#man if feels weird to talk about one piece aus so extensively again lol
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marimoswords · 4 years ago
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oh my god im really gonna update my gem au for the first time in years all because i just got some asks about it klsdjfskldjal IM A LITTLE EMBARRASSED TO POST THESE BECAUSE THEYRE SO OLD but i realized these backstory drawings for asl never saw the light of day lol and i guess i never really went into depth with my hcs for these gem’s “purpose” or whatever haha so theres that under cut that i surprisingly remember pretty well
for the sake of this gem au op-verse, gem colonies and humans kinda coexist with eachother as a sort of compromise for the aliens to occupy the world but they still have their own separate societies that a gem breaking away from would be significant (i.e sabo). anyway moving on.
sabo/labradorite were meant to go alongside sapphires’ to assist in their future vision since earth (or whatever the op planet is called) is very unpredictable. sapphires can see the all the possible events and timelines in detail but cannot dictate what is most likely to happen or what would be the more favorable decision to lead to a more favorable outcome. labradorites fill in this gap by having all of their powers focus solely on instinct/intuition. they cannot see the future or know why they are making their decisions but they and the power of a sapphire guarantees that they can make an intuitive but informed decision.
tl;dr in really simplified metaphorical terms: sapphires are the map that shows every possible branching path while labradorites are the compass telling you which way you should go.
similarly to su and op canon, both gems are high ranking in the social hierarchy with labradorites and sapphires often walking around with their arms linked like theyre one single unit. one thing leads to another and sabo grows to detest his noble standing and becomes unable to do his job properly (since the future feeling is based on intuition of whats “good” or “bad” for the gem, sabo’s prediction often wanted them to be pointed in the other noble’s gems demise).
fearing retaliation and no longer wanting to take part in this kind of society, sabo leaves and meets ace. its basically like op canon from here.
ace/fire agate is kinda similar to the whole rose quartz situation in su canon. roger was a gem that caused a massive uprising that caused every other fire agate to be bubbled..........and eventually shattered. ace survived because, as a favor, rouge was a human that basically harbored these gems as fugitives. in desperate measures, the others she was protecting were shattered and she poofed one last gem to save and pass hands to garp. blah blah blah its like op canon from here on.
fire agates are kinda similar to holly blue in su where they are both meant to be leaders that kept other gems in line by being stern and mean. ace’s initial attitude is similar to this until he mellows out beyond his preprogramming of his gem.
luffy...........is special. he is an accident formed from a kindergarten that split due to an earthquake. the leftover drippings from spinel, rubies, and a hint of jasper miraculously re-implanted itself into the ground in a way that could actually incubate a gem, making luffy. red coral, like its real life counterpart, is technically not a gemstone. its..................coral. whatever luffy is technically doesn’t exist so he was dubbed “red coral” since his hole was more lower down on the cliffside of the kindergarten in a sea cave and the leftover goop ended up becoming coral like crystal fixtures.
sabo and ace find luffy after sabo gets a super strong future feeling to go to the kindergarten.
btw, names in this au for the gems are a thing because gems who have defected from gem society often take on human qualities as an act of rebellion! so they often give themselves names or reform with scars as a type of decorative marking in ways as if they were human.
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criesinauthor · 5 years ago
If this tastes familiar, I posted a bullshit version on my main ❤️ but here is the REAL DEAL Avatar the Last Airbender: Aquamairne AU
⁃ Azula and Zuko are spending their last summer on Ember Island
⁃ Azula is being begrudgingly clingy because it's their last summer together before Zuko starts working for their father's company and "leaves her just like their mother did >:("
⁃ Speaking of, in this verse their mother left on a ship during the last time they took a family vacation
⁃ A horrible storm happened and she was assumed lost at sea
⁃ Azula hates the ocean, Zuko hates thunder
⁃ Iroh runs a little beach shop with boba on Ember Island and he's living it up, we stan a king who minds his business and doesn't exploit the citizens he pillaged!
⁃ One night, a horrible storm happens while Azula is forcing Zuko to watch Jaws
⁃ She rags on him for being anxious and calls him a hypocrite
⁃ Even though she wishes for him to stay...
⁃ But the next day Azula falls into the pool and is CONVINCED she saw a fucking person
⁃ Then Jet the hot, piece of shit lifeguard (who broke her brothers heart 2 years ago but he is still morbidly fixated on) saves her ❤️
⁃ That night they return and there wasn't a person...there were two!!! and they're Mermaids
⁃ And they're fighting really loudly for two mythical creatures in the middle of a beach town
⁃ It's Sokka and Katara!
⁃ Sokka is in Love with Yue. He knows this because he is constantly people watching and has figured it out
⁃ and Katara has heard every last detail of it over the course of Her Entire Life
⁃ And honestly? She would like that for herself, please. No arranged marriage just because she's a "Princess" and love "isn't real."
⁃ She hates that shit!!!! She wants JUSTICE for aquatic women!
⁃ So she decided to go on land and prove it's real herself an impulsive Three Days before Yue's wedding
⁃ Sokka came with her because he is Annoying! And also fascinated with Humans. And also really wants her and Yue to be happy :)
⁃ which will not happen if his little sister fucks up because she hasn't put any research in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
⁃ So long story short, a storm swept them into this pool and they're arguing because Katara claims she's in love with "the seaweed mouth boy" and Sokka is like "katara love is more complicated than that" and she's like "but I can FEEL IT"
⁃ They stop dead in their fucking tracks when they realize Azula and Zuko have watched them the whole time
⁃ "Hello....Zuko here" Extends Gummy Worm
⁃ Azula is convinced they're crazy people and tosses it out of his hand which is fine and well because Katara Waterbends It The Fuck Back From Across the Pool
⁃ Which is enough proof for her they these are Real Mermaids From The Ocean SWIMMING in their uncle's POOL
⁃ But then the weird janitor boy who never talks and has Definitely killed a man (Longshot) comes out and they decide to book it
⁃ Next day they come back and uncle Drained the Fucking Pool which gives Zuko a minor heart attack and cracks Azula the fuck up despite her also being kind of worried.
⁃ But they hear muffled arguing from their uncle's boba shop and find Sokka and Katara wrapped in towels, totally fine, and Walking On Two Legs
⁃ Azula takes this as confirmation that they are, in fact, Fucking Imposters, until Katara waterbends gutter water onto her and she believes it again
⁃ She forces zuko to sacrifice his shirt and pants for them because he's wearing a wet suit even though he HATES walking around in just a wet suit like an asshole
⁃ He does so anyways and hates every minute
⁃ Despite all three of them protesting, Katara walks Right The Fuck UP to Jet and asks if he loves her
⁃ He does the whole "Ha. lol no. ur hot though ;) see you later ;)"
⁃ She is slightly demoralized but Soldiers On because her new friend Azula INSISTS she can make him fall in love with her
⁃ Azula has read every teen magazine so many times that she "has perfected a formula to make any man on earth fall in love in a matter of hours" she simply Chooses not to use it
⁃ Zuko and Sokka comment from the peanut gallery about how nonsensical that is
⁃ Until Azula implements operation damsel
⁃ AKA, we ride our bikes in front of Jet's house until he notices, then she throws Katara off of her handle bars to bait him into saving her
⁃ This Works but she did not tell anyone doing that on purpose was part of the plan
⁃ Cue Date!!!!
⁃ It's good but Zuko is sus and so is Sokka
⁃ Azula very pointedly (read: homophobicly) says Katara is Different and their relationship failed because he Lacks the Feminine Wiles girls like her and katara are Naturally Imbued with
⁃ That pisses him off but luckily Sokka reminds them the Fucking Sun Is Going Down and they'll turn into FISH AGAIN if they don't hurry
⁃ They bring them to the water tower and see them in Ambient Sunset Lighting as Mermaids for the First Time
⁃ Zuko & Azula: sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me
⁃ (It does)
⁃ Jet, king that he is, eventually gets suspicious and starts pressuring Katara, assumes that there's something up because of "those two boys she's always running off with" and katara rightfully gets Pissed the Fuck Off at him, and runs away tearbending
⁃ Zuko goes after her and tries to comfort her
⁃ Cue the "why am I leaking? why does love hurt? why would someone love if it hurts this much" "because love is the closest thing humans have to magic :")" scene
⁃ Azula and Sokka are like "emotions are kinda weird, right?" "so right" on the bike ride to water tower, sweet water tower
⁃ Unfortunately Jet Follows Them and is Even More Suspicious
⁃ The next day Azula and Katara are nursing their respectively broken hearts over this with Jennifer's Body and Ice Cream
⁃ But Jet keeps hounding Zuko (and by extension Sokka, who wants to learn about more human stuff) at the boba stand
⁃ Where he figures out clearly these two gentlemen are Gay and hang out with her as a means for Zuko to prove he's Rebounded
⁃ Which isn't ideal but, he is interested in Katara again and they both want her to succeed so they take him there, hijinks ensue, Katara is invited to the Last Splash
⁃ (And Zuko does kind of want to prove he's over it so Sokka offers to take him and they all go to the mall together and get makeovers)
⁃ (Golden Opportunity for a crocverse crossover because you look me in the face and tell me mermaids wouldn't wear CROCS!)
⁃ Success! Everyone said, not knowing Jet would follow her home after the date, and climb the water tower, and see her and Sokka are mermaids, and break the ladder, and figure he can expose them on the news for being mermaids, because that makes so much sense
⁃ Luckily Longshot and Iroh recognized the betrothal necklace and whale tooth necklace in the bottom of the pool as Mermaid Fodder, something they often discuss at their monthly pai sho game, and went to save them before Jet had the chance to fuck shit up
⁃ Unfortunately!!!!!!!!!!! This means Katara and Sokka don't know about this by the next day and Zuko and Azula have to go save them from getting exposed NOW!!!!
⁃ Katara asks him if he loves her Now, and he says "heh. I'm allergic to shellfish" then pushes her in the water
⁃ Sokka dives in after her
⁃ Zuko punches Jet square in the Face then dives in
⁃ Then Azula, in a moment of love fueled bravery, jumps in as well
⁃ The sky is thundering, a whirlpool is pulling them out to sea and There it Comes
⁃ "You can have our wish, wish you can stay here" "What? Why would you do that" "We love you, Katara!" "I didn't know you leak when you're happy too!"
⁃ The Storm Hath Ended
⁃ Jet gets fucking fired
⁃ but Katara and Azula swim together and are best fucking friends while Zuko and Sokka have the worst most awkward love confession in the history of the world
⁃ They kiss and Sokka's finger scales turn blush pink for the next week
⁃ The end!!!! Love wins, people!!! And ozai got eaten by a shark off screen, roll credits! La la land!
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