to be a bad friend by misinterpreting his overly-zealous intentions.
Swiping his phone off the table, Cillian placed it into your palm. He relayed the password, but his hand remained enclosed around yours, so you punched in the code with your thumb. Chewing your cheek,  you scrolled, hesitantly tapping onto a conversation, utterly disinterested until you saw the strange memes passed between Cillian and his friend.
“Here,” you said, resigned as you handed the device back.
He smiled. “See? Nothing to hide.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Shrugging, Cillian retrieved your phone from his pocket again to scrutinize the photos in your camera roll, trained on his appearance as he glided between filters and toyed with the saturation.
You futilely observed him before redirecting your thoughts to something more productive, the upcoming final exams. Soon thought, you began to daydream about fast cars and countryside estates, forgetting how, with the new year’s onset, you watched self-help videos, browsed countless articles to curb your materialistic tendencies.
You took up new hobbies with your friends, painting and snacking on charcuterie and wine. You denied yourself the pleasures of theaters, of restaurants and shopping hauls. But when your paycheck arrived, you found yourself partitioning it into tuition costs, then different discretionary categories.
Your mother incessantly begged you to enjoy your youth. One day, you’d have a fulfilling hospital job, packed with plentiful hours. Even then, there was an expected exchange of currency; time for a pay stub. So, at some point, you lost the desire to save and smartly concluded, that whether for necessity or whim, people only made money to spend it. Money was entertainment. Money was activity. Money was the tears in your mother’s eyes when you paid for half of your snot-nosed brother’s school fees.
Money was whatever you needed it to be, and it was all you lived for. You had tried amending this mindset countless times, but no other inspiration stuck. It was fortunate that you were friends with someone who had too much of it. Cillian spoiled you on excursions, with gifts. So, if he had money, then money was him, and by proxy, you were getting that bag while being in his presence.
Once, during your final year of secondary school, you turned to Cillian for advice. You purchased a shirt from a designer brand and wore it to his birthday party, only to have his younger cousin spill juice on you, Rianning it. On the verge of a breakdown, you stormed to the kitchen. As you furiously scrubbed your shirt with a dishrag, you heard footsteps in pursuit. Teary-eyes, you turned to him and asked to hear his truth of the world.
He hadn’t been rich back then. He was only the boy in the council house next to yours, your life-long friend. He knew you better than you knew yourself. You were attuned to his every quirk.
“I’m so tired of buying, buying, buying, but never feeling like I have enough. How do you get through it? Feeling like you’re enough without having it?”
“I’ll show you,” he said, reaching into his pocket. He removed a small clasp mirror, the kind that comes free from stores with a hundred-dollar purchase, and unceremoniously presented it. “You’ve got to love yourself.”
“And how do I go about that when I haven’t the slightest clue?”
“It’s simple.” A light red tinted his cheeks. “You tell yourself ‘You’re everything I’ve ever wanted,’ and know that’s what you’re always meant to be. At the same time, you need to know you’re insignificant no matter what you do. Only relationships define you, and no one wants to be around someone pathetic. You’ll only be used like that, so you need to change to protect yourself.”
Almost reluctantly, he peered up from the glassy surface to look at you, but you felt as if he never truly looked away, as if he were still tracing the contours of his every feature through the glare of the spectacles perched on you nose.
“People say beauty is on the inside, but if you’re ugly on the inside, then you know it can be manufactured.”
Cillian still hadn’t stopped staring at himself as he walked past anything reflective, anything that resembled him. He’d still stare so deeply into your glasses, at his reflection in your eyes and you still wondered if he was searching for a mirror that would twist his form into something beautiful.
You were snapped out of the memory when he voiced a request.
“Your turn,” he said suddenly. “May I?”
“May you… May you do what?”
“You looked at me earlier. I want to do the same.”
“I  mean, you’re already looking at me…” You felt his stare and winced. “But it’s… alright? Yeah, go ahead.”
The air was thick as you waited, trying to anticipate his thoughts, unsure of what he had in mind. Cillian observed you with an intensity that felt almost palpable, his scrutiny a tangible force that rendered you immobile—a specimen under a microscope, a subject in a frame.
“Such pretty features,” he commented softly. His fingers slid along the curve of your cheek, coming to rest on the bridge of your nose. Before you could comprehend his intentions, he plucked your glasses off with a swift, almost surgical movement.
The world around you dissolved into a wash of colors, each brushstroke of reality smearing into an indistinguishable palette of hues. Sounds seemed to amplify in the absence of clear sight, the distant murmur of museum visitors swirling around like wind rustling through autumn leaves.
“You look better without these. You can’t see without them.” He dangled the glasses just out of focus, the lenses catching the light and casting ghostly reflections onto the blurred canvas. “But when I’m this close, can you only see me?” He leaned in, noses almost touching. “Sometimes, I like when you wear them, too.”
You blinked, trying to force clarity back into your vision, but it was futile. The room felt larger, more intimidating, as if the ceiling had stretched away and the walls were leaning in to listen. You were acutely aware of your heartbeat, a tumultuous rhythm against the backdrop of this disorienting scene.
“Cillian?” Your voice quivered slightly, betraying your unease.
“Shh,” he hushed, the sound slicing gently through the air. “Just look at me.”
You tried, oh how you tried, but his face was nothing more than a kaleidoscope of light and shadow, his features lost in a fog. He loomed over you, a specter made of shifting shades rather than flesh and bone. The faint scent of his cologne, usually so comforting, now seemed overpowering, filling your nostrils and clouding your thoughts.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, though whether he spoke of you or to himself, you couldn’t tell. The air was charged with a strange energy you couldn’t define. “Can you see me?”
“Only… only shapes. Outlines.”
“Like an abstract. Can you read me? Do you know what I mean?”
“No?” You said, uncertainty. “If you want to talk art, give me a day to talk to that one upperclassman who keeps begging to paint you.”
His presence was static, pointillism in slap-dash dots, yet there was a sharpness to it, like the glint of a knife hidden beneath silk. Suddenly, Cillian's hands cupped your face. His thumbs brushed against your cheeks in an unexpectedly tender gesture.
“You’re cute.” A soft laugh escaped his lips. The familiar sensation of being pinched and appraised was oddly comforting in its normalcy.
“Alright,” he said briskly, pulling away and breaking the momentary spell. Your gaze fluttered up, onto him. He stood, legs screeching against the ground as he jammed his chair under the table. “It’s about time to leave. We’ve got places to be.”
You blinked, trying to focus on his voice as it cut through the disorientation of your vision. “Can I have my glasses? And my phone?” you asked, reaching out in the direction of his voice, fingers grasping blindly at the air.
“Your glasses?” Cillian teased, dangling them just out of reach. “But you look so adorable without them.” His laugh held an edge, like the thin crack running down a perfectly glazed vase.
“As you know, I need to see,” you said, the words coming out more plaintive than intended. You felt for the spectacles once more, movements uncertain without sight to guide you.
With a sigh that suggested he was granting a favor, Cillian finally placed the glasses in your outstretched hand. The world snapped back into sharp relief as you slid them onto your nose, the cafe and its patrons coming into clear view once again.
“And this?” Cillian echoed, his tone playful. Retrieving the device from his pocket, he waved it around. “I’ll give it back, but you need to promise that we'll look at these together tomorrow. I want to coordinate our feeds.”
“Sure, yeah. We’ll align our online synergies tomorrow,” you echoed, using buzzwords and nodding although a part of you screamed in protest.
Standing, you snatched a few napkins and wiped down the photo shoot's debris. On the way out, you tossed the melted goo into the trash and bid him goodbye, slouching as you turned away and stepped onto the sidewalk, almost immediately surrounded by a torrent of pedestrians. You surged ahead, elbowing your way through the crowd.
“Hell is other people,” Cillian mindlessly commented. You instantly pinpointed his melodic voice amidst the throng. “Want me to give you a ride? Or walk you to the bus stop?”
Halting, you spun around, wrapping your hands around your mouth to shout. “No thanks. It’s not that far. You should also get home before it gets dark.”
“Alright. Be safe. Don’t get kidnapped.”
“Walking with you could endanger me. Someone would take you for ransom.”
“And you’d pay for it, wouldn’t you?”
“Well, I need to get my paycheck first.”
“Y/N,” he whined.
“You’re not Caesar, so why wouldn’t I?”
He shrugged and turned away, finally bidding you goodbye. His arms dropped to his side, madly swinging. You watched for a moment as he pranced, caught in his cool-guy act that he pursued it even as he stumbled over a curb. You chewed your lip to stifle a laugh, allowing yourself a final glance at his strange gait. You began at a leisurely pace, loosening up to let your arms swing like him. Maybe he was happy because he allowed himself to live so freely.
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rajasthandevdarshan · 19 days
Rani Sati Temple in Jhunjhunu
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Exploring the Rani Sati Temple in Jhunjhunu: A Testament to Devotion and Architectural Grandeur
India is a land where spirituality and devotion weave through the fabric of everyday life, with temples standing as testament to the deep religious fervor that permeates the culture. Among the numerous temples dotting the country, the Rani Sati Temple in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, holds a unique place. This temple, dedicated to Rani Sati, a historical figure revered by many for her act of sati, is not just a spiritual hub but also an architectural marvel. In this blog post, we will explore the history, significance, and architectural brilliance of the Rani Sati Temple, along with the deep cultural and religious impact it has had on its devotees.
The Legend of Rani Sati
The story of Rani Sati, also known as Narayani Devi, is one of immense devotion and self-sacrifice, steeped in the cultural ethos of Rajasthan. According to legend, Rani Sati was the wife of a brave merchant named Tandhan Das, who lived during the 13th century. The couple was known for their deep love and devotion to each other.
The tragic turn of events came when Tandhan Das was killed in a battle. Overcome with grief and a deep sense of loyalty, Narayani Devi decided to perform sati, a practice where a widow immolates herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. Before her death, she expressed a desire to be remembered as Rani Sati. Her act was considered the ultimate display of devotion and selflessness, and over time, she was deified by the local community.
The Significance of Rani Sati Temple
Rani Sati Temple in Jhunjhunu is a place of great significance for the Marwari community, who revere Rani Sati as a symbol of courage and fidelity. The temple is one of the few in India dedicated to a woman who committed sati, making it a unique place of worship.
The temple is also a site of pilgrimage, especially for Marwaris, who visit the temple to seek blessings for prosperity and well-being. The temple’s history is closely intertwined with the Marwari community, which has contributed significantly to its development and upkeep. The temple also stands as a testament to the cultural and religious values that have shaped the Marwari community over centuries.
Architectural Splendor
The Rani Sati Temple is not only significant for its religious and cultural importance but also for its architectural grandeur. Spread over a vast area, the temple complex is an epitome of Rajasthani architectural style, characterized by its intricate carvings, grand structures, and a sense of opulence that reflects the glory of Rajasthan’s rich heritage.
The main temple, dedicated to Rani Sati, is adorned with exquisite frescoes, mirror work, and detailed carvings. The white marble facade of the temple, with its towering shikharas (temple spires), stands in stark contrast to the arid landscape of Rajasthan, making it a striking visual spectacle.
The temple complex also houses several smaller temples dedicated to various deities, including Lord Hanuman, Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Durga. Each of these temples is a work of art in itself, with beautiful sculptures and intricate designs that reflect the devotion and craftsmanship of the artisans who built them.
One of the most striking features of the Rani Sati Temple is the imposing statue of Rani Sati, which is placed in the sanctum sanctorum. The idol is adorned with rich garments and jewelry, symbolizing her revered status among her devotees. The temple also houses a chhatri (cenotaph) of Rani Sati, which is a beautifully crafted structure that adds to the temple’s architectural splendor.
The Rani Sati Mela
Every year, on the auspicious day of Bhadrapad Amavasya, the Rani Sati Mela is held at the temple. This grand fair attracts thousands of devotees from across the country who come to pay their respects to Rani Sati and seek her blessings. The temple is beautifully decorated with lights and flowers, and the entire atmosphere is charged with spiritual energy.
During the mela, special prayers and rituals are performed, and the temple resounds with the chanting of hymns and devotional songs. The Rani Sati Mela is not just a religious event but also a cultural celebration, where people from different parts of the country come together to celebrate the spirit of devotion and community.
Cultural Impact and Controversy
While the Rani Sati Temple is a place of deep religious significance for many, it has also been a subject of controversy due to its association with the practice of sati. The practice of sati was outlawed in India in 1829, and since then, it has been a topic of much debate and discussion.
Critics argue that the glorification of sati through temples like Rani Sati Temple perpetuates a practice that is rooted in patriarchy and the subjugation of women. However, devotees see Rani Sati not just as a symbol of sati, but as a powerful figure of courage, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. For them, the temple is a place to honor these values and seek spiritual solace.
Over the years, the temple administration has distanced itself from promoting the practice of sati and has focused on highlighting Rani Sati’s virtues as a devoted wife and a revered deity. The temple’s emphasis on these aspects has helped it maintain its religious significance while navigating the complexities of modern societal values.
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marblemurti1 · 1 month
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nandneeeeeee · 2 months
Discovering Mumbai's Spiritual Jewel: Mumba Devi Temple
Mumbai, the bustling metropolis known for its vibrant energy and cultural diversity, is home to a multitude of landmarks that cater to both the modern and traditional tastes of its visitors. Among these landmarks, the Mumba Devi Temple in Mumbai stands out as a spiritual oasis in the heart of the city. A trip to this well-regarded temple offers a peaceful diversion from the bustle of the city as well as an insight into Mumbai's religious legacy. Along with this, there are a lot of places to visit in Maharashtra to experience the real beauty of Mumbai!
A Glimpse into History
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The Mumba Devi Temple is dedicated to Mumba Devi, an incarnation of the goddess Parvati, who is believed to be the patron deity of the city. The temple's origins trace back to the 14th century, making it one of the oldest temples in Mumbai. It was rebuilt in the 18th century by the local ruler, Laxmi Shah after its original structure fell into disrepair. This historical significance adds a layer of cultural depth to the experience of visiting this sacred site.
Architectural Marvel
The temple’s architecture is a beautiful blend of traditional Indian and contemporary styles. The main shrine houses the idol of Mumba Devi, which is adorned with intricate carvings and decorated with vibrant flowers and offerings. The temple's structure is characterized by its grand entrance, ornate pillars, and detailed sculptures that depict various deities and mythological scenes. The use of marble and the fine craftsmanship on display make the Mumba Devi Temple an architectural marvel and a visual delight.
Spiritual Experience
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Stepping into the Mumba Devi Temple, visitors are greeted by an atmosphere of serenity and devotion. The temple's surroundings are imbued with a spiritual aura that encourages introspection and peace. Devotees and tourists alike come here to seek blessings, make offerings, and participate in various religious rituals. The temple’s priestly staff are known for their warmth and hospitality, often taking the time to explain the significance of the rituals and the history of the temple to interested visitors.
Cultural Significance
The Mumba Devi Temple is not just a place of worship; it also serves as a cultural landmark in Mumbai. It attracts pilgrims from all over India, contributing to its status as one of the most visited places in Maharashtra. The temple plays a vital role in local festivals and celebrations, such as Navratri and Ganesh Chaturthi, which are marked by elaborate processions and vibrant celebrations. These events offer visitors a chance to experience Mumbai's rich cultural tapestry and witness traditional practices firsthand.
Nearby Attractions
For those exploring places to visit in Maharashtra, the Mumba Devi Temple is conveniently located near several other attractions. A short distance away is the bustling Colaba Causeway, a popular shopping street where visitors can pick up souvenirs and enjoy local cuisine. The Gateway of India, another iconic Mumbai landmark, is also nearby and offers stunning views of the Arabian Sea. Additionally, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a testament to Mumbai’s architectural and historical significance.
Practical Tips for Visitors
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When planning a visit to the Mumba Devi Temple, there are a few practical tips to keep in mind. Dress modestly, as the temple requires visitors to cover their shoulders and legs. Photography inside the temple is usually prohibited, so it’s best to respect the rules and focus on soaking in the spiritual atmosphere. Additionally, visiting during weekdays or early in the morning can help avoid the large crowds that often gather during weekends and religious festivals.
The Mumba Devi Temple stands as a testament to Mumbai’s rich spiritual and cultural heritage. Whether you're a devout believer seeking blessings or a curious traveler wanting to explore the city’s historical roots, this temple offers a unique and enriching experience. Its blend of historical significance, architectural beauty, and spiritual ambiance makes it a must-visit landmark in Maharashtra. As you explore the diverse places to visit in Maharashtra, let the Mumba Devi Temple be a highlight of your journey, offering a moment of reflection and a deeper understanding of Mumbai’s vibrant soul.
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homedecor-shop-online · 5 months
The Symbolism Behind Ram Darbar Statues: Exploring the Divine Connections
Ram Darbar depicts our favourite deities from the epic Ramayana. The depiction includes Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, Rama's brother, Lord Lakshmana, and his greatest devotee, Lord Hanuman. It offers a timeless interpretation of sacrifice, duty, love, and commitment. The intricate details in the sculptures and paintings of Ram Darbar capture the essence of each character's personality and role in the epic. This depiction serves as a constant reminder of the values and teachings found in the Ramayana, inspiring devotion and reverence among followers. In this blog, we will reveal the heavenly relationships portrayed in the Ram Darbar Statue and the important lessons they teach.
What Every Deity From Ram Darbar Statue Signify
Lord Rama: The Perfect Husband and King
Lord Rama is considered a Purshotam, meaning the best among men. As the embodiment of all that is good, Lord Rama is the height of righteousness and the perfect husband and king. His steadfast love, respect, and unmatched devotion are evident in his relationship with Devi Sita. Because of his compassion, bravery, and humility, Rama is a highly regarded hero in Hindu tradition and a beacon of hope for followers looking for moral and spiritual direction. The nature and personality of Lord Rama are truly an inspiration for today’s youth.
Devi Sita: The Personification of Love and Virtue
The embodiment of feminine characteristics, Maa Sita, represents strength, purity, and unflinching devotion. Her unconditional love and unwavering support for Lord Rama, even in the face of hardship, embodies true devotion and selflessness. Maa Sita was born as a princess and lived in huge palaces, yet she had the capabilities and inner strength to adapt to forest life. This is a valuable lesson for young girls and their parents to make their child capable and courageous so they can confidently face challenges that life throws at them.
Lakshmana: The Faithful Sibling and Companion
Lakshmana, Lord Ram’s younger brother, is a representation of devotion, sacrifice, and unflinching commitment. The moment he knew Lord Rama would spend the next 14 years of his life in the forest, without any second thought, he accompanied him. Like a good companion, he never left his brother’s side and played a huge role in helping Lord Rama win the war. His steadfast commitment to serving Rama and defending Devi Sita is a prime example of the value of brotherhood and the need to carry out one's obligations with the highest sincerity and devotion.
Hanuman: The Divine Devotee
Hanuman, the god of great sanctity and a devoted follower of Lord Rama, is the epitome of selflessness, humility, and unshakable devotion. Even in the Ram Darbar statue, we see Lord Hanuman kneeling and surrendering his powers to Lord Rama. His essential role in the Ramayana, from helping to find Devi Sita to being instrumental in the fight against Ravana, exemplifies the strength of unflinching faith and loyalty in the face of adversity. Lord Hanuman is greatly linked with ego. Being one of the most powerful beings to ever live, Lord Hanuman always used his power for Lord Rama, meaning he was never selfish or had pride about his power. He teaches us that no matter how powerful or capable you are, always use them for the greater good rather than for yourself.
Vastu Tips for Placing Ram Darbar in Your House
Place the Ram Darbar marble statue in the northeastern corner of your house, ideally in your pooja ghar, and ensure the idol is facing west.
You must place the idol on an elevated wooden or marble platform. Do not place the idol on the ground.
Regularly clean the idol and platform with a soft piece of cloth before offering your prayers.
Light a diya or lamp near the Ram Darbar and offer fruits or satvik food every day.
Ram Darbar is one of the most popular gifts for housewarming ceremonies because it shows a beautiful bond between family members.
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Ram Darbar is a timeless representation of heavenly relationships and values that provides devotees and seekers with significant insights and teachings. A beacon of light, the relationship between Lord Rama, Devi Sita, Lord Lakshmana, and Lord Hanuman pushes humanity in the direction of devotion, righteousness, and love. As we reflect on the divine relationships found in Ram Darbar, may we absorb the eternal teachings and values they represent, guiding us in the direction of enlightenment, inner serenity, and spiritual development.
If you are looking to buy a Ram Darbar statue for your house, you can check out Satguru’s. They are one of the best home decor shops in Mumbai. Their marble Ram Darbar is beautifully crafted with intricate details and amazing colours. Along with Ram Darbar, you can also find other God idols like the Radha-Krishna statue, the Shiva statue, the Ganesha statue, and more. Visit Satguru’s to learn more about their products.
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avinashmoortiemporium · 7 months
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The Benefits Of Owning a Marble Ram Darbar Statue
In Hinduism, it is considered auspicious to keep a white marble Ram Darbar murti in one’s home. In the Hindu religion, the Ram Darbar holds a revered place. But not many are actually aware of what it means.
The term Ram Darbar literally translates to Lord Rama’s (the King of Ayodhya) court. You will find that in a typical Ram Darbar murti Lord Rama, who is the seventh of the Dashavatar, is in the center, with Devi Sita by his side. His younger brother, Laxman, who accompanied him and Devi Sita during the exile, will be present on his other side. Finally, Lord Hanuman will also be present.
What a marble Ram Darbar does is that it brings their presence inside our homes. It serves as a beacon of spiritual energy in our spaces. Here, in this post, we will into some of the benefits of placing one in our homes.
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chikucab0 · 9 months
Traversing the enchanting landscapes through the cabs in Kolkata
Cab booking in Kolkata sets a whole new paradigm for urban commute – effortless amalgamation of sophistication into the city of bliss. They are not just carriers but have a wealth of information taking one through the amazing views of the city without any problems. Licensed drivers provide safety with well-regulated services. These outstation cabs from Kolkata are time efficient and available throughout the day with comfortable rides that have air conditioners inside them.  Their door-to-door services are timely with an option for groups. They also are environmentally friendly.
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The exquisite views in Kolkata
1. Victoria Memorial: The Victoria Memorial located in Kolkata is a monumental marble structure dedicated to Queen Victoria; an icon for Kolkata. The building is set in a green environment and hosts an extremely rich museum, whose exhibits include collections of objects, paintings and sculptures of the colonial British period. An impressive edifice set with domes and statues that allow one to wander in history as they admire the finely cultivated surrounding lawns. Get a taxi in Kolkata from the railway station to reach the memorial.
2. Howrah Bridge: This Cantilever Bridge that connects Kolkata to Howrah is a marvel of engineering and a symbol of this place. Walking on the bridge during the setting of the sun is equally amazing as you are able to see how the Hooghly River glides in between life that thrives on its banks. When it is day-time and the river traffic flows underneath or when well lit at night, it creates a different charm for the city to be seen in the Kolkata cab, expressing its vitality and the city’s history.
3. Dakshineswar Kali Temple: This Hindu temple is situated along the eastern banks of the Hooghly River dedicated to the goddess Kali. It is a famous serene environment with a traditional style of building that attracts worshippers and travelers. The vibrant rituals and religious enthusiasm attract pilgrims and other visitors too. Therefore, Kali Temple becomes a culture and spirit refuge, combining the divinity with the slow movements of the river. The tourists usually hire the outstation cab service in Kolkatato get the blessings of Devi.
4. Indian Museum: The Indian Museum was formed in 1814 making it one of the first and biggest museums in India. The museum is home to one of the largest collections of artifacts including art, archaeology, anthropology and geology giving a peep look of the Nigerian culture and history. Book the Kolkata airport taxi service from the Kolkata airport to see this museum.
5. Park Street: Park Street is a hub of entertainment with luxurious restaurants and historical pubs that are common in the area. The place is an ideal destination to witness multicultural Kolkata with theater, shopping, and architectural remains from the times of colonization.
The perks of Kolkata cab
1. Time Efficiency: Taxi cabs in Kolkata offer convenient and expeditious means of traveling that otherwise would have taken much more time than using any other form of transport such as buses. This is quite convenient as they can take or depart from individuals at their preferred places which reduce travel time.
2. Convenience and Comfort: The cabs are more relaxing to the people who want to enjoy a leisure trip. By Comparator inside these vehicles, passengers will be able to travel through hot weather with comfort. Chiku cab offers convenient car hire in Kolkata at a pocket effective cost.
3. 24/7 Availability: There are cabs on 24-hour bases giving one reliable way in and out of this area irrespective of whether it is day or night time. It is especially ideal for night travel or persons traveling to or out of that city during uneasy times.
4. Safety and Security: In Kolkata, public cabs are quite safe as they are manned by registered drivers who offer legal trips. This guarantees safety for tourists and locals while moving in the city at large.
Finally, moving across the amazing localities in Kolkata taxi is pleasant and convenient that explains why people prefer this kind of transport. Cabs are one of the most convenient ways for exploring the stunning landmarks found in Kolkata. This goes on to improve the overall travel experience in the city by outstation car rental in Kolkata.
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Exploring the Beauty of Handicrafts: Buy Unique Artifacts Online in India
In a world dominated by mass-produced goods, the allure of handcrafted treasures is unparalleled. These one-of-a-kind pieces not only exhibit unparalleled craftsmanship but also offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of a country as diverse as India. Among the myriad of options available, Laxmi Devi Murti, Brass Jhula for Laddu Gopal, Brass Wine Glass, Rectangular Wooden Tray, Handicraft Decorative Items, Bamboo Table Lamps, Brass Laddu Gopal, Laddu Gopal with Jhula, and Marble Singhasan for God stand out as shining examples of the exquisite handicrafts that India has to offer. In this article, we will delve into the world of Indian handicrafts, explore the significance of these products, and guide you on where and how to buy them online.
Unveiling the Art of Laxmi Devi Murti
Laxmi Devi Murti is a divine representation of the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi. These intricately crafted statues serve not only as religious idols but also as stunning pieces of art. Made from various materials like marble, brass, and wood, Laxmi Devi Murtis add a touch of spirituality and elegance to your living space or place of worship. These statues are available in various sizes and postures, making it easier for you to find the one that resonates with your spirituality.
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Embellish Your Home with Brass Jhula for Laddu Gopal
For devotees of Lord Krishna, Brass Jhula for Laddu Gopal is an exquisite choice. These ornate swings, often adorned with intricate designs and embellishments, provide a delightful abode for the beloved deity. Placing Lord Krishna on a brass jhula adds a touch of divinity to your Home Décor Items, creating a serene and spiritually charged atmosphere.
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Sip in Style with Brass Wine Glass
When it comes to luxurious dining and entertainment, Brass Wine Glasses are a testament to opulence and elegance. Crafted by skilled artisans, these glasses are not just functional but also pieces of art that elevate your wine-drinking experience. The warm hues of brass infuse a unique charm into your glassware collection, making each sip a memorable one.
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Serving Elegance with a Rectangular Wooden Tray
A well-crafted Rectangular Wooden Tray is more than just a serving accessory; it's a symbol of sophistication and taste. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying breakfast in bed, a wooden tray adds an element of class to your presentation. Made from various types of wood, these trays are often adorned with intricate designs and patterns, making them a blend of functionality and aesthetics.
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Adding Finesse with Handicraft Decorative Items
Handicraft Decorative Items are the soul of Indian craftsmanship. From intricately designed showpieces to hand-painted vases, these items have the power to transform your living space into a work of art. The diversity of materials and designs ensures that there is something for every taste and style.
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Illuminating Ambiance with Bamboo Table Lamps
Bamboo Table Lamps are a testament to the eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of Indian handicrafts. Crafted from renewable bamboo, these lamps add warmth and character to any room. The intricate weaving of bamboo not only provides ample illumination but also casts captivating patterns that dance on your walls.
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Cherishing Divinity with Brass Laddu Gopal
Lord Krishna, the mischievous deity, is often depicted as a young child holding a piece of butter (Laddu Gopal). Brass Laddu Gopal statues are a symbol of devotion and love for the deity. Crafted with precision and adorned with vibrant clothing, these idols hold a special place in the hearts of devotees.
Laddu Gopal with Jhula: A Divine Retreat
Laddu Gopal with Jhula combines the essence of divinity with the charm of playfulness. These idols are often depicted sitting on a swing, symbolizing Lord Krishna's eternal love for fun and frolic. Placing Laddu Gopal on a jhula in your home invokes an atmosphere of joy and devotion.
Marble Singhasan for God: A Throne of Elegance
For a regal touch to your home altar, a Marble Singhasan for God is a perfect choice. These intricately carved thrones provide a majestic seat for your deities. The use of marble adds an aura of purity and divinity to your worship space.
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Where to Buy Handicrafts Online in India?
Now that we've explored the enchanting world of Indian handicrafts, the question arises, where can you buy these exquisite pieces online? Fortunately, there are numerous platforms dedicated to promoting and selling authentic Indian handicrafts. Some popular options include:
Kalagram: An exclusive destination that celebrates Indian art and crafts, offering a diverse range of handcrafted treasures that reflect the essence of India's cultural heritage.
Etsy: This global marketplace offers a wide range of handmade and vintage items, including Indian handicrafts.
Amazon: The e-commerce giant features a dedicated section for Indian handicrafts, allowing you to browse and purchase with ease.
Craftsvilla: A platform that specializes in Indian ethnic wear and handicrafts, providing a curated selection of products.
Jaypore: Known for its unique curation of handpicked products from artisans across India.
Local Artisans: Many skilled artisans have their websites or online stores where you can directly purchase their creations, ensuring authenticity and supporting the creators themselves.
Indian handicrafts are not just products; they are expressions of centuries-old traditions, craftsmanship, and spirituality. Whether you're looking to enhance your home decor or seeking divine inspiration, the likes of Laxmi Devi Murti, Brass Jhula for Laddu Gopal, Brass Wine Glass, Rectangular Wooden Tray, Handicraft Decorative Items, Bamboo Table Lamps, Brass Laddu Gopal, Laddu Gopal with Jhula, and Marble Singhasan for God offer a multitude of options. So, why settle for the ordinary when you can embrace the extraordinary? Explore the world of Indian handicrafts and enrich your life with their timeless beauty and cultural significance. Happy shopping!
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Divine Maa Annapurna Devi Black Stone Statue | Bhuvneshwari Moorti Art
Bhuvneshwari Moorti Art presents their most exquisite and divine black stone statue of Maa Annapurna Devi. These idols are made with high-quality stones and crafted with fine polishing and finishing. We are the leading marble god statue makers in India.
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ssmoortiart11 · 1 year
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Marble Goddess Durga Maa Murti
Our exquisite marble Durga Maa idol brings blessings and radiates pure elegance. These beautifully designed sculptures are made of marble stone which is prepared after cutting and polishing into different designs.
Experience the divine aura of Durga Maa with our mesmerizing marble murti.
To Explore more beautiful collections of Durga Mata, visit our website.
Website: https://www.saishradhamoortiart.com/marble-maa-durga-statue.html
Call/Whatsapp for order: +91-7976419167
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ganeshmoorti · 1 year
Benefits of Keeping Idol of Durga Marble
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Navratri the festival that lasts for nine nights of bliss is just close to the mark. When it comes to Navratri the energy that surrounds us is at its highest. One can feel the positive vibes. If you're trying for a way to incorporate Maa Durga's blessings into the world, it's time to put up your idol Durga Marble Statue in your home.
At present it is easy to get the Goddess Durga idol for homes that are readily available on the market. According to Hindu religious texts and traditions, the bringing Maa Durga's godmother home will bring happiness, health, and prosperity to one's life. The statue won't just bring positive energy to your family but will also bring you progress and happiness.
Nine Forms of Devi Durga
The people worship their Durga Mata god with the utmost dedication. The goddess of strength is worshipped in a variety of ways. In general, nine types are associated with Maa Shakti named as Shailputri, Bhramcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skand Mata, Katyayani Kalratri Maha Gauri, and Shidhidatri. If you're planning the idea of bringing Maa Durga moorti to your home you'll be surrounded by positive energy. The nine types of power are revered during Navratri.
Install White Marble Maa Durga Idol
In Hinduism, it is believed that the stone of the white color Maa Durga sculpture is thought to be pure and a blessing. Because marble is extracted out of the crusts beneath the earth, it is believed to be the most auspicious regarding purity. Today, most people prefer purchasing Hindu gods online. But, it is important to be aware of certain aspects when purchasing a statue made of marble or a statue of Maa Durga.
According to Vastu statues of the gods made of marble particularly that of Maa Durga must be erected on the Ishaan Kon or north-east corner of the home. Be sure to purchase an idol that depicts Maa Adi Shakti with a sitting posture. The statue will be more ominous when you purchase one of the Durga Maa idols that has eight hands and is seated upon the lion. The Mahishasura is a form of Mardini who killed Mahishasura the demon.
Please Maa Durga During Navratri
You can easily purchase marble statues from Jaipur, Rajasthan, and you can bring your blessings from Maa Durga into your life. You can adore Maa Durga at Navratri without any hassle. All you have to do is place Indian sculptures made of marble depicting Maa Durga within your home and offer her worship with fresh flowers, akshat, and sindoor along with Ganga Jal.
It is possible to say some of the mantras attributed to Devi Shakti and then perform havan throughout the nine days to ask for favors from Devi Durga. Actually, you could observe a fast for 9 days and ask Maa Durga without difficulty during Navratri.
How You Can Get Benefits By Worshipping Goddess Durga Every Day?
Here are a few of the most efficient ways to gain benefits from worshipping goddess Durga daily. Before purchasing an idol from a white marble statue manufacturer ensure you know how to pray to maa shakti.
Learn about Durgashaptshati and Durga Kavach Argala as well as the Kilakam store each day.
Serve fruits, rejoin, as well as fresh flower arrangements and fresh flowers to Maa Durga.
Recite her mantras every day.
The Lord of the Universe is worshipped. Shiva before worshipping Maa Shakti. Maa Shakti is the wife of Mahadev, god of gods. Mahadev.
Perform sativik rituals during your sadhana to make your goddess Durga effortlessly.
Many people believe in the goddess Durga according to their own beliefs. If you're in search of the beautiful carving of Maa Durga, then you must contact the makers of Hindu god statues. Ganesh Moorti Art is one of the top manufacturers of marble statues in India that offers a wide variety of Maa Durga idols, Radha Krishna Marble statues, and Ram Darbar Marble statues at the most affordable prices. Today, you can get in touch with Ganesh Moorti Art and purchase a statue of the goddess Durga whenever you want.
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Ambience Creacions - Live in a Home worthy of your status
Ambience Creations is Ambience Group's brand-new residential project. It is situated in Sector-22, Gurgaon, on the Old Delhi-Gurgaon Highway. It occupies an area of 18 acres. It consists of 2, 3, 4, and 5 BHK flats, penthouses, and villas. The breathtakingly beautiful green scenery surrounds the central AC structure, which is enclosed in a highly secure gated community. The ultra-modern architecture only benefits from the desirable location. It is close to everything you require and has excellent access to the international airport. Life in this community is all you could possibly want, designed for the discerning global citizen. Ambience Creacions strives to offer a house with all the amenities one would need.
Overview of the Project
Projects Name: Ambience Creacions
Builder : Ambience Group
Size:  2781 Sq. Ft Onwards
Status: Ready - to - Move
Projects Type: Apartments & Penthouse
Ambience Creacions Highlights and Specifications
Air-conditioned Apartments
The apartment will be delivered in 'move-in' condition.
High-end home appliances are included in the fully furnished kitchen.
Service for launderettes
Bathroom fittings and fixtures are imported or of international standard.
A well-chosen neighbourhood.
Post-possession experience that is trouble-free.
3-tier, world level security with CCTV and audio/video at the entry door.
Fully furnished club with modern sports facilities, a pool, a gym, and conference/meeting rooms.
Extensive landscape with international standard designs and characteristics.
Ambience creacions Amenities
Open-air jacuzzi, a café, a lounge, and a swimming pool that is accessible year-round.
A multi-cuisine restaurant, and 8-10,000 sq. ft. well-equipped gym.
Indoor and outdoor sports facilities, a children's play area, a sauna and steam room, a yoga studio, a party room, and a 5 star lobby.
Designer closets and almirahs enhance the interiors' brilliance.
Elegant interiors, beautiful exteriors, and 70% open space
Italian marble and hardwood floors for a refined appearance
Clubhouse with a restaurant and recreational amenities for small gatherings
Hydraulically Pressuring water Supply system.
3-tiered international standards At the front door, there is CCTV and audio/video.
A large parking system, and a constant supply of power and water.
basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, and other sports courts
Modern sports facilities include an amphitheatre, a swimming pool, a gym, and conference/meeting rooms.
Opulent lobby, conference room, aerobics/yoga studio, and resident concierge services
Italian modular kitchen equipped with top-of-the-line cooking appliances, a microwave, a refrigerator with a refrigeration on demand system, a dishwasher, and a washing and dryer.
Ambience Creacions Location and Connectivity
Located on Old Delhi Jaipur Road, which is closest to the south of Delhi
Easy access via the NH-8 Expressway, Dwarka Link Road, Bijwasan Road, and Gurgaon Town.
The property's proximity to the Indira Gandhi International Airport (11.9 km), National Highway-8 (3 km), and MG Road (5.7 km) ensures that it is centrally located and easily accessible to all important sites on the map.
A few minutes away is also Tau Devi Lal Smriti Udyan, one of Gurgaon's biggest parks.
The location provides flexible working and work-life balance because it is close to global firms such as NIIT, Amdocs, Indigo Airlines, Aricent Group, Sapient, Genpact, TCS, Interglobe Technologies, Ciena Corporation, and Cognizant, as well as Wipro Ltd., AVL, and HCL Technologies.
Located near the upcoming Udyog Vihar Station of the RRTS high-speed rail track.
located in a highly developed industry with the corresponding infrastructure.
Old Delhi Gurgaon is also a well-known office hub, home to companies such as InfoSpace, Maruti, and Snapdeal. In front of Trident Gurgaon, DLF Cyber City 2 is also under construction.
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Ambience Creacions Floor Plan and Price List
3 BHK + SR Apartments 2781 SQ.FT ₹ 4,17,15,000
3 BHK + SR + PW Apartments 3090 SQ.FT ₹ 4,63,50,000
4 BHK + SR + PW Apartments 3976 SQ.FT ₹ 5,96,40,000
3 BHK   Simplex Penthouse 4800 SQ.FT ₹ 7,20,00,000
4 BHK     Duplex Penthouse 7700 SQ.FT ₹ 11,55,00,000
5 BHK     Duplex Penthouse 10105 SQ.FT ₹ 15,15,75,000
5 BHK + 2 FL + 2 SR       Villa 10737 SQ.FT ₹ 16,10,55,000
About Developer
Ambience Pvt. Ltd., the first real estate developer in Delhi, NCR. It has established a significant presence in the market. Being experts in the building sector, Ambience developers have in-depth knowledge of creating all types of real estate: residential, commercial, and retail. Ambience Constructions has a number of finished projects that are currently operating in Delhi and the NCR in addition to many other projects. A few examples are the Ambience Mall in Gurgaon, the Lagoon Residential Apartment in Gurgaon, the Leela Hotel in Gurugram, and the Ambience Mall near Vasant Kunj. Ambience builders are committed to creating distinctive architecture that complies with international laws. In the Delhi/NCR real estate market, Ambience builders have built up and are still expanding a sizable clientele.
For more info visit us at: www.100acress.com/ambience-creacions
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marblemurti1 · 3 months
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indiator · 2 years
Jaipur “The city of Heritage”
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Sawai Jai Singh built Jaipur, the largest state in India and the capital of Rajasthan, in the 18th century. It is a popular tourist destination that is a significant component of the well-known Golden Triangle tourist circuit and is situated 268 kilometers from New Delhi.
Jaipur's chaotic, vibrant streets display a recurring pattern of the new and the old. The city is full of well-preserved historical structures and royal heritage and is surrounded by besieged walls and rough hills. A part of the Golden Triangle Tourist Circuit, it is known for its magnificent palaces, wide streets lined with regal statues and awe-inspiring architecture.
The City Palace, a famous landmark in the center of the city, is still where the royal family resides. Another well-known attraction is the Jantar Mantar, which houses a sizable collection of antique astronomical instruments. Prepare to be mesmerized by the Hawa Mahal's brilliant architectural design and the splendor of Jaipur's main landmark, the Amber Fort.
The Aravalli hills, located outside Jaipur, offer numerous trekking opportunities at Chori Ghat and Bhuteshwar Nath. Cycling excursions are another option, as is exploring some of the area's seasonal waterfalls. Opportunities for jungle safaris and wildlife photography are available in Nahargarh and Jhalana. ATV excursions and zip-lining are a couple of the additional activities available in Jaipur.
The climate in Jaipur is hot and semi-arid, with long, hot summers and brief, mild winters. The monsoon season, which lasts from July to August, produces more than 63 cm of precipitation annually. The local average temperature is 25.1 degrees Celsius, but it can occasionally drop below freezing during the winter.
Famous Places to explore in Jaipur:
City Palace: Sawai Jai Singh built this magnificent palace sometime between 1729 and 1732. The palace complex is made up of the Mubarak Mahal and the Chandra Mahal, the latter of which is now a museum filled with artifacts that showcase the rich heritage of the Rajputs. With some traces of European architecture as well, it is a superb example of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture. You can get a beautiful view of the Pink City from here.
Amber Fort: Jai Singh I constructed this magnificent marble and sandstone building in 1592, creating the ideal fusion of Indian and Mughal design. The fort's intricate architecture will leave you feeling like a king or queen as you ride up to it on an elephant. You can take
in the spectacular light and sound show in the Public Audience Hall in the evening. Also nearby are a Sila Devi temple and the 1135 AD restaurant, where you can savor some delectable regional fare.
Nahargarh Fort: The magnificent Nahargarh Fort, perched atop the Aravali Hills, provides a panoramic view of the cities of Jaipur and Amer. Since you can see the cities so beautifully from here, many locals come here for picnics. The Jaigarh Fort, which is located in the distance, is connected by the fort walls that cross the hills. While perched on these walls, you can take in a stunning sunset while being surrounded by a wealth of historical significance. In the past, this fort, along with the Amer fort and Jaigarh fort, served as the city of Jaipur's protective ring.
Hawa Mahal: Hawa Mahal is one of Jaipur's most well-known tourist attractions and is a stunning example of Rajasthani architecture. The Palace of the Winds, built-in 1799 by Sawai Pratap Singh, is known in English as such because of its 953 windows, which allow for ample ventilation from all sides. The royal Rajput ladies used to look out the windows and observe the world outside the palace in the past. Authentic Rajputana floral carvings can be seen on the pillars and overhanging coverings.
Albert Hall Museum: The Ram Niwas Gardens flank the Albert Hall Museum, which is located at the old city gates. The Indo-Saracenic architectural style used in this magnificent structure is quite distinctive and brilliant. This museum, which was established in 1887, is a great place to learn about Rajasthani art and culture. Along with an Egyptian mummy, which is a well-liked attraction here, it contains several paintings from various parts of India. Festivals, protests, and concerts are also occasionally held at the Albert Hall Museum.
Take a tour of Jaipur's extensive cultural heritage. In 1876, Maharaja Ram Singh of Jaipur painted the entire city pink to welcome the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria; ever since, Jaipur—which is both the capital and the biggest city in Rajasthan—has been referred to as the Pink City.
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