#mans has the key to my house now or wtvr
epiclamer · 2 years
My house just got broken into or wtvr just keep slaying
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Stuffie Sanctuary
Hero finally made it through their front door, to anyone else it might’ve seemed like a simple task, but Hero’s feet felt like they were tied to bricks. They could barely keep their eyes open and as much as they wanted to breakdown completely and let their day wash over, they didn’t have the energy to cry.
When the door shut behind them and their coat hit the floor, Hero still couldn’t grasp that sweet relief of being home. No, something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
Their keys were on the floor. Not the ones in their hand, but their spare as well as their car keys. On the floor. Something had caused them to fall of their placement holder against the wall.
Adrenaline shot through their system, Hero’s heart was suddenly pounding and their breathing was unsteady. Someone had invaded their home.
Hero was quiet, tiptoeing to the wall and pressing their back to it. The intruder—if still present—definitely knew they were here, but maybe they could disorient them enough to catch them.
It seemed probable, but not possible. Everything felt impossible to Hero lately.
They decided on the hallway first, a long corridor that lead to a cozy living room with plenty of space. Along the hall was a bedroom, bathroom and closet. All three of which would be target spots for a robbery.
Hero continued as silently as possible, every door was still the same as they had left it prior to leaving. Bedroom door open all the way, bathroom partially closed and closet still held it’s natural stance. It all seemed exactly the same.
That left Hero with three rooms left to check. Either head back to the kitchen and dining room or keep going to the living room. They decided on the latter in a split second decision before shuffling towards the inviting room.
Taking one deep breath and a tense position, Hero slipped into the living room. The crime-stopper halted, frozen on the spot as they held their breath.
This room was… different.
In the middle of the room (against the couch) a large pillow fortress had been created. Blankets, pillows, sheets, stuffed animals and miscellaneous dining room chairs had all been put together to create a comfortable looking castle.
In the midst of it all laid Villain. Head propped under a pillow as they scrolled mindlessly on their phone, eyes flicking over to their long awaited guest as a smile dawned on their face.
“Hero! You’re finally home!” Villain shouted, sitting up abruptly, head touching their silk sheet roofing. They tossed their phone to the side and patted the blankets next to them in an inviting manner. “Come join me, I’ve been waiting for hours.”
The hero’s eyes scanned over the scene. They were shocked, flustered and somewhat angry with the criminal. Hadn’t they thought to call or even just leave a note before they scared Hero half to death?
“What are you doing in my house.”
Villain huffed, “What do you think? I’m here to take care of you, dummy.”
Hero stared at their nemesis, untrusting as they took a step forward. Was this some sort of trap? A scam to kidnap them or get information on the hero league?
At the lack of Hero’s response, Villain continued. “I can tell that you’re overthinking everything right now. So let me put it really simply; remember that time I was sick and you nursed me like a some worried mother hen?”
The hero nodded, taking one more step towards the villain. Slowly beginning to give into the fantasy of being taken care of for once in their life.
“Well, here I am. You helped me, so I’m here to help you.”
Hero only hummed a sort of approval, coming closer and closer until their feet were on the edge of the sanctuary Villain had created. With one last look at their lifelong enemy, Hero finally gave in.
Collapsing almost immediately, Villain helped settle the hero down into the comfort of some well placed floor blankets. Hauling the overly exhausted hero until they were laying snuggly against Villains chest.
Villains hands began to work, one hand reached for the television remote and clicked on Hero’s favourite movie. The other began to stroke through their hair. Hero’s favourite things all compiled into one soft moment which had them melting in mere seconds.
“Mmmm…” Hero hummed, sleepy eyes opening as they looked up at the villain. “How did you know?”
Villain chuckled slightly, causing Hero to smile a bit brighter. “I always know, darling~ Besides, you looked like shit on the news.”
And for the first time all season, Hero actually laughed.
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