#man I always choose to peek my head in during shenanigans huh -
isladeroda · 2 years
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Walks out of her office. Hears the current clamoring going on around the other Doctor.
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Turns on her heel and heads right back into her office.
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huntertales · 8 years
Preview: There's this Crappy Show Called “Supernatural.”  (Changing Channels S05E08)
Useful Links: Last Part | All Episodes Word Count: 2,027. A/N: This is by far the weirdest, and yet, most fun beginning of an episode I've ever done. (Including the opening of "Ghostfacers!" or Tall Tales. And that's my favorite episode of all time. This one takes the cake.) I decided to change things up a bit since this episode is the only episode that has a way different opening. I really hope you guys enjoy this!
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"Supernatural" is written before a live studio audience.
Dean Winchester has faced many obstacles and challenges during his hunting lifestyle of almost three decades. He'd been to Hell and back, been faced with some nasty demons along with not so friendly angels—including one that wanted to wear him like a cheap suit to prom, the apocalypse prom, that is. He tossed the can of cheese whizz back into the fridge and slammed the door shut after he'd gotten a little hungry this afternoon after giving up on that research his brother asked him to do. He faced the table where he'd prepared a sandwich with the food he'd found in the fridge. Only when he examined the creation that sat in the middle of the table, Dean realize he might have gone a little overboard with the ingredients stacked almost two feet high between two pieces of bread. You could say he might have bitten off more than he could chew.
Dean eyed the sandwich with a funny look, clearly, he was overwhelmed at what he'd done. He pursed out his lips and began trying to figure out how he could possibly take a first bite without getting all messy. He came out with one conclusion to solve this problem, "I'm gonna need a bigger mouth." The audience let out a laugh, finding the oldest Winchester's shenanigans always hilarious. Oh, when was that man ever going to learn? The front door to the motel opened just a few moments later by Sam, the always lovable rascal of a little brother. “Hey there, Sam. What’s happening?”
"Oh, nothing. Um..." Sam shut the door behind him and stepped inside more into the room. He let out a sigh and placed his hands on his hips while shrugging his shoulders, answering his brother with a playful and lighthearted tone, knowing the little goof they've pulled a few months ago was still lingering over their heads. "Just the end of the world." Dean nodded his head and found himself smiling, the audience let out a few chuckles before drifting off into silence. Sam looked over to the table when he took notice of the two foot tall sandwich sat right in the middle. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You're gonna need a bigger mouth." Dean threw out his hand when his brother said the exact same thing, the audience let out another roar of laughter at the brothers' famous way of repeating each other's lines. "Hey, uh, have you done your research yet with you?"
Research? Dean was caught off guard from the question he  should have known would be coming from his smarty pants of a little brother. He nervously licked his lips and subconsciously found his gaze lingering to the closed bathroom door for a moment of time, knowing what laid behind it. Dean quickly tore his gaze away as he pressed his fingertips together, trying his hardest to act calm while he told a little white lie to his brother. "Oh, yeah." Dean said with an almost convincing tone. "All kinds of research. All night."
"Yeah? Huh. You helped with the research and Y/N wasn't stuck with it—like always?" Sam asked. The audience let out a laugh while Dean looked away, a guilty smile spreading across his lips. "Speaking of Y/N, where is she?"
"Oh, Dean..." The door to the bathroom opened, and if timing was the oldest Winchester's best friend, it wasn't too happy with the man today. A roar of cheering erupted from the audience when you peeked your head out with a smile growing on your lips, greeting the scene for the first time. You opened the door wider to show that you weren't dressed in the usual uniform of flannel and dark worn out denim jeans. Leaning against the doorframe, you gave the oldest Winchester a smirk as you crossed your arms over your chest, letting him see what you were specifically wearing for him. A few 'oohs' and wolf whistled came from the audience when you were dressed in nothing more than a silky kimono robe that hit just above your knee, and with nothing more than pretty lingerie that was meant to be seen by the older Winchester himself. Dean nervously swallowed at the sight of you, and from how his little brother was starting to shake his head. Uh, oh. "We have some more 'research' to do."
The audience oohed again, but this time, it was because the oldest Winchester was caught up in his lie. Dean let out a quiet sigh as he slowly turned his head to look at his little brother, knowing this wasn't going to end very well. Sam tilted his chin down as he crossed his arms over his chest, obviously disappointed at the lie that he was told. "Dean..."
Dean looked straight ahead to say his famous catch phrase, "Son of a bitch!"
“Town to town two-lane roads The family biz Two huntin' bros and and a pretty cool gal Living the lie Just to get by-y-y-y...”
The fictional hunting lifestyle on the show Supernatural isn’t always fun and games for you and the boys. You have to venture into haunted houses and abandoned warehouses to catch the bad guy. But there's always some shenanigans going on between two best friends. you, the always cautious one, made sure to keep an eye out for any possible monsters as you backed around slowly of the house that was harboring a vengeful spirit, who sure wasn't choosing the dust and cobwebs as their next victim. As you slowly moved around her flashlight to examine the dusty furniture, you took another step backwards, unaware of the presence behind you.
You jumped out of her skin and quickly turned around to face the spirit you was hunting. Only it was the younger Winchester. Both of them let out a roar of a laugh from the accidental spook they gave each other. Sam placed a hand on her shoulder as you waved the flashlight underneath your face to make a scary which, which prompted the younger Winchester to laugh harder.
“As long as we're moving forward There's nothin' we can' do.”
Of course, sometimes the scares were a bit intentional. Hunting can be boring, and the cases that you and the boys take are false alarms. Just like that show Scooby Do, they teach you monsters who they hunt were just people dressed up as scary creatures. You decided to have a bit of fun. While you knew the younger Winchester was sent to do the daunting task of searching upstairs for any sort of clues like you told him to do.He looked around the mostly bare room, not seeing much evidence of a curse object. He headed over for the closet doors and began to slowly open them up, not expecting what was about to happen. 
You stood on the other side, and when you first saw him, you put her arms out in front of him and shouted "Boo!" to make him jump in fright. Sam quickly shut the doors and pressed his backside against the wood, his heart racing in fear at what he'd witnessed, not knowing just yet the figure in white was just you with a bedsheet draped over your body.
“Together, we'll face the day You and I won't run away.”
[Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester.]
Dean had two loves in his life. His once secret love for you, and the mint condition 1967 Chevy Impala, also known as Baby. You and Sam stood outside on a bright sunny day, nursing a cup of coffee as you watched the oldest Winchester tinkered around with the Impala with the hood open. When the job was done, Dean tried to lean for a kiss from you, but you backed away and wagged your index finger at him, knowing he was covered in grease. You tossed him a dirty rag to wipe his hands, but the man accidentally reached up and rubbed the sweat away from his forehead with his greasy hand. While the oldest Winchester finally started wiping his hands with the rag you tossed him, unaware of the accidental smudge across his forehead he'd made. 
Sam took notice when he started laughing and pointing a finger at the mishap. Dean furrowed his brow when you began laughing yourself, only when he realized what he'd done, the man let out a chuckle himself at the accidental goof he'd made.
[Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester.]
But the boys don't always use the Impala as a mode of transportation. Together they powered up a two-seat bike, where they peddled across the park on this sunny afternoon, knowing they had an important task to complete. However, they couldn't help themselves when they got caught up in the moment. Sam let go of the handles and let his arms wave themselves in the air, as Dean kicked out his feet, both of them smiling like a bunch of idiots. You watched from the end of the sidewalk as they began peddling closer to you. You clapped and smiled at what they could do without getting hurt. When the boys arrived a few moments later, Dean jumped off the bike as Sam steadied it.
The older Winchester took out the flowers from the wicker basket and tried to secretly hide them behind his back. He approached you with a bashful smile when he moved his hands forward with the flowers. You were surprised by the unexpected gift from the man as you gingerly grabbed them. Pressing the fresh flowers to your nose, you took in a big sniff, smiling to yourself at the sweet floral aroma.
[Y/N Y/L/N starring as Y/N Y/L/N.]
A fun day in the park wouldn't be complete without you and the boys' new best friend, the friendly angel Cas. While the boys raced each other on mini scooters that were hilariously too small to their generous frame, you jumped onto the angel's back for a piggy back ride he wasn't expecting. He secured your legs with his hands before he started jogging around the park, both of you laughing from carefree day he was happily apart of.
[Misha Collins as Castiel.]
You cheered and hollered, playing the cheerleader for both teams as the boys competed a friendly game of tossing around a football. Sam stood a good distance away as he got ready to toss the ball to his brother. Dean watched with a close eye as the man slowly stretched his arm back, all before launching the ball into a perfect spiral. You nervously stood off in the sidelines as you began to chew on your nails, wondering if Dean was going to make that big catch. You watched the ball go flying straight up into the blue sky, all before landing right in the older Winchester's grip. You threw your hands up into the air and cheered at what you saw, Dean proudly did a touchdown, throwing the ball own at the grass.
To celebrate, Dean raced over to you, and without warning, he lifted you up into his arms bridal style as you were thrown into a fit of giggles. He smiled at you, all before, sharing a quick and romantic kiss. Sam, however, couldn't help himself but stick a finger into his mouth as he pretended to gag at the sign of affection from his brother and best friend.
[Guest starring Richard Speight Jr. as The Trickster.]
“Together we'll face the day… When the demons come out to pla-a-y...”
Of course, a long day of hunting wouldn't be complete without a couple of beers and burgers. You sat in the middle of the seating arrangement as the boys sat on each of your side. You lifted up your glass beer bottle, and to give a final hooray for a job well done, all of you clinked glasses and smiled. Almost as if there was a camera on you, and this was more than just a simple day of your life. You looked straight ahead, giving a sly wink. Not yet, at least.
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