sandypuggames · 10 months
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(Z&Z DC)
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Princess Luisa Maria of Belgium (left) || Manoush
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fernand0 · 3 months
Comida libanesa.
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takami-takami · 8 months
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akajustmerry · 11 months
my toxic trait is that despite debilitating self-esteem issues, i genuinely reckon i could woo bella hadid
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glitteringkatie · 2 years
Refrigerator Art
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I read a lot about creativity. I see myself as a creative person, but not in a field that is traditionally seen as “creative”. But what is creativity? Creating. You create something for some reason and put it out there.
Then what is software? That’s creating code to teach a crystal with lightning how to show the internet. I digress. This isn’t a post about why software is a creative trade.
Back to reading. I’ve found a pattern of books that spark my creative interest: they focus more about sharing your work or making space in your head to make the work than anything else.
Both Show Your Work by Austin Kleon and Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte talk about this concept of bite sized work. They call this work “stock” or “intermediate packets”, respectively. And respectively? I hate those terms.
So I’m going to make refrigerator art. Refrigerator art is bite sized, something you see when your main point isn’t to Observe Art™, and there is no pressure on quality. If a 6 year old can make art deemed worthy of the refrigerator in a day, then so can I.
I’m not sure what medium this will take—infographics, mini blog posts, water color, lil doodles, whatever. But it doesn’t matter. The sheer fact that this refrigerator art is coming from my brain means it is a cohesive body of work. I’m what ties it together!
But maybe you can expect a more deep dive into these books I’ve found creatively intriguing. But also this isn’t an assignment to me. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.
It’s Refrigerator Art ✨
(Find all books from graphic on my list on Bookshop.org)
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annaroberts2404 · 16 days
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Are you looking for the Best Coffee in Auburn? Then visit Bayan & Co. Whether you're looking for pizza, manoush, coffee, or would like a takeaway their friendly staff is dedicated to making your visit enjoyable. Visit the site for more information.
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pjackk · 1 year
they fucked my manoush hard.. 0 stars
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myf00djournal · 9 months
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Thursday? Yep
A pleasant day. Did about 10000 of these steps by 9:30.
Woke up. Trained at 6 yay. Felt stuffed by the end. Went for the 4km walk then met a friend and did a slower walk over coffee. Sat and chatted, was lovely.
Came home and had an egg on toast and Nutrigrain
Had manoush for lunch because we are suckers for it and I am so full from that that’s all I have had
All day I have been finalizing my uni essay. It is now ready for Josh to read over and then I am submitting and am on a mental and physical holiday until 13/1! Woo!
Dinner is a pork steak w veggies
I could have a protein mug cake because I have a few sachets in the cupboard 🤔
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stravagatefaster · 2 years
"I shall be glad when this farce is over and I can return home to Bianca," muttered the Duke under his breath. "Me too," said Gaetano. "I am missing Francesca when she needs me most, at the start of her first pregnancy. And now I have to take a long journey to Romula, just to keep the Manoush safe." "But she is well as far as you know?" asked Alfonso, who had hopes of his own young wife in that direction. "She is in the care of Brother Sulien from Saint-Mary-among-the-Vines," said Gaetano. "He has sent word of her continued good health." Alfonso sighed. "We could have achieved what we have done here with a quarter of this force and far fewer deaths," he said. The Grand Duke shot them both an irate look; his procession should enter the city without speaking.
City of Swords, chapter 19
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Princess Maria Laura of Belgium  ||  Manoush 
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It makes me absurdly happy Cam and Pal nationality is probably Levantine Arabic. I can imagine Pal snacking on some Manoush while he’s studying and Cam totally would take shots of Arak without even flinching.
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laurenelandon · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MANOUSH darling sexy flower denim string shorts.
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uniqueeval · 18 days
How AI is changing our relationships : Short Wave : NPR
Thanks to advances in AI, chatbots can act as personalized therapists, companions and romantic partners. The apps offering these services have been downloaded millions of times. If these relationships relieve stress and make us feel better, does it matter that they’re not “real”? On this episode of Body Electric, host Manoush Zomorodi talks to MIT sociologist and psychologist Sherry Turkle about…
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akajustmerry · 1 year
what's your favourite sandwich?
toss up between peanut butter sandwich with so much Pb the whole thing gets stuck in your mouth, or toasted cheese (LOTS) and tomato and mustard, OR zaatar manoush with lobneh (yoghurt) ❤️
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dubaysk · 3 months
Дубайская логистическая компания Deliveroo планирует использовать традиционные деревянные лодки-арбы в качестве нового средства доставки заказов по городу. Этот шаг призван почтить историческое наследие эмирата. Специальные лодки будут оперировать вдоль берегов Дубай Крик, который является исторической частью города и традиционно использовался для перемещения между районами Дейра и Бур Дубай. Они будут доставлять заказы из разнообразных ресторанов, включая Al Safadi, Laffah, Manoushe Street, Jawharat Al Sham, а также такие международные заведения, как индийский Gazebo, китайский Chin Chin, корейский Mannaland и Jollibee. Это решение приходит после испытаний первых автономных электрических лодок, которые провело Управление по дорогам и транспорту Дубая (RTA) в 2023 году. Эти инновационные суда, сочетая в себе историческую аутентичность и современные технологии, уже замечены на Дубайской бухте, проходя маршрут от лодочной станции Al Jaddaf до Festival City. Новые лодки работают бесшумно и экологически чисто, с двумя электродвигателями и максимальной скоростью в семь узлов. Их литиевые батареи обеспечивают семь часов непрерывной работы, а система автономного управления способна обнаруживать и избегать препятствий на пути.
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