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salemorbit · 4 years ago
Chaotic Hijinks - headcanons
[Link x genderneutral!Reader]
warnings: none!
Requested by: @manaminamoto01
thank you so much for the request, i hope you like it!!
in which Link and reader find solace in each other's similar personalities, but Zelda.....not so much
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Chaotic Link is my favorite version of Link, I'm going to be totally honest
You met Link about halfway through his journey to free Zelda from her battle with Ganon
You first saw him on the side of the road, covered head to toe in twigs, leaves, and mud, scouting out a nearby Bokoblin camp
You watched from afar as he snuck through the brush and preyed upon the seared steak that hung over the fire
Link was quick and barbaric with his movements, brandishing a crude woden spear and attacking the Bokoblins by surprise, stabbing away at them as he tried to grab the meat
You insantly knew that he would be your best friend
The two of you were like peas in a pod, always figuring out some way to make the journey through Hyrule a little more fun by doing probably the stupidest shit imaginable
For instance, you once bet Link 15 rupees that he couldn't beat a Silver Lynel in under five minutes
With no hesitation, that man dragged you to the nearest Silver Lynel and bested it in three minutes flat
15 rupees isn't even a lot??? He was mainly doing it to spite you
Link never really had any regard for rules since basically the entirety of Hyrule was destroyed by Ganon. So, what even are rules anymore?
You often liked to catch whatever bug you could find and dare Link to eat it just to see what would happen, and this guy would just do it every time
Your favorite place was Death Mountain and hanging out with the Gorons since they also loved to do stupid shit
Pure adrenaline got both you and Link through the Gut-Check Challenge, and it was all just for fun like you guys didn't even want the shrine afterwards
Don't even get me started on the prime rock roasts i-
You two would also frequently activate Guardians just so they would chase you through Hyrule Field, shooting lasers every which way as you evaded them like it was a game
Everything for you and Link was just an adrenaline rush like pure dopamine
You and Link also have no idea how to cook, so a typical dinner would just consist of throwing random mushrooms and other ingredients you salvaged from your packs together to make....something slightly edible
Link also was a whiz when it came to the puzzles inside of the Divine Beasts, and you never had to wait long until he was done conquering one and you were moving to the next territory
Once you both freed Zelda from her battle with Ganon, you and Link didn't really change all too much
Zelda's assumption as to what Link would be like 100 years later was....a bit off
She remembered him as this gallant knight that rarely spoke a word and would risk his life for the better cause
Well...she got the risking his life part right
Zelda often felt like she was babysitting you two as you traipsed through Hyrule, constantly covering her face with her hands as you would race each other recklessly through swamps or threw bombs at Bokoblins for fun
You and Link would typically climb the highest point in the vicinity and then throw yourselves off of it, opening your paraglider at the very last second and giving Zelda heart attacks as she tried to stop you
Zelda loved to get her hands dirty usually, but she had limits
You two did not
One time you, Link, and Zelda were just traveling calmly through Akkala, going to visit Robbie in his research lab, when you passed by the Hinox that typically slept in the grove of trees near the Citadel
Zelda was leading the troupe and keeping to herself while you and Link rode side by side, being unusually quiet for most of the trip
For a few moments as you passed the Hinox, Zelda swore she heard whispering behind her, and then there was silence
Her Zelda-senses were tingling, and she quickly turned around to see that both your and Link's horses were a few meters behind without either of you atop them
Zelda leapt off her horse and looked around, freaked out that maybe the Yiga Clan had taken you or something had evaporated you or anything dangerous
Then her eyes landed on the two of you hiding behind some trees near the Hinox, waving your hands in some kind of gestures to each other
She would've yelled if she wasn't afraid of waking up the Hinox, but that happened anyway as both you and Link ran up to the Hinox yelling loud sounds and climbing on top of it
Zelda watched in horror as you two got a thrill out of waking up the Hinox and chasing it around the clearing, quickly making it dizzy and having it fall down with a crash
You and Link prodded at it with your swords playfully, mocking it and making it upset as it struggled to get up
Zelda braved her own fear and dashed over to you two, grabbing you both by your pointed Hylian ears and dragging you away from the Hinox as fast as she could
Needless to say, she reprimanded the both of you like children for that
"How are we supposed to save Hyrule," Zelda yelled at the top of her royal lungs, "if you two die before we can even get started? How did you even get past Ganon?!"
You and Link shared a look and shrugged, looking at her innocently
"We were bored," you said. "The Beasts were taking too long so we just went for it. Pretty lucky, too, right?"
You and Link were laughing, but Zelda just sighed and turned away to her horse, grumbling to herself
You and Link never let up after that, continuously spicing up every day with whatever came to mind
y'all seem like such fun HAHA
hope you liked it!! thank you so much for the request again <33
requests are welcome :)
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