#man i started talking about the frequent links between ufo/alien sightings and cryptid sightings
parkercore-69 · 8 months
the dawning realisation that something might be wrong after you just spent a solid thirty minutes (completely unsolicited and uninterrupted) talking out loud to absolutely fucking nobody about:
1) scepticism around ghosts
2) the complex science behind cryptozoology
3) the art of film making and how all the components of a film are crucial in making an audience feel a specific way and why psychological horror is a brilliant example of this
4) the way Juno(2008) perfectly represents family
5) how The Perks of Being a Wallflower(2012) is a raw and human story of mental health and trauma with a main character whose biggest flaw is his empathy- and how the many layers to it’s narrative make each watch different as you discover something new.
And I was on an absolute roll until it just fucking clicked in my head that i was verbally talking to myself- or my shelves, really- like some manic insane person going on a panicked rant about conspiracy theories and society. Sure, it’s slightly unnerving that I was talking to myself for such an elongated period of time- and I really should be socialising more- but god damn i should’ve been making notes.
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