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(This is the original! PLEASE, go see the new one. It's pinned on top of my profile and it's WAY better than this.)
饾懝饾拞饾拑饾拹饾挀饾拸 饾懛饾拞饾挀饾拠饾拞饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸, 饾拏饾拸 饾拏饾拲饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挄饾拏饾挄饾拞 饾挅饾拸饾拪饾挆饾拞饾挀饾挃饾拞 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾懗饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾挅饾拕饾挃饾挃饾拞饾拕饾拠饾挅饾拲饾拲饾挌 饾挀饾拞饾拕饾挌饾拕饾拲饾拞饾挃 饾懘饾拏饾拸饾拝饾挌 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懘饾拹饾挋饾挌, 饾挊饾拤饾拹 饾挊饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾拪饾拸 饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾挊饾拏饾挌 饾拹饾拠 饾拏饾拕饾拤饾拞饾拪饾挆饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拹饾拸饾拲饾挌 饾拡饾拹饾拏饾拲 饾拤饾拞 饾拕饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拠饾挅饾拠饾拪饾拲, 饾懖饾拞饾拞饾拺饾拪饾拸饾拡. 饾懍饾挆饾拞饾挀饾挌饾挄饾拤饾拪饾拸饾拡. 饾懛饾懍饾懝饾懎饾懍饾應饾懟.
饾懇饾挅饾挄 饾拝饾拹 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挀饾拞饾拵饾拞饾拵饾拑饾拞饾挀 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾拸 饾懗饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拏饾拪饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拵饾拞饾拞饾挄 饾拏饾拡饾拏饾拪饾拸? 饾懟饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾挄饾拪饾拵饾拞, 饾拑饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拸饾拞饾挊 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懛饾拞饾挀饾拠饾拞饾拕饾挄? 饾懇饾拞饾拕饾拏饾挅饾挃饾拞 饾拤饾拞 饾拵饾拞饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾拪饾挄, 饾拤饾拞 饾拠饾拪饾挀饾拵饾拲饾挌 饾拑饾拞饾拲饾拪饾拞饾挆饾拞饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾挀饾拞饾挄饾挅饾挀饾拸 饾拹饾拸饾拞 饾拝饾拏饾挌, "饾拡饾拹饾拹饾拝 饾拏饾挃 饾拸饾拞饾挊", 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拤饾拞 饾挊饾拏饾挃饾拸'饾挄 饾拞饾挋饾拺饾拞饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挊饾拏饾挃 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾拹饾拸饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾挄饾挊饾拹 饾拡饾拪饾挀饾拲饾挃 饾挄饾拹 饾挀饾拞饾挄饾挅饾挀饾拸, 饾挀饾拞饾拵饾拞饾拵饾拑饾拞饾挀饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾懍饾懡饾懍饾懝饾拃饾懟饾懐饾懓饾懙饾懏.
饾懐饾拹饾挊 饾拏饾拑饾拹饾挅饾挄 饾懓 饾挃饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拞 饾挊饾拪饾挄饾拤 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拹饾拵饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拲饾拹饾挀饾拞?
Moxy stepped into the institute of perfection, the weird set-standard city that rejected her the minute she arrived, at least the slide was still as fun as the first time. She stepped up to the machine, the exact same one that malfunctioned the first time, coincidently, although the Machine didn't blow up in her face this time, no no, now Moxy was "perfect", and that machine was programed to pamper people like her now. The Machine spoke.
"饾殘饾殬饾殲 饾殜饾殯饾殠 饾殜饾殫 饾櫚饾殯饾殱饾殥饾殰饾殱/饾櫦饾殬饾殟饾殠饾殨." Moxy wasn't to surprised, she had always been the crafty type, the Recycling bin didn't change that. A few of the dolls looked at her weirdly, not because of her appearance, but because it wasn't everyday a doll got a more creative job. A few of the dolls made small talk about the new doll, whispering to each other. "Say, does her hair look familiar to you two?" The other boys nodded. "Honestly...kinda, yeah-" Moxy simply whipped her hair and strutted to where the lessons take place. She wasn't scared of anyone finding out it was her, in fact she was counting on it. She was waiting for the moment to see the fear and regret is Lou's eyes, and besides, she wasn't here to make friends, the people at the institute were too judgmental for her liking, even if she was "perfect" now and wouldn't face it, she'd still rather not be around people who would be willing to do that. Moxy was here for one thing, and that was to pace the gamlet. If Lou was right about one thing, 饾櫈饾櫓 饾櫖饾櫀饾櫒 饾櫓饾櫇饾櫀饾櫓 饾櫒饾櫇饾櫄 饾櫍饾櫄饾櫕饾櫄饾櫑 饾櫆饾櫀饾櫕饾櫄 饾櫔饾櫏.
It was getting late at the institute, and Moxy wasn't exactly sure where everyone was supposed to go, she groaned, looks like it was back the the old supplies room. Moxy walked into the room closing the door behind her, laying down on some of the boxes beforing hearing a yelp. "WOAH! Sorry, I didn't know this place was taken." Moxy's eyes widened, was that Lucky Bat!? "Hey, calm down! It's okay, I just went into the supplies room because I didn't know where all the other dolls designated spots were." Lucky Bat nodded, smiling. "Alrighty then...say, have you seen a pink doll kind of similar to me running around the institute by chance? She was of threat of getting recycled about a year ago, and I'm afraid we were too late..." Moxy looked at the ground, saddened. She new he wouldn't believe it was her, but at the same time, she didn't want to scare him, so she thought of a quick story. "I did actually! She came back recently and Lou's actually letting her run the gamlet, surprisingly with no hesitation." She wasn't exactly fibbing, she did recently come back, and she did meet Lou's stupid expectations now, she most likely could. Lucky Bat sighed in relief, almost tearing up. "Oh my goodness, that's such a relief! I thought she was gone...but I can't help but be suspicious of Lou's sudden cooperative nature..." Moxy shrugged. "Same here, Honestly. Don't worry, though! If he knows one thing, it's that she's unstoppable." Lucky Bat smiled. "Yeah, that's sure true." He went towards the door. "In that case, I'm gonna go find her. Say, what's your name?" Moxy chuckled. "We have the same name. Nice meeting you!" Lucky Bat nodded. "It sure was, I'm Lucky Bat, before I go-" He closed the door as he started running in excitement. Moxy's smile soon turned into a frown, Lucky Bat was never gonna find Moxy, not the one he remembered anyway. There's no way he'd believe she got recycled and somehow kept all her memory, so she basically told him that just to disappoint him. She sighed as she crossed her arms behind her head, slowly falling asleep.
Moxy woke up the next day, pumped up as she ran to where the lessons would be held. She sat herself in a desk in the third row, smiling evily as Lou got up on stage, today was going to be fun. Lou adjusted his tie as he soon began to explain the lesson. "Good morning, everybody! I see some new faces in the crowd, and wow, this is new, I can't see a single imperfection about any of you." Moxy chuckled, oh how the tables have turned. "I'm glad to see the improvement. Now, let's hope you don't unlock any bruises during today's lessons, because we're going through one messy obstacle course, and believe me, getting through that without a single mark is your ticket to avoid in the wash, and believe me, you want to stay out of there..." He made his way towards the washer. Moxy sighed, already knowing all of this from her first visit. Once Lou was done explaining, he handed everyone a sewing pin as he explained the challenge. Moxy gave a determined smile as she looked at the pin, she knew she could do this, especially without any biased cheating. "I see the determination in your eyes ma'am, and I like it!" Lou took a closer look at her "Say, have we met before, I swear something about you is so familiar." Moxy shrugged. "I was made literally yesterday, so I don't think that's possible." She didn't want Lou to know who she was just yet, she wanted to wait for the perfect time. "Alrighty then...everyone, to the starting line!" Everyone nodded as they made their way there, getting ready to run. "Remember, if you get a single mark, it's straight to the wash!" Moxy rolled her eyes. "On your marks, get set, go!" Moxy almost immediately took the lead, speeding through the course with ease. It was definitely helping now that she had a more human figure, it put her stubby legs having to master this to shame, now she was a pro, with seemingly no flaws. Moxy jumped onto the Trampoline, back-flipping past the finish line, karate chopping it aggressively before posing innocently in front of Lou. "That was amazing! What's your name, because oh my God, that was fire! There's no way you're knew here." Moxy smiled, now was perfect. "Maybe because I'm not..." She posed with her sewing nail, giving her classic smile. Lou looked at her in complete shock. "Moxy...?" She smirked. "Long time no see, Louis..." Lou's face soon went from shock to a bright smile, confusing Moxy. "I knew it...." Moxy looked at him weirdly.. "Know what?" He gave his classic smile. "That we'd see each other again." He went to hug the determined girl. "Welcome back, Moxy..." Moxy stood there, not scared or happy...just....so confused....
"饾樇饾櫋饾櫋饾櫎饾櫖 饾櫌饾櫄 饾櫓饾櫎 饾櫄饾櫗饾櫏饾櫋饾櫀饾櫈饾櫍..."
饾懆饾拸饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄'饾挃 饾拏 饾挊饾挀饾拏饾拺! 饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾拪饾拠 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞 饾拵饾拹饾挀饾拞, 饾拑饾拞饾拕饾拏饾挅饾挃饾拞 饾懓'饾拵 饾拫饾挅饾挃饾挄 饾拡饾拞饾挄饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挃饾挄饾拏饾挀饾挄饾拞饾拝.
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Sorry I didn鈥檛 post anything my art.I have a lot of things to do and it鈥檚 my homework
41 notes
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Please get some more attention, I worked hard on this. I promise the next chapter will be better, my story telling and grammar has improved greatly since I made this. 馃槶 (Where are the UglyDolls fans?)
饾懓饾拸饾挄饾挀饾拹饾拝饾挅饾拕饾拪饾拸饾拡...饾挄饾拤饾拞 '饾懝饾拞饾拑饾拹饾挀饾拸 饾懛饾拞饾挀饾拠饾拞饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸' 饾懆饾懠, 饾拏饾拸 饾拏饾拲饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挄饾拏饾挄饾拞 饾挅饾拸饾拪饾挆饾拞饾挀饾挃饾拞 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾懗饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾挅饾拕饾挃饾挃饾拞饾拕饾拠饾挅饾拲饾拲饾挌 饾挀饾拞饾拕饾挌饾拕饾拲饾拞饾挃 饾懘饾拏饾拸饾拝饾挌 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懘饾拹饾挋饾挌, 饾挊饾拤饾拹 饾挊饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾拪饾拸 饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾挊饾拏饾挌 饾拹饾拠 饾拏饾拕饾拤饾拞饾拪饾挆饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拹饾拸饾拲饾挌 饾拡饾拹饾拏饾拲 饾拤饾拞 饾拕饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拠饾挅饾拠饾拪饾拲, 饾懖饾拞饾拞饾拺饾拪饾拸饾拡. 饾懍饾挆饾拞饾挀饾挌饾挄饾拤饾拪饾拸饾拡. 饾懛饾懍饾懝饾懎饾懍饾應饾懟.
饾懇饾挅饾挄 饾拝饾拹 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挀饾拞饾拵饾拞饾拵饾拑饾拞饾挀 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾拸 饾懗饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拏饾拪饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拵饾拞饾拞饾挄 饾拏饾拡饾拏饾拪饾拸? 饾懟饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾挄饾拪饾拵饾拞, 饾拑饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拸饾拞饾挊 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懛饾拞饾挀饾拠饾拞饾拕饾挄? 饾懇饾拞饾拕饾拏饾挅饾挃饾拞 饾拤饾拞 饾拵饾拞饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾拪饾挄, 饾拤饾拞 饾拠饾拪饾挀饾拵饾拲饾挌 饾拑饾拞饾拲饾拪饾拞饾挆饾拞饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾挀饾拞饾挄饾挅饾挀饾拸 饾拹饾拸饾拞 饾拝饾拏饾挌, "饾拡饾拹饾拹饾拝 饾拏饾挃 饾拸饾拞饾挊", 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拤饾拞 饾挊饾拏饾挃饾拸'饾挄 饾拞饾挋饾拺饾拞饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挊饾拏饾挃 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾拹饾拸饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾挄饾挊饾拹 饾拡饾拪饾挀饾拲饾挃 饾挄饾拹 饾挀饾拞饾挄饾挅饾挀饾拸, 饾挀饾拞饾拵饾拞饾拵饾拑饾拞饾挀饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾懍饾懡饾懍饾懝饾拃饾懟饾懐饾懓饾懙饾懏.
饾懐饾拹饾挊 饾拏饾拑饾拹饾挅饾挄 饾懓 饾挃饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拞 饾挊饾拪饾挄饾拤 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拹饾拵饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拲饾拹饾挀饾拞?
Moxy stepped into the institute of perfection, the weird set-standard city that rejected her the minute she arrived, at least the slide was still as fun as the first time. She stepped up to the machine, the exact same one that malfunctioned the first time, coincidently, although the Machine didn't blow up in her face this time, no no, now Moxy was "perfect", and that machine was programed to pamper people like her now. The Machine spoke.
"饾殘饾殬饾殲 饾殜饾殯饾殠 饾殜饾殫 饾櫚饾殯饾殱饾殥饾殰饾殱/饾櫦饾殬饾殟饾殠饾殨." Moxy wasn't to surprised, she had always been the crafty type, the Recycling bin didn't change that. A few of the dolls looked at her weirdly, not because of her appearance, but because it wasn't everyday a doll got a more creative job. A few of the dolls made small talk about the new doll, whispering to each other. "Say, does her hair look familiar to you two?" The other boys nodded. "Honestly...kinda, yeah-" Moxy simply whipped her hair and strutted to where the lessons take place. She wasn't scared of anyone finding out it was her, in fact she was counting on it. She was waiting for the moment to see the fear and regret is Lou's eyes, and besides, she wasn't here to make friends, the people at the institute were too judgmental for her liking, even if she was "perfect" now and wouldn't face it, she'd still rather not be around people who would be willing to do that. Moxy was here for one thing, and that was to pace the gamlet. If Lou was right about one thing, 饾櫈饾櫓 饾櫖饾櫀饾櫒 饾櫓饾櫇饾櫀饾櫓 饾櫒饾櫇饾櫄 饾櫍饾櫄饾櫕饾櫄饾櫑 饾櫆饾櫀饾櫕饾櫄 饾櫔饾櫏.
It was getting late at the institute, and Moxy wasn't exactly sure where everyone was supposed to go, she groaned, looks like it was back the the old supplies room. Moxy walked into the room closing the door behind her, laying down on some of the boxes beforing hearing a yelp. "WOAH! Sorry, I didn't know this place was taken." Moxy's eyes widened, was that Lucky Bat!? "Hey, calm down! It's okay, I just went into the supplies room because I didn't know where all the other dolls designated spots were." Lucky Bat nodded, smiling. "Alrighty then...say, have you seen a pink doll kind of similar to me running around the institute by chance? She was of threat of getting recycled about a year ago, and I'm afraid we were too late..." Moxy looked at the ground, saddened. She new he wouldn't believe it was her, but at the same time, she didn't want to scare him, so she thought of a quick story. "I did actually! She came back recently and Lou's actually letting her run the gamlet, surprisingly with no hesitation." She wasn't exactly fibbing, she did recently come back, and she did meet Lou's stupid expectations now, she most likely could. Lucky Bat sighed in relief, almost tearing up. "Oh my goodness, that's such a relief! I thought she was gone...but I can't help but be suspicious of Lou's sudden cooperative nature..." Moxy shrugged. "Same here, Honestly. Don't worry, though! If he knows one thing, it's that she's unstoppable." Lucky Bat smiled. "Yeah, that's sure true." He went towards the door. "In that case, I'm gonna go find her. Say, what's your name?" Moxy chuckled. "We have the same name. Nice meeting you!" Lucky Bat nodded. "It sure was, I'm Lucky Bat, before I go-" He closed the door as he started running in excitement. Moxy's smile soon turned into a frown, Lucky Bat was never gonna find Moxy, not the one he remembered anyway. There's no way he'd believe she got recycled and somehow kept all her memory, so she basically told him that just to disappoint him. She sighed as she crossed her arms behind her head, slowly falling asleep.
Moxy woke up the next day, pumped up as she ran to where the lessons would be held. She sat herself in a desk in the third row, smiling evily as Lou got up on stage, today was going to be fun. Lou adjusted his tie as he soon began to explain the lesson. "Good morning, everybody! I see some new faces in the crowd, and wow, this is new, I can't see a single imperfection about any of you." Moxy chuckled, oh how the tables have turned. "I'm glad to see the improvement. Now, let's hope you don't unlock any bruises during today's lessons, because we're going through one messy obstacle course, and believe me, getting through that without a single mark is your ticket to avoid in the wash, and believe me, you want to stay out of there..." He made his way towards the washer. Moxy sighed, already knowing all of this from her first visit. Once Lou was done explaining, he handed everyone a sewing pin as he explained the challenge. Moxy gave a determined smile as she looked at the pin, she knew she could do this, especially without any biased cheating. "I see the determination in your eyes ma'am, and I like it!" Lou took a closer look at her "Say, have we met before, I swear something about you is so familiar." Moxy shrugged. "I was made literally yesterday, so I don't think that's possible." She didn't want Lou to know who she was just yet, she wanted to wait for the perfect time. "Alrighty then...everyone, to the starting line!" Everyone nodded as they made their way there, getting ready to run. "Remember, if you get a single mark, it's straight to the wash!" Moxy rolled her eyes. "On your marks, get set, go!" Moxy almost immediately took the lead, speeding through the course with ease. It was definitely helping now that she had a more human figure, it put her stubby legs having to master this to shame, now she was a pro, with seemingly no flaws. Moxy jumped onto the Trampoline, back-flipping past the finish line, karate chopping it aggressively before posing innocently in front of Lou. "That was amazing! What's your name, because oh my God, that was fire! There's no way you're knew here." Moxy smiled, now was perfect. "Maybe because I'm not..." She posed with her sewing nail, giving her classic smile. Lou looked at her in complete shock. "Moxy...?" She smirked. "Long time no see, Louis..." Lou's face soon went from shock to a bright smile, confusing Moxy. "I knew it...." Moxy looked at him weirdly.. "Know what?" He gave his classic smile. "That we'd see each other again." He went to hug the determined girl. "Welcome back, Moxy..." Moxy stood there, not scared or happy...just....so confused....
"饾樇饾櫋饾櫋饾櫎饾櫖 饾櫌饾櫄 饾櫓饾櫎 饾櫄饾櫗饾櫏饾櫋饾櫀饾櫈饾櫍..."
饾懆饾拸饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄'饾挃 饾拏 饾挊饾挀饾拏饾拺! 饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾拪饾拠 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞 饾拵饾拹饾挀饾拞, 饾拑饾拞饾拕饾拏饾挅饾挃饾拞 饾懓'饾拵 饾拫饾挅饾挃饾挄 饾拡饾拞饾挄饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挃饾挄饾拏饾挀饾挄饾拞饾拝.
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