#malec soumates
lurafita · 5 months
Hi there. I'm loving your Malec takes.
Though unless I overlooked it (whihc is completely possible because damn, you have posted a lot XD) you haven't had any soulmate posts so far.
What's your vibe there?
Hi! ❤
Yeah, the Malec posts have actually accumulated quite a number. 😂
I think you are right, I haven't posted anything containing the soulmate trope for Malec yet. I think that's mostly because I haven't found much enjoyable (to me) soulmate content in the fandom.
Now, I mean absolutely no offense with the following, because everyone likes different things and that is good. And I simply don't seem to like what I have found on offer in the fandom so far.
But the thing is, every soulmate trope fic I have found with Malec, had the common theme of mostly Alec, but sometimes also Magnus, trying to hide this connection (their soulmarks usually), and denying that bond / trying to keep it secret.
And I just... I don't like secret relationships. (unless the couple is keeping it on the downlow because they want to figure themselves out without input from friends/family; or for shits and giggles = ala "let's see how long it takes the others to figure it out" style.)
I don't like my fav peeps hiding their feelings for each other because they are wrongfully ashamed of them, fear retribution/pushback from the people around them, or any other reason along those lines.
Now, if there was a fic out there that portrayed a soulmate connection as ABSOLUTELY HOLY, (because not everyone actually has a soulmate, or because it's seen as god's gift to the living, or what have you), and no one in their right minds would ever dare to speak against it. Yeah. I would gobble that up. See me riding that train at full speed.
But when it's already drama from the very get go, because it's so deeply tainted by discrimination and bigotry, that's just not enjoyable to me.
And I get that to others, it is. That people like seeing their favorite characters face and overcome those hurdles and tear down those barricades.
But it's just not me.
I might now try to think up something about Malec soulmates that will be more positive and lighthearted, if inspiration stikes. I remember some idea about animal representations of the soul and bonds that form from this. I would have to find it, I'm pretty sure I wrote it down.
Anyway, thank you very much for your question. I do love this kind of fandom correspondence and feeling that keeps the ship and fandom alive amongst the fans. Please feel free to write me again. 😊
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