#man i remember being new on here in 2010 or 2011 and being like wtf is the difference between reblogging and reposting
lindwurmkai · 2 years
Information for new users that I haven't really seen included in these advice posts so far:
If you seem to be getting mixed messages about likes and reblogs, there are a few things that might be contributing to your confusion.
1) Reblog and repost are not interchangeable words!
Reblogging is when you use the site's built-in feature to share someone else's post with your followers. This is generally considered supportive and you can't really go wrong with it. Just don't reblog people's random-ass personal posts for no reason I guess?
Reposting is just what we call stealing, basically. Like when you download an image someone posted and upload it yourself. This is why you'll see "do not repost" messages and angry posts about reposting. They are not talking about reblogging.
2) Strongly worded negative posts about likes are usually made by artists and other original content creators who are frustrated that their posts aren't being shared. Likes don't "do nothing", that's an overstatement, but they do practically nothing to increase visibility on here. Don't overthink it, just keep in mind that artists in particular thrive on visibility and you're not contributing to that when you like without reblogging. Support your favourite artists!
3) Yeah, we threaten to make each other's posts go viral on here. That doesn't mean reblogs aren't still appreciated like 99% of the time (again excepting personal ramblings), it's just that once a certain threshold has been reached, chaos tends to ensue. We have the option to turn off reblogs now if we really don't want to deal with that, so just hit that reblog button and don't worry about it.
Basically, I promise you the OP of a 37-note joke will most likely appreciate every reblog and every like.
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jescasparkles · 2 years
2022.. well its been a while
im writing this for me but i dont care who sees it
Tumblr media
looking back on the memories, the deep thoughts and broken quotes i posted a decade ago, brings back so much
i started this in July 2010, before life got really hard, the only thing that really sucked at this point was me and Josh didnt really know wtf we were up to in an on and off again relationship and Dion wasnt talking to me because i was a threat to his gf at the time *insert dramatic eye roll here* 
man alot has happened and i sit here today feeling broken like its been too much and i want to cry alot, hoping that the new antidepressants start doing a better job soon...
so here goes
3rd of October 2010.. the thing that started it off was my mum dying from a brain aneurysm, this really put the cracks in our lives.. all of us
2011.. January Dion reached out and i didnt really know how to react, i wish i knew then what i know now and wish i could have helped him stay but...ill mention that soon.
my 21st came in May & the following week after years of pushing him away me and Ian started "dating"..
come august my friend Jono commited suicide, i was working when i got the news and it shocked me because his 21st was 2 weeks away and now he was dead
september broke me, Dion commited suicide, and my world came crashing down, now i know that we were never going to be anything more than friends, but leaving broke my heart, i still struggle to get my head around the fact that someone i loved with my whole soul no longer lived in a body, 4 hours away from me. he was gone and i never got to say good bye..
and a year had passed for mum
we went to RnV for new years that was fun minus the food poisoning 
Happy New Year welcome in 2012
Things seemed ok for the most part, i struggled with work and the loss i had endured.... next enter the antidepressants please...
Ash & Andrea Get Married
i then had female inside problems which made me stop taking them and my pill, i joked about wanting to quit and could we just have a baby so i didnt have to work..
well enter November 2012.. those 2 lines popped up and i was indeed pregnant .. Ian was being made redundant and that made things tough but we got there..
another year for mum & D
and another new years in Gisborne at RnV, this time very sober being 12 weeks pregnant
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Welcome 2013
we then all went on a mission to Hastings for a day at splash planet with my cousins - epic day
we had a boy Ryland in july of 2013
again 2013 , wasnt a big deal alot of 1sts for us as a new family
another year for mum & D
new years was at Onemana spent with Marshall family
HAPPY NEW YEAR  - Welcome 2014
Rylands first birthday, Dads 50th & Stephens 21st were a few reasons to celebrate
we also brought out 1st home together
& found out we were expecting another wee human in May 2015
another year for mum & D
New Years at home this time <3
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Welcome 2015
2015 saw the birth of our wee girl Amitee
again alot of learning as new parents of 2
Happy 2nd Birthday Ry
not alot happened that was life changing
another year for mum & D
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Welcome 2016
my memory blurs alot of things that arent really relevent but im trying to remember the years
Happy 1st Birthday Ammy
YAY we are engaged!
Happy 3rd Birthday Ry
another year for mum & D
New years at Onemana
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Welcome 2017
Happy 2nd Birthday Ammy
Happy 4th Birthday Ry
Ian & I Married on the 1st October - 7 years to the day from when mum asked him when he was going to marry me <3
another year for mum & D
Started having New Years at Home with our friends 
HAPPY NEW YEAR - welcome 2018
again not alot happened... 
Ryan & Emma Get Married
Happy 3rd Birthday Ammy
Happy 5th Birthday Ry
our wee boy started school ! how crazy to think 5 years had passed since we became parents!
Liss found out she was pregnant at the end of the year which was exciting
another year for mum & D
New Years at Home
HAPPY NEW YEAR - Welcome 2019
went to Tirohanga for Keren & kendals wedding 
WELL whoopsie we found out we were expecting baby #3!
poor liss lost her baby and that was such a shock for our girl
Happy 4th Birthday Ammy
Happy 6th Birthday Ry
& Aunty Leonie found out she had Liver Cancer
another year for mum & D
OCTOBER.  2019 - Welcome to our crazy world Effie
December 2019.. the start of the covid 19 pandemic...
HAPPY NEW YEAR .. Welcome 2020
Tirohanga again this year - this becomes out yearly camping trip before the kids are back at school
APRIL 2020 we went into lock down for like 6 weeks, we had to wear masks we could only go out for groceries , people around the world were dying 
MAY 2020 - My aunty Claire passes away from her brain tumor, this was bloody hard, no funeral due to lock downs
 Happy 5th birthday Ammy - you'll have to wait a few weeks to start school 
one out of daycare and one in Effie 
Happy 7th Birthday Ryland
the year was very hard lock downs and panic shopping
Grandma Found out she Also had liver cancer
another year for mum & D
Happy 1st Birthday Effie
we got to have a family xmas with aunty lisa being here which was sad and special
Happy New Year - Welcome 2021
Fuck me, here comes more shit - Hello More antidepressants
Uncle Bob found out he had Pancreatic Cancer - hes ok and in remission they caught it early 
Leonie Passed away start of Jan and then 2 weeks later so did grandma 
we managed through for a little bit , then Shit hit the fan and Uncle doug found out he had secondary liver cancer,... primarily in his pancreas.. he was given 7 months
we took the kids on their first trip to Gisborne, caught up with Emma & ryan before they left to Cambodia for a year, leaving Gisborne was hard this time.. thinking we would maybe never be back never see dougs family home that was a home to all of us...
another year for mum & D
Happy New Year - Welcome 2022
well here we are almost up to date 
Another fun camping trip in tirohanga for Auckland anniversary
Then a 10 day family holiday to Christchurch with the kids for James 21st
In March Uncle Doug came to Matamata and spent 3 weeks with Dad, They went on a fishing trip together & had an amazing time
April dad and ian made and office for me for all my buisness stuff, easter weekend he cut his fingers opene with a skill saw and had to have surgery
hes still going through rehab on his hand and here comes may
aunty claires anniversary we found out dougs chemo was no longer working, the boys rangled to get home , stu coming from aussie and ryan and emma from cambodia..
they were all home by the 8th may
my mental health has been pretty bad now, and im not on new antidepressants 
on the evening on Ammys 7th birthday, May 13th at 6:45pm uncle doug left this world to be with the rest of our loved ones..
and to say we are broken once more is an understatement
heading back to gizzy, to realise that we are now the adults its just Dad and Aunty Lizzy left
being there and leaving makes me want to cry .. its brought up so many memories i had of visiting their house, i even had my first kiss in their damn house.. & the first time i met Dion haha ill never forget my 14 year old self trying to act cool when this beautiful tall 16 year old friend of ashleys walked in, that i hadnt yet met.. and then when they left grilling ash for the details and him telling Dion i thought he was hot haha ..but so then all my memories with him flooded in, the times id come to gizzy and text him i was there, he would pick me up and hang, the first time i kissed him, just i had alot of love for him & even though im married and have a different life that i love with my whole life, my heart still aches for his Loss, and now losing Doug & the house being up for sale, the goodbyes, its bloody hard now , 31 year old me is sad and i know its ok to be sad, and i have some bloody good friends, but i think i just want to sit and cry it all out, cry till i cant cry anymore. but its tough - when your a mum and you have to deal with day to day activities its hard.
next week ill be 32.. please let this be a better year around the sun 
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osetljiv · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2odvuQkrlARSSv6Pvm41GM?si=sjzD66aFTGa5TkMfcIurtQ)
hi i am doing this solely for myself/my own records so please feel free to ignore!!!!!! i wanted to challenge myself by making a top 10 albums list from the last decade - it was rly difficult because my ass truly cannot cut things down and be decisive, but here it is! 
i know many ppl r not into this kinda thing, but i really really love symbolic gestures - i love the idea that a new year (or a new decade!) can wipe ur slate clean, can give u a chance to be hopeful and excited and look forward to things - i hate change and i hate endings but the one good thing to come of them are beginnings! i love new starts, i love freshness, i love blank slates. i know that the end of the year/decade is arbitrary and doesn’t rly mean anything in the long run but....... it is important and super special to me!!!
i’m really not good with words/proper descriptions of the music itself, so i mainly just describe memories/associations i make to the albums, so don’t expect a proper music critic’s review or anything LOL… i am also not ranking by objective quality, but influence - these r the albums that personally made the biggest impact on me since 2010. i started off the decade age 13 and finished it in 2019 at age 23..... so clearly that is a very big difference in stages of life!!! i completed my teenage years, graduated from elementary school, high school & university.... i went thru many different friend groups, many different personality changes...... several big life events occurred…. many many hours were spent listening to music. and now i’m here! 
my only rules were 1. had to be on repeat for a significant amount of time, 2. preferably only one album per artist (to force me to pick between them), and 3. i had to consistently listen to the album as a whole (as opposed to just a few songs out of it)...... some of my fav songs in the world aren’t on these albums bc they were either released before 2010 or i didn’t listen to the rest of the album except for a handful of songs (as is usually the case for me). so the albums on this list are markers in my life, and i could (and did!) listen to them front and back. and ALSO they are not ranked from 1-10...... it was literally difficult enough choosing just 10 and i truly would not survive having to rank them as well. in release date order, here they are!!!!!
 owen pallett - heartland (jan 12th, 2010)
okay i know i just said i wouldn’t rank these but........... well this one is #1 regardless lol!!! the rest are not in any sort of order but this one has to be first (and how lucky that it was released first too!!!) this is the most important/special album to me in the world - it’s the first album released by my favourite musician under his real name, it has some of my most favourite songs of all time on it - it’s probably the first album in my life that i loved and listened to as a whole! when I was younger i never used to have favourite singers or favourite writers or favourite artists - i would have one favourite song/book/painting but never look into the creator’s other work, never had any interest in organizing things that way. but this is the first time i thought - “i adore this song..... and i adore all the other songs this person makes.... so i guess i like this whole album?” not to mention it’s a whole story and world - heartland tells a whole fable and sounds so beautiful doing so. owen was also the first concert i’ve ever been to! he is so beautiful and wonderful and this album is perfect and has my heart and can do no wrong! and as a plus it was released right at the beginning of 2010 so it truly started off the decade and set the pace. i really don’t know what else to say! heartland was a constant throughout the last ten years - i can’t tie it to one specific moment or feeling the way i can with the other albums. this one was really just the background of my whole adolescence, i guess, and i’ll love owen and this album forever!!!! love love love
 gorillaz - plastic beach (march 3, 2010)
i honestly didn’t listen to this album as a whole until the summer after grade 11/before grade 12 when i had to take summer school for math bc i failed (first class i had ever failed :’)!!) and needed the credit for my grade 12 courses (many of which i ended up failing anyway lol) BUT i still had hope at this point so this summer wasn’t that bad..... i remember i had to buy my own bus pass for the summer w my own work money for the first time and walk to the mall bus stop every day all summer to take the city bus downtown to the highschool that used to b a prison (RIP, it got torn down this year) to take summer math from 8-3, 5 days a wk. i loved those classes surprisingly? i remember that summer i dressed so cute every day, i would wear my extra ass dresses and knee high socks and do my hair all cute...... i’d steal my mom’s old lady sweaters w mini skirts and make my own coffee to bring w me and felt so adult..... i didn’t make any friends bc i thought they were all too cool but later learned that the girls in class rly liked me and remembered me the next year when i’d see them at their highschool when visiting for a trivia tournament (don’t judge!!!!) also the first time i got hit on bc a 30 yr old man in my class somehow got my email from the teacher and sent me a creepy email asking me out and i was too scared to go to school the next day lol..... truly feels surreal. but yes i would listen to this album (and demon dayz!) on repeat cuz i found the full albums uploaded to youtube so i remember i would just listen to the entire album all the way thru for the duration of the bus ride while looking out the window and daydreaming bc i couldn’t skip any songs and I couldn’t go on my phone bc the music only plays if u keep the youtube app open…. so it’s hard to listen to the songs individually now because i just picture the transitions every time!
 caribou - swim (april 20, 2010)
this was my summer between grade 8 - grade 9! up until this point i only had a handful of western artists that i listened to (before highschool i listened almost exclusively to Japanese doujin groups that remixed video game music…. do NOT judge!!!) and i felt soooo cool when i started listening to this album/others like it… had odessa downloaded on my zen creative mp3.... so freaking good!! got so embarrassed of my music taste after this LOL cuz my brother saw the album cover on my phone in highschool and asked what hipster shit i was listening to. little did he know.... its GOOD!!!! such a great album to just listen to all the way through. perfect background music for studying/ /walking/smoking/literally doing anything to! i can still listen to it and pinpoint different/new melodies in the back in certain songs. so good!!!
 crystal castles - (II) (april 23, 2010)
so many 2010 albums wow but LISTEN....... i first heard crystal castles in either 2010 or 2011, immediately after i first made a tumblr in grade 9.... this was the era when offensive bloggers and hipster british bloggers were like the only 2 sections of tumblr...... one of the first ppl i followed was this one super popular british blogger, this kid from london who was probs 15 and he had like, a pale grunge aesthetic and rly long bangs that covered his eyes.... i forget his name omg i wish i could see what he was doing now! but ya i loved him i thought he was the coolest thing ever, i went on his blog and he had autoplay and pap smear was the first song that started playing...... i remember being like wtf is this??? first time i heard music like that, with the video game sounds mixed in and the vocals so distorted. i literally was enamoured like i remember thinking i should hate it and wtf r these british freaks listening to but like..... i could NOTTTT STOP and i remember i wouldn’t even bother looking up the song on youtube or anything, when i wanted to listen to the song i would just go to this guy’s tumblr LOOOOOL god!!!! on the outside i was a cutesy girly girl but on the inside i was a pale grunge hipster british tumblr user!
 beach house - bloom (may 15, 2012)
this album is just the sweetest, prettiest memory…. it’s so.. crisp? and clear and pure and loving! beach house was (unsurprisingly) my spotify artist of the decade and i don’t care what rep they get or how similar their music may sound i love them with my entire heart! discovered them from tumblr (as i did most of my fav highschool albums) - first beach house song i ever heard was wild - i remember the first time i started being (SLIGHTLY) less mortified of talking about my music taste to other people, it was maybe in first year? i had gotten into my friend’s car, before we got super close, and she was playing a song off of bloom i think! and i remember my heart just stopped!!!! and i was so absolutely terrified of saying anything, but even moreso excited to see someone whose opinion i cared about who was listening to music that i liked, and so i gathered all my strength and tried to be super casual and say something like “oh, you like beach house, too?” (meanwhile i was literally shaking with nerves…..) and she just so easily said “yeah, i love this song!” and it was the most validating, comforting thing! and a while after that, one of my favourite memories: my other friend got hired at a local café/tea shop, the teeniest little place – it was like 3x4 metres, max – and she would close the store alone, and it was always completely dead, so the group of us would go and sit with her for her entire shift in this sweet warm little store – we’d have tea and coffee and scones – and over the store speakers, she would play whatever we wanted – and for a while i didn’t make suggestions, let everyone else choose, but! i worked my way up to suggesting she play bloom – and she would play the album all the way through, and she surprisingly really liked it?? and then it became the default soundtrack to our tiny hangouts in the tiny café :’)
 toro y moi - anything in return (jan 16, 2013)
WOWWWW truly such a throwback....... this is the first time i felt cool, TRULY cool listening to music LMAOOOO SO EMBARRASSING!!! i remember the day it came out, grade 11 i guess??? but i swear it must have leaked way earlier cuz i remember listening to this way before.... my fav tumblr user at the time (kiki deerhoof LMFAO now THAT is a throwback!!!!) was always posting abt toro y moi and made a mixtape w his music on it and i fell in love..... and i wanted to be cool too! so i would obsessively listen to this album when it dropped. the album drop also overlapped w the moment my grades/effort in school went on a steep decline (not that it caused it ofc but this was like…. the background music to my demise, in a way!) i’ll never forget listening to so many details on my chilly walk past my old elementary school at 6am to get to my bus stop - way too cool for school
 mac demarco - salad days (apr 1, 2014)
how fitting that chamber of reflection is playing in the coffee shop as i type this :’) this album was the soundtrack to my late grade 12/entire grade 13 experience. i was SO thoroughly and unbearably depressed LOOOOL it was really awful… i’m laughing now thinking back at it but honestly the feeling of being left behind by all of your friends and having to come to terms with not meeting ur own expectations of urself… having to repeat a year and being the oldest one in ur classes…… SO AWFUL!!!! really truly idk how i did it! but the whole time, all year, i would listen to this album. i would always play it on my walk to the city bus (in grade 13 i never made the actual school bus and i don’t even know how much money i must have paid taking the city bus every day bc i truly could not get out of bed early enough to take the free school bus but ALAS……) and i swear to you that entire year was grey and foggy and cold and damp… and i would play salad days (the song itself) and my emo ass would associate 100% with mac singing “oh mama, acting like my life’s already over….. oh dear, act your age and try another year,” and i swear he was singing it just for me, trying to slap me out of my stupor by saying “calm down, ur fine, ur life isn’t over, it’s just one year and you’ll be back on track!” and sometimes, SOMETIMES!! it worked!
 azealia banks - broke with expensive taste (nov 7, 2014)
i know i know..... i’m aware how we feel about azealia now....... and i know how overstated it is when ppl say “she may be problematic but she was an artistic GENIUS!!!” so i will not add more to the conversation but....... is this album not pristine? like what a masterpiece????? this album straight up defined my highschool experience even tho it was released at the beginning of grade 12..... all of grade 12/13 i was blasting this album while walking down the hallway hating literally everything! i grew up idolizing my bro and all he listened to (techno/house/etc) and loving it but being too embarrassed of copying him to get too into it, but then hearing azealia sound cute and sexy and scary while interpolating all these house beats. LITERALLY chicken soup for the soul… it felt like she made it just for me!! and even before bwet actually dropped, listening to 212 and all of her other singles waiting for her to finally drop the album she was tweeting about for years, like i don’t remember the last time i anticipated an album for soooo long? and she dropped it days after my 17th bday which really was such a perfect gift. listening to this w my friend who also loved azealia, pretending we were cool as SHIT and so grown up...... beyond influential
 frank ocean - blonde (aug 20, 2016)
ur lying if this album wasn’t a pivotal moment for u......... blonde is the sole reason summer 16 is viewed as a cultural landmark. i SWEAR!!!! i may have spent 8 hours a day on tumblr in 2016 but my ass was NOT cool enough to have been listening to frank ocean prior to blonde..... no i never listened to channel orange before this, yes i know i was behind the times! 2016 was the summer after my 1st year of uni, august i had just finished my summer school course so my summer was just starting (i was re-taking 1st year math bc i failed..... some things never change huh!!!! lied to my dad and told him i was tryna get ahead by taking bio in summer school... he believed me till he caught me in a lie by chatting w my friend he bumped into at walmart LOL.... and yet he never said a word :’) an angel) this was also the summer my dad left for a few months to go travelling across canada, he was gone all summer and my bro was busy working and so was my mom and i had the car all to myself for the first time. went on SOOO many drives this summer blasting this album. not to mention that since my dad wasn’t home the responsibility to drive my mom to work fell on me and wow i LOVED it? i realized i love having little responsibilities and having ppl rely on me in little ways like this..... i loved going to bed at 3am and having my mom gently wake me up at 5:30am, having a coffee with her before leaving in my ratty pajamas to drive her to work, the sun was just rising but it was already sooo hot, that summer i remember i couldn’t even hold the steering wheel cuz it was burning and my car didn’t (still doesn’t!) have AC, i’d drop her off to work up on the mountain and as i drove down the escarpment i would roll down the windows and blast pink + white right as the sun began to peek over the clouds and i would take a pretty sunrise pic every time before driving around for a bit, listening to this album, going home, and going back to sleep till 2pm
 blood orange - negro swan (aug 24, 2018)
i fully expected this list to be mainly albums released earlier in the decade, which makes sense – they would’ve had more time to have an effect on me – but as the final/most recent entry on my list, this album was beautiful enough to be a consistent part of the most recent year-and-a-half of my life!!! it’s also unique in that it’s one of the only albums on this list, i think, where i had already been a big fan of the artist’s previous work and was waiting for the album to drop. not 2 sound like one of THOSE people but i often find myself liking the first albums i heard from an artist/their older music better than newer work they release (not always!!! but often!), not from any kind of elitism or anything but honestly probably just nostalgia fogging my taste? especially for my first listen of a new album – it usually takes some time and a few re-listens before i really enjoy a newer release – BUT! from the moment dev released the album cover (which is so beautiful? one of my fav album covers off the top of my head) and dropped the first 2 singles, ESPECIALLY charcoal baby, i was so so enamoured with the album, right from the start. that whole summer i had it on repeat – early the next year i saw dev play in Toronto, and it was one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to – the lighting and colours and his dancing and demeanour, the other vocalists, plus we were right up at the stage, it was so stunning!!!!! this album has consistently appeared on all of my various spotify playlists, it rly can suit all moods and occasions, i love it very much and it’s the perfect album to round out my past decade in music!
 honourable mentions: SPEED ROUND
yes i’m a CHILD that cannot commit to cutting things down...... but tbh i’m surprised enough that i was able to preen my list into a top 10 anyway. so these r the honourable mentions that i couldn’t live with myself if i didn’t mention in some way!!!! all also very good and important and special to me, in no particular order!
mount kimbie - love what survives: i won’t lie this one hurt to not include on my top 10 :( i’m surprised too.... my friend rly fought for this to be included but i had to listen to my heart!!! however ofc i HAD to include it here at the very least. i was so shocked when it dropped, it was nothing like the rest of mount kimbie’s stuff i had previously heard.... i discovered them randomly when i was studying and spotify did that annoying thing where it plays “artist radio” or whatever so one of their older songs came on shuffle and WOW it was so good! and then i properly listened to them after hearing their songs with king krule... anyway this album is stunning and i am SO sad i didn’t get to see them when they came to toronto but i promise myself (and u!) that i will go the next time they come by!!!! u have my word!
foals - holy fire: this one also hurts a lot to not include :((( a LOT a lot! this one i’m really fond of, my fav foals album and one of the main albums i associate with highschool! so pretty, i’ll never forget hearing holy fire (the song itself) for the first time, so angry and satisfying and GOOD!!!
king krule - 6ft beneath the moon/the ooz: love both these albums soooo so much, i think 6fbtm came closer to almost being in the top 10 but others had it beat juuust slightly - these albums defined the beginning/end of my uni career, respectively, and i’ll cherish them forever! love archie’s ugly ginger ass with my whole heart
james blake - the colour in anything: was such a fan of james and was so excited when this album dropped - it was the start of summer i think? and i would always play it when i went for bike rides to the beach with my dad! such pretty music to drive ur bike to beside the water, all the way down the waterfront until we got to the next city over, riding past all the rich ppl’s mansions and trying to sneak a glance into their windows as we rode by
beyonce - self-titled: obviously the day this dropped - w no promo whatsoever - was a critical moment in music history!! we played this obsessively in high school, blasted this album the entire Europe trip in grade 12 and it just reminds me of travelling and planes and France…. so sexy!
solange - a seat at the table: rly truly a gorgeous album!! we played this in the car when my friends and i trekked to Toronto early one fall morning right after it dropped, we skipped school to go to some event at a café, and we had to wake up DUMB early, like 4:30AM, and i went to go pick them up and we were all way too tired to talk to eachother and stressed cuz we absolutely COULDN’T miss the train so i played this album the whole drive there while the sun was rising and it was so calming and pretty and special
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I am turning 18 in a week, and am looking to buy a car. I love the scion tc, but they are new cars (they came out in 20050 so i dont know if it is affordable for me. Ive never been in a car accident so my insurance is at its normal level right now, but how much will the insurance be?""
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
Long term car insurance abroad?
I need to leave UK for 3-4 months and I need car insurance for my car. Currently I have Elephant insurance but they only offer 30 consecutive days for driving abroad but I need longer than that. Is there other company which can insure for longer than 90 days? Or what do you usually do? Can I insure car with local insurance companies if I have UK registration? Thank you
""How much would Workers Comp, Liability, and auto insurance be for my small business?""
Hello, i am in the process of starting a new business and i wanted to know how much it would cost per month to have auto insurance (for one old truck to transport employees to mow lawns, only driving within one city). Workers comp, and liability. We will make about 80,000 a year total just two or three guys (im one of them) working.""
I have a question about car insurance?
I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it?
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
What makes car insurance cheaper for young drivers?
I know it's to do with the car. Sometimes engine size and security features and the year it was made. So what other thing and what cars fit into cheap insurance
Can you have be under two car insurance companies at once?
My dad is considering in buying another car(ideally for me to use) but to avoid the high cost, he wants to be listed as primary driver to both. It seems that usually when youre under one company, I will most likely be forced to be primary on one of the vehicles. So would it be possible to be under two different car insurance companies so that my dad can be primary for both or would this be considered a type of fraud or something illegal?""
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
Rough Insurance Quotes (Guesses welcome)?
I am first in line for several used cars I'm considering. The only thing I'm worried about are insurance rates. I'm only 19 and I've had my license for less than 6 months. I will be signed on with my parents, and they are with Geico. The three cars I'm considering are a 2000 Ford Mustang, a 2004 Honda Civic and a 2001 Kia Rio. How much would you guess it would cost me a month/year to insure?""
How much would i save on insurance by taking the motorcycle safety course?
and is their other beneifits to taking the safety course like, getting a discount at the dealer place or something""
Can an employer charge women employees more for health insurance than men employees in a group plan?
I was offered a job and I asked to review the companies health insurance information prior to accepting the job. I found out that for their group insurance it's broken down by age and gender. A man my age's employee contribution monthly would be $140 cheaper per month than mine just based on gender and not taking any lifestyle choices into consideration. Everything about this screams lawsuit to me but I've found some differing information on this. With the Affordable Care Act Gender rating is not allowed in the individual market but it does nothing to ban this practice in the group setting from what I've found. Thoughts? Ideas? I've turned down employment with this company based on my personal beliefs.
Car insurance for 16 year olds...?
How much difference would the insurance be for a 16year old if the car make was either a comaro with a v6 or something else with a v6, like a nissan or mazda. Does the make of the car make a difference? I have good student and a bunch of other thngs that make discounts but was wondering if there is a big difference between just the make of the car. Im looking at buying the 2010 comaro if the insurance doesnt change tht much...... any info is great! :) thanks!""
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
What is the average of insurance cost for a 19 year old?
I've been looking around online to research costs and from what I've seen it averages around $150. $200 at the worst. But my mom tells me I have to pay $440 dollars? Like wtf. Even four of my friends, who are still 18, pay around $170 or so. Is she just bullshitting me? I have never incited any tickets and drove safely when I was 18 and still now at 19. I'm not sure what to say to my mom. I told her about how others are paying wayyyyyyy less. I'm thinking the insurance is just cheating my mom or something. Anyone have any idea what I should do? I remember my mom asking me to give her my transcript to show I have a GPA above 3.0 to lower costs. And now she tells oh it's $440 .. I don't know what's going on. I'm not very well spoken in my native language so there's some issues talking about this.""
What is the diffrence between the full tort and limited tort auto insurance?
i have just moved to nj from england and im trying to get insurance on my range rover i have just bought here but your insurance is totally diffrent to ours what is full tort and limited tort (etc) on progressive i can get my range rover insured for $200 a month but then it says recommended $450 and plus package $570 we dont have these diffrent packages i have no idea what bodily injury is and it goes on about all these thousends of dollars on property damage and lawsuits and uninsured its all so confusing can someone please help and break it all down im only 20 but im 21 tomorrow i moved here in april this year so i dunno if it will be cheaper when im 21 tomorrow i know it drops in england when your 21 but im not sure about here any advice would be appreciated thanks p.s love the country :)
What is the best way save on Auto Insurance?
I am trying to find a way to save on auto insurance, me and my brother both have vehicles- only difference is im required to carry an SR-22 and have citations-No DUI, moving violations-nothing in the past 1-1/2 years, and he has an excellent driving record. I feel bad because I know our insurance is higher because of me, most places tell me its cheaper to have a policy together- Any recommendations? Another thing I notice is that if im the primary-Insurance is definitely higher, however when my brother is primary its a little lower, some agents tell me I have to be primary?""
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts ..
How much would auto insurance cost?
I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you!
How much does it cost to visit ER without health insurance ?
Just wondering since I visited a hospital's ER couple weeks ago . Have not received any bills yet , I'm 26 yrs old , have a health insurance from blue shield california but the plan has almost $2000 copayment that I have to pay before I can take any benefit ... I visited the ER , did a X-ray , talked to a ER physician ... and that's about it . anyone knows how much I might have to pay for the visit ?""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
Insurance cost for new biker?
Hi I would like to ask people in my group of age (24 yrs old) how much would I have to pay for insurance, just passed my CBT and I'm looking for 125cc Cruiser, didn't find anything yet, but I'm trying to calculate the costs. I've checked few insurance sites and made quotes, but still confused.""
Does it matter if spouses use the same insurance company?
My husband and I have health insurance through his job, and now my job is offering to pay for some of my life insurance. We are going to get life insurance from his company, but I just wondered if it was a bad idea to have life insurance through two companies.""
What car insurance do u have and how much do u pay?
my mom and my brother have progressive i think i might be in there too but the bill came over $2,000....we don't even make close to that much a month""
Is it true that ObamaCare forces people to buy health insurance?
If not, risk going to jail and face a fine.""
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
Can I get a life insurance license with a misdemeanor on my record in California?
Misdemeanor is four years old for petty theft.
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
19 yr olds insurance on an audi tt?
I have been driving for a year now and am going to be 19 in august. i have been looking for a new car and have narrowed it down to audi tt or a5 both 1.8t. they are both insurance group 14 or so but i cant get a quote online. would any be able to tell me how much it would roughly cost if i went on my mums insurance with 5 yrs no claims. i dont even mind having a 3rd party theft policy. thank you
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Need affordable heath insurance in NJ?
I'm trying to find a health insurance plan for me and my fiance. I currently do not have health insurance but I am on Birth Control for cyst prevention and it runs 90$ a month. My fiance will be expunged from his parent's plan in October when we are married. I am a nanny and he is a personal trainer and tennis instructor, both jobs do not offer plans since he is not considered fulltime. I went to ehealthinsurance.com for a quote and the lowest is 375 with a steep deductible and limited coverage. We are also both fulltime college students so we are not able to pay much along with our other living expenses. Does anyone know of anyway of getting low cost insurance? I looked into family care etc, but unless I'm pregnant or have children, I wont be covered. I'm at a catch 22....we really want kids but not without being stable first...so either I pay for birth control or health insurance for prenatal and maternity (ha ha ha) I'm getting a bit frustrated here...Will definitely chose a best answer and thanks for reading this :)""
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
Does anyone know a reliable life insurance company that is also inexpensive?
Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For male, 56 years old""
Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?
I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?
""I just got my license, can I drive my mom's car before calling insurance?""
I got my license on Friday and was wondering if I would be able to drive my mom's car tomorrow (Monday)? Our insurance company (Country) won't be open until Tuesday, so I won't be able to update our policy until then. Is this legal? :/ Thanks!""
Insurance company lawsuit?
If i were to sue a persons insurance company, without taking any money out of their pockets, can their insurance company sue me or them to get their money back?""
Do I have to wait for my auto insurance card to arrive in order to drive?
I'm 17 and just got my license. My parents are calling their auto insurance company to put me down. Do I have to wait for the card to arrive in the mail or can I drive after calling?
Health insurance for low income college student?
I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.""
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
How can i lower my car insurance quotes?
hi im 16 and am soon going to be able to drive so i have started to look at what my inurance quotes will be for a newly qualified driver, and there to high at 3000+ for a renault clio with a 1.2 engine. Just wondering how i might be able to lower this figure with some kind of higher qualififed driving licence, if there are any compaies that insurance new drivers for quite low amonts or if i am just going to have to wait until i am older?? thanks""
How much would insurance go up for a newer used car?
I drive a 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. I wanted to know how much more my insurance would go up if I got a 1996 Buick Regal?
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Ahhhh! car insurance?!?
Hello, I am a 18 year old freshmen in college. My College is approximately 20 minutes away. Since I was very very busy with my studies, I was unable to get a car permit / Driver License. Now that I am at spring break, I am planning to take my permit test, and start driving, so I dont have to ask my father to drop me off at chosen locations. Right now, I am earning $11 an hour. I get about $320 every two weeks. Now I have heard from my friends that Since I am 18 years old and my parents will not pay for my insurance, It will cost me about $300 for insurance every month, $100 for gas, and about $500 for required checking for cars. As you know, for a check of $320 every 2 weeks, I will not be able to pay for my car insurance and gas. Now heres the question. What should I do? I mean, I really need a car and I need to think of a good strategy. so that I will be able to pay for my car insurance. If you know any great, cheap insurance deals for someone my age, that'll be fantastic. Thank you.""
Can someone help me? I got a citation for no insurance?
My brother has a cheap cash car and I just moved in with him. Well apparently since its so cheap, he decided not to get insurance on it, but I have to drive it to work. A cop hiding out saw me do a illegal u-turn, and i quote that because I didn't see any sign saying no u-turn. Anyways, he pulled me over and asked for proof of insurance and I had none, so he gave me this citation and i have some mandatory meeting to go to court? I never been pulled over or issues a citation, and i'm so pissed at my brother for not having insurance! Now i'm going to go personally buy me some when I get home, but I never done this before, is there a way I can get out of this? I would be considered a first time offender, and he told me I had a good driving record, and said something about making a deal with me, by going to the court but I don't remember because i'm so stressed out right now. Then I read something online about a conviction if and something about a surcharge annual for 3 years? WTF is that all about?""
Question about car insurance?
I called up my car insurers the otger day to change my circumstances (Recently become unemployed) and they proceeded to tell me that car insurance is more expensive if you don't have a job, why is this and how in gods name is that fair, surely if anything car insurance should be cheaper for those who struggle to pay bills as it is, instead of increasingthe bloody premium, I was lucky enough to have the charge waved however how the hell are people on benifits expected to afford to run there cars? Lol really they are just making it harder to find work due to only being able to find jobs locally, is it just me or does this sound unfair?""
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Question about Liability Insurance.?
My mother has insurance on a car I drive, but do to a horrible driving record State Farm - her car insurance company - won't carry me, and when they will again it won't be cheap. I recently found some cheap liability insurance but I was curious - the insurance companies won't give me a straight answer - does my mom have to switch all the insurance for the car, or can I have insurance just for when I drive. If so should I get PIP - personal injury protection instead of liability? Pretty much can there be 2 forms of insurance from 2 seperate companies on one car? Full Coverage for the car and my mom, and Liability for me?""
Can your auto insurance company raise your rate without notifying you?
hello, I just started a auto insurance policy with Infinity insurance. the agreed monthly payment was $403 and that is what my first bill was. this month I noticed that they billed my checking account $563. I did call them and they said the price went up because they made an error with the policy. so what I want to know is it legal for a car insurance company to raise your rate and bill and charge your account without letting you know before hand? also what can I legally do? it really does not seem legal...if I would have been notified I most certainly would have canceled my policy. thanks""
Car insurance for occasional use?
My question is this... I want to get a motorbike so that I use my car less often (a bike is cheaper to run). Are there any companies (in England, UK) who offer car insurance for occasional use only ('pay-per-use' style??)? I would like to commute to work each day on my motorbike and only use the car once a fortnight. This would be good for my pocket (what with the credit crunch effecting our lives) and also good for the environment (less fuel used). Ideally, I would only use a motorbike, but really do have to keep the 4 wheeled alternative as I have my 2 daughters once a fortnight. Could anyone please help me answer this question. It would be very much appreciated!! Any other suggestions you could offer would also be appreciated! Thank you!""
Does where you buy the car affects its insurance?
so im thinking about buying my first car, i know that the kind of car i buy will affect my insurance, but what if i buy the same car (lets say a porsche 911 turbo) in an auction or on craigslist (which would be significantly cheaper). would i have to pay the same price for my insurance or ould it be cheaper ...""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
How can i find active life insurance policies?
life insurance policies on the deciseds joe g. ward
What insurances are affordable when persuing Gastric bypass surgery?
I am at the beginning of my journey to have gastric bypass. I am having trouble finding a insurance that is affordable and will cover the surgery, any and all suggestions are welcome. I also welcome any advice people can give as this is something that i have researched for 4 years.""
""If you have Mercury Insurance in the state of Florida, how much will the insurance cost for new 2014 Kia Forte?""
It's the base car no extra things in, just the LX""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Can someone who knows the facts please explain?
I am 19 I drive an old 1997 Nissan I've only been in one wreck but that was over 3 years ago. I've been driving since I was 16. My mom is now making me pay my own insurance, and she said it would be around $600. This is insane to me. I don't understand why insurance is so expensive especially if you have been a safe driver for years. I feel like you are just throwing away money for nothing. Could someone explain why car insurance is so expensive and why do you think mine is so high?""
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Have insurance but no maternity insurance?
We signed up for health insurance almost two years ago and was told that I would have maternity insurance after a 24 month waiting period so my husband and I were planning on trying for a baby in a few months, when I called today to check I was told that I do not have that coverage, that I would have to reapply for a different plan and then would have maternity coverage after another 24 month waiting period! I'm not sure what to do, we've already waited two years, I'm upset to learn that I'd have to wait ANOTHER two years. What do I do? (I live in Missouri)""
How do you transfer a title to a car without getting insurance on it right away?
I just bought this old muscle car. The thing is, it's winter now. I won't be driving this car until spring through fall. I just want to know if there is any way to get the title transfered, without getting insurance on it right away. I know insurance is going to be a factor in transferring this title. I have insurance, just I don't need it on the car right now, I just want to get it home. Any help is appreciated. Thanks""
""Ex has name on log book for car but i own it, it was put in their name for cheaper insurance, but now i want ?
The car back can I just take it
Will this affect my insurance cost?
I'm 22 and just received my 1st ticket today in 6 years of driving. I made an illegal turn, I turned left instead of the traditional right. I've never had a ticket before and especially one for such a minor infraction of the law. Will this affect my insurance rate?""
New Car Insurance?
I just bought a new car. I put down $7,000 and am paying $197/month for five years. I purchased car insurance, and the monthly premium is $358. Is this too much? I'm 18 years old, and I live in Colorado. I know it's going to be high because I'm a teenager and it's a new car, but does this seem like it is too high?""
I just got an expired registration and no insurance ticket.?
I just found out my registration expired back in Oct of 2008. I don't pay insurance because it is a scam, they don't help you when you need it, and they hike your rates when you claim something even though that is what you pay them for in the 1st place. But I had 2 stickers on my car. One that said November 11. and one that said October 08. So I thought that the newest sticker meant that is when the experation was. But the officer said November is the 11th. I am like yes, but why would they write the number down when you can read it right there? That means 2011. On top of this, I never got a notice from my dmv. so now I have to go to court over this miss undestanding and I can't help but feel I just got cheated by the police and the DMV because they failed to properly lable their sticker and failed to give me a notice. I checked my tags just a month ago in fact which is why I knew it expired in 2011 but the officer just refuses to see it as a miss understanding. Is there a legal service I can go through to get this ticket written off as a zero considering the fact I pretty much just got screwed due to the way the laws don't actually protect the innocent?""
What is full auto coverage in California?
I have a new 2010 Smart Fortwo that I am financing. What is considered full coverage in the state of California? In other words, what are the main components of the insurance that I need, and what can I do without? Please help, I need an answer quick...""
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(""
How much does car insurance? Please Read!?
OK does anyone know how much does state farm cost? because I would really like to know thank you.
""Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?""
I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.""
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
""On average, how much would car insurance be for a 17 year old driver with a clean record?""
I have AAA right now, and I was wondering if there was anything out there that is just as good but cheaper.""
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
Insurance wise is a 89 firebird a sports car?
Does geico consider a 89 firebird a sports car?
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
What is the best and most affordable whole life insurance i can get for my mother who is 77?
what's the best and most affordable whole life policy i can get for my mother who is 77 and has numerous health concerns?
To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?
Argument with a coworker
What is the estimated insurance for this car?
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage.""
I need health insurance.how do i get it?
i live in albuquerque and i work part time so i dont have insurance.my tooth is starting to bother me and i think i really need to go to the dentist but i dont have insurance.how do i get one? please help :(
About how much would this increase your car insurance yearly in NJ?
In this case, it does not matter what type of car insurance you have or how much you make. Let's say you're a middle class family with 2 parents and one 17 year old son who drives on a provisional license. He just gained 8 points on his license. About how much will this increase your car insurance per year? And what are ways to lower it (if any)? Please answer thoroughly, and even add tips. Answers will definitely be appreciated.""
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
What health insurance plan should I buy?
Hi I'm currently looking for a health insurance. I live in southern California. I'm a 27 year old female, 30 lbs overweight, no known medical condition, looking for something to cover mainly major or serious medical problems. Dont know whats better Kaiser Permanente or Blue Shield Blue Cross? Should I look for a high deductible plan or a copayment plan, PPO or HMO? Really confused!!!!!!""
Nationwide car insurance....?
So yea it was a snowy day in mississippi..... something that don't usually happen... I slided on ice and hit the guard rail... it was only 1 or maybe 2 bump... the car wasn't messed up that bad.... I mean there was a dent from the inital bump but what do you expect? The officer said when I asked them could they fix it he said probably... its not really bad at all.... and that the same thing I said... so I find out days later after they inspected it, they was gonna jump it and not fix it... so my question is why do we pay all these hundreds of dollars every month that when it comes to the company to their job, they don't do it? I think I was paying 240 every month for my 98 ford explorer... also do they suppose to pay me for the value of my car since they not fixing it? The reality of it that if I known this would have happen could I just save that money I was paying them these years and put the money in my pocket so when I crash I could take that money and buy me my own car instead of being carless when I was giving the money to the insurance company? I mean wuts the point of even paying them honestly?""
Cost to insure 2000 bmw 318?
Im 18 and currently live in Iowa. Im looking into buying a used BMW but dont want to pay an insane amount for insurance. I was just wondering what I would pay for a 2000 BMW 318. Sedan v6. Estimated price? Compared to my 2001 4cyl Honda accord sedan? Thanks
Will my insurance go up when someone hits me?
I was driving on the highway, suddenly traffic slows down and we were driving at regular speed (65). i check my side mirror's, and the next thing i know my brand new car has no bumper. some idiot did not pay attention and he hit me. total repair is $1538. now, will his insurance call my insurance and let them know about it? will my insurance rates rise even though its not my fault?""
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
How much will my Insurance be for a 1970 SS Chevelle 427?
I want this as a 2nd car, i got my eyes set on one for about 18k...I don't think im gonna like the answer :(. theirs a few factors im scared of insurance 1st. Im 17 in california! 2nd. Im 17 in california....with an Accident on record. 3rd. Im 17 in california...with a pending speeding ticket (ima beat it tho :) 4th. IM 17 IN CALIFORNIA!""
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2008 Honda Accord then a 2005 Honda Pilot?
I'm considering trading my 2005 Honda pilot for a 2008 Honda Accord do you think my insurance would go up or down?
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
""Hi , i had an accident and wrote my car off, i thought id cancel insurance but insurance company say ?""
that i cant because its a credit agreement , i thought that cant be right im now paying insurance for a car that i don't have , help""
How much is quad/ATV insurance for a 17 year old?
Coming up to 17 now and I live in the hills of Barnsley near the Pennines and I am thinking of getting a quad for weather reasons and for a bit of fun, I would like a 200cc to a 500cc quad just wondering how much it would cost, thanks!""
Car Rental Insurance?
What happens if you rent a car and decline any coverage? I was told that if you were involed in an accident you would have to make a claim with your own insurance company. What if you don't own a car and thus don't have an insurance company? Are there limits to the amount of responsibility of the renter? I mean if the car is totaled does the renter really have to replace the entire cost of the car out of his pocket as well as damage to the other car and injury to it's occupants? I know i'm not alone in declining insurance. But if I got into an accident I always assumed I would just be responsible for a deductable and not the total amout of damage to the cars and injuries. Serious answers only. I really don't need to hear yes, you need insurance or you're screwed That tells me nothing.""
Will this lower my insurance?
Im looking at cars to buy for my first car and I was wondering what the insurance cost would be like for a 16 almost 17 year old female for a 1979's 1980's camaro I also maintain a high gpa and get a discount for it aswell and live in las vegas.
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
Tip cheap car insurance companies in atlanta ga
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