#manheim is at it again
fangirlproblcms · 1 year
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you make me feel like i’m living a teenage dream ✨
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istg if they don't bring back milo for chandler's trio night performance i'm going to scream
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afriendofmara · 4 months
Literally critically embarrassing to be so down bad envious of Milo Manheim's gender energy. Especially in the Zombies movies.
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whore-4-drewstarkey · 6 months
Jealous of The Past: Milo Manheim x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/N brings milo back to her home state to meet her family for the first time all while attending her mom’s works annual family picnic celebration at an event venue. while attending however milo starts to notice a worker flirting with Y/N and gets jealous.
Warning: milo being jellyyyyyyy. fluff, angst?, suggestive comments/content (my favvv), awkward interactions, language, mean siblings, and i am sure i’m forgetting stuff.
A/N: let’s just say my mom’s work has a family picnic at an event venue i used to work at every year and the guy i like works there still with his dad…. and side note: he would lead me on all the time and then rejected me :,(. and i found out today that he blocked me on socials…. this is feeding the flame and encouraging me even more to write this to feel better about it :) I hope you all enjoy this like I did while writing it! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PREQUEL!!! like when they first met and started dating :) ALSO, thank you all so much for being patient with me. means so so so much<3 feedback would be gladly appreciated:))
“hey mi, i just got off the phone with my mom…” Y/N spoke as she waltzed into her and milo’s living room, plopping onto the couch, she layed her head in his lap, her legs draped across the rest of the couch. seconds later, she noticed he’d been on facetime with his own mother, so she rolled over onto her stomach to face the camera.
“say hi to my mo- ow that hurt” he chuckled as she accidentally elbowed milo in the ribcage, while attempting the roll over, but stopped when he handed her the phone to say hello to his mother.
“sorry babe, put a shirt on then” she smirked as she placed her ice cold left hand on his bare abdomen, making him yell.
“stop it Y/N your hands feel like you’ve just done a polar plunge. mom tell her to stop” milo whined to his mom, shoving his face into view on the camera of his phone.
“hi camryn. it still feels so weird to say your first name. i still want to call you ms manheim” Y/N giggled at milo’s mom on the screen, waving to her.
“milo, shhhh. Y/N is talking, don’t interrupt her. go put a shirt on if you think her hands are cold. and hello dear! how are you? and i already told you, don’t ever call me ms. manheim ever again. you’re family at this point so call me camryn!”
“but m-“ milo began before Y/N put her free hand over his mouth to shut him up from complaining about her cold hands, only for him to try and bite it.
“ew milo, stop you’re turning into lou” Y/N chuckled as she wiped his own spit onto his chest, causing him to chuckle and plant a kiss to her temple. “and i’m doing good. i was just on the phone with my mom and she wants to ‘meet the man you’re living with that i nor anyone else has ever seen’. she’s very over dramatic” Y/N gave air quotes before she sits her hand back on milo’s abdomen, causing him to screech again.
“Y/N stop touching my stom- wait your mom wants to meet me?” milo began to complain but stopped mid-sentence when he registered what she’d said.
“wait, she doesn’t know that you two are dating? i mean as a mother i understand her concerns love, i do. i don’t think she’s being dramatic at all” camryn spoke in honesty to her sons girlfriend.
“well, she knows i’m dating a guy named milo. that’s it. she’s never seen him. but to be fair we didn’t want a lot of people knowing because i know it’ll get into the media and i just wanted to wait it out as long as possible before i’m shown off. because with media comes hate and i don’t take kindly to hate. and my mom has quite a loud mouth. can’t keep anything hush hush” Y/N began to explain to milo’s mother as milo just gazed down at his girlfriend who continues to lay in his lap. “it’s her works annual family picnic celebration. so to sum it up, she wants me to bring milo with me to have the family meet him. it’s at a private event venue and it’s the same one they go to every year. it’s always fun”
Y/N began to answer milo’s question next as she looks up into his eyes, “yes, mi, my mom wants to meet you. trust me though, she’s not the one you should worry about. you should worry more about my dad maybe? or my older brother and big sister. my little brother will love you though”
“ugh i don’t know how i’m going to survive this” he groaned out as he throws his head back. he begins to open his mouth again, as he bent down to look into the camera of his phone. “mom, as the brilliant and wonderful super mom you are, do you have any advice for me?”
“oh milito, same advice that i’d given you years ago, be your authentic self. you are a great boy. they will love you. but you should also be asking Y/N since she knows her family best” she smiled sweetly to her boy. she was so beyond grateful for the simple fact that he still came to her for advice when things got even the slightest bit tricky for him.
“baby, any pointers?” he cooed down at his girlfriend who still continued to lay in his lap. one of his hands lies draped over her abdomen, while the other plays with her hair.
“oh milito, where to begin” she mocks his childhood nickname.
“ugh Y/N you know i don’t have to let you lay in my lap. you’re so short and tiny i could easily pick you up and put you on the other end of the couch” he groaned for what felt like the twentieth time that night all while Y/N chuckles as camryn began to speak through the phone again.
“milo…. be nice to her” she chuckled as she narrowed her eyes at her son.
“okay okay, but….” and with that he slid one arm under her legs and the other under her arms and lifts Y/N and starts to move her, but not before she begins to whine.
“milo no, stop” Y/N frowned and began again “i just wanted to cuddle” she says as she pouts her lip and lays her head against his lower stomach as she wraps her free arm and hand around him.
“milo i said be nice. stop being a menace. i'm gonna let you two lovebirds go. and please give lou some loving for me. love you both. have a great night”
“love you mom and i will be nice. i’m always nice, especially to Y/N/N” milo says as he blew a kiss to the camera once he’s sat back down.
“bye camryn. love you loads” Y/N says as she has her head nestled into milo’s stomach, and proceeds to also blow a kiss to the camera before they hang up.
“okay Y/N, now tell me, how should i prepare for this? and when is it love?”
“just be yourself. but be careful with what you say”
“what does that even mean? what do you mean by that?” milo freaked out as he rubbed his hands over his face in worry.
“milo, calm down. so when you talk to my dad specifically, just don’t mention politics. he gets way too into it. he’s a great man, has a big heart, would do anything for the ones he loves, but is not great with the politics topic. regardless, he will love you, because he will see how happy i am and how much i love you” Y/N cooed as she sat up in milo’s lap to look up into his eyes.
“good to know. but i never bring up politics in the first conversations with anyone. what about your older brother? what do i need to know about him?” milo asked as his large hand moved down to rub Y/Ns upper thigh.
“he’s a big goof. he’s 8 years older than me, so he’s insanely over protective, so at first he’s gonna interrogate you and ask about our relationship. be open and honest, which i know you will be. once he sees your goofy side, he will fold. especially when he sees how much you make me smile” Y/N spoke as she caressed milo’s cheek, rubbing her thumb over his cheek bone. “continue with your sister” milo smiled as he leaned into her hand.
“now my sister is who you need to worry about most. she’s unpredictable. you and her definitely align politically, but she hates men, minus our dad, brothers and her boyfriend. she’s gonna try to dig deep. she will be blunt and ask some super personal questions, specifically about us. don’t answer the intimate questions. she will be so mad that i didn’t tell her that i finally slept with a guy and will be super offended. i don’t want her to take it out of you. she’s a fireball for sure. i won’t lie, i don’t know if she will love you or not, because it’s a 50/50. but she probably will” Y/N let out overwhelming information about her sister.
“oh. is she the only one who won’t like me?” milo frowned. he definitely isn’t used to people not liking him. everyone loved milo. he connects with everyone he’s ever met it felt like.
“i didn’t say she wouldn’t like you. i just said it’s a 50/50. my mom will also be intrusive about those super personal intimate questions. but i don’t like my family knowing my business. so avoid answering them. make a hand signal to me if anything. but i know she will love you. probably won’t shut up about you once she meets you. she watched a lot of your mom when i was growing up, on ghost whisperer” Y/N chuckled as she looks into her boyfriends scared eyes. “stop worrying. you’ll do just fine” she smiled as she leans in, and planted her plump lips onto his, giving him a few kisses before pulling away.
“and as for my little brother, you and him will probably get along more than i’d like to admit. he’s more serious, but you two think a lot alike. and you two have the biggest hearts and are both super selfless. ew i hate comparing you two. except he’s kinda a dick when he’s mad at me” Y/N chuckled as milo giggled as she spoke.
“okay i’m gonna do great, but you never answered my question, when is this?” milo asked.
“next weekend, in my home state of kansas. you’ve never been, have you?”
“next weekend?! that’s like no time to prepare. and when would i — an LA born and raised guy, who now lives in NYC — have ever gone to kansas of all places? no offense that is”
“fair point. and you’ll do fine. is your mom coming into the city this week at all? or do you want lou to stay with griff?” Y/N asked, and with the sound of his name, little lou ran from around the corner onto their shared couch into their laps.
“ugh lou, you hear that? Y/Ns dragging your dad from you! i’m gonna miss you so much i might cry” milo exaggerated to his dog, lou, who just licked away at milo’s face.
“and i think griff can watch him. my mom has filming to do in LA still” milo continued.
“ugh. you sound like my father when he talks to his dog bax. there’s something you two can bond over” Y/N groaned as she pushed her left hand to milo’s abdomen to help her stand up.
“hey, wait! where are you going? i thought you wanted to cuddle?” he asked as he gently grabbed her wrist.
“i do i do. i just need to go shower. my mom called before i could even take one. i need to wash my hair”
“can i at least come with?” milo asks cheekily.
“come on” Y/N smiles as she grabbed the hand of his that was wrapped around her wrist just mere seconds ago.
“okay, so my mom said to text her or call her or whatever when we land. she offered to pick us up, but i told her we’d be fine and that we rented a car”
“is this flight almost over? because to be honest babe, i’m not comprehending anything you’re saying. i just want off this plane” milo pouted, as he laid his head against Y/Ns shoulder. in return, she started to scratch his head of curls.
“yes love, that’s why i was telling you the plan for when we get off. we have like 15 more minutes. are you feeling okay?” Y/N softly asked her boyfriend who lies against her left shoulder. milo had always let her have the window seat, as that was her favorite, even though he’d typically sit there when he flew.
“yeah, just nervous about this flight, and meeting your family tomorrow” he sighs out softly.
“you’re gonna do just fine, sweet boy. when we get off the plane and get our rental, we will head straight to our hotel. and we can just cuddle” Y/N cooed as she kisses the top of his head, hearing a hum of agreement in return on his part.
“here we are. i booked the suite for us. even though we’re only staying for a few days, now i don’t know about you, but i’m gonna go shower, change, and get ready for bed because i’m exhausted” Y/N smiled as she sat her luggage down next to the bed the two would be sharing for the next few nights.
“you do that babe, i’m gonna get the clothes i’m gonna wear tomorrow out” milo spoke sweetly as he pecked her cheek. Y/N grinned as she opened her suitcase to grab her toiletries, clothes and skin care items before heading to the large bathroom connected to their room.
once Y/N was finished with her shower, and wrapped up in a complimentary robe, she began to do her nightly routine, only to be met with milo, who was getting ready to take his own shower.
milo stood shirtless, only in his boxers as he looked down at Y/N, “i’ll only be ten minutes. please give me another rundown when i’m done with my shower?”
Y/N softly laid her small hand slightly above his waist, on his bare side, looking up at him, “of course. i may have left some things out anyways” and with that milo leant down and pecked Y/N on the lips softly, before proceeding to undress fully and enter the shower.
shortly after Y/N did her nightly routine, she walked out of the bathroom and to milo’s suitcase, digging through it for a t-shirt of his to wear to bed. once she found it, she tiredly put on her underwear and then his t-shirt and climbed into bed, where she laid waiting for her boyfriend.
“okay, so you said you may have forgotten some stuff? what else do i need to know babe?” milo asked as he walked into the bedroom, ruffling his dark curls with a towel, in nothing but his boxers. he turned around and walked briefly back into the bathroom to hang the towel and quickly ran back into the bedroom and on top of Y/N as she quietly giggled below the tall man.
“my love, no offense but you are too heavy, get off of me. not all of us can be six-foot plus. scoot over” she keeps giggling as she attempted to shove his large frame off of her.
he scoffed lightly, turning to look at her in disbelief, “six-foot-three baby. don’t sell me short. and i can’t help you’re tiny. you’re like so short”
“quit griping and teasing me and get under the damn covers already” she sassed back. he silently obeyed with a smirk plastered on his face. he was wrapped around her finger. she knew it. and so did he. but milo didn’t care one bit. once he was under the covers, he wrapped his arm around her, and snaked his hand down her side, brushing up his shirt she’d been wearing, to rest against her bare side, pulling her closer to his bare chest.
“will you please give me another run down already?”
“milo, you sound like a broken record player”
“Y/N come onnnnnn” he teased her.
“ugh, okay fine. so we need to be there by two-thirty. that’s what time i told my mom we’d be there. which means she’s gonna expect us to be there right on the dot. i’m also assuming everyone in the family knows i’m bringing a guy so they will all be there right at two o clock to gossip and to be there when we arrive” Y/N mumbles against milo’s chest as she spoke of the next days plan. she softly scratched right below his sternum just the way he enjoyed before she continued again, “another thing you should know, i used to work there at this event venue for two years when i was nineteen up until i was twenty-one. so don’t be surprised if people come up to me and start talking and asking a bunch of questions”
“okay noted. and what’s the dress code for this thing again? i set out my light washed jeans, birk slide ons and my brazil tank. will that work?”
“yes. that will be perfect. especially since it will be decently hot tomorrow afternoon. kansas city weather can be crazy in the early fall. also, do me a favor”
“what would that be babe?” milo asked as he arched a brow.
“wear those damn glasses. you always look so good in them” Y/N smiled as she snuggled her face further into milo’s chest.
“i will for you i guess. love you, ya sweet, short, queen. also, what did you decide to wear?”
“heyyy i can’t help that. but at least you called me a queen. i love you too mi. and i’m gonna wear that light green tie front blouse with my medium washed levi’s curvy styled flared jeans and my green retro new balances that you bought me a few months ago to match yours” Y/N said as she propped her chin up on his chest. he leaned down to kiss her lips softly a few times, before pulling away. “i love that top on you. okay go to sleep now” milo mumbled against her lips as his free hand that hadn’t been against her side, moved to grip her thigh, moving it up to rest against his lower stomach.
“okay mi, we’re almost there. take the next exit and then you’ll drive down this road for like two minutes and you’ll see the entrance to the ranch”
“okay, but the tesla is doing the driving” milo chuckled as his right hand gripped Y/Ns left thigh as the rental drove itself to their destination.
“quit being such a smartass” Y/N giggled as she glared to her left to look at her lover.
“okay but you love it. you can’t tell me you don’t” milo smirked his signature smirk back at his girl. Y/N just sighed and smiled, shaking her head in defeat.
just as they were pulling into the location, Y/N family were becoming more and more impatient as they waited to meet her boyfriend.
“mom, when is Y/N gonna be here?” mikeala, Y/N big sister asked their mother.
“i told your sister it starts at 2 o’clock. she said she’d be here at 2:30. it’s 2:25. so any minute. you know how she is when she’s getting ready. just like your guys’ grandfather, takes her sweet time”
“so, what do you think her boyfriends like?” james, Y/N older brother asked their mom.
“i’m not sure. i hope he’s nice and good to her. especially if she’s staying with him. but, i won’t lie to you, i don’t know much about him at all. she wouldn’t say much when i asked. wouldn’t even give me a last name” Y/N mother, Y/M/N spoke with an ounce of concern.
“i bet he’s just like most men, horrible” mikeala mumbled out.
“hey, we’re not all bad” will, Y/N younger brother blurted out, even though he was typically quiet.
“will, you know how your sister is gonna be, don’t even bother” Y/N father, Y/F/N spoke as he walked up to the rest of the family.
“oh wait, i think that’s them maybe?” Y/M/N spoke, as she saw a glimpse of Y/N through the tesla window.
“is that-“ james began to speak before will continued his thought. “a tesla? yes, it is” will finished his thought.
“go fucking figure. he’s probably a nepotism baby if she met him in New York City. that’s all i’m saying” mikeala grumbled out, as the rest of the family waited for Y/N to make her way up through the entrance of the venue to where they all were.
“mikeala, be nice. and you three, need to give your sister some room. she hasn’t been back in almost a year. let your father and i talk to her first, then you three can have at it” their mother said to Y/N three siblings as her and milo began to make their way to the entrance.
“babe, wait. what if they don’t like me? then what?” milo spoke out in concern as he gently grabbed Y/N wrist, pulling her back behind a vehicle before they could even enter the event venue.
“mi, for starters they’ll love you. and if they don’t i really don’t give a fuck. got it? i love you regardless” Y/N smiled up at her tall boyfriend. she then stood on her tippie toes, grabbing his neck gently, to pull his tall figure down to her short one for a passionate kiss. he smiled into the kiss as his hands found her hips in the midst, giving them a gentle squeeze. “i love you always” he mumbled against Y/N lips, proceeding to kiss her a few more times before pulling away.
“better?” she questioned him, as he proceeded to nod in confirmation as she dragged his tall, lanky body to the entrance, as they both giggled with smiles as they made their way to Y/N parents. right before doing so, Y/N stopped abruptly, pushing milo back and around a corner, turning to milo blushing. “hold on, you got some of my lip gloss on your lips. the last thing i need is them making comments”
“oh my gosh. will you wipe it off for me please?” milo asked as his cheeks began to become flushed. he let out one of his hoarse giggles in the process.
“lean down baby” she giggled as she met him halfway, by standing on her tippie toes, milo holding her hips to balance her like he always did. Y/N brought her thumb up to his lips and wiped them off until she felt satisfied, all while milo kept trying to not smile or laugh, which would interfere with Y/N wiping them off.
“okay there you go. all good. i would kiss you again but then we would be back at square one” Y/N blushed up to milo.
“accurate statement so i’m gonna give you a kiss here instead” he chuckled as he leant down and planted a singular kiss on the base of her jaw.
“okay, come on lover boy” Y/N smiled in awe as she dragged milo back to the way to where her parents were, approaching them with milo’s large hand in her small dainty one.
“mom! dad!” Y/N cheered as she let go of milo’s hand for a few minutes to give them both big hugs.
“Y/N hunny. you have to come out and visit more often!” Y/N mother spoke as she engulfed her youngest daughter into a warm hug. she pulled away and continued, “and you must be the mystery boyfriend?” she questioned to milo, who stood, towering over Y/N from behind. and everyone else from the looks of it.
“milo! milo manheim. mrs. Y/L/N it’s so nice to finally meet you.” he smiled widely to Y/N mother as she brought him into a hug.
“mom, you remember ghost whisperer?” Y/N smirked to her mother.
“of course i do. what an iconic show that was all those years ago”
“well his mom is camryn manheim. she plays delia in the show” Y/N began to smirk widely as milo gently laid his large hand against the small of her back, blushing as she proudly showed him off.
“no way! how’d you two meet then? and milo call me Y/M/N. i insist” Y/N mother spoke once more to milo as he smiled in return.
“i was working as a side hustle at that theatre as a bartender slash concession stand worker and he came through my line it just happened. we bonded over something and became friends. he’s a very friendly guy.” Y/N giggled as she wrapped her arms around his left forearm.
“dad, you’ve stayed so quiet. milo, meet my dad. dad, meet milo” Y/N smiled as two of her favorite men finally met. milo took a step forward and firmly shook Y/N fathers hand.
“nice to meet you sir” milo spoke kindly.
“you too. you can just call me Y/D/N like everyone else” Y/D/N spoke back to milo. “so milo, what do you do?” he continued.
milo blushed and chuckled before he continued to speak, Y/N right next to him for support. “well sir, i’m an actor. growing up i was always on set with my mom and i just gradually fell in love with the art of it all and got recruited for a movie at sixteen when i was doing theatre. it’s pretty fun”
“that’s lovely. i bet your mom is very proud” Y/M/N spoke up sweetly.
“that’d be an understatement mom. she is always telling mi how proud she is any second she gets. she’s the sweetest” Y/N smiled as she looked up at milo.
“well, it’s nice meeting you milo. now Y/N, your siblings are dying to meet him. wouldn’t stop talking since they found out last week you were bringing him” Y/D/N spoke to his youngest daughter.
“oh my” she sighed with a light chuckle. “mi, you ready?” she continued as she looked up at milo.
“as i’ll ever be love” he gently squeezed her small hands with his large ones.
Y/N began to tug gently at milo’s large hand once more as she navigated her way into the pavilion where her three siblings were impatiently waiting. she’d noticed mikeala and james were arguing over who got to talk to her first as she chuckled.
“yo, would you two stop?” Y/N laughed as she stopped once she approached them, milo standing right behind her with his hand instinctively laid at her side.
“dibs!” mikeala yelled as she walked over before james could, while will just stood quietly waiting for his turn.
“Y/N you bitch! how are you? how’s life been? what’s New York City like? and who is this? did you finally sleep with a guy?” mikeala, Y/N big sister went on.
“woah woah woah mikeala slow down. i’m good. life has been so lovely in the city. i want you to meet my boyfriend milo” Y/N began answering her big sisters questions, ignoring the one she had already warned milo about. she soon turned, grabbing milo hand instinctively, looking up at him lovingly, “mi, i want you to meet my big sister, mikeala”
“hey, nice to meet you mikeala. heard a lot about you. names milo manheim. wow baby, i feel like im in an interview” milo waved to Y/N sister and whispered the last part to Y/N.
“wait as in the great, amazing actress camryn manheim? she’s such a legend to women all around. also i hope they were good things spoken about me from Y/N” mikeala spoke as she unknowingly mentioned her sisters boyfriends mother.
“yeah, like her. but honestly, i just call her mom” milo nonchalantly spoke without even thinking about a single thing.
“i’m sorry, what?”
“i’m camryn’s son?” milo spoke with question.
“Y/N, you mean you’ve been keeping this from me? for like how long?” mikeala freaked out.
“i’ve known him for about 13 months, but we’ve been dating for 10? does that sound about right?” Y/N answered her sisters question as a new question arose, turning to look up at milo.
“yeah, because you moved in a month after we became friends. we met in august, so that means it was in september when you moved in and then we started dating three months later in december and it’s now september. it’s all too confusing” milo explained to his small girlfriend.
“you didn’t answer my other question Y/N. tell me all the deets. when did you finally sleep with a guy?” mikeala leaned into her little sisters ear, attempting to whisper, but failed as milo heard. milo giggled when he heard mikeala as she kept pushing her little sister to fess up, but she wasn’t going to budge.
“mikeala, i told you already, i am waiting. i’m not giving that up easily” Y/N spoke with a slight chuckle as she leaned back into milo’s chest. milo just draped his long arms over the front of Y/N body, as Y/N held onto his forearms, all while he held her up with his tall figure.
milo smirked as he opened his mouth, “i’m a good jewish boy”
once mikeala turned around, milo leaned down to Y/N ear and whispered gently, “um that’s… a lie on your part. what i said was the truth”
“she doesn’t have to know” Y/N giggled in a whisper, just as mikeala was turning back around to face them. and in that moment milo had placed a kiss to Y/N cheek softly.
“okay on to the big bro, although you’re taller than him mi” Y/N chuckled once again at her own joke.
Y/N stood back up from leaning against milo’s chest, and walked her way over to her big brother, as she continued to drag milo through it all. milo simply obliged, even though he was so nervous through it all. so far, he felt like her family liked him a little bit, but he wasn’t done meeting them all yet.
“james! i missed you!” Y/N freaked out when she saw her big brother. she let go of milo’s hand and jumped into james’ arms, as her big brother gave her a warm hug. milo, who was standing just behind her smiled wide. he knew she’d missed her family a lot. so it made him over the moon happy, to see her having a blast seeing her whole family again after so long.
“how are you sis? who’s this? i heard you got a boyfriend?!” james started to press his youngest sister for answers to his questions, all while glaring up at milo. sure james was tall, but milo was still taller than him. milo was pretty used to that by now; having a height advantage.
just as Y/N pulled away from her big brother, milo slyly placed his left hand against her lower back all while putting his right hand out to shake james’. grudgingly, james shook milo’s hand, as Y/N stared her big brother down. he was always protective over her. she’d always been so overly trusting and naive. he was constantly worried she was gonna get her heart broken all over again. boys always did that to her. they’d make her feel comfortable, then rip her heart out like it was a sport. she would give them her all and they’d give nothing in return.
“nice to meet you james. i’m milo, but uh i think you have probably already been told that” milo sighed as he scratched the back of his neck.
“so i’ve heard” james let out somewhat aggressively. Y/N glared up at her big brother the moment he did that.
“james knock it off. seriously. i know what you’re thinking” she began as she stopped to look at milo for a second. “baby, give me a minute with my asshole of an older brother. okay?” she spoke softly up at milo. milo smiled weakly, as he grew increasingly more anxious by the second. before he could even get a word of confirmation out, Y/N had placed a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips, making me smile shyly, knowing james was watching.
“james… don't be a dick. i know that you’re just trying to look out her me. i get it. i get that i've been hurt a lot in the past by so many guys. but when i tell you, mi isn’t like them i mean it” she began to lecture her over protective brother. “when i tell you this man pretty much saved me from going homeless in new york city all while i was having a damn mental breakdown i mean it. he has a heart of gold james. so quit treating him like he broke my damn heart when he never did” Y/N kept on to her brother as she continuously jabbed her index finger into his chest with each sentence. “now how about you go say hi properly to my boyfriend”
james walked back over to where milo was nervously waiting for Y/N to get done speaking to her older brother. as soon as she was in arms reach, he gently grabbed her hand out of anxiety. “mi, you good?” she gently asked him as she looked up at him through her long lashes. he in return smiled widely to her with a nod.
“okay, i’m sorry i was just being a dick. can’t help but be overly protective over my baby sister. she just means a lot to me and i worry she will get her heart broken once again. but she told me how you helped her. thank you for that” james smiled sincerely to milo.
looking down at Y/N who had her body leaning into his side, milo spoke softly to his girl, “you told him? i thought you didn’t want anyone to know?”
“he was being a dick to you and so i knew the only way to get through to him was to tell him about how you let me move in when i couldn’t pay my rent” she shyly smiled, slightly embarrassed to admit her own struggles just a mere twelve months ago.
“well, hey, i don’t know why you’re still so embarrassed by it. lou loves you. you’re his mom now” he spoke as he wrapped his arms around her short figure, pulling her closer to him. “speaking of which i miss him” milo continued as he pouted at the mere thought of not having his dog with him.
“i’m sorry, but what? you have a kid?” james slowly began to freak out internally.
“oh woah, no. well, yes, but no. not a human kid. but a- i- i’m a dog dad” milo began to stutter and explain who lou was to her brother.
“a dog dad?”
“uh yeah. lou is the best son ever. he doesn’t back talk me and he loves me unconditionally. what more could you ask for in a son?” milo began as Y/N giggled into his chest when she leaned into it.
“whatever you say man. damn, you sound just like our father when talking about bax” james laughed, as he patted milo’s shoulder before walking away.
“oh my gosh. that was awful” milo began as Y/N pulled away, dragging milo over to the last person he had to meet from her family, will, her genius little brother.
she let go of milo, and ran to will, forcing him to give her a hug against his own will. if it were up to him, there would be no such thing as hugs. he hated them with a passion. “william! how’s school? you still have all A’s right? what’d you get on your geography test? oh also meet milo”
“hi, milo, nice to meet you” will began to shake milo’s hand only after shyly conversing with his sisters boyfriend. will began to speak again, “i got a 98% by the way. and i still have straight A’s. i must graduate college with a 4.0 or i’m gonna lose my mind. i’ve only ever gotten one B in my life in high school and remember that knocked me down four spots on the class rankings”
“geography huh? is that your minor? right? i think that’s what your sister told me” milo questioned will about his college degree choice.
“it’s my minor. well one of them. i have another in spanish. and im majoring in environmental engineering”
“damn bro you’re a genius. sorry, Y/N told me you don’t like it when people say that. and if you ever need any help studying geography, i gotchu. you can either call your sister or she can send you my number and i can help you”
“milo’s really, really good at pointing any and every country in the globe out and correctly naming it. i wish i was joking will, but im not. now in the spanish he only knows a smidge and then nothing about science” Y/N laughed as she spoke to her baby brother.
“oh wow. thank you. i’ll be sure to take you up on that offer eventually. im gonna go get some of that barbecue while they’re still serving it” will smiled politely to Y/N and milo, before walking off.
looking up at milo, Y/N began to speak to him, “william is just super shy. i can already tell he likes you a lot. i can sense with my baby brother that you made him feel comfortable. thank you for that”
“just being myself. my charming, charismatic, somewhat flirtatious self that i’m really trying not to be. i’m so sorry for that part. last thing i need is your family disliking me for being a natural flirt”milo laughed to Y/N.
“hey, don’t apologize for being you. those are all the reasons why i love you and many more” Y/N smiled up at him as she scratched the back of his neck. “oh really? but wait, how much do you love me?” milo smirked his charming smile down to his girlfriend. he continued, “enough to kiss me while you’re family is eyeing us down?”
“you know how much i hate pda, but you also know how much i love you” Y/N smiled as milo’s large hands gripped her waist, pulling her into his tall body, pressing her lightly against his figure, helping balance her as she stood on her tippy toes. she’d moved her small hands from scratching the back of his neck to cup his scruff covered cheeks. milo met her half way, as he leant down to meet her lips mumbling into the kiss while smiling, “mmhm that i do”
pulling away, Y/N spoke, “so do you wanna play the annual bingo they host at these? it’s kinda like a family competition on who gets the most wins within the family”
“oh no, how competitive is your family? because i know how you get when we’re playing catan with our friends” milo chuckled as he still held her hips in his hands as he looked down at her with only pure love within.
“on a scale of 1-10, i’d say about an 8.4. but i think will and my dad are the worst. and im pretty sure you’re the one who’s competitive when it comes to catan” Y/N spoke as she grabbed milo’s hand and dragged him to the huge tent where the bingo game was being played.
“there’s no way you just got your third bingo. Y/N he’s cheating!” mikeala whined to her little sister about milo. milo had just won his third bingo in the last fifty minutes of playing the game. only three other people had won bingos and it was starting to irritate Y/N family with how good of luck milo had had for the game of bingo.
leaning over to Y/N ear, milo whispered, “i thought you said only will and your dad were the hardcore competitive ones? care to tell me why you left out your sisters name baby?”
milo pulled away from Y/N ear, gripping her lower thigh and began to rub it, as she had her legs laying across his lap as they played the game of bingo. she always had to be touching milo in any way anywhere they went. even if it was just in the comfort of their home. they were inseparable. or maybe it was milo who had to be touching her. either way, the two of them both loved each others touch. it always brought comfort to one another. Y/N had always worried about pda in front of her family, but for some reason she realized when it came to milo, all of that anxiety went out the window. she felt at peace when he did it, rather than the anxiety she’d always felt with her ex lovers.
“okay, so maybe i forgot to mention she’s quite competitive as well. she did play volleyball, that’s probably where she picked it up” Y/N smiled as she began to twiddle with the fingers from milo’s hand that had been rubbing her thigh.
“wowww, you don’t say. i didn’t notice that you forgot to mention it” milo teased as the two exchanged smiles. mikeala just looked across the table at her lovesick sister, making her want to vomit. she’d been waiting her whole life to see her sister in love, but now she was already sick of it, just like most siblings would be.
“i’m gonna go get us some drinks, what do you want? corona?” Y/N asked as she began to stand, milo grabbing his wallet for Y/N to take, already knowing she didn’t have cash for the tip. she’d never carried cash. she knew that and so did he.
“yeah that works for me. here, just take my wallet. cash is in it for the tips. you and i both know you don’t carry cash” he smirked up at her followed with a wink.
“ugh, fine. also behave. please don’t say anything stupid. i’ll be right back. if i’m not back in 5, just come looking for me? means i probably ran into someone i know” Y/N giggled as she ruffled milo’s hair, giving him a quick scratch to the top of his shaggy head of curls. “deal.” and with that Y/N walked off to get them drinks, leaving him all alone with her whole family.
“could you two be more disgusting? i swear, my boyfriend and i weren’t even this bad. and even when we showed any ounce of affection you know what Y/N would do?” mikeala began with slight attitude, making milo slightly anxious.
“my guess, she probably pretended to vomit, and say how gross pda is and how much she dislikes it and how she would never be like that” milo let out as he leaned back into his seat with his long legs spread.
“wro- wait. how do you know that?” mikeala laughed with shock.
“yeah, how’d you know that fact?” will asked curiously, as Y/N parents, and all three siblings stared his way, waiting for an answer.
“i- uh- well, i, we were friends before we started dating. so anytime we went out, with our friends, and saw couples being couples she’d rant about how gross it was. or when we’d watch some stupid reality tv show before we’d go to bed, and she’d go on about why she hated it so much and how she’d never be like them” milo stuttered, not expecting such a question from her family.
“then why does she do it with you? it’s just weird”james questioned. Y/M/N followed up, “it is, only because she’s never been like this with anyone else”
“hmh” milo questioned to himself as her family continued to speak.
“wait how did you and Y/N meet again milo?” Y/D/N quirked an eyebrow to milo as he interrogated his youngest daughter’s new boyfriend.
“uh so she was working at the concessions at one of the disney owned broadway theaters in time square area. she’d complimented my shirt, weird enough, and i- i- uh made a flirty comment. not gonna lie here, it comes naturally with the manheims” milo nervously chuckled as he lifted his hands up in defense. he soon continued his story, “and then she fired back with some witty, sassy comeback, teasing me about my previous sentence. we had a short conversation after that, and that’s when i found out she was an aspiring photographer, and was working there at the theater as a side hustle. she just, i don’t know, felt so easy to talk to. i felt a connection within that first interaction. knew i couldn’t leave that night without leaving my number for her” milo looked down at his hands that lay in his lap, nervously picking at the beds of his thumbs as he waited for Y/N to return.
“hmh, sounds just like my daughter with the witty, sassy comeback. pretty sure she learned it from me. also, where the hell is she?” Y/D/N laughed gently as he sat back in his chair.
“i’ve heard that one for sure. and i’m not sure, it’s definitely been over 5 minutes, which means i’m due to go find her. her wish is my command always. if you’ll excuse me” milo politely commented as he stood up from the chair to go find his girl.
milo began walking from under the large tent to the pavilion just across the way, where the bar was located, but didn’t see Y/N in sight. he then continued to the larger barn looking building, where all the food had been being served on the inside. he continued walking on the outside of the building until he reached the concessions, but still had no sign of her.
worriedly, he pulled out his phone and started typing away a text message to her.
Mi<3: baby, where are you? you’ve been gone for 10 minutes. i can’t find you anywhere, getting a bit worried.
as soon as he sent the message he heard her phone go off from behind the concessions. groaning, as he threw his head back, he unlatched the gate that was meant to keep guests out, he began his walk to behind the concessions. he’d only groaned because he knew he was breaking the rules and he hated doing that. but he’d do absolutely anything for Y/N. milo stopped as soon as he heard a deep male voice.
“glad you got my text Y/N! how’ve you been?” the tall, tan guy asked milo’s girlfriend, as the two hugged. the guy for sure towered over Y/N but definitely not to the extent that milo did. the young guy continued as the two pulled out of the hug, “as soon as charlie texted me telling me he saw you with your family, i knew i had to shoot you a text to meet up here”
milo knew he shouldn’t have been ease dropping, but he just couldn’t help himself. he needed to know what was going on.
“i’ve been great, real great. but you would’ve known that if you hadn’t blocked me on instagram after rejecting me, after i confessed my feelings to you when you’d been leading me on for that past year. but whatever that was over two years ago” Y/N sassily spoke her witty comeback. it took everything in milo to not laugh at her bluntness to what seemed to be an ex lover of hers.
“about that, i’m so sorry. i- i just got so nervous when you said you liked me, that i didn’t know what to do, especially because you were twenty-one and i was nineteen. i thought maybe we could try something again?” Y/N ex lover began to speak what he’d wanted to say.
milo, who’d been standing around the corner, couldn’t take another second of this. he wouldn’t openly admit it, but he was insanely jealous of the whole situation… and maybe slightly pissed. not at Y/N, but at the guy, thinking he could break her heart just a couple years before, and still have the audacity to try and get her back. not on his watch.
and on queue, milo walked straight in to Y/N rescue, wrapping his arm around one of her shoulders and around her chest diagonally from behind. looking down at her, as she looked up to her savior, in more ways than one, smiling widely to him with only love in both of their eyes.
“hey, sorry, i know i wasn’t supposed to walk through that gate baby, but like i was getting worried, same with your family, and heard your soft voice from behind the concessions.
“it’s okay mi, it literally isn’t that big of a deal. robert, the owner wouldn’t really care much anyways” Y/N raised her hand, to gently scratch milo’s scruff covered cheek.
“oh, sorry, names milo. nice to meet you” milo smiled widely to the young man who stood across from him and Y/N, as he put his right hand out to shake the guys.
“xavier, don’t worry about it. so are you like…?” xavier, Y/N ex lover began after he willingly shook milo’s hand.
“milo’s my boyfriend. milo, this is my old coworker, xavier. also, where’s your dad at? i can’t leave here today without seeing him. i adore your dad so much” Y/N chuckled, remembering how his dad had always treated her like family.
“y-yeah, he’d love to see you. he asks about you every now and then. and boyfriend? huh.” xavier shrugged with a frown.
“yeah, i met milo a little over a year ago living in new york city. and i’ll be sure to find your dad before we leave. my parents are probably freaking out right about now since ive been gone so long and now milo has as well. it was good seeing you” Y/N smiled to xavier and sent him a little wave.
“you too. good meeting you milo”
“you too bro” milo smiled weakly as him and Y/N began to walk away, and back through the gate, all the way over to where her family was still playing bingo.
however the rest of the time the two were there, milo became more silent as the clock ticked. still, he held her legs in his lap, rubbing her thigh. for some odd reason he just felt so jealous knowing that her ex fling, really tried to get back with her. he didn’t know why he felt jealous though. really, he had nothing to be jealous about. he knew that. but yet he still couldn’t help the feeling. and it was driving him insane.
“milo” james called his name again as Y/N patted his thigh.
“oh, sorry. what was that?” milo asked as his cheeks began to turn red from embarrassment.
“i asked how you liked today. hopefully we werent too intrusive and annoying” james laughed at his little sisters boyfriend.
“oh, i really enjoyed meeting you all. it’s so nice to finally meet the people who made Y/N who she is and who she’s always talking about. and trust me, none of you were annoying” milo gave a tight lipped smile. somehow when he smiled it always looked upside down. but that was just another thing Y/N loved about her man.
“wait, you talk about us?” will exclaimed from across the table to his big sister.
“uh yeah? is that a shock to you? you have no idea how much i’ve missed you guys. i was going actually insane before i met milo.”
“she was always constantly showing me photos and videos of you all. she won’t admit it but she was homesick” milo smirked, informing Y/N family of how she was feeling.
shoving his broad shoulder, Y/N began to whine at milo, “stop it mi, i’ll never hear the end of this from them. like ever”
milo chuckled, “fine fine, she didn’t miss home at all. lou keeps her busy”
“who is lou?” Y/D/N asked milo in a stern voice with an eyebrow raised.
“oh shit, i mean dang, you never told them about lou?” milo turned to look down at Y/N.
“i guess not?”
“oh my. lou is my dog. Y/N is always babying him and he keeps her occupied when she’s home from work”
“um no, you baby the hell out of that dog” Y/N fired back at her boyfriend.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about” milo shrugged his shoulders, knowing she was right in this conversation.
“uh okay mr. ‘i have to buy him a louis vuitton collar and leash because it matches his name’. and not only that but you tuck him in every night.”
“yeah well you baby him, and you bought a purse he’d fit in for when we go grocery shopping”
“he has a designer collar and leash?” will raised his voice slightly at the shock.
“sounds like you both spoil him. Y/N, milo sounds like your dad with how he treats louie” Y/M/N chuckled as she shoved her husbands shoulder while laughing lightly.
once it was the end of the picnic celebration, Y/N and milo made their way to the tesla rental and buckled up. sitting in silence as milo put in the directions to their fancy hotel, Y/N sat nervously bouncing her leg. she could tell something had been bothering milo, but wasn’t exactly sure as to what it was.
as she continued to bounce her leg and chew on her lip, she felt milo’s gentle touch on her thigh, stopping her from bouncing her leg any further.
“what’s wrong?” milo asked gently, as his thumb rubbed against her leg while his eyes lay on the road.
“just wondering what’s wrong with you” she spoke softly, causing milo to dryly chuckle.
“nothing. i’m fine. just tired, a bit overwhelmed by today” he breathed out. she knew he was lying, though she didn’t want to press him anymore about the topic while he was driving.
as soon as they got back to their hotel, milo laid the rental car keys on the counter of the small kitchen that came with their suite. trudging over to his suitcase to shrug his birkenstocks off, he spoke softly, “i’m going to go shower”
Y/N just sat there on the bed, in deep thought as to what the root of why he was acting weird. moving her hand up to her eye, she wiped a lone tear she hadn’t even realized had fallen from her tear duct.
screw it. she wasn’t gonna just sit out here and wait for him to finish, while she just kept overthinking. hurriedly, she walked into the bathroom quietly, taking off her clothes so she could join him in the shower and force him to tell her what was on his mind. they never fought. she didn’t like this. even if it wasn’t technically fighting.
quietly she walked into the walk-in shower, closing the glass shower door behind her, shocked he didn’t hear her. either that or he was ignoring her, which was her biggest fear.
“mi” Y/N began as she wrapped her arms around his torso from behind continuing again, “what’s wrong? what did i do?”
milo jumped slightly, indicating he hadn’t heard her enter, telling her he’d been in deep thought the whole time he’d been in there. he turned around to look down at her. “you didn’t do anything. i’m just kinda mad? which is so fucking weird for me to say, as i’m a loving guy. i don’t like this feeling”
“mad? what? why? and it’s okay to feel emotions milo, even if it’s a little negative” Y/N cupped his cheek, as his back blocked the water from hitting her.
“because xavier was and still is an ass. to think that he thought he could win you back after breaking your heart not once, but twice, just pisses me off to no extent. i mean honestly, who does he think he is to treat not just any woman, but a woman who is so down to earth, selfless, caring and kind like that? and i may have been a bit jealous” milo let out with slight aggression, not to Y/N, but to the situation he’d watched unfold earlier in the day. he’d of course whispered the last part though, slightly ashamed to the fact he’d let some lousy guy get to him like that. Y/N knew he meant no harm to her with the raise of his voice, which wasn’t too loud thanks to the water of the shower head drowning out part of the volume level he’d been speaking in.
“for starters my love, thank you for your kind words. i’ll be sure to tell your mother you were nice to me” Y/N smiled up at milo, joking to him since his mother was always joking with him to be nice to her, even though he always was. milo responded in a tight lipped smile with a silent chuckle as his hands gripped her waist a little tight, but not enough to make her uncomfortable. she soon continued, “xavier is a dumbass and will always be a dumbass who is very full of himself”
“accurate statement. and i don’t even know the guy. he had such a punchable face Y/N. i dont even know what you saw in him” milo groaned as he threw his head back. Y/N in return just wrapped her arms from around his torso to his neck.
sighing, Y/N looked up nervously to milos brown orbs, “to be honest, i’m not quite sure myself. I really think i just liked the attention and the feeling of being wanted and longed after. It was never something i was, well, am used to”
“well, i hope you know i will always want you. You will always be longed for by me. so please, babe, get used to it” milo chuckled, as he moved a hand to cup her cheek as he looked down into her eyes.
“also, what’s this about jealousy?” she quirked an eyebrow up to milo, and in return throwing his head back groaning.
“you heard that part?”
Y/N nodded her head in return to his question as he groaned once more. “i just really didn’t like another guy hitting on you. especially knowing you two have a past. just makes me mad. i don’t even know why”
“well, lucky you, i don’t want him and never will. you know i once met a guy, who taught me my self worth was much more than i’d even imagined as well as what i deserve in a man? he fixed my broken heart in more ways than one after xavier broke it into millions of pieces. he taught me what it’s like to actually be loved unconditionally. and i wouldn’t trade him for the world. you have absolutely nothing to be jealous of love. if anything, everyone should be jealous of you and how kind hearted and loving you are. i love you and i wouldn’t trade what we have for the world. I am so lucky to have you. i hope you know that. also, remember, it’s okay to feel these emotions babe” Y/N cupped milo’s right cheek as both of them let tears slip from their eyes.
“god, how the fuck did i get so lucky? i love you always” milo sighed as he leaned down to kiss Y/N, as the water ran down the two of their bodies. Nothing in their world mattered in this moment but them.
taglist: @girlkissersco @whoopsyeahokay @libertyinnit @moonyseyelash @bat-h-tic @emsch15 @softpretzel49 @multifanxtvshows @manheimsmuse @keziahcore
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hornyaquarius · 1 year
Masterlist for my smut stories/ fanfics
Michael Cimino & Reader
Celebrity Sex Paradise (10 Chapters with Joshua Bassett, Matt Cornett, Jace Norman, Tom Holland, Nico Greetham, Lucien Laviscount) FINAL CHAPTER OUT NOW!!
Sebastian Stan & Reader
Harrison Osterfield & Harry Holland
Shawn Mendes & Joshua Bassett
Nico Greetham & Reader
Joshua Bassett & Matt Cornett
Harry Holland & Tom Holland
Jordan Fisher & Matt Cornett
Gavin Leatherwood & Reader
Anthony Keyvan & Reader
Tom Holland & Harrison Osterfield
Tom Holland & Kit Connor
Kit Connor & Mason Gooding
Leo Howard & Charles Melton
Lucien Laviscount & Black Michael
Froy Gutierrez & Zane Phillips
Peter Parker & Johnny Storm
Gavin Casalegno & Gregg Sulkin
Ross Lynch & Joshua Bassett
Rudy Pankow & Anthony Keyvan
Jacob Rott & Asher Angel & Nico Greetham & Taron Egerton
KJ Apa & Noah Beck
Nico Greetham & Milo Manheim - HALLOWEEN SPECIAL PART 1
Leo Howard & Anthony Keyvan - HALLOWEEN SPECIAL PART 2
Taylor Lautner & Brian Altemus
Tom Holland & Ben Hardy
Joshua Bassett & Matt Cornett AGAIN!
Gavin Casalegno & Gregg Sulkin CHAPTER 2 - NEW!
276 notes · View notes
uuriis · 5 months
Nah cus like I used to have a crush on Milo Manheim back in his zombie days and now I see him everywhere again I'm like--- how'd he get so much hotter.
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reidshearts · 5 months
in between
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pairing: milo manheim x fem!reader
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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liked by walker.scobell, glenpowell and more Enews y/n l/n and Milo manheim with costar at the premiere of Prom Pact.
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liked by jensenackles, milomanheim and more yourusername BEST CAST I COULD ASK 4...and milo
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Username wait are they dating? ⤷ Peytonelizabethlee that's something we all need to know milomanheim yourusername ?? ⤷ Milomanheim she wishes she had all this ⤷ yourusername ew don't ever say that again ⤷ Charliedawson Dw Milomanheim shes currently giggling at your post rn
Milomanheim yo im offended y/n were supposed to be besties 😒
Username you are gorgeous y/n! ⤷ yourusernamePLS UR LITERALLY STUNNING 💋
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Liked by charliedawson, peytonlist and more Milomanheim so proud of everyone in this movie, and YES including y/n!!
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Username awe y/n got her own slide
yourusername i feel so special 🥺🥺 ⤷ Milomanheim use that emoji again and your done ma'am ⤷yourusername🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Peytonelizabethlee SO MUCH LOVE FOR EVERYONE!!
Blakehdraper kinda miss it man ⤷ Milomanheim wow i am totally feeling your enthusiasm rn! ⤷ Blakehdraper KINDA MISS IT MAN 🥳🥸😁😁 ⤷ Milomanheim WOOOH
Username milo's feed is becoming a y/n fan account and im lovin it 🫶
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readerssmut · 3 months
"𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦." ~ Boss Milo Manheim x reader Pt.3
Song Inspired- Boyfriend (By Dove Cameron)
Tags/Warnings-18+ only, Minors DNI, consensual, romance, dominant (Milo), cheating, smut, fluff, light bondage, rough sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (m & f receiving). Reader is an Office Siren. Grammar police can respectfully f off (:
Summary- Y/N has a shitty boyfriend and one night at an office party drunkenly confides in her hot boss.
That sent her over the edge, her wet hole clenching around his fingers. It sent a wave through her body any control she had over her moans was gone. Nothing could have prepared her for what was to come. She wasn't ready to be done, I mean obviously it was late and her boyfriend might start to worry but all she could think was that this was everything she had imagined. She got up pulling her skirt back on thinking it would be time to leave. He looked at her "Y/n we aren't done. Keep the skirt on remove the panties." She had never been so happy in her life. He manhandled her in the gentlest way. Putting her hands on the desk and making her spread her legs for him. He grabs his belt wrapping her hands up in it and tying them behind her back. Her panties still on the floor beneath her ended up in her mouth. The lust consumed every inch of her body. Y/n never felt so much attention on her, on her body, on her wants and needs. He knew she loved every second of this and that's what made him so eager. He was behind her once again rubbing his dick against her slit, teasing her wet hole. He couldn't help but appreciate that it was all for him. They both knew only they could make each other this way. He ripped her shirt open grabbing her breasts and kissing up her neck before sliding inside her. She gasped at the feeling of being filled up. No pain just pure pleasure. His strokes were caring but rough. Never would he want to hurt her. He continuously reassured her that if she was uncomfortable or in pain they could stop. She never wanted this end and I mean never. If she could do everything with him inside her, she could die happy. Each stroke was met with a grunt or moan. It was like ecstasy for both of them. Every inch of him fit perfectly inside her like a puzzle piece. He started to become relentless fucking her senseless. Y/n couldn't stop herself from moaning into her soaked panties. "Fuck y/n you feel like heaven. I've wanted you since the first moment I saw you. I knew I would have to make you mine. No one could deserve you like me." His words only caused her to clench tighter around his dick. "Fuck me, you feel so good Milo." This was it he tried to stop himself, but it wasn't before long that his thrusts became sloppy. They were both going to come. She was ready to come on his thick cock. He needed to come in her tight hole. He halted hearing a knock on the door. It was Maria "Hey Boss I was just wondering if you heard from Y/n. She didn't say bye to me, and I wanted to make sure she got home safe." His thrusts quickly started back up again but his hand reached around to cover her mouth. " Oh yes Maria, I got her an uber home. She said she would text me when she got home." Maria sighed in relief "Thank you for watching out for her, have a goodnight." Footsteps left the door, and they were back to it. The orgasm overcame y/n and Milo not long after. They moaned and groaned riding out their highs together. Y/n collapsed onto the desk, her legs weak. His cum leaking out of her and a smile never seeming to cease from her face. They both dressed and she headed to her uber with a smile. He wished her off and eventually had her all to himself. This was only the start of their many fun times in his office.
Thank you to everyone for reading this. This is my first story and I'm sorry there is three parts but it just kept flowing. If you have any critiques or requests lmk (:
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭.
another fancast! this one is largely inspired by @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs and how they inspired me to make some ocs of my own for this, but again, this is a made up of a combination of my own personal ideas and ones i’ve seen others have. and everyone is free to use any and all of these for themselves if they want!
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natalie alyn lind — apple white, daughter of snow white.
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olivia rodrigo — raven queen, daughter of the evil queen.
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paulina singer — briar beauty, daughter of sleeping beauty.
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aimee lou wood — madeline “maddie” hatter, daughter of the mad hatter.
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abigail cowen — ashlynn ella, daughter of cinderella.
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booboo stewart — hunter huntsman, son of the huntsman.
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jedidiah goodacre — daring charming, son of prince charming.
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milo manheim — dexter charming, son of prince charming.
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dove cameron — darling charming, daughter of prince charming.
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chase sui wonders — cerise hood, daughter of red riding hood.
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whitney peak — cedar wood, daughter of pinocchio.
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sydney sweeney — blondie locks, daughter of goldilocks.
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chelsea clark — kitty cheshire, daughter of the cheshire cat.
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hunter schafer — c.a. cupid, daughter of eros.
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adeline rudolph — lizzie hearts, daughter of the queen of hearts.
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cameron monaghan — sparrow hood, son of robin hood.
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maude apatow — duchess swan, daughter of the swan princess.
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isabela merced — rosabella beauty, daughter of beauty and the beast.
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dylan o’brien — hopper croakington the second, son of the frog prince.
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amandla stenberg — ginger breadhouse, daughter of the gingerbread witch.
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zoey deutch — holly o’hair, daughter of rapunzel.
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haley lu richardson — poppy o’hair, daughter of rapunzel.
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ester expósito — faybelle thorn, daughter of the dark fairy.
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amanda arcuri — farrah goodfairy, daughter of the fairy godmother.
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lola tung — meeshell mermaid, daughter of the little mermaid.
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owen patrick joyner — alistair wonderland, son of alice.
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emma myers — bunny blanc, daughter of the white rabbit.
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sophia anne caruso — courtley jester, daughter of the joker card.
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also gonna tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs!!
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starrvsn · 1 year
☆ speculations with jack harlow
celeb!reader x jack harlow
face claim: jennie kim
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liked by troyesivan, iheartyn, claybornharlow and others
ynmiller focused on me.
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neelamthadhani we love a self care queen
urbanwyatt those pancakes look bomb af
jackharlowfan no jack content today :’(
iheartyn @/jackharlowfan if i’m thinking ab it she hasn’t posted him in a while
milomanheim yummy pancakes made by urs truely 🤞🏼
iheartyn @/milomanheim ??????
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liked by druski and others
jackharlow layin low
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druski when they go low i go LOWER
jharlowsidepiece ?????
etherealyn what’s that supposed to mean ?????
i4jackman the low angle 😻
lilnasx i know that’s right
iheartyn okay wait….
lomljackman did yn and jack breakup ?????
ynupdates @/lomljackman DONT SPEAK IT INTO THE UNIVERSE
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tmz spotted! costars y/n and milo manheim looking rather close. is y/n and jack harlow no more?
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urbanwyatt hm…
iheartyn of course tmz had to jump on it
mymanjack y/n didn’t deserve jack anyways
jackharlow @mymanjack who are you to know what she deserves ��
ynmiller i guess people can’t be friends nowadays
claybornharlow all this from instagram captions and comments 💀
milomanheim i’m team y/n and jack all the way! p.s jack send some phocus my way ;)
druski it’s not as good as you think man
jackharlow DUDE?
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liked by paytonlist, milomanheim, jackharlow and others
ynmiller breakfast in bed with my love 🤍 @/jackharlow
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claybornharlow there’s no way jack made all that
urbanwyatt jack never makes me food like that :(
claybornharlow jack doesn’t make food period
lauraharrier to cute 🤍🤍
iheartyn our fav couple still going strong
jackharlowupdates literal goals
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liked by ynmiller and others
jackharlow my girls <3
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iheartyn peace in the universe is restored 🤍
druski tell alpine it’s on sight when i see her again
lomljackman @/druski bro really beefing with a cat 💀
ynmiller @/druski alpine did nothing wrong >:^(
lilnasx am i one of the girls 🥹
urbanwyatt jacks only been back a few days and y’all fuck like rabbits
jackharlowupdates HELLO ???
ynmiller you’re never invited back to our house >:^(
<comment has been deleted>
etheralyn y’all bullied urban into deleting it 😭
nemoachida not bullied but yn and jack tag teaming urban 💀 taking his phone and deleting the comment themselves
dreamingofharlow THATS SO FUNNY WHAT
claybornharlow it was so entertaining to watch
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star left a message! if you guys have any ideas or requests for instagram aus im totally open! i hope you enjoyed this &lt;3
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hauntedrain · 8 months
Part 4: For Our Own Sanity | Alex Turner x Fem Reader |
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social media AU Summary: Alex and readers relationship turns public after a string of events.
part 1: Here! part 2: Here! Part 3: Here!
✰▹Warnings/Notices: use of milo as ex bf. timeline is probably all messy atp. use of Taylor swift as face claim, as well as reputation album use. Not edited.
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liked by 1,345,457 others
@POPupdates: Milo Manheim and his gf have made a few comments recently about their opinions on Y/N L/N and her reputation with the media. Both stated that they agree with the backlash she's getting and find it reasonably as its consequences to Y/N L/N's actions. The Singer has yet to make any comment on any aspect as the L/N has been MIA from the media and hasn't been seen publicly since February 13th.
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user1: Honestly she deserves it, the way she was with him is clear and clearly she has boy problems.
user2: I would leave social media too if I was that much of a train wreck. Ruining your own relationship and then running away from the problem you created is crazy.
user3: No wonder why Alex got a new girl.
↪ user4: AGAIN. NOTHING. IS. COMFIRMED. ABOUT. A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. its all he said she said, one side of the story isn't a complete story.
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liked by 5,679,564 others
@Alexupdates: The Arctic Monkeys have arrived for their first out of 4 shows in New York City. The four shows will span over 2 weeks, and the first show started this evening!
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liked by 1,346,568 others
@Alexculture: The Arctic Monkeys Have started their North America section of their World Tour after 2 months of touring the UK, however during this tour there's been many comments and talk about his relationship with "singer" Y/N L/N. Alex has yet to make a clear comment on their situation or if their is a situation at all, but he did say in a interview last weekend that he would "prefer privacy in relationships and life.".
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user5: I thought they weren't together after his story with a black haired girl?
↪ user6: I mean its not like Y/N has never dyed her hair before. She's dyed it black before.
User7: I just want Y/N back. She hasn't posted since that one post, but she deleted it.
↪ user8: I heard that she's gonna release something soon.
↪ user9: they've been saying that for the last 5ish months. she never has.
↪ user10: I guess we just have to wait.
Y/N has posted to their story!
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liked by AlexTurner,TaylorSwift & 25,456,358 others
@Y/N: 8/10/24
comments have been disabled
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taglist: @mathdebate00 @ouroboros311 @joannfabrics @tangointhequango
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heartstopper-0bsessed · 5 months
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just watched all the zombies movies & tangled yesterday, rewatching it rn. i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, Meg Donnelly & Milo Manheim would be PERFECT for Rapunzel & Eugene Fitzherbert. argue with the wall i don’t care 
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just finished watching prom pact for the first time (might post full thoughts later idk), all i have to say is that ben plunkett is literally anxiety personified TO ME
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the-old-mayhem · 7 months
In page 218 of slayer mag metalion says he thinks euronymous pushed dead to be depressed for the sake of the band,in a recent interview jannicke said that he (euro) was a naturally authoritative person
So is it because of him being naturally authoritarian that people say he pushed dead to be depressed (and eventually used that as an excuse to accuse him of pushing him to commit suicide)or is that a reach on my part?
No, I don't believe that it is what caused people to talk about Øystein pushing Pelle to suicide.
What caused people to talk about it is: Manheim had some unfortunate interviews where he hinted at it / allowed it as a possibility, and also Necrobutcher, Hellhammer and the rest of the crew who hated Øystein (including everyone in Sweden who was close to Pelle), Varg and his words etc
I don't agree with what Metalion said, it goes without saying.
It's perhaps the only fucking dumb thing he ever said imho. I don't believe that Pelle needed any kind of push into depression and I don't believe that Øystein was doing it. Once again, it goes directly against what I know about them.
Øystein was pushing Pelle to be more extreme. I think that maybe it is what Metalion wanted to say, but he chose the wrong words? Because it is true. But it went both ways and that's what people often forget. They were both pushing each other to be more extreme, and it just so happened that it was not good for Pelle’s mental health which was already on the very shaky legs.
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
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lords-of-mayhem · 4 months
What is the catboy to dogboy alignment chart for all the Lords Of Chaos characters 👀👀 come on king you can’t leave us hanging 🐈‍⬛
Okay, I have some strong opinions.
Blackthorn was one that I actually went against my first instincts on. Because my first thought was "obviously catboy" BUT that's small-brain, big brain is realizing he's so unbelievably dogboy coded. But specifically like this kind of dog
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Same guy. He's just a nervous dogboy. My second piece of dogboy propoganda is him turning into a guard dog SO quickly when that photographer was taking pictures of Varg. Here's the video of that
Dogboy obviously. I don't think I even need to defend this one.
Catboy, ironically enough. And I use this to my full advantage, I will never stop comparing Pelle to cats in my fics. I can see the argument for Pelle having a slight dogboy lean too.
Dogboy. One of the big ones that are super destructive (thinking specifically back to the car scene) and don't realize how big they are, so they run full-speed into you and almost knock you over (thinking about him nearly throwing Øystein to the ground by hugging him.) Again, I can see the argument for him having a slight catboy lean too.
Dogboy, but one of the well-behaved ones that can chill out.
Dogboy, NOT one of the well-behaved ones that can chill out
Catboy (interestingly enough because his irl counterpart is dogboy coded)
Catboy with slight dogboy tendencies
Closer to the middle, although he has a slight lean towards catboy (Rory Culkin brings enough attitude to the role that it pushes him more that way)
Catgirl (slight doggirl moments)
Dogboy 100% a polite one though
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Him fr
Dogboy (not a polite one, most the time <3)
Dogboy (can also see a slight dogboy tendency, very slight tho)
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