#many headcanons about mutt as well my baby girl
How they spend Christmas: Soap/Ghost/Oc  “Mutt”
Ghost spends it alone, if not throwing himself into missions. He may end up going to Manchester and visiting his brother’s grave if he can muster the strength to do so. I don’t see him as somebody who enjoys time off so he is either shipping off for whatever job is available or doing work on base because I imagine him probably having a position outside of the 141 as a superior if that makes sense. 
Johnny goes to visit family. I’m not sure why but he strikes me as somebody who comes from a big family, has nieces and nephews that are always so excited to see their uncle. With a drink in hand he’ll stand in the living room as Christmas carols play and politely nod to other’s stories and no doubt the occasional invasive questions about his job in the military. Eventually it all becomes too much, voices overlapping with questions of if he’s seeing anybody or when he plans to get out and settle down until the room starts to feel too small, he’ll stand up and excuse himself before giving his mother a kiss to the cheek and mumbling “i’ll be out for a bit” slipping out of the lively house until he finds himself at a local pub. Sometimes he won’t even watch the game that’s on, just lets himself get lost in his thoughts while staring at the tv until he realizes its been a few hours and he needs to head back home before somebody gets worried. Probably checks his phone often to see any messages from the 141, any updates about his teammates whether it be professional or personal
Mutt spends Christmas at her house alone. She inherited it after her parent’s passing when she was young. It’s deep in the woods and about an hour- two hour drive to the nearest town but she enjoys the solitude. While she will go and visit the town on occasion and make polite but stiff conversation with the shopkeepers that ask her how she’s doing and how her job is, she tends to spend the time by herself, going for long walks in the woods and dipping her feet in the creek she used to jump into as a little girl with her parents. Will end the night by reading by the fireplace or sitting on the porch and just enjoying the noises of nature that reminds her of her childhood. 
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moribundmuses · 7 years
Ashe and the Companions
NOTE: At some point I’m doing a full playthru of Fallout 3 again -- last time I played through was basically my first time, and the game got so glitchy I had to delete the save file. I made some major changes to Ashe’s backstory regarding his life in the Vault, which I will post separately.
Cross – It was weird, at first, getting to know someone who had known Ashe as a baby. So much about his own pass was shrouded in secrecy, and knowing that Cross had put her life on the line to protect him and his father meant a good deal. Although he and Cross don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, he respects her and hopes for the best when they eventually part ways.
Butch – Despite being his nemesis within the Vault, after the events that transpired he has grown to respect Butch – and admit to the boyhood crush he had on him, when they were younger. They traveled together for a while, but eventually went their separate ways as friends. Ashe still wears the jacket Butch gave him.
Clover – As much as it pained him to do so, Ashe killed not only Eulogy Jones, but Crimson and Clover as well. He initially wanted to free the two slave girls, but their brainwashing to be subservient to Eulogy made it impossible.
Sarge – Ashe has always been wary of robots, so he didn’t take the opportunity to purchase Sarge from Tinker Joe.
Jericho – Due to his principles, Ashe avoided Jericho. He always got a sick feeling off the man, and steered clear of the bar when he had to visit Megaton.
Fawkes – Ashe grew very attached to Fawkes, in spite of being somewhat unnerved by him. Around the huge mutant, he felt pretty safe, since Fawkes rarely slept when they were out on the road and could take out most threats before Ashe could even pull the trigger. Eventually, Fawkes decided to stay on in the Underworld, assisting the mutants and ghouls that lived there.
Dogmeat – A dog is a boy’s best friend, and so too was Dogmeat to Ashe. The mutt stayed by Ashe’s side through thick and thin for years, a constant trusted companion. However, all stars eventually burn out, and all good boys eventually go to Heaven. Who knows how many pups that old dog sired in their journeys over the wasteland – he left a legacy that makes Ashe smile, even though he had to bury his oldest friend.
Charon – Ashe didn’t purchase Charon’s contract. He didn’t see the need for a bodyguard, especially not someone as creepy as Charon.
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