#many of the czech and polish works were for my slavic studies classes but i also enjoyed most of them
daughterofhecata · 2 years
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I did both @batmanisagatewaydrug‘s and @macrolit‘s Reading Bingos this year - was aiming for blackouts on both, didn‘t manage it for macrolit’s, but I did get a couple bingos.
Titles for each under the cut, full reading list here.
translated book: Jonathan L. Howard: Johannes Cabal #1. Seelenfänger. [org. title: Johannes Cabal the Necromancer]
graphic novel: Vincent Burmeister, David Schraven: Unter Krähen. Aus dem Inneren der Republik. [no english title]
nonfiction: Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Jekatyerina Dunajeva: Re-Thinking Roma Resistance throughout History: Recounting Stories of Strength and Bravery.
sequel: Luke Arnold: Fetch Phillips Archives #3. One Foot in the Fade.
poetry collection: Rainer Maria Rilke: Gedichte [herausgegeben vom Hamburger Lesehefte Verlag]
published before 2010: Faye Kellerman: Die Schwingen des Todes [org. title: Stone Kiss]
memoir: Theodor Michael: Deutsch Sein und Schwarz Dazu. Erinnerungen eines Afro-Deutschen. [engl. title: Black German. An Afro-German Life in the Twentieth Century.]
oldest on TBR: Anne Frank: Tagebuch der Anne Frank. 14. Juni 1942 bis 1. August 1944. [org. title: Het Achterhuis/engl. title: The Diary of a Young Girl]
author from a different country: Alexander Wolkow: Zauberland-Reihe #1. Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt. [org. title: Волшебник изумрудного города/engl. title: The Wizard of the Emerald City]
romance: Iny Lorentz: Die Feuerbraut [no english title i could find]
essay collection: Scaachi Koul: One Day We‘ll All Be Dead And None Of This Will Matter.
fantasy: Austin Chant: Peter Darling
novella: Maria Konopnicka: Der Danziger Mendel [org. title: Mendel Gdański/no english title]
debut author: Xiran Jay Zhao: Iron Widow
ghosts or monsters: Jennifer Giesbrecht: The Monster of Elendhaven
short stories: Hendrik Buchna, Marco Sonnleitner, u.a.: Die Drei ??? und der Zeitgeist [no english title; collection of short stories in the german continuation of Robert Arthur’s Three Investigators stories]
banned book: Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
one word title: K. Ancrum: Darling
published before 2000: Josef Bor: Theresienstädter Requiem [org. title: Terezínské Rekviem/engl. title: The Terezín Requiem]
2022 release: Jonathan Kellerman: City of the Dead. An Alex Delaware Novel.
literary fiction: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar / Jack Kerouac: On The Road (I’m pretty sure at least one of them qualifies)
YA: Jonathan Stroud: Bartimäus #1. Das Amulett von Samarkand. [org. title: The Bartimaeus Trilogy #1. The Amulet of Samarkand.]
reread: Franz Kafka: Das Urteil [engl. title: The Judgement]
400+ pages: James Ellroy: L.A. Confidential. Stadt der Teufel. [org. title: L.A. Confidential]
Classic Author A/B/C: -
Gothic Fiction: -
Fan Fiction: [no specific work]
published between 1960-1990: Václav Havel: Vernissage [org. title: Vernisáž/engl. title: Unveilling]
Classic Author P/Q/R: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Biography or Non-Fiction: Justin Fenton: We Own This City. A True Story of Crime, Cops, and Corruption.
Classic Author S/T/U: -
Young Adult: Christina Henry: Lost Boy
Classic Author G/H/I: -
Detective, Horror or Suspense: Tess Gerritsen: Die Chirurgin. [org. title: The Surgeon]
Philosophy or Literary Criticism: Judith Butler: Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
Classic Author M/N/O: -
Harlem Renaissance: -
Published between 1990-2022: Ocean Vuong: On Earth We‘re Briefly Gorgeous
Book of Short Stories:  Don Winslow: Broken
published between 1920-1960: Jerzy Andrzejewski: Warschauer Karwoche [org. title: Wielki tydzień/engl. title: Holy Week]
Classic Author D/E/F: Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues
Children‘s Literature: [any one of the twenty Three Investigator‘s books I read this year]
Poetry or Play: Bożena Keff: Ein Stück über Mutter und Vaterland [org. title: Utwór o Matce i Ojczyźnie/engl. title: A Piece about Mother and Fatherland]
Graphic Novel: Elfriede Jelinek, Nicolas Mahler: Der fremde! störenfried der ruhe eines sommerabends der ruhe eines friedhofs. [no english title]
Classic Author J/K/L: Jack Kerouac: On The Road
Essays or Satire: Scaachi Koul: One Day We‘ll All Be Dead And None Of This Will Matter.
Published before 1920: Maria Konopnicka: Der Danziger Mendel [org. title: Mendel Gdański/no english title]
Classic Author V/W/X/Y/Z: Jiří Weil: Leben mit dem Stern [org. title: Život s hvězdou/engl. title: Life With A Star]
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