#maneating unapologetic girlboss and nervous disaster gay my beloved
glitter-bunny420 · 23 days
I watched Clue (1985) for the first time last night so here are some of my favourite quotes from it
“Husbands should be like Kleenex - soft, strong and disposable.”
*smashes glass against fireplace” “PLEASE!”
“Communism was just a red herring.”
“What are you afraid of? A fate worse than death?” “No, just death, isn’t that enough?”
“The key is gone!” “Never mind about the key, unlock the door!” “I can’t unlock the door without the key!”
“There’s no need to shout!” “I’M NOT SHOUTING!”
“This is war, Peacock! Casualties are inevitable. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs, every cook will tell you that.” “But look what happened to the cook!”
“To make a long story short…” (in unison) “Too late.”
“His head had been cut off, and so had his, uh, you know.” *Plum, Green and Mustard collectively fold their legs*
“Oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it?”
“Sit!” *Green nervously sits down* “No, not you, sir.”
“She had friends who were…” *on the verge of tears* “…Socialists.”
“How can you make jokes at a time like this?” “It's my defense mechanism.”
“Is the FBI in the habit of cleaning up after a multiple murder?” “Yes. Why do you think it's run by a man called Hoover?”
“I'm merely a humble butler.” “What exactly do you do?” “I buttle, sir.”
“I work for the State Department, and I'm a homosexual.”
“If he were such a patriotic American, why didn't he just report us to the authorities?” “He decided to put his information to good use and make a little money out of it. What could be more American than that?”
“Why has the car stopped?” “It's frightened.”
“Oh my! Nobody can get into that position.” “Sure they can. Let me show you.” *Plum lays White down on the couch and gets on top of her* “Get off me!”
“Is there a little girl's room in the hall?” “Oui oui, Madame.” “No, I just wanna powder my nose.”
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