loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 3 - Initiation
“Keep her,” He said. My eyes widened. My whole plan had back-fired. I looked anxiously around the room, a blonde man with grey eyes which were keen but pleasant, came in. His hair was shoulder-length, with messy beach waves. 
“Get her a room, Abraxas” The Dark Lord ordered. He nodded, “Oh, and treat her well. She will be staying here with us. Soon to be…” He trailed off, giving his fellow followers a knowing look. Abraxas nodded, leading me out of the room. Instead of taking me down the path to the dungeon, he led me up some staircases. 
“So this is what you’ve been doing” I said, letting a sigh escape my lips. He turned to me, “What do you mean?” He asked. I rolled my eyes, “Oh please! We haven’t seen each other since we were six” I exclaimed. He ignored me, continuing up our journey.
We arrived in front of a dull looking door. He grabbed the metal knob, twisting it open. It was a plain room. Bed, book shelves, small vanity, a window, and a small closet. There was a nightstand with a small lamp on it. The room was dark and cold, like the rest of the manor. The way everything was displayed made me feel like a prisoner.
Before Abraxas left, I spoke to him. “I am going to need to see your ‘lord’” He looked at me confused. “He’s still too weak. Whatever he was thrown at had an impact on him.” I said. “Just because you were captured and are being treated respectfully doesn’t mean you get to choose what will be happening!” He spat, leaving the room. The door slammed shut making me flinch.
I walked towards the window, looking out into the night sky. The gleaming moon shone above us all. Its radiant, mellow moonlight being the only other source of light for the room that was dimly lit by the lamp. The stars painted in the solemn-black sky.
There was a knock on the door making me turn towards it. The door creaked as it was being opened. In it stepped the blonde woman from earlier, Cygnus Black. He looked at me, his hand ran through his hair. 
"Abra- Malfoy has told us you wanted to meet with the Dark Lord?" 
I nodded, moving to sit on my bed. He let a sigh escape, "Midnight. The initiation will be at that time" He spoke, making me confused. 
"Initiation?" I asked. He ignored me, leaving the room before Adaleiz entered. She held in her hands a black lace dress, with a slight slit. It was.. quite revealing, you may say. She placed it at the end of the bed, along with some black heels with golden snakes which wrapped around one’s ankles. 
“You have an hour to get ready, y/n. The Lord doesn't tolerate tardiness.” She gave me a small smile before leaving the room, locking it. I turned over to the clothes, seeing a small, sage-green box. I opened it, spotting two, lace black gloves. They matched the dress.
I started stripping off my clothes, leaving me naked. I put on the under-wear along with the bra they had left me. I got the dress, putting it on to cover my body. The dress was off a gothic look. I grabbed the gloves, using the ribbons to tie them into a bow.
I moved over to the vanity, sitting down on the blood-red, cushion chair. I grabbed the hairbrush. It had golden rims with a snake around the handle. They seemed to be really obsessed with snakes. I brushed my hair, taking away the knot which had been formed. I hummed a small toon as I did. 
There was a knock on the door, making me turn around. There stood the brunette girl, “Melina, was it?” I asked her. She eyed me before nodding. She came over to me, getting the brush. She stood behind me, brushing my hair. “Melina King '' She said in a fake-soft voice. There was something odd in her. 
I shook the feeling off, “Here,” She handed me a black-shade lipstick, eyeliner and mascara. “We shall be going now” Melina hurried me to put on the make up, which was what I did. The girl smiled at me through the mirror. I stood up, putting the heels on. 
I must say that I did look pretty good. It wasn’t something I would wear. Probably something I never expected to wear. 
She led me out of the room. We walked down the many stairs and many halls. The manor was cold causing me to get goosebumps. The two of us stopped in front of two big, metallic doors. You could hear chatter coming from inside the room. She took the two handles, opening the door. 
Inside was a long table. At the head of it, sat the Dark Lord. I believe his name was Tom, perhaps? His followers sat on each side of the table, men and women. There were many of various ages and raises. Tall and short, skinny and plump. Gingers, blondes, brunettes, etc.
The Malfoy family seemed surprised to see me. Except Abraxas of course. Melina walked over to the table, taking a seat. The room fell silent. I stood there, all eyes on me, awaiting to see what would come next. 
The silence was broken by him. “She has finally arrived” The lord said. My eyes trained to his, which were already looking into mine. His gaze made me feel so intimidated yet so alluring. 
“My lord, um, why is it that we need her?” A death eater asked. His gaze moved to his, “Well, she seems to have something useful towards us” A smirk formed onto his lips before turning to me. “Come here, y/n” He ordered. 
I bit my tongue, moving towards the man. I moved towards him. The room was dead silent that you could hear my every step. I stood in front of him. The Dark Lord stood up from his chair, taking my left wrist into his grip harshly. He held my wrist with his right hand, using his left to untie the bow. The glove fell off smoothly onto the ground. 
I looked up to him. He was staring into my eyes. I spotted no emotion in him. No feelings. No nothing. 
He grabbed his wand, placing it onto my inner left forearm. He applied pressure while mumbling a spell or enchantment. There was an intensifying pain which grew by the minute. I let down a ragged gasp, looking down to my arm where the tip of his wand was placed. A figure, a symbol was created.
A skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. It moved around when it finally came to a stop, its mouth open as if it were hissing. I hissed from the pain before looking up at him. He seemed to love watching one in pain.
When the pain stopped, everything stumbled upon me. I had been turned into a Death Eater. My mouth turned into an ‘o’ shape, not being able to let any words let out my mouth.
“Welcome” He smiled evilly, raising his hands up in the air as if he were showing me a grand surprise. He turned to me, grabbing my hand, caressing the mark.
“Welcome to your new life”
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cumberhoe · 6 years
Draco x Reader (Show You Off)
Summary: Theo Nott ditches you for Daphne Greengrass. Draco helps you feel better. Maybe a little something will happen too?
Word Count: 725
It was the sudden whirlwind of romance that swept you up off your feet and made you believe the stars were yours to hold.
He would pull you into a corner and kiss you tenderly, then roughly with passion. You reciprocated, eager to feel loved and loving in return.
Then, one day, he just stopped. You kept trying to get a glimpse of your former lover, but he was always skirting the halls, running away at the first sight of you. Your heart dropped when you caught him in a corridor with another girl- Daphne Greengrass and Theo Nott were going at it with as much passion, maybe even more, than you and him ever had.
You screamed at him and cast several painful stinging hexes in his direction, but it was all too much to handle. You ran off to some hidden corner of the school, Theo’s mocking face behind you.
This is where Draco finds you- huddled, miserable, and wishing a black hole would swallow you up so there would be no trace of your existence left on this earth.
“I don’t want to say I told you so,” he mutters.
“Draco,” you say, “this is really not the time.”
And it really isn’t. Your face is streaked with tears, and you are one step away from blowing a giant hole in Hogwarts.
“That’s not what I mean,” he says. He crouches down and hugs you, soaking in your sadness.
“Then what do you mean,” you whisper, pressing your face into him.
“I mean, I told you that you were way too good for that bastard Theo Nott.”
You chuckle quietly beneath your hidden face.
“Daphne’s probably too good for him too,” you say, “But it just hurts, you know?”
“Yeah,” he says, under his breath, quietly rocking you.
You stay like this for a while, just sitting quietly in Draco’s arms as the wind moaned through the halls.
“Think we missed Charms?” he asks after an interminable amount of time.
“For sure,” you say. Besides, you didn’t really want to attend Charms today- he would be there.
“Want to go to Transfiguration?” he asks you.
You hesitate. Theo will be there, but so will Draco.
“Draco, I have an idea,” your face lights up and you know this will send Theo smashing down.
You saunter into Transfiguration without a care in the world. Your face is pristine, for you have wiped off your smudged mascara and despair.
“Hey Theo,” you call. He is startled, sitting next to Daphne who merely smirks lazily.
Like the cowardly snake he is, he turns away and tries to kiss Daphne. Daphne isn’t having any of it now that they’re in public, and pushes his face away.
Draco dramatically opens the door, cloak sweeping.
He looks every inch the prince- hints of darkness, but overall noble and kind. Well, kind to you at least.
“Hey Draco,” you say, and Draco grins at you. You know you planned this out with him, but for some reason the light in his eyes stirs something up within you.
Draco sends a casual hex at Theo.
“Don’t mess with my girl, Theo,” he says. He takes you in his arms and kisses you in front of the gobsmacked class.
You are breathless.
“I know I like you,” you whisper to him, “but I didn’t think I liked you that much!”
He is breathless and grinning too.
“I know this isn’t part of the plan,” he says, “but can I kiss you again?”
You nod, and this time he kisses you softly and sweetly.
His face is shining.
“You are way too good for Theo,” he tells you, caressing your face.
You let yourself bask in his light, everyone else forgotten.
“Malfoy, (y/n)!” the stern voice of McGonagall breaks through your reverie.
You blush and pull away.
“Yes, professor?” Draco answers. He has the impudence to smirk, with laughing grey eyes.
You sit down, McGonagall has never called you out for anything. But then, now Draco would protect you. How had you overlooked him for so long?
You glance at Draco, smiling that trickster’s smile. He was so far above Theo, it was laughable. You look at Theo, who was scowling.
You lean into Draco and he puts an arm over you.
Never again would you overlook the boy beside you.
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thebigmick284 · 5 years
Well, we finished Book 01 and it ended with an appropriately epic finale.
I again love how character focused everything is. Even tying in Katara’s necklace to Gran-Gran’s past. Loved the mythology material with the Moon and Water spirits and the Spirit Worlds. The Fire Nation attack was also epic. 
Koh was nightmare fuel, Zhao killing the Moon Spirit and the lighting turning blood red was creepy and Aang taking on that monstrous form (which I read is the Water Spirit) and massacring all the Fire Nation men was pretty scary.
Didn’t realise that Jason Isaacs (Captain Hook/Mr Darling in Peter Pan 2003 and Lucius Malfoty in Harry Potter) voiced Zhao! He hid his British accent completely! Also Johanna Braddy- Shelby from Quantico- voiced Yue!
I did know about Mark Hamill as the Fire Lord though.
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prekese1spiritum · 7 years
JesusChrist TV
Subscribe54,821Add to Share More63,134 views Published on Nov 16, 2014
member of the FRC, member of the Federation ... Examples of doctrines of demons: pastor Yvan Castanou - 5 ways to hear God - part 1 - YouTube ▶ 47:44 https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = _SarD ... December 17, 2013 - Uploaded by ICC TV Impact Christian Center broadcasts its worship live on the internet every Sunday at 11:30. You can us ... Pastor Yvan Castanou ▶ 1:18:01 https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = ... dUPcW? Aug 26, 2012 - Uploaded by Nacel oyaraht Pasteur Yvan Castanou a Time Was set by God ... you Pasteur Yvan Castanou - fidelity, key to ... Yvan Castanou | Facebook https: // www. facebook.com/YCastanou/ Translate this page Yvan Castanou, Boissy-Saint-Léger. 377020 likes · 12417 talking about this. Pastor, teacher, mentor and entrepreneur, Yvan Castanou - TopChretien http://www.topchretien.com/auteurs/y ... Translate this page Yvan Castanou is the senior pastor of Impact Center Christian (ICC) That church gathers about 20 000 people in about thirty local churches ... Yvan Castanou ICC: The hidden face of an abominable false pastor ... jesuschrist1.tv> denunciations Translate this page this video Openly Reveals the true face of the Pseudo pastor Yvan Castanou, one of the most abominable Yves Castanou - Wikipedia https: // fr. wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Ca ... Translate this page Yves is a Protestant Christian pastor Castanou Congolese born June 22, 1971 in France, he is associate pastor, co-founder of the church ... Impact Christian Center pastor Biography Yvan CASTANOU - France | Nycodem.net www.nycodem.net/actualites-chretiennes /? ... Yvan CASTANOU ... Translate this page Yvan CASTANOU is the senior pastor of the Protestant Evangelical Church Impact Christian Center Located in Paris, member of the FRC ... Biography Yvan Castanou - Home www.cmessagers.com/index.php / the ... / 83-biography-yvan-castano ... Translate this page Yvan Castanou is the senior pastor of the Church Christian impact Center (ICC) A spiritual family that meets every Sunday several dozen ... Biography of Yvan Castanou - Pictures, statistics, concerts, videos ... www.last.fm/en/music/Yvan+Castanou/+wiki Translate this page Watch videos and Listen free Yvan Castanou: Healing. Discover more ... We have not yet wiki for this. Edit this wiki. The Masonic gospel of Yves and Yvan Castanou (ICC) bared jesuschrist1.tv> denunciations Translate this page as a serpent (green mamba) That subtly slides through the green grass to catch prey ict, false pastor Freemason Yves Castanou (brother ... Yvan Castanou - JesusChrist TV jesuschrist1.tv> France ---------------------------- ------------ CLICK HERE: Https://www.youtube.com/user/kidofgod777 ---------------------- --------------- --- People Who watched this video: https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = ... EARqw? Also searched online for: Searches related to Yvan castanou yvan castanou biography pastor teaching castanou mp3 download yvan yvan castanou wedding yvan castanou pray together yvan castanou education yvan castanou worship yvan castanou youtube yvan castanou preaching ------------ -------- ----------------------- DETAILS: https://www.youtube.com/user/kidofgod777 ---- ------ --------------------------------- JOIN US : Https: //www.facebook.
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Alexia renee debrime
2 years ago
Never put his trust in a man alone in a pastor or so-called man of God. The world is infested with Pastor franc-mason. Ke God preserve us. To God alone the glory.Reply 3  
Chantal n'guessan
2 years ago
You're just defeated me, I know the truth you can not fool meReply 4  
Manuel Malfoty
8 months ago
Hello everyone friend (s) Christian, George I 'm white and French, you' re probably more Christian and practitioners that many priests here in France. I'm from you to maybe about a week and your message and clear, do not go astray with the clever, follow the teachings of Christ in the faith that is bear. Thank you for your patience, thanks for your patience, and thank you for your patience. Friendship to all of you, and peace of Christ comes to earth and touches all mankind ...Show lessReply 2  
Goggles kijo
2 years ago
When I listen to George, I go to a place where I have a good sense of humor.  Reply 2  
1 year ago
+ Goggles Kijo m'ôtes you the words of the mouth.Reply  
Abanda joseph
2 years ago
Aleck January
1 year ago
We are going to have a great time with God in heaven.Reply  
Abanda joseph
1 year ago
Amen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Reply  
2 years ago
Thank you to the Lord Jesus Christ for this teaching and to our own conversion. That's what it feels like every day.Reply 1  
Grace Africa
2 years ago
Isaiah iniquities 57 v 1 Amen thank you brother George and his team good good luck in the Lord God of our God Jesus in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Reply 1  
Laurent Lille
2 years ago
Bless my brother continue to awake the children of God .... For the word of God says, more seductive entered the world, and do not publicly declare that BC is come in the flesh. Whoever is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2John: 1; 7,10 If thou comest not this doctrine, receive him not into thy house, neither bid him no salvation! For he who says hello! Partaker of his evil deeds. Show lessReply 1  
Adjoua Florence niamien
2 years ago
This! Is not this award which no! No time for peaceReply 2  
Jenovain samu
2 years ago
JESUS ​​CHRIST You for the work of the Lord.Reply 1  
Adjoua Florence niamien
2 years ago
A pastor who says peace his soul from d! A pastor I am surprised it has really made peace with God before dying?Reply 2  
1 month ago
Courage my brotherReply  
Emerald D
6 months ago
Thank you for t ns builds bcq unfortunate for heads ki ki people speak ill of you, may God open your eyes before ls n kil too lateReply 1  
Joseph Doré
8 months ago
And Christians that decapitates it is not normalReply  
Juda Ziane
8 months ago
The lord binisse you my brother marvelous this is what you did this Matthew
Good News
9 months ago
I think this show is not for the dead but the living as for the dead there is more possibility of return. However, there are many living though already dead for having rejected the doctrine of holy Lord Mashiach (Christ).Reply  
Mahotin Gbeboumé
10 months ago
Thank you very much Mr. Georges for clarification. When you present such proofs, we can only be convinced of the truth of your words. Denounce them and with these incontrovertible evidence. May God support you and strengthen you.Reply  
Iams Daughter
11 months ago
Myles Monroe was an antichrist. A living God can not go this way, and HIM and his wife. Death as the couple who had sold their land but not lied to the Holy Spirit of the received. And the man and woman were punished for sudden death!Reply  
Darly Lambert
11 months ago
Blessed be my brother!Reply  
Laure Abbé
1 year ago
Times are bad. Read the Bible e pray. and really love him god e
men. God only the worship.Reply  
Djogbenou Gildas
1 year ago
Thank you Pastor Georges for the clarificationReply  
Yannick Lusila
1 Year sketch
That Jesus saves His own that we are !!! Thanks to you George the belovedReply  
Grace Africa
2 years ago
Thank you my brother George that the grace of God our father is given to you from his son our Lord Jesus Christ be fortifi amenReply  
Chantal n'guessan
2 years ago
You are defeatedReply 1  
Bibi Mbiada
6 months ago
It is the devil who is defeated and not a man. So my sister must read your BibleReply  
Konan Narcisse
2 years ago
Aho so he's dead what lol God does not sleep oh, he thought he was smarter than God still lolReply  
Konan Narcisse
2 years ago
Yvan Castanou repends you Jesus you love drops all these stupidities it is not yet lateReply  
Gina below
2 years ago
Gina below
2 years ago
Daniel somabey
2 years ago
I was a pastor both agree that you have spirit to say, because I say to you that my role for the eternal is to stop the fake 5 As servants of God I think I can be glad we have the fact of attention. 1- I would also like to say that with these kind of missions you will not be easy if you have the response from the devil. 2 I am also a servant of God 3- God regrets having certain person who is ultimately disappointed. 4-blessed my brother what you have done if you are any time convinced that God agrees then do everything and everything about you and hate you, 5-Praise God and also like to say sorry to God pr somebody Duplex life. Read moreReply  
Joelle kouakou
2 years ago
Thank you brother GEORGES that God will strengthen youReply  
Marie Edmée Assamoi
2 years ago
Denounces my brother God bless you abundantly! Thank you Lord for your life! Reply  
2 years ago
We read all the information. Do not be discouraged in your work, continue to the people of God who blindly follow these spiritual uncircumcised. God bless you my brother GoergesReply  
First Mission
2 years ago
Thank you brother Georges.Really God mouvies eyes growing through your emissions.Que God bless you, strengthen you.Reply  
2 years ago
Tshatoumba destructive pastor of Christian homes and Mathieu kayeye, the one of the first church founded in France that tried to abort in Sealed, his daughter then aged 12 years ... I have read these and other bully of a casa believing their eyes open, they have simply blocked their site. They are not interested in the truth but claim to be Christ. I ve nausea since I hearRead moreReply  
2 years ago (edited)
HERE IS A TRUE PROPHET WHICH TO HAVE DIED DEVIE ACCIDENTAL (1 Kings 13) Here, a man of God came from Judah to Bethel by the word of the LORD, while Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense. 2 He cried against the altar by the word of the LORD, and said, Altar! Altar! Thus saith the LORD, Behold, is to be born to the house of David; Josiah by name; He will sacrifice on you the priests of the high places that burn incense on you, and they will burn thee men's bones! 3 And on the same day he gave a sign, saying, This is the sign which Jehovah hath spoken: Behold, and the ashes that are on it will be widespread. ... The man of God went, and he was on the road by a lion killed him. His body was thrown in the road; The donkey stood by it, the lion also stood by the corpse. 25 And behold, men passed by and saw the body thrown in the road and the lion standing beside the body; And they spoke to their arrival in the city where the old prophet lived. 26 When the prophet said to him, "God has heard," he said, "This is the man of God who disobeys the order of the Lord, and the Lord hath delivered to the lion, To the word of the LORD had said to him. Show lessReply  
Fernand NDONGO
2 years ago
Mm severin kakouReply  
Marybelle Jacob
2 years ago (edited)
2 Timothy 3: 1-9 This know also, in the last days there will be difficult times. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving ,, slanderers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, Pleasure more than God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power. Get away from these men. There are a lot of people in the world who live in the United States and in the United States. Now as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they will not get very far; For their folly will be all of youShow lessReply 1  
Marybelle Jacob
2 years ago
-17 proving what is pleasing to the Lord; Take part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather condemn them.Car it is shameful to say what they do in secret; This is why it is said, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Take heed that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are bad.This is so do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord.Read moreReply  
2 years ago
Unfortunately they are in a bubble and they are blinded so that they persevere in their abomination! It is a grace for us to understand what is really happening in this world. This shows that Jesus will soon return. May the Lord keep you brother George for this work, this trumpet that you ring for the resurrection of souls! May God bless you and your incentive in this hard work! Read moreReply  
Christ is my life
2 years ago
The badge was 60 000FCFA for pastors and otherReply  
Christ is my life
2 years ago
The prosperity gospel is in the churches is a false gospel. I know the Bible only a servant of the Living God and truth which was poor. Jesus Christ Himself tells us to "seek first the Kingdom and the justice of God and all these things (Material goods) we will be over ".It knows we need these things for a living. Myles Munroe was in Gabon in October. 60 000f the right input.Show lessReply  
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