#malletsum's rants ♡
butlerspade · 2 months
"ace is a heartless asshole" care to say that again and ill show you what a heartless asshole is like lawl. Ok but in all seriousness, loyalty is one of the qualities Ace has in him. I mean... did we forget that him and Deuce spent forever trying to look for Yuu in book 6? Did we forget that Ace literally PUNCHED HIS HOUSEWARDEN to defend the ramshackle gang? "A-ace is mean to Deuce!" Dude, have y'all seen the way Deuce reciprocates that teasing. Sometimes Ace can go too far (i.e. book 5), but they still end up being great friends and Deuce even cared enough to get a gift for Ace, and if Ace truly was an asshole to Deuce, I don't think they'd be spending time together in like... a bunch of vignettes. 'Sides, Deuce isn't a baby, he's a literal delinquent. He knows how to put up a fight, and even if he's working to be an honor student, I highly doubt that Deuce would let Ace get away with bullying him. I mean... have you people SEEN what he did to the guys in his dorm vignette, or in his ceremonial robe vignette? If Ace were actually bullying Deuce, he'd be dead meat. Sure, Ace can be a tease, but I'm convinced those who call him a "heartless asshole" never actually have been bullied in real life or encountered people like that, same for people who say that Floyd "bullies Riddle". It makes no sense because y'all truly don't know what being bullied at school is like, especially by teens their age.
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butlerspade · 2 months
If I had a penny for everytime someone in the twst fandom called a teenager abusive or heartless, I'd be fucking filthy rich
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butlerspade · 2 months
Im genuinely convinced that people who demonize fae and treat humans as the victims haven't read book 7. it's literally shoved in your face that fae are the minority of the minority and humans are the colonizers and land stealers. IT'S SHOVED IN YOUR FACE THROUGHOUT ALL OF BOOK 7 IN LILIA'S DREAM. I'm sorry but anyone who sides with Henrik needs a good reason or else I'm just convinced you don't know how to read.
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butlerspade · 3 months
"the fandom-" can the fandom grow human morals and stop turning teenagers into satanic creatures? Adding abuse onto teenage relationships is WEIRD! Not saying that minors can't be abusive, but this is TWST CHARACTERS we're talking about. Sure they can be fucked up in the head from their trauma but like... they literally act like normal school students idk what shit y'all are on. "B-but dark humor!" HAVE YOU SEEN THESE GUYS? THESE ARE TEENS THAT HAVE THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND LITERALLY HAVE FUN. Stop making things more complex and dark than they already are, this is a fucking Disney game.
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butlerspade · 3 months
i am fully convinced that 98% of the adult twst fans are basically booktok but disney anime edition, you cannot tell me anything otherwise.
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butlerspade · 3 months
why cant yall grown ass adults just leave minors the fuck alone for fuck's sake? "i-it's fictional!" you know what else is fictional? your dating life
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butlerspade · 3 months
Look I get that Malleus is the fan favorite and like he's my absolute most favorite ever (i'm his #1 fan!), but we can't excuse his actions! Here's a reminder the difference between Idia and Malleus is that Idia did something to make up for his mistakes, did he not (reference to the end of book 6), but knowing Malleus so far, he hasn't necessarily made up for nor learned from any of his past mistakes (reference to his dorm vignette). This could change by the end of book 7, and obviously there are many factors as to why, but that doesn't mean we have to glaze him nor water him down into some helpless baby (he's literally one of the top 5 most powerful mages?). There's a difference between explainable and excusable. Obviously I'm not gonna excuse Idia's actions either, because none of the overblotters' actions pre-overblot were excusable, but they were explainable, and again there's a difference.
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butlerspade · 3 months
since us on the aroace spectrum rarely get any rep, this account is the right place for you to share all your asexual and aromantic headcanons with me! would you guys like me to share my aroacespec headcanons within the twst cast?
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butlerspade · 2 months
i hate whenever i want to be a character's #1 fan and some bitch comments "erm actually! im their #1 fan" like ok lets fight to death.
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butlerspade · 3 months
sort of a hot/lukewarm take but straight women who go under an nwlnw/mlm fanart and comment stuff like "i'm between them", "oh to be their mistress", etc. are actually so annoying and make me want to rip my hair out. THE CHARACTERS DO NOT WANT YOU.
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butlerspade · 2 months
I'm tired of the typical badass chill obey me mc... someone make an unhinged mc with mental problems of their own
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butlerspade · 3 months
ouh my god.. can there be any good yuu ship art that doesn't make them some vulnerable y/n hopeless girl 🥹 can we have more queer Yuu ships... guys... maybe I'm just on the wrong side of the fandom
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butlerspade · 3 months
my entire account theme being based around twst characters on the asexual spectrum is definitely a way to keep and scare THOSE twst adults off my page
OoooooOo 👻 look 👻👻👻 TEENAGERS WHO YOU CANNOT SEXUALIZE ON THIS PAGE!!!! be afraid...👻👻👻👻
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butlerspade · 2 months
I'm the anon who called you out about being the worst user along with the Idia (twsthc or whatever). Ah yeah! For calling you out being the worst person along with the other shitter, am automatically an adult!!! Lol. Bad news for you, im still in my teens. So, I'm writing you this because I'm sick of seeing the twst tag with the stupid le adults are bad, we minors are good, we have the moral high ground!!! as if we don't have things to do? School, hello? Another hobbies, maybe going outside rather than being the moral police for adults doing/enjoying their own stuff. I give 10 shits what you and adults do, just use your fucking brain for once.
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You seem to care SO MUCH to be writing this to me (obsessed perhaps). Maybe instead of doing that, you can also take your own advice and go outside and have fun! How does that sound, ANON? Are you really that much of a pussy to be hiding behind the anonymous feature, scared of being called out for your own irony? It takes two seconds to just block me and move on, and it's so ironic how you're doing the same thing right now by policing me for opinions that I post myself on the internet for things I COMMONLY SEE. I have never harassed anybody, nor do I actually care about these motherfuckers, and I don't think they care about me either because as you can see they continue posting their own bullshit. You can easily scroll or block me yet you choose to send me hate paragraphs for quite simply pointing a few things out, then minding my business afterwards. For your information, I've been scoring pretty well in school and I've been quite busy with my life outside of social media! You said you had homework to do during the first time you sent me an anon? Go do it, I don't think you're finished since you had time to write this laughing matter to me!
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butlerspade · 2 months
Since the glomasq rerun is coming, I have a hot take and im gonna be honest the glorious masquerade event was actually kinda BORING and the only things good about it were the song and the outfits (and malleus being there cause i'm biased). I have so many unanswered questions about this event. Sure, the plot was GREAT but the story was SO dragged out that it took me 2 weeks to finish an 8 hour youtube video when I finished another 8 hour video in only a couple days. See twst, I need a captain hook event or a nightmare before christmas event Y'ALL ARE DOWNGRADING WITH EVENTS WHY AM I FALLING ASLEEP.
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butlerspade · 25 days
man, I keep having to change my name because of my ex likely stalking my account... if anyone has name ideas lmk
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