#mara's mysterium
mothermara · 27 days
Hey just communed with Mara. Strife creates the opportunity to shelter each other in our time of need and extend grace and mercy to those who require it most. In doing so, we form bonds that enrich and guide our lives. Thumbs up
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sullivanbeaubrown · 1 year
Top 5 jon gracey unravels!!!!!
okay so usually my lists aren't in order but this one. THIS ONE. i have strong opinions on. so from best to least best (but god damn it are they all absolute gold):
his absolute meltdown post-adam's reveal in 'unfathomable' (i know we have a lot of jonraveling classics but i think this one is 1. the best and 2. the most underrated. i have it clipped and im gonna post it soon its necessary watching material for everyone)
his nomination of isaac in 'ding dom merrily on high'
when he thinks the lunatic and isn't for the entire episode of 'the unbearable madness of being'
accusing rosie of being a traitor (in a co-op team game in which none of them were traitors) in 'mysterium'
when laurie and mara decide to make a bit out of giving him their three for threes and jon 1. did not understand it and 2. quickly decided to have them both hanged in 'paralegal activity'
ask me my top 5 anything!
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da3drat · 1 year
How about questions 3 and 5 for any couple you like?
AAA tysm for asking! :))) (sorry this took so long???? i didn't expect it to get this wordy sdjfklsj)
gonna do martin/celeste since I feel like I've been neglecting them in favor of [redacted] hahaha
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
Celeste is pretty soft hearted by to begin with lol, so it happens for her very quickly. There's so much build up to meeting him between the long walk to Kvatch where her mind has time to wonder what he might be like, and then the hours of adrenaline and panic of getting through that first oblivion gate only able to hope and pray that he's even alive. So when she finally meets him and all that buildup of energy releases, the relief has her vulnerable. And she tries to get him to go to the camp at the base of the bluff to wait for her where its safe, but he insists on staying to help despite everything he's been through since the initial attack the night before and she's just like. oh. i am going to protect this man if it kills me.
For Martin it takes longer, but it still happens before they reach weynon priory.
After they leave kvatch he is understandably very quiet. He has a lot on his mind (understatement), he's overwhelmed, and he just went through an incredible amount of trauma and watched people he's known and probably counseled as a priest for years get brutally killed by daedra. So after a few days of silent walking Celeste starts babbling. It's not nervous babbling- it's relaxed and clearly meant to be comforting. And he doesn't expect it to work but it does, it gives him something to focus on, and he learns a lot about her very quickly. She talks about her family, the ranch she grew up on, about restoration magic and swordplay and holiday traditions, and the more she talks the more he finds himself interested and wanting to know more.
And after a day or so of this it opens him up a little and that night by the fire, as if she can tell he's ready to talk (she can) she looks at him and says "You look like you're freaking out." And he can't help but laugh because yeah obviously what the fuck. But it breaks the tension and it gives him an avenue to talk without it feeling quite so heavy. And she listens to him. Really listens, in a way nobody has listened to him in a while, like he's the only thing in the world worth paying attention to in that moment. And by the time they turn in for the night he finds himself feeling lighter, and really grateful for her. Not her as "the person who showed up to save my life" but her. As just Celeste. As a friend.
5. How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
For Martin it happens right away. Suddenly becoming the emperor comes with a particular kind of solitude and loneliness he isn't used to. And that solitude hits him hard when Celeste leaves for the imperial city. We see in the game that the blades don't know how to treat him as anything other than the Emperor, and even if it gets better over time I think he needs a friend the most towards the beginning of the game where the pain is still fresh and the anxiety is at its worst. And Celeste is routinely the one who gives that to him. She laughs at him and with him, she's warm to him, she treats him like a peer. And when she leaves he really feels her absence and it makes him realize how much she means to him.
It takes Celeste longer. She is a paladin of Mara and she does her damnedest to embody what she believes that means- she is overflowing with love. So it takes her a while to realize that Martin is special to her, that the affection and care she feels for him is different than it is with anyone else. She figures it out when she returns to the temple with the mysterium xarxes and Martin goes "thats dangerous, give me that!" and she feels like her heart is just exploding with warmth. People don't worry about her. She very intentionally doesn't give them reason to. She never returns with injuries, she never implies any of the insane tasks they ask of her is more than she can handle. But Martin worries. Martin sees through her mask. And that is everything.
questions here!
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fancyrunawaykid · 1 year
viel mehr als scherben.
wir machen uns kurz in der wohnung frisch, deponieren den kindersitz, um anschließend die kostbarkeiten des archäologischen museums unter die lupe zu nehmen. hier werden vorwiegend fundstücke der minoischen kultur ausgestellt. nach dem konvolut des nationalmuseums in athen gilt die historische sammlung in heraklion als die bedeutendste in ganz griechenland und sowohl die artefakte, aber auch die präsentation, sind tatsächlich sehenswert. handwerklich waren die alten minoer nämlich hochtalentiert und gerade der aufwendig angefertigte schmuck ist, trotz des immensen alters, zeitlos beziehungsweise trifft wohl gerade den aktuellen (mode)geschmack. goldenes geschmeide, verziert mit feinen ornamenten ... bemalte amphoren, siegelsteine ... und davon reichlich. die schaukästen sind voll. exponate, die im besonderen maße herausstechen sind unter anderem ein über dreitausend jahre alter stierkopf oder die skulptur einer schlangengöttin. ein großes modell der palastanlage von knossos vermittelt eindrücklich die dimensionen der altertümlichen stadt. die durchdachte architektur ist hier besonders beeindruckend. außerdem gibt es auch noch ein mysterium zu bestaunen: der diskos von phaistos, eine gebrannte tonscheibe, deren inschrift bis heute nicht entschlüsselt ist. im oberen stockwerk warten dann noch die berühmten mosaike auf uns, bei deren rekonstruktion der zuständige künstler wohl eher nicht mit wissenschaftlichen standards, sondern mit viel fantasie gearbeitet haben dürfe. die authentizität darf stellenweise angezweifelt werden, dennoch weckt gerade die darstellung der delfine kindheitserinnerung. nach eineinhalb stunden reicht es. wir sind nicht mehr aufnahmefähig und verlassen die säle des museums mit einer idee dafür, wie das leben vor urzeiten hier auf kreta aussah.
anschließend machen wir einen testlauf und kundschaften die geeignetste route für die morgige abreise aus. wo legt das schiff ab? wo bekommen wir ein frühstück her? können wir die treppen umgehen? theoretisch sollten wir den hafen auch ohne ein taxi gut erreichen. der nächste tag wird es zeigen. jetzt aber genießen wir ein letztes mal die abendsonne auf kreta.
wir flanieren ein wenig um das alte venezianische hafenbecken, beäugen die festung 'enetikón froúrion rocca a mara' und fallen schlussendlich total aushungert in ein restaurant ein. dann heißt es koffer packen und letzte vorbereitungen treffen – trotz einer sich langsam einstellenden routine dauert es gefühlt ewigkeiten. ab ins bett. wir sind müde. einfach nur müde.
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arytha · 2 years
Mara's music rec of the day: O Magnum Mysterium is very pretty
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datorchoe · 4 years
“Oh why do you like Arkay so much he’s an irrelevant God?!” Shut up here’s why because all of you ABSOLUTELY care:
So, in base-game Skyrim Arkay is pretty irrelevant. Yeah sure you have that one priest dudes fetch quest and maybe a few other references. Then, the Dawnguard DLC rolls around. Then Florentius Baenus, the dude who was like “ArKaY sPeAkS tO mE!” Comes around and we’re all like “Bruh he crazy huh?”
THEN, we get ESO and, in the Alik’r Desert, we come across a dude named Farvad (y’all have no idea how much I love Farvad). Farvad is a priest of Tu’whacca and, for those who don’t know, Tu’whacca is the Yokudan anticipation of Arkay. Farvad also talks to Tu’whacca, just like Florentius.
Now, that can’t just be coincidental right? Two people who worship the same sphere of Gods both have them talking in their heads. To the best of my knowledge, we’ve never seen something like this before from an Aedra. Yeah sure every other year Akatosh fucks with something, but that’s his job. Arkay is just a God of Life and Death, not ‘Talking to people through their brains.’
Now, it could just be a common theme for Arkay priests to be fucking crazy, it is said in one of the books that Arkay was, at some point, a shopkeeper who’s passion was knowledge and that he stumbled upon a book that basically explained life and death. By the time he had translated it, he was already an old man and prayed to Mara for more time. She told him to become a God or die and, we all know what he chose.
Of course, that part is just theory, but it could make sense if he wasn’t one of the original Aedra who ascended with the others. That would give us reason as to why he has some sort of sentience. He’s different than the others.
He’s also related to Xarxes. I don’t know a lot about Xarxes but, he has a very similar story to Arkay. Hermaeus Mora gave him the Mysterium Xarxes to read and claims that all the knowledge Xarxes has was written in there. There spheres are also very similar, like Tu’whacca and Arkay.
Now, enough about religion connections I wanna talk about why I find him neat. Back when Pelinal Whitestrake was fighting Umaril the Unfeathered and all the Divines made the armor pieces to help Pelinal fight, Arkay apparently made the sword. I personally find that kind of ironic, as he is the God of Life and DEATH.
I also love Tu’whacca because, the poor guy, before the universe was created, he was the God of, and I quote, Nobody Really Cares. Then Tall Papa evaded Satakal with his Walkabout and Tu’whacca became the caretaker of the Far Shores, escorting people to the afterlife and, I think the most important thing, having a cat breed named after him.
(Also not gonna get into Orkey because I know like, nothing about that guy so)
In conclusion: Arkay, Tu’whacca and Xarxes are really fukin cool
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yaycheese · 7 years
Day 1- Venice - Parked car in lot, packed day backpacks and left luggage in car - Rode bus into Venice - Saw a cormorant in the water hunting - Bought plague mask from Atelier Marega and leather mask - Walked to hotel-- prosecco, berries, bread snacks in jars - Walked to academia bridge - Saw nice flower shop and old people looking at sex shop - Went up bridge of sighs - Got pasta to go (carbonara and el amitricana) - Bought tiramisu at I Tre Mercanti Srl and ate it by the canal - Rialto bridge - Went back to hotel, hotel bar-- ditched - Sat in hotel library and looked at wedding sneak peek - Went to amarone bar, had tapas x 6
Day 2 - Venice / Veneto - breakfast at hotel - Walked to Rialto market, bought 8 mandarins - Went on another paper mache hunt for Mariano - Estro wine (they let us in to buy before they opened) - Took bus back to car - Drove to restaurant in Verona (donkey, pasta w truffles, veggies) - Quintarelli tour - Garden - Pizza in bolzano - Arrive at hubertus hotel, zzzz
Day 3 - Dolomites - woke up, breakfast in hotel - Church in Dolomites where we bought pickled chanterelles - Secede, but all funiculars closed - Got ride up mountain with restaurant chef - Hiked, took photos, walked backwards down (96 stories - 288 m elevation) - Grocery store- schnitzel and potato salad and cabbage on hood of car in parking lot - Monastery - Swimming - Dinner with 3 courses - Took 5 pink lady apples from front desk
Day 4 - Dolomites / Istria - woke up, breakfast in hotel (checkout) - Pragser wildsee - Lunch at auto grill (samdsixjes and pringles) - Clai winery, met dmitri wine maker - Motovun for 10 mins - Truffle hunting with Nikola (Nero, Mala, Donna)  in Livade - Checked into Angelica hotel - David nicely showed us around, washed our boots - Dinner at Konoba Dolina: Istrian Prust, Minestrone, Beefstake with white truffles, ravioli with mushrooms, teranino - Sauna in hotel (Iris too chicken)
Day 5 - Istria / Plitvice - breakfast with David - Truffle festival - Overfilled gas tank - Dream rock cafe - Konzum - made sandwiches in parking lot - Plitvice - arrived 3:27, talked our way into the park - Last boat back - Hotel Villa Verde, had a beer outside - Dinner at Degenija (schnitzel, pork neck, tomato soup, white wine ______, gross pistachio gelato) - Back to hotel, zzz
Day 6 - Split - Breakfast at Villa Verde w Jakov - Konzum - wine, water, snacks, apples - Grgur Ninski rooms - Nap - Walked around - Sandwiches at Kantun and Ba!ce - Riva - ice creams - Walked around - Back to hotel for quick rest - Leopolds bar
Day 7 - Split / Dubrovnik - breakfast at Luxor cafe in split (in dioclefians palace, with kitty) - Coffee at Specialty coffee - Checked out of rooms - Swapped cars at Avax - Drove through Makarska - Stopped in Komin for ajvar, orange juice, and plums - Checked into apartment brilliant - Game of thrones walking tour! See separate note - Walked around with atlasobscura as loose guide - Ate dinner at Lucin Kantun - Glam beer bar: Kabinet Citra and Mikkeller Vista IPA #2 - Iris PTFO
Day 8 - Dubrovnik - went directly to wall with apples, bananas, cashews - Walked around wall, including house of undying - Walked back to room, swapped bag stuff, went to pier - Just missed a boat-- went to Saint Blaise's cathedral and saw the treasury (arm bones, Jesus diapers) - Iris played with 2 cats who were very friendly - Walked back to pier, took ferry to Lokrum island - Dead Sea - Cliff side - Botanical garden - Game of thrones throne - Peak - Cable car - War museum - Sunet on hilltop: Kabinet Cassius and Põhjala Must Kuld - Laundry at laundromat - Konoba lopret for dinner
Day 9 - Bosnia - Pastries to go (hot dog, cream cheese, chocolate) - Shopping at Bingo supermarket in Trebinje - Winery tour and gift shop at Tvrdoš Monastery - Welcome drinks and relaxing at Muslibegovic House - Walking around Mostar old town - Coffee round 1 at Cafe de Alma - Minaret climb, Bridge view, diver, sunset at Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque - Teraš bar for mint tea - Generous mixed grill for 2 @ Tima-Irma, with pocket steak, cheese face and free Mostar Pivo from the waitress
Day 10 - Mostar / Split - sunrise walk through the old town and views of Kriva Ćuprija (little bridge) - Breakfast at Muslibegovic House + nap - Muslibegovic House tour - Coffee round 2 @ Cafe de Alma, with Yas's friend who ashes on the floor/gave him the finger + free bag of coffee - Drive back to Split - Met with Ada to purchase Navis Mysterium - Late lunch at Mall of Split - Cevapi round 2 to go from Kantun - Watched Queen videos while queueing for Jadrolinja ferry Marco Polo from Split to Ancona
Day 11 - Montalcino - Breakfast on board the Marco Polo - Drive from Ancona to Montalcino - Stopped at Enoteca Bruno Dalmazio (BD) for wine packing - Check in and parking at Drogheria e Locanda Franci - Walked around town, had Finocchiona and Culatello sandwiches from Da Cesare e Mara   - Had 2 coffees, one from Cafe Il Leccio, and the other from Caffe' Fiaschetteria Italiana 1888 Srl - Enjoyed the view and lizard guy from Chiesa della Madonna del Soccorso - Pet a fat cat - Tasting at Poggio di Sotto with Luigina whose husband's family all moved to Kenosha - Tasting at Le Ripi with Simon - Sunset at Chiesa della Madonna del Soccorso - Aperitivo at Alle Logge di Piazza - Dinner at Drogheria e Locanda Franci: Carbonara, Rissoto, Lamb, Cupano 2012 and a wide vertical tasting of Franci brunellos
Day 12 - Florence / Bologna - Breakfast at B&B - Florence - Bologna - Late arrival at Nogheria Locanda
Day 13 - Transit - pastries in the airport - Take away lunch from pret a manger - Wonder Woman, homer movie, Birdman - Risotto, Chicken, Tabouleh, Camembert, apples on plane
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igamezonenet · 8 years
Das Morgan Projekt | Trailer 1 | OV Englisch HD | Kate Mara, Luke Scott, Ridley Scott
DAS MORGAN PROJEKT Trailer 1 | Ab jetzt nur im Kino | Abonniert uns ➤ http://bit.ly/foxkino Eine Krisenmanagerin (Kate Mara) wird zu einem abgelegenen, streng geheimen Ort geschickt, an dem sie einen schrecklichen Unfall prüfen und auswerten soll. Sie findet heraus, dass der Vorfall von einem scheinbar unschuldigen „Menschen“ ausgelöst wurde, der selbst eine Art Mysterium ist, auf der einen Seite eine unglaubliche Verheißung und auf der anderen Seite eine unermessliche Gefahr.
Offizielle Website ➤ http://ift.tt/2jYtEDT Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE
Genre: Mystery-Thriller Regie: Luke Scott Drehbuch: Seth Owen Produzenten: Ridley Scott, p.g.a.; Michael Schaefer, p.g.a.; Mark Huffam, p.g.a. Darsteller: Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie, Boyd Holbrook, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Jason Leigh, und Paul Giamatti
Schaut euch hier noch mehr neue Trailer an ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbImJC
Website ➤ http://www.FOX.de Google+ ➤ http://ift.tt/2l7e3a4 Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/foxdeutschland Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE
Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube Kanal der 20th Century Fox Deutschland! FoxKino ist die 1. Adresse für alle Film Fans – Deutsche Trailer in HD, Filmausschnitte, Clips und Making-Ofs der 20th Century Fox, immer in bester Originalqualität. Wir nehmen euch hinter die Kulissen von Blockbustern, zeigen euch die Welt des Films und geben euch alle Infos zu unseren neuen Filmen mit vielen Interviews, Extras und Featurettes.
Wir sind 20th Century Fox Deutschland . Abonniere uns und sei dabei – erlebe die Welt der Stars, erlebe Film, erlebe KINO – http://bit.ly/foxkino source
Der Beitrag Das Morgan Projekt | Trailer 1 | OV Englisch HD | Kate Mara, Luke Scott, Ridley Scott erschien zuerst auf iGamezone.
from iGamezone.net http://ift.tt/2k6i9is
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mothermara · 5 months
today's prophecy is within the next 2 years there's going to be an nepo baby influencer who gets into arms manufacturing for the military and she makes aesthetic inspo vids about her "girl entrepreneurship 💖"
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mothermara · 5 months
today's prophecy is that there's gonna be a scandal involving a movie star. like who was in sort of like. 70s pop culture classics? maybe westerns r something. anyway she's done something in relation to cold war era united stated political war crimes. so keep on the lookout for that
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mothermara · 5 months
as a prelude to my occultist career Im starting a NEW TAG! for my related endeavors.
today's prophecy is that there's a secret celestial object within our solar system and it is a small asteroid composed primarily of various metals and silicate. it's the size of a subaru impreza but very dense.
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mothermara · 5 months
now I don't quite have any evidence per se but my divine intuition tells me that when the christian settlers murdered metacom that was the beginning of the end for this timeline. if there's any hope of saving this reality we need indigenous liberation immediately right now and forever. ok
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igamezonenet · 8 years
Das Morgan Projekt | Trailer 2 | Deutsch HD German | Ridley Scott, Kate Mara, Luke Scott
DAS MORGAN PROJEKT Deutscher Trailer 2 | Ab jetzt nur im Kino | Abonniert uns ➤ http://bit.ly/foxkino Eine Krisenmanagerin (Kate Mara) wird zu einem abgelegenen, streng geheimen Ort geschickt, an dem sie einen schrecklichen Unfall prüfen und auswerten soll. Sie findet heraus, dass der Vorfall von einem scheinbar unschuldigen „Menschen“ ausgelöst wurde, der selbst eine Art Mysterium ist, auf der einen Seite eine unglaubliche Verheißung und auf der anderen Seite eine unermessliche Gefahr.
Offizielle Website ➤ http://ift.tt/2jYtEDT Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE
Genre: Mystery-Thriller Regie: Luke Scott Drehbuch: Seth Owen Produzenten: Ridley Scott, p.g.a.; Michael Schaefer, p.g.a.; Mark Huffam, p.g.a. Darsteller: Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie, Boyd Holbrook, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Jason Leigh, und Paul Giamatti
Schaut euch hier noch mehr neue Trailer an ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbImJC
Website ➤ http://www.FOX.de Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE Google+ ➤ http://ift.tt/2l7e3a4 Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/foxdeutschland
Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube Kanal der 20th Century Fox Deutschland! FoxKino ist die 1. Adresse für alle Film Fans – Deutsche Trailer in HD, Filmausschnitte, Clips und Making-Ofs der 20th Century Fox, immer in bester Originalqualität. Wir nehmen euch hinter die Kulissen von Blockbustern, zeigen euch die Welt des Films und geben euch alle Infos zu unseren neuen Filmen mit vielen Interviews, Extras und Featurettes.
Wir sind 20th Century Fox Deutschland . Abonniere uns und sei dabei – erlebe die Welt der Stars, erlebe Film, erlebe KINO – http://bit.ly/foxkino source
Der Beitrag Das Morgan Projekt | Trailer 2 | Deutsch HD German | Ridley Scott, Kate Mara, Luke Scott erschien zuerst auf iGamezone.
from iGamezone.net http://ift.tt/2kPTJJV
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igamezonenet · 8 years
Das Morgan Projekt | Morgans Entwicklung | Clip Deutsch HD German 2016
DAS MORGAN PROJEKT | Ab 01. Dezember nur im Kino | Abonniert uns ➤ http://bit.ly/foxkino Eine Krisenmanagerin (Kate Mara) wird zu einem abgelegenen, streng geheimen Ort geschickt, an dem sie einen schrecklichen Unfall prüfen und auswerten soll. Sie findet heraus, dass der Vorfall von einem scheinbar unschuldigen „Menschen“ ausgelöst wurde, der selbst eine Art Mysterium ist, auf der einen Seite eine unglaubliche Verheißung und auf der anderen Seite eine unermessliche Gefahr.
Offizielle Website ➤ http://ift.tt/2jYtEDT Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE
Genre: Mystery-Thriller Regie: Luke Scott Drehbuch: Seth Owen Produzenten: Ridley Scott, p.g.a.; Michael Schaefer, p.g.a.; Mark Huffam, p.g.a. Darsteller: Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie, Boyd Holbrook, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Jason Leigh, und Paul Giamatti
Schaut euch hier noch mehr neue Trailer an ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbImJC
Website ➤ http://www.FOX.de Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE Google+ ➤ http://ift.tt/2l7e3a4 Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/foxdeutschland
Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube Kanal der 20th Century Fox Deutschland! FoxKino ist die 1. Adresse für alle Film Fans – Deutsche Trailer in HD, Filmausschnitte, Clips und Making-Ofs der 20th Century Fox, immer in bester Originalqualität. Wir nehmen euch hinter die Kulissen von Blockbustern, zeigen euch die Welt des Films und geben euch alle Infos zu unseren neuen Filmen mit vielen Interviews, Extras und Featurettes.
Wir sind 20th Century Fox Deutschland . Abonniere uns und sei dabei – erlebe die Welt der Stars, erlebe Film, erlebe KINO – http://bit.ly/foxkino source
Der Beitrag Das Morgan Projekt | Morgans Entwicklung | Clip Deutsch HD German 2016 erschien zuerst auf iGamezone.
from iGamezone.net http://ift.tt/2kE2ofS
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igamezonenet · 8 years
Das Morgan Projekt | Was würdest du tun? | Clip Deutsch HD German 2016
DAS MORGAN PROJEKT | Ab jetzt nur im Kino. Abonniert uns ➤ http://bit.ly/foxkino
Eine Krisenmanagerin (Kate Mara) wird zu einem abgelegenen, streng geheimen Ort geschickt, an dem sie einen schrecklichen Unfall prüfen und auswerten soll. Sie findet heraus, dass der Vorfall von einem scheinbar unschuldigen „Menschen“ ausgelöst wurde, der selbst eine Art Mysterium ist, auf der einen Seite eine unglaubliche Verheißung und auf der anderen Seite eine unermessliche Gefahr.
Offizielle Website ➤ http://ift.tt/2jYtEDT Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE
Genre: Mystery-Thriller Regie: Luke Scott Drehbuch: Seth Owen Produzenten: Ridley Scott, p.g.a.; Michael Schaefer, p.g.a.; Mark Huffam, p.g.a. Darsteller: Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy, Toby Jones, Rose Leslie, Boyd Holbrook, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Jason Leigh, und Paul Giamatti
Schaut euch hier noch mehr neue Trailer an ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbImJC
Website ➤ http://www.FOX.de Facebook ➤ http://ift.tt/2lbyOhE Google+ ➤ http://ift.tt/2l7e3a4 Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/foxdeutschland
Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube Kanal der 20th Century Fox Deutschland! FoxKino ist die 1. Adresse für alle Film Fans – Deutsche Trailer in HD, Filmausschnitte, Clips und Making-Ofs der 20th Century Fox, immer in bester Originalqualität. Wir nehmen euch hinter die Kulissen von Blockbustern, zeigen euch die Welt des Films und geben euch alle Infos zu unseren neuen Filmen mit vielen Interviews, Extras und Featurettes.
Wir sind 20th Century Fox Deutschland . Abonniere uns und sei dabei – erlebe die Welt der Stars, erlebe Film, erlebe KINO – http://bit.ly/foxkino source
Der Beitrag Das Morgan Projekt | Was würdest du tun? | Clip Deutsch HD German 2016 erschien zuerst auf iGamezone.
from iGamezone.net http://ift.tt/2jYBA81
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