#mans got a curved back and sassy hips
nevertheblood · 2 years
drawing chuuya accurately somehow became a lot easier when I realised he stands EXACTLY like me
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teamatsumu · 8 months
i want to know more about alpha sukuna with a human omega!! Is his struggle with his attraction internal? Or is he loud about it?
At this point, i think of alpha!sukuna more than i use my nose to breathe in air
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Sukuna is already proud enough as is, being the King of Curses and all, but if you put Alpha genes into the mix? You can’t tell me this man’s ego isn’t the size of Mount Everest.
So yes, I believe Sukuna’s attraction towards you is something he wrestles with in his head. It is almost an insult in his eyes. To think that he, the most dangerous entity to exist on the planet currently, can feel his control slip away at the feeling of you being close by? Outrageous. And unacceptable. Especially because it’s you. Not just a human, but an omega human.
He comes from a time where omegas were mere pup incubators, a subhuman class that existed to serve Alphas. So you can expect that he looks down on omegas simply for being omegas. Combine that with the fact that he is a curse and you are a human, it feels like Sukuna is fighting ten different barriers in his head.
But oh, you have a fire in your eyes. Strong and steely eyed. And you’ve got a mouth on you too. You’re headstrong, and sassy, and Sukuna realizes that omega or not, nothing can hold you back. He finds it unbelievably attractive. It sends current zipping through his spine, and the Alpha urge to mark you is strong. He needs to know that you belong to no man but him. He wants his hands on you.
It’s hard to tell when exactly the internal struggle starts to dwindle, instead being replaced by the uncontrollable urge to take you where you stand. He feels possessive over you, and he feels that every moment his hands aren’t on your body is a waste. Your figure is delicious, the perfect curve of your hips, the smooth expanse of your ass. He needs to run his hands over you, bury his nose into your scent gland and lick over it until you smell nothing like yourself and completely like him.
The Alpha in him needs you, and one day, the barriers in his head won’t be enough to hold him back.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 31)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: Daddy Chan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the Captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 31
(Chan POV)
Saturday Noon -  BSFC Training Ground Parking Lot
Tankhun showed him alright.  
That kiss was one hundred percent, an all-out kiss. Apparently, when one Tankhun Theerapanyakul wanted to show you something, he truly showed it without a trace of doubt. 
Chan was blown away. 
The tip of Tankhun's tongue that traced the curve of his lips slowly seek permission to get in. Chan, whose shock finally subsided, not only permitted him but also played along. Their tongues entangled in this slow dance that was so... -- lord have mercy -- so sweet.
His hands, which had been on the scientist's slender waist a moment ago, now gripped  Tankhun's face, positioning him to deepen the kiss. It felt so damn good, Chan refused to be the one who broke the kiss, oxygen be damned. 
When Tankhun, after quite a while -- Chan was already panting at that time, damn he's old T.T -- finally broke the kiss, the sassy doctor lifted his head to look at Chan and told him haughtily, "Now, that's a kiss, Caramello, capito?"
Chan was still powerless to answer so he just held up three fingers in an "OK" sign.
"Good, I'm out of here then. Don't forget to email me your schedule,” said Tankhun as he gently released Chan's hold on him -- from his cheeks this time, but Chan, once again, caught hold of Tankhun's right hand and pulled him closer. There was absolutely no resistance from Tankhun, and that gorgeous man was back in his arms again. Bliss… 
"Are you not going to give me a chance to prove that I'm a fast learner, Doctor?" whispered Chan. 
Their faces were so close to each other, they actually shared a breath. 
"O~h? Show me, then," the doctor whispered back.
Chan showed him.
(Tankhun POV)
The Captain of BSFC was proven to be a fast learner, or maybe, he really was a good kisser. Whatever it was, Tankhun didn't really care, because at that moment, what filled his mind was the way Chan's lips crushed against his, driving him insane. In no time, Tankhun wrapped his arms around the captain's neck and kissed him back passionately. It got so intense, it actually worried Tankhun. 
Oh, God…
They needed to stop now or things would get out of hand, and then both of them could really be arrested for public indecency. They were out in the open, and his youngest brother was waiting for him in the car!!!
"Chan... Chan... we need to stop," whispered Tankhun, albeit reluctantly. “Kim’s waiting for me.”
A muffled protest was heard from the Captain but Chan's lips let go of Tankhun's. However, not completely. He continued to give Tankhun small kisses on his lips, over and over and over… as if he didn't want to let go. And Tankhun was not strong enough not to return those kisses. 
"Please come to tomorrow's match, I'll arrange everything," Chan pleaded *kiss* "Take Kim, your Pa…” *kiss* “Kinn and Porsche, if they want.” *kiss* “David will look after you, exactly like last time you came" *kiss*
"I-I'll let you know.” 
“Say yes, baby.” *kiss* “Please…” *kiss* “ Please… ” *kiss* 
Chan was not exactly playing fair, and Tankhun couldn’t even think straight, which he definitely was not. He folded. 
“Fine. Okay. YES, I’ll come to the game,” replied Tankhun in the end, and only then, the Captain finally released Tankhun’s body from his arms. 
“See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, baby.” 
This time, it was Tankhun who grabbed Chan’s face in his hands and kissed the hell out of him. When Tankhun finished with him, the great Captain of BSFC could only look at him dazedly. A satisfied smile appeared on Tankhun's face.
And so what if afterward, Tankhun walked to Kim’s car with extra sway on his hips? As he promised himself at that time, Tankhun would never let Chan take his eyes off of him, or rid him easily of his mind. 
Huh! Not a chance. 
Is Doctor T Really 'The One'?
Hello, darlings! It looks like the relationship between the BSCF Captain, Chan "Daddy" Knight (36), and Dr. Tankhun Theerapanyakun (30) is getting hotter. And judging from the facts that our editorial team managed to collect, it is undeniable that the relationship between the two is serious, and not just a fling, as has been suggested so far.
The relationship between Daddy Chan and Doctor T -- this is what the BSFC players reportedly call him -- was initially not picked up by the press. It was only after Doctor T made a sudden appearance at the BOC Stadium, wearing the captain’s anthem jacket, that people started to notice. Let’s not forget about the kiss that the doctor blows to the captain, in front of thousands of fans inside the stadium. On top of that, it is said that the scientist was not alone when he came to watch that particular match, but accompanied by his younger brother and FATHER! If those facts don't scream serious, this writer doesn't know what else to think.
Last Sunday’s match was the second time Doctor T watched the BSFC match live at the BOC Stadium. Just like in the first match, he was also accompanied by his father and his youngest brother. That time, he even brought his younger brother and his partner to the match. Well, well, well… 
So, in my humble opinion, this writer is definitely not making a bad judgment with her assumption earlier, that Daddy Chan and Doctor T are deadly serious. Moreover, if we consider their relationship, that seems to already have the blessing of the whole family and also the entire BSFC team, including the head coach. Weren't the paparazzi photos and videos of their sizzling hot kiss that was released at midnight last week and created such a roar, proven to be taken at the BSFC Training Ground? Reportedly, Coach Don, very rarely lets outsiders see his team train. How about that? 
But, we haven't got to the juiciest news yet, darlings... Our editorial team just received news that two days ago, Daddy Chan and Doctor T, were caught shopping together. Not for clothes, or shoes, or anything that has to do with fashion, something that -- as we can see from the photos of Doctor T taken by the paps -- the doctor is very interested in. Nope! Nothing like that. The two of them were caught shopping together for cooking utensils and... BONE CHINA!!! The writer was frankly aghast, for it was truly SUPER domestic. Fans who caught them commented that one of them was trying so hard to glance at the doctor's ring finger. Those fans must have the same thought as the writer. Has their relationship gone up beyond everyone's expectations!? The writer must say the possibility is pretty high. KYA~~~ 
Does this mean Doctor T is really "The One"? Let’s just wait and see. Ciao, my darlings! 
(Chan POV) 
Wednesday Night -- The Knight Residence
Chan read the article in the Thai Daily gossip column, which Tay forwarded to the BSFC Group Chat this morning, at least three times. The boys teased him all morning about it, during training at the stadium mercilessly, until he stopped the boys by threatening them to do 100 push-ups. Frankly speaking, Chan got mixed feelings from the article. The answer to the question in the article was YES, but the writer of the column and fans that caught them shopping that day were thinking way ahead of the real situation. It kinda stung. 
Truthfully, Chan was aware that the best way to overcome this was to confess his feelings to Tankhun and be done with it. But this little doubt that lived in his heart refused to go no matter how hard he tried to crush it. Sometimes Chan got mad at himself, since when did he become such a coward!?
Since my heart was shattered because of disappointment and betrayal from people I didn't expect.
One sentence from the article kept bothering Chan's mind and seemed to inflame the small doubt that was embedded there. They used the presence of the paparazzi who were at the Training Ground last week, capturing their private moments, as a fact that supported their assumptions about his relationship with Tankhun, while Chan considered this as one of the factors that made him unable to be one hundred percent sure of the scientist.
Chan realized his presumption that one of the reasons why Tankhun kissed him all out like that was simply because he knew paparazzi were lurking around was madness. But, by God, he couldn't get those doubts out of his heart and mind. It was like a sickness. 
Since that was the case, Chan decided to wait until there was no longer any doubt in his heart before he confess his feelings. 
(Tankhun POV)
Wednesday Night -- The Theerapanyakun Residence
“Hello~ is this “the One”?” asked Porsche annoyingly as he chuckled, teasing Tankhun. 
“Shut up, you little shit,” yelled Tankhun affectionately, with no heat whatsoever. “I take it you already read the article in the Thai Daily?” 
“Yup, just now,” replied Porsche. “Kinn is reading the article at the moment. His eyes go wide now and then, but trust me, not as wide as when he sees those paparazzi pictures and videos of you and P’Chan in the parking lot. Whoa, P', even I blushed.”
In an instant, Tankhun's cheeks get flushed. Luckily, this was not a video call, so Porsche couldn't see how red his face was right now. 
“Porsche, you’re not going to put this call on speaker, right?”
“No. What's the matter, P’?” whispered Porsche. “You need to say something privately to me?” 
“No, no, it's just that I can't believe I forgot all about the paparazzi at that time. That moment was very personal and important to me, as I consider it to be the first real kiss between us. With no ulterior motives or shadows of a fake date hanging upon our heads. But then I saw it become the public consumption it is today. It kinda sucks, to be honest."
“Yes, sweetie?”
“Can I ask you something… it’s very personal though.” 
“Go on..”
“Are you completely sure about your feelings for P’Chan now?” 
“Yeah, there's no point in denying it anymore. I really like him, and I'm pretty sure I'm halfway in love with him already.”
“Not to get ahead of myself here, but ever consider confessing your feelings?”
“I am confessing now… OH, you mean to Chan? Are you mad?” 
“I always thought honesty is the best approach. After all, playing the games is tiring, P'."
“Yeah, but why me? Why don’t you tell your P’Chan to confess, IF he truly had feelings for me.” 
“Do you still doubt his feelings toward you?” 
“He never tells me, how should I know? Did he tell you?”
“Nope. Believe it or not, P’, but it’s been a while since the last time P’Chan talked to me about you. Maybe he considers our relationship too close.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
“The plan is to dazzle him until he can't resist my charm and down on his knees.”
“Savage,” teased Porsche. “Bottom line, you’ll wait for him to confess first.” 
“No~," denied Tankhun. "But I need to be sure, Porsche. It doesn't have to be 100% but the percentage of the possibility right now is still too small for me.”
“Okay, P’, if you say so. I trust your judgment.” 
“Thanks, sweetie. Good night.”
“G’nite, P’.” 
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getoswhore · 3 years
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♱ feat ; time skip! + sugar daddy! — mikey, draken, chifuyu, hanma, kisaki, ran, rindou x f! bimbo! reader
♱ synopsis ; asking your sugar daddy for a car while riding him!! heavily inspired by; cardi b – WAP feat. megan thee stallion.. | est. 1.0k wc
‘ cw/tw ; sws + riding, sugar daddy x sugar baby dynamics, age gaps, creampie(s), pet names, awkward moments?!, spanking 1x (w/ hanma), sorta pet play (w/ fufu).
— pt. two! • pt. three!
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♱ ; manjiro sano!
; mikey is a naturally calm man with a leaned back persona, which really grew on him with age. so, he doesn't mind what you do, couldn't even care what you even do with his money, such as spending it all away on weekly pedicures, hair and skin treatments, or buying some new and expensive clothes and shiny heels to match, etc.. he doesn't mind, but as long as your smiling for him, enjoying every second of being spoiled, and treating his pretty self and his pretty cock when needed, he's level headed. mikey really is a fantasy come to life sugar daddy when it comes to you..
the slap of sweaty skin to skin contact rippling off the walls of mikey’s luxurious home can be heard from down the halls, and that's just how he likes it. and that's how you know his brain is switched off.
it's the only time he will let his guard down, too sunken in a deep trance from your tits bouncing in his droopy face as you ground your hips down against his thickness, stuffing yourself with his cock that teased your cervix.
"mikey, baby.. 's too big.." you blurb out, trying to handle every inch of his cock like this is pretty difficult, but the silent praises that leave his lips make you pounce on his length faster.
"you got it pretty girl, keep riden.. yeah, just like that." mikey helps lift your hips up only to watch you drop back down on him with a whine.
“mph! mikey! i totally deserve a pretty pink car after this, 's too much." he chuckles at your sassy statement, knowing he's going to go through with it anyways, so he just simply nods before helping you back up and repeating the same pleasurable sensation to your abused, sopping little cunny.
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♱ ; ken ryuguji!
; draken is very monotone about being a sugar daddy but he lets you do as you please without interfering, unless you max out his last card, again. though, ken is only sweet when he wants to be, trying to keep his tough exterior a show, but surprisingly, your able to slip beneath those rough walls he holds up and make him affectionate without knowing it; always hearing him grumble something out in annoyance but leans into your hold, sinking himself further into your scent. so, being his pretty ‘lil sugar baby is like being married to him, he's so cautious with you when your not paying attention, pampering you when you two are alone, and even scolding you if you spend your money the wrong way, etc.. overall he's a material sugar daddy..
“c’mon, go faster.” draken urges, gripping at your sides tightly to force your hips to roll harder against his pelvis as his cock prods deep inside your sweet cunt.
he's been so pushy with you, like normally, demanding things here and there like, roll your hips faster, touch his abs, or even to squeeze down around him harder. but its too much, riding his hefty cock for hours really takes a toll on your knees and you huff out.
draken looks up at you with a thin brow raised, seeing defeat bubbling up in your eyes, “c’mon, you got it or do i gotta do all the work, hm?” draken sighs, leaning up to press his toned chest against yours.
“well, you will if you don't get me a pretty little black car and if you do, i’ll fuck you just how you want, ken baby.” you ridicule with puppy eyes, pink nails trailing down every dip and curve of his flexed muscles.
draken almost scoffs out, letting go a callused hand from your ass to trail the tip of his finger at the curvature of your spine.
“really? you wanna be a little brat right now?” you nod, turning your head the other way and crossing your arms as you sat completely still on his cock that throbbed in you.
“tch, fine. what kind?—”
“a bugatti!”
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♱ ; chifuyu matsuno!
; the older chifuyu got the more open he became with his sexual lifestyle. expanding and enjoying something new during sex is just what he craves, so acting out his erotic fantasies like putting on a pair of cat ears and a pink collar with his name engraved in it, he's more than happy to spoil you rotten some more. but of course, the gentleman chifuyu is, he buys whatever you want or need, or what he wants for you. chifuyu just truly loves pampering his little sugar baby or so to say, his little kitten, so asking for anything or seeing something that piques your interest, he's already buying it..
“you're so cute like this.” chifuyu fawns at the look of the fluff cat ears placed evenly on your head, the pink collar wrapped nicely around your neck, and the soft tail plug stuffed in your tighter hole as your stuffing your sopping little cunt with his lengthy cock.
chifuyu just can't help himself, one hand gliding up your back as the other gently pulls at the artificial tail, making your hips stutter at the slight stretch to your ass. your hands squeeze around his slim thighs as you lift yourself up and plopping yourself back down his sheer mass, stretching and filling yourself up to the hilt with him.
“oh, yeah? but y’know, i’ll be a lot cuter riding you in a ferrari.” you slip in, teasing a hint at what you wish for and chifuyu is already thinking where could be the closest car dealership near him.
his lips purse as you steady yourself on him, watching him chew on his bottom lip, thinking quietly,
“what color would you want, kitten?”
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♱ ; shuji hanma!
; hanma was never the type to be responsible in the first place, especially with his money. the older he got, the worse he got. knowing how much money he has, he cockily throws money left and right, spending it on the finest carved diamonds for you and him as if it would grow back simultaneously. so, being shuji’s little sugar baby is like a wild party every day with him, always getting exactly what you want without hesitation and never knowing what he's going to pull from behind his back, maybe a twenty thousand dollar pearl necklace? or maybe a twenty-four-karat gold ring? but hopefully this time it could be a new shiny car..
the toxic stick in hanma’s drool filled mouth moves as he speaks,
“‘m gonna cum.. take it all baby, yeah..” hanma groans with greedy hands fondling all around the curve of your ass, squeezing that mound of flesh before winding back “sin” and landing a firm strike to your sensitive skin, causing you to bounce harder on his pretty cock.
“take it all—”
“even your money for a new car? i can have it all?” you genuinely question as he's thrown off while cumming, bucking his hips up unintentionally as his face goes to contort into pleasure but makeshifts into confusion.
“fuck, what?” trying to calm himself from his somewhat ruined high, he's not sure if he heard those words slip out from your glossy lips right.
“i can have it all you said. so i want your money for a new car.” you squirm, feeling his warm ribbons of cum settling in your sopping cunt. hanma chuckles deeply, the smoke in his mouth puffing out,
“well, i guess i did pretty girl.. but as long as i can fuck you in it, then sure.” hanma can't ruin the excitement filling your widening eyes, so he just takes a mental note for the future on how he needs to be more careful with his choice of words with you.
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♱ ; tetta kisaki!
; being kisaki’s sugar baby is very easy and a dream come true for any sugar baby. so, finding a desperate sugar daddy like him who's willing to pay whatever the cost is to even get a taste of your skin is always fun, and teasing kisaki’s touch-deprived self who's never got such a sweet pussy handed to him so easily, is even more fun. though, kisaki may act cruel and cold, he always whimpers and whines for you to spend just one more night; pulling out his wallet and trying to hand you wads of money which always reels you and leads you wondering how much he's willing to truly spend..
“m, fuck—! kisaki..” you squirm, hips stuttering to even lift themselves up, feeling overly stuffed with kisaki’s cock as his large ring-covered hands are gripping onto your plush thighs for his dear life.
kisaki is whipped, to say the least; blonde curls messily swaying around his crooked glasses, wet mouth parted, and heavy pants leaving his strained throat. the feeling of your wet gummy walls squeezing around his twitching cock is a foreign feeling to him, not used to bedding many women.
so, the day he got his wealthy hands on you he can't let go, to drowned in your sweet pussy— he's obsessed.
too far gone in the tight grip of your cunt wrapped around his twitching cock that prods at your cervix. he could have sworn he wasn't a prodigy for a second, feeling his brain just mush into slush when you're creaming around him like this, feeling your honey pooling at the base of his cock.
this was the perfect time to ask, seeing how far gone he is; can't even think straight with you sitting on him like this,
“ou, kisaki baby? ‘m want a car, like a pretty white one!” you squeak out and he doesn't even notice, all he heard was, “i want.” and that's already enough.
“yes.. yeah, yeah. sure, anything for you baby, anything..” kisaki blurbs out like a drunk, too focused on your sweet pussy gushing around his throbbing cock as you giggle happily.
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♱ ; ran haitani!
; ran is a stingy older man with his money, especially when he's dealing his hefty wallet with you. and yes, ran fully understands the concept of the sugar daddy and sugar baby ordeal, but he still penny-pinches with you, knowing how you can get and how you can get has gotten him a bit loud mouth with you at times; seeing how his card being maxed out again and you with name-brand bags stuffed in the trunk of his rolls-royce really makes his head spin.. so, being his sugar baby is pretty difficult, to say the least.. but as long as you treat him with respect and serve his pretty cock when needed, he doesn't mind spending a few racks on you..
“ran! yes, yes, yes!” yelling out his name while slamming yourself down on his thick length really gets him going; his callused hands shooting up to play with your bouncing tits as he salivates at the tense feeling of your body rolling against his.
ran can't help but buck his hips up every time your sopping folds are prodding at his tip before engulfing the rest of him in one swift motion. you can tell he's close too, seeing how his swollen bottom lip is caught between his teeth, docile eyes hooded as his cock throbs in your tight gummy walls.
“fuck, yes.” he mumbles and this is the perfect time to ask what you've been longing for..
“oh, oh! ran, please can i have a pretty red car?!” you squeeze in those devious words right when he groans out a deep,
“fuck yes–?!” as he cums deep in your clenching walls he's whiplashed with confusion and satisfaction; an odd feeling during intense sex for him. the candy-colored hair sticking to his face gets swept away, brows knitting together as he's confused if he even said, ‘fuck yes’ to the pleasure of him cumming or to your question.
either way, you accept either one..
“really?! oh, ran! i knew you would say yes!” you pounce with excitement, clasping your hands around his bewildered face and kiss the tip of his nose. well, at least you're happy..
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♱ ; rindou haitani!
; rin is such a sweetheart, even though he portrays himself as a cold-hearted man who could care less for another life, but with you– in private, he's the biggest teddy bear. he loves spoiling his sugar baby; he treasures touching ‘n groping all over you, peppering sloppy kisses against your bare skin at any chance he gets, and treating your pussy just right. yes, rin isn't well with words but you can always feel the adoration he has for you and the feeling of being covered in wealth is always so surreal..
“rin, oh.. rin baby.” you pant, hands squeezing at the curve of his neck as a safe haven, trying to steady yourself on his immense length as he looks up at you, eyes grazing against your lips, watching them bounce back into place when you let them go from in-between your teeth.
rindou hums in response, fingers squeezing the curve of your ass and jiggling that mound of flesh in his tight hold.
“baby, please can you get me.. mph!” rindou holds your hips down against his pelvis, forcing his sheer mass to fill you up, the crown of his cock kissing your cervix.
his hooded eyes flicker up at you, waiting for you to finish, “tesla. ‘m want a pretty–fuck–a pretty car like a tesla.” you whine, rolling your hips as he holds you down harder, now a more contorted face was displayed up at you.
your asking for a car.. right now?
rindou quirks a brow up at you but shrugs, “sure.” he accepts your spoiled little question with a dull demeanor, yet still laying there overly confused. why ask for a car now? but he knows you far too well, always an unexpected woman you are, so he could only accept it..
rindou’s thumbs soothe themselves against your sweating skin as you smile in fervor, settling your warmth around his throbbing length.
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— pt. two! • pt. three!
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alisonsfics · 3 years
mine, not theirs
pairing: chris evans x reader
request: “would you write a fic about attending a party with chris evans and his friends and he doesn't like the way some of his friends are looking at you so he becomes protective of you the whole night. maybe ending with smut” - anonymous
word count: 2.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, smut, fingering, dirty talk, possessiveness, swearing, minors DNI
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You drew shapes on Chris’ chest as you both cuddled in bed. You both had been binging Christmas movies all day, and you weren’t sure there were any that you hadn’t seen. Chris had just come home from three weeks of filming.
He hadn’t left your sight all day, and you were loving having him back. He shifted away from you and began to get out of bed. “Where are you going?” You asked him.
“I told you, Anthony invited me to that party tonight with a bunch of the Marvel cast. I told you about it a few days ago.” He said, standing up. You crossed your arms, pouting. “I forgot that was today. I’ve just missed you so much, and I’m not ready for you to leave again.” You whined.
You knew you were being dramatic, but it sucked when Chris was away so often. So, when he came back, you tried to spend as much time together as possible, but it didn’t help that he was the busiest man on the planet.
“It’ll only be a few hours, and then I’ll be right back here with you.” He said, leaning over and placing a kiss on your forehead. You gave a soft smile. You weren’t trying to make him feel guilty. “It’ll feel like a lifetime.” You said, snuggling back into the blanket.
“Why don’t you come with me then?” He asked you, causing you to sit up in bed.
“Really?” You asked with your voice coming out at a higher pitch. He just chuckled in response to your excitement. “C’mon, you’re my girlfriend. I can take you to any party I want. Get dressed” he told you.
You quickly jumped out of bed and raced to your closet. You weren’t excited because it was a party. You were excited because it meant you got to spend more time with Chris.
When you finally walked into the living room, where Chris was waiting, his jaw dropped. You had decided to wear a new dress that Chris had bought you.
“Honey,” his voice came out gravelly as he dragged out the word. He walked towards you slowly. His hands grabbed onto your hips and traced over your curves. “You look…fucking phenomenal.” He said, kissing behind your ear.
You stepped back from him. “Don’t start getting distracted, mister. You were the one who said you had to go to this party.” You said, heading towards the door. As he followed behind you, he couldn’t help but admire your figure.
As you both drove to Anthony’s house, Chris’ hand never left your thigh. Chris was normally pretty clingy, but this was a new level.
He turned the car into Anthony’s driveway. You unbuckled your seatbelt and went to reach for the door handle when you noticed Chris was sitting completely still. You turned to glance at him. “What's wrong?” You asked, regarding his hesitation.
“Nothing, just can’t take my eyes off you.” He said, leaning over to kiss your cheek. You felt your face heat up at the cheesy compliment. You were a little giggly as you both walked to the front door.
Chris had his arm safely wrapped around your waist, keeping you cuddled into his side. After a few seconds, Anthony opened the door and welcomed you both in.
The sounds of people’s conversations bounced off the walls and echoed around the room. “There’s the two lovebirds.” He said as he closed the door behind you both.
As soon as you both walked in the door, you felt like Chris was swarmed. One of his cast mates ran up to him and told him to come with them. “I’ll be right back.” He mouthed to your as he walked away.
“So, you want a drink?” Anthony asked, turning to face you. You nodded and followed him into his kitchen. “You look great, by the way.” He said, handing you a drink.
Instead of going for a boring thank you, you opted for a sassy comeback. “Thanks, I guess you look good too.” You said, giggling as you took a sip of your drink.
“Rude,” he mumbled, crossing his arms. He couldn’t hold his fake-pouting face for long, before bursting out in laughter.
“C’mon, let’s go find out where that boyfriend of yours got dragged off to.” He said, gesturing for you to follow him. You both searched through the house, but couldn’t find Chris anywhere.
Eventually, you decided to check the back porch. There, you found Chris sitting near the fire pit, along with Sebastian, both Toms, and Hemsworth. “There she is,” Chris said, smiling as you walked onto the porch.
He patted the spot next to him on the bench for you to come sit. A few of his friends whistled as you walked over to join them. You could feel the heat radiating off your cheeks. You liked it more when Chris complimented you, but sometimes it was nice to be complimented.
You sat down next to Chris, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “What? No whistles for me?” Anthony asked, plopping down next to Sebastian.
“No offense, Mackie, you don’t look that good.” Sebastian said, gesturing to you. He quickly held his hands up in surrender as Chris glared at him. “Yeah, you better watch yourself.” Anthony told him, chuckling.
You placed your hand on top of Chris’ hand, which was resting on his thigh. You gave him a soft smile, which seemed to calm him down a little bit.
Chris wasn’t possessive in a controlling way, but he wasn’t a fan of when other guys complimented you. It was partially because usually it was creepy paparazzi that were telling you how good you looked.
Sebastian began telling a story, and you tried to pay attention, until Chris distracted you. “I don’t like that they’re looking, but they’re right. You look so good, honey.” He whispered softly in your ear. His words went straight to your core. You could feel the hairs on your neck stand up straight.
His arm moved from your shoulder, so his hand could rest on your thigh. It’s like he was showing everyone that you were his. Chris had always had a protective nature.
After about an hour, Hemsworth was deep into a story that you had missed the beginning of. You leaned over to Chris and whispered, “I’m gonna go get another drink. You need one?”
He shook his head and moved his hand away from you, so you could stand up. Sebastian gave you a questioning glance when you stood up. You pointed at your cup, and mouthed the word “refill?”
His eyes lit with recognition. He jumped up from his seat and followed you inside. “So how’s that new movie going?” You asked him, as you walked through the house.
“It’s been good. I love the whole cast, but the hours really suck. I feel like my alarm is going off as soon as I get in bed.” He explained. You nodded along, knowing Chris felt the same way sometimes. You grabbed his cup from his hand and filled it up after filling your own. “So, how long do you think until Chris comes running in here?” He asked, taking a sip from the cup.
You laughed, almost spitting out your drink. “Not very long,” you said, giggling. He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, he is really protective over you. I think it’s nice though. It shows that he cares.” He said.
You knew that he was right. Chris loved you, and he would fight fiercely to protect you.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You took it out and were unsurprised to see a text from Chris: “When you are coming back? I miss you” followed by pouting emojis.
“Sometimes he just cares too much.” You said, giggling as you showed Sebastian the text. He burst out in laughter. “Guess we should get back there before he gets too worried.” He joked, heading out of the kitchen.
You couldn’t get the smile off your face as you both walked. You loved how much Chris loved you and how unafraid he was to show it.
“Wait,” you heard someone call out and grab your arm. You turned around to see Lizzie with a giant smile on her face. Your face lit up. “Hey, how are you?” You asked, pulling her in to a hug. Sebastian stopped to wait for you when he noticed you both talking. “I’ve been really good. How are you?” She replied.
“I’ve been good too. Let’s go talk outside. Chris might freak out if I’m not back soon.” You told her, giggling. She followed you and Sebastian out the back doors.
“He’s so in love with you, it’s magical.” Lizzie said, aw’ing as Chris ran over to you. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach start to appear. “I’m gonna have to steal her for a minute.” Chris said, taking your hands in his. They both walked back over to the group, while Chris led you over to the other side of the yard.
“Hi, honey.” He said, wrapping his arms around you and burying his head in your neck. You hugged him back, letting your arms wrap around his neck. “What’s going on?” You asked him, softly.
“Just hate seeing them all stare at you. I know they’re all my best friends and you look fantastic, but it makes me feel so jealous. I could see them all watching you when you walked away.” He mumbled into you.
You ran your fingers through his hair. “You have absolutely no reason to be jealous. Besides, while you’ve been focused on that, I’ve been checking you out all night.” You told him.
He pulled his head away to face you. “Really?” He asked, smirking at you. You nodded your head, smiling at him. “You look so good. This shirt fits you so well.” You said, running your hands over his biceps.
He groaned under your touch. “Come on, baby. Not here,” he mumbled. You giggled to yourself at his pained response. “Let’s go, you came here to hang out with your friends after all.” You said, grabbing his hand and pulling him with back towards the group.
You both sat down next to each other, and you could tell Chris was trying to be patient. “So, how’s work been going?” Lizzie asked, turning her attention to you.
You began talking about a really funny incident that had happened at your work. Chris wasn’t really listening; he’d heard the story before. You told him as soon as you came home that night.
You both had cried laughing together as you explained what happened.
All Chris could focus on now was the way everyone was ogling at you as you told the story. He shifted closer to you and draped his arm around your shoulders.
He was torn. He couldn’t stand seeing everyone staring at you, but he also felt guilty for being so possessive. You almost never got jealous, even when fans threw themselves at his feet.
You knew Chris wanted to go home as quickly as possible. So, after another hour, you claimed you both had to be up early and excused yourselves.
Chris grabbed your hand and couldn’t leave Anthony’s house quick enough. You were worried that Chris would get pulled over as he quickly sped home.
“Someone was in a hurry.” You said, giggling as you realized you’d made it home in record time. He just smirked at you as you both walked inside.
He pinned you against the back of the front door. “Finally, all alone.” He said, meeting your lips in a rushed kiss. You kissed him back, hungrily.
You both were just as eager for each other. He pinned your arms above your head and buried his face in your neck, sucking on your skin. A whimper passed through your lips.
“Bedroom. Please, Chris. You know neither of us can wait any longer.” You rushed him. He chuckled to himself and then pulled you behind him as he rushed towards your bedroom.
You both quickly got out of your clothes, leaving you both only in your underwear. You laid back on the bed, waiting for Chris. His eyes met yours from across the room. “Look at you, so patiently waiting for me.” He said, with a look of adoration.
He slowly crawled on top of you. “All mine,” he mumbled, his eyes raking over your body. Starting at your bellybutton, he started pressing kisses to your skin. All the way up, through the valley between your breasts, until he got to your lips.
You cupped his face and kissed him back desperately. He held onto your hips, massaging the soft skin with his thumbs. His hips jutted against yours and a growl fell from his lips.
He sneakily reached behind your back and unhooked your bra, throwing it to the side. You slipped out of your panties as he quickly discarded his boxers.
“Are you this wet all for me?” He asked, cockily. Before you could say any of the sassy comebacks you had prepared in your head, he inserted two fingers into you. Your eyes fluttered shut, your mind went completely blank. “That’s what I thought.” He said, smirking.
You rocked your hips against his fingers, slowly. He curled his fingers just to watch the way your face scrunched up. He loved watching you fall apart.
“Couldn’t stand them all watching you tonight. They were all probably thinking about being in this exact situation with you.” He said pumping his fingers in and out of you. You just let out soft moans, laying back against the pillows. “Forget about them. It’s just you and me.” You told him.
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to your lips. You opened your mouth and let his fingers glide in. “You’re right. It’s just us. You are mine, not theirs. Only mine. The only thing that matters is us.” He said, reaching down to grab your hips.
He hesitated, waiting for your permission.“Go ahead, please.” You begged him. He smirked and slowly pushed himself into you. A low grunt exited his lips. “You feel so good for me, love.” He mumbled.
You raked your fingertips through his hair, biting down on your lip. He shook his head at you. “Don’t hold back. I want to hear those precious moans that only I get to hear.” He said, possessively.
His words made your legs turn to jelly, and a shaky whimper fell from your lips. He tightened his grip on your hips as he sped up his pace.
The sounds from the squeaky mattress began to fill the room. “They all can look at you all they want. No one else gets to fuck you into their mattress. You save that just for me. No one could fuck you as good as do, right sweetheart?” He asked, pressing kisses to your shoulder blade. You quickly nodded your head.
You were left panting as he pounded into you. It felt like your skin was on fire. “You feel so—oh god, so good, Chris.” You moaned. The sight of you, barely coherent, squirming beneath him was almost enough to push him over the edge.
“Are you close?” He asked, desperately hoping you were. You mumbled out a quick “yes”.
“I want to you to look at me, sweetheart.” He told you. You obliged, opening your eyes and meeting his gaze.
You could tell by the way his thrusts faltered that he was close. You wrapped your legs around his hips. You wanted to feel him as deep inside you as you could.
Chris filled you up perfectly. “Oh god, sweetheart,” he mumbled as you both came hard. You called out his name, balling the sheets up in your fists.
His thrusts slowed down, as he brought you both down from your highs. You both were left sweaty and panting for air.
“That was really hot.” You said, looking over at him. He just gave you his signature smirk and pulled you in for a kiss. “How about round two?” He asked, knowing it wasn’t a real question as you pulled him towards you again.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @bookfrog242 @buckys-doll17 @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @lovelokiqueen @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @heyamina @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @slasherbucky @sunwardsss @studentville-struggles @impossibleapricotlampbat @infjkiki @k-k0129 @lickmymelaninn @hailey-a-s @andreasworlsboring101 @fanofalltheficsx @lukes-orange-beanie @madisondelstan @spookyparadisesheep @beyondthesefourwalls @basicfangirlx @ashwarren32 @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan @blueeyeddemon1016 @bbl32 @dorothea-hwldr @stressydepressyandlemonzesty @cherryyxbabyy @patzammit @harrysthiccthighss
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: 'His wolf'
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Werewolf!F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexaul tension, Heated make-out, Elijah simping an ex, Y/N being sassy, Jealous!Hayley
A/N: Thanks to @rere-the-writer for the a three part series idea. As both us set a little challenge to do a three parts series of Elijah having an ex wolf lover
It was a howl that made the undead hybrids stop as a pack of large wolves tore though them and one huge black wolf tore a hybrid in half that attacked Elijah before Hayley could reach him. Elijah stood up looking at the wolf then watched as it ran helping Rebekah and after words they returned to the Abattoir and Elijah rushed up to his bedroom hearing running water being turned off.
"Hey there handsome."
"Y/N." Elijah says eyes trailing along the wolf's curves as water droplets rolled down bare skin that Elijah knew all too well. Dark curls fell down her back as her body pressed against his reaching behind him for a towel. Elijah licked his bottom lip staring at the beautiful face that was burned into his memory seeing a smirk coming onto those lips he knew the taste of all too well also.
"I see you still wear those suits." Y/N said moving pass him taking a shirt slipping it on as Elijah pushed back a possessiveness growl watching her slip on lace underwear then looked back at the Original she drove crazy. Out of all Elijah's lovers, Y/N was one that was the hardest to forget as some how Y/N knew just how Elijah worked and saw it all from him but yet the wolf hard to tame from what Elijah learned.
"Why are you here?"
"Got a meeting with Alpha Jackson Kenner of the Crescent wolf pack." Y/N tells Elijah making him pause looking at her when she stepped close her hand moving up his chest. Y/N laughed a bit looking up at the Original see that dark possessive glit in his eyes for her, Y/N knew Elijah all too well as their relationship was something Elijah couldn't forget as something about the Alpha that made Elijah sink into his instincts to claim each part of the wolf.
"A meeting about what?" Elijah asked leaning down brushing his nose along her neck taking in her intoxicating scent with his hands on her hips as her hands moved up to behind his neck.
"To join our packs. To have an older stronger pack to protect Hope."
"Hayley won't like having another female Alpha around." Elijah says watching Y/N pull away smirking headed for the door with a swing of her hips knowing Elijah was staring.
"Too bad."
Hayley sat next to Jackson glaring the female Alpha across the table as Klaus stood by with Rebekah and Kol knowing Y/N was an ex lover of Elijah's judging the fact she was dressed in Elijah's shirt and jean shorts. Y/N's hair was up in a loose bun showing off a wolf paw birthmark and next to the Alpha was her right hand man.
"So what do you say? With both Crescent pack and Felan pack, we can protect Hope."
"What makes you think I would risk my pack help protect her daughter?"
"Because Hope is also the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson." Jackson said hoping it would scare Y/N into saying yes seeing her eyes flicker over to Klaus not knowing that the hybrid was the father. The Original hybrid knew of Felan wolf pack since it was one of the oldest wolf packs that still lived and that Y/N was the longest living Alpha of the Felan pack.
"If that is so.....then count on us to protect the child." Y/N said as the wolf next to her move to make a phone call and Y/N shook Jackson's hand standing up. Hayley followed after the other female Alpha arms crossed getting Y/N's attention, the wolf knew of Hayley's relationship with Elijah even though she was going to marry Jackson.
"So hoping Elijah will sleep with you if you wear his shirt?"
"Oh honey, you aren't the first wolf Elijah fucked. As you are looking at her." Y/N said walking out of the Abattoir leaving Hayley stunned as the wolf walked away. To celebrate the pack treaty and to stir the pot, Klaus threw a ball just to see Hayley squirm and to learn just how much of Elijah did Y/N know. Y/N stepped inside with her pack and they went off to know the Crescent wolves and the Alpha caught Elijah's eye right away and Klaus noticed.
Y/N was dressed in a slim spaghetti strap low cut dress, it hugged her curves and Elijah licked his bottom lip seeing the dress had a slit leaning up to her hip and how she taunting him by pinning up her hair showing off her delicate neck. Elijah made his way to Y/N before a young vampire could touch her as she was suddenly in Elijah's arms on the dance floor his fingers moving along her bare back.
"My my, still possessive after all this time."
"Well I did tell you that you are mine." Elijah says as they swayed and he pulled her close before moving them away from prying eyes as he gave into his cravings and kissed the wolf. Y/N squeaked in surprised feeling Elijah lift her with ease as his hand moved up her bare leg kissing her more roughly growling when she kissed back and moved his mouth to her neck.
"Elijah....the party." Y/N moaned softly as Elijah looked up at her seeing that hazy dark dark lust that settled in her eyes that he knew all too well feeling her small hands cupping his face. Took her upstairs away from the party and pulled her into another kiss as his hand trail up under her dress while placing kisses in her neck and rubbed her though the thin lace she wore pulling a soft moan from her.
"I've missed you."
"I....can....tell." Y/N mewled moving her fingers through his hair as he attacked her neck with bites that would only heal when suddenly she was back on her feet as Hayley stood in the doorway eyes narrowed at Y/N then smiled at Elijah.
"Elijah, I was hoping for a dance."
"Of course, just a moment." Elijah tells Hayley as she frowned but headed back to the party and Elijah turned his attention on Y/N giving her one last kiss before pulling away cupping her cheek running his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. Y/N pressed closer to her Original lover and gently bite a spot under his ear making him groan before whispering in his ear.
"When you get tired of the little Alpha you know where to find me." Y/N whispered walking away as Elijah growled eyes darken knowing that by the end of the night the Alpha was going to be in his bed. Y/N sat sipping on her red wine when both Rebekah and Klaus sat on either side of her.
"So just how do you know our dear Elijah?" Rebekah asked looking at the wolf over as she found her attractive and could see how Elijah fell for the wolf.
"You and Klaus weren't the only two that went wild in the 20s." Y/N said with a smirk as both siblings looked at one another then back at the wolf and she told them both stories of her and Elijah. Elijah finally gotten away from Hayley and found Y/N sitting on his bed smirking as she stood up letting the dress pool leaving her in just panties.
"Elijah!" Y/N squealed as in a blur Elijah had pounced on her having undressed as he kissed her roughly growling when she kissed back pulling on his hair as the two fell back into Elijah's bed as if they weren't ever apart.
"Morning handsome." Y/N said placing kisses on Elijah's bare chest as the morning light came though Elijah's bedroom window. Elijah looked up at Y/N seeing her on top of him as the sun light hit her just right giving her a glow.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Elijah breathe out reaching up cupping her cheek then moved his fingers down her neck following her curves. Y/N let out a shuttering breath closing her eyes just feeling Elijah's fingers brushing over her skin as something about the Original made her forget the world for awhile.
"Any plans for today?" Y/N asked leaning down brushing her nose against his before nuzzling his neck as Elijah ran his fingers down her back. Soft kisses were being shared between the two as there were soft touches between them.
"No, I am more than happy to spend the day with you."
"That would be nice." Y/N said kissing Elijah pulling a soft hum from the vampire as they both decided to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Elijah knew that he was dangerously close to not letting the Alpha leave him again but he also knew that the wolf wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.
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bemylord · 3 years
haikyuu boys have a size kink
characters: ushijima, kuroo, atsumu, bokuto, tsukishima.
warnings: smut, oral, belly bulge, degrade, breeding and size kink, anal, gagging.
ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴡᴀᴋᴀᴛᴏꜱʜɪ
like every boy who has a thick cock - he'd be smug whilst fucking your cunt to see how your belly is bulging due to his cock.
you'll boost his ego if you'd scratch his back or biceps, so ensuingly in the morning, his back would be dotted in the red patterns; screaming his name like it's the one word you know.
a big daddy in the bed. wanna stay all day in the bed and receiving cuddles and smooches? call ushijima daddy or captain. it would blow his mind, hearing your broken voice, thanks to his cock, moaning and whimpering.
'd-daddy!' you're getting lost in ushijima's thick cock, lacking of his deep, but morbid kisses. ushijima is biting your lips, immediately licks the blood that flowing down into your chin. strikes are powerful, beating moans and whimpers from your mouth every time his balls are hitting your ass. ushi hoists your up from the bed you were laying on: with one hand his holding your waist whilst another one is keeping the buttocks. nudging your tight and dripping pussy on his cock, feeling the closest orgasm.
'my baby, i'm close, i-' you're kissing the protruding bone on his collarbone, leaving there small hickeys that will come off in a couple of minutes. ushijima presses his lips against yours, increasing his tempo, pulling your closer to his body. 'let's do it together, honey, cum on my dick'
'cum inside me, ushi, i wanna feel your sperm inside me' you murmured wheezing, bouncing on his cock, feeling the wave is overwhelming you, bringing what you've been needy for a long time. as wakatoshi felt your creampie on his dick he bowed his head back, making his last movements 'till he did the last like you. he kept nudging into you a couple of times, make sure you've got off his semen in your belly. he kissed your sweat forehead, carrying you to the bathroom.
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜʀᴏᴜ
kuroo likes to do it in a raw when you aren't prepared, just enough to feel how a big cock is stretching your walls, going in until his balls squish against your ass and going out, bursting inside with speed, beating out of you desperate, concupiscent moan.
being complacent through the whole intercourse, degrading and humiliating you by calling you slut or needy puppy.
kuroo adores when you're taking the initiative by getting fucked into his lap, controlling the pace, and watching your lover's lustful expression.
'bouncing on my fat cock like that should be illegal, babe, ah~' he groaned when you take his member all, drooping down, moving the pelvis forward and backward. 'jumping on it, babe' kuroo thrusts hips up, forcing you to grab his shoulders. you looked into his eyes, taking the massive dick which is destroying your cunt.
'kuroo, ng~' you whimpered, when kuroo put hands on your waist burying himself deeper. you put yourself at the risk, slightly blowing on kuroo's ear, moaning quietly as you're cumming. your walls are squeezing his dick so tight, that he groaning, bend you over.
'did you had my permission to cum? now, i'm gonna fill your cunt with me hot sperm until it'll be enough to dripping from your pussy'
ᴀᴛꜱᴜᴍᴜ ᴍɪʏᴀ
deep oral - his favorite one. as a punishment, when you wake him up in his dick inside your tiny mouth. frankly speaking, his dick is so massive that it barely fits in your mouth: you could suck only his glans, clearly can't put a cock deeper because of the length.
another one who would be smug when you can't take his cock entirely. would be grinning and laughing at your gagging face, when you're attempting to pull away to have a breath of air.
enjoys thrusting his pelvis up when you getting down on the dick, just to make sure he's the leader.
'gag on it, sugar. feel every inch of my thick cock' atsumu did a fist of your hair to use your head as he wants. atsumu didn't have time to breathe, practically choking by his dick. atsumu might be a boy who would cherish and loving a boyfriend, but when the last ray of sunshine leaves the earth - you should call him daddy. licking his balls to the pink head, being forcing to put a dick until the glans will touch your throat.
'those tears, baby girl, that's because it's big, isn't it? taste my cum, girl' atsumu wen crazy, when he sees your tears - he's the one who can ruin your makeup, making your eyeliner run down your cheeks, leaving the black patters. your closed eyes tight, open your throat to take his cock and semen. your lover came with a loud groan, making a serial of hits in you. the mouth is filled with a hot liquid just as atsumu wanted it. you swallowed the sperm, staring at his smug and sassy facial expression.
'now sit on my face, i'm gonna eat you dripping pussy'
ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴛᴀᴜʀᴏᴜ
he's kinda clingy and tactile: pressing you against his muscle, interlacing your fingers, kissing your lips softly and lazily, contrary to his painful strikes in your pussy.
when he first made a push in you, he was over and over asking 'how do you feel?' or 'can i move, my angel?' when you get used to his size, bokuto acts more confident - he doesn't like seeing you crying because of his cock.
bokuto is a sweet pie when it comes to the aftercare - his treasured part. bokuto will spread smooches all over your cute face, making you blushed and smile.
'my little owl, it-' bokuto groaned, when you scratched his back, pulling him closer by his torso. he kissed your lips, running hands all over your body, trying to feel every curve, smooth skin, and irregularities. if there's kink named: the man who's obsessed with your body - it'd be koutarou's kink. the captain is terribly obsessed with you. every your 'defect' that you're trying to hide, bokuto adores.
'you're gonna make your captain cum, i-' before he could finish, the spontaneously wave of orgasm made him push inside you deeply. in addition, your walls are wringing out the last of his sperm. both of you felt your high note suddenly, remaining with his breath knocked out, drowning in each other arms.
'let's have a cuddle session!' you've got no way to run.
ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ
honorable master of degrading you. doesn't care about phrases he's talking whilst pumping into you. he'd degrade and humiliate through all the night you'll be fucking. actually, tsukki is tremendously affectional after that.
the perfect way to show who's the host? anal sex for sure. your hole isn't scratched for his massive cock - amazing for him, painful for you [could be a slogan for your night-life]
scoundrel when he watches how your facial expression changes from the 'wrong hole, tsukki, it hurts' to the 'please rub my clit, i'm gonna creampie, tsukki please'
'you know my name, slut, call it!'
tsukishima spanked your ass with a resounding sound that left the mark on your booty. you're on ll fours, hair pulled, back arched - as your daddy loves to. it hurts so much that you couldn't feel anything, but his dick. you screamed his nickname when tsukki found the right nerve profoundly in the ass. kei pulled your hair back, facing your ear, biting and licking. he knew what'll be if he dares to do that - you felt the familiar feeling inside your belly. a new batch of orgasm is about to come, kei rubs your clit as he learned to read the mind. unconsciously, you squeeze his dick while finishing, uttering the nickname. you sank to your elbows with a dick inside you.
'that's right, now daddy is gonna cum and cum until your ass will drain my balls'
why i did bokuto so sweet it must a nsfw work, but i hope you liked it!
highly recommending to listen 'lights down low' while reading it. omgfd it feels different.
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pleasantanathema · 3 years
Kenny Ackerman | of Death and Cigars
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kenny Ackerman x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Warnings: Bloodplay, Blood Tasting, Bloody Bathwater, Biting, Age Gap, Kenny says cunny because of course he would 
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Back by popular demand, it’s the dirty old man. This is part of my Nine Muses Event to celebrate 9k! Follow the link to read more fanfics I’m writing to celebrate ❤️
          The warm bathwater was ghoulish, slowly bleeding from pink to red the longer you sat in it.
           At least Kenny didn’t look bad wet. Or bloody, for that matter. But you were used to seeing him caked in crimson, often found stains of it left in the rough patches of his beard. It’s all part of the job, kid. And it was, blood was something you expected out of mercenary work. What you didn’t anticipate was how much you’d enjoy the cleanup, how much you’d take pleasure in sitting between Kenny’s naked legs and let his calloused knuckles wipe someone else’s blood from your skin.
           “Got a little on your mouth,” the water splashed as he raised his hand, swiping at your bottom lip, having to repeat the motion a few times to remove the smear, “what did you fucking do, drink his blood?”
           Your eyes rolled, “I bit him, he was trying to reach around for my knife.”
           Kenny only huffed, flicking water on your face before leaning back and stretching his arms along the edge of the tub. His knuckles popped and his neck cracked as he rolled it, little echoes into the dimly lit room as you fell into silence. You continued to rake a soiled cloth across your arms, most of the water still streaking red over your skin despite your persistence.
           “Got some on your back,” he noted, and you could feel his eyes on you, burning spots into your spine.
           “Well, wipe it off. Isn’t that what you’re here for? To ‘wash my back’?”
           “Nah, I’m just here to look at you naked.”
           You groaned, attempting to reach around to your back to clean, fingers aching from the reach. Kenny watched you struggle for a bit before swatting your hand away, gathering the rag in his fist so he could scrub rather brutishly at the elusive plane between your shoulder blades.
           The embarrassment of being naked around him had washed away after the first few times you performed this ritual. It was just easier to get clean this way, and you didn’t particularly enjoy waiting for him to bathe first just so you could step into ice cold, murky water. Plus, there were some nights when he was actually tender, started to open up withered petals in the sun and talk about his past whenever he’d had too much to drink before sitting in the water.
           You glanced over your shoulder at him, not bothering to hide your curiosity as your eyes flickered over his features. His long hair clung to his shoulders, wrinkles pulled around his mouth from where he held it to the side in concentration. His lean shoulders were freckles from days in the sun, muscles in his arms rolling as he attempted to wash away the scarlet splotches from your skin.
           He’d taught you how to slaughter people in his own gruesome, throat-splitting way. He’d hand picked you for the Anti-Personnel Control squad—said he saw something vicious in you, and maybe he did.
           “Don’t look at me with those big eyes, kid. You’re gonna make my cock hard.”
           “Your cock’s already hard.”
           “Then maybe you should clean that next. Sure your mouth would do better than a rag.”
           You mumbled something about him being disgusting, but kept most of it trapped in your throat. His hands felt particularly good kneading into your back. Not to mention the last time you’d been too sassy with him, he let you go to bed bloody. You reeked of iron for days.
           You stood in the tub, carefully posturing your feet around his outstretched legs, keeping your back to him as you stretched and prepped to leave. But as you turned to the side, you caught a glimpse of blood in his hairline, something he never thinks about since he’s always in his fucking hat.
           “There’s—ugh fuck it,” you knelt back down, caging his thighs with your own so you could sit in his lap and work at chipping away at the dried, grimy substance with your nails.
           “Now that’s more like it,” he unabashedly moved his hands to your waist, long fingers skimming upward to brush the underside of your breasts, “shame you have to keep these pretty tits covered all day.”
           “You’re such a fucking pervert.”
           “Hey, you agreed to bath time with dear old Kenny.”
           He had a point, but you didn’t have to explain yourself. Not to him.
           You kept having to tilt his chin up and away from staring at your chest so you could weave your fingers into the surprisingly thick strands of hair. Droplets started forming at his forehead from your actions, water turning red as it absorbed the remnants of a very dirty and very busy night.
           “You feel good in my lap,” he hummed, rocking you forward so you could feel just how much he meant with it with the cock straining against his stomach. You attempted to lift yourself away from him, but he only pulled you closer, brought your breasts up to his face so he could lick the water away from one of your nipples. You hated the jolt of pleasure that raced down your skin at the lewd touch, biting your tongue avoid any untoward sound slipping out.
           Kenny repeated the action when you didn’t pull away, this time his tongue flat, placing a long, hot stripe over your nipple and over the curve of your breast.
           “Stop that.”
           “Do you really want me to?”
           He didn’t give you the chance to answer, instead enveloped your hardened peak with his warm mouth. You shivered at the scratch of his beard against your sensitive skin, the hands in his hair pulling him toward you instead of pushing away. He smirked against your tit, tip of tongue circling your nipple until he finally heard you moan. It was the faintest sound, one you barely recognized came from your mouth, but he heard it.
           His hand on your hip sunk lower under the water line, thumb tracing the inside of your thigh, creeping closer to the one place he hadn’t dared to touch before. Well, that wasn’t quite true; he’d attempted once before, but you scratched his wrist so hard that he bled. This time you didn’t bother to stop him, the curiosity of what his fingers would feel like nearly killing you.
           “Bet you’ve got a real tight cunny, don’t you?”
           “Kenny—” you scold stopped mid-breath as his middle finger brushed your clit, pushing farther back to probe at your tight hole. He started sucking at your breast, taking the fat in between his teeth as he groaned at the feeling of your folds against his hand.
           You were glad you couldn’t see the delight in his eyes when you sat deeper into his lap, urging his fingers to explore further, to press up inside you just so you could know how it felt. He obliged your silent request, sinking his finger into your heat and feeling the moan that reverberated from your chest.
           It felt good, and he knew just how to curl his knuckle, how to swipe his thumb against your clit in the same motion to have your head falling back. Your hips rolled against your better judgement, encouraging him to nestle a second finger inside of you, pumping them both and stretching you apart.
           “Yeah you like that, don’t you? Little whore likes her cunny stuffed.”
           “If only I could stuff your fucking mouth.”
           “Next time.”
           You weren’t sure if it was frustration or ecstasy that trickled down your back and settled in your stomach, but you didn’t care, not when his fingers started pushing a little harder. Kenny’s lips started to make a trail up your chest, messy, wet kisses that had your skin burning under his beard. He stopped at your neck, wicked tongue daring to lap at the bloody water that pooled against your collarbone.
           “Fuck I can’t take this teasing shit. Sit on my cock.”
           Demands from him weren’t uncommon, he was your superior, after all, but this one had your cheeks flushing. You gasped when he uncurled his fingers from inside of you, shaking his wrist under the water like he was cleaning them. Your hands fell down to his shoulders, nails pressing into the muscled sinews as you lowered yourself just like he told you to.
           You tried to look away from him as you felt his cockhead breach that first ring of muscle, your cunt too willingly sucking him in, but he caught your jaw, making you look down at him. His grey eyes were always piercing, like they were cutting through you like a knife twisting in flesh, and this time was no different. It was like he was looking through you, reading the jumbled thoughts rolling in your head as you started to sink down his length.
           A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, “You’ve still got a little blood on your lips. Let me clean that for you.”
           His kiss was rough, assertive, mouth slanting against yours in a mixture of control and desperation. For a moment, you thought not to kiss him back, a metallic flash of crimson hitting your tongue signaling that he was, indeed, telling the truth. But your mouth opened of its own will when his lengthy cock finally bottomed out inside of you.
           One of his hands looped around the back of your neck, crushing your mouth against his as he started to rock you in his lap. You felt startlingly full, cock spreading your insides as you started to move with him.
           A small pang of disgust hit you when his tongue snaked into your mouth, but you washed that down with the taste of him, with the taste of blood and tobacco, of death and cigars.
           Your clit was sliding perfectly against the thatch of wiry black curls at the base of his cock, pleasure brewing in your pussy and traveling to your fingers, your toes. When he pulled away from your lips, his tongue licked at your cheek before he started to bounce you harder in his lap. Bloodstained water sloshed from the edges of the tub, sinking into the grout and tiles.
           “I’ve come in my hand so many times thinking about you, kid.” He laughed at the look on your face from his confession. “Ain’t gonna take me long to cum inside this pretty little pussy.”
           “God I fucking hate you,” you hissed, but you kept up the pace, feeling that rather blissful and dreadful pull of orgasm.
           “That so? Then why’re you just getting tighter around me? Feels like you like my cock.”
           You didn’t have the effort for a retort, your head falling to his shoulder as you began to ride him harder, ready to cum and go dwell in the shame afterwards.
           Kenny was panting, clearly enjoying himself as his big hands groped at your ass, helping you slide along his cock under the water. You hated that he smelled good, hated that he felt good, hated that he knew exactly what he was doing, pulling your cheeks apart and making you spread and used.
           “Bite me.”
           You almost didn’t hear him over your own whimpers, gritting out a simple, “What?”
           “You h-heard me, kid. Bite me like you did that fucker earlier. Wanna see what it feels like.”
           It was an opportunity you weren’t going to pass up. You caught your breath, blinking your eyes for a second so you could see straight through the haze of pleasure. You chose the tender spot between neck and shoulder, sinking your teeth into his tawny skin slowly, putting pressure on your canines so he’d feel that thrill of pain.
           He moaned so loudly it actually made you flush, made your ears burn from how lewd it sounded. It spurred you to bite harder, to sink so deep into flesh that you felt his own blood slip past your lips.
           The pulsing of his cock made you see colors, made you gasp and release his shoulder and nearly double over from the euphoria that rippled through your body. He stopped moving, but your body still shook, slapped with a climax you didn’t expect just from feeling cum pour inside your cunt, from feeling his cock twitch and throb and explode inside you. You spasmed around him, brows pinching together as you tried to come back to your senses.
           You supposed he wasn’t kidding about not going to last long, you just felt embarrassment creep over your psyche at the fact that you’d fallen right behind him, wasting away in his lap.
           After a few moments, you finally sat back, groaning at that too-full feeling of still having him inside of you. You gripped his jaw like he did yours earlier, bringing him back to life to look up at you.
           “You can have your blood back,” you slid your messy mouth against his, both of you moaning a little too deeply as you shared his taste between your tongues.
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bleachhaven · 4 years
Congrats on 1500 followers😊😊😊 can I request NSFW headcanons/scenario of Shunsui coming home late and waking up his wife for sex💋 Thanks!!!
Yes please goddamn it! I love these request for everyone’s favorite Bleach husband!
I have many feels about this man and I intended to write headcanons but this turned into a scenario instead. So this turned out to be almost 1900 words. I clearly got carried away, and it is evident that I have thought about this scenario way too much. I won’t apologize for it. Shunsui seduced me by simply existing!
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Kyouraku Shunsui comes home late to wake up his wife for some lovin’ (smut)
One would think that after 10 years of being the new Soutaicho, Shunsui would be able to come home at a decent time. He does have two, not just one, fuktaichos after all. But that’s not the case most of the time. The Soutaicho’s work is never really over and definitely never on a time that was convenient for him or the people in his life.
With both him and his wife being in the Gotei 13, their busy schedules almost always ensures that they keep missing each other even if they do indeed live in the same house.
Sure they’d carve out time to be with each other, plan elaborate date nights overlooking sunsets with extravagant picnics...but still his job did take its toll. Some nights they’d both be home at a relatively decent time but they would be far too exhausted to do anything other than take a quick shower and go to sleep.
Lately, it’s been busier than most. The new Taicho of the 13th Division was being finally appointed. Kuchiki Rukia was an exemplary candidate, and Shunsui had every faith that she would do right by the division that was once held by his beloved best friend, but the paperwork for the new appointment and subsequent transition was, to put it mildly, a pain in the ass.
Today had been hectic. His last responsibility had been to visit the 13th Division’s barracks and make sure all the finer details were finalized with Rukia. Sure, someone else could have done it and he would have passed it on to the nearest unsuspecting subordinate had it been any other division. But it wasn’t. It was the 13th and the 13th was always Juu’s. Shunsui had to do it himself. It was the right thing to do.
However, that hadn’t really gone well at all. 
The official business was, of course, successfully concluded. Nanao-chan had taken care of everything, and Rukia was not only ready but eager to take on her responsibilities starting tomorrow, after the official announcement at the Taichos’ meeting. 
Except, walking past the Ugendo, and being reminded that Jushiro wasn’t there...it had put him in quite the dark mood. This announcement meant an ending he really was not yet ready to face. The 13th would no longer be Juu’s. Just another reminder that his best friend was gone and never coming back. It was...just painful in a purely illogical and gut wrenching way.
He’d wandered the seireitei streets, hoping to lose the cloud over his mind so he didn’t take it back home to his unsuspecting wife, but it hadn’t helped much.
When he finally got home, she was fast asleep. Maybe that was for the best. If she had been awake, she would have definitely wanted to talk it out with him. She could sense his mood in an uncanny way. But Shunsui wasn’t in a mind to talk. Not tonight.
They weren’t the kind of couple to wear fancy nightclothes to bed. In fact, they both chose not to wear anything at all. Shunsui’s body anyway ran quite warm and clothes would feel suffocating, so he slept fully nude. When he first met his wife, she loved her cute pyjamas and sexy négligée. Of course he couldn’t resist her in them. But after a while, he succeeded in convincing her the benefits of sleeping nude. Now, he knew, she wore nothing but panties under the covers.
He quickly took a shower to wash away the day’s grime and dried himself before dropping the towel on the floor. His wife would have his head for him leaving it there but...he had a lot on his mind tonight. 
He slowly walked up to the bed and stood there for a moment looking down at her. She looked so peaceful as she slept. No concerns furrowed her brows, and her lashes rested upon her smooth cheeks. She was sleeping on her side, facing the side on which Shunsui slept, her hand reaching out as if she meant to hold him. As if she yearned for him in his absence. 
The sheets were bunched up, barely covering her. One shapely calf teased him, inviting to be touched. He had no intentions of  resisting he temptation. He slowly ran his hand up her calf, feeling the smoothness and the firmness of her leg all the way up to her knee. He kept moving upward, lifting the sheet as he went, to rest his hand on her thigh.
She stirred a bit, and twisted away to lie flat upon her back. He quickly retracted his hand. He didn’t want to wake her. Not yet anyway.
When she moved, the sheet moved with her, unwrapping her like she was his favorite candy ready to be devoured. Her curves in all their glory were bared to his eye.
Her nipples were already pebbling, teased by the cold air in the room. He aided the task by moving his index finger up over her abdomen, his touch so slow and feather light. He flicked a nipple and watched it stand upright as if begging for his mouth.
His mind made up, he climbed up on the bed. He took his time, unrestrained by anything demanding upon him. Tonight, even his wife couldn’t distract him by trying to pleasure him. Instead, he got to explore her body as he wished to do so.
He moved over her delicate neck, the back of his hand caressing the soft skin there. Usually, whenever they made love, he worshipped her body as if it’s the only religion he’d ever known. But tonight, his mood was different. Tonight, he wanted to devour her, not delicately or lovingly, but with a passion that would consume them like an inferno. It was already burning him inside, this desperate need to take her, and take her hard. Tonight he wanted to sacrifice them both at the altar of his darkest desires.
Almost as if she could sense his thoughts, her eyes opened to look up at him, a bit confused and still half asleep. “Shunsui?”
“Shh...” he hushed her.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice still husky with sleep. There it is again...that uncanny ability to read him like an open book.
He stared into her eyes, and she easily read his intentions. “I don’t want to talk about it, love,” he told her. “I just...want you.”
She didn’t say anything more. She simply held out her arms to pull him into her embrace. He fell into her, perhaps even crushing her, his body settling right between her spread thighs.
Their kiss was almost fervent with need. At least that’s what it felt like for him. No gentle romancing tonight. No soft seductive kisses or delicate nibbles. His mouth devoured hers, teeth biting into her full bottom lip. The wiry hair on his chest rubbed tantalizingly against her breasts. They both marveled at the contrast -soft curves against hard planes, smooth skin against the roughness. 
One hand wound up in her hair at the back of her head, holding her still as he took what he needed from her. The other hand moved between their bodies to reach down and find that his earlier ministrations as she slept had her wet and ready for him.
“I don’t think I can wait, petal,” he whispered, scraping his teeth across her jaw. His hardness pressed against her soft thigh told her as much anyway.
She reached up and sunk her hands into his hair, undoing the ties. The pull on his scalp was painful but strangely arousing. Her gaze bore into his, and it drove him insane to see the same intense desire reflected back at him. “I’m not asking you to wait, Shunsui. Fuck me. Now.”
With well practiced rhythm, he buried himself in one thrust. Face to face, pressed up close like this, he could see her eyes close shut, and her teeth bite that lip as he stretched her. A bit of pain mixed with pleasure. It amazed him how even after all this time, that first slide into her wet heat could still feel like the first time he was ever inside of her. It had him ready to burst in no time already, and he hadn’t even moved yet.
“Love, I don’t think I can go slow tonight,” he said, apologetic that he might not be able to make it good for her like he was wont to do.
She wrapped her legs around his hips, taking him even deeper if possible. “I didn’t ask you to, did I? Just fuck me already, Shun,” she said, biting his ear playfully. His wife was a sassy little thing that drove him crazy sometimes.
With one hand resting by the side of her head for leverage, he held on to her hip with the other as he began to move. Considering how much bigger he was compared to her, he had to hunch a bit, but this was his absolute favorite position. He felt close to her in every possible way and he got to see just how she looked when she came apart for him. 
As he moved over her, thrusting deep, her moans filled their room, like music to his ears. “Yes...god, yes. Just like that...” His wife loved to let him know just how well he was doing at pleasing her.
His thrusts became faster and harder. He was so close. So close that he was afraid he might cum before her, which he had never done in their entire marriage. But she was right there with him, taking his desires into her lithe little body as if she was made for him. The harder he went, the more she took it, finally until they both burst into pieces...his tension easing away as the intensity of the orgasm eased in.
They were both gasping by the end of it, trying to catch their breath. It has been a long time since they went at each other like this - intense and fast. A definite contrast to their slow, sensual lovemaking.
He realized his hand was still holding tight to her hip. He let go and reached up to cup her face. “Did I hurt you?”
“Mmmm...I don’t think so,” she moaned, stretching a bit, the movement hardening him all over again. Her eyes widened in surprise at his non-existent refraction period. “Again? Really?”
He grinned lecherously down at her. “I can’t help it when I have such a sexy little wife, now can I?” he asked teasingly. Playfulness was always a good distraction, and he wanted her distracted enough that she wouldn’t question him about the reason why he had woken her up in the first place.
By the time they were finally done with round two, the exhaustion of the day caught up with Shunsui, and he was out like a light, cradling his wife. The last thing he thought was how lucky he was that he had someone who truly understood him and what he needed.
She gazed down at his sleeping form with a sad smile. She knew her husband was troubled, and it was clearly evident that he was not willing to talk about it. After all, you weren’t with someone for years and years without learning to read everything they did and didn’t say. And with Shunsui, it was always the things he didn’t say or hid behind a playful seductive remark that revealed more.
She wouldn’t press him. Not until he was ready to tell her, which she knew with experience would happen sooner than later. So she pressed a soft kiss to his stubbly cheek, and settled down next to him. His arms unconsciously wrapped around her, cradling her in his body heat. It was always easier to fall asleep when he was next to her, so that’s just what she did.
Written for the
✨ 1500 Followers Celebration ✨
…and requests for this are officially now closed.
Thank you to everyone who sent in their requests! I had a blast writing them ALL. This blog is officially at 1600!! 
We shall have another celebration at the 2000 milestone :)
Normal Ask Box is open for requests so send in your Bleach fantasies today!
Or check out more of my work through the Masterlist here!
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Falling like the stars✨
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Luke and Y/N never got to be a thing. Whatever they had ended abruptly when she settled on someone with far more status than the aspiring guitarist. Months later, now single, Luke entangles her in a scheme to make Sunset Curve more popular. The only thing she needs to do is fake date him for 2 weeks.
Songs used: Holy Ground by Taylor Swift, Loved You First by One Direction and Falling Like The Stars by James Arthur.
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High school is a world by itself. It has its own system and everyone moves through it. It is something that although it is not discussed, everyone knows. Including the three members of Sunset Curve, who are lying in the yard trying to find a solution to their latest problem.
"We need more people to support our music. If we can't get this little school to support us, how are we going to fill clubs or sign with a label?” Reggie wonders aloud to himself, no matter how hard they try, they can't get the Los Feliz student body to listen to their band.
“We should have thought about it before, Reg. Now we're just the problem kids who most likely won't finish school. Why would they come to see us at those seedy little clubs when they can go show off at football games.” Luke stands up suddenly after Alex words, one of those huge smiles that comes out when he has a really bad idea on his face.
“Well it seems that the solution is easy, boys. We have to make them see us on the same level as those jocks.”
“Oh yeah, and how are we going to do that, genius?” Alex fiddles with his hands as he rests his head on Reggie, both tired of not being able to come even close to fulfilling their dream.
Luke points to the nearest post, on which there are at least 5 posters to support the homecoming king and queen.
“Really? Do you think someone would vote for you? Before all those star athletes who also have a cheerleader to back them up? You basically have just us and I don't think I can do one of those tricks.”
“We’ll think of something. Winning that stupid thing would put us directly in the top of the pyramid. We’ll find a way, we always do.” Before anyone can respond, some screaming and commotion can be heard.
“Savannah is accusing Y/N to mess with her man! Run, they are in the hall!" students mention as they start running to watch the discussion.
“Oh god, Y/N. I’ll better go and see if I can help her somehow.” Alex gets up and Reggie begins to follow him, but not before turning to make sure Luke is following too. The guitarist makes an irritated face but ends up walking behind his friends.
From the moment they enter the main hall they can hear the screeches of probably the most popular girl in school, Savannah Miller. One of those typical unbearable girls who for some reason always reach the top of the elite in schools despite treating everyone badly.
Y/N Y/L is on the other side of the discussion, she looks calm and even bored. The first thing Luke digests from Savannah's words is that she thinks Y/N was making out with her idiot of a boyfriend during third period. What's interesting about the situation is that Diego cheated on Y/N with Savannah maybe a week and a half ago and had been dating her ever since.
But that's not Y/N's style, no matter how angry she is.
Luke knows her well enough, or so he wants to believe. She was always good friends with Alex and Reggie, and her relationship with them remained strong over the years despite how unstable and fleeting her relationship with the guitarist was.
He's never going to admit how deeply he felt for her. How much it screwed him up that just when he finally began to believe they could be something else, she completely walked away from his life so she could date the man that would end up cheating on her just because he looked more promising at the time. Rich, popular, the quarterback of the football team, the ‘perfect guy’ she said to the boys.
But hey, that's past.
Luke looks up to meet Y/N's eyes on him. In the moment she realizes she was caught, she sneakily turns to Alex, who is just inches from the guitarist and smiles at him.
“Are you actually smiling? You think this is funny?” The girl looks furious, but she's smart enough not to make this a battle of strength.
“I already told you, Savannah. It wasn’t me.”
“I can count, Y/N. Neither you nor Diego were in class."
And that’s when it hits him. The possibility of getting to the top of the pyramid in front of him. Because maybe Y/N is not the most popular, but it is undoubtedly one of the most loved by everyone. Intelligent, caring, beautiful, talented. And she certainly has the status after dating Diego Hernandez for one semester. No one had managed more than 3 months with him and the guitarist thinks that was a good sign that that idiot is not a good idea but well, it wasn’t his choice.
Luke begins to walk towards the center of the circle, Alex tries to stop him but cannot catch his arm in time. Both girls turn to see him surprised, but neither says anything.
"You can go find culprits elsewhere, Y/N was busy with me at the time. You can ask whoever you want and they'll tell you that I wasn't in class during third period either."
Of course, he wasn't there because the trio got into Reggie's old truck to get some hotdogs but no one has to know that.
His hand goes to take her firmly by the hip, just like all those nights that now only remain as memories. He is looking at every inch of her face, searching for her reaction, and is surprised by the naturalness with which the girl accepts the gesture. As if his hand belongs there. And maybe, just maybe, it does.
“Do you really want me to believe this?” Savannah asks, clearly annoyed.
“Y/N and Patterson? There’s just no way in hell. C’mon babe, he’s just pathetic, you could do better.” Diego says out loud as he approaches the scene in the middle of Y/N and Savannah.
There's something about the disgruntled way they both said it that makes Luke want to prove that a girl like her could want him. He doesn’t know how to distinguish if it is pride or insecurity but at the moment he is not interested.
He's barely going to open his mouth to defend himself when Y/N starts talking. "No. You can speak as badly as you want of me but you're not going to bring Luke into this."
Luke lets go of her so he can step back a few inches and see her from a better angle. She’s definitely not calm anymore. Her face looks altered and she is undoubtedly in protective mode. She turns to see him when she feels his hand leave her body but he offers her his hand and she intertwines it between her fingers without hesitation. At this rate she is taking control of the situation so he is going to let her continue and try to achieve his goal along the way.
“I know you need a partner to have any hope of winning the crown, but choosing Patterson is a desperate move.”
And that’s his cue. "If my baby wants that crown I will get it for her. It's that easy.”
“What? I do-” At that moment Luke panics and pulls her by the hand that they have intertwined and with the other holds her face while bringing their lips together. When he reacts to what he is doing he is afraid that Y/N will push him in front of everyone but to his surprise she kisses him back instantly, releasing his hand to bring him closer to the neck.
The kiss is passionate and almost desperate, but it only lasts a few seconds since a voice brings them back.
"This feels like deja vu." Reggie whispers to Alex, they both walked during the discussion towards the circle and are so close that Luke and Y/N heard him clearly.
“Well, we already clarified that she was not with your boyfriend so, I’ll take my girl. It was a pleasure, we should repeat this another day... said no one ever." Luke takes her hand and leads her to the nearest empty living room, Reggie and Alex locking the door behind him.
“What the hell was that crown bullshit? Why did you even cover for me? What are you up to? At least tell me is fun... or that includes you shirtless.” She jokes, a cheeky smile spreads in Luke’s face.
“I need a favor and thought you’ll appreciate an alibi.” She raises her eyebrow in reflex.
“Why would I help you, Lucas?” Luke can only think of how she makes a name as simple and boring as Lucas sound so sexy when she says it. Is incredible.
“Cut the act, beautiful. We both know you've never been able to resist me.” Y/N laughs amused at the boy’s sassiness. She won't admit it but she missed his eyes on her. She missed the way he uses that cocky stupid voice that melts her when he wants something. How he gets closer with each sentence, or his lips on her mouth.
Before she can counter attack, Alex stands in front of the guitarist raising his hands. “I know he’s an idiot, but we really need your help, Y/N. If we want Sunset Curve to gain popularity we have to start here, and this is our last year. Gaining popularity among the elite of the school would help us a lot.”
“We are getting desparate.” Reggie adds, a sad smile on his face.
“And pretending I made out with Luke in third period and getting to be homecoming dance queen and king helps you... why?”
“That crown is literally a test of popularity and status. It would put Luke on the same level as the popular kids like Savannah and Diego. People would be more interested in Sunset Curve after that. For now, for them we are only three good for nothing that one day will not appear around here again. You heard yourself that those two didn't think Luke was good enough."
Her face flushes with anger as soon as she remembers the contemptuous tone of voice they used to refer to Luke. If they hadn't been in the middle of the hall, she probably would have said a lot more than she did. That single comment is enough to make her decide, so without thinking Y/N asks “What do you need me to do?”
“Just play perfect couple with Luke until homecoming dance. Then you are queen and king, Sunset Curve gets the fans we deserve, you get to laugh at Savannah’s face and you can separate next day if you want to.”
“I’m not sure If someone is going to believe it.” She blurts out loud as she glances at the guitarist.
“Oh please, you know each others mouth better than your own names.” Reggie says without thinking, Luke snorted with laughter and Y/N blushes like crazy.
“Yeah, and you used to spend a lot of time together too, two weeks shouldn’t be that hard.” Alex tries to recover the seriousness of the situation to close the deal.
“Okay then. If I can help Sunset Curve and get that smirk of superiority off Savannah's face then sounds good to me. Are you willing to date me, Patterson?”
Their eyes meet again and without a sign of hesitation her now officially boyfriend for the next two weeks, answers.
“Beautiful, you have no idea.”
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There is something about relationships that never get to happen that make the heart weigh more, that nostalgia to be stronger, the person more difficult to forget. Luke can't help but remember during the last periods of the day just how good it felt to taste the girl's lips again. Feelings of desire, of familiarity, of belonging. All colliding and going deep into his bones.
He decided a long time ago he didn't do relationships, but if he did, it would have been with her. He was willing to break that rule for her, but she had the final decision and it wasn't him. He accidentally put himself in the perfect situation though. All those what if’s will finally have an answer.
For two weeks he can test what it would have been if Y/N Y/L had chosen him. And when he finally tries the experience he will be free. Free from all the what if’s, free from her, from her memory. And there's also the part of how much the band will benefit. The main objective of doing this, obviously.
The last hour is finally over and Luke sped off toward Reggie's truck. In front of it is Alex already waiting and he can see Reggie and Y/N also walking in the same direction. The four of them regroup and Y/N starts to discuss game plan.
“If we are going to do this, we are going to do it well. There will be a party at Finch's house this Saturday and the three of you are coming with me."
The three members of Sunset Curve make an annoyed face at the words of their friend. "That's exactly why no one supports you. You think you are too cool to hang out with the people but then you want everyone to happily buy your shirts and listen to your music."
“She has a point there.” Alex agrees, and puts his arm around her shoulder.
“Okay, let’s do this. If you all come with me, we can leave early and crash one of those places you usually play. Maybe even have some people of the party to come with us and hear you rock the shit out of that place.” All three smile with bright eyes In response.
“You got yourself a deal, pretty lady.” Reggie says in a flirting tone and winks at her. Luke gives him a light punch on the arm.
"I'll see you on Saturday in my house then, at nine. Goodbye boys." She winks at Luke and walks over to her car, making sure to do a perfect walk because she knows pretty well that the guitarist isn't going to stop watching her until she pulls out of the parking lot.
Luke gives her a perfect smile one last time before Y/N leaves school. These two weeks are going to be weird.
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The four members of the band are in the truck, Bobby decided to get out of school recently but a party and a gig sounds like a rad Saturday. Luke gets out and walks to the door to wait for Y/N to come out. When she finally comes down he feels like all the air is coming out of his lungs.
She's wearing the black Sunset Curve t-shirt that he forgot one of the many times he climbed up to the second floor of the house to see her. A short black skirt and one of his red flannels that he probably left there several months ago as well. Black fishnets stockings which he can't help but imagine ripping out with his teeth, her lips in that tone of red that drives him crazy, and her classic black boots that he hadn't seen since she started dating the cheating idiot.
“Genius huh? Is there anything that says more ‘Luke Patterson’s property’ than this? I don’t think so." She smiles proudly and blushes when she notices Luke's gaze locked on her legs. Fishnets may have been included in the outfit due to a certain weakness that the musician has towards them.
The hair that the guitarist is used to seeing in a perfect bun lately, is now loose and tousled. As rebellious as the day he met her, moving in harmonious tune to the rhythm of Now or Never.
Luke reaches out to to entwine his hand in her hair and whispers slowly into her ear “You look... fucking hell, you are not playing fair, baby.” Lightly biting her lobe when he’s done speaking.
They both linger in a trance for a few seconds, considering whether they should just walk in and lock the door. But before they can decide, the boys that already know this story pretty well and are sick of waiting for them while they flirt, get out of the truck. Reggie carries Y/N like a sack of potatoes and between Bobby and Alex take Luke by the arms, putting them in the vehicle so they can finally get to the lame party and then, the gig.
When they finally arrive, the eyes of almost all the girls go to the members of the band, who are definitely dressed for the occasion. Y/N can't help but notice how most of the cheerleaders wink at her boyfriend. Yeah, it’s not real and will last two weeks, but for now she justs wants to forget that part and enjoy the feeling of him being hers.
So she makes a small, harmless gesture to mark territory and puts her hand in the guitarist's back pocket.
Luke turns to see her, an amused smirk on his face. “Jealousy looks so hot on you, I wouldn't mind if you marked my lips with that red lipstick too."
That statement resonates in Y/N’s head. All the times Diego refused to kiss her so as not to stain himself and even forbade her to use that lipstick that for her was part of her brand returning to her head. Followed quickly by every night Luke came down after finishing playing and instantly attacked her lips with his, caring for nothing more than the feel of their tongues fighting for control.
“Not jealousy, just a quick reminder to everyone. You are all mine tonight.” She puts a little more pressure on the hand in his pocket and stands on her tiptoes to kiss the corner of his lips.
“Dance with me?” She asks innocently while giving him a flirtatious smile.
“With you, always beautiful.” He smiles back, winking charmingly.
His hands find hers and she begins to dance and jump gracefully to the rhythm of the music as he spins her around, both singing the lyrics to each other with unmatched energy, happy to be together.
“Tonight I'm gonna dance, for all that we've been through.” She sings with a determined voice, taking the musician by the hair and bringing their faces closer.
“But I don't wanna dance, If I'm not dancing with you.” Luke returns the verse with the same passion, just inches separating their lips. His beautiful and trained voice tends to sound like a more country vibe when he gets carried away and especially in more pop melodies like this, and honestly drives her crazy.
The fact that the rocker at heart gave in to listen to other genres for her and even remembered the lyrics was enough to melt her heart. The last time she was able to let herself go and sing at the top of her lungs like this was with him, listening to a mix of their favorite songs in his car while going for their favorite icecream. Whatever they had was a lot more deeper than what they are willing to admit.
“Did we really just see Luke sing and dance to a pop-country song?” Reggie asks the band, Alex and Bobby behind him laughing at the guitarist who blushes and kisses his date's forehead. “I am not going to discuss this. I'll go get us something to drink." He winks at her and dissapears into the crowd.
“I’ll go too, be right back.” Bobby announces leaving Y/N with Alex and Reggie, who smirk at her.
“It seems that pretending is easier than you thought.” Alex can't stop smiling, Reggie playfully itches the girl's ribs who grins from ear to ear.
"Everything always fits when I'm with him. I ruined my chance. I'm totally aware, and I'm not expecting anything from him, because I honestly don't deserve it. But I plan to enjoy every second of these two weeks that came from heaven to the fullest.”
“You should explain hi-” Before Reggie can finish speaking, Diego appears behind Y/N and tries to forcefully pull her by the arm.
The guys manage to react quickly and release her arm while stepping in front of her. But right away his teammates get behind him.
“Save yourselves the pain, she is going with me.” Diego says confidently, his face showing arrogance.
“Guys, ple-” She tries to stop them from getting hurt, but both step a little forward, determined to protect her no matter the cost.
“You are not taking her, Diego. But you are more than welcome to try.” Alex's voice sounds cool and calm, but Y/N can see how much his hands are shaking and her heart hurts at the sight.
They are all so into their own business that nobody notices the guitarist's return until his lips collide with his girl, who is surprised for a few seconds but immediately recognizes him and gives him space for his tongue to taste her mouth.
They both lose themselves in the kiss for a few seconds longer than necessary and then slowly separate. Y/N grinning from ear to ear as she tries to wipe some of her lipstick off Luke's mouth. He just smirks, as happy as ever.
"Sorry guys, do you need something?" He plays the innocent card. After that kiss, most of the people at the party are watching the scene, so Diego, who looks furious, chooses to leave without saying anything. Right away they can hear a long restrained breath from Reggie and Alex.
“You are a cocky genius, I'm not sure we could have won that one.”
“I’m not sure? Did you seriously think we had a chance?” Alex asks, clearly anxious after what had just happened.
Y/N stands in front of them and throws herself into their arms, whispering how many thanks she can say in a row. They return the hug and begin to relax in each others arms. Bobby and Luke join in the hug, and Luke whispers his own thanks to his friends.
The band decides that it’s time to go and to their surprise, when they let people know that they are going to play at a small club in the center of the city, some decide to follow them. On the way, Y/N spends her time wiping her lipstick off Luke’s face with some wipes she had in her bag, struggling not to press her lips against his every time he made her an adorable grimace or a flirtatious smile.
“You know the drill, beautiful.” Luke turns to see her directly in the eyes, concern on his face just like every time before.
“Front row, not a second out of your sight, so if I need something better wait for you guys to finish performing to get it. Better safe than sorry." She recites, proud to remember every word.
“Thank you, baby.” He smiles a little more calmly, gives her a light kiss on the cheek and starts to help take out the instruments.
They are only doing a few songs from their repertoire, but the energy they transmit drives everyone in the little club crazy. The Sunset Curve members look at a Luke they haven't seen in a long time. The energy and passion in his voice dedicated entirely to the little woman in the front row who sings with all her strength every word and melody, imitating Luke's guitar solos or Alex's drums with her arms.
The 15 students who decided to attend are close to Y/N, trying to get her attention from time to time but nothing can take her eyes off her friends. Not even she knew how much she had missed seeing them play. The look of maximum happiness on their faces.
The last song is one that the little club seems quite familiar with, but she had never heard it before. So it must have been written in the last six months.
“Had my chances, could've been where he is standing.
That's what hurts the most, girl, I came so close
But now you'll never know. Baby, I loved you first.”
The lyrics leave her breathless. Luke, who had made contact with her practically all night, now seems to avoid her eyes like a plague. She definitely has to ask Alex about this song before getting any ideas.
The four bow and get off the stage, Luke launches immediately for Y/N, some of the girls try to get his attention and even try to grab him by the arm or waist but he remains firm until his hands meet his girl's hip.
“What do you think?” Luke's fingers shaking in the grip on her waist tell her he's nervous. The fact that her opinion of them matters so much to him that it makes him feel insecure makes her heart skip a beat.
“It was amazing as always, rockstar.” A huge smile appears on the guitarist's face, who gently takes her face with his hands and kisses her nose. After all, he has to remember that they are only pretending to date and for now he has no good reason to push his lips against hers. It doesn't matter how much he needs her.
The way home is uneventful, Y/N sleeping in Luke's arms while Alex puts the guitarist's red flannel over her.
“Will they ever stop pretending they're ridiculously in love with each other?” Bobby asks Reggie as he turns his head to see the couple.
“They are both stubborn and allergic to real feelings. Especially love. They are so terrified that they have to sabotage themselves somehow.” Alex answers for Reggie who just nods without taking his eyes off the road.
"Do you really have to talk like I'm not here?" Luke asks, resting his chin delicately on the head of the woman in his arms.
Tonight felt unreal. Felt practically like one of the many dreams he has had with the girl throughout these months. Seeing her in his clothes was enough to make the night special, but without a doubt dancing in her arms, savoring every inch of her mouth and seeing her energetically sing each of his songs to end the night with her in his arms is just perfect. Reggie parks at Y/N’s after dropping Alex and Bobby, and as Luke decides how to get her to bed without waking her she sinks deeper into his chest.
"Carry me to the door hotstuff, I like to be in your sexy arms." Luke lets out a cheeky laugh in surprise, another laugh coming from Reggie.
“She’s so asleep, I can’t. Adorable though.” Luke agrees and takes her bag before walking down with her in his arms and carrying her effortlessly to the door.
“Thank you for tonight. I didn’t think I could ever feel this happy and complete again.” She murmurs in his ear before giving him a sweet peck in the lips and enter the house.
What the two of them took from tonight is that indisputably, they are both still head over heels for each other. But it was like that the first time and it just wasn't enough.
Days go by with the couple being the school's favorite gossip. People talking in the hallways about the special way Luke looks at his girlfriend, comparisons about the dry way Y/N used to be with Diego compared to how she is with the guitarist, always touching him somehow and spending all the time with him as possible, visibly much happier. Some also talking about how good the band sounds and wondering why they hadn't heard it before. Everything going according to plan.
On Thursday afternoon, Luke arranged to pick her up for the two of them to find him something formal enough for the dance. When Y/N opened the door she met his beautiful greenish hazel eyes, and swears that for a second she forgot how to breathe.
She knows this scene. He smiles sweetly at her, takes her hand and opens the door of the car for her. Multiple interesting memories inside this car coming back to her mind. His firm hands on her legs, his tongue testing her mouth, his hot moans after biting his lower lip...
“Beautiful? Whatcha thinking?” Luke's voice brings her back to the present, his hand goes directly to her thigh as all that many midnight drives and without saying anything he plays the girl's favorite album.
That’s it. If she wants a chance with him, she needs to make this right. “I- We really need to talk.” Hearing the tone of her voice, Luke senses what is coming. He was here before. So he turns off the car that hadn't even started to move yet and turns to look at her.
"I know we've been putting it off, but we have to talk about how it all ended, I-"
Luke interrupts her before she can finish, his voice sounds broken, sad, angry. "I really don't want to talk about how you preferred an idiot for whom you don't feel the remotest thing just because he'll get a football scholarship and this perfect future.”
She spends a few seconds processing his words. Did he really say what she thinks he said? "It wasn't like that, Luke."
"I know it looks like I can't compete with him, but I would have done anything for you. And I thought you knew that.”
She doesn't know what to do or say. She was so unconscious, so selfish, so heartless, that she didn't even think about how he could have understood the situation. In how much he must have suffered these months watching her with Diego, believing he wasn’t good enough. Believing that she chose someone who wasn’t him, because he wasn’t good enough.
He stays quiet, examining the girl who seems about to cling to tears. The anger evaporates instantly and he leans into her seat to wrap his arms tightly around her. She starts sobbing, but seems determined to talk.
“R- Remember the night we met? It was the first Sunset Curve presentation. I had just entered the little club, but your voice dragged me to the front row like a magnet. And when I was finally in front of the stage, I knew it. It was you. The butterflies that everyone talks about for the first time in my stomach. I knew I could never feel again something even close to what I was feeling at that moment.
I got carried away in your voice, dancing to the rhythm of the melody and recording every sound in my head. And when I opened my eyes again, yours were staring at me. And I understood that you felt it too. It was me, and you knew it. It was so natural, powerful, magnetic, deep. I loved you since the first day, Luke. How is that not going to scare me?
When the feelings started to get so strong they burned, I knew I had to run. You always made it very clear that relationships were not your thing, I could not continue to wait for something that from the beginning you made it clear you could not give.
Then Diego arrived at the right time to give me an exit, and I took it. I knew he just wanted to have me around to raise his good boy status, and feeling nothing was safer than feeling too much. So I lied. I lied to you, to me, to everyone. And I’m sorry, but I was so scared. I was a coward who should have done things differently.”
When she finally finishes pulling out what she's been saving for months, she pulls away from Luke to see his face. His eyes look crystal clear, his cheeks red. But his beautiful white smile lights up his face.
"Next time you love me so much that you can't bear it, let me know, please? I can step on your foot or sneeze in your face. I was literally going to ask you to be my girlfriend that weekend. I even wrote you a song."
“You were? The one you sang the other night?”
“Okay, I wrote you a lot of songs. Maybe too many. But the one I'm talking about is different. Maybe I'll let you listen to it one day. If you stick around long enough this time.”
She smirks and kiss him lightly on the lips, enjoying the feeling of being able to. He knows he reacted way too chill. But he also understands her feelings. What is the point of reproaching her for something they can no longer change? A bad decision made by a love so immense that it left her blind. He is simply not willing to waste any more time. They are finally going to do things right. Neither of them is going to self-sabotage it this time, and since he doesn't trust it, he'll put Alex and Reggie in charge to make sure.
The night of the dance arrives. Y/N is wearing a beautiful black dress and her classic red lips. Luke tried his best to look fancy and he's wearing a pretty cool suit but in a sleeveless version. His still fake girlfriend couldn't stop smiling when she saw him. Just perfect.
Dancing in his arms, letting him go only once in a while to dance with the other three members of Sunset Curve made the night amazing. The rest of these two weeks they spent it talking, laughing... making out. Enjoying the most of the time they lost. Even completely forgetting why they were faking it in the first place, until they ask the candidates to take the stage.
"And your king are queen are... Y/N Y/L and Diego Hernandez!"
They all turn to see Luke in shock. Just hearing their names together is enough to make him frustrated, but there's not much he can do right now. And that's when he remembers what he asked the boys to play for the king and queen's first dance. Great, now dance they’ll dance to his song together. Just his damn luck. He sabotaged himself again without imagining it.
They are crowned and Diego offers her his hand, not without first throwing a face of superiority to the guitarist. She walks but continues straight until she is in front of her lover.
Luke looks at her strangely, she smiles at him.
“But I don't wanna dance, If I'm not dancing with you. Remember?” She sings happily in his ear, and offers her hand.
“Dance with me?” He looks at her adoringly and takes her hand.
“Always, beautiful.”
They walk to the center of the floor, Alex begins to sing the first verse. Y/N rests her head on Luke's chest, her hands around his neck, as he presses her against him by the hip, wrapping her in his arms. His head bent to sing the song in her ear.
“I swear to God, I can see... you're still the girl in the club.”
Tears of happiness begin to flow from Y/N, the words that she never had the opportunity to know, finally getting revealed. Luke's sweet, soft voice in her ear. The perfect melody and the beautiful voice of Reggie and Alex in the background.
“And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast
We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love.”
The moment he sings in love, Y/N lifts her head to meet his eyes. He lifts his hands to her cheeks to wipe her tears, gently holding her face to make sure she sees him recite every word.
“And I'm not scared to say those words. With you, I'm safe.
We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love.”
The second Luke finishes singing, Y/N stands on tiptoe and pushes her lips against his. Tears of happiness continue to fall from her face, wrapped in a passionate, slow, deep kiss. He's all she wants. Her heart chose him since the very first day.
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“I can’t believe one of Luke’s random ideas it's what made them find their way back to each other. Reg, we tried for 6 months and we were never even close. Two weeks ‘pretending’ and bam! they are just fine.”
Both watch the happy couple dance now that they are official.
"You know what they say, Fake it till you make it.” Reggie smirks while watching Luke happily kiss Y/N.
“Fair. At least everything was fixed before we shoved Luke into the pool to see if Y/N would rescue him with a mouth-to-mouth kiss."
“We still could try, you know... for science.”
“Cool. Monday works for me. Do you think that even though he didn't win, we still have a chance to win some more fans?”
Reggie raises his head before answering, a smile appears when he sees the bunch of girls and boys who are spying on them just a few meters away. Probably waiting for them to finish talking to get closer.
“I think Sunset Curve will be just fine too, Alex.”
Thank you for reading✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning , @ghostofmgg, @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1
867 notes · View notes
stephmariie · 3 years
The Undead Rising.
Request: Y/N and your people go on a supply run, as Negan and his people show up to the same place. Negan had no other choice but to accept your offer being out run by your bigger community with larger equipment. As Negan and Y/N bump heads showing who has the biggest balls here and a badass attitude, Negan is more impressed by how brave and clever Y/N is.
Requested by: @purple-serenity
Pairing: Negan x Y/N
A/N: this is not a one shot.
Warnings: strong language
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“This is the location, we haven’t been here yet and we need to check it out and see what we can find.” You point on the map showing the crew in your office.
“And if we don’t find anything?” David asked.
“Here is another location.” You point to a new spot on the map as you circled it with a red sharpie. “We haven’t been here yet. But we need to make sure the other place has what we need before we go to the next one.” You said
“Anyone have any questions?” You asked everyone in the room.
“When are we going?” Sarah asked quietly, she’s the shy one, as her face turns red she hated speaking in front of everyone.
“Good question, we could leave tonight. But I rather everyone sleep well tonight and we can go first thing in the morning. I’d like for my people well rested before we go on a big supply run.” You said.
You hated over working your people, you always do your best to make sure they’re well rested before a big event happens.
“Alright everyone let’s get some sleep since we have a big day tomorrow, I’d like everyone ready by 7:00 am tomorrow. Also before you leave here, Candace here has a list of everything we need for tomorrow. Run by her on things you need and be ready with it tomorrow morning. Goodnight everyone.” You said as folding up the map and putting all your paperwork together.
“Hey Y/N before you leave.” David said as he opened up the door and Sarah came back in with a cake and some lit candles.
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Y/N! Happy fucking birthday to you!!!! Everyone shouted
“Now make a wish as Sarah placed the cake down on the table in your office. You start to cry and couldn’t gather your words. “Guys..d-did you seriously do this for me? Wait how did y’all know it was my fucking birthday!” You said with tears and a smile.
“How could we forget your birthday we been marking it on the calendar everyday.” David said
“With everything you do for us, you’re one of the rarest leaders who just.. you know treat us well, you gave us a chance to rebuild a life again.. you bring us hope.” Sarah said
“And a hot as bitch!” Candace said as everyone in the room started to laugh.
You chuckled and made a wish and blew out your candles. “Your guys are the greatest get your asses over here!��� As you held out your arms and everyone ran to tackle you.
Sarah cut the cake giving everyone a piece, you guys laughed and joked for a good thirty minutes before it was time for everyone to leave. Sarah was nice enough to clean up the office so you didn’t have to do it. You smiled looking around the room before turning the lights off and closing the door behind you to go too your house to sleep.
It was the next morning and you were gathering everything before you had to leave for the run. As you walk outside your crew was ready to go by the gate.
“Well shit look at all you sexy bitches, hot and READY! Me likely!” You said as you gave them all a sassy wink.
Everyone laughed, you always know how to start the morning by getting everyone to laugh. They always look forward to every trip with you. Makes things easier knowing your group loves hanging out with you.
“Well Goodmorning fuckers! Let’s get our asses on the motherfuckin road! Or are we just gonna stand around and be zombies all day?” You said with your arms spread out smiling walking backwards towards the gate.
“Zombies? sounds pretty nice if you ask me?”David said as you look at him with a smile
“Yeah yeah it would be nice, maybe after this trip we can relax and be zombies for a bit.” You chuckled knowing they will need a full day of rest after this trip. Specially you.
“Hey everyone you know I always do this but it’s a reminder. You all know the drill. We run our routes. Mark your log books. Clear any walkers you see. You run into anything, anything you can't handle, you come back here. Be smart about it. We work as a team okay? You said as everyone nodded.
It’s been about 2 hours on the road as you guys finally rolled up to the place. It was an army base. You take out your radio. “Hey Sarah we have some walkers up ahead it seems like this place has some scattered around. Let’s stop here.” You said as you told David to stop the jeep. “You got it boss lady.” Sarah said over the radio.
You get out of the jeep as everyone else got out of their vehicle and walked over to you.
“You guys know the drill let’s clear the outside first before we go in.” You said as everyone nodded.
You started to ran and slammed your knife in the back of a walkers head, you’re always the first one to take action, it’s your favorite thing. Well taking action first that is not the killing part. You’re slamming all the walkers down there was a good amount here, this kind of thing always got your heart pumping of excitement.
You stabbed another walker through the head and you pulled the knife out and it broke.
“Oh you son of a bitch! Are you shittin me right now!” You said in an anger voice, wiping your sweat off your forehead with your arm as you were trying to pull another knife out of your side pants, a few walkers started to get real close to you, you were walking backwards and tripped over a dead walker landing on your back. You were using your elbows pulling yourself backwards to get away as you heard gunshots from a distance taking out the last few of the walkers around.
You seen a group standing with guns and a tall man with a barb wired bat around his shoulder. He wore black boots with dark gray pants, one glove on his right hand and a fucking leather jacket in 90 degree weather. How in the hell was he not sweating balls here. Is he fucking insane?
The tall man with the bat started to walk towards you along with his group behind him, as you helped yourself up and your group came up behind you with their guns. You put your hands on your hips.
“Hi pretty lady, I’m Negan.” He smiled As he held up both his arms out with Lucille in his right hand. “And we’re the saviors.” He did a slight point towards you.
“Hi.” You said crossing your arms. Lifting one eyebrow.
“Well damn excuse my goddamn French but I just saved your fucking ass and that’s all the response I get?” He said with a smile.
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry didn’t mean to offend you Mr… Negan right?” You said in a sassy tone that made him smirk a little.
“That’s right doll face, may I ask what you’re doing out here? At our base.” He asked leaning to the side moving his eye up and down at you, he was indeed checking you out.
“I could ask you the same thing Mr…. Negan.” Giving him a slight smirk. “In fact how could this be YOUR place when we just cleared the outside and none of your people are here guarding it. And… I don’t see your name on it.” You said giving him a tease with another smirk.
“You see this shit! this is what I’m talking about! Ahh this is the shit that just tickles me balls!” As he turned around looking at his men with his arms up. He turned side ways to look at you with a smirk. “You may not know me sweetheart, but you’re definitely gonna wish you haven’t.”
“Hmm, funny you say that because I feel you’re gonna regret crossing me pretty soon.” You snapping back.
“Yeah, we will see about that.” He whispered where you didn’t hear him.
“You see here, there’s this new world order and well dollface I hate to break it to you but you’re now apart of it. So let me break it down simple and easy for you. One..” as he held up his index finger, smirking away. “You work for me. We have the whole set up, beds, food you name it, I have the whole package sweetheart! So all you have to do is work for me. Or two.” He flipped up his middle finger too. “I kill you and your fucking people now! I take your shit, and be on my merry fucking way. Well I don’t like hurting women, so suggest you pick one. But men? Hell doll face I could bash their brains all fucking day! He sighs shaking his head as he grinned. “…..Women are just to fucking beautiful to kill.. so sweetheart. What’s it gonna be..?” Holding up his arms again with his bat in the air.
Your arms are still crossed and your smile that never left your face
“Neither.” You said with no hesitation.
“I’m sorry doll face I didn’t quite catch that.” He started to look angry.
“Mr. Negan let me be clear here, I’ll make it simple and easy.” As you leaned forward “just for you.” Still having a smile on your face with your arms crossed.
“Your rules are shit, and no I don’t do new world orders very well, you see here Mr. Negan. I will take your shit and be glad to shove it up your ass.” You let out a small laugh and you see Negan’s people gripping their guns about to point them to you and your people.
“Ohh sweetheart, you have no… idea who you’re talking to.” Negan now looks more angry.
“Oh I do doll face, and let’s be real here.” You sigh turning your head looking at the army base. “This is mine, and mine only.”
You couldn’t help but stare at his eyes, he had the most beautiful eyes you ever seen, hazel.. oh those hazel eye that could kill you.. when he smiled it just lit up his face along with his dimples. His smile curved so perfectly making his dimples pop out more. Making your heart race faster. His anger made you like him more. His attitude was turning you on.
“Well excuse me sweetheart.. I didn’t know this belong to you, there’s rules here in fact whatever is yours. Is now mine. Rather you it or not.” They He said with more intense voice
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his response. “I never nor will I ever agree to anyone’s rules in fact I dont follow other people’s rules very well.”
Behind you, you could hear more vehicles rolling up. If was more of your people. David must of gave a code over the radio signaling we need help. David is basically your right hand man. One of the most clever guys on your team. He goes with you everywhere.
You turn your head to see behind you and you seen more of your community there with you. In that moment you had more people protecting your crew. More people than Negan brought along. You had more weapons, bigger guns and even a few tankers.
Negan’s eyes had widen, in shocked to see the shit you had. It was more than what he even had at his sanctuary.
“Welcome to the rising undead.” Holding out your hands your elbows were still to you sides. You gave a smirk and shot a wink towards his way.
“Now there’s no rules here Mr. Negan.” You started to walk towards him placing your knife back down on the side of you pants. “But we can try and agree on something here if you are okay with that.” You stopped about 10 feet in front of him. You watch his eyebrow raise making you smile a little.
You seen Negan look passed you at your large group. You were proud of your people in the moment showing up the way they did, how David sent a signal out. You had a huge community that you loved. You took care of. They respected you. You keep them safe and they keep you safe at all cost. Mostly everyone called you mom even for laughs and giggles. But deep down you acted like a mother when they needed you to the most. They love you as much as you love them. And for that, in this moment you couldn’t help but smile hearing more vehicles roll up in front of you. Behind Negan’s group, vehicles driving through the field to your right, an open field. It was huge. You watched Negan’s face as you hear all the vehicle doors open and slam shut. Negan in that moment all he could do was agree, he was out run by your people.
He started to look around as he giggled. He was facing the field and slightly turned his head towards you with a smile, like he was proud of your ass. Probably shocked seeing a woman like you that ran an community the way you do.
“Shit doll face, I guess I no longer have a choice here do I?” He ask turning his body towards you still having a smile on his face.
You couldn’t help but smile at his response, his smile was making you weak. Fuck, you needed to slap yourself in the face to knock it off. And get your shit together.
“Sorry my love I don’t think you do.” You said crossing your arms over your chest.
“There’s another army base that’s untouched, I’m willing to give that to you if you let us have this one. But… there’s a catch.” You said
“And what is that doll face?” Negan asked.
“I’ll let you have it, you let us help you clear some bigger place out for you, since we indeed have the bigger guns here. So in return we get some supplies. You know like a payment.” You said
Negan gave you smile, he seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say. Lost in words. Realized how clever you were.
“So Mr. Negan, what’s it gonna be?”
He took a few seconds to reply. “Alright. So how can we find them?” He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face.
You started to walk towards him teasingly, looking into his eyes with a mischievous smile. You stopped in front of him standing very close. Finally breaking the eye contact, you put your hand on his shoulder and tiptoed to whisper in his ear.
“I’ll see you soon, big boy.” You say before planting a small but lingering kiss on his cheek. You pull away and see his smile grew wider deepening his dimples.
“I am about fifty percent more into you now...just sayin'.” Negan said grinning from that kiss
“An I’m about zero percent into now.” You said smirking, you slowly move your hand down off his shoulder to you biceps, walking backwards letting him go staring at him like you want him so badly as he started to see that.
You reached in your back pocket and took out a map. You handed it to him, the location that was folded up, as you knew the location was already marked on the map. “It’s the location of the other army base.” You said.
You turn away swaying back to your team and gave them nod to go ahead to the army base. As you stopped in the middle of the road before you went to follow your team, you turn around to look behind you to see Negan one last time, he gave you a smile and turned around as you watched him leave.
You called Joel and Steve over to you. These two are the best you had when they needed someone to sneak around. As they never get caught doing what they do best. They been with you since day one and never left your side. And never hesitate when you ask them for help.
“I need you both to follow them, check out their community and see what they do. Please?”
They both nodded and walked away and left to follow them.
“Jesus Y/N you handle that pretty fucking well, I almost didn’t need to signal anyone out here.” David said, he let out a chuckle.
You giggled still having a smile on your face from Negan. “No no no… I’m really glad you signal out for help. That actually made us look bigger and tougher.” You placed you hand on his shoulder. “Thank you David, seriously I owe you one big time. I’m proud of you, as I always am.” You smiled as you both walked over by the fence to the army base.
You and your people cleared out the inside, there was a lot of walkers more than you imagined. But luckily No one got hurt. As everyone knew the drill to check the walkers for any items that we could use, in fact the walkers had armer, weapons, knifes and extra bullets. There was a lot of items we needed so everyone gathered the items placing them in bins to haul back to their vehicles. We placed everything by the door till we had everything we needed.
There was a storage room full of MREs packages of food that the military used for meals. There was a lot, about a month worth of food. This was big as you needed all the food you could get.
“Hey Y/N!” David called you over. As you walked over to him, you seen the next room full of vehicles.
“Holy shit David!” You yelled out.
There was a full garage of army vehicles. BAe caiman, General Dynamics Stryker, M1 Abrams. The list went on. “Fuck David we could use these!” You had a big smile on your face. You couldn’t believe everything you guys had found inside, more and bigger weapons.
David grabbed a group of people having them get the new batteries and fuel for the vehicles. Most of them worked. While another group took what they could off the bad vehicles.
Everyone gathered everything and loaded up the vehicles, you helped them out too, getting everyone to laugh by your jokes, a lot of them joked back. You always tried and make a trip fun even when everyone is tired and worn out. You knew it was going to be a long trip back as you left the MREs out and had everyone grab some food for dinner before going back on the road. We needed to eat, you could tell how they needed their energy. While you all finished eating you gathered everyone around
“I really wanted to thank every single one of you tonight, seriously. You guys did awesome. The ones that came with me today, and for those who came out when you were signal too. You guys even stayed to helped clear out the inside and helped loading our trucks up making this go by faster.” You see everyone with a smile on their faces. They were all happy to be there with you.
“I seriously couldn’t ask for a better community than this. Thank you everyone again. I dont know about you guys but I’m ready to go home and fucking sleep!!” You yelled out as everyone cheered getting in their vehicles. Before you and David got in your vehicle he wanted to talk with you.
“Hey um Joel radio me, they made it safe and haven’t gotten seen. they’re still out there and safe.” David said
You nodded as you both got in the vehicle to go home. It was a nice smooth way back as you all pulled all your vehicles in everyone was unloading their trucks. You seen Lacy one your guards on the wall. She’s one of your toughest women here, well every women here you think is tough, lacy loves to work out she’s a body builder. She could work out for hours when she doesn’t have to be on watch. Who also teaches karate here. You been trying to get her to come out with you on a supple run but she loves being the guard on watch. Which is is one of your best spotters.
“Hey lacy!” You yelled out waving your two fingers motioning her to come down.
Hey Y/N! I see you brought in some good shit this time!” She said while chuckling.
“Hey now I always get the good shit!” You chuckled back. “What can I do to get you off that wall to come out with us next time?” You smiled at her.
“Well you got me off the wall now.” Lacy chuckled. “But you know I rather stay here, I’m your best spotter and you keeping me off the wall isn’t gonna help you out you know.”
You nodded knowing she loves her job. “Maybe one day I’ll get you out.” You smiled as lacy shocked her head.
“We will see boss!” Lacy ran back up to the wall as you watched her. You really would like her out there soon. But you hated pushing people who didn’t want to do something they don’t like.
“Alright everyone let’s get some rest shall we!” You said while everyone start to head back to their homes. Everything was put away and it was quiet in your community. As you get home you sat on your porch and pulled out your cigarettes. Before you could light it.
“Hey now, I thought you quit that shit?” Sarah said with a tease.
She had the most beautiful red hair you’d ever seen, it was long and wavy that was down to almost her butt. She barely wore it down but when she did she was beautiful. She had these beautiful hazel green eyes with a tint of gray around the edges.
You chuckled “yeah I thought so too.” As you lit your cigarette handing her the pack as Sarah grabbed a cigarette and your litter and lit her cigarette.
“You were pretty awesome the way you handle Negan.” Sarah said
“Yeah, yeah I fucking was.” You both chuckled.
“Not gonna lie, Negan was… hot.” Sarah took a hit of her cigarette and held it in.
You chuckled at her comment. “I’ve seen hotter.” you actually thought he was hot as fuck but you didn’t want to say that out loud.
“Your sassy attitude today, I think you scared him.” Sarah laughed taking another hit of her cigarette.
You take hit of your cigarette as well. “I wouldn’t say me, but I think we all scared him.” You put out your cigarette and stretched out your arms and yawned.
“I think you all did awesome today. Without you guys I truly dont know how that situation would of went.” You leaned back in your chair crossing your arms.
“I think we did awesome too. Sucks we had to give that other location away. Not gonna lie. I was looking forward to that.” Sarah frowned
You sighed reaching out your hand as she placed her hand onto yours. “I wasn’t happy about it either but we were stuck in a situation and we don’t need a war. I rather keep you all safe than loose any of you over a building.” You seen a tear rolled down her face.
“Thanks Y/N you truly do know how to keep us safe.” Sarah got up from her chair and leaned in giving you a peck on the cheek. “Goodnight Y/N.” As Sarah walked away.
You watched Sarah go to her house across the street making sure she made it inside. Even though your community is supposed to be safe, it’s just something you always did and never will stop.
You get up to go inside and your radio goes off “Y/N you there?” You heard Joel whispering over the radio. “Yes Joel..” you said over the radio. “We’re safe, we got everything we needed here.” Joel said.
You sigh with relief “come on back, be safe if you run into anything. You find somewhere safe and radio me or Lacy.”
You placed the radio on your end table, switched into you pjs and hopped on your bed. Negan was running through your mind. That handsome ignorant man with his sense of humor turned you on. You rolled your eyes. “I can’t be thinking about this right now.” You mumbled to yourself and closed your eyes to sleep.
It was a beautiful new day as everyone was eating their breakfast. You usually don’t eat breakfast but you always had to have coffee. That was one of your favorite things right when you wake up. You headed outside with your coffee as everyone was greeting you this morning. You smiled at everyone saying Goodmorning as you hear a knock at the front gate you turned your head fast.
Dun-dun-dun-DUN. “LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, LET ME IN!” You recognized that voice as you head turned slightly.
“Oh you gotta be shittin me right now.” You mumbled to yourself.
You walked over to the gate and gave the guards a nod to open the door. You crossed your arms over your chest and had a slight smile on your face. As the door opens all the way and Negan had a smile on his face holding out his hands with his stupid bat out standing outside your community.
Everyone was trying to get up as you moved your hand behind you stopping them. You wanted them to finish eating as you could handle this situation by yourself.
“Well hello there pretty lady, you gonna let me in?” Negan said smiling putting Lucille over his shoulder.
You chuckled “now why would I go and do that? We can talk where we’re standing at.” You we’re about 20 feet away from him and the gate.
He had a huge grin on his face. “Okay what If don’t accept your offer.” As he took a few steps forward and the guards from the bottom and top of the fence pointed their guns at him.
He chuckled “you really gonna shoot me now?”
“I will if I have to.” You shot him with a smirk as you started to walk towards him. You were about 5 feet away from him.
“You know I thought we had a special moment yesterday.” He chuckled
“Ahh easy there Romeo.” You said teasingly.
“Oh where are my manners, hi Mr. Negan, now why in the hell are you here.?” As he took one more step towards you, you can hear the guns shift. He stopped himself with a smirk on his face. As you raised one eyebrow.
“I wanted to see you doll face! And your..” He started to look around in your community where he was standing. “Your Beautiful community!” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
“That’s it? Seriously?” You said in a disappointed ton.
“Oh I’m sorry sweetheart, were you wanting more? I mean shit we can go somewhere doll face if that’s what you want?” He teased.
You laughed at his response. Placing your hand on your eyebrow scratching it “okay seriously why are you here, Negan?” You acted frustrated.
“Well doll face we searched that army base you gave us and we found some good shit. But we also had found another few location and you said you’d help us out so here I am.” He smiled placing Lucille down at his side.
“You ready sweetheart?”
Great he’s ready to go when I haven’t even prepared my people yet. This will be a shit show.
“Whatever you say Romeo.” As you walked away.
Taglist: @purple-serenity @witchiswriting
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jayeray-hq · 3 years
Bass Down Low
Hey everyone! Welcome to my part of the new NSFW Anilysium Server Collab! The theme for it this time is "Band/Tattoo/Badass"! Please check out some of the other amazing writers and artists in the collab by following the link!
If you like my writing for Terushima, check out my other stories in his character masterlist!
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Tattooed Bass Guitar Player Terushima x Sassy Confident fem!reader
Tiny tiny bit of angst, but mostly fluff and smut
Warnings: NSFW 18+ minors dni! Grinding, dry humping, making out, slight exhibitionism, switch Terushima, switch reader, male nipple piercings, cock piercing, blowjobs, cunnilingus, overstimulation, vaginal sex, biting, scratching/pain kink
13K+ words
You could feel the bass as it thrummed through the air, making your whole body feel like it was vibrating. The energy was absolutely electric as you soaked in the music and the wild energy of the crowd as it pulsed and moved around you. Bodies were packed in fairly close and you could feel sweat dripping down your back, sticking to your neck and dewing at your temples.
Glancing over you saw your friend sandwiched between two good looking people clearly having the time of her life, lips locked with the person in front of her as they all ground together. You huffed in amusement, glad the two of you had already agreed you’d need to find your way home separately, otherwise you had the feeling you might’ve accidentally been left behind, that or you’d be the awkward third party to whatever was going on there.
Still despite how difficult leaving was going to be, and the sticky feeling of your clothes on your sweaty skin you didn’t regret coming for a minute. You’d been looking forward to coming to this music festival for ages and now that you were finally here you couldn’t get enough. Some of your favorite bands had played, and there were going to be even more in the coming days, you couldn’t wait.
You let yourself move with the music, swirling and rocking your hips, hands in the air as a bubble of laughter burst from your lips. You felt almost drunk on euphoria despite not touching a single drop of alcohol. You’d decided early on not to drink anything but water because you didn’t want to miss or forget a single moment of the experience.
A warm hand settled on your waist, pulling you out of your rhythm and you glanced back, to see someone standing behind you. It was full dark out, the only lights the ones coming from the stage, and a few overhead. However, despite the darkness you could make out an angular jaw, dark eyes and the golden color of his hair, along with the black ink creeping out of the neckline of his tank and up his throat, and spiraling down his shoulders and arms.
Just the sight of all that pretty ink was enough to make you feel incredibly attracted to the stranger, but the fact that he hadn’t come right up and started grinding on you without so much as a by-your-leave was definitely a bonus in your book, a courtesy you fully intended to reward as you rocked your ass back into the cradle of his hips, grinding yourself into him.
“I’ll take that to mean I can dance with you, sexy?” he half-asked, half-shouted in order to be heard over the music.
You didn’t bother to respond verbally, not wanting to shout to be heard, instead flashing him a smile, and grabbing hold of his other hand setting it easily on the curve of your waist. You noted with fascination and a pulse of liquid heat that he was wearing several rings on his fingers and had tattoos on his hands as well.
He was a surprisingly good dancer, his body moving fluidly with yours, hands resting solidly on your hips, just enough to flow without taking control of your movements. They never strayed from your hips either, remaining firmly in place as the two of you moved. You lifted your hands into the air and leaned back against his chest, finding a solid wall of lean muscle as you hooked one of your arms around his neck and curling your fingers through the surprisingly silky strands at the back of his head.
Your entire body felt hot, and when you turned to look at him, the intense look in his dark eyes sent a pulse of desire through you. You weren’t sure if it was the music, the adrenaline, or the heat of his hands on your hips, but you surged forward to press your mouth to his.
He met you eagerly, his mouth hot against yours, as you continued to grind back into him automatically. The hands on your hips pulled you closer removing any distance between the two of you, so that your ass was pressed right up against the cradle of his hips, and you could feel his solid length, hard against your rear.
You moaned into his mouth, incredibly turned on, as he took over the rhythm of your grinding, taking advantage of your open mouth to tease his tongue against your upper lip. You immediately jerked back in surprise, pulling yourself out of his grip so you could turn around.
It was hard to tell, but you thought your dance partner looked startled by your sudden departure, his hands raised as if to show he meant you no harm. You weren’t at all worried about that though, thoroughly distracted by what you’d thought you felt, You surged forward, guided by the press of the crowd and looped your arms around his neck.
Closer now you could see his eyebrows arched in surprise, a glint of wariness in his eyes that disappeared as your hand caressed his jaw, thumb gently pressing on his lower lip in question. He immediately flashed you a cocky smirk, and opened for you, sticking out his tongue and revealing the metal you’d felt against your lip.
“That’s so hot,” you told him, your lips pressed close to his ear so he could hear you.
“I know,” he shouted back with a smirk, before surging forward to reclaim your lips again.
You met him eagerly, immediately opening your mouth, eager to see what he could do with the enticing piece of jewelry through his tongue. He didn’t disappoint, tongue twining and rubbing against yours, the slick sensation of metal strange but not at all unpleasant as he teased it expertly over your tongue.
You hummed in delight as you twined your arms around his neck, fingers running through his hair as you pressed yourself tightly up against him, not even bothering with the music anymore, thoroughly distracted by the taste and feel of him against you.
His hands dipped lower, sliding into the back pockets of your jeans and when you didn’t protest he began to knead your ass, using his grip to hold you tight to his hips and press himself against your belly. You leaned against him, bracing more of your weight so you could lift one of your legs and wrap it around his hips, earning a groan of pleasure that you felt more than heard, the sound rumbling through his chest.
Your hands dipped lower, feeling the strong muscle of his back, and letting your head tip to the side, as he pressed open mouthed kisses along your jaw, nipping at the sensitive skin as his lips found the column of your throat. Breathy sighs and gasps left your lips as you ground your hips against him, seeking friction for your aching cunt. You could feel how wet you were, and were suddenly grateful you’d worn shorts rather than a skirt otherwise you would’ve been dripping down your thighs.
You whined as he found the perfect spot on your neck, hands digging into his back as he nipped and sucked at it, teasing it with the smooth metal of his piercing as his hands guided your hips in just the right way to stimulate your clit, the seam of your shorts pressing into you deliciously with every movement of his hips.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, and you were absolutely sure you could come just like this. Unfortunately right as you were about to reach your peak the roar of the crowd took an upswing, and you realized the band that had been playing was finished. You grimaced at having to stop, but figured you owed the band its due recognition. They’d been very good, and so you applauded and cheered along with the rest of the crowd.
The announcer told you there would be a quick fifteen-minute break before the next set, and you turned toward your dance partner, an offer to leave together and finish what you’d started on the tip of your tongue only to find the most horrified look on his face. Your heart dropped, wondering if you’d somehow done something wrong as his face swiveled between you and the stage.
You’d been about to back away, thinking you might as well use the crowd to escape the awkward situation you were in, when he surged forward to grip your hand.
“Come with me?” he half-asked, half-demanded, a determined light in his eyes that made you a bit nervous.
“Come with you where?” you asked, suddenly wary despite the fact that you’d been about to offer the same thing just seconds ago.
“I don’t really have time to explain,” he told you sheepishly, “But I swear you’re safe with me. Just trust me for a bit and I’ll show you exactly what this baby can do.”
He waggled his tongue at you for emphasis, brandishing his piercing, and you couldn’t help the snort of amusement that left you. You searched his face for a few seconds, but in the end decided, despite his slightly rougher appearance that there was an earnestness in his gaze that you felt could be trusted.
“All right,” you agreed, “But if you try anything funny I’ll kick your ass.”
“That’s hot,” he told you, a little wide-eyed and clearly lustful, not the reaction you were expecting, “I knew you were something special little miss sexy. Don’t worry, the only thing you might have to be afraid of is how any other man will measure up after you’ve had me.”
You huffed a laugh at that, amused despite yourself, and a little turned on by his confidence, as you agreed, “Well then, how could I say no to an offer like that? Lead the way then mister hot shot.
He flashed you a delighted grin that was more boyish and charming than you’d expected as he moved to do as he was told, keeping a strong grip on your hand as he expertly weaved his way through the crowd. You got a little worried when he started to lead you out and around, worried about the slowly thinning herd of people, which would mean a lack of witnesses if something went wrong.
However, he didn’t lead you out and away, instead pulling you towards a security guard who was chatting with a worried looking man with neat dark hair and glasses, whose eyes were darting around, clearly searching for something or someone.
His worried look faded away into relieved exasperation as he spotted the two of you, his eyes skimming over you briefly before turning all his attention to the man dragging you along by the hand, “Terushima! How many times do I have to tell you, you can’t just go wandering off right before the set starts!”
“Relax Anabara,” your guide, whose name was apparently Terushima, told the older man, far too casually for someone who was being lectured, “I got back in time didn’t I?”
“Barely,” Anabara hissed back, “you’re cutting it awfully close. Why do you need to go wandering off anyway?”
“Wanted to get a look at the stage and get a feel for the crowd,” he admitted with a shrug and a grin, “Energy’s way hot tonight, and I managed to run into someone interesting too.”
That immediately redirected both of their attention to you. You were still clutching Terushima’s hand, but were starting to feel like you shouldn’t be, as you finally put two and two together, your hold on him loosening slightly in response as you turned to him and blurted, “You’re in a band?!”
“You’re looking at Johzenji’s best bass player, and main song writer,” he told you smugly, a pleased smirk on his face.
You tried to find words, but couldn’t, utterly flabbergasted. You’d heard of Johzenji, an up and coming band who had a wild energetic sound, and you’d listened to and liked some of their music in preparation for the festival, but you hadn’t actually looked up the band members themselves.
“The rest of the band is waiting,” Anabara told him, clear impatience in his voice as he gestured for the blond to follow, “The rest are all warming up, you need to be out there too.”
“Yeah, yeah keep your hair on,” Terushima told him with a smirk before turning to you, “Come on, I’ll get you all settled backstage, it’ll be the best seat in the house I promise.”
“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea,” you told him, grip loosening on his hand in preparation to let go, acutely aware of the disapproving gaze of Anabara, who you assumed was a manager of some sort, boring into the side of your head.
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer,” you told him hurriedly, as the smirk slipped off his face leaving something disbelieving and a little hurt in its place, one that tugged your heartstrings, which was surprising considering you’d only known him for an hour or two at most, “But you need to get going. Good luck with the set I’m sure it’ll be amazing.”
“W-wait!” he managed to catch your hand before you’d completely tugged free, his eyes, which in the light you could now see were a pretty cinnamon brown color, were pleading as he asked, “Please come back with me? I know I sprang this on you out of the blue, but I really felt a connection with you. After the set, we’ll clear things up, so just come watch me okay?”
The more rational part of you wanted to scoff. He was really laying it on thick, cheesy line after cheesy line. You’d found each other in a crowd, danced and made out for a bit, that was all. So maybe you’d felt a little something too, it was the reason you’d let him lead you away from the crowd, but that was just the music, the energy of the crowd right?
Your eyes flitted to where Anabara was standing, but Terushima apparently caught your intention and shifted his hand to block your view, the tattooed appendage coming up to push a strand of hair behind your ear, this thumb caressing your jaw, eyes boring into yours as he asked, “Please?”
Against your better judgement you found yourself nodding, almost hypnotized by the incredibly attractive man, whose every touch seemed to send tingles of electricity through your veins. The smile he offered you was another of those delighted boyish grins and you found yourself tugged along behind him again. To your surprise Anabara didn’t bother to protest, simply shaking his head, sighing and following along behind the two of you.
It was incredibly busy backstage as everyone hustled around in a kind of coordinated chaos as one band left the stage and Johzenji got ready to enter. True to his word Terushima found you a spot that would give you a good view of most of the stage, pressed a water bottle into your hands and a quick surprisingly sweet kiss to your lips before bounding off, though not before assuring you, wide smug grin back on his face, that you were in for the ride of your life.
You watched as he bounded over to people who had to be his bandmates, idly sipping at your water, and taking everything in. One of the guys immediately captured Terushima in a headlock, playfully wrestling around for a bit, the group tussling together, before a sharp word from a pretty girl holding a clipboard sent them all scurrying off to warm-up.
For someone so seemingly lighthearted, Terushima was surprisingly serious as he started to warm up, picking up his black bass guitar, the yellow and white tribal pattern on the body a clear imitation of the ink that bloomed over his fingers. His face was extremely concentrated as talented fingers plucked at the strings, dancing over the instrument with ease and familiarity. It was incredibly attractive, and you couldn’t help pressing your water to your neck, hoping it would help cool you down a bit and stop you from salivating.
You were slowly but surely acclimatizing to the fact that he was in a band, your shock wearing off and leaving the burning attraction you’d felt from the very first moment he’d put his hands on you in the crowd bubbling to the surface again.
“Impressive, isn’t he?” the words jolted you out of your enraptured staring at his fingers, and made you realize the pretty girl from before had come to stand next to you. She was still holding her clipboard, and her eyes weren’t on you, but on the band flitting between members, clearly checking in on them.
“I mean yes?” you said hesitantly, unsure why she’d decided to speak to you, and a little uncomfortable with the look on her face, which was set in a frown.
“So where’d he pick you up?” she asked sharply, clear disapproval in her eyes as she turned toward you, “The parking lot? Hanging around the trailers? Get caught sneaking back stage? Let me tell you something groupie, you’re not going to get anything else from Terushima or from Johzenji, so enjoy the show or whatever, but make sure you get lost after.”
“What?” you asked, baffled, but unwilling to allow yourself to be cowed in the face of her tirade as you snapped back, “As a matter of fact I was out in the audience minding my own business. I didn’t even know who Johzenji was before I got tickets to this music festival! I didn’t know who Terushima was until Anabara said something, he was the one who came up to dance with me not the other way around, so I suggest you back up with your assumptions.”
The girl looked surprised, brown eyes wide in her pretty face as you huffed out an annoyed sigh, your displeasure overtaking your more base urges once again as you questioned whether you should be there. A quick glance at Terushima showed he was still entirely focused on his warm-up, he didn’t look like he’d notice anything let alone you.
You didn’t belong here, and both Anabara and whoever this girl was had made it pretty clear you weren’t welcome either. It didn’t help that her words implied that Terushima brought girls back pretty often, so much for ‘feeling a connection’ it really had been the line it sounded like. You couldn’t help the slight bitterness of your thoughts as you wondered how many women he’d used it on before and feeling a bit stupid for falling for it.
If it looked like a duck, walked like a duck, and quacked like a duck, odds were it was a duck. Terushima looked like a stereotypical bad boy with an overinflated ego, swaggered like one, and even laid down stupid, misleading lines like one. While you’d technically only hoped to get a good lay out of this and nothing more, you did have standards.
That in mind you decided, no matter how good the music was or how exciting it had initially been to be back stage, it wasn’t worth it. Spinning on your heel you began to walk away, fully intent on writing it off as a bad night, and feeling more than a little bitter about how running into Terushima had decidedly ruined your night and your enjoyment of the festival.
“Where are you going?” the question was voiced by a familiar male voice, Anabara had apparently come up beside you some time while you were lost in your own head, making quiet plans to never support Johzenji ever again, “Surely Terushima told you not to wander around back here?”
“I’m leaving,” you informed him flatly, utterly fed up, “I wasn’t entirely comfortable coming back here in the first place, and now I’m even more uncomfortable, so if you could point me to the exit I’d appreciate it. Hell, you can even have security escort me to make sure I don’t do anything weird since you’re all apparently so paranoid about it, but I would very much like to never see you or anyone else involved with Johzenji ever again please and thank you.”
Anabara’s eyebrows, which had been settled in a disapproving frown, immediately flew upwards in shock, seemingly rendered speechless, though you weren’t sure if that was for your words or the rude tone you’d used. A part of you felt bad for it, but you were at the end of your rope, one make-out session and the promise of a night of good sex wasn’t worth all this drama no matter how talented he was with his tongue or the backstage pass he’d gotten you.
“You can’t leave,” the girl blurted out, hurriedly maneuvering in front of you and holding her arms out to seemingly block your path, “You have no idea what that will do to Terushima if he looks over and you’re not here! It’ll throw his entire performance off!”
“Weren’t you the one who just called me a groupie and implied I was some kind of whore he picked up in the parking lot?” you asked sarcastically, “Forgive me if I don’t give a shit.”
“Really Hana?” Anabara asked heaving a pained sigh at the girl, whose name was apparently Hana, “I understand not approving of Terushima’s habits, but this was neither the time nor the place, and she shouldn’t have been the one you brought it up to. It’s not her fault.”
You relaxed a bit at that, surprised but pleased, some of your anger seeping away. A lot of times women got blamed for men’s promiscuous behavior, when the man was the one to blame. You were glad to see it wasn’t actually like that here.
“You’re right,” Hana agreed, with a pained grimace before turning to you, “I apologize, I was rude. The last few women Terushima brought back either stole things, or decided to act crazy and possessive both with Terushima and with other band members. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“It’s alright,” you assured her, even as your opinion of Terushima plummeted even further. If he had that kind of history no wonder she’d been so upset and on guard when she saw you. You would’ve been angry too if you had to deal with that, your anger with her leeching away, “Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.”
“You have no idea,” she told you fervently, heaving a sigh before pleading, “Please, will you stay? It really will throw Terushima off if you’re not here, and while he might deserve that, the some of the other band members don’t, and the audience certainly doesn’t.”
You grimaced, a little unsure. While you didn’t feel nearly as angry or bitter as before you also still had standards. If you stayed it would imply you wanted to have sex with him, which at this point was pretty much off the table.
“If it helps, Terushima may be a player with terrible taste in women, but he won’t pressure you if you say no after,” Hana assured you, apparently reading your mind.
Thinking about it, and the respectful way he’d danced with you, and kissed you always courteous you found you agreed with what she said, and before you knew it found yourself agreeing to stay, much to Hana and Anabara’s visible relief.
Hana quickly guided you back to your spot, and much friendlier now, began to explain some of the things that were going on as the band got set up. She also named the members for you as she realized you’d told the truth and didn’t actually know who any of them were. You found yourself liking the kind, if stern girl a lot, and the way she was clearly a huge fan, both of the band and the music they made, had you hyped up right along with her, ready to see what they could do.
The energy between her and the crowd which were starting to slowly become more and more hyped up as it became clear the band was going to start, was absolutely electric, and you could feel yourself getting hyped up again.
Terushima, who’d seemed to be in his own little world the moment he’d picked up his instrument, finally glanced up as the lead singer, who you suspected was Hana’s boyfriend from the way she’d gushed about him earlier, tapped him on the shoulder clearly asking if he was ready.
Even from the distance you were at you could see the cockiness in Terushima’s smirk as someone plugged him into the amplifier. His fingers immediately moved over the strings, playing a dizzying array of notes and cords in quick succession, the sound loud enough to feel in your bones earning an immediate roar of approval from the audience, which somehow sounded even louder from the stage than it had been when you were standing with them.
Terushima gave the audience a tongue lolling grin flashing his piercing to them, his eyes cutting over to where you were standing with Hana. You raised an eyebrow at him finding yourself drawn in, in spite of yourself giving him a challenging smirk of your own and a ‘bring it on’ gesture clearly inviting him to give you this so called ‘ride of your life’ that he’d promised your before. He looked shocked for a second before a wide grin crossed his face, clearly accepting your challenge.
You watched a little enthralled, the way good music always made you feel as they started to play their set, your hips beginning to rock automatically to the sound of the bass. Up close you could see why Johzenji was shooting to the top, it was clear they were all talented and passionate about their music throwing themselves into it with everything they had.
However, despite wanting to look at the others your eyes seemed almost magnetized to Terushima, drawn back to him each and every time no matter what. It was clear he was having the time of his life, jumping all around the stage, flashing that pierced tongue, his dexterous fingers working over the strings of his instrument in a way that was utterly enthralling as a part of you wondered if his skill with his fingers might translate over to something a little more carnal.
It didn’t help that he kept glancing over at you, his gaze clearly a challenge daring you to try to look away from him. There was something hot and heavy in his eyes, something that told you the answer to your question was yes, and that he couldn’t wait to show you.
You could feel yourself getting almost unbearably hot in a way that had nothing to do with the heat of the lights bleeding off the stage, or the summer night air, your body seemingly pulsing in time to the music and the notes of his bass guitar. The air practically electric, your skin hypersensitive as if you could feel the waves of sound on your skin.
You hadn’t realized their set was long enough that they were doing a fifteen minute intermission of sorts where band members would chat one by one with the audience, talking about their music and answering a few fan questions they’d gotten on their Tweeter account.
Thus you were entirely unprepared when Terushima set down his instrument and came bounding off stage. You barely had time to blink before he was on you, strong hands finding your hips, slipping into the back pockets of your jean shorts to grope your ass as he pulled you close.
His lips were on yours before you’d really had time to process, and you found yourself returning his kiss enthusiastically, unable to resist his magnetism and the electric feeling of his hands on you and his lips on yours. One of your hands tangled with his hair and you tugged it, not caring a bit about the sweat slicked strands, well aware you were equally sweaty, too enraptured by the heat between the two of you to care about a little sweat.
It was only when a loud cough broke through your lustful haze that you remembered that you weren’t supposed to be kissing Terushima at all. You quickly pulled away, kicking yourself, both for your loss of composure and for making a scene in front of all his bandmates outside the lead singer, who was the only one on stage at the moment, and Hana who was watching the two of you with raised eyebrows.
“So you’re the girl huh?” one of his bandmates asked, eying you with interest.
“Yes, she’s female,” Hana cut in, to your relief, “And you can gawk later, you have less than ten minutes to get yourselves refreshed so you can take over and Okudake can have his well-deserved break too.”
Terushima groaned, and while Hana’s stern look sent the others scrambling to obey, he was clearly more resistant as he refused to let go, clinging on to you in a way that almost would’ve been cute if you hadn’t cottoned on to what a womanizer he was.
“Well?” Hana demanded, hands on hips, “You heard me Terushima, get a move on.”
“Go on,” you urged, moving to extract yourself from his hold.
“No way!” he protested, turning betrayed eyes on you, his grip firming for just a minute before reluctantly starting to loosen, “You haven’t even told me how amazing I am yet.”
“I guess you’re not bad,” you told him with a casual shrug, unable to resist teasing even as the more rational part of you was screaming about how this was a terrible idea, and that you had no plans of having any sort of relationship with him sexual or not, so shouldn’t be flirting with him.
“Not bad?” He squawked, clearly outraged, “I’ll show you not bad little miss sexy, I told you I’m gonna rock your entire world.”
“You’re not going to be rocking anything if you collapse from dehydration hot stuff,” you informed him dryly, shoving at his chest until he let go, though he was clearly pouting about it, “Go. Water, snacks, refresh, move it.”
“You’re as cruel as Hana,” Terushima told you, sulkily, before plastering on another cocky smirk as he acquiesced, “But fine, I’ll do what you say, so long as you promise not to take your eyes off me for the second half of the set.”
“Sure, sure,” you agreed with a casual eye roll, unable to keep amusement from bleeding into your voice as you ushered him away. He went, though not without one last toe curling kiss and a quick grope of your ass.
“You’re really good with him,” Hana’s speculative voice distracted you from watching Terushima walk away, and you felt heat in your cheeks as you realized she’d caught you gawking at him.
“I uh….” You floundered, trying to find the words to defend yourself, especially when you’d been so adamant before about not having sex with Terushima.
“It’s okay you know,” she assured you, a strange look on her face that you couldn’t quite decipher, “You wouldn’t be the first to get swept up in his charisma, and no one could blame you for having a casual fling. I certainly can’t judge given my own relationship.”
She had a point. It was your body after all and one night couldn’t hurt, especially with the chemistry between the two of you, still you did have some concerns.
“He’s clean if you were wondering,” Hana informed you casually, apparently fully able to read your mind despite only knowing you for an hour or two at most, “Terushima’s always been a player, but he’s also always been meticulous about his health, and the reputation of the band. He may act like an irresponsible idiot when it comes to women, but the band means a lot to him.”
“He does seem really passionate about it,” you acknowledged, refusing to think about the heat in your cheeks or the way your eyes kept coming back to Terushima as he hurriedly gulped down his drink and horsed around a bit with the drummer before charging back out on stage to interact with the audience.
“The band means everything to all of them,” Hana told you, with a fond smile for Okudake who only paused for a moment to kiss her cheek before heading for refreshments, confirming your suspicions about their relationship, “It’s their dream.”
“I can see that,” you mused thoughtfully, watching as Terushima practically bounced around the stage like a child on a sugar high, hyping up the audience like none other.
“I think maybe I might’ve given you the wrong impression earlier,” she admitted, the words making you pull your attention away from Terushima and focus solely on her, “Terushima isn’t actually a bad guy, he’s just terrible when it comes to women he likes. Despite how he looks he can be an absolute sweetheart.”
“You know you’re going to confuse me with all this changing around you keep doing,” you teased lightly, “Before I thought you would rather I burn at the stake rather than have sex with Terushima and now it almost sounds like you’re encouraging me to go for it.”
“I didn’t know you earlier,” Hana dismissed, a flush in her cheeks, clearly a bit uncomfortable with your observation even as she tacked on, more to herself than to you, “And I’ve never seen him interact like that with a woman before.”
You didn’t get the chance to question her about it, or really process what she’d said as the band took that minute to start the music back up, and the audience gave a lively roar. Terushima gave you an almost too conspicuous wink and a cocky smirk before turning back to what he did best, tattooed fingers flying over the strings again.
Once more you got caught up in the beat, the rhythm of his bass as it hummed through your body, and the heated looks he threw your way whenever he got a spare second, clearly checking to make sure he had all of your attention. You lost yourself in it, you were here to enjoy the music, and like hell were you going to let anything, even your preoccupation with the sexy bass player, get in the way of that.
It seemed like the whole thing ended far too soon, as the last chords faded into the night, the roar of the crowd as the band gave their goodbyes almost deafening in conjunction with the fireworks going off overhead. The minute the lights were down, the band members quickly passed off their instruments as staff, including Hana, swarmed the stage, ready to begin tear down for the evening.
Johzenji had been the last band scheduled for the night, which meant everyone would be going home. The buzzing of your phone reminded you of your friend and a quick glance confirmed your earlier suspicions, that she was going home with one or both of her earlier dance partners. You sent a quick text back urging her to be safe, and hesitated for a long moment before finally telling her that you had your own hook-up for the night.
She congratulated you, and you grinned, amused and fond, sliding your phone back into your pocket and just in time as Terushima’s hands snagged you around the waist, pulling you close again. There was a delighted smile on his face, open and boyish that told you how incredibly pleased he was with himself and his performance, and looking at it you knew in that moment you’d lost the internal debate. No way were you going to be able to walk away, not when he was looking at you like that.
You could vaguely hear his bandmates wolf whistling at the two of you as you pulled him down to kiss, tangling your fingers in his sweaty hair, but ignored them entirely, too intent on the humming electricity between the two of you and his hot wet mouth, the feel of his piercing a sensation you were coming to adore as you flicked it with your tongue.
His hands were all over you, roaming your back and occasionally dipping lower to knead your ass, his firm chest pressed tightly against your own. You could feel his hard length, fully aroused and clearly more than ready for you, pressed firmly into you, the idea of it making your body clench with need, wetness soaking your panties.
“Oy, get a room,” Hana’s voice cut in, clear exasperation in every word, catching your attention as the two of you parted for breath, “No one wants to see that!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Terushima told her casually, rolling his eyes a bit, though you shot her a sheepish look, earning an amused one in return, before being thoroughly distracted again by the sexy blond bass player as he released you just enough so that he could snag your hand, and you found yourself tugged along behind him for the second time that night as he told you, “Come on little miss sexy, let’s see if I can’t give you that ride I promised you.”
“Lead on then hot shot,” you told him with a laugh, only pausing to shoot a quick wave at Hana, who just shook her head in clear exasperation, though you thought there was something of a smile on her lips too.
This time you weren’t nearly so worried about following him, and weren’t too concerned when he led you back and away to a parking lot that was full of trailers with few if any people. Even without knowing him for too long you could tell which was his at a glance, considering the outside was covered in stylized graffiti that read Johzenji surrounded by tribal work.
It didn’t take him long to fumble the door open and lead you inside, and you were relieved to find that the interior was apparently nice enough for air conditioning. It wasn’t much, a queen sized bed, bathroom, and a couch with recording equipment and various instruments scattered everywhere, but it was better than you’d been expecting. Honestly you thought he might’ve shared space with the other members of his band, and were pleased to find it wasn’t true, mostly because you’d hate the idea of kicking someone out just so you could get laid.
You didn’t get much more time to think about it as you were immediately distracted by Terushima, who’d attached his mouth to your neck the second the door had been closed and locked behind the two of you, nibbling and sucking at the sensitive column of your throat. You let out a low moan as he nipped at your collarbone, fingers twisted in the fabric of his black tank, digging into the strong muscle of his back and shoulders.
A gasping moan escaped your lips as he sucked at your collarbone, his hot mouth like a brand against your skin in the almost too cool trailer. You slid your hands down his back, eager to get your hands on his skin, and to see more of the ink that adorned his body, slipping your hands under his tank and tugging upwards.
Terushima seemed to get the hint, giving you a smug look as he pulled away just enough for you to tug the damp fabric up and over his head. His torso was nicely toned, lean but firm with muscle, and adorned in black ink that crept downwards from his neck, covering his upper chest and shoulders, though you noted his abs were bare.
Your fingers automatically moved to touch, tracing the lines down from his neck, and over his shoulders, utterly fascinated. It was beautiful work, a mix of tribal and Japanese style work. He shivered slightly, though whether that was from your touch or from the cool air on his warm skin you couldn’t tell.
You probably could’ve spent hours exploring his tattoos, and would’ve except you got distracted by the glint of metal. Bright silver barbells glinted in each of his dusky colored nipples, catching all your attention, and sending a jolt of heat through you as you wondered if he had anything else pierced.
“Like what you see?” Terushima asked, his voice full of smug superiority as he brushed a teasing hand down his chest, a cocky smirk on his face.
A part of you really wanted to wipe that look off his face, and you thought you might know just how to do it. You hooked your fingers through the belt loops of Terushima’s jeans and tugged him forward by them, earning a delighted chuckle from the man before you reclaimed his mouth.
Your hands immediately went to his abdomen, gently scraping your nails over the ridges of his abs and earning a full body shudder from the man, who’d buried one of his talented hands in your hair, the other caressing your side.
The feel of muscle under your fingers as you skimmed your palms up his chest, letting his pebbled nipples catch on the webbing between your fingers, teasing the nubs gently between your fingers earning a low needy moan from Terushima, his hips thrusting into yours, reminding you how utterly hard he was and sending a burst of heat through you.
You pulled your lips away from his, earning a discontent whine from the man until he felt your lips on his throat. He tilted his head with a low groan, allowing you full access without protest, as you traced your lips over his tattoos. His skin tasted like salt from the sweat, but it wasn’t unpleasant, as he smelled clean beneath it, something warm and masculine that made your passage clench with want, and need.
Your hands roamed down his sides, and over his back, unable to keep yourself from touching him as you sucked and nipped at the junction of his neck, adoring the quiet moans and breathy gasps from his lips. His hand in your hair was gentle, not guiding or pushing simply allowing you to do as you pleased with him even as his fingers gently tugged, his grip occasionally tightening in a way you found extremely arousing whenever you nipped at him or found a particularly sensitive spot. You continued your exploration downward tracing a path down to his collarbone then lower across his pectorals and finally to your goal.
“Aw fuck,” Terushima whined as you pulled his pebbled nipple into your mouth sucking at the sensitive nub, swirling your tongue around it and playing with the metal piercing as your other hand found his other nipple, fingers toying with the matching barbell, unable to keep your hands away from it.
“Hng! You like those little miss sexy?” he teased, though he was breathless enough that it barely constituted teasing, “I knew you couldn’t keep your hands off me, should’ve known from the way you acted when you got my tongue piercing, but if you like that wait until you see my…”
He cut himself off with a whine as you teased him with your teeth, gently scraping them over the sensitive nub and tugging at it carefully as your other hand gently flicked and tugged at his piercing. You were a bit curious about what he’d been about to say, though you had a sneaking suspicion you’d find out when you got him completely naked.
Curious, you decided to stop playing with his piercings for now and began to kiss your way down his chest, bracing your hands on his sides so you could slowly lower yourself, tracing your thumbs over the sharp v of his hipbones as you traced his treasure trail to where his pants were sitting low on his hips.
You carefully scraped your teeth over the taught skin, kissing and suckling hard, well aware you were going to leave marks and not caring in the slightest that unlike the ones you’d undoubtedly left on his neck and chest, these were going to be much more visible due to his lack of tattoos there.
“Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ sexy,” Terushima praised with a shudder as he stared down at you, pupils blown wide and lust written all over his face, a loud groan leaving his lips as you cupped his erection through his pants, teasingly stroking it through the material as you looked up at him, unable to help the smirk curling your lips at the sight of him, his lips puffy and swollen from kisses, hair damp and sticking to his forehead and beautiful inked skin glistening with perspiration.
Looking at him, you could see how he coaxed so many women into his bed, between his looks and his musical ability it was no wonder he was so cocky. Still despite how many people he’d been with before he was with you at the moment and you were going to make the most of it.
Your fingers deftly undid the button and zipper of his pants and you turned to look up at Terushima amused and a little shocked as you asked, “You go commando on stage?”
“What can I say,” he told you with a proud smirk, “I’m a rebel.”
You huffed out an amused laugh and ran a teasing finger up his shaft, gently stroking the underside his twitching cock which had left precum smeared inside his pants and his lower abdomen. Just as you’d suspected there were piercings here as well, a Jacob’s ladder of three separate barbells, right under the head.
The sight left your mouth watering, and you licked your lips, fully intent on blowing his mind, and playing with those lovely piercings, but when you went to lean forward you were stopped by the grip he still had on your hair.
“Something the matter?” you asked, genuinely concerned as your hands stroked at his strongly muscled thighs, the gesture meant to be soothing as you peered up at him and asked, “Do you not want me to suck your cock hot shot?”
“There is nothing more that I want right now than to have that sexy mouth of yours all over me,” he told you, the low rasp of his voice and his lust darkened gaze utterly convincing, “But I said I was going to give you the ride of your life little miss sexy and I intend to follow through on it.”
“Oh?” you asked teasingly, thumbs tracing over the sensitive place where his thighs met his hips, “You think you can?”
“You have no idea what you’re in for,” he told you with a cocky smirk, one that fell away into a full body shudder as you leaned forward, grasping his leaking cock at the base and running your tongue teasingly along the underside.
“I think you’re the one who doesn’t know what they’re in for,” you told him, with a smirk of your own as you stroked your hand upward and used your thumb to tease the sensitive place where the barbells passed through the skin right under the head earning a low moan.
“Maybe not,” he admitted, as he recovered, a grin on his face that was boyish and reckless, “But I won’t know until I try.”
Amused and intrigued you let him go and allowed him to pull you to your feet and reclaim your mouth with his, reminding you just how skilled he was with his tongue as he kicked off his pants, shoes and socks and began to talk you slowly backwards towards the bed. He proved to be either extremely coordinated or practiced or both as he managed to coax you out of almost all of your clothes except your soaked panties by the time the back of your knees hit the bed.
You let yourself fall backwards, plopping on to the surprisingly comfortable mattress, and smiling into Terushima’s kiss unable to pull yourself away, thoroughly distracted by his talented mouth and the warm hands that were skimming up and down your sides, thumbs occasionally teasingly skimming the undersides of your breasts.
You held him to you, his face cradled in your hands as he crouched over you, one knee braced on the bed, and the other still planted on the floor as his hands dipped lower, finding the waistband of your panties, and teasing his fingers along the edge.
“What are you waiting for,” you teased between kisses, “A written invitation?”
“Only your permission little miss sexy,” he teased right back with a smug grin, hooking his fingers through the elastic and giving a gentle tug.
Something about his tattooed fingers in contrast with the pretty lace panties you’d decided to wear was extremely hot and sent a surge of lust through you, as you lifted your hips and watched as he peeled the sodden lace away from your soaked core.
As they fell away his hands came back up to your thighs, and you couldn’t look away from the contrast of his darkly inked hands, adorned with several silver rings glinting against your smooth thighs.
You didn’t protest as he gently pushed them open, revealing how utterly soaked you were, instead leaning back on your elbows and spreading them further to give him a better view.
“Fuck,” he hissed eyes riveted on your most intimate parts as if he was unable to look away, his pierced tongue darting out to wet his lips, and his eyes dark with desire, “You’re so fucking sexy.”
“You’re not so bad yourself hot shot,” you countered even as his words and the hungry look on his face sent a surge of heat through you.
“I’m gonna eat you out so good you’re going to be screaming my name,” he promised, his thumbs caressing the sensitive skin of your inner thighs as he started to drop to his knees.
“Ah-ah,” you scolded, pulling yourself away, scooting backwards on the bed and away from him.
“You don’t want it?” he asked, looking a cross between shocked and a toddler who’d been denied his favorite treat.
“The only way you get your face between these thighs is if I get that lovely pierced cock in my mouth,” you informed him challengingly, holding out your hand to him in a clear gesture to come join you on the bed.
His face immediately lit up, a wicked grin on his face as he agreed, “Sounds like a fair deal to me sexy lady.”
It took him less than a second to join you on the bed, and he agreeably laid back for you, hands folded behind his head, body on clear display without an inch of shame, the smirk on his face telling you he was well aware how hot he looked spread out like that, all pale skin, dark ink, and silver piercings, he practically oozed bad boy sex appeal.
“Got your seat all ready for you,” he goaded, tapping his lips and wiggling that pierced tongue at you enticingly.
You laughed in helpless amusement, earning a tongue lolling grin in turn from the sexy bass player, who was clearly unbothered and supremely confident in a way you couldn’t help but find incredibly attractive.
He coaxed you up , letting you straddle his face, his head propped up on the pillows to make things easier, his face pressed into your thigh, nipping and suckling at the sensitive skin as you got yourself settled and being thoroughly distracting, though not for long as you wrapped a hand around the base of his weeping cock, the head drooling precum.
He let out a muffled groan as you slowly began to stroke him, licking your hand to help ease your passage as you stroked him, soothing your thumb over the place where the barbells passed through his skin with ever stroke and teasing your fingers along the head, massaging the weeping slit teasingly with your index finger.
Terushima didn’t let you completely take control though, and the first swipe of his tongue made you jolt in surprise, the feel of that little piercing completely foreign as the smooth ball dragged across your sodden folds. It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, and you had the strangest feeling he might actually fulfill his promise of giving you the ride of a lifetime, as he dove in eagerly.
He lapped and sucked at the lips of your cunt, the slurping noises he was making utterly obscene as he held your hips firmly in place, keeping you still as he ate you out with enthusiasm and a skill you had to admit he was right to be proud of. Every stroke of his tongue lit your nerves on fire as he teased it around your clit, lightly flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves and varying up his strokes and the pressure with every swipe, enough to make your thighs tremble and to make you grateful you weren’t attempting to stand or you were sure your knees would’ve given out.
You weren’t about to let him take over entirely though, instead lowering your mouth to his cock and beginning to tease the weeping slit with your tongue as you continued to stroke him, flicking each of the barbell heads in turn and sucking at the sensitive ridge around the head.
The low moan he let out as you popped the head into your mouth and began to suck sent immediate vibrations to your drenched pussy, making you moan in turn, the feeling of it indescribable as he lapped at your folds sucking at the sensitive lips and thrusting his tongue into your weeping hole.
The feel of his piercings grazing against the roof of your mouth was a new one, but not unpleasant as you took as much of him into your mouth as you could, stroking what you couldn’t reach with one hand the other tracing light teasing circles with your thumb on his inner thigh.
Skilled fingers parted your lower lips as his tongue teased your clit, slipping one finger then two into your hole, making your walls flutter and clench around the intrusion. You moaned as he proved to be just as skilled with his fingers as you’d wondered earlier when you saw him playing his instrument, playing you just as skillfully with the perfect pressure, and movement to hit just right as he crooked his fingers into the soft tissue at the front of your passage that instantly had you seeing stars your whole body convulsing in his hold.
You completely lost track of what you were meant to be doing as you keened, his fingers refusing to let up as he continued to tease them in and out of your rippling passage, his tongue equally relentless. You weren’t sure if you were squirming to move towards him or further away as he carefully eased you back from your orgasm, though not letting you go completely, keeping you right on the edge of pleasure, your body hot and aching in his hold.
Once you managed to come back to your senses you could practically feel the smugness radiating off him as he continued to tease, startlingly considerate of your oversensitive clit, just enough stimulation to keep you worked up without being to painful.
You weren’t about to let him be too smug, instead turning back to what you were doing before, working him over, allowing your saliva to drool down over his cock to make the passage of your hand easier as you stroked him at the base.
Your other hand left his thigh and instead went to his balls, cupping and weighing the sensitive sack in your hand, gently massaging it earning an almost pained groan from Terushima, whose thighs you could see were clenched tightly, his muscles rippling under your torso as his body tightened in pleasure, his balls drawing upward in your hand letting you know how close he was getting.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, sexy I…!” he tried to interject, clearly attempting to warn you, surprisingly courteous as ever. He didn’t get a chance to finish though as you released his balls and slipped your hand lower, teasing your fingers lightly over his perineum as you sucked hard at his sensitive head, your thumb pressed firmly to his piercings in a move that made him keen with pleasure, his body practically arching off the bed as he came in your mouth.
You quickly swallowed every bit you could as you milked his cock rubbing and massaging at the glans as he continued to come, until you felt the last tiny spurt against your tongue, and the keening sounds he was making reduced to trembling whimpers.
You released him and wriggled away from his weakened grip so you could look at him, swiping some of the cum that had leaked from the corners of your mouth away with your thumb, and earning a low moan from Terushima, who watched with heavy lidded eyes as you licked it off.
“Fuck, you’re really asking for it little miss sexy,” he told you, his voice pitched low as he sat up, wiping his own glistening cheeks and chin, which were covered with your release on the back of his arm.
“Asking for what hot stuff?” you teased with a pleased smirk, one that was wiped off your face as he coiled and sprung, gently knocking into you so you pitched backwards on to the bed, his hands pinning your wrists on either side of your head as he peered down at you, his eyes burning with desire.
“Asking for me to make you scream my name,” he assured you with a smirk, “To fuck you so hard you can’t walk tomorrow.”
“You think you can Terushima?” you goaded, completely unphased at being pinned beneath him.
“Yuuji,” he informed you seriously nuzzling his face into your neck in a gesture that was surprisingly affectionate, though the wicked grin you could feel against your skin most certainly wasn’t as he clarified, “Call me Yuuji, little miss sexy, it’s only right for you to scream my first name.”
“Give me all you’ve got then hot stuff,” you challenged, earning a delighted smirk from the man, who pulled back to give you another searing kiss, clearly uncaring about the taste of himself in your mouth or sharing your own release with you.
Given how often he seemingly brought women home you weren’t at all surprised that he had a huge stash of condoms in the drawer of the nightstand of the bed, in all different textures and some in different flavors that made you highly amused. Though you didn’t stay that way for long as he expertly slid the condom on and approached, gently tugging you toward him and pulling one of your legs over his shoulder as he teased the head of his cock over your dripping entrance.
The feel of him as he entered you had your head lolling backwards, the angle he’d chosen ensuring he went deep, the feel of his piercings, that you could feel even through the condom, unlike anything you’d ever experienced before.
“Like that?” he teased as he seated himself deep inside you, his voice breathless but still teasing as he demanded, “Like the feel of my cock inside you sexy? You’re so fucking tight I can feel you squeezing me.”
“Fuck me, hot shot,” you ordered clenching around him deliberately, impatient after all his teasing, wanting to feel him move inside you, to know how his piercings would feel as they rubbed against your inner walls, as he fucked you.
“You asked for it,” he warned you, as he gave a sharp thrust of his hips, pulling a moan from your lips.
He didn’t bother to let you adjust more than that, drilling into you, setting a hard, fast past that left you gasping for breath, his cock stretching you deliciously, every movement rubbing his piercings along your insides. His tattooed fingers dug into your thigh as he held your leg over his shoulder.
“Feel so good, squeezing around me like that, you’re so fucking tight around my cock and so wet for me,” he praised, panting for breath as his dark gaze practically drilled into you, as he ground his hips into you, letting you feel every inch of him.
You hummed in agreement, your other leg wrapping around his hips, pulling him in close as your hips moved in time with his as you panted, your hands twisted in the comforter beside your head, unable to tear your eyes away from him, the ripple of muscle underneath his inked tattoos and the drops of sweat as they dripped down his neck and chest were utterly mesmerizing.
“Fuck me,” you gasped, “Fuck me!”
He paused in his movements slowly grinding himself into you making an inadvertent whine slip from your lips as he scolded, “I told you to call me Yuuji, let me hear you say my name.”
You might’ve chosen to deny him, but he’d dipped his other hand down, skilled fingers gently teasing your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you that had your walls fluttering around the hard cock buried to the hilt inside you. Pride warred with pleasure as your pussy ached, desperately wanting him to move again, to give you more of the heady friction and the feel of him moving deep inside you.
“Yuuji,” you relented your voice husky with desire and want, though you weren’t about to give in entirely, instead stretching your hand out for him and ordering, “Come here, Yuuji, kiss me.”
He immediately relented, leaning forward, taking your leg with him, your thigh pressed to your chest, his hips beginning to drive into you again so deep it took your breath away as he braced an elbow beside your head, the other cupping your face and holding you still so he could press his mouth to yours.
You moaned into his mouth wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you clung to him, savoring the feel of his hot skin beneath your hands as your fingers dug into the muscle of his back.
“Ah fuck,” Terushima hissed as he pulled away from your mouth, arching into your hands, his hips jolting hard as you dug your nails into his back. You would’ve felt sorry about it, but the look in his eyes told you clearly that he’d enjoyed the little bit of pain, his hips stuttering as you carefully raked them downwards.
“Do you like that Yuuji?” you purred into his ear, nipping at his jaw.
“Not as much as you like this,” he countered, utterly breathless as he thrust into you hard, the feel of it making you mewl in pleasure, “Like it rough, don’t you little miss sexy?”
“Just as much as you,” you managed to retort, utterly breathless, earning a huffed laugh from him, as he leaned forward to catch your lips in another sloppy kiss.
The lewd sound of your hips as they met, breathless moans and quiet swearing filled the air between you as Terushima worked his hips deep into you, his free hand slipping between the two of you to tease your clit again, as you yanked on his hair, unafraid now to be a little more rough with him the way he was with you, his teeth sinking into your neck in retaliation, earning a yelping moan from you.
“Yuuji, Yuuji,” you gasped, feeling yourself pushed towards your peak, the coil in your belly pulling tight as you dug your fingers into his shoulders, clinging to him for all you were worth.
“Fuck yes,” he panted, his voice a low rasp, clear strain in every word eyes locked on yours, “Give it to me sexy, let me see you come on my cock.”
You did as he asked your walls clamping down hard on him, a gasping cry pulled from your lips as he buried his face in your neck, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he chased his own end, clearly right on the edge himself. He gave a shuddering, moaning gasp into your ear as he came, his cock throbbing inside you and prolonging your own release.
For several long moments the two of you lay locked together, your hands absently stroking his hair as he rested nearly the entirety of his weight on you, the two of you desperately attempting to catch your breath.
Eventually he pressed a thankful kiss to your cheek, a surprisingly affectionate gesture before rolling off, quickly disposing of the condom in the small trash can by the bed, one no doubt specifically for that purpose.
You were a little surprised when right after taking care of it he immediately rolled back over to you, slinging a hot arm around your waist and pulling you close. You’d had one night stands who liked to cuddle a bit in the afterglow, and were feeling pretty good yourself, so you didn’t mind a bit, letting him pull you close and stroke his hand up and down your back.
Neither of you said anything, simply basking in comfortable silence and each other’s presence. However, after a few moments you noted his breath had evened out and his hand had stilled. Carefully propping yourself up on your elbow you noted with some amusement that he’d passed out.
It was understandable, frankly after how high energy the concert had been it was a little shocking that he’d had enough energy afterwards for this. A part of you wondered what he’d be like when he had a bit more energy to devote to things, after all this had been one of if not the best one night stand you’d ever had and definitely in your top ten for sex. However, you quickly shook that thought away.
You spent several moments trying to decide if you wanted to let your own eyes shut and doze off for a while, but in the end decided to carefully extract yourself from his grip, figuring it was less awkward to sneak off now than to potentially be kicked out by Terushima, or worse Hana or Anabara in the morning.
It took a second to find your clothes, and in the end you didn’t bother with your panties, instead dropping the garment into the same trash he’d used to dispose of the condom, before slipping on the rest of your clothes. A quick glance around proved you hadn’t forgotten anything and you took one last glance at Terushima, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.
You felt strangely bittersweet about leaving him, as you’d actually liked him, far more than you’d expected. Still, you weren’t stupid, and with everything you’d heard and seen from him you knew you were just one girl in a never ending parade of girls who’d grace his bed. Quietly you slipped out of the trailer, letting the door close softly behind you so you wouldn’t wake him.
It had gotten cooler since you’d been outside last, a nice breeze springing up that raised goosebumps on your exposed skin. It felt nice, and with the moon full and bright overhead you weren’t worried about losing your way as you quietly made your way back towards the concert venue, knowing you’d be able to find your car fairly easily from there.
“Where are you headed off to?” a quiet voice asked, the suddenness of it nearly making you jump out of your skin.
You whirled around, heart racing in your chest, only to find the leader of Terushima’s band Okudake holding his hands up in clear surrender, an apologetic look on his face. You let out a relieved breath clutching a hand over your still racing heart, glad to see it was someone you knew, if only vaguely.
“Sorry about that,” he told you sheepishly, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“It’s alright,” you assured him, “I just didn’t expect to see anyone out here.”
“Me neither,” he admitted with a wry chuckle, “But where are you off to? It isn’t safe for a young lady to be out by herself this late.”
“I’m uh, heading back to my car,” you confessed sheepishly, wondering if he knew he sounded like your parent.
“Terushima should’ve at least walked you,” he told you with a disapproving frown, “he’s usually more courteous than this.”
“It’s alright,” you hurriedly assured him, feeling more than a bit awkward as you admitted, “He’s asleep.”
“Ah,” he told you, the single word letting you know that he knew exactly what you were doing, sneaking off without confrontation, though he didn’t comment, instead offering, “Then at least let me walk you? I’ll feel better knowing you aren’t alone.”
“Ah sure,” you agreed, a little baffled but touched by his kindness.
“So what did you think of the show?” he asked casually as the two of you made your way toward the stage.
“It was amazing,” you assured him with a grin, utterly sincere, “the energy was off the charts and the songs were all incredible.”
“You didn’t think there were too many songs about love and heartbreak?” he asked, watching you from the corner of his eye. He clearly read the startled expression on you face because he quickly explained, “We’ve been told we have too many songs about it considering the genre of our group is more rock and our image is harder.”
“I don’t think so,” you assured him, you hadn’t really noticed before but now that he said it you did remember a lot of songs about heartbreak, “I think heartbreak is a pretty universal feeling, so there’s nothing wrong with having lots of songs about it. It’s not something that should be limited to things like genre.”
“I agree,” he told you with a firm nod, “Though I think it would be nice to sing about happiness in love once in a while.”
“So why don’t you?” you asked curious, wondering if this was another issue with love and happiness being the opposite of the more hardcore image they presented.
“Terushima is our main song writer,” he explained, surprising you quite a bit, “And he refuses to write from anything but his own experiences.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he hastily assured you, “We’re grateful to have him. Before Terushima we were a little Podunk band that was going absolutely nowhere. He’s a big reason why Johzenji is getting so popular, even if he does have his difficult moments at heart he’s a good guy that has done a lot for us.”
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked slowly, feeling a little bit like you were being led into a trap and wondering if you were about to be attacked the way Hana had snapped at you earlier.
“Because Hana told me what happened earlier and I think she might’ve given you the wrong impression,” he explained sheepishly, “Don’t get me wrong, I love her, and she’s an amazing woman but she and Terushima have never quite seen eye to eye.”
“What do you mean?” you questioned utterly baffled about where he was trying to take this.
“I mean from the outside looking in I bet it does look like Terushima’s a player, the last kind of guy you’d ever want to have any sort of relationship with, the kind who only wants women around for a night,” he told you, heaving a sigh and staring up at the night sky, “But it isn’t true at all.”
“Terushima just falls in love far too easily,” he continued, clearly seeing the skeptical expression on your face, “He feels connections with people, latches on, and doesn’t want to let go. Other than the women who’ve snuck out, not a single woman has ever left his bed without his phone number even the ones who really shouldn’t have gotten it.”
“So what he’s a closet romantic?” you asked unable to help the slight sarcasm in your tone, biting back against the pointed comment about you sneaking out without letting Terushima know.
“Something like that,” Okudake agreed, completely unbothered by the bite in your voice, “But more importantly I wanted you to know he likes you, genuinely.”
“If he’s such a romantic, then why doesn’t he have a partner already?” you pointed out, your head unwilling to believe him, even as your heart desperately wanted to.
“Mostly because he has abysmal taste in women,” Okudake informed you bluntly.
“Thanks,” you drawled, sarcastically.
“No,” he hastily assured you, clearly a little flustered, “Normally Terushima only chooses women who want to use him for something or another, either because of his fame or his looks. Hana was rude to you earlier, but she did have good reason to be suspicious of any woman Terushima brought backstage as they’ve been pretty trashy pretty much every single time.”
“But Hana likes you this time,” he charged on, clearly determined to get it all out, “And she’s always had good taste. I think the two of you could be good together if you wanted to give it a shot, and it would be nice to have Terushima write something that isn’t about heartbreak for once.”
“So what you want me to put a leash on your bass player?” you asked skeptically.
“No, I’m telling you he likes you, not just as a one night stand, but as a potential partner, so you know the option is there,” he explained patiently, “And because I think you like him too.”
His words stopped you in your tracks, and you wanted to snap at him, demand to know how he could just assume that as he couldn’t have seen you with Terushima for more than five minutes max. However you also knew he was right, you did like Terushima, a lot, you’d felt a connection to him too, and you really hadn’t wanted to leave. You’d just assumed he’d kick you out if you didn’t.
Now though his bandmate was saying something entirely different, insisting that Terushima was looking for more than a one night stand. The question was, did you believe him and if you did was it worth trying.
You stared at the sky hoping it could give you some kind of answer as Okudake watched and waited patiently. Thinking about it, all you could see was his face, the flash of cocky smirk, the sweet boyish grin, and the intensity in his eyes when he looked at you. He was flirty and confident and surprisingly respectful and sweet and your sexual compatibility was off the charts.
The more you thought about it the more you realized you were more than a bit infatuated with him. The only question now was what you were going to do about it. The thought of walking away now made your heart ache, and you’d never been a coward, so you heaved a breath, turned to Okudake and asked, “Can you take me back to Terushima’s trailer?”
The lead singer smiled kindly at you, and thankfully didn’t comment, simply turned around and led the way, wishing you a quiet but genuine good luck, and inviting you to have breakfast with the band in the morning.
Slipping into the trailer, you’d half planned to simply slip back into bed with Terushima, who you fully expected to find conked out on the bed. Instead you found him sat at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands, fingers buried in his blond hair, defeat and despondency in every line of his body. A part of you had kind of doubted what Okudake had said before, but looking at him now you thought maybe he’d been telling the truth after all.
The sound of the door as it clicked closed behind you made Terushima’s head jolt up, an utterly miserable expression on his face until his eyes focused on you, misery quickly replaced with befuddled awe, like he couldn’t quite believe you were standing in front of him.
“Hey, hot shot,” you greeted softly, unsure what to say, but needing to break the silence.
“Hey,” he returned, attempting to give you a cocky smirk, though the expression fell flat, “You forget something?”
“Can I come in?” you asked, gently, relieved when he gestured for you to help yourself.
You quickly slid your sandals off and made your way to the bed, not bothering to sit on it, but instead sinking to your knees in front of him, earning a surprised look. You reached for his hands and he gave them easily, twining his fingers through yours.
“So a little birdie told me I might’ve made some assumptions about you that I shouldn’t have,” you admitted, peering into his face.
“Oh yeah?” he asked, watching you carefully, “What kind of assumptions?”
“Like maybe you weren’t just looking to hook-up with a stranger for a one night stand tonight,” you confessed, feeling a bit anxious but doing your best to hide it, “Like maybe you weren’t trying to use ridiculous lines one me and maybe you really did feel a connection.”
“Is that why you ditched me before I could even ask for your number?” he asked with a huff of that was probably supposed to be a laugh but sounded surprisingly painful, “Because you thought I was looking for another notch in my belt?”
“Yeah,” you admitted guiltily, heart squeezing in your chest.
“It’s my fault,” he confessed tiredly, “I should know better by now than to jump right into bed with the people who catch my attention, but I thought if I could show you how good we could be, then you might want to stick around. Stupid huh?”
“I could’ve talked to you too,” you consoled then gently teased, “The sex was pretty good though.”
“What are you saying, it was fucking mind-blowing,” he smirked, regaining some of his cocky demeanor.
“Eh, I’ve had better,” you told him, earning a surprisingly cute pout from the bass player.
“Then I guess you’ll have to stick around for a while, so I can show you what I can really do,” he proposed casually, though you could see the tentative hope in his eyes.
“I guess I’d better,” you agreed with a grin, “Though on one condition.”
“Name it,” he agreed eagerly.
“I want a proper date,” you told him, “And your phone number.”
“That’s two conditions little miss sexy,” he teased, his eyes alight with desire and a surprising amount of affection, “But I suppose I can agree if you call me by my name again and agree to be my girlfriend.”
“It’s a deal Yuuji,” you agreed, leaning up to press an affectionate kiss to his lips, one he accepted eagerly, you pulled away before the two of you could get carried away grinning at him like an idiot, well aware that he really should be asleep.
It took a bit, but the two of you managed to get settled into bed together again after you re-shed your clothes, cuddled up close, with Terushima laying half on top of you claiming it was so you couldn’t run off on him again. You’d huffed, but allowed it, enjoying the proximity and his warmth.
He was quick to doze off again, face pressed into your neck, and you found yourself drifting too, contemplating just how lucky you were to have found him, and looking forward to what the future might bring.
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kniesyswrld · 3 years
She’s Mine• j. kotkaniemi
(You wear revealing clothes that Jesperi doesn’t like, but he supports. But what he doesn’t support is when his teammates hit on you)
Warning(s): Language
I know I did one like this, but I’m bored and can’t think
Song Inspired By: My Chick Bad by Ludacris
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“This look okay?” I asked Jesperi and pull my dress down to show my curves more and more of my tits, he looked me up and down with a sigh.
He rolled his eyes then looks at me, “What do you mean? You’re barely wearing clothes!” He says pointing to my body.
“Sorry that I’m confident.” I scoffed and then walk away from him, “Let’s go.” I sass and he rolled his eyes before running after me and then going to the drivers side.
I scroll through Instagram the whole car ride and ignore Jesperi’s hand on my thigh, “Baby, we’re here!” He says and I got out.
“I wanted to open your door for you.” He says and I look at the door then at him, “Oops.” I said and he rolls his eyes before grabbing ahold of my hand before taking me inside the bar.
We step in and I let go of Jesperi’s hand then run over to the WAGS, “Hey girls!” I said and they all smiled, “Hey Y/n, you look sexy as fuck!” Angela Price says to me.
“Thanks, hun. You guys all do too.” I say and they all chuckled, “Let’s go get drinks now.” July Petry says and they all holler before we go to the bar.
I sway my hips with my walk and lean over the bar, the bartender turns around and looked me up and down with a smirk.
“Good evening girls, what can I get y’all?” He asked and I hum, “A round of shots for me and my girls.” I say and he winks at me.
I rolled my eyes, but I could take this as an opportunity. “Watch this.” I whispered to the girls, I pull my dress down more.
“Shit, I forgot my wallet at home. I’m sorry.” I said and he looks at me, “Oh then these are free for you, I don’t want you to leave.” He winked and I laugh softly.
He hands me the tray of shots and we go back to the table, but the one with the guys. “I want to be you, girl!” Tate says and I smiled at her.
“What did she do?” Jesperi asked and I sighed, “Used my attributes to get free drinks.” I winked at all the guys.
Jesperi rolls his eyes, “Oh you mean your tits!” Brendan Gallagher says, “Yes, Gally. She means her tits.” Jesperi snapped and I bit my lip.
“You got to admit, bro. She has amazing tits.” Brendan says and all the guys, plus girls nod. “I know she does! She’s MY girlfriend.” He grits his teeth in my direction.
I put my arm around his waist, “I got us all free shots though!” I laughed. “Hell yeah.” Carey says and I smiled at him.
“Let’s drink to Y/n’s amazing body!” Angela says and I laughed, everyone grabs their shots and held it up before clinking it together. “To Y/n’s amazing body!” They all say.
Jesperi on the other hand did not say it, he just glared at all the guys. “That was an amazing drink!” I said with a laugh.
“I wanna dance.” I said and the girls all nod, “You boys wanna dance?” I asked, “No.” They say. “Awe come on guys!” Julie says and I pout.
I grab Jesperi’s hand, “Come on, babe. Dance with us!” I said and then do a puppy face, “No.” He says and I rolled my eyes.
“Whatever girls, it’s just gonna be us.” I say and they all boo, “It’s fine us girls are elite anyways.” Angela says, challenging her husband but he didn’t care and chose to keep drinking his beer.
I sighed and we walk to the jukebox, I put my money in and then chose the song ‘Wobble by V.I.C’, the girls all shout and they begin dancing.
“Let’s take another shot, girls!” I said and we walk back to the table and downed our shots then walk back to the dance floor.
Jesperi and I pregamed a little, me more than him, before we came to the bar so that’s how I was so drunk. “I got patron in my cup, and I don’t give a fuck the baddest bitch in the club right here!” We all sang.
“Yes bitch!” I said as Angela was twerking and I start slapping her ass, “May I dance with y’all?” A blonde girl asked and I nod, “Yes, you may.” I say with a smile.
She politely thanks me then we all start dancing, I felt a body against me and I turn to see it was Julie. We were grinding and I began ‘twerkin’ on her, she slapped my ass as I dipped it low on her.
“You two are dumb as fuck!” Angela laughs and we both laugh too, I move away from them and bend over a table to shake my ass.
The bartender guy, the guys, and random men were staring at me. “Yes my bitch has a fatty!” Angela says and this time she slaps my ass.
“Aye, aye, aye!” All the girls say as I get low with it, the song ended and I boo. “What song should I play next?” I asked.
The girls all requested ‘Birthday Song by 2 Chainz’ and I gladly played it, “More shots?” I asked the girls they nod.
“Hey whats your name?” I asked the girl from earlier, she looks at me. “My names Abby.” The girl says and I smiled. “You’d be perfect for my friend Brendan.” I say.
She laughs then we walked back to the table and got our drinks, I hand Abby one and she downs it. “Thanks.” She says and I nod.
“Anytime, girly. That’s Brendan.” I said and point to him talking to Jesperi, “He’s talking to my boyfriend, Jesperi.” I said and she nods.
Brendan and Jes look our way, “Boys this is Abby.” I introduce her, they all wave with excepting smiles. She blushed and waves back.
“Be nice to her. She’s my new bestie.” I laughed and then look at her, “Want my number?” I asked and she nods before putting it in her phone.
I smiled and hand Jesperi back my phone, “Keep it safe, baby. Love you.” I said and he pecks my lips. “I love you too, princess.” He says and then slaps my ass as I walk away.
“Okay, bad bitties let’s dance!” I say and we all began dancing again, I felt someone against me and expected it to be Julie so I kept dancing on her.
As I kept dancing, I felt a hand around my waist. “Damn babygirl.” A man says and I turn around to see the bartender.
“Get off of me!” I said and push him off of me, “Why? You were CLEARLY into me earlier.” He says and I shook my head.
He shrugged and tried to get me to keep dancing with him, “Get away from her!” Angela says and he looked her up and down.
“No, bitch.” He says and I gasped, “I swear I’ll kill you, don’t ducking talk to my friend like that!” I said and he smirks.
“Sassy. I like it.” He winks and grinds his hard dick on me, “Stop!” I yelled and that caught the attention from the guys.
They all get up and Jesperi speed walks over to where I was having trouble. “She said get off of her.” He says, hovering over the guy.
“Who the hell are you?” He asked, folding his arm over his chest. “Her boyfriend, who are you?” Jesperi asked.
The bartender laughed, “A guy who was about to take your girl home.” He says and slapped my ass, I gasp and Jesperi pushed him with a lot of force.
“Get the hell away from the girls now, you creep.” Jesperi says, “Or what?” He asked and Jesperi grins at him before slamming his fist in the guys face.
I gasped and back up into Brendan arms, “Jes, stop!” I said and he had no mercy on this guy. “You’re gonna kill him, fucking stop!” I cried and he sighed.
“Stay the fuck away from my girl.” Jesperi spat and he grabs my arm before he forces me outside, “Never wear that again.” He growled and took us home.
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Irresistible Danger - Part 52
Synopsis:  After being caught outside the compound on your own, Negan decides to punish you in the best way possible ;)
Words: 4,063
Warnings: nsfw, smut, swearing
ID Masterlist can be found HERE
Masterlist of all my fics can be found HERE 
Author’s Note: Woo for another chapter! These Friday updates make me even more excited for the weekend, so I hope it does the same for y’all. I also hope you’re ready for this third outing with Negan ;)
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Gentle Heat
At 4:57pm, you strode down the hallway and towards the front door of the Sanctuary. You had Ricardo hefted up over your shoulder, and gave him a little twirl reminiscent of a certain leader with his own handy-dandy weapon. Your brain and subconscious walked excitedly on either side of you, both of them happy, content, and finally on the same emotional page since the conversation with Negan last night. 
When you informed Ben at the beginning of dinner prep that you had to leave once the food was ready, he had flashed a knowing smirk and gave a sassy ‘mmmm hmmmm’ in response, earning himself a playful shove. He had laughed and then said he’d make sure to leave two containers of leftovers in the fridge for when you got back. When you hadn’t corrected the container amount, he had only grinned harder, and you couldn’t help but smile in return. Ben and Negan would never be best buddies, but you could finally see the potential for them to at least be cordial acquaintances, a thought which caused another of those darned warm and fuzzy feelings in your chest. 
Mind returning to the present, you pushed open the heavy front door and squinted into the warm rays of sun that would last for a couple more hours before sinking into the horizon. When your vision had adjusted to the light, you saw that Negan was already waiting at the front gate, gaze fixed in your direction. Fighting the ridiculous grin that tugged at your lips, you started walking purposely across the asphalt towards him, perhaps putting a little more sway to your hips than was necessary. Your eyes took in his tall and delicious form, subconscious almost tripping over its own feet at the sight. A white tee was peeking out the top of his slightly unzipped leather jacket, and his gloved hands held Lucille. Vowing to have them also hold you by the end of the outing, you felt a spark of excitement at the thought of that soft leather running over your skin, this time with no interruptions. 
Stopping a foot away from him, both of you raked greedy eyes down over the other. While you tried to be a bit discreet in your ogling, his stare was blatant, taking in your peach-colored t-shirt, form-fitting jeans, and boots. A grin curved those sinful lips as he drawled, “Afternoon, doll.” 
Unable to help a tiny smirk in return, you calmly replied, “Good afternoon, Negan.” 
Eyes twinkling knowingly, he turned and looked over at the Savior on gate duty. A subtle nod of Negan’s head was all it took for the man to hurriedly unlock and open the well-oiled metal. 
Once you were out of view of the Sanctuary and enclosed on all sides by trees, he stopped and turned to you. “Well, doll?”
“Well, what?” 
He lifted Lucille straight out in front of him and panned her over the surrounding forest. “You’re running the fucking show, so where to?”
Delight lit up your face at the realization of what he was offering. He’s letting you be in charge this time! Your subconscious procured a red cloak and tiny wicker basket out of thin air and frolicked off into the trees, while your brain took out a magnifying glass and started studying an odd-looking insect resting on a nearby bush. Torn between which one to follow, you landed on a mixture of both, and started off in a random direction with a bit of extra pep in your step, taking everything in. 
You wandered around that way for a while, taking the time to explore all the wonders the forest had to offer now that you weren’t faced with a mission of picking berries before the clock ran out. Negan was a good sport about it, following dutifully behind as you slowly meandered around in a haphazard pattern. It dimly registered that you didn’t even hesitate to worry about where you were going, trusting him to reign you in if you strayed too far from the Sanctuary or caused him to lose his bearings. 
At one point, you stopped at the sound of rustling, both Lucille and Ricardo raised in readiness. However, the would-be assailants turned out to only be a pair of squirrels. You both stood silent and frozen, watching the furry little creatures happily chase each other through the brush before racing up a tree. Moving on, you stopped at times to inspect certain plants, but since your knowledge on horticulture wasn’t extensive, you refrained from touching the ones that looked foreign. Negan stayed dutifully silent and uncomplaining a few paces behind, as if he knew how much you needed this outing, how much you had needed a bit of fresh air and freedom from the Sanctuary that you didn’t have to steal or that wasn’t dictated by someone else. 
However, this was Negan you were talking about, and his patience wasn’t infinite. You knew it had finally worn thin when you abruptly stopped and bent down to smell a pretty yellow flower and heard him give a low groan of frustration. Freezing at the sound, you turned to look at him. He might be standing a few feet away, but his gaze was fixed with laser focus on your bent-over ass. 
Interest quickly moving from your surroundings and towards a more arousing topic, you straightened and quipped, “What? I didn’t think we were in a rush to get to grandmother’s house?”
Instantly recognizing the metaphor, his eyes twinkled with both merriment and something a bit darker...something a bit dirtier.
Tongue tucking into his cheek, he looked you down and up before replying, “I didn’t realize that was the game we were playin’, Red. Should’ve fucking said so sooner.”  
With that, he strode towards you, his long legs quickly eating up the distance. He fit the Big Bad moniker perfectly in that moment, his eyes glowing wolfishly with intent.   
Feeling both adrenaline and desire course through your body, you did the only thing to be expected of Little Red in a situation such as this. 
Giving a huff of excitement, you turned tail and ran. 
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
You must have taken Negan by surprise, because initially you only heard silence in response. You hadn’t even hesitated to consider what to do if he stayed put, instead knowing that he would follow and chase you down. Sure enough, you had only sprinted a short distance before the unmistakable sound of heavy but agile footfalls arose from behind. Grinning, you jumped over a large branch laying across the ground, incredibly glad that the ankle you had twisted during your last forest adventure was healed enough to handle this sudden strenuous activity. 
The footsteps grew louder, and you knew he was closing in when you could hear the unmistakable sound of leaves brushing against leather as he pushed past the same hedges as you had only a few seconds earlier. Knowing the chase was almost at an end, you suddenly swerved to the left and darted behind a nearby stout bush that came up to your waist. 
Turning around, you expected Negan to burst into view on the other side of the bush...but instead were met with silence. Brows furrowing, you strained to listen, certain he had been just behind you a moment ago. When there was nothing, not even a rustle of foliage, you felt a prickle of worry dart down your spine. Had he fallen? No, surely you would’ve heard that. 
“Negan?” you hissed, visions of him being grabbed by an enemy group or knocking himself unconscious the same way you had not too long ago racing through your mind. 
Hefting up Ricardo, who you had been clutching in one hand at your hip while running, you slowly went back around the bush and retraced your steps. Trying to walk as lightly as possible, to avoid any unnecessary noise, you had tiptoed about thirty feet and were just passing the wide trunk of some large tree, when a strong arm darted out from behind it and snagged around your waist. Another hand flew over your mouth, cutting off your sharp scream. You registered that it was encased in leather at the same time the hair stood up on the back of your neck, both clues pointing a bright neon arrow to who you captor was. 
Before you could decide how to enact your revenge for his deception, he spun you around and pressed your back into the large tree. Surprise and loss of balance from the quick maneuver caused you to drop Ricardo, and a second later his hands pinned yours to the rough bark at the same time that a muscled thigh slid between your legs, anchoring you in place.
Despite sprinting after you through the woods, he didn’t even appear to be breathing heavy, the jerk. Meanwhile, you were making more than a small amount of effort to catch your breath from all the exertion, darn your out-of-shape ass. Course, some of the accelerated breaths could also be a result of having such an attractive alpha male using his entire body to pin you against a tree. Not to mention the way he was staring at you with a devilish glint in his tawny gaze. 
Leaning down, his raspy drawl came from right beside your ear as he murmured, “Checkmate, doll. Your move.” 
An unexpected rush of emotion rose within you at the words. What had initially started out as a condescending phrase, one he used to taunt and exert his power, had then changed into more of a challenge thrown down by you during the chess game. After that, it had been transformed into a type of endearment, a way for both of you to check in with the other. It was yet another example of how far your interactions with Negan had come, how far your feelings towards each other had come. 
The phrase had always been a precursor to a nonverbal response from the other, and you weren’t going to break that trend now. Head turning, your lips brushed over his bearded cheek, seeking out his mouth. When your lips connected, you sighed and poured your soul into the kiss. It was heated with both desire and an emotion that was slowly making itself impossible to resist. One that both terrified and thrilled you with its possibility. You knew he had received the nonverbal message when the hands previously pinning you gentled, leathered fingers threading with yours until they were intertwined. His kiss consumed you, tongue thrusting inside your mouth in possessive, delicious strokes until you pulsed with need. His head then tilted to the other side, as if he wanted to explore from every angle, as if he couldn’t taste you enough. 
When you had melted into him with willing submission, he pulled back from the kiss and gazed down at your desire-hazed expression, the silence dragging on for long moments as you took each other in. His eyes were full of what could only be described as gentle heat, showcasing both his desire and his...affection. It was a look that you didn’t even think was in his repertoire, much less one that would be directed at you. You weren’t sure what your own face was conveying, but whatever it was, he seemed to like it, his lips ticking up slightly on one side. 
Leaning back in, he went for your throat this time, beard brushing over sensitive skin as he found the spot he had quickly learned caused your head to fall back in surrender. Lifting one leg, you wrapped a thigh around him so that your hips pressed together. 
Giving a frustrated groan, he murmured against your skin, “I’m a fucking fool.” 
“What?” you dumbly replied, stiffening slightly. Had you misread that moment of connection just a few seconds ago? Had he not meant to-
“I didn’t bring any fucking condoms. I thought you’d be so busy traipsing around the fucking woods that we wouldn’t need one til we got back.” 
His face was still pressed into your neck, lips moving over your flesh in hot, open-mouthed kisses, so he missed the mischievous smile that crossed your face. “My bra.”
His head did lift at that, and it was his turn to dumbly say, “What?”
Giving a light laugh, you tugged at his hands so he’d let go, fingers dropping to reach inside the modest neckline of your shirt. He followed the movement with curiosity, and you saw the lightbulb go off in his head a moment before you pulled out the tiny foil packet you had put in there earlier. 
Brandishing it in front of his face, you quipped, “Glad one of us came prepared.” 
Tongue tucking into his cheek, he gave an obscene smile. “That’s my girl,” he purred, the words causing heat to simmer in your belly.
Reaching down for the button on your jeans, he continued, “We’ll have to make it quick, doll. And quiet. Don’t want any fucking walkers catching us with our pants down.”
Only able to nod in agreement, your eyes were locked on the sight of his leather-encased fingers lowering the zipper of your pants before they gripped the fabric at the sides and tugged both it and your panties down. You had to lower your leg from his hip for him to do so, and he cursed under his breath when he came upon the obstacle of your knee-high boots. Kneeling, he quickly unzipped and yanked them off before returning to the removal of your pants. A dart of heat went through you when he tugged the garments off and stood back up, taking in the sight of you standing before him and naked from the waist down. 
“Fuck, that’s a pretty picture,” he breathed.
Taking your mouth in another kiss coated with blatant sensuality, his hand slipped between your thighs, two gloved fingers pushing inside and caressing your flesh in expert strokes. His thumb ran through the wetness, dragging it up to coat your sensitive clit. Breaking the kiss, your head fell back against the tree, breath panting when he started rubbing in soft circles with the perfect amount of pressure. It was a touch meant to steadily drive up your pleasure without being too quick or overwhelming. 
The feel of the smooth, buttery leather sliding over and inside you was sublime, yet also taboo enough to make you clench around him with the dirty thrill of it. The fingers inside scissored, stretching you for his greedy cock. Looking down, you saw that it was currently straining the front of his pants in a way that made you grit your teeth to hold back a moan. 
Deciding that turnabout was fair play, you reached for the fastening of his pants, quickly unbuckling his belt and pushing the fabric down below his hips, along with the boxer briefs. When his cock came into view, it was already red and swollen, the fat head glistening with a drop of pre-cum. You felt a bit dizzy at the sight, excited by the illicitness of fucking out in the open like a pair of wild animals. Wrapping a hand around him, you marveled once again at his impressiveness. His girth was more than a handful, and yet to the place currently aching for him, you knew it would be a perfect fit.
His eyes fluttered closed with a groan when you started stroking his cock, thumb running up over the slit with each pass. His obvious enjoyment of your touch sent a rush of wetness between your thighs, as well as giving your ego a jolt of empowerment over the fact that you had such an effect on this handsome-as-hell man who was usually so in control of every situation. It was an intoxicating feeling, one that you were already becoming addicted to. Not wanting to wait any longer, you leaned forward and nipped at the tanned skin of his brawny throat. 
“I want you to fuck me like this, right now,” you said, a bit surprised at the command in your tone. 
His eyes popped back open as he gave a pained growl and grabbed the condom out of the hand not stroking his dick. He ripped it open, and you reluctantly let go so that he could roll it on in practiced strokes. 
“Hurry,” you urged, back arching into the trunk of the tree and hips pressing into him, feeling the tip of his shaft brush against your soaked entrance. 
He didn’t disappoint, strong hands hooking around the backs of your knees and lifting you right off the ground, at the same time that he entered you with one long thrust. 
You couldn’t hold back a cry at his intrusion, a gloved palm quickly covering your mouth to muffle the sound. Pushing two leather-covered fingers past your lips to press lightly on your tongue, you realized they were the same ones that had been between your other set of lips just a minute ago. Giving another primal moan at the filthiness of it, you sucked on his fingers, faintly tasting your own musky essence under the more prominent and earthly flavor of the leather. 
“Shit,” he hissed, also struggling to keep from making too much noise as he started up a deep, steady rhythm with his hips, your ankles criss-crossed together behind his ass and urging him on. 
Grabbing the bottom of your shirt with the hand not in your mouth, he yanked the peach fabric up to your chin and pulled down the fabric cups of your plain white bra. Your breasts popped free, presented to him on a platter with the underwire still keeping them elevated. He buried his face in them with a muffled groan, his beard causing delicious friction as his mouth feasted on your soft skin. You moaned around his fingers when he took a taut nipple between his teeth and bit gently before laving it with his tongue. 
Despite the fact that you were both still wearing some of your clothes, it wasn’t as quick a fuck as he had warned. His thrusts were more relaxed than urgent, but no less devastating since each one seemed to drag his cock in a way that hit every sensitive nerve ending you possessed. He was using his body as if it were a tool designed specifically to pleasure you, and he slowed down his thrusts even more when his head lifted and he caught you in his hooded, tawny gaze. He watched you closely as his hips possessed and retreated, your thighs squeezing on the sides of his waist and your own hips lifting away from the sharp bite of tree bark to meet each thrust. The fingers in your mouth slipped out, replaced by his tongue, as he kissed you slow and deep. 
The forest blurred around you, any outside awareness dwindling until all you could see and feel was him, and you dimly realized that this wasn’t fucking. No, with the way your bodies pulsed and hearts pounded in unison...this wasn’t anything other than making love. 
Despite the unhurried pace, the pleasure continued to build, pushing you steadily and inexorably towards the precipice that always promised ecstasy. You were releasing little whimpers against his lips, hands clutching at his shoulders as your muscles started tensing in a way that let you both know that you were close. 
“That’s it, doll,” he murmured. “I want to feel it. Show me that you’re fucking mine.” 
Body obeying his command, the orgasm took over, and you shattered around him at the exquisite pleasure that undulated from the place where you were joined out to everywhere from the top of your head to the tips of your curling toes. 
You never wanted it to end. Your body flooded not just with pleasure, but with a deep fulfillment that you had never felt before. It felt as if he was now a part of your psyche, as if he was the final puzzle piece clicking into place and making you whole. 
He was quick to follow, hips giving one more sharp thrust before they stilled and his lower body shuddered against you. He released a vehement moan into your mouth, his chest vibrating with the force of it. 
You clung to him, stunned by the intensity of the moment. His sweat-dampened forehead dropped to your shoulder, chests rising and falling against each other as you both tried to catch your breath. Eventually the muscles in your legs started protesting, so you unwound your thighs from his waist and dropped them back to the ground, causing your lower bodies to separate.  
After a few more seconds, he lifted his head and looked down at you. The tenderness and utter satisfaction on his face made your heart clench, and your mouth opened before you could stop it.
“Negan, I’m-” you broke off, brain finally catching up and trying to hold back the tide of emotion. 
His hand came up to cup the side of your face, golden gaze intent on yours. “What is it, doll?” 
Self-doubt suddenly rose within you, causing the words to stay caught in your throat, refusing to come out. What the hell are you thinking?! Don’t let the fact that he just gave you an amazing orgasm fool you into thinking he wants to get all sappy and emotional. 
Trying to fight any impending panic at the close call, you instead tried to play it off with a joke. “I think we might’ve broken our vow to be quick and quiet.” You attempted a sly grin, but it felt forced.
Furrowing his brows at your abrupt change in demeanor, his eyes moved carefully over your face, as if trying to find the truth behind the mask you had suddenly thrown on. Not wanting to wait and see if he’d call you out for the obvious deflection, you gathered the strength needed to push away from the tree...away from him. 
Tucking the shirt back down and bending to grab discarded jeans and panties off the ground, you silently got dressed with your back to him. The rustle of fabric and metallic clink of a belt buckle let you know that he was doing the same. When finished zipping up your boots, you picked up Ricardo from where he lay in the tall grass. A sudden surge of awkwardness hit when you ran out of actions to complete and so just stood there, unsure what to do next.
Much as you wanted to take off in a rush back to the Sanctuary, you had lost all sense of where you were. Knowing your luck, if you picked a random direction and started walking, it would be completely the wrong way. Instead, you stood there and waited, looking off into the distance through the trees, unwilling to make eye contact. It showed how well Negan could read you now, that he wordlessly and confidently started off in what must be the right direction, not trying to make you speak or look at him. It made you grateful to him that he understood and respected the need for some mental space, at the same time that it scrambled your emotions even more for him to be so in tune with you like that.
Starting off after him, it wasn’t long before he dropped back so that the two of you were walking side-by-side, Negan adjusting his long-legged stride to match your shorter one. Using his teeth to pull a glove off the hand that wasn’t clutching Lucille, he pocketed the leather and reached over to clasp your non-Ricardo hand in his bare one. 
You glanced down, taking in the sight of your smaller, more delicate hand wrapped up in his large, calloused one. His nonverbal offer of affection, despite the way you had shut down on him just minutes ago, made your chest tighten. Unable to continue the cold facade, you gave his hand a light squeeze of acknowledgement, unable to help the slight smile that tipped your lips when he returned it with a gentle squeeze of his own. Your brain and subconscious both let out the worried breaths they’d been holding with a sigh, as they watched you and Negan walk the entire way back to the Sanctuary like that: hand-in-hand.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
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holylulusworld · 4 years
He’s my man
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Summary: Hands off her man… (For a longer summary read the original request under the tags.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Ofc
Warnings: angst, language, curvy reader, sassy reader, public making out, bullying (kinda), mentions of sex, smut, unprotected sex, woman on top, car sex, Impala sex, biting kink
Kinktober Special: Impala sex
Kinktober 2020
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
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“Morning,” Sam grumbles, following you and Dean toward the Impala. “Did you have a good night? Mine was awful.”
“Nope, we had a great night,” Dean grins like the cat that got the cream when he moves one hand to your ass, roughly groping it. “We barely slept but we don’t care.”
“Same,” you snicker at Sam’s words. The poor guy looks like he didn’t sleep at all. “I care, though. Next time, warn me so I can get a room far away from yours.”
Dean laughs at his brother’s words, still that cocky grin on his lips. “Can you blame me, Sammy? I got lucky tonight…incredibly lucky.”
“Dean Winchester!” You slap Dean’s chest, cheeks heating up as Sam nods thoughtfully. “You can’t just tell Sammy so.”
“You finally let that guy touch you?” Dean grunts at his brother’s words. He clenches his jaw when Sam grins at you. “Did you think this through? Dean won’t ever keep his hands to himself from now on.”
You grin, stepping toward Sam to pat his chest. “Oh-Sammy, I’m counting on it. Last night he gave me a preview of what will come.” You giggle at Sam’s pained expression. “I will ride this train until the end.”
“See, that’s my girl,” Dean runs after you to open the door to the passenger seat for you. “I knew she’ll love it.”
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“Gosh, I’m hungry,” you look at the menu, almost drooling onto your shirt. “Dean wore me out.”
“I did,” grinning again Dean pecks your neck, lightly nibbling at your skin. “Could devour you again if you want me to.” Someone clears her throat next to Dean who shamelessly bites your neck.
“I will have the egg white, toast, and coffee, please,” Sam orders, eyes drifting to you and Dean. “I guess my brother will need a moment.”
“No,” Dean protests, stomach rumbling. “I’ll have the bacon with eggs, toast, pancakes and coffee, black.”
“I have the same,” you smile at Dean, ignoring the waitress tries to get his attention when she taps her pink nails onto the table. “That’s it, sweetheart.” You coo, hand creeping to Dean’s thigh to slide your fingers up and down.
“Just a minute,” the waitress snickers, eying you up and down, a frown on her face. “Maybe you should have what your tall friend has.”
“Are you deaf or dumb?” You purse your lips, pointing toward the menu. “I said I’ll have what my boyfriend has.”
“It’s your ass…” She turns on her heels, muttering something you can’t hear.
“What the fuck was that?” Dean grunts, looking at you. “Do you know her?” You smirk, hand creeping up to Dean’s cock to graze the outlines. “Baby girl.”
“Nope. I guess she’s jealous you wanted to eat me alive, not her. Girls like her believe everyone must look at her, you know. The prom queen kind of girl,” you shrug, already turning your attention toward the pie the girl at the table opposite yours eats. “I want pie.”
“I say it again – that’s my girl…”
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“God, that’s a goddamn masterpiece,” you swoon shoving a spoonful of your pancake into Dean’s mouth. “Taste the maple syrup, baby.”
“Awesome. I’d like to lick it off your body,” moaning you nod eagerly whilst Sam retches.
“Guys, first – not in front of me. Secondly, gross.” Sam scrunches up his nose, ignoring Dean grunts when you whisper something into his ear.
“Hey, I know you are busy eating, but I thought I’ll leave you my number before I go,” the waitress taking your orders swoons. “I know you want someone more…suitable.”
Dean ignores the girl, rather licks the maple syrup of your finger. He only has eyes for you when you lean closer and to shove your finger into his mouth.
“Did you hear me? I think a hot guy like you shouldn’t waste his time on a thick girl,” the waitress spats, hand sliding over Dean’s biceps. “If you are up to some real fun, call me, baby.” Dean’s eyes drop to your cleavage and his cock twitches in interest.
You see red, blood-red when she dares to touch your man. Your body goes stiff, your eyes narrow and Dean knows, he needs to calm you before you explode. His hand gently squeezes your thigh, but the girl just doesn’t get a hint.
“Come on, you’re a hunk. That girl is a three, but you are a ten on good days,” she moans, now squeezing Dean’s arm.
“Yeah, he’s a hunk, bitch. Hung too,” you smirk, hands cupping Dean’s face to crush your lip onto his soft pillows. Your tongue swipes over the roof of his mouth, causing Dean to growl low in his throat.
Your hand drops from his face to his crotch, to roughly palm his erection. Dean is lost in the way you kiss him hard and your hand bringing his dick to life, not caring about anything but the feeling of your hand on his dick.
“You know, when we are done eating, sweet cheeks, my boyfriend and I will have so much fun I will walk funny for days,” with a dirty grin on your lips you look at the waitress who huffs at words before she storms off.
“I want to eat, sweetheart, but don’t forget what you said,” Dean pants. “I will make you scream again…and again…and fucking again.”
“I know…” Sam laughs when Dean looks at you like a love-sick puppy. He smirks, pecking your nose gently.
“Shut up,” you giggle, turning your attention back toward your food. “I’m hungry.”
“We didn’t say a thing, Y/N,” Dean steals a piece of bacon from your plate, chuckling as you glare at him. “How about we leave this shitty place and I fulfill your promise?”
“Follow me, Winchester,” you grasp for Dean’s hand to lead him out of the diner, tossing money onto the table on your way out. “Don’t wait up, Sammy. We are going to be occupied for a moment or two.”
“At least twenty minutes or more, Sam,” you warn, giggling as your friend rolls his eyes. “Maybe thirty.”
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“God, sweetheart,” Dean grips your ass harshly. “Fuck me, you’re like a wildcat.” He cries out, feeling your teeth sink into his neck. You rock your hips steady, not wanting it to be over too soon. “I’m yours.”
“I know, Winchester,” you fist Dean’s hair to meet his darkened eyes. The grip on your flesh tightens when you bury your face back into his neck, granting Dean access to mark you too. “No one can have you. Not that bitch nor anyone else.”
“I love your possessive side. You make me so hard, baby girl,” you moan, gripping Dean’s shoulders to move up and down his length. “Do you know how much your curves get me going? That feast festival I call your boobs, god, I could die between your tits.”
“Dean,” his hands grip your tits, squeezes the tender flesh tightly when you lean backward. “You look so hot naked in the backseat.”
“I know, sweetheart,” Dean purrs the words, a smirk on his lips when you throw your head back as he thrusts up into you. “I’m quite a sight.”
“You are,” you drop one hand to your clit, slowly rubbing circles around the little nub. “Fuck me, please.”
“Fuck…” Dean grasps for your waist, to fuck up into you, not caring you start to scream or that anyone who walks across the parking lot could see you naked on top of him. “Cum for me, Y/N.” His voice low enough to have your head spinning Dean moans your name.
He spills hot into you, roaring your name when you convulse hot and endless around him. Thanks to Dean you’re a sweaty mess but you couldn’t care less.
You fall against Dean’s chest, panting heavily. “Love you, Dean.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
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“Did you disinfect the car?” Sam looks at the backseat, furrowing his brows. “Dean?”
“We cleaned it, Sammy. Don’t be such a girl about it,” Dean snickers, his hand back on your ass. “I swear we didn’t do anything wrong in the backseat of my car.”
“Sure,” the younger Winchester grits out. “…and a vampire just wants to kiss your neck. Now give me that blanket you always hide in the trunk for Y/N.”
“Uh-Sammy,” you giggle, rubbing your arm nervously. “I wouldn’t use it if I were you.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” pissed Sam strips his jacket off to place it onto the backseat. “Back at the bunker, you two will disinfect anything you ever had sex on.”
“My bed too?” Dean cocks a brow, close to bursting into laughter. “I mean, we only will make it dirty again.”
“Just shut up…” Sam sighs. “To think I was rooting for you…”
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Original request:
1 reader,dean and Sam are away for a case, the previous night dean take virginity of the reader and have so hard hot passionate sex for all the night so in the morning are both so hungry. At the dinner dean order breakfast for them and they start eating when a waitress come to the table to hit on dean but he ignores her just having eyes for reader, 2 when the waitress se this make some comments on her weight (she have curves) and touching dean arm tell him to go to her when he want some real fun, dean and Sam know that the girl have made the worst mistakes of her life because reader have the same temper as dean if not worst and when dean feel her body tense he take his hands on her tights to calm her 3 but the waitress just keep pushing her bottoms and reader take dean face on him and kiss him hard and passionately let the waitress see her hand palming dean cock trough the jeans when she stop tell the girl that he will have so so much fun fucking her when they leave the dinner at this the girl go away and reader continues eating with Sam laughing at her and dean locking at her with love and a smirk and she tell them “shut up” and they say “we haven’t talked” 4 and end with hard Sex reader riding him and marking him with love bites in the impala and dean doing the same and how he loves her possessive side and her curves to touch! (She’s adopted by the boys and younger Thant both, Sammy loves her like a sister) drama smutt fluff humor
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Bath Time
A/N: This is gonna be based on the years after Hogwarts, just a few months after graduation.
It’s also going to be based on the “Physical One-Liners”. I feel like in the privacy of their own space, Talbott turns a bit more... mischievous, which both surprises and flusters Judith to no ends.
If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t read. Just that simple. Anywho...
Judith never felt more happy to leave St. Mungos. While she did enjoy her job, and spending time with her long time friend Chiara, she was beyond exhausted. Not in the mood to walk home, the young woman decided to fly home instead.
Quickly ducking into a dark alley, she transformed into her Black Sparrowhawk and flew off. Flying has always been one of her small joys in life. It reminded her of the times with her father, where he would teach her the basics of flying. It also reminded her of her time at Hogwarts. Attending Flying Class with Madam Hooch and playing on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
Most of all, it reminded her of her long time boyfriend, Talbott Winger. He was the one who helped her become an Animagus and teach her how to fly in this form. It was one of the ways the two bonded.
After they graduated, they got a small apartment together. After Judith graduated, her mother promptly kicked her out. Talbott was boiling on his girlfriend’s behalf, but she urged him to let it go. Judith always knew she wasn’t wanted by her mother, so he spoke to Dumbledore about ways to support herself after. He offered to pay her during her last year, which helped out a lot.
Now she was free to live her life the way she saw fit. And be with the love of her life.
It wasn’t long until Judith landed in front of her home and she transformed back. Pulling out the key from her purse, she opened the door and walked in.
She was minorly surprised to find Talbott inside as well, who was just taking off his shoes and placing them near the front door.
“Hello, little bird,” he greeted with a small smile. Judith blushed and smiled back.
“Hello, my love,” she said back, walking up to him. She carefully got on her toes to give the young man a peck on the lips.
Well, it was suppose to be a peck on the lips.
Talbott ended up wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s waist, pulling her to his chest. Craning his head a bit lower, he pressed his lips against hers more firmly. Judith let out small giggle and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Talbott groaned softly, gently pushing Judith against the door. A shudder wracked Judith’s body as she felt Talbott’s teeth softly sink into the plump flesh of her bottom lip. Her eyes shoot open when she felt his larger hands press into her lower back. Talbott released her lips, red eyes half lidded and a lazy smirk on his full lips.
“You seem a little tense darling,” Talbott drawled, running a hand up and down the length of Judith’s back. A blush blossomed on her face, causing his smirk to grew a fraction wider.
“It’s... uh, it’s been a long day,” she mumbled, finding Talbott’s chest suddenly interesting. A chuckle rumbled from the back of his throat.
“You don’t say? Come on, darling. Let’s take a nice bath together.” Judith’s breath hitched as her blush worsen. 
Talbott tried his best not to laugh at his little bird’s expression. Ever since they left Hogwarts and all the stressors behind, he’s been seeing a different side of Judith.
She was more free. Happier. Carefree.
He’s seen bits and pieces of this side of her at Hogwarts but not often. He found this side of her to be so beautiful...
And if he was being brutally honest... it was sexy as well.
The girl would be more free with what she wears and would sometimes sing and dance to the music she has playing as she cleans.
He has walked in a few times where Judith was slowly swaying her hips slowly to the beat of a song as she cleaned, wearing nothing but a tube top and some short shorts. It never fails to put him in a trance as he watched how Judith seems to become one with the music. Especially when she tranced the length of her body and curves with her hands. His body temperature never failed to spike at the sight she created. 
The only way he’s forced to snap out of his daze is when Judith finally acknowledges his presence with an embarrassed squeal.
However, last time was particularly bad. Talbott didn’t know what kind of magic Judith casted on herself for her to move her waist the way she did, but Talbott was sure it had to be from the Dark Arts. What she did should’ve been illegal. Talbott never stared harder at something in his life.
Even after Judith after squealed out of surprise, it didn’t arouse him from his stupor. The only thing he could think of was how his pants was tighter in an area that where it shouldn’t be.
The fact that Judith starts blushing and acts shy is what baffles him the most. She was extremely witty, sharp tongued, sarcastic, sassy, and petty. Rarely anything can render her mute.
Yet Talbott staring at her with a glimmer of desire in his eyes does the job just fine.
Talbott found this to be amusing, sometimes going out his way to tease her on purpose.
Lingering touches on her neck, shoulders, waist, and hips.
Spending extra time around her neck. Kissing, gently biting, and licking the sensitive skin.
Whispering in her ear in his sleepy voice.
Picking her up so she’ll be forced to wrap her legs around his waist.
Heated snogging sessions.
Hell, sometimes he would pinch her ass when she least expects it. Her scandalized blush never fails to make him laugh.
Being in the privacy of their own space made he feel a bit more open to be a bit more intimate with his little bird.
And Talbott knew she secretly liked this side of him. Judith could easily tell him to stop anytime and Talbott would do so immediately. But she hasn’t. 
Talbott wanted to see what she would say to taking a bath together...
“A-A bath? T-t-together,” Judith stuttered. She wasn’t sure why this was sending her heart into a frenzy.
‘Of course you do. You’ll in a bathtub with your boyfriend. No clothes, just soap and water.’ Judith really hated it when her own thoughts sass her...
“Of course, little bird... is that okay, darling,” Talbott asked, kissing her cheek. Judith bit her lip.
“Yeah... it’s fine...”
Judith was already in the tub. She was quick set up the bath and pick a body wash (vanilla which is her favorite). Not wanting Talbott to surprise her by silently watching her, she quickly stripped and hopped right in. 
She purposely added a lot of the body wash so the bubbles can hide her body.
‘Why the hell am I so bloody nervous? It not like he hasn’t seen what I looked like half naked...’
‘Because you sitting in this tub bare ass, woman. Plus you know this tub was made to fit two people, you’ll be literally pressed against him. And you know good and damn well you’re sensitive to his touch.’
‘You know, when I asked this, I didn’t need the sassy answer. I didn’t ask for an answer at all.’
‘Cry me a river.’
“Well aren’t you eager to take a bath?” Judith snapped out of the mental argument with her subconscious to find Talbott towering over her in just towel.
Judith blushed, forcing her eyes on her boyfriend’s face and not his lean muscular body-
“I didn’t want the warm water to go to waste by waiting on you, bird boy,” she retorted. Talbott raised a brow, a teasing smirk on his.
“You know, you’re right. Scoot over for me, darling...” Judith did what she told, averting her gaze when she noticed Talbott’s hand moving to undo the knot of his towel.
She didn’t look back at him until he was submerged. She regretted doing so, seeing how his smirk widen.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered,” he teased, kissing her cheek. She crossed her arms over her chest, doing her absolute best not to pout.
“I’m not flustered,” she mumbled under her breath. The devious spark flashed in Talbott’s eyes.
“Oh really?” Judith didn’t have time to respond as she pulled to sit on Talbott’s lap, facing him.
“How about now,” he asked innocently. Part of Judith was cursing Talbott seven ways til Sunday, the other part of her headed straight down the gutter.
“You are truly something, Winger,” she answered instead, glaring at him.
“I know, but you love me regardless,” he chuckled. 
“Shut up,” she mumbled, kissing him to do just that. Talbott accepted the kiss wholeheartedly, nipping his girlfriend’s lower lip. Despite the warm water lapping against her skin, Judith could still feel goosebumps breaking out on her skin.
Damn her sensitivity.
Judith quickly broke the kiss before it could turn into something more.
“Where are you going, little bird,” Talbott asked quietly, his voice low and husky. 
“We’re suppose to be taking a bath! Not fooling around in the tub,” she retorted, cheeks rosy. Talbott nuzzled her neck, leaving a feather light kiss. Judith was quick to grip his shoulders to steady herself.
“Mmmm... of course, darling. Don’t worry I’ll take care of you...” Judith felt her heartbeat pounding in her eardrums as Talbott reached for the wash cloth.
‘He’s gonna kill me,’ she thought when he could feel his smirk on her neck.
Let’s just say by the time they finished, the bath water was cold and Judith was sporting quite a few love bites on her neck, shoulders and chest... 
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