#man i am just. having so many awkward supervisor moments today huh
sorrellegiance · 1 year
my supervisor wanted to give me some trail mix and he REALLY wanted me to get an m&m and ended up shaking a LOT of raisins into my hand and One Peanut M&m...
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your-rose-highness · 4 years
Tell Me What Is Love (ch-5)
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The breakfast was rather awkward. Hye Hee’s post- drunk brain was failing to comprehend the situation and Baekhyun only made small talk with Jane, very interested in her family whereabouts and her struggles of the past. Hye Hee scanned him the entire time, reading his every move. Baekhyun caught her eye a couple of times while he spoke to Jane, only to quickly look away, which made it look even more suspicious. 
“What was Baekhyun doing in my dingy apartment so early on a Monday morning?” she thought to herself.
The three of them did the dishes and chilled in the living area before Jane left to go for the shift. Baekhyun and hye hee stayed silent for a long time before Baekhyun asked, “why have you been drinking so much?”
“I’m a grown woman. I can drink when I want to.`` she sternly replied.
“That's not what I meant. And you know that.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I can’t come to visit..?”
Hye Hee sat quietly. Baekhyun began twitching beside her when she looked over at him.
“The sofa is uncomfortable….”, he whimpered.
“I’m sorry it doesn’t suit your royal ass.”
“Why did you drink?”
“... I can't switch things because you don't like them…”
“Hye Hee, stop avoiding the question... Why did you..?”
“... plus why are you here anyway? Go run back to Taeyeon.”
“Excuse me? You were the one who suggested that I pretend harder..`` Baekhyun said, his voice rising.
“Pretend? When the hell…?”
“You know what, I'm leaving. You don't need me.”
“Yeah, run away Baek. That's what you did in the past. Do it again!”
“What did you say?”, Baekhyun looked at her furiously.
Hye Hee left the kitchen and walked to her bedroom, avoiding any confrontation. But Baekhyun wasn't having it.
“I left? Me? You never even tried to come back. That's how much I meant to you huh?”
“Yeah, you’re right!!! You never meant anything.i was happy to have gotten rid of you... Baekhyun this is my room, get out.”
She exhaled slowly and began pushing him. Baekhyun didn't budge.
“I’m not leaving. Your place is my place.”
“Why are you doing this?!!” she exploded, even though Baekhyun was smiling.
It was like they were back in school again. He reached out for her hand, his eyes full of concern when he knew his best friend was hiding something really bad, “What’s wrong? Will you tell me now that you’re done yelling?”
Baekhyun was taller than her now, something she still wasn't used to yet. Her shoulders relaxed and she fought the urge to hug him. He was there for her, but he was someone else’s. The thought only made her want to cry but she tried with all her might not to.
“I miss you…”, she barely managed to say, her voice cracking.
Within an instant, his arms wrapped around her, his palm supporting her head, as he rested it against his chest.
“ I do too. Why do you think I'm here? You may be strong enough to avoid seeing me, but you know I'm not.”
He made her tea later, while both chatted about a job possibility in his company.
“Won't that be troublesome?”, She questioned.
“No… not really…” he trailed off, “at least better than someone we don't know. Teacher Sooman is more scared of sasaengs in the disguise of staff than anything else.”
“That's a good point.”
“Anyways, you have my recommendation. So there's a big chance you'll grab the job plus, your resume is a bonus.”, He stated, proud.
“It’s almost past 9 pm, don't you have to go home?”
“Well, I should… but Taeyeon and Sarang both are not home. So …. I'm free for dinner with you…”
“I didn't say I wanted to have dinner with you though,'' Hye hee responded cheekily.
Hye hee offered to make dinner this time, with Baekhyun as her assistant. They were discussing the amount of milk to add in their pasta sauce when he received a call. His expressions gave grim instantly, and he walked out to the balcony. Hye hee didn't want to trespass but she found herself a little too alert, trying to catch some words.
“..... really?... okay… yeah, you know… with the guys…. Don't wait up. Hmm.. okay.”
Hye hee wondered who it was on the other side. Taeyeon maybe? Baekhyun hung up and leaned against the wall for a few minutes before he left a deep sigh. 
Hye Hee quickly made her way back to the kitchen and innocently asked, “Who was that?”
“Oh? I thought you said she was not gonna be back till a few days?”
“Yeah, she decided to come back sooner I suppose. Anyway, let's have dinner and I’ll have to leave..”
“Yeah, sure.”
His one sentence had summarised their position in each other's lives. No matter how much they wished to spend time with each other, no matter how much they meant, Baekhyun was somebody's husband and his priority was never going to be Hye Hee. 
They quietly finished dinner and Baekhyun offered to wash the dishes with her, but by this point, Hye Hee didn't want to keep him away from his real family any longer.
After a few days, while Hye hee was shopping for some groceries, Baekhyun called her.
“Hello?”, She took his call, while also trying to put the pack of perilla leaves in her cart.
“Hye hee, do you have time tomorrow?”, his voice sounded urgent.
“Umm. For what??”
“The opening for staff at SM I told you about? I heard a few staff members discuss that it was the last day. What say? You want me to put you in?”
Hye Hee had a hard time saying yes, but a girl's gotta eat right?
“Yeah, okay. Fine. I'll come tomorrow for the interview.”
“Great! Alright, I'll text you the time okay? Okay, gotta go now, bye babe.” He hung up, excited like a puppy.
A faint smile played on Hye Hee's lips. 
"What?!", Jane exclaimed over the phone, making Hye Hee move her phone away from her ear. She had called her on the way to her interview the next day.
Reposing herself, Hye Hee continued, "So as I was saying, I have no confirmation about the job! can you calm down?"
"No! No! Okay, do this, once you get in, can you get a spot for me too?"
"Okay, we're going in circles! Look, I'll call you after my interview, my stop is here."
Hye Hee got off in a hurry, only 10 minutes before her expected time. 
She found the SM building with ease, no one could miss the tall building with a swarm of fans standing out in the hope of seeing their favorite celebrities. Hye Hee was guided to the staff entrance, on showing her interview mail on her phone.
The office was a beauty. The interiors were largely based on pastel shades and the minimal decoration gave it a very chic appearance. 
I could be working here... It's so pretty...
Snapping out of her daydream, a staff scurried over to her, leading her to the exceptionally large waiting area. She and 20 others sat nervously, waiting their turn through the huge glass doors.
After which seemed like an eternity, Hye Hee was finally called in. Taking a deep breath in, she opened the door to an exceptionally large room. Her legs wobbled a little as she took small but decent steps towards the large desk that had some of their artists and also Baekhyun’s manager. Just like her, he seemed taken aback by her presence but quickly reposed himself. Hye hee took the seat in front of the panel after she greeted them all.
She quickly recognized the handsome Yunho at the left of the table and couldn't help being starstruck by his beauty. 
“So, Song Hye Hee…”, boomed one of the member’s voices and also snapped her back to reality.
“You’ve quite an impressive resume and also an experience. I hope you know that the current job openings do not call for such expertise. Though we could use you for the international language department occasionally…”, he said, glancing at the other stern panelists with doubt.
“Oh yes, I know that the job doesn't entail or call for my previous work experience. I was looking to enhance my resume when I applied for this job..”
“Have you had any managerial responsibilities at the last post?”, suddenly enquired Yunho, looking straight into her eyes that could make even the non-guilty shiver.
Swinging between forming her sentences to answer and not being able to directly meet eyes with Yunho, “ Yes, I was head of the entertainment reporters team for a year…”
“Well… that’s not the kind of skills we’re looking for…”, mumbled the man on the far left, shuffling through the papers in front of him.
“Yes, sir. I have never said that I can't learn the work. My reporting job wasn't exactly my forte. But I learned the skills required for the job quickly after my supervisor helped me. I am more than sure that the responsibilities you bestow upon me will be dealt with to the end and with the utmost professionalism.” hye hee insisted. 
Hye hee’s demeanor vibrated through the room as the panelists thought over what she said. It was rare even for them to have an interviewee be that direct and to the point. The employees at the company were especially strict with their new recruitments due to past such incidents when they had toxic fans pose as recruits.
Yunho seemed to be quietly talking to Baekhyun’s manager, occasionally glancing at her direction. Hye Hee couldn't be sure if it was accidental with the questions being showered on her from either end. 
Boarding the bus closest to the company after filling a few more details, she headed to meet Jane for lunch at the closest ramen restaurant. Once again, thoughts clouded her mind and she found herself weighing the consequences if somehow they dug out her history with Baekhyun. Soon her phone lit up from a number she didn't recognize. She quickly dived to pick it up, expecting the company.
“Song Hye Hee-ssi?”
“Yes, this is she.”
“I’m Jung Mu, Baekhyun’s manager. I was wondering if we could meet later today? I have some things to discuss with you.”
Hye Hee’s heart raced from the moment she heard him say his name. Baekhyun had mentioned his manager hyung's a million times before and continues to do so. Jung Mu had been a very quiet encouragement for him since the day he was assigned to manage EXO. he had helped him from many sticky situations and quite so even when he was out on dates with her. 
“Umm sure. There’s this tiny cafe on the 17th..”, she told him but was only cut short.
“Yes, I’m aware of it.”, Jung Mu quickly responded. “I’ve dropped him close to the cafe a million times.”
Hye hee an irritation in his voice that was hard to brush off. 
It reminded her of the rare occasions when baekhyun would get mad at her for nothing in particular. The sour memories clouded her, cueing the tears instantly. As she hung up, she contemplated if her working at SM would be the right choice after all. She was denying to herself that this step was taken to stay close to baekhyun and be able to see him every day, lying to herself that it was a big field break into the entertainment agency. 
But, the truth was, this would only further the distance more. Materialize it. The celebrity, married to an equally popular singer, and she, a struggling writer. Nothing but a layman. 
She hurried over to Minseok’s cafe soon, informing him about everything that had happened. He, being the good friend that he was, agreed in no time, however, did think that working at SM could cause trouble. Not just for her, but baekhyun as well.
“Why do I need to close the cafe for a staff?”
“Fans stalk the manager too, Oppa. I’m sorry. But this is the only safe space I know of.”
He let out a sigh and shook his head in disbelief. He soon handed her the pomegranate tea, her favorite for times when stressed. Minseok was usually very mindful of the people around him. The kind gesture made hye hee smile, he smiled at her and softly tapping her shoulder giving her courage to face what lay ahead.
She watched him walk into the low lit cafe soon, accompanied by someone she hadn't anticipated. The two dark figures approached her as they spotted the only person seated. 
“Song Hye Hee?”, asked Jung Mu extending his hand towards her. But Hye Hee’s eyes only followed the other tall man behind him. 
 She couldn't think of him as an old friend at that moment. His expression was too grave to be addressed as the man who would smile so gently at her whenever they met.
When hye hee didn't respond at his words, Jung Mu just drew the chair opposite to her. Suho slid into the chair next to him, without meeting eyes with her the whole time. Hye hee silently tried to read into the situation, partially terrified. Minseok appeared minutes later to ask if anyone needed anything. Suho took one glance at him and said, “Lemonade, no sugar.”
“Can we trust him?”, Jung Mu whispered to hye hee after he left, briefly meeting eyes with hye hee, concerned.
“Minseok is a very close trusted friend of mine. You’re safe here.”
Minseok quickly hurried over with the drinks and left them to talk alone, shutting the small staff door. The room where she had met Baekhyun after all those years.
Sipping from his drink, after which his face scrunched in sourness, he quickly reposed himself.
“Hye Hee why were you at the agency today?”, his clear voice boomed in quiet space.
“Baekhyun said I could apply…”
He smirked with disbelief as she spoke, turning to face Hye hee, his eyes pierced into hers.
“Are you kidding me, Hye hee? After all, this while, don't you know? If someone ever finds out about the two of you, it won't just destroy him and you. It’ll take all of us down.”
He paused for a minute before whipping out his phone, showing her a twitter update.
Hye Hee picked up the phone bewildered.
“He’s already been spotted.”, Suho hissed. “You are VERY lucky that even though they are suspicious, the angle makes it hard to be sure. Isn't this your apartment, Hye Hee? Baekhyun refuses to handle this maturely, but Hye Hee, you? I expected better out of you. I cannot allow this. I’m sorry. I need you to minimize your contact with Baekhyun, and eventually, fade him out.”
He was right. What was she thinking? She was low key yearning for Baekhyun, expecting miracles where he would abandon his family for her. He wouldn't ever. Everything that he had built over the years was at stake and so was the entire group. 
“Fine.”, she whispered, a voice soft yet unshaken.
“Fine?” wondered Jung mu.
“I will fade away from his life, his memory. But I will need your help.”, said she, with eyes dark and resolute.
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