#mall crawlers: spifire
bookworm555 · 3 years
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Some more art of my two favorite members of the Unwanteds from ‘Mall-Crawlers’: Spitfire and Flashbang. 
@heatherxandxhollyxberries, you mentioned in your nice comment on the character profiles that Quimby/Spitfire was your favorite, so here’s a better look at her design! :)
Flashbang’s ‘Knife to meet you!~’ line is probably one of my favorites in the whole story. 
Both these characters have a penchant for making stupid puns, XD.
Spitfire’s French fry line is directed towards Frankie Gavroche, who is French-American. She threatens to throw fire at him if he doesn’t move out of the way, which is where the quip comes from. She is such a dork. (Honestly, Quimby is one of the dorkiest characters in this. She is definitely a closet nerd, but sometimes it comes out when she’s fighting some of the heroes. Especially Dendrite. She gets into a whole debate with Dendrite MID-FIGHT about why it was crap that Tom Bombadil was cut from The Fellowship of the Ring movie, XD. I feel like this would surprise a lot of people, given that she’s a destructive villain who is very intimidating and brash, but yup. Total dork.) Honestly, a lot of her villainy is owed to all the trauma she went through. It’s very clear that she could have been a hero if circumstances were different. 
I feel like everyone’s clothes in this reflect that it is clearly set in the early 2000s (2002-2003 to be specific), but ESPECIALLY Quimby’s. 
If you can’t tell, I love drawing Flashbang a lot. (Ignore the hand holding the knife, though; I was tired when I drew it, plus these were just very quick scrawls.)
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