#man i wish i never got isekaied [lore]
ask-order-stoyim · 13 days
(the two demons turn thier attentions to the human, having heard him shifting around- the two then look at each other and then back to the human.)
“Hello! Welcome back to the waking world!”
-MiscChar Anon
*the human looked... completely dumbfounded. They sat up, their now golden eye's pupil dilating to adjust to the light in the area. They shuffle away a bit, freaking out and hyperventilating, clearly very scared...*
*stoyim was confused and panicked. Why is there two phighting characters in front of him? Is he dead? Where is he? What even is this place? He shakes a bit until his stomach started to growl- great, the pain from the food shortage due to the food being poisoned is getting to him... at least he knows he's not dead now...*
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 66 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch has to stop the execution of all his side characters while dealing with his Fake Za Warudo little brother. Eventually he hacks his way into Rolo’s tragic backstory and plans out a cheesy sitcom character arc for him where found family wins out even though they’re enemies which someone as lovestarved as Rolo can’t help but eat up. It’s almost like sending someone who does exclusively assassinations and has never been in social situations long enough to form a personality and stops time to murder people at the drop of a hat to do a deep cover year long infiltration mission where he has to get emotionally close to the target was a terrible idea. Anyway Lelouch has Rolo on his side now and I’m sure that won’t backfire in any way.
Inuyasha: Muso continues to try and capture Kagome before getting Wind Scar’d into an existential crisis and going back to Onigumo’s cave to remember his shit. Kaede immediately puts together who Muso is and leads Kagome there but Inuyasha and co. are too stupid to figure it out so Naraku straight up takes Kagura out of gay baby jail for betraying him to send her to go tell them the answer. Naraku goes to brag about being able to go kill Kikyo like Voldermort touching Harry in Goblet of Fire but it backfires since apparently simping for Kikyo is engraved in his soul and he still can’t hurt her which makes his attempt at bragging really awkward and he has to go get Muso back. Meanwhile Muso’s turned into a demon scorpion, and stabs Inuyasha through the gut, as you do.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kuwabara starts up his fight with Byakko, the beast that chases Botan and Keiko in the opening even though they’re barely in this arc. Weirdly enough he shows off his new powers BEFORE the fight so there’s no suspense to getting his new move when he finally pulls it out. Not sure if this is cool or not, on the one hand it means that Kuwabara has to do more than just show a new technique to be cool enough to finish on, on the other hand the fight is still basically using that technique and slightly altering it, and knowing that his sword can get long now takes some of the punch out of it, kinda mixed on this one.
Fate Zero: Okay so this first episode is long so I’mma try to cliffnotes this shit. Basically the Grail War starts up ad we have our combatants, a high schooler because every anime needs one of those, male Homura Akemi, Priest Alucard who’s acting more like Father Anderson in this role, Rin’s dad Miles Edgeworth, the current host of the Aburame Clan’s secret bug jutsu who’s just trying to save a child and must be punished for it, and that one racist teacher you had in high school that everyone has to pretend to respect. Last person’s still unaccounted for but this seems fun so far, the fucking lore is still dense as stone but the premise is ‘bunch of assholes want fight for big wish’ so I can get around that part.
Konosuba: Kazuma is run over by a car and… BECOMES A SPIRIT DECTIVE, FIGHTING GHOSTS AND DEMONS WITH HIS FINGERTIP LASERS! Wait, wrong anime, still kinda makes me laugh though out of all the weird isekai premises that kill off the main character, Konosuba ups the anty on the whole “Oh no, the person you saved would’ve been better off if you left them alone” thing from Yu Yu Hakusho. Anyway I’m pretty sure you guys all know the story of Konosuba by now, useless goddesses, RPG worlds, isekai shenanigans. I kind of really like how even though it’s cynical and sarcastic, it’s not a dour hopeless affair, there’s this odd upbeat charm that even though nothing’s going our heroes’ way that they’ll still be okay and find happiness where they can. This very easily could’ve become an Everybody Hates Chris thing where the world’s just shitting on them all the time and the story becomes predictable because you know nothing will every work out for them but this does a good job of making them underdogs while still throwing them bones every now and them, underbones for underdogs.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Usagi is an average kid, that no one understands… actually she’s quite a bit below average, she kinda gives Aqua a run for her money in uselessness, she’s essentially High School Dropout Barbie in this episode which is weird but I also know it’s to give her room to grow and also that she’s not meant to carry the whole show by herself. It’s just kinda amusing how the whole episode paints Usagi as not particularly good at anything or even all that nice, even after she gets her powers they essentially run on autopilot and beat the monster for her. Still it is a good spot that she wants to help her friend and I like how they keep Tuxedo Mask’s involvement to a minimum, like he doesn’t actually do anything (memes) and is just like “you got this” which is not necessarily the reaction you’d have to someone who literally beat a crowd into submission by crying at them but it’s nice to have him in an emotionally supportive role for this first outing. I’m not quite sure how this series will sit with me overall but I feel like I’ll get a better feel for it once we have the ensemble gathered and hit our stride here.
Durarara!!: The Human traffickers from Episode 1 screw up and take a totally legit Japanese man who’s definitely not an Italian illegal immigrant for Seiji’s sister’s fucked up pharmaceuticals experiments. Unfortunately said totally legit Japanese man is a tertiary friend of Dotachin’s group and they hunt their asses down. Celty’s also on the case but by the time she gets there they’ve already found them and given them manga-based torture sessions to find out their secrets so everything’s cool. Man these guys ride or die like nobody’s business, they freaking love this Italian dude for getting their friend tickets to an Idol show and giving language-based malapropisms, what bros they are.
Overall the three new shows worked out pretty well this week, Sailor Moon’s a bit of a rocky start but I knew that getting into it. I like the setup for Fate Zero a lot better than the start of Unlimited Blade Works so I’m excited for where that’ll go. And Konosuba did put a big dumb smile on my face with its hard luck lighthearted antics so I’m looking forward to the future of the block for the next few weeks.
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ask-order-stoyim · 13 days
(Broker… can worry about it later- right now he paced around the shop, waiting for his back up to arrive…)
(and speaking of the Devil.. a shift at the door causes Broker to snap his attention towards it, watching it intensely… luckily for him, it wasn’t some demon- it was none other then B. Zuka)
“Zuka hello!! Did you bring some food or snacks?”
“yeah? What do you need em for?”
“Oh! It’s not for me! It’s for our new friend here!”
(Broker gesters to the human)
“hm.. do you think-“
“the person we were told about? Absolutely!!”
“… alright-“
-MiscChar Anon
*the human grumbled and stirred. Their eye slowly ope- hey wait why was their iris gold now? Nevermind that, they were waking up...*
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ask-order-stoyim · 14 days
(A little? Broker is absolutely BAMBOOZLED by the events playing out- he does NOT recall ever having a plushie of him made, so where the FUCK did it come from?? and what the Banland was that tear???? he screams internally, for he does not know.)
-MiscChar Anon
*the little broker doll seemed to have some interesting accessories: golden jewelry, a little trenchcoat and monocle, and plenty of patches all over. It seems very well cared for! Well, the strange figure was sleeping peacefully now... time to wait for someone to come assist...*
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ask-order-stoyim · 15 days
(… o..kay that’s.. not.. normal- or at least he thinks it’s not? For all Broker knows this COULD be normal for… whoever this is, but he digresses. He stared at the scene that’s happening before him, quickly looking down at his phone every now and agian to text whoever he called about this and that they “may want to bring some food with them as well for the person)
(He’s seen the rise and fall of cults, the deepest and darkest secrets of everyone, the fiery realm of Banland, and the take over and monochromization of the world by one of the strongest fears known to gear demon kind… he thought he’d already seen it all! But he didn’t realize how easily he was proven wrong…)
“Oh What The Fuck?…”
-MiscChar Anon
*they curl up a bit, looking distressed as if trying to find something to hug- then... pop! space time fabric went a little silly and now there's a patched up broker plush in their arms! that's a little confusing! they're also sleeping like a baby now-*
*stoyim (at least, his dream self) was flying around the weird prospit-derse fusion place, curiously talking to the citizens and hearing their stories. Turns out he's in what's known as a "Seamripper" session, where the session never starts or ends due to the fabric of a reality being ripped at the seams by at least one player being transported to a different world or time... He clinged to his broker plush as he heard stories being told to him, legends old and new.*
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ask-order-stoyim · 17 days
(Broker looked back at the human, if Thai was an average day back then he would’ve gladly left him for the wolves. He wouldn't care enough nor be bothered to stick around like he’s doing now- he doesn’t worry. He DIDN'T worry. He didn’t NEED to worry. He was a con artist! A dangerous individual who knew everything about everybody! So what the hell happened here???)
(He Fiddled with his phone, otherwise he would’ve been fiddling with his stitching and stapling which he really doesn’t want to do especially with no one around to fix them back up. He’s simply hoping someone comes by soon-)
-MiscChar Anon
*... The human starts to faintly glow gold, their wound starting to seal and turn into golden cracks on their skin... black splotches appeared on the tips of their fingers, all of the wounds were healed except the one of their eye, which instead simply stopped bleeding gold. They were entirely healed, yes, but their injuries turned to golden scars... and they still seemed to be starving*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(Right.. Medkit… honestly Broker could do with either him or their boss right about now- he’s not too picky about company as long as they aren’t trying to kill him. He calls a person up again, asking if it isn’t too much for them to come over to Zuka’s old shop back at Crossroads. He makes sure to tell them to “bring some bandages or something”, looks like he had to clarify that said bandages aren’t for him.)
(Judging by his enthusiastic “thank yooou bye!!”, reinforcements are coming. None of them are healers that’s for damn sure- but they could at least try to keep someone from death by bleed out)
-MiscChar Anon
*the human seemed to be trying their hardest to stay awake, but they pass out anyways. Judging by how awful they looked they haven't eaten anything in a while and haven't gotten any sleep either... makes sense why they would pass out...*
*... stoyim had fizzled out of consciousness, near death, but still able to dream. He dreamed of stars, in a timeless abyss, of static rivers... he dreamed not of the pearly gates, but an endless plane of calm colorful shades of rainbow, it felt surreal, like something he's seen before... something he's seen many times...*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(As soon as the coast seems clear, Broker slinks back into the shadows with Stoyim in tow. He watches as the greyscaled demons passed him by, being careful not to bring attention twoards the two.)
(It doesn’t take them long for them to reach Da Shop, which sat completely closed off and almost completely abandoned- as if no one had touched it for years. He takes the spare key he was given and unlocks the shop with it, he looks back to see if anyone saw or heard before entering the building and shutting it behind him.)
(Most of the weapons and boxes have been removed, however there was a mattress or two behind the counter. Zuka must’ve holed himself up there earlier on…. He sat the human down onto the mattress, it wasn’t exactly too comfortable but hey it’s better then the floor)
-MiscChar Anon
*the human doesn't seem able to move very much, blood staining the mattress. They seem very much weakened and are trying to stay awake so they don't die of blood loss- if only medkit were here...*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(Broker wasted no time running over, calling up someone and asking if anyone is nearby. The safest place nearest to thier location right now would be Zuka’s old shop, everyone in the rebellion was given a copy of the key to it just in case of perdicaments like this-)
(He puts the human’s arm around his shoulder to help with thier balance, occasionally looking up at the rooftops just in case of Hellhound.. it always likes to jump from rooftop to Rooftop like some sort of sentinel..)
“The nearest place of safety would have to be Zuka’s shop- as long as we don’t get spotted, we can get there Scott-free..”
-MiscChar Anon
*the human, just barely conscious at this point, nods silently, mumbling something about someone named "Asterios"... they're quite light, as if they haven't eaten in a good long while.*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(Broker slowly lowered his arms down and approached with caution-)
“Wow whatever did that to you really messed you up bad huh?..”
(he’s trying to keep that signature smile of his but it seems.. just a little bit forced, strained even. It’s odd for someone like him.)
”Listen, I know someone who can help you- get you patched up-“
-MiscChar Anon
*stoyim realizes that this is really no time to question things: he is gravely injured, his eye is gone, and he does not know what kinds of viruses or illnesses are in this universe that he's going to be exposed to...*
*the figure lowers their pistol, putting it in safety mode and in their pocket. Not the safest place but it'll work for no- oh they- they collapsed yeah that was expected with how bad the injuries look-*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(o..Kay.. that- was NOT what he expected- Broker squinted a bit and tilted his head, approaching to get a better look at.. whoever or WHATever this person is. But backed away as a gun was suddenly pointed in his direction, he threw his hands up into the air as he steps out from the shadows)
“W-wait don’t shoot!- I’m not here for trouble as.. hard as that is to belive-“
(He gulped a bit, he does NOT want to get shot!)
-MiscChar Anon
*stoyim shakily pointed the gun at the figure in front of him, then he recognized- is- is that-?*
*the figure is now not staring in fear but instead in confusion... they look like they're close to fainting from blood loss, their wounds are pretty gnarly and need to be treated FAST- it's very likely the wounds would be infected soon...*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
(A demon slinked through the shadows, trying to avoid detective from the eyes of the masses and the eyes of the Hellhound beast- This was second nature to someone like Broker, who did this daily back when everything was as normal as it could’ve been. But things are different now… now he’s more like a informant: the pair of eyes and on the field, the local gossip hoarder- this is how he lived now.)
(But Broker can complain, and he wouldn't! It gives him SOMETHING to do, especially since the fall of… he shook the thought off. He found it surprisingly distressing to think about The Fall, then again- it WAS his entire livelihood- so who could blame him for that?)
(He looked around for whoever he was supposed to find, hoping he was the first to get to Whoever This Was)
-MiscChar Anon
*there was a figure slumped up in an alleyway away from cameras, shakily holding a phone and texting someone. They don't... look like a demon....? Are they a demon? They don't have horns and are wearing two colors... they also look like they've been through hell, seemingly bleeding from multiple spots still and with their eye covered with a makeshift eyepatch, gold bleeding out from under it.*
*stoyim heard a sound and startled, putting away his phone and shakily grabbing his gun, very clearly fucking terrified*
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ask-order-stoyim · 18 days
[Status updating...]
*stoyim layed down on the alleyway's ground, keeping himself grounded by texting his friend. He didn't know if this was real, was he still delirious from blood loss...?*
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ask-order-stoyim · 23 days
[The end is never the end is never the end.... (TW: EYE GETTING GOUGED OUT)]
*Stoyim felt adrenaline rush through him as he ran away from the figures- they were all attacking him and he was close to death, then he felt something stab him in the eye: a knife with strange engravings on it. he felt his eye get gouged out and he screamed for help as he was pushed to the grass...*
*at least he thought it would be the grass. instead he landed on concrete in an alley, nearly completely fainted from blood loss. he looked around a bit, tearing off the bottoms of his pants to create a makeshift eyepatch... everything around him seemed to be greyscale, no color at all... he collapsed behind a trashcan, texting his best friend and hitting send as he almost passes out.*
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ask-order-stoyim · 23 days
[And so it starts at the end]
Hai it's me again!! Ask/rp blog for order!stoyim this time! Yet another silly human stuck in phighting lol
Same rules for this blog as @ask-order-asterios !!!
Tag system woo
corvids writing [ooc]
the temporal anomaly [in character]
when will this end? [phighters]
reluctant alliance [broker]
god? is that you? [deities]
kablewy!!!! [zuka]
oh god i got askblogged [asks]
i miss you always and forevermore [text logs]
look at this! [important posts]
man i wish i never got isekaied [lore]
< "Talking in character looks like this" >
Ooc // ooc looks like this :3
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