#manny is a lazy bitch
look-me · 18 days
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masc!reader x dealer!abby
warnings: using of weed, idk what else
au: please don't mind any grammar mistakes and please cuz english its not my native language. ps. i never write a smut. also i'll probably won't correct any mistakes cuz i'm too lazy for it
(this story is shitty how can y'all read this 😭)
part 1
part 2
It’s been a week since you kissed Abby, and the two of you haven’t talked at all. You’ve tried to ignore her whenever you could, but still, you didn’t want her to notice. For example, every time she replied to one of your Instagram stories, you would ‘respond’ by just liking her messages. You wanted to hang out with your usual friend group, but they got mad at you after seeing you leave with Abby that night. They accused you of being a fake friend, of stealing Abby from them—especially one friend of yours who, as you later found out, had a big crush on Abby since the first time she saw her.
“You can’t do that, Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re my friend! Why would you do something like that to me?!”
Today, you’re hanging out with some other friends who came into town to see you after you explained what your ex-friends did and what happened with Abby after you left with her. They were shocked. They didn’t know Abby at all, but after you showed them some pictures of her, they just said,
“Y/N, she’s hot and all, but she’s a player. Don’t get attached. Just stay friends with her if you don’t want to cut her off entirely.” After that, they insisted you hang out with them to distract yourself from her.
Now, you and your friends are in a parking lot, vibing to the music blasting from the car speakers, while some other people give you and your group judgmental glances. Your friends are smoking and drinking, screaming their lungs out, singing along to the songs. While you’re laughing at their antics, you notice a girl with black curly hair, long red nails, makeup on, dressed all in black—tight top, tight pants. It’s Julia.
A long time ago, you had a little crush on her because she used to shower you with compliments, was always there for you, and every time you two hung out, it ended in a make-out session. But after you told her you were catching feelings, she started ghosting you, saying she wasn’t ready for a relationship because she had just gotten out of one. You later found out she was lying the whole time, and from that day forward, you started hating her.
"Hey," she says with that fake, innocent smile.
Fake ugly bitch.
Why does she have to ruin your moment right now?
"Hi," you mutter, not even looking her in the eyes as you sit on the ground.
"It's been a while."
"Yep," you reply, barely caring about what she says.
"Listen," she starts, her hand sliding onto your thigh, caressing it and moving up and down, dangerously close to your pussy.
You're about to push her away when—
"Hey chicas!" Manny calls out.
"Hey, Manny," she smiles, turning her head towards him.
"What are you two up to?"
"Oh, we're just talking and having fun."
"That kind of fun?" he asks with a smirk.
The girl laughs at Manny's joke and then says,
"I wish."
You whip your head to look at her, your expression dead serious and disgusted, silently screaming: Why the fuck would you say that?
"By the way, aren't you Mike's sister?" Manny asks.
"Yeah, how do you know him?" you respond, your voice clipped as you shoot him a serious and irritated look. It's not your fault you come off as mad, but Julia's presence is grating on your nerves right now.
"You know, he gives me things when my best friend can't," Manny says casually.
You roll your eyes, already tired of hearing that same old story. Every time someone says they know your brother, it's always because of the same damn reason-he's a dealer, and you're so over it.
"Okay," you reply, clearly done with the conversation.
"Okay, chicas, I'll leave you two alone now.
See you later," Manny says, heading off.
The second he's far enough away, you round on Julia.
"What the fuck was that? What's your problem?" you snap, roughly pushing her hand away from your thigh.
"Omg, Y/N! I was just joking," she protests.
"No, fuck you. You know what you did to me-treating me like I was your girlfriend, telling me l was yours, making out with me, and then saying you didn't want a relationship. You have serious fucking problems for saying that shit in front of him when I don't even know him. And you say it like it's nothing? Do you even realize how much that hurt me? Are you fucking stupid? Why are you even here anyway?"
You and Julia are in the middle of a heated argument, voices rising as you go back and forth. Your friends are still chilling with the music blasting, completely unaware of the tension between the two of you. Julia’s face is twisted with frustration, but you’re too fed up to care.
Meanwhile, Abby is at home, watching some random movie to pass the time when a notification pops up on her phone:
Manny - 2 new messages.
“Hey, pendeja”
“Wanna hang out when I’m done with some stuff?”
A new notification interrupts:
Manny: Do you know Mike’s sister?
“Isn’t she the girl you told me about? They look similar by your description.”
Abby quickly taps on the notifications, her curiosity piqued. The image loads, and her stomach drops. It’s a picture of you and Julia, her hand resting way too high on your thigh. Abby stares at the image for a moment, her jaw tightening.
She replies instantly.
Abby: Where are you?
“In the usual parking lot we hang out at with Owen, Jordan, you know.”
“You still want to hang out?”
“Yeah, I’m picking up the others right now, be at your place in 10.”
Ten minutes later, Manny pulls up at Abby’s house, and soon they’re walking through the parking lot. Abby’s eyes are scanning the crowd until she spots you, her expression darkening.
Manny heads your way, shouting, “Hey, told you I’d be back so—” He stops mid-sentence when he sees Julia kissing you, her lips pressed against yours as a soft moan escapes her. Abby freezes, her vision tunneling, anger flaring up inside her. Her fists clench as her heart pounds in her chest.
Just then, your friend Micheal calls out from the car, unknowingly saving you from the situation, “Y/N! Wanna try this drink? It’s fire!”
You push Julia away from you, wiping your mouth quickly, and stand up, turning to head toward Martin. But just as you reach for the drink, a hand snatches it away before you can grab it.
“You’re not drinking tonight,” a cold voice says.
You look up to see Abby standing in front of you, her blue eyes burning with barely-contained anger.
“Abby? What are you—“
“Shut your mouth and walk,” she snaps, throwing the drink aside before grabbing your arm. Her grip is firm, leaving no room for argument as she pulls you away from the group, forcing you to walk with her.
Your heart races as you glance back at your friends, then at Julia, but Abby doesn't care. She’s got you now, and there’s no escaping whatever comes next.
"Abby, stop."
"Manny, give me your car keys. I'll be back in a minute."
"Sure," he says, handing Abby the keys without asking any questions.
"Get in the car, Y/N."
"Abby, let me go."
She opens the car door and forces you inside. As she takes the driver's seat, you try to open the door, but she's already locked it.
"Abby, what's wrong with you? Open the fucking door!"
Abby doesn't respond. She starts the engine and speeds out of the parking lot.
"Abby, slow down!"
After twenty minutes of speeding, Abby pulls over in the middle of nowhere-no lights, no houses, just darkness all around.
"Fuck! Abigail!"
She turns on the interior light, and you look at her, scared of what might happen. You don't know if Abby is a violent person or not. Her eyes are filled with fury, and you can see she's seething with anger.
"We need to talk. Now."
"No, we don't."
"Oh yeah? So you think it's okay to ignore me and treat me like l'm a stranger?"
"Don't play dumb, Y/N, and don't make any excuses. You're not even drunk."
The silence between you two grows heavier.
"Why did you stop talking to me after we kissed?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"What do you mean?"
"Abby, you have a new girl with you every two seconds. You're always having sex or making out with them in a blink of an eye." You sigh before continuing, "I felt-and still feel-like a sex toy to you."
"You're not."
"Yeah, like I can really trust you on that," you say sarcastically, turning your face to the window. "I should've never told you about my feelings. We can't work together."
"I fucking hate you, Abby. I hate having feelings for someone who would probably just use me however she likes!" You spit out, facing her again.
"I've told you many times that I don't like how you talk to me. I'm serious, Y/N. Stop."
"Abby, seriously, fuck you."
At that, she grabs your neck, nearly choking you, and pulls you two inches away from her face.
"Oh yeah? Then who is that girl? And why was she kissing you and moaning into your mouth? Why was she almost touching your pussy moments before I showed up?"
After the last sentence, you try to understand how she could have seen that, and then you connect the dots. She’s Manny’s best friend. But how?
“How do you—”
“Manny sent me a picture.”
Fuck you, manny
“It’s none of your business who she is, and I didn’t try anything with her.”
“Then why didn’t you push her away from you?” Abby says, tightening her grip on your neck slightly.
“I was shocked. She caught me by surprise.”
Abby doesn’t answer. Instead, she keeps her intense gaze fixed on you, trying to see if you’re lying.
“I was just trying to distract myself from you. Now you’re acting jealous, calling me yours, but are you mine?” you say
“What do you think?”
“You aren’t. I think we both know that, Abigail.”
Just then, your phone starts ringing with a photo of a curly haired woman —Julia — popping up.
Abby recognizes the girl and stares at you, clearly unimpressed by the timing.
“Don’t you even try to answer.”
You ignore her and answer the phone, putting it on speaker.
“Hello? Love?” Julia says, and you remain silent.
Abby looks at you and whispers, “Love? Really?”
“Julia, what do you want?”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I saw that girl taking you away from me while we were talking.”
As Julia continues talking, Abby starts giving you hickeys on your neck, causing you to moan intentionally. You’re so focused on the sensations that you stop listening to whatever Julia is saying.
“Are you okay, love?” Julia asks, her voice tinged with concern.
Abby pulls her head away from your neck and grabs your phone from your hand. You try to fight her, but you know Abby is hundred times stronger than you.
“She’s busy right now,” Abby says before hanging up on Julia.
“Abby, what the fuck?”
Abby doesn’t answer. Instead, she pulls out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, which contains a joint and a lighter.
You know where this is going to end.
Abby leans back in the driver’s seat and brings the joint to her lips, the tip flaring orange in the complete darkness. The only sound is the faint crackle of burning paper and herb as she takes a long drag. Smoke fills the air, swirling around her in lazy spirals, barely visible in the faint moonlight that seeps through the windows. The deep, earthy scent of cannabis mixes with the musty smell of the old car seats, creating an almost comforting atmosphere. Abby exhales slowly, the smoke pouring from her mouth and nostrils, diffusing into the blackness outside. The silence is profound, with no hum of traffic or distant chatter, only the occasional rustle of wind through unseen trees. Her eyes are half-closed, her mind drifting as she stares out into the void, feeling an odd sense of peace in the isolation. She takes another drag, the glow from the joint briefly illuminating her fingers before once again merging with the surrounding darkness.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
Abby remains silent.
“Are you really smoking while we’re arguing?”
“I’m done with your bullshit, Abigail. Let me go.”
As you say this, Abby rests the joint between her lips, freeing both of her hands.
Abby’s hands clutch the car’s armrest. With a sudden, rough motion, she yanks you toward her, forcing you onto her lap. You gasp, startled by Abby’s intensity as your bodies collide in the confined space of Manny’s motionless car. She removes one hand from your waist to grab the joint and exhale the smoke.
“I told you many times to stop calling me by my full name,” she says, gripping your neck and pulling you closer to her face.
“And I told you many times I’m not any of your bitches, Abigail.”
“You’re mine, Y/N.”
“Fuck you.”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” she says, closing the distance between you until you’re just two inches apart.
“Too bad you made me mad,” she whispers.
You’re about to respond when her phone starts ringing. The caller ID shows ‘Manny.’
Abby rolls her eyes and throws away her joint as if it’s nothing.
“What do you want?”
“Abby, I need my car. Owen needs to grab something from home.”
“Fine.” She hangs up. Without missing a beat, she turns her head and locks her gaze with yours, her icy blue eyes filled with a silent warning.
“Don’t you even try to go back to her when we’re there again,” Abby says, her voice low but firm, every word laced with intensity.
You meet her stare, unimpressed. “You’re so annoying, Abby.”
With a sigh, you move to open the car door, slipping off Abby’s lap and sliding back into the passenger seat, feeling the shift in the air between you. Abby’s eyes never leave you, even as she shifts back into the driver’s seat, jaw tight, hands resting on the steering wheel, as if bracing for whatever comes next. As soon as you settle back into the passenger seat, Abby shifts the car into gear, her fingers tightening around the wheel. The tension in the air is thick, unspoken words hanging between you as you drive in silence. The dark, winding roads stretch out before you, the headlights cutting through the night, but neither of you says a word. Abby’s eyes flick over to you a few times, but she stays focused on the road. Her jaw is set, frustration simmering beneath her calm exterior. You lean against the window, your breath fogging up the glass slightly, arms crossed as the hum of the engine and the rhythm of the tires on the asphalt become the only sounds. Minutes pass, feeling like hours, until the familiar sight of the compound appears in the distance, its fortified walls and the glow of lights signaling you are back. The tension shifts, replaced by a looming sense of inevitability. The car rolls to a stop near the entrance where Manny and a few others are waiting, standing in the dim light as they speak amongst themselves. Abby kills the engine and sits there for a moment, staring straight ahead. “We’re here,” she mutters, her tone curt. You shoot her a sidelong glance but don’t say anything. You push open the door and step out, the cool night air hitting your skin as you stretch, shaking off the weight of the car ride. Manny notices you and gives a short wave, walking over with a grin on his face.
"Hey, took you guys long enough," he jokes, but he quickly notices the tension radiating from you and Abby.
Abby climbs out of the driver's seat, standing tall as she slams the door shut. Her eyes briefly meet yours, but she quickly turns to Manny. “We had some things to discuss about.” she says, her voice flat.
Manny raises a brow, sensing the atmosphere between you, but doesn’t press it. “Well, glad you're back. i’ll take owen at home home, we’ll be back in 10.”
After Manny finishes talking, you move to walk back to your friends when you feel pressure on your waist. It's Abby, her large, veiny hands gripping you firmly. She leans in, her voice low and steady.
"I'm coming with you."
"No, leave me alone," you reply, trying to pull away.
"Calm down, princess. I haven't even started with you yet," she whispers into your ear, smirking. Then, without warning, she presses a kiss against your neck, and it makes you freeze in place.
Abby lets you go, but she stays close, walking beside you with that familiar intensity. From a distance, one of your friends notices Abby’s presence and immediately makes her way over. Without hesitation, she grabs your arm, pulling you away from the tension. Abby lets you go, her hand sliding off your waist as she begins walking next to you, her presence still heavy in the air. From a distance, one of your friends notices Abby lingering close. Without hesitation, your friend walks over, a knowing smile on her face. She grabs your arm, pulling you away from Abby's intense aura.
"Come hereeee" she says, her voice light and carefree as she leads you toward the others. The music from the speakers pulses through the empty parking lot, and soon enough, you’re moving to the beat, your friend helping you shake off the tension as Abby watches from the sidelines, her gaze never leaving you. As the beat of the next song thumps through the speakers, your friend throws her head back, laughing. She leans into you, resting her head on your shoulder, her laughter light and carefree.
“Oh my god, I’ve never had this much fun in so long,” she says, still giggling, her words slurring from all the excitement. You feel her happiness infectiously sinking in.
Abby Standing off to the side, arms crossed, her jaw clenched tight, she watches you with a growing intensity. The sight of you laughing, vibing, and lost in the moment with your friend pushes her to the edge. Her patience snaps, and she starts walking toward you, the determination in her stride cutting through the music. You can feel the weight of her presence approaching, the air around you thickening.
She's had enough.
When Abby reaches you, her large hand grips your arm—not harshly, but firm enough that you feel the seriousness behind it.
“We’re done here,” Abby says, her voice low and commanding. There’s a tension in her words that sends a chill down your spine. She’s barely keeping it together. Abby isn’t going to wait for an answer, and before you can think too hard about it, she’s pulling you away from the music, away from the carefree vibe, and into the shadowy edges of the parking lot. You open your mouth to protest, the frustration bubbling up inside you, but before you can say a word, Abby steps in close, towering over you, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous mix of control and desire.
“Not even a word,” she interrupts, her voice low and unwavering. Her smirk pulls at the corner of her lips, sending a shiver down your spine. “Just wait till we get home,” she adds, her tone dripping with a promise that makes your pulse quicken. It’s the kind of tone that says it all:
I’m going to make you regret that.
You stand there, frozen, caught between defiance and the undeniable pull Abby has over you. your friends’s voice a distant hum as Abby’s presence overtakes everything. There’s no escape from the intensity in her eyes, and you know whatever is waiting for you at home is going to be something you won’t forget easily. After a moment of tense silence between you and Abby, Manny walks back over, catching sight of the two of you standing close, the tension still thick in the air. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything at first, sensing the shift.
“Oye chicas, you guys good?” he asks with a playful smile, his voice casual, but there’s a knowing edge to it. Manny has been around Abby long enough to pick up on her moods, and right now, he’s smart enough to stay out of it.
Abby barely glances his way, her hand still lingering on your arm. “Can you take us to my place?” she asks, her voice steady, but there’s no mistaking the undertone of command. It’s not really a request, and Manny knows it. He looks between the two of you, his gaze lingering on Abby for a beat longer. He doesn’t ask why or what’s going on—he doesn’t need to. Manny knows Abby better than almost anyone, and he can tell exactly what kind of mood she’s in.
“Sí, claro,” he says with a nod, keeping it simple. He doesn’t pry, doesn’t ask the questions swirling in his mind. After all, Abby is his best friend, and if there’s one thing he’s learned over the years, it’s when to mind his own business. You steal a glance at Abby, her smirk still lingering, and your stomach tightens with a mix of anticipation and nerves. Manny leads the way to the car, and you can feel Abby’s gaze burning into you the whole time. Whatever’s coming, you’re not going to be able to avoid it. You slide into the backseat with Abby beside you, the car ride feeling heavier than it should. Manny stays quiet up front, the silence only broken by the low rumble of the engine as he drives, and you’re left wondering what’s going to happen when you finally get to Abby’s place.
who knows what is going to happen next👀
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onmyyan · 11 months
For some reason a weird dream has now cause me to think about delmont brothers owning a superstore. Probably because i work at the coop and im obsessed with Caspian, but anyhoo....
Caspian is in the bakery, fresh cinnamon swirls, pecan maple plaits, apple crowns, doughnuts, bread... You name it, daily. You'll see him early doors carefully putting it all out in the stand. Making sure there are no pesky fruit flies around to keep everything nice and tidy, the bakery is always spotless, any extras left in the freezers for the next day, all dates carefully placed on too, will help with customers sometimes too, old ladies actually love him, some come in more than once a day if they see he's on a checkout. Pros of this for him is he finishes work at 2pm, meaning he has all afternoon and night to lavish his darling with love.
Gabe is pro shelve stocker, he's always on the store floor. Date checking stock, restocking, takes in the deliveries for later at night as Caspian does the early morning ones, reduces everything that's close to going out of date, he's often found helping the older ladies get things from the top shelves, will happily work late into the night, as waking up early is not his thing at all, plus, lazy morning cuddles with his darling? Sign him the fuck up.
Ricky deals with the managment side, plus he's go to person if a customer gets rude and Manny can't handle it, will happily tell people to get to fuck, you want to speak to a manager huh? Bitch he is the manager. He's the one to call for what stock needs to be delivered, takes inventory, deals with the cash office to make sure the tills have plenty of change, though if he's not in Caspian will make sure the tills have change, just general deals with the boring bit, but he's really good at it, and looks good doing it too
Marcos will happily sit on a till most days, as with his twin, especially watching self checkout zone. The chaos of customer stupidity is just chef kiss, watching the machine constantly scream because the customer is leaning on it, and then watching said customer blame the machine, funny stuff. If there is one thing he loves most though. Its getting to put the little stickers on the reductions so Gabe can put them on the appropriate shelf. Sets himself little personal goals to see how quickly he can reduce it all in price. More of a morning person as he loves spending the night with his darling, also means he can go party at night
Manny is also tills guy, also loves watching the chaos of self checkouts. Absolutely adores arrogant customers, theres nothing he loves more than putting them in their place, its only when he really can't handle it that Ricky will be called down. Will happily chase down theiving customers without a shadow of a doubt, they won't escape without paying what is due, the man works night though, not a morning person by any means, you every worked on a hangover? Its a no go for manny.
The brothers all wear headsets for both convenience sake, and also, if a rat turns up... Well i suppose they'll need to make a bit of space in the warehouse, no other customers will hear them there. Plus, manny and Marcos will gossip about customers while on shift together over the headsets too, both a distaction and entertainment for the other brothers as they work.
Y'all are on fire with these Delmont concepts omfg thank you so so much for sharing lovely
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Oh my lord, I just saw a thing on Pinterest that said: Of course I cum fast- I'm a busy man. I have places to be.
And first of all- hysterical. 10 out of 10. This man will not be shamed.
Second of all, of course- Here are the Horror Men I think would abandon you after cumming themselves VS The ones that would never leave you high and dry like that (Indented):
Warnings: Orgasm denial, selfish fucking/loving
(Most of) These men in this post:
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Animal The Cannibal: If Manny calls on him I bet he would go 😅 Sorryyyyy.
Billy Loomis: He likes the feeling of you cumming around him too much for that. Don't get me wrong- he is a pretty selfish lover. It's just that, part of his pleasure happens to come from yours.
Bo Sinclair: Nahhhhh. It's not that he's wanting to be kind to you- he just thinks it's a mark of a sissy if he can't get his lover to cum for him. It's for bragging rights.
Bubba Sawyer: Yeahh... sorry Y/N. If one of his brothers call on him he will ALWAYS go.
Candyman: Look, its not always!, so don't get me wrong- Daniel is a good lover. I'm sure he is. But at times he just... doesn't have the time 😅
Captain Spaulding: Sorry doll, he's got like 3 insane middle aged children running about not cleaning up their messes and he's gotta get on that shit XD
Chop Top Sawyer: If you've got his attention, which you certainly do if you're engaging in sex with him, then he's all yours. He's all for you.
Chucky Lee Ray: He's full of bullshit but he is also quite busy so... take this as you will.
Dr Suave: Ain't nothin' gonna keep him from the face you're gonna make sweet thing... (*Cough* Sweet talker)
Drayton Sawyer: GENUINLEY REAL BUSY!! He'd stay if he could!! Don't sulk though, he'll get pissy at you.
Freddy Krueger: Damn, you're waking up! Well- Goodluck!~ (This asshole)
Harper Alexander: This man is Buckman's bitch- he literally pimps himself out for him 😅 So... yeah... Maybe you could talk to Buckman? Ask him not to call on Harper during the hours of 5-8pm On Friday Nights please??? 😆
Inkubus: Not his style.
Jack Dante: It depends on where his head is. It's hard to keep him in one place for long- if he's got his head in the clouds, his show is on, or he's got 'work to do', he'll literally just take care of himself and then fuck off. (If you manage to hold his attention though he WILL go until you fall asleep and then be there waiting when you wake up again. Stamina for days, I swear).
Jason Voorhees: The chances are, if you've gotten Jason to engage in... the act!!... then its gonna be all about you, anyway. He might not want to cum. It's in his nature to take care of the people he loves, anyway. So it's kinda the other way around, here... but voluntarily.
Jedidiah Sawyer: Too sweet. Plus, without a family shooing him this way and that anymore, he's suddenly got so much more time on his hands! Haha.
Jerry Dandridge: If he's sleeping with you his full attention is on you, and very little will have to power to stop it.
Kieran Wilcox: I love the idea that this too-cool-for-school, bastard guy- has really bad stamina (: So (: Yeah (:
Leslie Vernon: This asshole 😅 He's like sorry sweetie, I have preparations to do, *Forehead kiss*, love you so much, see ya! (He's being genuine, too. This is not a line because he's being lazy or selfish- He gets tunnel vision something fierce).
Lester Sinclair: I swear he hates leaving you unfulfilled, he really really hates it, but sometimes he just needs a little something to keep him happy before going to see his brothers and he doesn't have time to take care of you. He will when he gets back!! He promises.
Max Grief: He just wouldn't wanna leave you displeased. He wants to make you happy (:
Mayor Buckman: This one genuinly makes me laugh XD This man, oh my lord. Someone will knock on the door and he'll be OFF- forgetting in his eagerness to be do Town Duties that he first has duties to you goddamnit!-
Mental Manny: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a dick. I'm sorry, but a dick appointment with Manny is just that- an appointment. And like any asshole with an appointment book he will decide once he's got what he wanted out of the transaction that oh, sorry, time is up! He has to go preach to some devotees for an hour. Bye sweetheart!~
Michael Myers: You just know he would. He does not care.
Mickey Altieri: Just not a selfish lover. It's equal with him.
Midnight Man: He might think its a game... 😅
Monty Hewitt: Well fuck, who knows what Hoyt might saw off him if he ignores him this time?? Please believe him when he says he wants to stay though, he really fucking does.
Otis B Driftwood: 'I'll go around back and take control, like I always fucken do'- Otis has clearly got a complex for being the Big Man in Charge, yes. And this is part of the reason he will leave you high and dry... the other part though is him being a DICK.
Patrick Bateman: Like Michael, he doesn't care. You can finish up yourself while he gets his keto dinner started.
Pennywise: I feel like with Penny its marathon sex or it's nothin', so yeah you're gonna cum. Do not fear.
Rocco The Clown: No way in hell will anyone ever tear him away from you. Oh, no. He (And I) would like to see them try.
Stu Macher: Would also genuinely say that 😅 Will answer every beck and call of Billy's and so thinks he's a very busy man. Call him back though and he probably will listen to you. Sorry Billy.
Stuart Lloyd: Okay- this man has probably not had sex for a LONG time- if ever. So yeah- even the muse gets ignored during that time XDD 😅 He~ is~ desperate (:
DBD The Clown: Sometimes he's too tired, which is understandable I suppose, but the asshole part?? He giggles about it. I mean, after that he coughs because he has not taken care of his body, but first he definetly giggles =_=
DBD The Deathslinger: He ain't as young as he once was- you just gotta give him a moment to breath XD Usually. Sometimes he will just smirk at you and leave, though. Cuz he's an EVIL COWBOY.
The Djinn: Not his style- Part 2.
The Man: He just would =_=
The Taxidermist: Like Stuart he is has been very dry for a very long time and he is NOT about to mess up this chance.
Thomas Hewitt: I would say he's the same as Bubba... but Thomas is a little tougher. Unless Luda Mae tried to call him away... you're good. He'll always finish you off before answering anyone else. (And Luda Mae wants grandbabies too much to pull him away XDD )
Vincent Sinclair: Sex is a whole night with him. He will have planned to have the whole evening and through the night without an interruption, so you don't run into any problems like this ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: Nahhhhhhh. He's likin' what's going on here too much. Not even Otis on cocaine with a gun will separate him from you.
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breanime · 2 years
My best friend just dropped some grade A fanfic plot about me being "a museum bitch" im Chicago and going to a new boxing gym with her that ends up being owned by a Manny Montana character and I sat there listening like this the whole time
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot +13 (Part 2)
This One shot is divided in parts because is long as hell XD, as well this contains many racy jokes, black humor and swearing, if youre sensitive with this humor i recommend you to not read this shit, as well this One shot is just for fun. (Sorry this time i have no illustrations, im Lazy, use your imagination XD)
Nobody have expected it, Farley and Toralei run quickly to hug eachother, they
were really happy to see eachother again.
The Students from Monster High were surprised because their most problematic and devilish Classmate was acting completely lovely with surprisely a Dog, something unusual in her especially for her pals Purrsephone and Meowlody who didn't understand their friend's behavior.
Cleo The Nile
Daughter of the Momy
Age: 5843 (or more)
Gender: Female
Species: Momy
Cleo: I cant Believe what my Beautiful eyes are watching...
Pinky: Me too Sis... Me too..
Farid: here we go again...
Claw: Mew?
P&M: Meww~
The Twin Cats went close to Them catching their attention.
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Daughters of Werecats.
Age: 16
Gender: Females
Species: Werecats
Purrsephone: You most be her Frrriend's brotherrrs~?
Farren: didn't you know that she was a friend of a Dog?
Meowlody: she told us something similarrr before, but we thought it was a joke knowing her.
Farid: well for more surprising it seems, it's true.
Purrsephone: do you know since when they meet eachother?
Farren: since we used to be pups living in the streets, one day we found her escaping from a store-man, prepare yourself because this part will make this part long.
The street of Monsteropolis was chill, a group of 3 Poodle puppies where looking for something to eat.
Farren: Agh I'm Hungry, and you?
Farid: *sob* i think i have a hole inside my stomach...
Farley: Calm down brothers, maybe we can go to Madame Ghoulasha's shop to ask for food. you know the trick, We Knock the door, we will use the puppy eyes effect against her and she will give us food.
Farren: i still don't understand why that trick works that well.
Farid: isn't obvious? We are pretty adorable but More me~.
Farren: *chuckles* aren't supposed to have a "hole inside your stomach?".
Farid: Hey! I'm Hungry but I'm still fabulous.
Farley: Guys look!
Suddenly the puppers found a shop man ogre chasing a kitten with a bottle.
Mr Ogre: Come back here you stupid mutt!!
Toralei: as you wish!
Mr Ogre followed the kitten to a dark alley
Farley: we can't leave them like that
Farren: Are you Serious!? It's a Cat!!
Farid: Eww yeah, what if they has fleas?
Farley: We have fleas too..*shows them a flea walking through his paw furr* and she needs our help, remember Stray animals always can help other stray animals.
Farren: but what if they doesn't thanks us?
Farley: We can throw them to the sewers
Farren: okay let's go.
The 3 puppies followed the Ogre to the Alley.
Mr Ogre: *manages to catch her*
Toralei: No!!
Mr Ogre: Hah did you thought that you would escape from me?.
Toralei: Hssss!!! Let me go you bastard!!
Mr Ogre:*takes a razor* or what?
Mr Ogre: heh your journey ends here kitty- agh!?
The Ogre was about to end with the kitten life but he suddenly was stopped by the tackle of the triplet Poodles, making him faint and drop the kitten.
Toralei: Mew!!
Farley:*catches her* Gotcha! Are you okay?
Toralei: T-thanks, *sniffs him* wait.. are you a Dog!? *Jumps off*
Farid: "your welcome" hmp!
Farley: Yes we are dogs, but i didn't wanted to leave you alone and less with that man about to make Cat-Hash with you.
Toralei: Well.. i usually can escape by myself but.. still, thank you.
Farley: at your service miss.. uhh
Toralei: Toralei Stripe, and you arrre?
Farley: My name is Farley, and this are my brothers, The sour one is Farren.
Farren: Hey!
Farley: and the Narcissist pup who is looking his reflection with the Ogre's razor is Farid.
Farid: who is a pretty puppy? I am! ÙwÚ.
Farley: and i am Farley, together we are the Fluffy Gang.
Toralei: Wow you are all a team, nice to meet ya, I wish I could have my own mates, my older siblings were all adopted except me...
Farley: don't worry, you can come with us and be part of the Gang!
Toralei: Yay! :D
Farid/Farren: What!? D:<
Farley: you can come with us the Time you want until you found out your own mates.
Toralei: Oki Doki! :D
Farren: Farley what the fluff!?
Farid: Whyyyy?~...
Farley: Aww c'mon guys it would be fun.
Farren: i don't think she would like to come with us.."we have fleas"
Toralei: I have Fleas too :D.
Farren: Ok Fair enough.
Farley: Well lets go >:3!
Suddenly the Ogre started to wake up
Mr Ogre: You Little-..
The Cubs: No D:<! *pulls out his cords*
Mr Ogre: What the-!!!... AAAARGHH!!
The Ogre fell from the stairs of another Alley, by then break his neck in the last step, dying in that moment. The Fluffy gang and Toralei didnt believed that they really killed someone.
Farid: *Panic Attack* Oh no! Oh no! we killed him! What we will do!? im too younger and beautiful to go to Jail!! D,:>!!
Toralei: Me Too! D,:<
Farren: *Slaps Farid* Farid Calm Down! this is not the moment for your whines!
Toralei: What we will do Farley?...
Farley:...Uhhhh... look! there is a tip to the sewers, we can throw the body there :D!.
Toralei: Good Idea >:D!.
Farren: Are we Literally ignore that we killed a man?..
Farid: *Sighs* at least we will not go to Jail ;w;
Farren: Ok lets do this!..
Then The Fluffy gang and Toralei with effort, they managed to threw the body of the Ogre to the sewers so anyone will not notice their crime.
Farren: Well, the Job is finished... what now?
Farid: Oww im Still hungry ....
Toralei: Guys, that man had a shop with full of food, thats where i taked the Bottle with milk wich is not in the ground...
Farley: Ok lets go for some snacks! :D
The Fluffly Gang and Toralei: Yay :D
Flashback Ends.
Farren: And thats How we meet Toralei
Farid: Cute isn't?
Meowlody: a little...
Purrsephone: we literrrally thought it was a joke.
Meowlody: And i cant believe that you killed a man..
Farid: We were just babies, we didnt know what we are doing heheh~
Claw: hm?
Meowlody: and this little one?
Farren: Its Claw, His Dying mother gave him to us to save him from the hunters, so he lives with us as a younger sibling, The Principal Stratos usually overprotects him.
P&M: Thats so cute from you part mew~
Claw: *sniffs them* mew
P&M: *sniff him* ...
Claw: *purrrs*
P&M: Awww
Farley: I cant believe we are finally together
Toralei: Me too! ;w; *Purring* I missed you so much!
Farley: *Waving tail* I missed you too!
Frankie: Its so Cute to see this...
Manny Taur
A Fucking Minotaur Bully
Age: 17
Species: Minotaur
Gender: Male
Manny: Aww look at this, what are you supossed to be Rabbit?
Bradley: a Vampire/Jackalope Hybrid
Manny: Hah! Vampire!? but youre so tiny
Bradley: well at least the size your dick compensates the size of your brain and intelligence..
Manny: *blushes* How dare you!?
Bradley: well.. its part of your biology..
Manny: Thats it you are Death!
Frankie: Manny No!
Manny was about to Hit Bradley (wich didnt seem scared) but suddenly he was attacked by Skeebo before he would hurt his beloved bunny.
Skeebo: Dont you dare to hurt my boyfriend!
Manny: Your Boyfriend? *chuckles* dont play dumb, you are a fox and Foxes eats rabbits like him!
Skeebo: *Whispers* Shh shh please dont expose what i do with him everynight~
Bradley: im an Arctic Hare not a rabbit...wait*blushes* Skeebo!
Skeebo: Sorry Dear~
Manny: you guys are gross...
Frankie: Thats Enough Manny, do you want me to tell Minnie about your Behavior?
Manny: Oh no! Please dont tell my sister!...
Skeebo: Heh... he is afraid of his sister~
Manny: At least i have a sister
Skeebo: !!!......
Bradley: You son of a Bitch! how dare you!? just because you heard the most of us are orphans doesnt give you the rights of making fun of Us!
Frankie: Wait.. are you Orphans?..
Skeebo: Thats it!...
A Fight Started between Manny and Skeebo, but it was stopped by Miss Bloodgood and Stratos.
Bloodgood: You 2 Stop!
Stratos: You both will go to detention!..
Manny: Thats why Maze High is a bad copy of Monster High, the Students here are all Awfull!!
All: *Gasps*
Claw: *Cries*
Farley/Toralei: What did you said!?
Farren/Farid: You will pay for this!
Betrayus: calm down.. not here!
Skeebo: You said that because at least all of you have their own families...
Bloodgood: Manny Taur...you will be grounded by the rest of the event, the meeting is over..
Stratos: Mistress Bloodgood...I am so sorry for this..
Bloodgood: No no... its not your fault, *sighs* i will correct my student.. Good luck in the event..
Stratos: Good luck for you too...
Manny: *gulp*...
Stratos: Me too...
Frankie: Oh gosh.. i am so sorry..
Skeebo: Its Okay.. we are all used to be seeing like this..*Leaves* Bradley: Skeebs...*sighs*.... its true... While me as some less of my classmates.. mostly of them are all orphan.. for it they basically live here..
Frankie: Ou... i have no idea..
Bradley: Its okay.. as my boyfriend said.. we are used to be judged by other schools... and... Mostly of that students from other schools have their own families...*follows Skeebo*...
Frankie: *Sighs*
The meeting ended and the Monster High Students returned to their homes, while the students from Maze high returned to their dorms, an exception to Farley and Toralei wich where in the school garden trying to calm down Claw.
Farley: Awww Claw dont cry, he will not hurt you.
Toralei: when i see him, i will scratch his ugly bull face so nobody will recognize him not even with the passaport.
Claw: *sob* *sob*
Toralei: Dont Cry little Fella, that awfull bull will not hurt you anymore *pets Claw*
Claw: *Purrs*
Farley: Thank you Toralei, maybe im tired of the boring boomer of Stratos but he still needs a rest.
Toralei: You dont have to thank me, this fella needed it.
Farley: thats right...*Blushes* Its so nice to have you here..
Toralei: *Blushes* Ahh.. yeah i feel the same, heh
Farley: You want me to accompany to your home?
Toralei: Nah, i can go by myself, cats loves nocturnal walks.
Farley: W-w-well see you tomorrow..
Toralei: S-see you T-tomorrow...
Toralei left the gardens to return to her home, while Farley was watching her leave still blushed.
Farley: *sighs*
Farley: what?..
To be Continued..
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
by vchris1989
Chapter 1
Look at that son of a bitch!  My douche of a colleague, Manny, is putting like some sort of dipshit teen while I’m getting our boss’s order.  Mr. Flint asked us both to pick up his new clubs, but I’m the only one who gives a shit.  And I guarantee that when we get back Manny is going to take full credit.  He’s such a fucking ass hole, but I get even more frustrated with myself because I still can’t shake my lust and desire for him.  Not for him or his personality, but for his body.  It’s weird and hard to explain.  I don’t get hard thinking about his body grinding all over me; I get hot about using his body for my own plans and desires.  
“Hey, did you talk to the guy yet?” Manny asks impatiently.  
“Manny, we’d be out of here faster if you’d help me.”
“Listen, you queer.  You find that guy so we can get out of this dump.  I don’t have time to listen to you bitch about not doing your job!  Don’t see me complaining!”
I just scoff at him.  You freaking son of a bitch.  I’ve never seen you do your god damn job a single time.  Always bullying me and extorting me to carry him through life.  Fuck, as much as he pisses me off I just can’t deny this hunger within myself.  I get so fucking horny thinking of what it would be like to own some of his swagger and confidence, to be the one coasting through life and preying on the week.  My dick gets so hard thinking about owning him and all that he is- to enter his body and wrestle control away from his mind and soul and wake up as the new Manny.  But that’s just a fantasy I suppose.  I’ll have to-
“DUDE!” Manny yells.
Shit!  I did that thing again where I spaced out on the job.  These damn daydreams are getting more powerful and more prevalent.  Fuck I’m hard right now.  Gotta hide this before Manny-
“Oh for fuck’s sake, dude.  Really?  A hard-on on the job?  That’s for me isn’t it?  You sick queer, at least you have good taste,” Manny says with a swaggery scoff as he ditches the putter he was using and walks over to a different putting green away from me, shaking his head and laughing at my misfortune.  
I fucking hate you so much, Manny.  My face is burning red with my burning hot rage that anyone could be this much of a douchbag, but damnit fuck!  My dick is so hard.  Just the thought of entering Manny and making him a better person is making me leak precum.  Oh shit, please not now- it’s never been this bad at work.  I gotta-I gotta- shit I gotta find a bathroom to blow my load.  But fuck I might miss the guy I’m waiting on.  Fuck me I think my precum just leaked through my workpants!  This isn’t going to end well…
6 hours later
Fuck today and fuck Manny!  Just bullshit all of it!  He doesn’t do shit and he has to go run his mouth to our boss about my little incident earlier.  Our boss fired me and promoted Manny- made him a fucking regional manager!  That should be me!  God, if there was a way I could slide inside Manny I could have everything I want.  
3 weeks later
So most people would be content with holding a grudge and going through a self-destroying cycle of hating Manny, jerking off at the thought of possessing Manny, self-hatred, and repeat…but not me.  Unemployment has given me the time I need to research Manny’s end and my new beginning.  My severance package was enough to fund the purchase of an original edition European witchcraft classic, Blackest Magic.  For all I know, Manny has already forgotten I exist, but I’ve had plenty of time to remember him and the life and body he doesn’t deserve.  With me inside him, he would be a real man, not some spoiled brat bitch ruining everyone else’s lives for his own gain.  I can’t believe how much Blackest Magic cost me, but that means it must be legit, right?  I’m all in, because I won’t have anything left if this doesn’t work.  I- *DING* Holy shit!  That’s the Fed Ex guy!  It’s here!  I sprint to the door, signing and taking my package in such a quick whirlwind that the Fed Ex guy is almost left transfixed as if I had been The Flash or something.  I still make sure to thank him profusely as I close the door and scurry to my living room, giddy with anticipation as I gently break the bindings on this meticulously packaged volume.  Opening the cardboard I am met by an unusually thorough layer of package stuffing.  Careful…Careful…This is so bizarre…I can almost feel the air vibrating around the book the closer I get to it.  Finally, I see the book- A pitch black volume in the classical style.  It must be over 400 years old, but there is not a single sign of age or damage on it.  This almost feels like a scam until I reach down and grab the book for the first time.  The moment I make contact the book releases a breathy almost hiss, as if it is alive and conscious of my presence, perhaps assessing my worthiness.
Worthy or not, I am desperate.  Surely the powers that be can sense my desperation and hunger to enter Manny, to control him…to be him.  Please!  Dark forces, light forces, I don’t care who!  Just someone answer my call!!!!!
With that the book flies out of my hands and lands with an echoing thud on the table in front of me.  I freeze in terror as the books pages begin flipping in an endless cyclone of magic energy until finally it halts on a page towards the back.  Nervous, but curious, I lean forward until I see the answer to my prayers-Astrus Possessum…Manny doesn’t stand a chance…That night I made all the necessary preparations.  It was really basic actually- If anything, I feel like these simple objects like candles and rose petals are just necessary to focus and redirect the book’s self-generated power.  Everything is set and now I just mediate and focus.  I focus harder and with more intent than I ever have.  I think about filling Manny, overpowering him, and assuming full control of him.  I think about laughing in his body and rubbing his hands all over his stocky, but strong form.  I think about grabbing his man meat and pumping his cock until his balls are churning out the biggest load of his life.  Fuck, my cock is leaking the biggest flow of pre-cum I’ve ever had.  I know it’s the perfect time for the words!  “Astrus Possessum!”“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY FUCKINGAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I scream as I feel like every cell of my body is being burned to ash.  This agony is too much for any mortal to comprehend, but somehow I know that it is necessary.  The pain doesn’t feel like actual fire, more like the burning hot combustion of…Oh shit- I think my soul just separated from my body.  I look down at my whispy hands, practically invisible.  And now I’m floating over what appears to be my lifeless and already pale old body.  I try to enter my old form in a panic, but I am repelled, utterly and absolutely.  Fucking shit!  I guess there’s no going back since I’m dead as a doornail…Not that I would ever want to go back…
I float over to Manny’s house-confident in my sense of direction since I devoted much time to knowing the route between his house and mine.  Without even a second thought, I float through his front door calling out his name even though he likely couldn’t hear me.  Oh will you look at that.  Manny seems to have made some sort of makeshift bed on the floor of his living room so he could take a nice mid-day nap.  Just look at you, you lazy fuck.  Someone like you could rule the world if you’d give a damn every now and then.  Enough of all this shit- all the frustration and resentment and guilt and shame.  It ends now!
I fly directly at Manny, roughly flipping him fully onto his back.  His eyes shoot wide open in shock, but before he can shout out I shove my ghostly hand into his mouth, filling him up all the way to the esophagus as he gags and tries to grab at me to absolutely no avail.  I see terror in his eyes as he half-screams, already convulsing as I slide my ghostly arm down to the elbow.  
“Oh we can make this even more fun,” I say to myself.  Smirking with my invisible face, I withdraw my arm from his throat, making him gasp in relief before I place a hand to hold him down as I reach my other hand into his shorts and grab onto his meat hard, making him squeal like a horny piglet as I begin pumping and milking his meaty cock.  “No no no PLEASE! NO LEAVE ME ALONE!  WHAT ARE YOU- UnnNNnnnnngggggggggg Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny exclaims as I ruthlessly abuse what will soon be my thick cock.  And from what I can tell he’s got nice length too- at least 7 inches.  Fuck that makes me pump his meat even faster.  Manny’s breathing begins reaching new peaks as sweat dribbles down from all over his meaty body.  He’s given up fighting me, knowing that I have him pinned down and that trying to get up is a futile waste of energy.  
“Please stop!  I-I-I have a girlfrienddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmoohhhhhhhh.”
It’s kind of funny how he’s trying to negotiate with a ghost that’s molesting him.  Alas, I can see his pelvis starting to tighten and his breathing is really picking up.  
“Ohhhhhhh SHIT!!!  I’m gonna- I’M GONNA!”
Oh no you don’t.  I let go of his meat, leaving Manny absolutely tortured with sexual lust as I leave him so close to a forced molestation induced orgasm.  That’s going to be my orgasm, Manny.  Thanks for getting it so hot and ready for me though.  Manny is distracted now, desperately moaning out and whining from the horniness and lack of satisfaction.  Oh don’t worry you pain in my ass, it’s time for me to return the favor!  I rip his shorts all the way down to his ankles, eliciting a yelp of surprise from Manny as I dive directly for his virgin asshole, my head morphing like a gelatinous balloon as I begin flowing inside his body.  
“MOTHERFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!” Manny screams as he arches his back and begins kicking his legs out, curling his toes and hyperventilating as his face goes red from contorting his face from all the pain and pleasure.  My assault continues, making Manny yelp as I force my shoulder blades inside his hole, stretching him beyond what should be humanly possible for a virgin hole to accept as I continue a forceful and steady invasion.  Manny yells out, shouting, “NO NO!!!!! PLEEEASSSSSEEEEEE!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!  GET OUT OF ME!!!! PLEASE NOOOOO!!!! UNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”  He grabs at the blanket on the ground, gripping and pulling it so hard that the veins on his meaty arms threaten to burst.  I love how his legs keep squirming like his nervous system doesn’t know what to do or who to obey.  Manny begins convulsing as the last of me enters his hole, the last of me sliding in with a slosh.  Now fully inside him, I begin rearranging, sliding each limb into his.  My legs travel and fill his.  I make sure my spiritual cock enters his.  My smaller frame aligns and fills his beefy and meaty chest.  And finally, my head enters his brain and locks into place, giving me full control of his body and access to his memories and personality.  Manny continues to convulse, his hips thrusting hard into the air as his back arches and he screams one last shriek of defiance before collapsing onto the ground, breathing deeply with his eyes closed before the world around me starts to come into focus.  
“Did it- Holy Fuck it worked!” I shout with my new voice.  “My name is Manny.  Fuck I love this.  Manny, I don’t know if you can hear me in there, but this is what you get you son of a bitch!  Now I get to do this!”  
I reach down and grab his still rock hard cock and begin stroking it with his own hands.  “Ohhhhhh FUCK YEAH” I shout as I begin uncontrollably thrusting Manny’s strong hips into this grip.  “Your meat feels so good, Manny!  MmmmmmmmmmmYEAHHHHH!”  I use my other hand to rub all over my beefy torso, feeling the weight of his strong torso and chest, grabbing all that meat with Manny’s own hands and almost yelping like a little girl when I twist his sensitive nipples.  
“Holy fuck, Manny!  Your nips feel so good!  Your body is amazing and just want I dreamed it would be!  Fuck, you love how it feels when I pump your cock.  And you love it when I thrust your cock into my grip like THIS-OOOOHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!   YEAH take it you queer!  You fucking love getting your cock milked by me!  Feels too damn good not too.  Oh fuck you’re close!  I mean oh fuck I’m CLOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
I begin thrusting and pumping like never before, grunting and moaning endlessly as the pressure builds to impossible extremes.  I close Manny’s eyes and squeeze his face into one of pleasure as I breathe deeply and bask in the odor of his sweaty body, finally reaching the point of no return as Manny’s cock can take no more.  
“OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY FFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!   FUCKING FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!”  I scream as I thrash my head uncontrollably, moaning in joy as each thrust and pump launches volley after volley of Manny’s hot cum all over his robust chest.  The warmth of his cream on my new chest gets me so hot that I swear to God it must have triggered a consecutive orgasm as I literally cringe from sensation as I feel another round of cum begin to launch, sending more ropes of cum, literally making puddles across Manny’s body before his cock finally settles and my arches back relaxes gently back to the floor.  
“Oh. My. Fuck,” I pant between breaths as I look down at the masterpiece beneath me.  
Unable to contain my curiosity, I reach Manny’s beefy fingers down and scoop up a big puddle of his cream, smelling it and inhaling the aroma before taking it into his mouth.  My eyes open wide in shock and then delight as I look down and begin scooping more cum and instantly devouring it.  
“oh my *slurp* God.  Manny, your cum is so *slurp* fucking delicious!” I exclaim as I slurp up every single drop off of his chest, sighing in contented afterglow as I resume his nap.  I’ll shower your body later, Manny.  I want you to be filthy for a while.  And starting tomorrow I think the world will be meeting a new and improved Manny!
Chapter 2
I wake up at the crack of dawn on Saturday, stretching and yawning, and moaning in the pleasured joy of being inside Manny.  “Good Morning, new friend,” I say with a giggle as I reach down and grab Manny’s hard morning wood.  Mmmmmmm that’s nice.  I can’t help but just grind Manny’s hips into these soft blankets, making his dick feel so warm as it slides against the soft and velvety fabric.  “Fuck, this will never get old,” I exclaim as I cup Manny’s strong chest in my hands and use his thumbs to rub Manny’s nipples as I keep grinding his hips slowly and sensually into the soft and welcoming fabric.  Shit this feels nice.  Manny-like grunts leave my mouth, making my new cock throb with desire and sensation as a dark idea creeps into my mind.  Immediately I stop this grinding and flip over onto my back, putting Manny’s legs in the air as I suck on one of his fingers, cooing and moaning as I get that thick digit warm and wet.   “Mmmmmmmmmm, Manny I fucking love your body,” I whisper as I close my eyes and begin reaching that thick and wet digit down to Manny’s brutally straight hole.   “ahhhhhhhhhhh That’s nice,” I coo as I rub the wet digit around Manny’s perky and tight hole, excited by the involuntary clenching reactions this body has whenever my finger actually touches the hole.  I get Manny’s body relaxed by gently rubbing circles around that tight fuck chute.  Fuck, Manny’s cock is so hard right now.  Shit, Manny’s cock is leaking precum.  Maybe that straight son of a bitch wasn’t 100 percent straight after all…This makes me chuckle as I place a thick finger directly on Manny’s hole, ready to begin breaking new ground.  Before I can even apply any pressure though I feel a particularly strange sensation.  It’s not uncomfortable, but I feel like there’s a lot of pressure inside, like that feeling when you drive up a mountain or a big hill.   “Wait what am I?  What the FUCK?!” I hear Manny’s soul shriek inside his mind.   That must be the pressure.  My soon-to-be abuse of his hole must have awakened his spunky fighting spirit.  Too bad though he’s just wasting his energies.   “Who are you?!  How are you doing this?!” Manny demands. “Oh I think you know who I am.  And I’m doing all this because I’m inside you.  I am you now,” I say with a sinister edge to my tone that sounds so sexy coming from Manny’s throat.  “You pushed me too far.  You took everything you had for granted and treated everything and everyone in your life like shit, so I’m here to repo your life basically.” “What the fuck are you talking about?!  And why can’t I talk?!  Why are you talking with my body?  Why the fuck can’t I move?  What did you do?!” I spit into my hand and rub all that slick spit over Manny’s hole and begin pressing a thick digit against his hole, making me cringe and squirm as I force that thick digit down to the second knuckle, amazed by how tight Manny’s hole is and by the fact that I was even able to enter his tight straight man ass.   “NOOO PLEASE!!!! STOP YOU FREAKING PERVERT!” “Oh Manny, I know this hurts, but trust me.  It’ll feel so gooOOOOOOODDDDD  Oh WOW you are tight!” I exclaim as I ram the last of the digit inside Manny’s hole, my mouth in a circular O of surprise as Manny’s back arches and I squirm on my back, leaving that thick finger buried fully inside me as I swirl that digit in all directions, activating an endless sea of nerve endings that even Manny is forced to succumb to.   “NO!  PLEASE STOAAAAHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPP!  Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny begs in his mind.   “Oh Come on, Manny.  It doesn’t feel good when I do THIS?!” I say as I pull his finger out of his hole and ram its full length back inside. “Ahhhhh my FUCKKK!!! Fucking GOD!  NO! WAIT!  YOU CAN’T!  I’M not a queer!” “That’s not what your hole is telling me, Manny,” I taunt as I begin swirling the digit inside him again, slowly entering a finger fucking rhythm as I get this hole nice and stretched- well on the way to making room for a second finger.   “I swear to God!  Pleaseeeeunnnnnnnnnggggggggggg oh FUCK!  Wait no what are you- OHHHHHHH FUCCCCKKKKK NO PLEASE PLEASE STOOOPPPPPPPPAHHHHHHHHH JESUS!!!  GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME YOU QUEEERRRRRR-UNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Manny screams as I, without warning, slide a second finger in his tight hole, shrieking myself as I force both thick fingers inside all the way.  Holy fuck!  I think I swear to God I almost just passed out, but now- Oh my God this is amazing!  I try to swirl and pull and stretch those two fingers inside Manny’s hole, making me yelp in little noises of pure blissful ecstasy as my breathing deepens and I work my way to a fucking motion with these two fuck sticks.   “PLEASEAHHHHHHH!  NO! YOU CAN’T- UNGGGGGGGGGG- TOO MUCH TOO MUCH TOO FUCKING MUCH!  CAN’T!  OH GOD!!!!” Manny yells in his mind as he tries to deny the surges of pleasure crashing through his mind.  I double up my efforts, grunting and shrieking from the force as I ram and slam my new hole, growling with Manny’s voice as I get caught up in a sexual rage.  Fuck you and your hole, Manny.  It’s my hole now!  And I’m gonna abuse the shit out of it and get it nice and stretched out! Just to tease Manny I remove the two fingers and see what Manny’s reaction will be as I focus all of my energy and attention on Manny’s throbbing cock and the feeling of emptiness inside his hole.  Pretty soon my energies seem to have an interesting effect on Manny.   He tries to remain silent in his mind, but I can feel his trapped soul almost quivering with desire and emptiness as he tries to process both the sensation he felt in his hole as well as my influence.   “What the wait no!  Can’t be-fucking damnit I want it.  Do it again please!  Wait no!  Not a queer!  Not a fag!  But fuck!  Why did it feel so good?!  Do all fags get to feel that good?  Shit man I don’t care just please make me feel that good again!” Holy shot that’s such a turn on for me!  I see a glob of precum dribble down Manny’s throbbing cock just from hearing Manny beg me to finger fuck his hole.   “You’re going to have to earn the privilege.  Beg me,” I respond with a hint of satisfied domination. “Please!  Please fill my tight hole again!  Make me feel what fags feel, I don’t care just please make me feel good!” Good enough I think to myself as I smirk and scoop up all of Manny’s gooping precum and spread it over three fingers.  Without warning, I take those three thick precum lubed digits and shove them all the way inside me in one rough and swift motion.  I’m paralyzed by quakes of pleasure as I scream and gasp, a bug eyes expression of overwhelming amazement on my face as I feel Manny’s hole stretched to its limits.  Manny’s legs are trembling now as I begin fucking Manny’s hole with all three digits, making his toes curl against my will and his whole body convulse as I benefit from the pleasure.  But if I thought I was having an interesting reaction…well fuck- I checked and Manny’s soul was just erupting with one constant shriek of conflicting ecstasy and disgust.  Oh I can’t take this anymore!   “Holy fucking JESUUSSSS FUUUUCCCCKKKKK UNNNGGGGGYEAH DUDE FUCK YEAH!” I shout as Manny’s cock begins dumping a hot and steamy load all over Manny’s robust chest.  Fuck, this cock didn’t even get touched, but I just quiver as quakes of pleasure erupt from Manny’s sweet ass and travel into my new cock and balls and make my entire body shake and vibrate with pure fucking joy.  I enjoy the feeling as each rope of Manny’s cum erupts and lands with a splash on his solid torso.  And when the shots finally subside, I scoop up all of that cum and try to slide as much as possible into Manny’s stretched hole.   “Do you fucking feel that Manny?!  I’m gonna finger fuck this load of your cum so deep inside your hole it’ll never come out.” “Oh fuck man I don’t care just please make me feel good!” “Tell me what you want!” “Please make me feel good!  Do whatever you need, just please make me feel so good!” “Be specific or I’ll quit now.” “No!!!!  Please!!!  Please shove my fingers inside me!  I need three fingers!  Two isn’t enough anymore!  Use my hot cum as lube and fucking bury my hot jizz inside me, just please make me feel good!” Manny and I both coo in relief and satisfaction as we feel me slide all three fingers back inside, filling him up and pushing his warm man juices deep inside, making me feel a warmth and comfort as his cum literally oozes all over the inside of his hole.   “Oh Manny, your hot cum feels so good.  I bet this’ll feel so nice for your girl when I fuck a bunch of your loads inside her tight cunt!” This seems to bring Manny back to reality slightly as he tells me not to lay a hand on her and he suddenly begins reverting to his straight boy mentality, telling me to stop finger fucking him and calling me a fag and pervert and junk.  Whatever, I’m starting to get the hang of this.  I shut Manny up for the time being before I shove those three digits back in as hard as I can, pummeling Manny’s prostate and making me convulse and yell as an unexpected additional shot of cum randomly shoots out of Manny’s thick cock.   “Mmmmmmm yeah.  Manny, your girlfriend is gonna be seeing a new side of you.  Fuck yeah, gonna fill up that tight cunt and then find some hot twink ass looking for a Latino Daddy Bear to fill them up and give them what they need.  Thank God it’s just Saturday morning.  I’ve got a whole weekend to use your body before I fully take over your life and show up to work on Monday and begin “my” new promotion.  For the moment, I throw a purple shirt on and begin familiarizing myself with the basics of Manny’s life, logging into his computer as if it had been second nature and using this chance to recover.   Mmmmm you see those three fingers I’m using on the trackpad?  Fuck yeah all three of those thick sausages were pumping Manny’s hole and abusing his virgin prostate.  Let’s see…Oh fucking perfect.  Manny’s girlfriend emailed him and she’s arriving early from her trip…tonight. Oh Mannnny, finger fucking your hole was just divine.  No joke, I can still hardly even feel your legs.  I’m glad you recover quickly though because I already feel ready to pump a load inside your girlfriend’s tight cunt.  Your manly nuts must be supercharged cum factories because I can almost feel them vibrating as they churn out more juices and loads for me to blow.   I lift Manny’s arm and check his watch.  Great.  About forty minutes until Manny’s girl shows up.  I collapse back onto the bed and bask in my possession of Manny.  What a great day.  Before I can even think another thought I realize I have to take a massive leak with Manny’s thick and robust cock.  Ohhhhhh I can’t help but moan as I feel the cascade of fluid surge from Manny’s meat, making a commanding echo that bounces endlessly around his bathroom.  I take a deep breath as the flow slows down, smirking as I do a few more than two shakes.  Manny has a full length mirror in his bathroom, so I grin at the full length reflection of Manny, twisting his face into one of ownership and cockiness while I keep shaking drops of piss out of his cock.   “Nothing you can do about this, right Manny?  Can’t even stop me from shaking the piss out of your cock.  You’re weak, Manny.  All these years of you thinking you had some sort of edge over me, but now look at you!” I grab Manny’s balls and begin gently squeezing them and pulling on them, my back arching just slightly from pleasure as I gaze back into the mirror and grunt, “You don’t have the balls to mess with someone like me, Manny.  That’s right, these are my balls now!  All your delicious man cream belongs to me and I’m gonna taste it with your tongue and fuck it into your girlfriend’s tight cunt whenever the fuck I want.  Oh, I forgot, how could I be selfish and keep a meaty, hairy, Daddy bear like you from all the tight twinks just dying to milk the cum out of you with their hungry holes.  Mmmmmmmm yeah, Manny are you awake?  I can’t hear you, but I hope you feel the way I’m massaging your balls, getting your cum nice and ready to flood your girlfriend’s pussy.  It’s gonna feel so good for her when I make that last thrust, grunting forcefully as your warm creamy fluids surge inside her, making her feel a warmth that spreads from the inside out, satisfying her in unimaginable ways and making her beg you- I mean ME- for more.  Oh I just fucking love your balls Manny- nice and big, but still cute and sensitive enough that it drives me wild when I cup one ball and just roll it around, tugging on your ball sac right up to the point I feel a chill rush up your back and through your dick.  I’m still making direct eye contact with Manny’s reflection, hell bent on making sure he can experience this on some level no matter how dormant he may be.  I squeeze his balls one last time, grunting out, “Your body is MINE,” before strutting up to the mirror and spitting on the reflection in front of me.   “Yeah, you like that because you’re a fucking slave whore who can’t resist.  You’re too weak to resist.” I get up real close, so close that Manny’s soft cock squishes up against the mirror as I stretch out Manny’s tongue and begin licking his spit off the mirror, making sure to gaze directly into those eyes, burning this image into Manny’s dormant consciousness.   I lick my way up. “You sick slave whore.  You’ll do anything I say” *Lick* “Because you’re nothing” *Lick* “Me forcing inside your body completed you” *Lick* “Made you a real man!” *Lick* “Just look at you, you fucking queer.  The way your hole lights up when I force all those fingers inside you.  Deep down YOU LOVED IT” *Lick* “Good job cleaning that mirror, whore.  Now time to give Jenna what she’s been waiting for” I wink at Manny’s reflection one last time, giggling a bit as I notice a stream of Manny’s precum dribbling down the mirror from my little Role Playing scenario.  Shooting a devious look across Manny’s face I drop down onto his knees and begin ravenously devouring his juices, speaking for him, pretending it’s Manny saying, “Oh shit yeah so delicious!  I can’t get enough of those manly juices.  Fucking love it ‘cause I’m a weak-minded whore who just loves being filled.  IT FEELS SO GOOD BEING FULL OF YOUR ESSENCE!  MAKING ME DO SICK AND TWISTED THINGS!  I love it when you play with my cock and finger fuck my hole with my beefy fingers.  Make me a real man!”  I giggle and shiver at the same time, humored by Manny’s vocal cords producing such phrases, but also devilishly turned on.  I think I have a new game for later, after Jenna leaves.  *Knock Knock* I rush to the door, having just finished putting some clothes on and prepping for this meeting with Manny’s girl, Jenna.  I try my best to mix the best of Manny with the best of me- in other words, I’m gonna mix Manny’s confidence with my ability to choose not to be a complete asshole around other people.  Might actually be tough, but it’s too late because I’m already opening the door-“Hey, Manny.  Been a while since you called,” Jenna says meekly, with a hint of both resentment and sadness. “I’ve been busy lately, babe.  But I think you’ll notice I’m a new man.  I’ll be here for you when you need me.  So why don’t you step inside and let me prove it to you,” I say as I lean forward, ready to lock my lips over hers and pull her inside for a Manny-style power bang. “Woah there, sailor,” she says, placing her hand over my lips and blocking my advance.  “Why don’t you get me a drink first?  We have some unfinished business to hash out.” I oblige. Nodding my head and welcoming her in, following her into the kitchen as she sits at her favorite bar stool.   “So…ermmm…What can I get for you?” I ask awkwardly, not prepared for Jenna to suddenly be so pensive.  I’m unprepared, but still up for the challenge though.  I mean just look at this selfie I took earlier: I got Manny a clean haircut and dressed him up to look adorable and fuckable.  I quickly flash through Manny’s memories though and in a flash see that he had been really wrong to Jenna, having girls on the side, making her feel worthless, using a condom!, banging her so quick she never even got warmed up by the time Manny had cum!   No wonder she wants to talk.  I mean, hot twink ass on the side is one thing, but you never have other girls on the side!  I’m flashed back to the moment by Jenna’s response- “Wow, Classic Manny.  Can’t even remember my usual.” I scan Manny’s brain real fast. “Oh no, babe.  A Tom Collins with a splash of 7-up.  I just wanted to know if you wanted anything different to kick off our fresh start,” I say in the most sincere and caring tone I can possibly muster.  Coming out of Manny’s gruff at times voice, it makes Jenna instantly blush a little, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Bingo. Turning her head to try to hide her involuntary half smile, she says, “you know, what the hell.  I’ll have a vodka and cranberry.” “Anything for you, babe,” I say gently and lovingly as I walk up to her, leaning in and gently placing a tender kiss on her cheek, stroking the back of her neck and hearing her lightly gasp.  Jenna turns her head slowly, almost by instinct positioning her lips to meet mine before I pull back and give her another loving smile. “Better get that drink,” I say with a blend of Manny’s suave confidence and my own capacity for love and affection.  I instantly notice a shift in Jenna’s body language.  Instead of having rigid walls and emotional distance, I can almost feel her energy drawing me in, attracted to the new Manny.   Mixing her drink, we make casual talk about work and friends and I have her trying not to snort as she laughs from my warm and sharp sense of humor.  This drink took over ten minutes to make because of all my stories that have her on the edge of her seat, cackling until tears of laughter emerge, but I don’t think she minds too much.   “Sorry it took so long,” I chuckle as I hand Jenna her drink, giggling again as I see her smacking the table in hysteria from my last goofy story, still trying to get her composure together.  Finally calm, she smiles at me and begins asking: “Where was this side of you the first time we dated?  I haven’t laughed like that since high school, Manny.  I-I-I have to be honest.  I lied earlier about the sex.  I didn’t think you would even want to see me unless there was some pervy sexual benefit for you.  I really wanted to talk about the past.  How you hurt me.  How lonely I was.  How in the bedroom you-“ I grab her hand tenderly and begin stroking it, looking into her eyes with a solemn look of remorse. “But, Manny.  Just these past couple minutes- I- It’s like I don’t even recognize you, and I never thought I’d be so glad to say that.  You made me feel loved and special, and like I mattered-“ I lean in and hug her deeply, bringing her in close and letting her feel Manny’s tight grip and the warmth of his body.  “You will always matter to me,” I whisper into her ear, slowly sliding my face until I’m looking directly into her eyes.  Those eyes are like open doors now, bearing no resistance as Jenna sheds a single tear, smiles, and then throws herself at me, hugging me so tightly as she tells me how much she loves me and how I’ve just told her everything she always wanted to hear.   I grab her face and bring her lips to mine, gently meeting Manny’s lips to hers as we begin a gentle embrace.  The taste of her lips is so sweet.  I close my eyes and begin rubbing my hands up and down her back, reaching down and playfully grabbing her supple ass with Manny’s strong hands, making her moan and open her mouth enough for me to glide some of Manny’s tongue into her mouth.  Her moans are blissful as our tongues wrestle in a lovers’ dance, entangling gently as if exploring new territory before becoming more and more agile and energetic as our body heat rises.  I pick Jenna up in Manny’s strong arms and bring her over to the bed, gently laying her down as I pull her shirt off, showing off her trim body and perky breasts.  I take Manny’s shirt off, revealing my meatier body.  But I think Jenna has a thing for bigger guys; it must make her feel more secure.  Regardless, I begin crawling towards her until I’m laying myself on top of her, feeling her lean legs pulling my mass into her as I lean down and we begin kissing again.  Our tongues are ravenous for each other by this point as I shift and begin sniffing and kissing my way down her neck, cupping one of her supple breasts in Manny’s authorative grip, massaging and rubbing and squeezing until Jenna is groaning in ecstasy.   I know she loves this because every time I grab her perfect tits she grinds her hips against the hard on tenting through Manny’s jeans, making me gasp as my pre-cum leaking cock gets more and more insatiable.  I can’t take it anymore- I grunt as I rip Jenna’s bra in half, tearing it clean off before I make a dive for her exposed breasts, wrapping my lips around one of her perky nipples and beginning a barrage of gentle sucking and licking.   “OHHHH Mannnnnyyyyy- You��ve never- oh that’s niceeeeee- Oh Mannyyyyyyy”Jenna says as I swirl Manny’s tongue around her sensitive tit, sending shivers from her nipples through her entire body as I grab her other exposed breast and continue massaging that soft skin, tweaking that nipple gently between Manny’s thumb and index finger.   Jenna eggs me on as her back arches and she uses her legs to pull me closer and harder against her.  If she loves this then just wait until she sees what’s next.  I pull back, her nipple exiting my mouth with a gentle pop as she shivers and looks up at me longingly.  Without a word, I grab her skirt and carefully pull it off her legs before moving in again and gently massaging and caressing my way up her legs and inner thighs, becoming almost certain she’s wet and hot for me right now as I begin pulling down her panties and see an undeniably moist cunt just begging to be filled.   “Manny, you’ve never been this good before.  I mean, it’s not that I wasn’t attracted to you before, but right now- OHHHHHH MANNNNYYYYYY!!!!!   OH MYYYY—–UNNNNNGGGG—YOU’VE NEVER- OH YES MANNY!!  YES YES YES!!!!” Jenna screams with ecstasy laced joy as I lean in and begin gently sliding Manny’s tongue inside her wet cunt, feeling the walls of her pussy clamp down on me in shock as I wiggle and set off a torrent of nerve endings.  Fuck yeah, Jenna’s cunt tastes so good!  I dig my tongue deeper, wiggling, sucking, rubbing her insides in all the right places, taking cues from when her legs twitch or when her back arches.  I pull out and find her clit, giving that special attention as I playfully lick her most sensitive bundle of nerves, daring to even gently nibble on it before kissing that fireball of nerves and migrating my tongue back inside her cunt.  I’m taking special care to massage and caress her squirming body, rubbing her lean core and feeling her back as it arches.  She especially loves it when I hoist her legs over my shoulders and caress my down her thighs before grabbing a firm hold of her ass and hips and pulling her cunt towards my lapping and thrusting tongue.   “ohhhhhhh Mannyyyyyy- I-I-I OH GOD!!!  SO—Ungggg-GooooooOOOODDDDD!  SO GOOD-OH YES YES YES YES” I go into turbo, swirling Manny’s long tongue inside her at unprecedented speeds and in all directions, setting off cascade after cascade of sensation inside her.  I start sucking with gusto, trying to taste as much of her pussy juices as I can, making her whole body literally wretch as I try to hold her squirming form down as I thrust my wiggling tongue inside her.   “Mannnnnnyyyyy- YOU-OH GOD- I CAN’T-I- OH PLEASE DON’T STOP!  I’M SO CLOSE I-“ I release her writhing hips just long enough to quickly slide Manny’s thick index finger inside her soaking wet cunt, along with Manny’s thrashing tongue as I begin finger fucking her, squirming that finger around and stretching her pussy ever so slightly as I pull my tongue out and latch on to her clit and begin wiggling Manny’s tongue and sucking that nerve bundle.   “MANNY!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE YOU MANNY!!!!!! OH YESSSSSS MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams with joy as her cunt starts bursting with the best orgasm of her life.  I can feel the walls of her cunt tightening so much it’s a struggle just to pull out my thrusting finger!  And her cunt starts leaking so many juices that a trickle starts oozing out, forcing me to quickly maneuver down and start sucking her delicious juices out of her, forcing my tongue back inside as I try to devour every last drop, extending her orgasm indefinitely as her back remains arched and it looks like she’s trying to scream but no sound is coming out.  I lap up the torrent of juices for at least 30 straight seconds, keeping her orgasm going on and on, making her body tremble with appreciation as she surprises me and grabs the back of my head, pulling me even deeper into the tight explosion of pleasure that is her cunt.  I devour this feast until her trembling slows to a halt and the fountain of juices dies down, finally pulling out after several minutes of non-stop orgasms for Jenna.  I look into her eyes, now aflame with absolute adoration and passion.  Her supple body is drenched in sweat and her breathing is so heavy I worry for her safety.  But underneath it all is a smile that lets me know I’ve given her what no one else ever has and what no one else ever will.   “Manny!” She exclaims between gasps, “That was- I’ve never- Oh my God, Manny that was incredible!  I-I-I love you, Manny!  I believe you, Manny.  Every word!  This is a new chapter for us, and I want to start it off right, so baby how about you take those pants off and fill me up.  Make me yours.  I want you inside me, use your cock and make me feel good,” Jenna says seductively as she begins rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock through the tent of Manny’s stained jeans.  I moan in approval as she unbuttons that denim and pulls down until Manny’s throbbing and leaking meat springs out right in front of her longing eyes. “mmmmmmm Baby I need it!  Please, Manny!  God you’ve changed!  Where did you learn that?!” Jenna moans between squealy gasps as she squeezes and curls her toes.  Those smooth legs are draped over my shoulders as I swirl Manny’s powerful tongue deep inside her cunt, slurping those juices that Manny, the fucking misogynistic prude,  would never even go near.  Fuck Manny, Jenna needs a real lover.  Jenna needs-“Your dick!  Please Manny!”I pull my tongue out of her pussy and just grin, still smack dab up against those pussy lips and licking all around.  She closes her eyes and tosses her head back as I just keep licking outside her cunt, also reaching up and grabbing her perfect boobs, squeezing not too hard that it hurts, but not too gently that she doesn’t feel absolutely and completely safe with me here to protect her and to fuck her.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this Jenna? Are you sure this is what you want?”“Yes!! Manny! I’ve never wanted anything more than this!”I retract away from her cunt and roll over to the side of the bed with Manny’s nightstand, sifting around and looking for a condom. I search around, finally finding that sealed latex when out of nowhere I feel Jenna’s hand resting firmly on mine.“No… Manny… You are not the man you used to be. I don’t know what happened to you, but I have never in my life felt the way I do right now. I can’t believe that I came here to end things for good because right now in this moment in time I honestly don’t want anything more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to feel you Manny… All of you. I want to feel you filling me up… Completing me in a way that only you can,” she says as she pushes my hand back down into the drawer, making me leave the condom in there as she guides me back to the bed.No!! What the fuck are you about to do?! Fuck man! You’re already using my body and shit! At least use some fucking protection! I’m not ready to be a dad! That’s not how I roll! Manny screams in his head as I pump his meat and get him fully hard while Jenna smiles adoringly at me as she gets on her back and spreads her legs, giving me full access to that tight pussy.Yeah, Manny. Well this is how I roll. Because I am Manny now. No one ever loved you! But now look! With me inside you, Jenna is utterly and madly in love. You’re a better person with me in here, a better man. You better accept your fate, and I really hope you enjoy this – because I plan on fucking conceiving your baby tonight.Manny is a mass of screams and resistance on the inside, but I’m able to silence them effortlessly. The forcefulness of his resistance is more than it’s ever been, but I’m already so deeply rooted inside his body that it now views me as the alpha consciousness. His body’s loyalty has permanently switched, and Manny will never again be anything more than a silent passenger who I occasionally allow to speak for the entertainment value.Damn, the waves of resistance crashing through my body actually feel pretty good.Oh Manny! Keep doing whatever you’re doing! Your pathetic attempts at fighting me are sending chills down my spine. Oh man – each time you try to take control I feel a little push coming from the inside that makes my cock twitch. Fuck! It’s turning me on so much! Manny, you’re just making me more and more turned on! It’s like you want me to fuck your load into Jenna’s pussy!I’m a little sad when the resistance stops because I stop feeling those waves of pressure surging through me from the inside, traveling down my spinal cord and ricocheting throughout Manny’s meaty body for converging on his throbbing cock which is dripping with pre-cum as I crawl onto the bed on all fours and begin moving myself on top of Jenna who is now squirming in anticipation.Her eyes shoot open as I start stretching that cunt and sliding the head in.“Nnnnnnnnggggggggggg , MANNY!”“You alright Babe?!”“I’m still just so sensitive from when you-nnngggggg- you know.  How much is left?”“I’m about halfway,” I tell her as I lean down and caress her face.  I pull her into a passionate kiss, relaxing her as we taste each other’s mouths.  When the moment is just right, I slam the last couple of inches into her, making her convulse from sensory overload as that sensitive cunt sends shockwaves crashing through her pussy and up her whole body.  “Agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams as she digs her nails into my back, making me growl as we both writhe together, joined in the most intimate way as I feel Jenna’s cunt trembling and squeezing my meat.“You’re so great babe!” I gasp as I start pulling out, feeling her cunt automatically tightening trying to keep me inside.  “NNNGGGG FUCCCKKKKK!!!!” I grunt as I drive my dick all the way back inside.  Jenna just gasps, a smile plastered across her face, lips in a wide open “O” with her toes curling wildly.  While I build up my rhythm, sliding in and out, grinding and using Manny’s powerful body to give Jenna what she needs, I feel Manny again.  I get shivers from the futile resistance.  This is too good!  I chuckle silently as I decide to let him speak.  P-p-please!!!!  You can’t!  This is wrong!  Get out of my fucking body!!!!!! The normally strong and confident Manny sobs in his mind.Face it Manny!  You dickhead fucker!  I’m a better Manny than you EVER were! I taunt him.  Have you ever seen Jenna this happy?!  Look how good I’m making her feel with your cock!  She has a REAL lover now.  Someone who can appreciate her and send her over the edge.  I growl back at the ever hopeless Manny.  B-b-but!I’m better than you!  Just give in!  You don’t have to fight it.  Just agree that I’m the real Manny and your life will be better than it ever was.  Manny went quiet for several moments, finally relenting: You’re right…I grin as I shut him up again, huffing and growling as I feel Manny’s robust nuts churning and pumping- getting this load ready to blow.  “I’m close!” I exclaim as I keep pumping Jenna full, kissing her tasty lips and squeezing those tender breasts.  “MANNY!  I- aaaagggghhhhhhHH!!!!!   I’m close too baby!  I- OH GOD!   Oh my GOD!!!!!” Jenna howls as the waves hit her sooner than expected.  Her whole body tenses up as I feel her cunt quivering, trembling as the orgasm builds up.  I thrust and pump into her faster and harder, driving this cock into her so she can have the orgasm she deserves.  “nnnnnnngggggggggggggggg MANNY!” Jenna screams as her eyes shoot wide open and she begins gasping for breath, trying to yell but no sound comes out.  The pressure building inside me reaches its limits as Jenna’s cunt starts vibrating with tension, squeezing me tight and milking me for all its worth.  I go into a frenzy, slamming into her- pumping her full as I feel Manny’s baby cream flowing through into Manny’s cock before I thrust all the way back inside, howling wildly as the first load rockets out of me deep into Jenna’s hungry pussy.  We both howl unintelligibly, grinding and thrusting against each other as we have the best orgasms of our lives.  Our sweaty bodies glisten with pure joy as we calm down, my mass comfortably pinning her down to the bed as our breathing slows back to normal.  Jenna stares at me in amazement for a blissful second before pulling me into a gentle kiss.  “That was amazing, Manny.”I shut her up with my mouth while we cuddle away into the night.  As we go to sleep I feel a warmth deep inside as I prepare to live Manny’s life to the fullest- Because I am Manny now.  
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thenixkat · 6 years
Assorted thoughts on Ben 10
I actually do want to know how being Black effects Manny, Alan, and the other Black characters in the series? B/c it would very much influence their lives and outlooks and how others perceive them.
Like I know we’ll never get anything on that b/c the franchise is written/produced/etc by ignant ass and racist white people, but it's interesting to think about.
I can see Manny and Alan seeing some racist ass white person or ignorant ass alien holding up some Green Lives Matter bullshit and being both annoyed and disgusted and probably ready to fucking deck a fool. B/c damn skippy some racist/anti-Black or lazy ass mofo in-universe would see the Black Lives Matter movement  and say “I’m gonna steal this and make it about me” ala Red/ Brown Lives Matter and/or have some derailment ass shit like what bitches did with the whole Blue Lives Matter/All Lives Matter and go “you blackies don't have it as bad as the aliens”. 
How does Manny no longer being visibly Black affect him? I have to imagine that it must be super isolating to go from being a member of an overly policed and kinda insular minority community to being an outsider even from there? Or is that just compounding b/c he’s still very very much Black whenever he opens his mouth?
A whole extra layer is added to the small town police aggressively hunting down Alan is his debut ep. Like, his life is legit in danger the entire time especially so after the police find out he’s Black. The police holding him in a fucking icebox and ya know not reading him his rights or asking questions is very believable, but just kinda dropped after he saves some lives? Nah son. It's more likely that they’d try to arrest him anyway for some kinda bullshit even made up shit.
Also, I finally figured out why I hate the Rooters thing so much outside of just the reductive retcons. So we got a bunch of Black and brown kids that are consistently sidelined and forgotten about and the writers even had one killed for shock value that they barely even used and quickly forgot about so we’re gonna have government officials kidnap and experiment on them retcon their family situations for the worse and have very little punishment for the bad guys. That shit makes me so fucking uncomfortable just like that shit from the end of Static Shock.
Also the shit with Charmcaster? From Black witch/sorceress to white extradimensional elf. That is so not a good move.
Also, fucking show trying to tell me that a university educated, American  Black man like Hex would really get a full fucking face tattoo? Bullshit. Face paint exists, it makes much more sense for that mofo to use face paint. Also, why is this bitch fucking grey? Does he not believe in lotion? Or is it related to that racist ass coloring trope of making Black characters that weird greyish color?
The problem with the Plumbers isn’t specism/fantasy racism, its entirely incompetence, corruption, and just the worst hiring standards. And really most of that is just an intersection of ‘protagonist based morality’, ‘what measure is a nonhuman’ thinking,  and otherwise, just the writers just doing whatever the fuck they want without thinking.
Also, why did the Plumber’s Helpers decide to want to be Plumbers? Ok if they wanted to do it just cause their parents were and they didn’t really know anything about the organization, but continuing to want to after learning about the Plumbers and the kinds of shit they allow and the shitty half-ass job they do and still want to be a part of that? No. Fuck that. Either start yer own organization, just be superheroes or join the competition.
Also shares a world with Secret Saturdays and just fucking refuses to take advantage of that outside of a shitty half-assed disrespectful crossover. Making everything about aliens, fucking boring.  Not sprinkling in shout outs and cameos, snore.
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dejafanwriting · 2 years
Don’t leave me-Brahms Heelshire X F!Reader Part 2
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Back at it again with my bs. Manny errors I feel lazy to correct rn but here's me wanting to post more. I'll go over them later. Also, I'm not a doctor so the medical treatments described will be inaccurate.
TW: Blood, gore, mentions of violence, reader having a life crisis, and a pinch of nswf :P. bit of a praise kink thing going on. bitch boy brahms ahead Minors Please DNI.
Taglist: @sowhatariyana, @carnationhcs, @auggiehuds (I have a taglist now apparently :0)
Part 1
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"Just great".
You grumble to yourself when a raindrop falls on your face. The rain is just perfect for the mood. It really adds to the gloomy scenery. The lightning illuminates the path towards the manor and the thunder rumbles softly in the distance. The gentle rain droplets fall against your figure and the blowing winds ruffle your skirt and the surrounding foliage. It’s almost dramatic. Like a scene from a movie.
As you walk barefoot on the harsh gravel back towards the manor, you wrap your arms around yourself, trying to shield your body from the cold. Your feet and arms are painfully freezing but your mind and heart are far too busy trying to calm down to even care about your current condition.
"This is a bad idea..."
You quietly tell yourself as you reach the driveway of the manor and continue towards the front door. But before you step on the porch, you recall Brahms locking the doors, meaning that entering through the front door wouldn’t be possible.
And neither was exiting....
"What the hell are you thinking!!?".
Your nails squeeze into your arms as you scold yourself. Not even 20 minutes ago, you had been running away from a man that everyone thought had died twenty years ago but lived inside the Heelshire manor's walls, killed your abusive ex, and had been chasing you to do god knows what to you.
But now, you were willingly going back towards possible danger because you blamed yourself for his injuries and pitted his state of life. You felt guilt.
He had been relying on you for the past couple of weeks for food and care. You were his only company. No one else knew of his existence other than his parents. But they are gone. And judging by the letters you had previously found, the Heelshires weren't coming back...
He has nothing else. No one else.
'You’re really going mad huh?' you interlay question yourself.
The rainwater drips from your face and you cringe at the feeling of your damp clothes against your skin. A sudden flash of lightning startles you and brings you back to your present dilemma. How to re-enter the manor. And considering if you should even go back inside.
Another flash followed by a distant rumble falls, and with a deep sigh, you turn to head towards the manor's side door. Malcolm would occasionally use the door to bring deliveries when he forgot his back door key and you wouldn’t hear his knocks. The door was always kept locked, which could only mean the key was somewhere hidden outside.
You immediately begin to look for the key when you approach said door. You lift the small doormat and look under, but find no sign of the key. You then check under the small potted plant to your left. Nothing. Inside the porch light holder. Nada.
"What the hell?" You exclaim as you continue to look under nearby decor and go as far as to check under rocks. But no key. "GOD DAMNIT!". You yell in frustration and throw the eighth rock you had checked under.
Your irritation begins to build more. The rain was only falling harder and the wind was picking up. You were running out of options.
You had considered the back door a possibility, but just like the front door, it was most likely locked. You couldn’t climb up to the second-story balcony in this weather, and even if you managed to, no doors would be unlocked considering that you would religiously maintain them as such. There was also the fact that the windows were painted shut, so there was absolutely no way they would open. 'screw you, you tradesman fuck'. The only way left for you to enter the estate would be the same way you exited...
You hug yourself as the memory of crawling through the walls and under the pipes while being chased by Brahms sends shivers down your spine. And once again, make you question your 'oh-so-stupid' decisions.
Not wanting to go through the small cramped space again, sends an idea to your mind. You slowly turn towards the rock you threw behind you and then back towards the glass panel on the door. If you break the glass, you could reach inside and unlock the door; technically breaking in.
"oh, what the hell", you sigh and turn away from the door to walk towards the rock. You hesitantly pick it up, feeling its rough edges on your palm as you clench it and place your fist on your forehead, and sigh. "You’re really about to break into a rich ass house aren't you?" you tell yourself. With one last deep sigh, you raise your hand that holds the rock and turn towards the door.
But before you can throw the rock, it falls from your hand when you're startled by a tall shadow that now stands behind the door.
You hold your breath and stare at the looming figure through the distorted glass panels. The lack of light makes it even more difficult to make out any details. Your heart pounds against your chest and you are frozen in place. The rain falls heavy against your figure, but you don't dare move an inch.
A startled gasp leaves your lips when you hear a soft 'click' coming from the door lock before the figure slowly disappears. You stand frozen for a few more seconds, staring at the door, before your body finally decides to move.
With trembling hands, you reach for the door handle. You take a few more seconds, catch your breath, and reconsider everything that has happened in the past hour or so.
Many thoughts and images race through your head and you close your eyes to try and sort them out.
'what the hell is wrong with you?!. Are you seriously going to go back in after you fought so hard to get out?!' your grip on the handle tightens. 'he needs my help' you try to argue with yourself. 'HE KILLED COLE' your mind basically screams. Your knuckles are impossibly white as your argument In your head persists. You cycle through the events but keep thinking back on Brahms’s state. "He needs me"...
You loudly grunt, shoving all your thoughts away, and in a flash, push the door open. Your body is propelled forward and towards the floor as a gust of wind basically throws open the door, pulling you along. You land on your hands and knees and the howling wind spills into the minor. Your embarrassment overtakes your shock and you push yourself up quickly, and turn to shut the door.
You hold yourself up against the door breathing heavy, trying to catch your breath. Your damp hair and clothing are more noticeable now that you're out of the rain and wind and you can feel the weight of it pulling you down.
Your eyes shift down towards the door lock and you reach to turn it but your hand is met with a wet substance. And that's when you see it.
Your heart rate picks up once again and you're immediately reminded why you returned. "Brahms..."
Your head whirls behind you and you squint your eyes through the darkness and catch sight of the trail of blood that is littered across the hardwood floor. You slowly follow it away from the entry and towards a small hallway. You enter the dark hallway and continue but stop in the middle of the hall where the blood trail abruptly ends—but before you have time to question it, you feel a presence behind you.
You quickly spin around but then freeze in place. The soft moonlight that seeps through the large windows behind him emphasizes his tall dark form. There at the other end of the hall, Brahms stands just a few feet away from you.
Alarms go off in your head and scream for you to run, to get away from the possible harm he may cause you. But you stay in place.
"Brahms..." You speak but it's barely above a whisper. You clench your hands and dig your nails into your palms in an attempt to keep yourself from running away. "I-I came back..f-for y-"
Before you can mutter anything else, Brahms begins to walk toward you. The stained porcelain mask that covers his face slowly becomes more visible with each step. Your heart rate picks up for what feels like the thousandth time today as his figure slowly approaches you. Through the darkness, you can see his shoulders rising and falling from his heavy breathing. When his towering figure stands right in front of you, you advert your gaze towards the floor in order to avoid his stare.
"I-I came to h-help you..." You stutter. Your eyes squeeze shut when you feel him move closer to you, towering over your shorter form. His face moves closer to your head, barely touching your hair with his porcelain mask...It's almost as if he's breathing you in.
You open your eyes and you come face to face with his rapidly rising and falling chest. Due to the proximity, you can see the sweat glistening on his chest and the hair that peeks past the off-white tank top he wears. You can't help the small heat that rushes to your cheeks when you notice his built body, even through the baggy clothes he wears.
You quickly advert your gaze away from his chest and catch sight of the red stain on his clothes. That's when you see it. The bloody wound on his abdomen.
"You're bleeding!" You gasp out a bit louder than expected, making Brahms jump and take a step away from you. His eyes widen and stare at your trembling hands as they move towards him.
"I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. " You apologize. You slowly reach towards the wound. His gaze burns into your hands, making you pause just centimeters from his body.
"Can I?" You softly ask, not wanting to cross any boundaries. Oh, The irony of your situation. You're really asking him if you can touch him when he had been chasing you through the house not long ago. But to be fair, he did get hurt trying to save you.
You look up towards his stare. You're close enough that you can see the green in his dark eyes and notice the bloodshot red in his right eye. His own stare dances between your features, trying to read your expression.
"P-please. I want to help. It could get infected if we don't tend to it." You say, trying to calm the turmoil in his eyes. After a few seconds, he responds with a slight nod.
With that, your reach for the fabric of his shirt and lift it a bit to better look at his wound, not missing the way his breathing quickened when you make contact with his flesh. You try to ignore it and study the slash on his abdomen. It's messy and swollen and although very slowly, it is still bleeding.
"Let's get you to the bathroom, there's a first aid kit there. We need to get it cleaned and stop the bleeding" you say. You look up at him and he's already staring down at you. Your eyes catch sight of his clenching hands at his side.
"Come, " you slowly reach for his hand. He doesn’t pull from your grasp, so you take his wrist and softly tug. "We need to do this as soon as possible"
He stands for a few seconds, staring down at your connected hands. You swear you can hear his heart rate, but you dismiss it as your pulse in your ears. His face turns to yours and he slightly tilts his head, almost in question at your actions. You give him an encouraging nod, and with that, he follows as you guide him towards the nearest restroom.
Once you enter, you guide him towards the tub and motion for him to sit on the ledge. You take a step back from him and even sitting, he is almost at eye level with you. His height should scare you, but in some way, it intrigues you. It makes you wonder how he was able to manage to live in such cramped spaces while being over 6 feet tall���And not to mention his not-so-small physique.
You realize you have been staring at him lost in thought and only remember you're still holding his wrist when Brahms lifts his free hand to take a hold of your rain-soaked sleeve. It's now your turn to stare down at his hand on you—There's still speckles of dried blood on them.
"Your clothes, they’re wet"
He states in his childlike voice and it startles you a bit. Hearing the voice of a kid coming from a grown man in his twenties is very odd to you. And it's even more freakish when you previously believed the voice belonged to the ghost of a dead 8-year-old.
"Y-yea, the rain was pouring pretty hard" You give an embarrassed chuckle and pull away from his touch. A low disappointed huff escapes Brahms when you let go of his wrist.
"You’ll catch a cold." He says, still in that voice, with a tilt of his head, dark brown locks falling over the porcelain of his mask.
"ill change later. Right now, I need to tend to your wound"
Before he can protest, you quickly turn towards the sink to look for the first aid kit. You catch a glimpse of your appearance in the mirror. Your hair is still wet but beginning to frizz up, and it lays a mess on your head. Your skin looks a bit pale due to the cold and you can already see eyebags beginning to form under your eyes.
‘you look like utter crap' you tell yourself.
Your eyes catch sight of Brahms’s reflection as he stares at you checking yourself out. You clear your throat and quickly smooth your hair down before looking under the sink for the kit.
You take the kit and return to step in front of Brahms. You lay the kit on a near-surface and open it, taking out the things you'll need to clean his wound. You then turn to him in order to start but a sudden realization hits you like a truck— you can't access the wound with his clothes in the way.
" You n-need to take off your shirt. O-or else I won't be able to access the wound" You tell him, trying to avoid eye contact.
"Okay" He replies., the childish tone still not leaving his voice.
You hear shifting and look up to see him beginning to slide off his green cardigan. Your eyes immediately are glued to his biceps.
'Jesus! when did this man have time to hit the gym?' your thoughts run wild. You suppose that having to move about and maneuver through the walls would be enough physical activity to build muscle. 'or good genes perhaps'
You’re pulled away from your thoughts when a soft pained grunt leaves Brahms as he tries to lift his white top.
"Here let me help!"
You shoot up quickly and take hold of the edge of his tank top. You slowly lift it, careful not to disturb his wound. He lifts his arms, and you pull the tank top off completely and throw it in the pile along with his cardigan. Your face turns beet red for the hundredth time when you're able to fully look at his uncovered upper body.
Not wanting to stare for too long, you turn to grab a damp cloth, and when you turn back towards him, you go straight to cleaning his wound. You have to bend down a bit in order to wipe off the blood and dirt from around the abrasion and you can feel his stare on your every move. When you get near the wound, a soft jolt leaves his body.
"S-sorry.Does it hurt?" You ask him.
"No, just surprised me" The child voice replies.
"You can talk to me in your regular voice y'know?" You look up at him "you don't have to use that voice anymore". His eyes shift between your own stare, contemplating your words.
"O-okay" He breathes. His voice shifts from the higher pitch down to a lower more natural-sounding one. His normal voice sounds much deeper and…better.
"Good" You give him a soft smile before turning back to finish cleaning up the wound.
After it's all cleaned up, you're able to see the wound better. The bleeding finally stopped and It's not as deep as you had originally thought, but it was starting to swell up due to the trauma. You reach for a bottle of disinfectant and dab some of the liquid on a gauze pad. "This is to make sure it doesn’t get infected. It might sting a bit"
He gives you a small nod before you dab the product on the wound. Immediately, Brahms reacts with pained grunts. His hands grip the edge of the sink as you continue the stinging treatment.
"It's okay. It's okay." You soothe as you quickly finish disinfecting the wound and pull the gauze pad away. "There, I'm done".
His eyes are droopy and his chest is heaving. The color on his neck turns a bit paler due to the pain. You quickly reach over for a gauze patch and place it over the wound, covering it in order to allow for it to begin to heal. And before you can think about it, your hand reaches to brush away the curls from his masked forehead.
"There, all done. You did very good." You try to reassure but it comes out a bit more like praise.
His eyes shoot wide open and stare into yours. You freeze in place and stare back into his eyes. A glint of something you can't quite name fills his gaze.
Your hand still on his messy curls, shifts lower onto the cold porcelain of his mask and stops to caress his covered cheek, palm brushing against the hairs of his beard that peek out from under the mask. His own larger hand slowly reaches up to take a soft hold of your much smaller wrist and leans his face into the palm of your hand, closing his eyes as he drinks up your touch. His own touch sends sparks through your skin. Your free hand reaches up to rake through his dark curls.
At this, you can feel the shiver that travels through his body. His breathing comes out more like a pant and you can hear his breath hitch when you slightly scratch your nails against his scalp.
A tinge of sadness suddenly fills you as a thought crosses your mind. Brahms had probably been deprived of human touch for as long as he's been living inside walls—Deprived of any human company other than that of his parents. And even then, they probably didn’t really pay much mind to him.
Instead, they treated the doll like it was a real boy when their actual son was living within the walls of his own home.
"You poor thing" you soothe in a sympathetic voice, continuing your caress. "You must’ve been so lonely"
His eyes softly open to look up at yours. They’re glossy and his pupils are dilated. His breathing becomes heavier with each stroke of your hands on his curls.
"it's okay, I'm here now"
You slowly lean closer to his face. Your lips touch the cold porcelain of his mask, leaving a small kiss on his forehead. You can feel his body slightly tense under your touch. The hand on your wrist slightly tightens and a choked whimper leaves Brahms when you pull away. The sound alone sends heat through your body.
Brahms speaks, his voice ragged but holding the childs tone again.
"What did I say about speaking in your regular voice?" You softly raise a brow at him.
"k-kiss" he breathes in a broken whisper. In his normal voice.
Your hand leaves his curls to rest on his other masked cheek. You lean down and place another soft kiss on his right cheek. His free hand also reaches up to wrap around your other wrist. Your lips leave his mask, but you don't pull away completely, leaving you face-to-face with him.
"More," he says, barely above a whisper.
"Where are your manners?" You tease with a soft grin.
"P-please, more", he softly pleads, his eyes teary with what can only be described as desperate need.
As you lean closer, you can feel his hands almost pulling you towards him, but not quite forcefully. You gently kiss his other cheek, lingering for a few seconds before moving and leaving a second kiss closer to the lips on his mask. Your own heavy breaths mix with his as you move closer, barely touching the porcelain of his lips.
"One more....please"
You comply with his request and crash your lips to his, moving your warm lips against his still cold ones. He presses his face closer to you in an attempt to reciprocate the one-sided kiss. Needy moans escape his throat and his hands pull at your wrists, almost fearing that you will pull away.
But eventually, you need oxygen, so you break the kiss to catch your breath. Brahms also sounds out of breath and you push back to see his neck and naked chest flush pink. Your eyes move down his chest and past his abdomen, where you catch sight of his clothed arousal.
Brahms calls your name in a needy, out-of-breath moan when he sees you staring at his trousers,sending heat to your core.
"I'm here Brahmsy" you soothe, moving your body closer to his, making him have to part his legs, and slide between them. "I'm right here". You press your body flush against his, allowing some friction between you and the hardness in his pants.
A desperate whine leaves Brahms and he releases your wrist to hug your torso closer to his body. This allows you to move your hands to hold the back of his head and pull it towards you and press his cheek against your chest.
"Let me take care of you"
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sorry for edging you, babes :p. Don't worry I'm already working on the next part
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mecharose · 6 years
what inspired your characters’ names?
thanks for the tag @incandescent-creativity! also yooo that thing about Agau’s name meaning arrogant and smart? middle school you secretly knew what was up
anyway my claim to fame is ridiculous character names, so, here y’all go:
Clone Story
I already said it in this ask, but Percy’s name is Percy because it sounds like "person.” Because he’s the original person, get it...? :D 
His full name has a slightly less ridiculous origin, though. “Percy Harold Lowe” comes from an actual psychologist, Harry Harlow. His experiments were so psychologically harmful to their subjects, they’re credited with really jumpstarting the movement toward strict ethics rules. So, what better name for my own unethical scientist?
A, B, and C are named that because that’s what test subject/clone type they are. None of them ever gets a real name.
The Little Bitch That Couldn’t
There’s kind of a backstory behind HeroMan and Vil’s super-identity names. I wrote the whole first outline of the Clone Story not knowing a single character’s name, and referring to them all by their plot roles: Kenneth was “Hero,” Rosie was “Love,” and Manny Mann was “Villain” -- but I abbreviated it to “Vil” in my rush to type it out. Obviously they got names, but “Hero” became “HeroMan” as a parody of “Superman” and Manny, in canon, was too lazy to think of a more creative villain name for himself than “Vil.”
most of the characters’ names come from how well they fit their roles (Kenneth Kade just sounds like a hero name, for example) but here are some standouts:
Manny Mann got his name because he’s the “leading man” of our story. 2 for 2 on characters named after the mere fact they exist (Percy the person, Manny the man)
Maggie Zin is a fangirl who loves comics, so her name is literally ‘magazine.’
Tara Swift’s name is a parody of Taylor Swift, also, speed powers. 
Chuck Frizby has accuracy powers. Chuck a Frisbee... hehe
Chutney sounds fancy, and yes I know it’s a sauce lol
Carmine Intruccio is named after that scene in Goodfellas where the mobsters stuff a guy in the trunk of their car. Car-mine In-truccio = “my car, in trunk.” amazing right
anyway, clearly no one should let me name characters. I’m tagging @ava-burton-writing @writerofwriting @clockwork-starlight @feathered-quill for this if you guys want to do it!
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emgay · 6 years
this my ranking of all the degrassi characters bc i kno yall care sm 
shitty ass characters/pure evil:
hazel (lazy and lacked depth, unnecessary)
ashley (written to be a nagging bitch, played that shit great tho)
paiges brother (less than mediocre acting imo, boring)
johnny dimarco
owen (why)
jane (altho her trauma story could have been really good, it wasnt)
bruce the moose (why did he exist with a name)
mia (forgettable, boring, her kid had the worst kid acting ive seen, just unlikable)
dave (asshole with boring stories)
hunter (he was supposed to get likable after being institutionalized but he was a little shit)
clare (lmoa dont drag me)
LUKE (obviously)
vijay (i was so excited for him but...absolutely not)
eli obviously (altho i feel like they really could have done better with his character especially when it came to his bipolar storyline)
manny (cuckoo bananas)
esme (i KNO she was evil but she was....real)
still really good:
cam (wish they would have developed his mental health issues further before killing him off) 
craig (altho i didnt really like him? just really good character imo) 
ali (she gets such a bad rap for always letting boys get in her way but like it worked?)
ellie (wish her cutting story was expanded more it was so brief “oh i cut oh now i dont but itll always be in me except we’re never gonna mention it again”)
started out shitty became okay/good/amazing:
holly j 
ZOE (wow)
becky (her testifying basically against her brother in court like damn)
bianca (some of my fave development)
imogen (she started as a literal evil manipulating bitch)
yael (i feel like they really didnt kno what to do with them....they started them as this anti feminist gamer girl then ended with their character as nonbinary ? but i still liked the character by the end it just didnt feel like it fit)
maya (i really hated her in the first couple seasons but by next class she was...okay. tolerable)
lola (she went from unnecessary airhead character to great friend who is always there aw)
overall boring/annoying/eh:
alex (her storylines had soooo much potential but they fell flat imo)
tiny (his gang involvement was interesting but i didnt give a shit abt his relationship shit in next class)
jack (they tried soooo hard with her character tht it was just annoying and unbelievable)
katie (her addiction plot was so bad)
ones who deserved more than what they were given:
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The art of the YouTube apology video
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When an actor messes up, they typically have a team of managers, agents, and crisis managers to back them up with handcrafted personal statements apologizing for their actions. 
When a beauty guru messes up, they set up their tripods, get the tears going, and hit record. 
SEE ALSO: YouTube breakup videos are basically a requirement now. Here's why.
Much like break up videos, apology videos are almost a rite of passage for YouTubers. Since their content is so personal, their apologies have to be, too. As content creators' offensive internet histories get exposed, apology videos are becoming more and more common. There's almost a formula to them: You sob, you apologize for whatever you did wrong, you sob some more, beg for forgiveness from your fans, and then wrap it up with a teary thank-you. 
The most recent example of this tearsfest is Laura Lee, a beauty vlogger who was once just shy of 5 million subscribers, but lost 200,000 once she was exposed for racist tweets this month. A video she posted, simply titled "My Apology," went viral for all the wrong reasons. 
Content creator Keem mocked Lee in a video that broke down the types of apology videos that YouTubers make, from gamers apologizing for a racist comment to vloggers apologizing for filming a dead body. 
In 2012 Lee tweeted, "tip for all black people if you pull ur pants up you can run from the police faster." 
When fans of another rival beauty guru dug up the vile tweet, Lee went silent. She deactivated her Twitter account, deleted her old tweets, and then came back to Twitter with a lengthy Notes app apology. In the statement, she blamed the fact that she grew up as a "small town girl from Alabama" who lacked the "cultural education" that she has now. 
Five days later, she followed up with this apology video. 
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to you guys," she whimpers, frequently stopping mid-sentence to sob into her hands. "It hurts me so bad to disappoint you all who have supported me for many years. I know that I'm better than that person." 
The four-minute video was dragged for being (for lack of a better word) total bullshit. One commenter called it "so funny to watch bc it’s so forced." Another joked that it was "proof that youtubers shouldn't be actors."
Someone wrote fake captions over her video, and people turned her into a meme on Twitter. It even inspired parodies. 
whoever wrote the caption for laura lee’s apology is my hero pic.twitter.com/S4406OSgmV
— 𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕓𝕒 (@denimIester) August 20, 2018
Laura Lee is part of a group of beauty gurus who all apologized for their problematic pasts, but hers is the one getting criticized the most. 
But is there a "right" way to apologize? Crisis manager Eden Gillott Bowe says there may not be a one size fits all way to say "I'm sorry," but there is a basic formula that best gets the point across. Like Olivia Pope in Scandal, Gillott Bowe fixes messy situations. 
"If you know you've done something wrong, you don't want to hide it because the truth always finds a way of coming out," Gillott Bowe said over the phone. "So you just want to deal with it quickly." 
Compare Lee's apology to that of another member of the beauty guru clique that broke apart over this past week, Gabriel Zamora. 
In contrast to Lee's tears, Zamora opens the video by explaining that the version he's posting is the third version he's recorded because he was more levelheaded than in the first two. 
"I'm like, you know what? This isn't just about my emotions," he admits in the video.
Gillott Bowe recommends staying as calm as possible, like Zamora, while doing damage control. 
"Try not to be too reactionary and just take a moment to think about how it's going to be perceived," she said. "If I jump out and say this, how might it be taken the wrong way?"
With that in mind, here's the backstory on all the beauty guru drama.  
Fellow vlogger and Lee and Zomara's former friend Jeffree Star — who has his own history of being horrifically racist and according to the Washington Post, once joked about "throwing battery acid on a black girl's face to lighten her skin so that her foundation matches" — was the subject of a Shane Dawson documentary series on YouTube that examined Star's life and reputation.
The last installation of the five part series discusses the public feud Star had with his ex-friend group. Star says that "people still don't really know what went on" that broke down the group, and that "there's so many versions of things that never happened out there."
In response, Zamora posted a photo of himself, Laura Lee, Manny MUA, and Nikita Dragun captioned "Bitch is bitter because without him we're doing better," referring to Star. Zamora topped it off in a now-deleted tweet that said, "Imagine stanning a racist? I could never."
That kicked off a stan-led scrape through the four YouTubers' Twitter histories, which unearthed hateful tweets from years ago. Manny MUA, Laura Lee, and Gabriel Zamora all made separate videos apologizing for their actions; Nikita Dragun addressed it on Twitter. 
But why does Star get a pass on his past actions, while Lee's getting dropped from all of her brand partnerships? Fans agreed that their apology videos made all the difference. 
The difference is they both acknowledged their mistakes years ago and have actively worked to better themselves and let it show through their actions. Laura barely made an apology, cried fake tears, and tried to blame it on everything else, like "I was raised in a small town"
— Future 👩🏻‍⚕️ (@K_Wolstenholme) August 23, 2018
They felt the same way about Zamora's apology video. Stans thought that compared to Lee's apology, it was significantly more genuine because he walked through how he would improve. Commenters lauded Zamora's apology as "a great example" and "like sitting with a friend." 
if Gabriel Zamora gaining back all the subs he lost and then some isn’t proof that all we want as viewers are real people telling the truth...i don’t know what is pic.twitter.com/Im0NNfCUKr
— spektader (@spektader) August 22, 2018
Makeup fans haven't forgiven Star entirely, though. Some wish he'd face the same consequences as Lee. 
im glad this is happening but i wish the same energy would’ve been kept for Jeffree Star and James Charles https://t.co/8okPymP00H
— deja 🏳️‍🌈 (@dejaistired) August 23, 2018
Gillott Bowe recommends that when crafting an apology, whether to a friend in private or to an entire fanbase through a public statement, you don't want to keep repeating "I'm sorry." 
"You want to be sincere," she said. "You don't want to dwell on it. Once you say you're sorry you don't want to belabor it." 
In Zamora's video, he said, "I don't want to give excuses ... it was ignorant, it was stupid." Instead of jumping to begging his subscribers not to call him racist, he asked them to take time to process his apology. He also linked two videos about the history of the N word and a lecture from author Ta-Nehisi Coates about "words that don't belong to everyone." 
Then, in typical YouTuber fashion, he moved on and exposed Lee and Manny MUA for throwing him under the bus and refusing to take accountability when their tweets were exposed.
Fed up of going on YouTube and all the videos being titled ‘my truth’, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘my apology’. I just want to watch a fucking makeup tutorial
— georgia (@georgievowles) August 23, 2018
Although that's exactly the kind of drama YouTube subscribers want to hear, Gillott Bowe probably wouldn't go for that cutthroat, spilling the tea approach. She'd rather her clients wrap up an apology by looking forward. 
"You talk about the future," she said. "The things you want to change to make sure it doesn't happen again, and then you stay positive." 
So for future YouTubers who need to make an apology — whether it's Tana Mongeau apologizing for calling her black friend a racial slur or Jenna Marbles apologizing for being an unprepared fish owner — here's the formula that Gillott Bowe endorses. 
1. Open with something positive.
Gillott Bowe recommends "easing into it" by thanking people for their support.
2. Say you're sorry and don't drag it on.
"Focus right on the apology," she said. Don't try to skirt responsibility or avoid taking accountability. It's better for all parties if you just own up to what you did wrong. 
3. End on a good note.
Gillott Bowe calls this a "compliment sandwich." You want to close the apology with something "nice and hopeful," like outlining the steps you'll take to improve.
4. Don't do it again.
She brings up a quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"People have a tremendous capacity to forgive," Gillott Bowe explains, "But you don't want to keep apologizing if you're going to end up doing shitty things again anyway." 
Navigating the public sphere after a major scandal will probably be rocky for a while, but Gillott Bowe is sure that if an apology is genuine, the person at fault will be OK. 
"There are the kinds of people who are going to hate you no matter what you do," she said. "But if the people in the middle could be swayed either way, those are the people you're gearing toward."
Or, you know, you could also just try not to be racist. 
WATCH: An ancient human species went extinct because it was 'lazy'
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majesticpendant · 12 years
Believe it or not, I'm ACTUALLY working on an update (off and on)! With any luck, I'll post it by the end of the year...
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mecharose · 6 years
I don't know much about the characters of TLBTC other than Vil. Could you tell me some details about the other people on Vil's side?
ya know, good point. I don’t talk about anyone else nearly enough.
The other people who are definitely on Vil’s side, no ulterior motives or shifty alliances, are his friends Maggie Zin and Tara Swift. They’re both sophomores at his university. 
Maggie Zin is Vil’s roommate, and a huge comic book enthusiast. She goes to ComicCon whenever possible and always sporting cosplay. She’s got stacks upon stacks of comic books and superhero movies all over her side of their room. She’s the type of person who always has her headphones in and finds the random, hella good music no one else knows. She’s the voice of reason on Team Vil, and usually tries and fails to impart some common sense onto him. Still, she semi-secretly thinks his supervillainy is cool af, and can most often be found spouting her trademark dry sarcasm. She’s kinda lazy and definitely an introvert, and usually just hangs out in her dorm watching netflix or reading comics.
Maggie doesn’t have any superpowers, and doesn’t want any. She’s the only person who knows Manny Mann is Vil, until he tells Tara. 
Tara Swift is a university athlete. She’s the type of person everyone knows and loves, she’s a social queen with unwavering self-confidence. She thinks she’s the coolest bitch on the block and acts like it :P She has LOTS of opinions and you bet she’s sharing them. She’ll cheat to get ahead and has zero shame about it, but she feels guilty if she does something *actually* wrong or really screws someone over (is this a plot point? maybe). She’s kind of a thrill-seeker – she’d consider being a villain if she were a little more prone to clearly terrible ideas. Mostly because she also thinks Kenneth is a giant narcissist, and loves watching him get beat down by Vil on the news.
She’s the type of person to always have perfect makeup and look really put together even if she’s at the gym or something. Which she is, a lot. Even though she definitely cheats at track with her powers, she’s genuinely the athletic type. 
Her superpower is super-speed. She’s just a civilian super though, not a superhero or villain. here’s another post about Tara if you’re curious, btw
so there they are! thanks for the ask, if you have any more questions or want to know about any other characters, I’m always down to talk :D
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