#man he pisses me off so much i'm angry just by typing this. anyway. yesterday i saw a friend and she kept looking into my eyes
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hsslilly-blog · 2 months ago
people with blue eyes staring at you meme but it's actually everyone to me. man stop looking at me. there literally no need for that. that's why i always side sit
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twobitsswitchblade · 3 years ago
“Pool at bucks” a Dal-pop fan-fiction.
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It was only 11 pm. I was laying on the couch like a sack of potato's groaning and sighing. Darry was in the kitchen fixing lunch up for later and pony was at the kitchen table being forced to study. Me? I've fallen into a state of not caring much, had no motivation.
I'm the type of guy to be out around this time and hang out with some friends but lately I've just been tired, it might be from the lack of sun, seasonal depression sucks..
"Hey Cola, what's with the sappyness?" Pony asked as I groaned. "Nah kiddo, the cloudy days aren't making me as happy." I said lifting my head up facing the kid. "Well...you can go sit infront of a light?" Pony was really worried for me, he had some worried look and pierced lips like he wanted to say more, "I'll be okay pone I promise it'll get better!" I said flopping my head back down, the kid was worried and I felt bad..but I had no idea how to get happy again, if the sun wasn't such a stubborn thing I could've asked it to come out.
I looked over under the tv to see some board games the guys and I usually play when we're bored. I mean there's pony's skates he never uses and could fit me.
I kept looking around for something to do, I started thinking of someone to hang out with. Two-bit is Proably wasted, pony has homework, Darry is to busy and a lump on a log, johnny is already so exhausted, Steve is working over time today when I took the day off.
It was like circles going through my head, fuck I hate being bored. I felt like I was missjng someone though?
"Hey dar, hey pone" Incame a deep voice and heavy boot like foot steps. I sat up a little to try and catch a glimpse of which greaser came over to lump around. Dallas came through the living entrance and plopped beside me with a weed 'n' beer.
"Hey soda," he said sticking the weed between his light pink lips. "Whats up? Buck kick you out again?" The hoodlum looked at me and took the weed from his lips and laughed with smoke coming out. "Nah nah, not this time cola. I just wanted to see my favorite brother trope" he said head locking me and gave me a nuggy. I chuckled and unlocked his arm around me sliding my hair back. He took a sip of the beer and put his weed arm on the back of the couch facing me.
"Why you drooping on the couch? Shouldn't you be at work with Steve?" He said twirling the liquid. "I took the day off, seasonal depression." I said lay my head back closing my eyes and crossing my arms. Dallas seemed worried, but, you never know when he ACTUALLY is he's like a stone statue when it comes to emotion, he grew up thinking showing emotion would label him as being a pussy to society.
He looked around the room and looked down the hallway to make sure Darry wasn't near and he came close to my ear so I could feel his smoky hot breath sending chills down my arms and legs. I opened my eyes. "Why don't we get you out of the house, you know go out for lunch?" He said backing up as I sat up and looked at him, he never was this nice to anyone unless he was trying to hook up with some girl. I was very uncomfortable with accepting this offer from a hood. Plus he's probably lonely and needs someone to fuck. "I'm good Dal, but thanks." I said stubbornly as he nudged me "come on cola it'll be fun I'll bring you back, I'm not gonna harm you." He said with worried brows making my face soften. Maybe he wasn't lonely maybe he genuinely wanted to help?
My body was still unsure and it was a hard decision. "You promise your not gonna lay a hand on me?" I said putting a brow up as he looked at me confused. "Why would I put a hand on my best buddy?" "Dallas you put hands on everyone if it's sexual or not you still do." I said putting him in his place as he side and made his weed hang out of his mouth. "Fine you caught me but please? I ain't tryin to hurt someone like you and if I did Darry would stab me." Dallas's looks looked soft like he was trying to get me to come. His puppy dog eyes didn't make it better...I could feel my cheeks heat up like a bomb fire.
"Fine" I said as he smiled "I'll tell Darry, wanna come?" He said as I nodded and we walked to Darry who was focused on food. "Hey Darrel" dally said greeting the older man with a wave. "Hey Dallas what's up?" Darry said turning around and placing a bowl of already drained noodles down. "Me and soda were just gonna go out for some lunch and maybe a drive around town? He's been down lately" Dallas said with a rough look a lit another weed. "That's fine but bring him back before midnight, hear me? Or your head is on a knife." Darrel said point a wooden spoon at the hood as Dallas nodded. "12 sharp" Dallas said and tugged my sleeve and we walked out the door.
"Why are you doing this anyway?" I said fixing my flannel collar, "to bring the old soda back" he said popping his Proably stolen car doors open. I opened the passenger side and plopped in.
He drove off, it took a couple minutes to get there but we arrived to this run down bar looking place. I was very unsure about this so I looked at Dallas who seemed to be looking for something. I didn't wanna say anything cause I knew he was only trying to help but I felt very uncomfortable. "Hey dal is this a bar?" I asked as he looked at me "no don't worry cola it might seem like it but my buddy owns this place it has the best food. I always brought dates here" he said with a smirk and I was supprised I never knew he took girls to this place?
We stepped out and walked in, the fresh smell of brewing green tea and the sound of people chatting filled the air. It seems like Dallas was already noticed by the register person. "Hey Dallas, what another date?" The cashier said sending me into shock and my face went red. "Nah nah this is my buddy soda, I've talked about him before" Dallas said sending me into a confused look, I never knew he talked about me? "Ah the guy your in-" before the guy could finish Dallas slapped him, it scared me and I was confused why he'd hit him. "Daniel shut up, funny story, table for two goodbye." Dallas said angerily and took me by the sleeve. I was still so confused.
He sat us in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. It was nicely decorated it was a type of food place Highschool kids would go to, to bring their girlfriends to. I scanned the menu and Dallas was right they had good looking food. "What do you want? I'll pay" he said with a harsh voice I knew he was still angry at whag 'Daniel' was gonna say and it made me confused. "I'll just have a water I'm not that hungry" I said not wanting him to waste his money. "No order something the tables on me, buck lended me some bucks yesterday." He said, he looked sure he wanted to do this and it made the tips of my ears red, I never gone to such a nice place to eat with someone, I only ever brung sandy to old run down restaurants I never knew a hood had better taste than me. "I'll have their....actually Dallas, surprise me." I said since Dallas wanted to be mr nice I wanted to see if he'll be nice with his choice, to see if he knew me enough. The hood laughed and nodded his head and the waiter came over. "Not you again" Dallas huffed as Daniel had a sly face and laughed "who pissed in your cereal tucker?" The boy said "tucker?" "It's my middle name." He said and looked back at Daniel "just get me a water, for him, get him a Pepsi with..." he paused and then a lightbulb practically lit up on his head "some tea cake along with chicken tenders" this boy did know me it was scary, I lit up when he said all my favorite items "that'll be out soon winston" Daniel said and nudged his head and Dallas swatted his hand away. "Who's he" I asked "high school buddy he's annoying, hhhh, but he's a good friend" Dallas said pulling a weed out. "Ha..." I thought for a minute of whag I was gonna say to him "you really do know my taste...how do you know I liked that stuff?" I said as Dallas looked at me from his lighter. "I just do I pay attention to you soda, I ain't some jerk who dosent listen when you rant" he said having trouble with the lighter and giving up throwing the smoke and lighter on the table. "Well" I picked both the things up and lit the weed instantly handing it to him, "I never knew someone listened, thanks tucker" I said handing him the smoke as his cheeks went somewhat pink and I smiled, he just looked away and smoked and we sat in silence waiting for the food.
The food came out, Daniel winked at Dallas and Dallas slapped him again. "okay okay im sorry" he said rubbing his cheek and walked off, "enjoy ur food princess" he said sarcastically just teasing me as I went red from embarrassment. "Never call me that again." I said as he chuckled "okay Pepsi" he said wish a wink and drank his water as I just rolled my eyes and ate.
Time went on asn we gossiped, talked about gang stuff and laughed. Dallas had some humor not a lot of people noticed, but i didn't know how much I was red until he pointed it out making me think of a lie. "Just cold" I said smiling as he smiled "sure but okay, by the way Pepsi I got something to show you" he said making me tilt my head, "what?" I said as he smiled "you have to wait" he said and me being impatient sighed "fine.".
It was 1 pm and we finished our talk and food. "Hey dal, done?" Daniel came over and asked and the hood shook his head, Daniel handed the bill, "just place the money on the table I'll pick it up" he said and dallas left 10 bucks, not the right amount of money but Daniel rolled his eyes. "Now scram before I knock ur head off your body" Dallas said standing up and lunging at Daniel and Dan took the money and left. Dallas looked at me and sighed me to get going. I walked with him and went out the door and suprisingly the sun was out, I looked up and smiled and he looked at me "happy?" He said with a smile as I looked at him "now I am...that was nice Dal..." I said as he smoked a bit and walked down the steps with me. "Your welcome soda, now come on I got something to show you" he said and we drove off.
During the drive I could seee bucks not to far and I already had a bad feeling. My stomach grew sick. "Dallas wnat are you gonna do to me?" I said in fear of him touching me. "Nothing buddy, slow your breathe I just want to show you what me and buck bought for some parties!" He said happingly sending me into fight or flight. "Um okay". Dallas looked sad and looked at the road.
We parked and he got out and he opened my door, "come on Pepsi" he said as I stepped out and he put a arm around me and walked with me. "Look it'll be okay" he said trying to calm me down.
We walked in and country music was playing, bucks place always gave me iffy vibes Darry didn't even want me coming. Dallas let go of me and we walked to a stair case "come on" he said and we walked down creeky stairs and I was so glad it wasn't a bedroom.
We made it down and it was dark, Dal flicked some lights on and in the middle of the room was a pool table. Dallas walked over to it and grabbed one stick and looked at me "ever played?" He asked "not in a long time," I said calming down and he motioned for me to come over, I was quite excited me and my dad use to play and I smiled and walked up to him.
He took the triangle casing off the balls and walked behind me, he handed me the stick and helped me be in the right position, he made me follow his hips into a bending like position and put his hands over mine. I was blushed head to toe, feeling the guys body on mine made me flustered, I wasn't uncomfortable j was more excited, my ears face and finger tips went pink and a lump in my throat appeared. "And then" he said and hit the ball for me, I started to remeber it and I looked at him when he stood up "got the hang of it?" He asked grabbing his own stick. Fuck I didn't want his warmth off me, it felt weird to think that but I was being honest, it made me feel safe.
"Maybe one more time still rusty" I said smiling and giggling as he gave a smile "alright alright" he said as his smiled made my stomach flutter, right when he did the same motion to me my stomach was full of butterflies, I was uncontrollably smiling and giggling and he did the same "stop laughing your gonna mess me up" he said laughing as I laughed harder and when he let the stick go it went horribly. "Soda what's so funny" he said as I stopped and smiled "I don't know" I said facing him when he got off and he smirked
"Yeah Dal"
"Are you gay?"
My face went fully red making me grow a sweat, I never thought about it. Yeah I've found guys pretty but never dated one. But Dallas he made me wanna run a marathon when he was close to me, even at the restaurant I was flustered as his sly remarks or sex jokes, I daydreamed about him quite a lot but didn't think much of it.
"You don't have to answer" he said caringly as I snapped "no it's okay but.." I said looking at my fingers not wanted to make eye contact being afraid of him hating me. "I'm not sure, I've found guys pretty but never had a crush, but, I've never had someone to help me with knowing if I was" I said as Dallas nodded "I understand kiddo, can I admit something?" He said as I nodded "I'm pansexual kiddo so if your gay I'm fine with that, I won't ever hate someone for finding attraction to the same sex, I'd kiss a guy and jm some tuff hood" he said as a smiled peeled on my lips as he smiled too "plus you want someone help you to see if you are?" He said "kinda" I said as I looked anywhere else but his eyes
Before I could speak another word he put his hand on my cheek asn his lips on mine. I wasn't uncomfortable I was melting, it wasn't a rough kiss it was a quick peck but my body wanted more. His lips were rather soft and his hands were warm, once he let go I froze my eyes wide and my stomach fluttering. "Did that do anything? Sorry it was unex-" before he could finished I dropped my stick and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a rough kiss with tongue, my stomach fluttered my heart raced and my hands kept gripping his hair. He dropped his stick and Held my waist with one hand and the other in my hair pushing me closer.
It felt like a dream it felt so good, so right. By then I was pushing against the pool table and I wanted more of his lips, it felt so good but he let go, panting, and damn it was hot.
"Sorry" I said catching breathe as he smiled "are you kidding that was,,,great, amazing even" he said as my eyes glittered he pecked my forehead "so how do you feel" he said as I gripped the collar of his jacket. I felt so gay and I loved the adrenaline running through my veins, "I feel amazing" I said playing with the back of his hair as he chuckled, never knew a hood could be so loveable.
His lips were soft, his tongue was desperate and rough and I liked it. "I'm glad" he said "wanna keep playin pool?" He said as I nodded "need more help?" He said as I laughed, "I might've only kept asking so ur body would be against mine" I said as he said oh snd smiled "I see, I guess you need more help?" He said as I nodded.
He kept helping me as I was focused on the game and I finally was able to do it alone, I already had my turn and got a coiled balls in snd I watch focused dally try to get a good hit. I sat on the corner of the table as he let his stick go and only got a couple in, "fuck" he said as I laughed, there was a ball almost in and I dropped it in for him.
"Good job tucker!" I said smiln as his face went heated "don't call me that" he said as I fucked around "okay tucker" he went fully red and walked around the table and put his hands by my hips and his face close to mine. "What'd I say boy" he said smiling making his Smokey breathe hit my face. I liked when he got aggressive it was a good look on him. "I said tucker" I said getting in his face smirking as he narrowed his browns and put our lips together.
Not gonna lie I expected to be hit but this was better. This went on for another hour before we got tired of the game. "I'm hungry" I whined as he put the balls back up. "Buck went shopping let's go get some food sugar." He said swiping his finger under my chin and I smiled and follwed him up the steps.
The kitchen table was full of bags of food and Dallas already was snooping and I followed his steps. "Ah-ha chicken tenders" he said raising a box as I laughed and smiled "I'm down".
He cooked them up in the microwave as I sat of the table and he took them out. "Their hot" he said right as I touched one. "OW" I yelped as he placed the plat down in worry, he came up to me and put some pressure on my finger. "Are you okay?" He said as I nodded. "He kissed my finger making me flustered as he just laughed, "alright good time" he said kissing my cheek as I smiled and brung me to his room.
We walked up the stairs as I kept trying to steal a tender or two but he kept swatting my hand and we made it to the room. He sat on the bed ans so did I "now you can eat" he said as he took a beer from his dresser and handed me one "I don't drink Dal" I said as he smiled "I know" he said abs turned so the label faced me "it's root beer, I know you don't like alcohol" he said as that made my face lit up, damn a hoodlum must have a crush on me.
We ate and drank and talked but we ended up laying in bed next to eachother taking, he had his hands behind his head and I layed next to him. "What time is it Dallas" I asked as he read the clock "11:40- I HAVE TO BRING YOU HOME" he said as I stoped him from jolting up. "Dallas" I said "yes sodapop?" He said as I put my arms around his big build "tell Darry im sleeping over" I said "but Darry dosent like you at bucks?" "Tell him were sleeping at Steve's" I said as he nodded, he picked his phone up and dialed Darry.
"Curtis place" Darry said "Heya Darry me and soda are sleeping at Steve's tonight" he said with a promising voice "Alright bring him back by 10 am okay? I trust you Dallas." Darry said "okay Darry wanna talk to him to make sure?" Dallas said as Darry indeed wanted to hear my part, in a sleepy voice I got handed the phone and talked "I'll be home at 10 Darry tell pony okay?" I said as Darry made sure too, "have fun soda" he said "thank you Darry" I said as he hung up.
I looked at Dallas and put the phone down as he looked at me. "Hey Dallas" I said "yes?" "I think I'm gay.." I said as I almost got emtotional "that's okay soda...and I have a question" he said as I looked into his icey eyes. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He says as it felt like my heart started to flutter left and right and my face lit up, my fingers gripped him tighter and I dug my face into his side "HELL YEAH" I shouted into his side as he laughed..."okay kiddo" he said stroking mg hair. "Wanna go to bed it's pretty late?" He said as I nodded and yawned. "He turned the lights out and took off my flannel and snuggled to me. "Night Pepsi"
"Night dal."
8 am
"Soda, soda" Dallas said slightly shaking me "huh?" I said opening my eyes a little trying to get the sun out of my eyes. "Good morning Pepsi, want breakfast?" He asked as I nodded, he slid out of my grip and I sat up watching him, he was in a t-shirt and pajama pants and I was in different clothes.
A big green t-shirt and ok'd Christmas pj pants. "I hope you don't mind I changed you, no I didn't look at ur dick." He said grabbing a smoke and lighter, I smiled "thanks dally" I said as he looked at me and smiled
"You gotta leave in two hours kid, want me to drive you?" He said as I looked out the window to the sun "can we walk?" I asked his face was confused but gave in.
We walked downstairs to breakfast already made and buck in the living room, "breakfast is ready, I made your friend some too" buck said as I smiled "thanks buck" I said as he nodded reading the news paper as we entered the kitchen. Me and Dallas ate the food.
After we finished Dallas put the plates away, "imma hop in the shower" he said scruffing his hair" I looked at him and a idea popped in my head. "Yeah I smell bad I need a shower like now" I said, "wanna go first?" He said as I rolled my eyes. "No dingus" I said and walked up to the taller man and when on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his nose. "Can I join you?" I asked as he went red but my puppy eyes made him give in. "Fine fine"
We went to the bathroom and he shut the door, it was a nice white bathroom buck kept clean. Dallas took off his shirt and so did I, to be honest I forgot how jacked this greaser was in build caught me off guard to the point he was snapping his fingers snd caught my attention "earth to soda" he said I as o peeked up "you gonna undress you can't shower in pj pants" he said smiling as I blushed. I was very insecure about my lower half and this man could tell when I looked down in disappointment.
"Look I won't make fun, I like your body kid, I won't make it sexual." He said holding my cheeks as I smiled. "Okay" I said and undressed.
We hoped in the shower and it was nice, the warm water made me feel clean and Dallas there some how made me feel safe. He put soap on his hand and scrubbed my hair, "do you want grease in ur hair today?" He asked cleaning my head as I soaped my body, "nah to early" I said as he smiled, "okay cause I am" he said put a shower cap on so he didn't have to dry his hair. "You look like a doofus" I said laughing histariglg as he frowned smiled. "Shut it" he said and we finished out shower.
We stepped out and I started to dry off and he took the cap off and dried his body. Sometimes I need to catch myself dozing more often. "I know my dicks nice but you have to dry your hair" he said as I jolted up "Sorry" I said with blush scattering my face.
After we got done drying Dallas insisted to watch morning cartoons with me, he got me dressed in my clothes and he did the same. We walked down to the living room when buck left for work and we turned the tv on, he put his arm around me and I snuggled my head in his side. He kissed my head.
It was 9:50 and Dallas woke me from my nap so we could go. "Come on I was enjoying my nap." I said "darrys gonna kill me Pepsi" he said as I rolled my eyes and stood up with him, "come on kid" he kissed my head and we headed out.
We started to walk and we joked and flirted all the way down, right when we got there we didn't notice and everyone was outside when Dallas had his arm around me non stop flirting makin me red, we were bt the front yard when I caught glimpse of pony looking at me and slapped Dallas "OUCH" he said as pony ran up to me "HEY SODA" he said tackling my in a hug "hey pone" I said rubbing his back as Dallas let his arm down "hey kid" Dallas said. "Hey pone how was Steve's, he came home early" Darry said walking out pointing at Steve's behind him. "Wait what?" He said I tried to over talk him "we never got together" he said "IT WAS GOOD" I said walking in the driveway with Dallas. "Darry looked mad and confused, Dallas where did you bring him?" Darry said as Dallas went pink.
"Steve's." He said "no you didn't?" Steve said "fine I took him to bucks BUT buck was nice, I made him dinner, took him out to eat, played pool, went to bed, woke up ate breakfast That BUCK made and took him home on time" dallas said "and were saying how you'd do naughty shit to him?" Two said "that too, WAIT WHAT NO" Dallas said as two bit over heard our talk. I went red and Darry gave Dallas lifted eyebrows "soda?" He said I was stuck in place Dallas froze and smiled. "Come on soda your gay same with you Dallas, YALL wanna butt fuck blah blah" two bit said as we went pink "okay not the last thing I didn't put my hands on him but" Dallas looked at me and I shook my head in approval "were both gay" he said casually.
Pony got rather excited, Steve was shocked, two already knew, Johnny only smiled cause he wasn't a party person but he was proud and Darry smiled. "Well I'm proud of both of you but I still waiting for one last thing." Darry said
"Are you both a thing and if so Dallas you have rules." Darry said as Dallas shook his head proudly as I got flustered.
Dallas and me were now sitting in camp chairs in the front yard with the gang and Darry as Darry told Dallas rules.
"No sex until atleast one month, no getting him drunk, treat him right, if there's a emergency call me, atleast keep him home some days so he's not always out" he went on and on and Dallas understood everything.
At the end of the day we all went and watched late night cartoons. Two and pony on the floor with Johnny playing cards, Steve brought his girlfriend over and they were talking in the kitchen, Darry was asleep on the recliner. Me and Dallas were on the couch and I was laying on top of him watching the tv, I never felt more free, I felt more happy and more energetic. Dallas was practically always there for me and I couldn't ask for more...and the more I realize when I was sad and Dallas was there he was like my sun, and when I was around him the sun came out more, I guess you'll find your sun some day you gotta wait till you really need it and never expect it.
I layed on his chest as he looked down at me and I looked up. He smiled and along with me, he fluffed my hair up and I laughed.
"Goodnight Pepsi."
"Night sunshine."
(5073 words)
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